Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
[ "A barbie doll sitting on top of a table.", "A doll laying on top of a table next to a machine.", "A yellow and black sign sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a Barbie doll sitting atop a table in front of a green wall. The doll has long blonde hair and is wearing a black dress.", "The image shows a close up of a doll's head on top of a table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it. The doll appears to be in a state of distress, with its eyes wide open and its mouth slightly agape. Its hands are outstretched, as if it is trying to grasp something.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. The object appears to be a dust collector, with feathers scattered around it, and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 504, 65.34000396728516, 1529.2799072265625, 1026.5400390625 ], [ 870.719970703125, 169.02000427246094, 1174.0799560546875, 567.5400390625 ] ], "labels": [ "blonde Barbie doll with pink hair and black strapless top", "human face" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 240.95999145507812, 167.94000244140625, 319.67999267578125, 167.94000244140625, 319.67999267578125, 327.7799987792969, 240.95999145507812, 327.7799987792969 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1076.1600341796875, 203.5800018310547, 1085.760009765625, 203.5800018310547, 1085.760009765625, 212.22000122070312, 1076.1600341796875, 212.22000122070312 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 820.7999877929688, 590.2200317382812, 826.5599975585938, 590.2200317382812, 826.5599975585938, 597.780029296875, 820.7999877929688, 597.780029296875 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-001_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-001_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-001_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.16257984936237335, 0.13595111668109894, 0.2526806592941284 ]
[ 5.081416130065918, 5.299806594848633, 5.288473129272461 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a blue object in the center. In the background, there are boards on the wall, suggesting that the machine is being used to make a 3D printer." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 813.780029296875, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "metal base" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1728.9599609375, 235.98001098632812, 1780.7999267578125, 235.98001098632812, 1780.7999267578125, 328.8600158691406, 1728.9599609375, 328.8600158691406 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-002_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.11085008829832077 ]
[ 5.347044467926025 ]
[ "A toy car with a bunch of mice in it.", "A toy car with a bunch of stuffed animals inside of it.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a blue toy car with three white mice sitting in the back of it, driving down a road with a green wall in the background.", "The image shows a blue toy car sitting on top of a metal table, with a few toys inside. In the background, there is a wall with some text on it.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. The object appears to be a metal pole with a bolt and a nut attached to it, and there is a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 584.6400146484375, 284.58001708984375, 1431.3599853515625, 861.300048828125 ], [ 1114.5599365234375, 347.2200012207031, 1295.0399169921875, 488.70001220703125 ], [ 876.47998046875, 345.0600280761719, 1051.199951171875, 493.02001953125 ], [ 674.8800048828125, 341.82000732421875, 843.8399658203125, 480.0600280761719 ], [ 838.0799560546875, 731.7000122070312, 962.8800048828125, 858.06005859375 ], [ 949.4400024414062, 343.9800109863281, 1095.3599853515625, 459.5400085449219 ], [ 613.4400024414062, 643.1400146484375, 690.239990234375, 748.9800415039062 ], [ 1293.1199951171875, 753.300048828125, 1398.719970703125, 826.7400512695312 ], [ 1183.679931640625, 469.260009765625, 1275.8399658203125, 488.70001220703125 ] ], "labels": [ "miniature blue toy car with white mice in blue van", "white mouse plush toy in blue car", "white mouse figurine in blue toy truck", "white mouse in blue truck", "wheel", "white mouse toy with blue hat and green toy car", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 557.760009765625, 1.6200001239776611, 1531.199951171875, 860.2200317382812 ], [ 580.7999877929688, 362.34002685546875, 1523.52001953125, 858.06005859375 ], [ 832.3200073242188, 733.8600463867188, 955.199951171875, 854.8200073242188 ], [ 609.5999755859375, 652.8600463867188, 686.3999633789062, 747.9000244140625 ], [ 1287.3599853515625, 758.7000122070312, 1392.9599609375, 824.5800170898438 ], [ 1179.8399658203125, 472.5000305175781, 1272, 493.02001953125 ] ], "labels": [ "miniature blue toy car with mice in roof rack", "miniature toy car", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>STOWMAN VILLAGE", "SF-DW07" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1145.280029296875, 736.02001953125, 1248.9599609375, 731.7000122070312, 1248.9599609375, 742.5, 1145.280029296875, 747.9000244140625 ], [ 1129.919921875, 748.9800415039062, 1262.4000244140625, 740.3400268554688, 1264.3199462890625, 763.02001953125, 1129.919921875, 771.6600341796875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>SUNWALK VILLAGE", "SF-DW07\"" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1139.52001953125, 742.5, 1243.199951171875, 737.1000366210938, 1243.199951171875, 747.9000244140625, 1139.52001953125, 753.300048828125 ], [ 1124.1600341796875, 754.3800048828125, 1258.5599365234375, 745.7400512695312, 1260.47998046875, 767.3400268554688, 1126.0799560546875, 775.9800415039062 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 671.0399780273438, 311.58001708984375, 694.0799560546875, 311.58001708984375, 694.0799560546875, 331.02001953125, 671.0399780273438, 331.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-003_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-003_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-003_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.600974977016449, 0.17717450857162476, 0.20477859675884247 ]
[ 5.596286773681641, 5.455790996551514, 4.907101154327393 ]
[ "A toy car with three mice inside of it.", "A toy car with a teddy bear inside of it.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a blue toy car with three white mice sitting in the back of it. The car is on the floor and the background is blurred, giving the image a dreamy feel.", "The image shows a small blue toy car sitting on top of a table, with a metal object in the foreground and a blurred background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. The background is blurred, suggesting that the object is the focus of the image. The metal object appears to be a part of a machine, likely used for welding." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 162.239990234375, 250.02000427246094, 1809.5999755859375, 1038.4200439453125 ], [ 507.8399963378906, 320.2200012207031, 772.7999877929688, 527.5800170898438 ], [ 1243.199951171875, 313.7400207519531, 1467.8399658203125, 534.0599975585938 ], [ 1041.5999755859375, 341.82000732421875, 1295.0399169921875, 536.2200317382812 ], [ 1216.3199462890625, 854.8200073242188, 1437.1199951171875, 1033.02001953125 ], [ 256.32000732421875, 799.7400512695312, 456, 977.9400634765625 ], [ 763.2000122070312, 320.2200012207031, 901.4400024414062, 496.260009765625 ], [ 1544.6400146484375, 902.3400268554688, 1715.52001953125, 974.7000122070312 ], [ 646.0799560546875, 887.2200317382812, 768.9599609375, 928.260009765625 ], [ 1475.52001953125, 488.70001220703125, 1565.760009765625, 518.9400024414062 ] ], "labels": [ "miniature blue toy van with mice in it", "white mouse figurine in blue car", "white mouse plush toy in car", "white mouse toy in blue box", "wheel", "wheel", "toy", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 121.91999816894531, 227.3400115966797, 1784.6400146484375, 1039.5 ], [ 212.1599884033203, 801.9000244140625, 409.91998291015625, 980.1000366210938 ], [ 1195.199951171875, 893.7000122070312, 1421.760009765625, 1035.1800537109375 ], [ 1531.199951171875, 880.7400512695312, 1702.0799560546875, 974.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "miniature blue toy truck with metal container on top", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Baby", "in", "Caty", "ST-DW 07" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 398.3999938964844, 592.3800048828125, 440.6399841308594, 593.4600219726562, 440.6399841308594, 611.8200073242188, 398.3999938964844, 610.7400512695312 ], [ 396.47998046875, 611.8200073242188, 423.3599853515625, 611.8200073242188, 423.3599853515625, 629.1000366210938, 396.47998046875, 629.1000366210938 ], [ 398.3999938964844, 629.1000366210938, 438.7200012207031, 629.1000366210938, 438.7200012207031, 645.300048828125, 398.3999938964844, 645.300048828125 ], [ 1629.1199951171875, 864.5400390625, 1715.52001953125, 850.5000610351562, 1719.3599853515625, 880.7400512695312, 1632.9599609375, 894.780029296875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>Baby", "SP-DW 07" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 348.47998046875, 599.9400024414062, 386.8800048828125, 603.1800537109375, 384.9599914550781, 621.5400390625, 346.55999755859375, 617.2200317382812 ], [ 1608, 850.5000610351562, 1688.6400146484375, 829.9800415039062, 1694.39990234375, 856.9800415039062, 1613.760009765625, 878.5800170898438 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>107" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1798.0799560546875, 966.06005859375, 1809.5999755859375, 931.5000610351562, 1832.6400146484375, 936.9000244140625, 1821.1199951171875, 972.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-004_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-004_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-004_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.21345657110214233, 0.13244162499904633, 0.17029383778572083 ]
[ 5.203949451446533, 4.946146011352539, 4.958498954772949 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a cnc plasma cutting machine. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and its components." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 575.1000366210938, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "metal plate" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 678.719970703125, 750.06005859375, 696, 751.1400146484375, 696, 775.9800415039062, 678.719970703125, 774.9000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-005_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.07814956456422806 ]
[ 5.064196586608887 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object with water coming out of it" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object being cut by a CNC milling machine, with water coming out of it. The metal object is in the center of the image, and the background is blurred." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 528.9599609375, 758.7000122070312, 532.7999877929688, 774.9000244140625, 525.1199951171875, 777.06005859375, 521.2799682617188, 760.8600463867188 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-006_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1599361002445221 ]
[ 5.010270118713379 ]
[ "a close up of a metal pole on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal pole on a table with a piece of paper on top of it. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the pole and the paper, which appears to be a 3D printing process." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1291.199951171875, 699.300048828125, 1310.4000244140625, 699.300048828125, 1310.4000244140625, 716.5800170898438, 1291.199951171875, 716.5800170898438 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-007_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.12325430661439896 ]
[ 4.978089332580566 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with water coming out of it, which appears to be a CNC plasma cutting machine. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus is on the machine and its cutting process." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>2" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 807.3599853515625, 144.1800079345703, 824.6399536132812, 144.1800079345703, 824.6399536132812, 163.62001037597656, 807.3599853515625, 163.62001037597656 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-008_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.3398648500442505 ]
[ 5.260453224182129 ]
[ "A book sitting on top of a metal table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a book sitting on top of a table with a metal object in the background. The book appears to be a hardcover with a glossy finish, and the metal object is a cylindrical shape with a handle on the top. The background is slightly blurred, giving the image a sense of depth.", "The image shows a close up of a piece of paper on a table with a metal object in the center and a wall in the background. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is used to cut and shape the paper into various shapes and sizes." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 530.8800048828125, 517.8600463867188, 1381.43994140625, 794.3400268554688 ] ], "labels": [ "hardcover book" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٢٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1728.9599609375, 921.780029296875, 1730.8800048828125, 972.5400390625, 1705.919921875, 973.6200561523438, 1704, 922.8600463867188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>6.8" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 646.0799560546875, 9.180000305175781, 680.6400146484375, 12.420000076293945, 678.719970703125, 35.10000228881836, 644.1599731445312, 31.860000610351562 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-009_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-009_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.12142255157232285, 0.4981541931629181 ]
[ 5.507594108581543, 5.061682224273682 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object with water coming out of it" ]
[ "The image shows a person cutting a piece of chicken with a CNC milling machine, with water droplets and a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>7" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 127.68000030517578, 795.4200439453125, 192.95999145507812, 795.4200439453125, 192.95999145507812, 841.8600463867188, 127.68000030517578, 841.8600463867188 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-010_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.30196496844291687 ]
[ 4.9629340171813965 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is cutting a piece of paper with a knife." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table in a room with a wall in the background. On the table is a piece of paper, and the machine appears to be in the process of cutting a piece.", "The image shows a machine in the middle of a room with a green wall in the background. The machine is cutting a piece of paper with a CNC milling machine, and there are a few objects scattered around it. The image is slightly blurred, giving it a sense of motion." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 192.95999145507812, 439.02001953125, 244.79998779296875, 439.02001953125, 244.79998779296875, 536.2200317382812, 192.95999145507812, 536.2200317382812 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 240.95999145507812, 439.02001953125, 240.95999145507812, 540.5400390625, 194.87998962402344, 540.5400390625, 194.87998962402344, 439.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-011_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-011_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.02493751049041748, 0.20095381140708923 ]
[ 5.046554088592529, 4.927816390991211 ]
[ "A machine that is cutting a piece of paper.", "A machine that is cutting a piece of metal." ]
[ "The image shows a machine cutting a piece of paper with a CNC milling machine, with a light illuminating the area and a wall in the background. The machine is cutting the paper with precision and accuracy, creating a smooth and precise cut.", "The image shows a CNC milling machine in a factory, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall in the background. The machine is cutting a piece of metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٢٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1028.1600341796875, 365.58001708984375, 1043.52001953125, 365.58001708984375, 1043.52001953125, 385.02001953125, 1028.1600341796875, 385.02001953125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 866.8800048828125, 510.3000183105469, 880.3200073242188, 510.3000183105469, 880.3200073242188, 520.02001953125, 866.8800048828125, 520.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-012_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-012_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.21870994567871094, 0.33680233359336853 ]
[ 4.806604862213135, 4.931390285491943 ]
[ "A metal object that is sitting on a table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a green background. It appears to be a test tube, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side. The metal is silver in color and has a glossy finish.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 467.5199890136719, 0.5400000214576721, 1504.3199462890625, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "rotary milling machine" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠.٢٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1106.8800048828125, 149.5800018310547, 1108.7999267578125, 186.3000030517578, 1095.3599853515625, 187.3800048828125, 1093.43994140625, 150.66000366210938 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 615.3599853515625, 0.5400000214576721, 615.3599853515625, 22.14000129699707, 596.1599731445312, 22.14000129699707, 596.1599731445312, 0.5400000214576721 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-013_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-013_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.06663414090871811, 0.05910897254943848 ]
[ 5.230788707733154, 5.2248992919921875 ]
[ "A wooden mug sitting on top of a metal table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A drill press with a piece of wood on top of it." ]
[ "The image shows a wooden beer mug sitting on top of a table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a wall in the background. The mug appears to be in the process of being carved, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around it.", "The image shows a 3D printer sitting on top of a table, with a wooden object in the foreground and a green wall with stickers in the background.", "The image shows a close up of a machine on a table with wood pieces scattered around it. In the background, there is a wall with posters on it, suggesting that the machine is being used for woodworking." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٢٠ ٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1179.8399658203125, 651.780029296875, 1279.679931640625, 660.4200439453125, 1277.760009765625, 680.9400024414062, 1177.919921875, 672.300048828125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٢٠ ٠٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1008.9599609375, 95.58000183105469, 1022.3999633789062, 95.58000183105469, 1022.3999633789062, 103.14000701904297, 1008.9599609375, 103.14000701904297 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 928.3200073242188, 52.380001068115234, 960.9599609375, 52.380001068115234, 960.9599609375, 66.42000579833984, 928.3200073242188, 66.42000579833984 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-014_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-014_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-014_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.038505248725414276, 0.05714878812432289, 0.1338380128145218 ]
[ 5.167802333831787, 5.168119430541992, 5.439145088195801 ]
[ "A white scale sitting on top of a metal table.", "A close up of a machine with a clock on it.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a white and silver scale sitting on top of a metal table with a green wall in the background. The scale has a white body with a red needle indicating the weight of the object, and the wall behind it is a vibrant green color.", "The image shows a close up of a machine sitting on top of a table, with a wall in the background. The machine appears to be a weighing machine, likely used to measure the weight of a piece of metal.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. In the background, there is a green wall with two boards attached to it, and the object appears to be a 3D printing machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4", "5", "6", "3", "SOBHNLE", "7", "2", "8", "1", "9", "10", "1kg", "Max. kg 6-150g" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 916.7999877929688, 516.780029296875, 937.9199829101562, 516.780029296875, 937.9199829101562, 537.300048828125, 916.7999877929688, 537.300048828125 ], [ 989.7599487304688, 502.7400207519531, 1008.9599609375, 502.7400207519531, 1008.9599609375, 525.4200439453125, 989.7599487304688, 525.4200439453125 ], [ 1062.719970703125, 516.780029296875, 1081.919921875, 517.8600463867188, 1080, 538.3800048828125, 1060.7999267578125, 537.300048828125 ], [ 864.9599609375, 557.8200073242188, 882.239990234375, 558.9000244140625, 880.3200073242188, 580.5, 863.0399780273438, 579.4200439453125 ], [ 934.0799560546875, 568.6199951171875, 1056.9599609375, 568.6199951171875, 1056.9599609375, 588.0599975585938, 934.0799560546875, 588.0599975585938 ], [ 1108.7999267578125, 562.1400146484375, 1129.919921875, 562.1400146484375, 1129.919921875, 584.8200073242188, 1108.7999267578125, 584.8200073242188 ], [ 836.1599731445312, 622.6199951171875, 857.2799682617188, 622.6199951171875, 857.2799682617188, 645.300048828125, 836.1599731445312, 645.300048828125 ], [ 1126.0799560546875, 624.780029296875, 1145.280029296875, 624.780029296875, 1145.280029296875, 648.5400390625, 1126.0799560546875, 648.5400390625 ], [ 853.4400024414062, 687.4200439453125, 870.719970703125, 687.4200439453125, 870.719970703125, 709.02001953125, 853.4400024414062, 709.02001953125 ], [ 1104.9599609375, 688.5, 1124.1600341796875, 688.5, 1124.1600341796875, 709.02001953125, 1104.9599609375, 709.02001953125 ], [ 1041.5999755859375, 730.6200561523438, 1076.1600341796875, 730.6200561523438, 1076.1600341796875, 755.4600219726562, 1041.5999755859375, 755.4600219726562 ], [ 893.760009765625, 734.9400024414062, 939.8399658203125, 740.3400268554688, 937.9199829101562, 759.780029296875, 891.8399658203125, 755.4600219726562 ], [ 941.7599487304688, 799.7400512695312, 1028.1600341796875, 801.9000244140625, 1028.1600341796875, 814.8600463867188, 941.7599487304688, 812.7000122070312 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>5", "6", "3", "SOEHNLE", "7", "2", "8", "1", "9", "0 kg", "10", "Mode: kg/g~50g" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 995.5199584960938, 501.6600341796875, 1016.6399536132812, 502.7400207519531, 1014.719970703125, 525.4200439453125, 993.5999755859375, 524.3400268554688 ], [ 1066.5599365234375, 521.1000366210938, 1085.760009765625, 523.260009765625, 1083.8399658203125, 544.8600463867188, 1064.6400146484375, 542.7000122070312 ], [ 864.9599609375, 549.1799926757812, 884.1599731445312, 550.260009765625, 882.239990234375, 572.9400024414062, 863.0399780273438, 571.8600463867188 ], [ 936, 565.3800048828125, 1056.9599609375, 571.8600463867188, 1055.0399169921875, 591.300048828125, 934.0799560546875, 584.8200073242188 ], [ 1110.719970703125, 569.7000122070312, 1131.8399658203125, 570.780029296875, 1129.919921875, 592.3800048828125, 1108.7999267578125, 591.300048828125 ], [ 832.3200073242188, 611.8200073242188, 855.3599853515625, 612.9000244140625, 853.4400024414062, 636.6600341796875, 830.3999633789062, 635.5800170898438 ], [ 1122.239990234375, 633.4200439453125, 1143.3599853515625, 634.5, 1141.43994140625, 656.1000366210938, 1120.3199462890625, 655.02001953125 ], [ 847.6799926757812, 677.7000122070312, 863.0399780273438, 678.780029296875, 861.1199951171875, 700.3800048828125, 845.760009765625, 699.300048828125 ], [ 1097.280029296875, 694.9800415039062, 1118.4000244140625, 696.0599975585938, 1116.47998046875, 717.6600341796875, 1095.3599853515625, 716.5800170898438 ], [ 884.1599731445312, 724.1400146484375, 930.239990234375, 731.7000122070312, 926.3999633789062, 755.4600219726562, 880.3200073242188, 746.8200073242188 ], [ 1030.0799560546875, 732.780029296875, 1064.6400146484375, 733.8600463867188, 1064.6400146484375, 758.7000122070312, 1030.0799560546875, 757.6200561523438 ], [ 926.3999633789062, 794.3400268554688, 1012.7999877929688, 802.9800415039062, 1010.8800048828125, 815.9400024414062, 924.47998046875, 807.300048828125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٢٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1064.6400146484375, 597.780029296875, 1078.0799560546875, 597.780029296875, 1078.0799560546875, 607.5, 1064.6400146484375, 607.5 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-015_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-015_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-015_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.07520697265863419, 0.08310212939977646, 0.20765426754951477 ]
[ 5.427033424377441, 5.247847557067871, 5.2089738845825195 ]
[ "A white kitchen scale sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a white kitchen scale sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background. The scale is likely being used to measure the weight of a container, as indicated by the video title." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>5", "4", "6", "3", "SOEHNLE", "7", "2", "8", "9", "10", "Max 1kg - 6-5kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 984, 463.8600158691406, 1005.1199951171875, 463.8600158691406, 1005.1199951171875, 491.9400329589844, 984, 491.9400329589844 ], [ 918.719970703125, 484.3800048828125, 943.6799926757812, 484.3800048828125, 943.6799926757812, 509.22003173828125, 918.719970703125, 509.22003173828125 ], [ 1062.719970703125, 481.1400146484375, 1085.760009765625, 482.22003173828125, 1085.760009765625, 507.0600280761719, 1062.719970703125, 505.9800109863281 ], [ 888, 540.5400390625, 912.9599609375, 540.5400390625, 912.9599609375, 568.6199951171875, 888, 568.6199951171875 ], [ 966.719970703125, 553.5, 1089.5999755859375, 548.1000366210938, 1089.5999755859375, 570.780029296875, 966.719970703125, 576.1799926757812 ], [ 1133.760009765625, 538.3800048828125, 1154.8800048828125, 538.3800048828125, 1154.8800048828125, 564.300048828125, 1133.760009765625, 564.300048828125 ], [ 903.3599853515625, 628.02001953125, 926.3999633789062, 626.9400024414062, 928.3200073242188, 656.1000366210938, 905.2799682617188, 657.1800537109375 ], [ 1185.5999755859375, 616.1400146484375, 1208.6400146484375, 615.0599975585938, 1210.5599365234375, 640.9800415039062, 1187.52001953125, 642.0599975585938 ], [ 1200.9599609375, 694.9800415039062, 1222.0799560546875, 693.9000244140625, 1224, 718.7400512695312, 1202.8800048828125, 719.8200073242188 ], [ 1168.3199462890625, 753.300048828125, 1202.8800048828125, 750.06005859375, 1206.719970703125, 779.2200317382812, 1172.1600341796875, 782.4600219726562 ], [ 1112.6400146484375, 847.260009765625, 1197.1199951171875, 841.8600463867188, 1199.0399169921875, 859.1400146484375, 1112.6400146484375, 864.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-016_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.07685345411300659 ]
[ 5.225325107574463 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a milling machine. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>200", "200 800 1 200 100 60", "20" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 736.3200073242188, 566.4600219726562, 763.2000122070312, 570.780029296875, 759.3599853515625, 592.3800048828125, 732.47998046875, 588.0599975585938 ], [ 826.5599975585938, 575.1000366210938, 1185.5999755859375, 572.9400024414062, 1185.5999755859375, 597.780029296875, 826.5599975585938, 599.9400024414062 ], [ 1248.9599609375, 562.1400146484375, 1270.0799560546875, 562.1400146484375, 1270.0799560546875, 586.9800415039062, 1248.9599609375, 586.9800415039062 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-017_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.12945541739463806 ]
[ 5.0869951248168945 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table.", "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a measuring device used to measure the thickness of a piece of metal. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the device.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and its components." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 216, 0.5400000214576721, 1650.239990234375, 1060.02001953125 ] ], "labels": [ "cnc milling machine with ruler on circular base" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>0 200", "100 600 800 1 200" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 663.3599853515625, 575.1000366210938, 828.47998046875, 583.7400512695312, 826.5599975585938, 623.7000122070312, 661.4400024414062, 618.300048828125 ], [ 878.3999633789062, 584.8200073242188, 1302.719970703125, 564.300048828125, 1304.6400146484375, 605.3400268554688, 880.3200073242188, 623.7000122070312 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>200 400 600 800 1 200", "Max 2kax10a d=20a" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 776.6399536132812, 553.5, 1283.52001953125, 527.5800170898438, 1285.43994140625, 564.300048828125, 776.6399536132812, 586.9800415039062 ], [ 688.3200073242188, 653.9400024414062, 1056.9599609375, 649.6200561523438, 1056.9599609375, 679.8600463867188, 688.3200073242188, 684.1800537109375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>0 200 400", "0-200" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 999.3599853515625, 581.5800170898438, 1222.0799560546875, 577.260009765625, 1222.0799560546875, 607.5, 999.3599853515625, 617.2200317382812 ], [ 1245.1199951171875, 661.5, 1320, 657.1800537109375, 1320, 682.02001953125, 1245.1199951171875, 686.3400268554688 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-018_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-018_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-018_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.1316651850938797, 0.2579435706138611, 0.12036643177270889 ]
[ 4.85396146774292, 4.929901599884033, 4.9177117347717285 ]
[ "A blue pineapple sitting on top of a metal table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a blue pineapple-shaped object sitting atop a metal table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a wall in the background.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a blue and yellow object on it. In the background, there is a wall with a poster on it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of turning a piece of metal." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 778.5599975585938, 164.70001220703125, 1168.3199462890625, 905.5800170898438 ] ], "labels": [ "blue glass pineapple vase" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠.٠-٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 947.5199584960938, 675.5400390625, 974.3999633789062, 675.5400390625, 974.3999633789062, 685.260009765625, 947.5199584960938, 685.260009765625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>L" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 626.8800048828125, 27.540000915527344, 644.1599731445312, 27.540000915527344, 644.1599731445312, 41.58000183105469, 626.8800048828125, 41.58000183105469 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-019_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-019_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.06956499069929123, 0.09020763635635376 ]
[ 5.3773908615112305, 5.2722344398498535 ]
[ "A candle that is sitting on top of a table.", "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a black candle sitting on top of a metal table with the words \"Live Love\" written on it. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus is on the candle, which is likely being used to make a DIY LED candle.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with water coming out of it, which appears to be a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus is on the machine and its cutting process." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>AUG" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 864.9599609375, 497.34002685546875, 1210.5599365234375, 489.780029296875, 1212.47998046875, 624.780029296875, 864.9599609375, 630.1800537109375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>00" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1145.280029296875, 405.5400085449219, 1179.8399658203125, 399.0600280761719, 1181.760009765625, 416.34002685546875, 1147.199951171875, 422.82000732421875 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-020_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-020_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.15462611615657806, 0.12405563145875931 ]
[ 4.653580188751221, 5.116528511047363 ]
[ "A roll of white tape sitting on top of a metal table.", "A roll of plywood sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a roll of tape sitting on top of a metal table, with a metal object in the foreground and a green wall in the background. On the wall, there are yellow boards with text written on them, likely indicating that the tape is being used to make a paper roll.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a metal table with a roll of paper on it. In the background, there is a wall with some stickers on it, suggesting that the machine is being used to cut a piece of wood." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 615.3599853515625, 166.86000061035156, 1329.5999755859375, 874.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "adhesive tape" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 340.79998779296875, 167.94000244140625, 340.79998779296875, 336.4200134277344, 273.6000061035156, 336.4200134277344, 273.6000061035156, 167.94000244140625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 792, 648.5400390625, 1156.7999267578125, 648.5400390625, 1156.7999267578125, 702.5400390625, 792, 702.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-021_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-021_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.18925857543945312, 0.15127046406269073 ]
[ 5.283431529998779, 5.224434852600098 ]
[ "A machine that is grinding a piece of metal." ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal, with dust flying out of it and boards in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 340.79998779296875, 174.42001342773438, 340.79998779296875, 333.1800231933594, 273.6000061035156, 333.1800231933594, 273.6000061035156, 174.42001342773438 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-022_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.32452112436294556 ]
[ 4.850337028503418 ]
[ "A machine that is cutting a piece of wood." ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of wood, with a metal object in the center of the image and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>1.7" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 740.1599731445312, 105.30000305175781, 763.2000122070312, 110.70000457763672, 759.3599853515625, 127.9800033569336, 736.3200073242188, 122.58000183105469 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-023_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.3947838842868805 ]
[ 5.126028537750244 ]
[ "A roll of toilet paper sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is cutting a piece of paper.", "A machine that is cutting a piece of paper." ]
[ "The image shows a roll of toilet paper sitting on top of a table, with a machine in the background that is slightly blurred.", "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal, with a wall in the background. The machine is cutting the metal with precision and accuracy, creating a smooth and precise cut.", "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of paper, with a blurred background. The machine is cutting the paper with precision and accuracy, creating a smooth and precise cut." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 709.4400024414062, 537.300048828125, 1377.5999755859375, 860.2200317382812 ] ], "labels": [ "toilet paper dispenser" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 265.91998291015625, 174.42001342773438, 352.32000732421875, 174.42001342773438, 352.32000732421875, 387.1800231933594, 265.91998291015625, 387.1800231933594 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 340.79998779296875, 174.42001342773438, 336.9599914550781, 373.1400146484375, 269.7599792480469, 373.1400146484375, 271.67999267578125, 174.42001342773438 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 338.8800048828125, 851.5800170898438, 350.3999938964844, 851.5800170898438, 350.3999938964844, 875.3400268554688, 338.8800048828125, 875.3400268554688 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-024_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-024_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-024_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.20024198293685913, 0.6835583448410034, 0.25239187479019165 ]
[ 5.245311737060547, 4.952381134033203, 4.862895488739014 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table", "A machine that is cutting a piece of metal.", "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is used to cut a piece of metal with precision and accuracy.", "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal, with a yellow and black pole in the foreground and a green wall in the background.", "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall in the background. On the left side of the image, there is a board on the wall, and the machine is cutting the metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 838.6200561523438, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ], [ 369.6000061035156, 731.7000122070312, 763.2000122070312, 895.8600463867188 ] ], "labels": [ "metal plate", "shredding paper flower petals on metal surface" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1210.5599365234375, 149.5800018310547, 1231.679931640625, 149.5800018310547, 1231.679931640625, 162.54000854492188, 1210.5599365234375, 162.54000854492188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1734.719970703125, 849.4200439453125, 1763.52001953125, 849.4200439453125, 1763.52001953125, 874.260009765625, 1734.719970703125, 874.260009765625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 344.6399841308594, 174.42001342773438, 340.79998779296875, 383.94000244140625, 265.91998291015625, 383.94000244140625, 265.91998291015625, 174.42001342773438 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-025_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-025_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-025_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.2967875599861145, 0.5971845984458923, 0.5888463854789734 ]
[ 4.914320468902588, 5.22377872467041, 5.107021331787109 ]
[ "A spool of pink thread sitting on top of a metal table.", "A spool of pink thread sitting on top of a metal pole.", "A spool of pink thread sitting on top of a metal pole." ]
[ "The image shows a spool of pink thread sitting atop a metal table, with a blurred background.", "The image shows a spool of pink thread sitting atop a metal pole on a table, with a blurred background.", "The image shows a spool of pink thread sitting atop a metal pole, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 776.6399536132812, 864.5400390625, 793.9199829101562, 864.5400390625, 793.9199829101562, 881.8200073242188, 776.6399536132812, 881.8200073242188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٢٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 768.9599609375, 901.260009765625, 832.3200073242188, 901.260009765625, 832.3200073242188, 942.300048828125, 768.9599609375, 942.300048828125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 768.9599609375, 903.4200439453125, 832.3200073242188, 903.4200439453125, 832.3200073242188, 942.300048828125, 768.9599609375, 942.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-026_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-026_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-026_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.23822028934955597, 0.19627352058887482, 0.211015984416008 ]
[ 5.077676296234131, 4.822978496551514, 4.99315881729126 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object with pink feathers on it" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a spool of pink thread, which is being used to make a pink feather. The background is blurred, suggesting the focus is on the thread and the object." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 922.5599975585938, 860.2200317382812, 985.9199829101562, 860.2200317382812, 985.9199829101562, 903.4200439453125, 922.5599975585938, 903.4200439453125 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-027_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.139360249042511 ]
[ 4.9243059158325195 ]
[ "A spool of pink thread sitting on top of a metal pole." ]
[ "The image shows a spool of pink thread sitting atop a metal pole on a table, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 39.36000061035156, 983.3400268554688, 64.31999969482422, 983.3400268554688, 64.31999969482422, 1008.1800537109375, 39.36000061035156, 1008.1800537109375 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-028_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.18470105528831482 ]
[ 4.946624755859375 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object with pink powder coming out of it", "A metal bowl filled with pink yarn on top of a table.", "A metal bowl filled with pink yarn on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with pink powder being poured into it. The powder is a vibrant pink color, and the background is slightly blurred, giving the image a dreamy feel.", "The image shows a metal bowl filled with pink yarn sitting on top of a table, with a pole in the background that is slightly blurred.", "The image shows a metal bowl filled with pink thread sitting on top of a table, with a blurred background. The thread is being used to make a pink thread, which is a traditional Indian craft." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 816.9599609375, 51.30000305175781, 816.9599609375, 103.14000701904297, 795.8399658203125, 103.14000701904297, 795.8399658203125, 51.30000305175781 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٢٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 911.0399780273438, 152.82000732421875, 953.2799682617188, 162.54000854492188, 947.5199584960938, 189.54000854492188, 903.3599853515625, 179.82000732421875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٢٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 930.239990234375, 392.58001708984375, 951.3599853515625, 394.7400207519531, 949.4400024414062, 424.9800109863281, 928.3200073242188, 422.82000732421875 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-029_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-029_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-029_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.2771984338760376, 0.3161800801753998, 0.21718651056289673 ]
[ 5.077449321746826, 4.452742576599121, 4.045017719268799 ]
[ "A smiley face coin sitting on top of a metal table.", "A yellow smiley face on top of a metal object.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a gold coin with a smiley face on it sitting on top of a table, with a wall in the background.", "The image shows a machine with a smiley face on it sitting on top of a table, with a wall in the background. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is used to cut and shape metal objects.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. It appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 784.3200073242188, 613.9800415039062, 1172.1600341796875, 768.4200439453125 ] ], "labels": [ "laughing emoticon with starburst effect" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [], "quad_boxes": [] }, { "labels": [ "</s>C.C. C. CNC CNC MACHINE CNC DINING CNC" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 644.1599731445312, 810.5400390625, 636.47998046875, 628.02001953125, 657.5999755859375, 628.02001953125, 669.1199951171875, 809.4600219726562 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1039.679931640625, 620.4600219726562, 1051.199951171875, 620.4600219726562, 1051.199951171875, 629.1000366210938, 1039.679931640625, 629.1000366210938 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-030_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-030_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-030_2.jpg" ]
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[ 4.696656227111816, 4.641609191894531, 5.330655574798584 ]
[ "A coffee mug with a golf club sticking out of it." ]
[ "The image shows a coffee mug sitting on top of a metal table, with a golf club resting on top. In the background, there is a wall with a poster on it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 813.1199951171875, 434.70001220703125, 1296.9599609375, 833.2200317382812 ] ], "labels": [ "golf mug with red flag and hole 18" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>18" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 976.3200073242188, 621.5400390625, 1008.9599609375, 621.5400390625, 1008.9599609375, 648.5400390625, 976.3200073242188, 648.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-031_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09835578501224518 ]
[ 5.173417091369629 ]
[ "A coffee cup sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a cup on it. In the background there is a wall with some stickers on it, suggesting that the machine is being used to make a cup of coffee." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٢٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 757.4400024414062, 135.54000854492188, 768.9599609375, 135.54000854492188, 768.9599609375, 145.260009765625, 757.4400024414062, 145.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-032_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08517993986606598 ]
[ 5.281022548675537 ]
[ "A stack of colorful plastic cups sitting on top of a table.", "A stack of colorful plastic cups sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a stack of colorful plastic cups sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background. The cups are arranged in a neat stack, and the colors of the cups range from bright yellow to deep blue.", "The image shows a stack of colorful plastic cups sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background. The cups are arranged in a neat stack, and the metal table provides a sturdy base for the cups.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and its work." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 703.6799926757812, 1037.340087890625, 728.6399536132812, 1038.4200439453125, 728.6399536132812, 1047.06005859375, 703.6799926757812, 1045.9801025390625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 600, 41.58000183105469, 626.8800048828125, 41.58000183105469, 626.8800048828125, 52.380001068115234, 600, 52.380001068115234 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1176, 241.3800048828125, 1216.3199462890625, 241.3800048828125, 1216.3199462890625, 256.5, 1176, 256.5 ] ] } ]
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[ 5.568973541259766, 5.410678386688232, 4.866689682006836 ]
[ "A stack of colorful plastic cups sitting on top of a table.", "A yellow cup sitting on top of a metal table.", "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a plastic cup sitting on top of a table, with a variety of colors including yellow, green, blue, pink, and red. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus is on the cup, which appears to be a 3D printing machine.", "The image shows a 3D printer sitting on top of a table, with a yellow cup in the center. The background is blurred, suggesting the focus is on the printer and the cup.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow bowl on top of it. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the object, which appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 745.9199829101562, 856.9800415039062, 755.5199584960938, 856.9800415039062, 755.5199584960938, 866.7000122070312, 745.9199829101562, 866.7000122070312 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1133.760009765625, 745.7400512695312, 1129.919921875, 775.9800415039062, 1116.47998046875, 774.9000244140625, 1120.3199462890625, 744.6600341796875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٢٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 488.6399841308594, 952.02001953125, 550.0800170898438, 952.02001953125, 550.0800170898438, 986.5800170898438, 488.6399841308594, 986.5800170898438 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-034_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-034_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-034_2.jpg" ]
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[ 5.368811130523682, 5.033853054046631, 4.976107120513916 ]
[ "A red tool box sitting on top of a metal table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a red box sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine in the background that is slightly blurred. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, with the red box likely being used to control the speed and direction of the machine.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>NO" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 980.1599731445312, 623.7000122070312, 1012.7999877929688, 623.7000122070312, 1012.7999877929688, 639.9000244140625, 980.1599731445312, 639.9000244140625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>2.0.0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 600, 185.22000122070312, 624.9599609375, 246.78001403808594, 601.9199829101562, 256.5, 576.9599609375, 194.94000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-035_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-035_1.jpg" ]
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[ 5.380614280700684, 5.23884916305542 ]
[ "A pink toy castle sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a pink toy castle sitting on top of a table, with a wall in the background. The castle appears to be made of plastic and has intricate details, such as turrets, windows, and a door. The table is a light wood color and has a smooth surface.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a pink object in the foreground and a green wall in the background. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is used to cut and shape metal objects." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 2.879999876022339, 571.8600463867188, 1104.9599609375, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 233.27999877929688, 135.54000854492188, 962.8800048828125, 590.2200317382812 ] ], "labels": [ "pink and blue toy gun with letter B on it", "pink toy gun" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1621.43994140625, 238.1400146484375, 1677.1199951171875, 240.3000030517578, 1673.2799072265625, 337.5, 1617.5999755859375, 335.34002685546875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 288.9599914550781, 248.94000244140625, 346.55999755859375, 248.94000244140625, 346.55999755859375, 328.8600158691406, 288.9599914550781, 328.8600158691406 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-036_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-036_1.jpg" ]
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[ 5.507213115692139, 4.441416263580322 ]
[ "A pink toy castle sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a pink toy castle sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the foreground and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 864.9599609375, 792.1800537109375, 868.7999877929688, 813.780029296875, 861.1199951171875, 814.8600463867188, 859.199951171875, 793.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-037_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.2704310119152069 ]
[ 5.321601867675781 ]
[ "A toy garbage truck is sitting on a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a toy garbage truck sitting on top of a table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a wall in the background.", "The image shows a toy car sitting on top of a table next to a CNC milling machine, with a wall in the background. The machine is part of the Lego Mindstorms EV3 series, which is designed to be used in a variety of applications.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it, surrounded by a few other objects. In the background, there is a green wall with some stickers on it. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is being used to cut a piece of metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 565.4400024414062, 302.94000244140625, 1417.919921875, 923.9400634765625 ], [ 876.47998046875, 738.1800537109375, 1041.5999755859375, 912.06005859375 ], [ 648, 682.02001953125, 732.47998046875, 817.02001953125 ], [ 1189.43994140625, 865.6200561523438, 1291.199951171875, 893.7000122070312 ], [ 1235.52001953125, 526.5, 1308.47998046875, 548.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "Schuco toy garbage truck with green and white body and red lights", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 851.5199584960938, 743.5800170898438, 1016.6399536132812, 915.300048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>DAR" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 895.6799926757812, 481.1400146484375, 934.0799560546875, 483.3000183105469, 932.1599731445312, 525.4200439453125, 893.760009765625, 523.260009765625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>10" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 688.3200073242188, 73.9800033569336, 692.1599731445312, 122.58000183105469, 671.0399780273438, 124.74000549316406, 667.2000122070312, 76.13999938964844 ] ] }, { "labels": [], "quad_boxes": [] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-038_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-038_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-038_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.10635801404714584, 0.1292145550251007, 0.0701131671667099 ]
[ 5.150357246398926, 4.666830062866211, 4.836528778076172 ]
[ "A toy garbage truck is sitting on a table.", "A toy garbage truck sitting on top of a table.", "A green and yellow trash can sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a toy garbage truck sitting on top of a table, with a wall in the background. The truck is green and white in color.", "The image shows a toy garbage truck sitting on top of a table, with a blurred background. The truck is green and grey in color.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a 3D printing machine. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and its components." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 277.44000244140625, 252.1800079345703, 1654.0799560546875, 923.9400634765625 ], [ 1160.6400146484375, 733.8600463867188, 1392.9599609375, 916.3800659179688 ], [ 674.8800048828125, 725.2200317382812, 878.3999633789062, 896.9400634765625 ], [ 480.9599914550781, 716.5800170898438, 678.719970703125, 889.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "Schleich toy garbage truck with cleaning brush", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 271.67999267578125, 0.5400000214576721, 1740.47998046875, 932.5800170898438 ], [ 1149.1199951171875, 728.4600219726562, 1392.9599609375, 922.8600463867188 ] ], "labels": [ "miniature garbage truck with robotic arm and dust collector", "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>TRUCK", "CAR", "S CITY" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1189.43994140625, 450.9000244140625, 1235.52001953125, 451.9800109863281, 1235.52001953125, 472.5000305175781, 1189.43994140625, 471.4200134277344 ], [ 1158.719970703125, 476.82000732421875, 1235.52001953125, 477.9000244140625, 1235.52001953125, 523.260009765625, 1156.7999267578125, 521.1000366210938 ], [ 889.9199829101562, 554.5800170898438, 1008.9599609375, 557.8200073242188, 1008.9599609375, 604.260009765625, 888, 602.1000366210938 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>SCITY" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 864.9599609375, 719.8200073242188, 995.5199584960938, 737.1000366210938, 989.7599487304688, 783.5400390625, 859.199951171875, 768.4200439453125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠.٠-٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 315.8399963378906, 691.7400512695312, 361.91998291015625, 651.780029296875, 371.5199890136719, 660.4200439453125, 325.44000244140625, 702.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-039_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-039_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-039_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.11861653625965118, 0.2876734137535095, 0.09158394485712051 ]
[ 5.108493804931641, 4.8261027336120605, 4.793637752532959 ]
[ "A yellow ball with a smiley face on it sitting on top of a metal plate.", "A yellow rock with a smiley face painted on it." ]
[ "The image shows a yellow ball with a smiley face on it sitting on top of a metal table, with a blurred background. The ball appears to be crying, suggesting that it is being used to make a stress ball.", "The image shows a yellow rock with a smiley face painted on it sitting atop a metal pole, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 678.719970703125, 296.46002197265625, 1197.1199951171875, 797.5800170898438 ] ], "labels": [ "laughing emoticon ping pong ball" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 471.3599853515625, 568.6199951171875, 1387.199951171875, 858.06005859375 ] ], "labels": [ "laughing emoticon painted rock" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1698.239990234375, 854.8200073242188, 1707.8399658203125, 854.8200073242188, 1707.8399658203125, 872.1000366210938, 1698.239990234375, 872.1000366210938 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1707.8399658203125, 893.7000122070312, 1707.8399658203125, 914.2200317382812, 1696.3199462890625, 914.2200317382812, 1696.3199462890625, 893.7000122070312 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-040_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-040_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.20519420504570007, 0.17699909210205078 ]
[ 5.137308120727539, 5.114814281463623 ]
[ "A birdhouse with a thatched roof on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a small birdhouse sitting on top of a table, with a machine at the top of the image. In the background, there are boards on the wall, suggesting that the birdhouse is being built with the machine.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a small house on top. In the background, there is a wall with boards attached to it, and at the top of the image, there are rods and other objects. The machine appears to be a router milling machine, which is used to make a birdhouse out of wood.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a piece of wood in front of it. In the background, there is a wall with boards attached to it, and at the top of the image, there are rods and other objects. The machine appears to be in the process of cutting the wood." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 578.8800048828125, 300.7799987792969, 1344.9599609375, 962.820068359375 ], [ 0.9599999785423279, 802.9800415039062, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "wooden birdhouse with thatched roof and beach scene", "wooden model of birdhouse on metal base with green base" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 801.9000244140625, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "circular saw milling machine" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 800.8200073242188, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "rotary table" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Beach" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 853.4400024414062, 757.6200561523438, 928.3200073242188, 765.1800537109375, 926.3999633789062, 795.4200439453125, 851.5199584960938, 787.8600463867188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>Beach" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 797.760009765625, 755.4600219726562, 861.1199951171875, 765.1800537109375, 859.199951171875, 791.1000366210938, 795.8399658203125, 782.4600219726562 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ach" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 820.7999877929688, 788.9400024414062, 855.3599853515625, 792.1800537109375, 853.4400024414062, 812.7000122070312, 818.8800048828125, 809.4600219726562 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-041_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-041_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-041_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.05300307273864746, 0.07846426963806152, 0.12702710926532745 ]
[ 5.01441764831543, 5.043502330780029, 4.9857096672058105 ]
[ "A basket filled with chocolate easter eggs sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a table with a basket filled with Easter eggs sitting on top of it. In the center of the table is a toy rabbit, and in the background there is a wall with stickers on it.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a jute bag on top. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, and to the left side of the image there are some sticks. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table, with a few objects scattered around it. In the background, there is a green wall with stickers attached to it, and to the left of the machine are a few sticks. The machine appears to be in the process of being used to make chocolate eggs." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 490.55999755859375, 102.06000518798828, 490.55999755859375, 225.1800079345703, 436.79998779296875, 225.1800079345703, 436.79998779296875, 102.06000518798828 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 490.55999755859375, 100.9800033569336, 490.55999755859375, 225.1800079345703, 432.9599914550781, 225.1800079345703, 432.9599914550781, 100.9800033569336 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1565.760009765625, 0.5400000214576721, 1606.0799560546875, 0.5400000214576721, 1606.0799560546875, 66.42000579833984, 1565.760009765625, 66.42000579833984 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-042_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-042_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-042_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.05065067112445831, 0.11199551075696945, 0.06222295016050339 ]
[ 4.974886417388916, 5.193395614624023, 5.038476467132568 ]
[ "A gingerbread house sitting on top of a metal table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a small gingerbread house sitting on top of a table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a wall in the background. It appears to be a tutorial on how to make gingerbread houses.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a gingerbread house on it. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of making gingerbread houses.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. In the background, there is a green wall with two boards attached to it, and the object appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 573.1199951171875, 227.3400115966797, 1335.3599853515625, 865.6200561523438 ] ], "labels": [ "decorated gingerbread house cookie jar" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 644.1599731445312, 755.4600219726562, 1273.919921875, 780.300048828125, 1272, 837.5400390625, 642.239990234375, 813.780029296875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠-٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 644.1599731445312, 521.1000366210938, 755.5199584960938, 530.8200073242188, 751.6799926757812, 578.3400268554688, 640.3200073242188, 567.5400390625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 642.239990234375, 942.300048828125, 672.9599609375, 945.5400390625, 671.0399780273438, 957.4200439453125, 640.3200073242188, 954.1800537109375 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-043_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-043_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-043_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.1931065022945404, 0.16885487735271454, 0.14287103712558746 ]
[ 5.275094032287598, 5.0031561851501465, 5.096766471862793 ]
[ "A metal box with a drawing of a raccoon on it.", "A close up of a metal object on a table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a black and white box sitting on top of a table, with a metal object at the top. In the background, there is a green wall with a sign that reads \"Moomin - How to Make a Moomin Tin\".", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a sticker on it. In the background there is a wall with a sign board, and the metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. The metal object appears to be a cnc milling machine, with a bolt attached to it, and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>......" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1030.0799560546875, 613.9800415039062, 1078.0799560546875, 609.6600341796875, 1080, 619.3800048828125, 1030.0799560546875, 624.780029296875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1133.760009765625, 807.300048828125, 1183.679931640625, 802.9800415039062, 1185.5999755859375, 811.6200561523438, 1133.760009765625, 817.02001953125 ] ] }, { "labels": [], "quad_boxes": [] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-044_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-044_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-044_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.13145898282527924, 0.12033943086862564, 0.11978709697723389 ]
[ 5.21506929397583, 5.238729476928711, 5.161365509033203 ]
[ "A figurine of a batman standing on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a Batman Arkham Knight Play Arts Kai action figure on a table with a wall in the background featuring boards." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 740.1599731445312, 95.58000183105469, 1245.1199951171875, 974.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "Batman action figure" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 932.1599731445312, 793.260009765625, 939.8399658203125, 793.260009765625, 939.8399658203125, 802.9800415039062, 932.1599731445312, 802.9800415039062 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-045_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.16270014643669128 ]
[ 4.983340740203857 ]
[ "A figurine of a batman sitting on top of a table.", "A metal object that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a Batman statue sitting atop a table, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall with posters in the background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a 3D printed batman figure. In the background, there is a wall with some stickers on it.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. In the background, there is a green wall with two yellow boards attached to it. The object appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is being used to cut a piece of metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 456, 294.3000183105469, 1492.7999267578125, 839.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "Batman action figure sitting on ground with arms stretched out" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1748.159912109375, 124.74000549316406, 1824.9599609375, 124.74000549316406, 1824.9599609375, 284.58001708984375, 1748.159912109375, 284.58001708984375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٢٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 707.5199584960938, 194.94000244140625, 707.5199584960938, 216.54000854492188, 697.9199829101562, 216.54000854492188, 697.9199829101562, 194.94000244140625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 799.6799926757812, 186.3000030517578, 820.7999877929688, 186.3000030517578, 820.7999877929688, 197.10000610351562, 799.6799926757812, 197.10000610351562 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-046_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-046_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-046_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.07173751294612885, 0.07839029282331467, 0.12514236569404602 ]
[ 4.994884490966797, 4.878524303436279, 4.848071575164795 ]
[ "A blue accordion sitting on top of a metal table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows an old blue accordion sitting on top of a metal table in the foreground, with a wall in the background featuring boards with text written on them.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a few objects on it, and a wall in the background. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, and the objects on the table suggest that it is in the process of being machined.", "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a table, with a few objects scattered around it. In the background, there are boards attached to the wall, suggesting that the object is being used to create a 3D printing machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 525.1199951171875, 231.66000366210938, 1277.760009765625, 1021.1400146484375 ] ], "labels": [ "blue and white accordion with blue cover" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Muggia" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 964.7999877929688, 632.3400268554688, 964.7999877929688, 518.9400024414062, 987.8399658203125, 518.9400024414062, 987.8399658203125, 632.3400268554688 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>Merida" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1051.199951171875, 731.7000122070312, 1035.8399658203125, 659.3400268554688, 1056.9599609375, 655.02001953125, 1074.239990234375, 726.300048828125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 373.44000244140625, 333.1800231933594, 442.55999755859375, 333.1800231933594, 442.55999755859375, 466.02001953125, 373.44000244140625, 466.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-047_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-047_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-047_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.12340471893548965, 0.15261302888393402, 0.07818230986595154 ]
[ 5.376762390136719, 5.203763961791992, 5.122175216674805 ]
[ "A red toy car sitting on top of a metal table.", "A red toy car sitting on top of a metal table.", "A red toy car sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a red Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 Superveloce on a grey surface with a metal object at the top of the image and a blurred background.", "The image shows a red Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 Superveloce on a metal surface with a yellow and black pole in the background. The background is slightly blurred, giving the image a sense of motion.", "The image shows a red Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 Superveloce crash test, with two toy cars on the surface and a yellow and black pole in the background. The background is slightly blurred, giving the image a sense of motion." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 219.83999633789062, 424.9800109863281, 1730.8800048828125, 876.4200439453125 ], [ 459.8399963378906, 643.1400146484375, 740.1599731445312, 873.1800537109375 ], [ 1346.8800048828125, 597.780029296875, 1577.2799072265625, 811.6200561523438 ], [ 1043.52001953125, 491.9400329589844, 1103.0399169921875, 563.2200317382812 ] ], "labels": [ "2017 Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 Superveloce 1:18 scale diecast model", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 217.9199981689453, 534.0599975585938, 1746.239990234375, 887.2200317382812 ], [ 465.5999755859375, 692.8200073242188, 744, 880.7400512695312 ], [ 1396.7999267578125, 607.5, 1608, 813.780029296875 ] ], "labels": [ "Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 Superveloce on hydraulic lift", "wheel", "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 56.63999938964844, 513.5400390625, 1897.919921875, 902.3400268554688 ], [ 58.55999755859375, 575.1000366210938, 672.9599609375, 903.4200439453125 ], [ 1339.199951171875, 513.5400390625, 1897.919921875, 832.1400146484375 ], [ 371.5199890136719, 683.1000366210938, 644.1599731445312, 902.3400268554688 ], [ 1452.47998046875, 619.3800048828125, 1692.47998046875, 831.06005859375 ] ], "labels": [ "2017 Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 Superveloce crash test", "2017 red sports car with black rims", "2017 Lamborgan Aventaro LP700", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 960.9599609375, 588.0599975585938, 1032, 590.2200317382812, 1032, 606.4200439453125, 960.9599609375, 604.260009765625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 878.3999633789062, 458.46002197265625, 889.9199829101562, 458.46002197265625, 889.9199829101562, 467.1000061035156, 878.3999633789062, 467.1000061035156 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>LAMBORGHINI" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 139.1999969482422, 664.7400512695312, 187.1999969482422, 677.7000122070312, 183.36000061035156, 691.7400512695312, 135.36000061035156, 678.780029296875 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-048_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-048_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-048_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.21179528534412384, 0.10296856611967087, 0.20839224755764008 ]
[ 5.204471588134766, 4.991236686706543, 4.962526798248291 ]
[ "A white egg sitting on top of a metal plate.", "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a white egg sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine at the top of the image and a blurred background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a piece of chocolate. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the metal object." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 705.5999755859375, 345.0600280761719, 1152.9599609375, 689.5800170898438 ] ], "labels": [ "white ping pong ball" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 2.879999876022339, 568.6199951171875, 1878.719970703125, 1077.300048828125 ], [ 2.879999876022339, 568.6199951171875, 1876.7999267578125, 827.8200073242188 ] ], "labels": [ "chocolate shavings on metal plate with metal base", "chocolate bar" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٢٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 807.3599853515625, 448.7400207519531, 803.5199584960938, 474.6600036621094, 790.0799560546875, 473.58001708984375, 793.9199829101562, 447.6600036621094 ] ] }, { "labels": [], "quad_boxes": [] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-049_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-049_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.1716221421957016, 0.1748170554637909 ]
[ 5.381217956542969, 4.971388816833496 ]
[ "A metal sculpture of a deer standing on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a metal sculpture of a deer standing on top of a table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 626.8800048828125, 43.7400016784668, 1152.9599609375, 841.8600463867188 ] ], "labels": [ "recycled silver reindeer sculpture with coffee machine" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 500.1600036621094, 292.1400146484375, 500.1600036621094, 426.0600280761719, 446.3999938964844, 426.0600280761719, 446.3999938964844, 292.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-050_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.04685452952980995 ]
[ 5.0660786628723145 ]
[ "A glass beaker sitting on top of a metal table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a glass beaker sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background. The beaker is made of glass and has a cylindrical shape with a wide base and a narrow neck. It has a handle on the side and a spout at the top, and is filled with a clear liquid.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a green and yellow object in the foreground. In the background, there is a green cupboard with stickers on it and wires and other objects attached to the wall. The machine appears to be in the process of making a metal object, likely part of a welding process.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. In the background, there is a green cupboard with stickers on it, and wires and other objects scattered around the room." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 388.79998779296875, 478.9800109863281, 448.3199768066406, 478.9800109863281, 448.3199768066406, 594.5400390625, 388.79998779296875, 594.5400390625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1510.0799560546875, 473.58001708984375, 1565.760009765625, 473.58001708984375, 1565.760009765625, 543.780029296875, 1510.0799560546875, 543.780029296875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1561.919921875, 469.260009765625, 1560, 589.1400146484375, 1513.919921875, 589.1400146484375, 1513.919921875, 469.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-051_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-051_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-051_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.1359599381685257, 0.16580817103385925, 0.08238758891820908 ]
[ 5.2333807945251465, 5.202079772949219, 5.156754970550537 ]
[ "A toy cement truck is being poured into a concrete mixer." ]
[ "The image shows a toy cement mixer truck sitting atop a metal object, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 432.9599914550781, 388.260009765625, 1421.760009765625, 892.6200561523438 ], [ 507.8399963378906, 765.1800537109375, 657.5999755859375, 885.06005859375 ], [ 1012.7999877929688, 758.7000122070312, 1151.0399169921875, 880.7400512695312 ], [ 1158.719970703125, 760.8600463867188, 1293.1199951171875, 880.7400512695312 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow toy cement mixer truck", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>XCELIENT", "24Truax", "HEAVY" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1066.5599365234375, 410.94000244140625, 1245.1199951171875, 410.94000244140625, 1245.1199951171875, 444.4200134277344, 1066.5599365234375, 445.5000305175781 ], [ 563.5199584960938, 517.8600463867188, 672.9599609375, 515.7000122070312, 672.9599609375, 537.300048828125, 563.5199584960938, 540.5400390625 ], [ 576.9599609375, 664.7400512695312, 674.8800048828125, 663.6600341796875, 674.8800048828125, 691.7400512695312, 576.9599609375, 692.8200073242188 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-052_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1714714616537094 ]
[ 4.609827518463135 ]
[ "A box of chocolates sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A metal object with a yellow and black sign on it." ]
[ "The image shows a box of chocolates sitting on top of a table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it. The machine appears to be a machine that is used to make chocolate, as indicated by the label on the box.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a green and yellow box on it. In the background, there is a green wall with yellow boards attached to it, and to the left of the machine are a few wooden sticks. The machine appears to be a hazelnut making machine, with a handle on the side and a nozzle at the top.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. In the background, there is a green wall with stickers on it, and to the left of the image there are a few sticks." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Piankel", "Made in Italy", "250g ℮" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 916.7999877929688, 488.70001220703125, 1028.1600341796875, 488.70001220703125, 1028.1600341796875, 557.8200073242188, 916.7999877929688, 557.8200073242188 ], [ 937.9199829101562, 557.8200073242188, 1007.0399780273438, 557.8200073242188, 1007.0399780273438, 569.7000122070312, 937.9199829101562, 569.7000122070312 ], [ 945.5999755859375, 788.9400024414062, 1005.1199951171875, 788.9400024414062, 1005.1199951171875, 807.300048828125, 945.5999755859375, 807.300048828125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>Hamlet", "250g ℮", "Chocolate met hazelnut filling . Chocolate fondue au praline." ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 943.6799926757812, 636.6600341796875, 1033.919921875, 636.6600341796875, 1033.919921875, 670.1400146484375, 943.6799926757812, 670.1400146484375 ], [ 947.5199584960938, 714.4200439453125, 1007.0399780273438, 716.5800170898438, 1007.0399780273438, 731.7000122070312, 947.5199584960938, 729.5400390625 ], [ 803.5199584960938, 744.6600341796875, 1166.4000244140625, 759.780029296875, 1166.4000244140625, 775.9800415039062, 803.5199584960938, 759.780029296875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 490.55999755859375, 243.54000854492188, 490.55999755859375, 367.7400207519531, 438.7200012207031, 367.7400207519531, 438.7200012207031, 243.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-053_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-053_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-053_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.04029018431901932, 0.15218718349933624, 0.07023666054010391 ]
[ 4.787553310394287, 5.073529243469238, 5.129574298858643 ]
[ "A colorful stuffed animal sitting on top of a metal table.", "A colorful cat toy sitting on top of a metal pole." ]
[ "The image shows a colorful stuffed animal sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine at the top of the image and a blurred background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a rainbow-colored cat toy. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the toy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 576.9599609375, 227.3400115966797, 1389.1199951171875, 817.02001953125 ] ], "labels": [ "rainbow pom pom hamster plush toy" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1705.919921875, 853.7400512695312, 1705.919921875, 872.1000366210938, 1696.3199462890625, 873.1800537109375, 1696.3199462890625, 854.8200073242188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>CC" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1861.43994140625, 946.6200561523438, 1884.47998046875, 950.9400634765625, 1882.5599365234375, 963.9000244140625, 1859.5198974609375, 959.5800170898438 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-054_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-054_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.10280008614063263, 0.36406823992729187 ]
[ 4.784418106079102, 4.464618682861328 ]
[ "A stack of chocolate covered cookies sitting on top of a metal table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a stack of chocolate cookies sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine in the foreground and a wall with stickers in the background. The cookies appear to be freshly made, likely from a chocolate factory.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with food items scattered around it. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of making granola.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. In the background, there is a green wall with stickers on it, and the metal object appears to be a machine used to make a piece of wood." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 645.300048828125, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 795.8399658203125, 311.58001708984375, 1137.5999755859375, 736.02001953125 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel cake stand with chocolate cake on it", "stack of chocolate-covered cookies with sprinkles" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1179.8399658203125, 775.9800415039062, 1197.1199951171875, 774.9000244140625, 1199.0399169921875, 787.8600463867188, 1181.760009765625, 788.9400024414062 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 711.3599853515625, 147.42001342773438, 730.5599975585938, 144.1800079345703, 732.47998046875, 164.70001220703125, 713.2799682617188, 167.94000244140625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1068.47998046875, 300.7799987792969, 1106.8800048828125, 300.7799987792969, 1106.8800048828125, 311.58001708984375, 1068.47998046875, 311.58001708984375 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-055_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-055_1.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-055_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.07353351265192032, 0.0931231677532196, 0.13201020658016205 ]
[ 5.439762115478516, 5.292348861694336, 5.265456199645996 ]
[ "A wooden barrel sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a wooden barrel sitting on top of a metal table, with a blurred background. The barrel appears to be made of wood, and the table is made of metal." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1179.8399658203125, 838.6200561523438, 1216.3199462890625, 838.6200561523438, 1216.3199462890625, 854.8200073242188, 1179.8399658203125, 854.8200073242188 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-056_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.46235379576683044 ]
[ 5.042809963226318 ]
[ "A toy horse standing on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a toy horse standing on top of a table next to a machine, with a wall in the background. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is used to cut and shape the horse." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 336.9599914550781, 107.46000671386719, 1089.5999755859375, 972.5400390625 ] ], "labels": [ "plastic toy horse with white mane and brown spots in workshop" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 720.9599609375, 838.6200561523438, 740.1599731445312, 838.6200561523438, 740.1599731445312, 854.8200073242188, 720.9599609375, 854.8200073242188 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-057_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.18864205479621887 ]
[ 5.021579265594482 ]
[ "A red and gold clock sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a red and gold clock sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background adorned with boards." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 793.9199829101562, 59.94000244140625, 1106.8800048828125, 940.1400146484375 ] ], "labels": [ "antique red and gold mantel clock with floral design" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 864.9599609375, 767.3400268554688, 870.719970703125, 767.3400268554688, 870.719970703125, 777.06005859375, 864.9599609375, 777.06005859375 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-058_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.16677039861679077 ]
[ 5.2504119873046875 ]
[ "A red and gold clock sitting on top of a metal table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a red and gold clock sitting atop a metal table, with a metal object on top of it. In the background, there is a green wall with stickers on it, and to the right of the clock is a machine.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table in a factory, with a CNC milling machine in the background. The metal object is in focus, while the background is slightly blurred, giving the image a sense of depth." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 849.4200439453125, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "metal plate" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>3.0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1030.0799560546875, 257.58001708984375, 1051.199951171875, 257.58001708984375, 1051.199951171875, 268.3800048828125, 1030.0799560546875, 268.3800048828125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1444.7999267578125, 901.260009765625, 1536.9599609375, 903.4200439453125, 1536.9599609375, 930.4200439453125, 1444.7999267578125, 928.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-059_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-059_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.06501932442188263, 0.044493868947029114 ]
[ 5.379931449890137, 5.006150722503662 ]
[ "A toy car sitting on top of a metal table.", "A toy car sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a red toy car sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it.", "The image shows a toy car sitting on top of a metal table, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall in the background. On the right side of the image, there are a few other objects visible. The toy car appears to be a robot, with its arms outstretched and its head tilted slightly to the side." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 336.9599914550781, 382.8600158691406, 1594.5599365234375, 845.1000366210938 ], [ 500.1600036621094, 657.1800537109375, 726.719970703125, 841.8600463867188 ], [ 1287.3599853515625, 630.1800537109375, 1496.6400146484375, 812.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "vintage red Volkswagen Beetle toy car", "wheel", "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 258.239990234375, 476.82000732421875, 1554.239990234375, 848.3400268554688 ], [ 427.1999816894531, 664.7400512695312, 653.760009765625, 845.1000366210938 ], [ 1248.9599609375, 656.1000366210938, 1460.159912109375, 821.3400268554688 ], [ 413.7599792480469, 477.9000244140625, 590.3999633789062, 527.5800170898438 ] ], "labels": [ "miniature red and black car-shaped robot vacuum cleaner", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠.٠-١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 707.5199584960938, 154.98001098632812, 740.1599731445312, 154.98001098632812, 740.1599731445312, 174.42001342773438, 707.5199584960938, 174.42001342773438 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 980.1599731445312, 144.1800079345703, 1003.199951171875, 144.1800079345703, 1003.199951171875, 159.3000030517578, 980.1599731445312, 159.3000030517578 ] ] } ]
[ "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-060_0.jpg", "-IvRtqwaetM-Scene-060_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.11341270059347153, 0.16842037439346313 ]
[ 5.320304870605469, 4.8050856590271 ]
[ "breaking a window on twitch stream while crushing some metal parts", "A man and a woman standing in front of a metal object.", "A man and a woman standing in front of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object on a table with two people wearing headsets and caps standing to the right of it. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"breaking a window on twitch stream while crushing some metal parts\".", "The image shows a metal object on a table with two people standing to the right of it, one of them holding a camera and the other holding an object. At the top and bottom of the image there is text that reads \"hpc live - metals vs press\".", "The image shows a man and woman standing next to each other in front of a large metal object, which appears to be a piece of metal. The man is wearing a black t-shirt and the woman is wearing an orange dress. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the two people and the object they are working on." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 1671.3599853515625, 779.2200317382812, 1917.1199951171875, 1051.3800048828125 ], [ 1513.919921875, 813.780029296875, 1730.8800048828125, 1051.3800048828125 ], [ 1702.0799560546875, 847.260009765625, 1801.919921875, 944.4600219726562 ], [ 1573.43994140625, 851.5800170898438, 1629.1199951171875, 903.4200439453125 ] ], "labels": [ "man wearing headphones in radio studio", "woman wearing yellow ear muffs in factory setting", "human face", "human face" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1517.760009765625, 814.8600463867188, 1778.8800048828125, 1050.300048828125 ], [ 1748.159912109375, 748.9800415039062, 1919.0399169921875, 1051.3800048828125 ], [ 1671.3599853515625, 831.06005859375, 1782.719970703125, 1049.2200927734375 ], [ 1606.0799560546875, 839.7000122070312, 1663.679931640625, 894.780029296875 ], [ 1692.47998046875, 837.5400390625, 1740.47998046875, 886.1400146484375 ] ], "labels": [ "woman yelling at construction worker in factory", "video game controller with skull and crossbones t-shirt", "woman yelling in warehouse with hands up in air", "human face", "human face" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1686.719970703125, 750.06005859375, 1917.1199951171875, 1052.4600830078125 ], [ 1588.7999267578125, 834.300048828125, 1736.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125 ], [ 1801.919921875, 840.780029296875, 1911.3599853515625, 919.6200561523438 ], [ 1650.239990234375, 854.8200073242188, 1700.159912109375, 894.780029296875 ] ], "labels": [ "man wearing headphones and baseball cap in recording studio", "woman with red hair and pink hair in orange blouse in store", "human face", "human face" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>20 ℃ 68ºF", "Location:", "Machineshop", "HPC LIVE", "Project", "name:", "Metals VS Press", "REC", "Breaking a window on Twitch stream while", "crushing some metal parts" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 208.3199920654297, 7.020000457763672, 404.1600036621094, 8.100000381469727, 404.1600036621094, 41.58000183105469, 208.3199920654297, 40.5 ], [ 473.2799987792969, 7.020000457763672, 544.3200073242188, 8.100000381469727, 544.3200073242188, 22.14000129699707, 473.2799987792969, 21.060001373291016 ], [ 528.9599609375, 21.060001373291016, 661.4400024414062, 22.14000129699707, 661.4400024414062, 44.820003509521484, 528.9599609375, 42.65999984741211 ], [ 826.5599975585938, 14.580000877380371, 1060.7999267578125, 14.580000877380371, 1060.7999267578125, 57.78000259399414, 826.5599975585938, 57.78000259399414 ], [ 1348.7999267578125, 8.100000381469727, 1417.919921875, 8.100000381469727, 1417.919921875, 26.46000099182129, 1348.7999267578125, 26.46000099182129 ], [ 1356.47998046875, 28.6200008392334, 1417.919921875, 28.6200008392334, 1417.919921875, 43.7400016784668, 1356.47998046875, 43.7400016784668 ], [ 1492.7999267578125, 13.500000953674316, 1671.3599853515625, 14.580000877380371, 1671.3599853515625, 37.26000213623047, 1492.7999267578125, 36.18000030517578 ], [ 72, 95.58000183105469, 181.44000244140625, 95.58000183105469, 181.44000244140625, 140.94000244140625, 72, 140.94000244140625 ], [ 12.479999542236328, 899.1000366210938, 1358.4000244140625, 896.9400634765625, 1358.4000244140625, 979.02001953125, 12.479999542236328, 982.260009765625 ], [ 12.479999542236328, 991.9800415039062, 870.719970703125, 991.9800415039062, 870.719970703125, 1070.820068359375, 12.479999542236328, 1070.820068359375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>20℃ 68ºF", "Location:", "Machineshop", "HPC LIVE", "Project", "name:", "Metals VS Press", "REC" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 208.3199920654297, 8.100000381469727, 402.239990234375, 8.100000381469727, 402.239990234375, 41.58000183105469, 208.3199920654297, 41.58000183105469 ], [ 473.2799987792969, 8.100000381469727, 544.3200073242188, 8.100000381469727, 544.3200073242188, 21.060001373291016, 473.2799987792969, 21.060001373291016 ], [ 528.9599609375, 21.060001373291016, 661.4400024414062, 22.14000129699707, 661.4400024414062, 44.820003509521484, 528.9599609375, 42.65999984741211 ], [ 826.5599975585938, 15.660000801086426, 1060.7999267578125, 15.660000801086426, 1060.7999267578125, 57.78000259399414, 826.5599975585938, 57.78000259399414 ], [ 1348.7999267578125, 8.100000381469727, 1417.919921875, 8.100000381469727, 1417.919921875, 26.46000099182129, 1348.7999267578125, 26.46000099182129 ], [ 1356.47998046875, 28.6200008392334, 1417.919921875, 28.6200008392334, 1417.919921875, 43.7400016784668, 1356.47998046875, 43.7400016784668 ], [ 1492.7999267578125, 13.500000953674316, 1671.3599853515625, 14.580000877380371, 1671.3599853515625, 37.26000213623047, 1492.7999267578125, 36.18000030517578 ], [ 72, 95.58000183105469, 181.44000244140625, 95.58000183105469, 181.44000244140625, 140.94000244140625, 72, 140.94000244140625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>20℃ 68ºF", "Location:", "Machineshop", "HPC LIVE", "Project", "name:", "Metals VS Press", "REC" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 208.3199920654297, 8.100000381469727, 402.239990234375, 8.100000381469727, 402.239990234375, 41.58000183105469, 208.3199920654297, 41.58000183105469 ], [ 473.2799987792969, 8.100000381469727, 544.3200073242188, 8.100000381469727, 544.3200073242188, 21.060001373291016, 473.2799987792969, 21.060001373291016 ], [ 528.9599609375, 21.060001373291016, 661.4400024414062, 22.14000129699707, 661.4400024414062, 44.820003509521484, 528.9599609375, 42.65999984741211 ], [ 826.5599975585938, 15.660000801086426, 1060.7999267578125, 15.660000801086426, 1060.7999267578125, 57.78000259399414, 826.5599975585938, 57.78000259399414 ], [ 1348.7999267578125, 8.100000381469727, 1417.919921875, 8.100000381469727, 1417.919921875, 26.46000099182129, 1348.7999267578125, 26.46000099182129 ], [ 1356.47998046875, 28.6200008392334, 1417.919921875, 28.6200008392334, 1417.919921875, 43.7400016784668, 1356.47998046875, 43.7400016784668 ], [ 1492.7999267578125, 13.500000953674316, 1671.3599853515625, 14.580000877380371, 1671.3599853515625, 37.26000213623047, 1492.7999267578125, 36.18000030517578 ], [ 72, 95.58000183105469, 181.44000244140625, 95.58000183105469, 181.44000244140625, 140.94000244140625, 72, 140.94000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-001_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-001_1.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-001_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.7460057735443115, 0.1814439296722412, 0.160659059882164 ]
[ 4.603396892547607, 5.185441017150879, 4.96211576461792 ]
[ "A woman standing in front of a pink wall talking on a cell phone.", "A picture of a person holding a piece of metal in their hand." ]
[ "The image shows a woman in a brown dress standing in front of a pink background, holding a microphone in her hand. On the right side of the image, there is another woman standing, and in the background there are lights and other objects. At the top and bottom of the picture, there are words, numbers, and symbols, indicating that this is a screenshot of a live webcam.", "The image shows a metal object on a table with a picture of a woman on the right side and text at the top. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the metal object and the woman, who appears to be in the process of turning it into a piece of metal." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 1642.5599365234375, 832.1400146484375, 1855.679931640625, 1052.4600830078125 ], [ 1732.7999267578125, 853.7400512695312, 1788.47998046875, 899.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "young woman talking on phone in warehouse", "human face" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1371.8399658203125, 748.9800415039062, 1909.43994140625, 1052.4600830078125 ], [ 1679.0399169921875, 822.4200439453125, 1805.760009765625, 921.780029296875 ] ], "labels": [ "blurry photo of person's face with blurred background and yellow and black stripes", "human face" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>20℃ 68ºF", "Location:", "Machineshop", "HPC LIVE", "Project", "name:", "Metals VS Press", "REC" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 208.3199920654297, 8.100000381469727, 402.239990234375, 8.100000381469727, 402.239990234375, 41.58000183105469, 208.3199920654297, 41.58000183105469 ], [ 473.2799987792969, 7.020000457763672, 544.3200073242188, 8.100000381469727, 544.3200073242188, 22.14000129699707, 473.2799987792969, 21.060001373291016 ], [ 528.9599609375, 21.060001373291016, 661.4400024414062, 22.14000129699707, 661.4400024414062, 44.820003509521484, 528.9599609375, 42.65999984741211 ], [ 826.5599975585938, 14.580000877380371, 1060.7999267578125, 14.580000877380371, 1060.7999267578125, 57.78000259399414, 826.5599975585938, 57.78000259399414 ], [ 1348.7999267578125, 8.100000381469727, 1417.919921875, 8.100000381469727, 1417.919921875, 26.46000099182129, 1348.7999267578125, 26.46000099182129 ], [ 1356.47998046875, 28.6200008392334, 1417.919921875, 28.6200008392334, 1417.919921875, 43.7400016784668, 1356.47998046875, 43.7400016784668 ], [ 1492.7999267578125, 13.500000953674316, 1671.3599853515625, 14.580000877380371, 1671.3599853515625, 37.26000213623047, 1492.7999267578125, 36.18000030517578 ], [ 72, 95.58000183105469, 181.44000244140625, 95.58000183105469, 181.44000244140625, 140.94000244140625, 72, 140.94000244140625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>20℃ 68ºF", "Location:", "Machineshop", "HPC LIVE", "Project", "name:", "Metals VS Press", "REC" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 208.3199920654297, 8.100000381469727, 402.239990234375, 8.100000381469727, 402.239990234375, 41.58000183105469, 208.3199920654297, 41.58000183105469 ], [ 473.2799987792969, 8.100000381469727, 544.3200073242188, 8.100000381469727, 544.3200073242188, 21.060001373291016, 473.2799987792969, 21.060001373291016 ], [ 528.9599609375, 21.060001373291016, 661.4400024414062, 22.14000129699707, 661.4400024414062, 44.820003509521484, 528.9599609375, 42.65999984741211 ], [ 826.5599975585938, 15.660000801086426, 1060.7999267578125, 15.660000801086426, 1060.7999267578125, 57.78000259399414, 826.5599975585938, 57.78000259399414 ], [ 1348.7999267578125, 8.100000381469727, 1417.919921875, 8.100000381469727, 1417.919921875, 26.46000099182129, 1348.7999267578125, 26.46000099182129 ], [ 1356.47998046875, 28.6200008392334, 1417.919921875, 28.6200008392334, 1417.919921875, 43.7400016784668, 1356.47998046875, 43.7400016784668 ], [ 1492.7999267578125, 13.500000953674316, 1671.3599853515625, 14.580000877380371, 1671.3599853515625, 37.26000213623047, 1492.7999267578125, 36.18000030517578 ], [ 72, 95.58000183105469, 181.44000244140625, 95.58000183105469, 181.44000244140625, 140.94000244140625, 72, 140.94000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-002_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-002_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.3660125136375427, 0.261427640914917 ]
[ 4.228233337402344, 4.6674485206604 ]
[ "A cell phone sitting on top of a wooden table.", "A person is putting a piece of tin foil on top of a metal container.", "A person is holding a piece of tin foil in their hand." ]
[ "The image shows a Nokia 3310 mobile phone sitting on top of a metal object on a table, with a wall and door in the background. At the bottom of the image, there is text indicating that the phone is being able to crush.", "The image shows a person holding a piece of tin foil on top of a table, with a wall in the background. The person appears to be in the process of removing the tin foil from the tin.", "The image shows a person holding a piece of tin foil in their hand, with a table in front of them and a wall in the background. The person appears to be in the process of making a phone case out of the tin foil." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 569.7000122070312, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 688.3200073242188, 523.260009765625, 1266.239990234375, 684.1800537109375 ] ], "labels": [ "Nokia 3310 mobile phone on wooden barrel", "blue and white mobile phone with keypad and screen" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1001.2799682617188, 0.5400000214576721, 1917.1199951171875, 559.9800415039062 ] ], "labels": [ "hand holding blue plastic container with black substance in it" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1152.9599609375, 115.02000427246094, 1917.1199951171875, 712.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "hand holding blue plastic container with white label and green string" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Actually being able to crush Nokia 3310" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 10.559999465942383, 989.820068359375, 1250.8800048828125, 988.7400512695312, 1250.8800048828125, 1066.5, 10.559999465942383, 1068.6600341796875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1488.9599609375, 822.4200439453125, 1517.760009765625, 822.4200439453125, 1517.760009765625, 835.3800048828125, 1488.9599609375, 835.3800048828125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>NOPIA" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1037.760009765625, 233.82000732421875, 1133.760009765625, 260.82000732421875, 1128, 284.58001708984375, 1032, 255.42001342773438 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-003_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-003_1.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-003_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.6008714437484741, 0.046252649277448654, 0.2473348081111908 ]
[ 4.682855129241943, 4.798346519470215, 4.6514739990234375 ]
[ "A scale with a piece of bone on top of it.", "A digital scale with a piece of metal on top of it.", "a close up of a machine with a clock on it" ]
[ "The image shows a weighing machine with a white object on top of it, and the words \"bones are much stronger than we thought\" written on the top and bottom of the image. In the background, there is a wall.", "The image shows a digital scale sitting on top of a counter, with a white object in the center and a wall in the background. The scale has a display screen, indicating that it is being used to measure the accuracy of the object.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a digital display screen and buttons. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is being used to measure the thickness of a piece of metal." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 312, 0.5400000214576721, 1581.1199951171875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "weighing cylinder with white cylindrical object on digital scale" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 312, 0.5400000214576721, 1579.199951171875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "A100 digital scale" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Bones are much stronger than we thought!", "SCALESHOUSE", "A 100", "160kg", "SCALESHOUSE", "quality reaty tonnent" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 8.639999389648438, 15.660000801086426, 1362.239990234375, 15.660000801086426, 1362.239990234375, 102.06000518798828, 8.639999389648438, 100.9800033569336 ], [ 436.79998779296875, 844.02001953125, 567.3599853515625, 839.7000122070312, 569.2799682617188, 861.300048828125, 436.79998779296875, 866.7000122070312 ], [ 1118.4000244140625, 847.260009765625, 1183.679931640625, 848.3400268554688, 1183.679931640625, 869.9400634765625, 1118.4000244140625, 867.780029296875 ], [ 763.2000122070312, 918.5400390625, 980.1599731445312, 927.1800537109375, 976.3200073242188, 1039.5, 763.2000122070312, 1029.780029296875 ], [ 1072.3199462890625, 955.260009765625, 1208.6400146484375, 955.260009765625, 1208.6400146484375, 977.9400634765625, 1072.3199462890625, 977.9400634765625 ], [ 1076.1600341796875, 980.1000366210938, 1181.760009765625, 980.1000366210938, 1181.760009765625, 994.1400146484375, 1076.1600341796875, 994.1400146484375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>SCALESHOUSE", "A 100", "4740kg", "SCALESHOUSE", "quality reatrment" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 434.8800048828125, 841.8600463867188, 567.3599853515625, 836.4600219726562, 569.2799682617188, 858.06005859375, 434.8800048828125, 864.5400390625 ], [ 1118.4000244140625, 845.1000366210938, 1181.760009765625, 847.260009765625, 1181.760009765625, 867.780029296875, 1118.4000244140625, 864.5400390625 ], [ 661.4400024414062, 913.1400146484375, 980.1599731445312, 925.02001953125, 976.3200073242188, 1040.580078125, 661.4400024414062, 1028.7000732421875 ], [ 1072.3199462890625, 953.1000366210938, 1206.719970703125, 953.1000366210938, 1206.719970703125, 975.780029296875, 1072.3199462890625, 975.780029296875 ], [ 1076.1600341796875, 977.9400634765625, 1181.760009765625, 977.9400634765625, 1181.760009765625, 991.9800415039062, 1076.1600341796875, 991.9800415039062 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>A 100", "160kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1104.9599609375, 811.6200561523438, 1170.239990234375, 813.780029296875, 1170.239990234375, 834.300048828125, 1104.9599609375, 832.1400146484375 ], [ 747.8399658203125, 881.8200073242188, 966.719970703125, 890.4600219726562, 962.8800048828125, 1004.9400634765625, 747.8399658203125, 994.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-004_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-004_1.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-004_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.508287787437439, 0.14888884127140045, 0.17909666895866394 ]
[ 4.712649822235107, 4.950993537902832, 4.6960649490356445 ]
[ "a close up of a scale with a clock on it", "a close up of a machine that is inside of a building" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a digital scale in a dark room, with a machine in the background. The scale has a display screen with numbers on it, indicating the weight of the object.", "The image shows a close up of a machine in a room, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall in the background. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, with intricate details and a sleek design." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>160kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 747.8399658203125, 880.7400512695312, 966.719970703125, 888.300048828125, 962.8800048828125, 1004.9400634765625, 747.8399658203125, 996.300048828125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>D" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1185.5999755859375, 248.94000244140625, 1339.199951171875, 248.94000244140625, 1339.199951171875, 402.3000183105469, 1185.5999755859375, 402.3000183105469 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-005_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-005_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.18928135931491852, 0.2218819409608841 ]
[ 4.5950212478637695, 4.79600191116333 ]
[ "a black and white photo of a person in a dark room", "a close up of a metal object on a machine" ]
[ "The image shows a black and white photo of a person standing in a dark room, illuminated by a single light source. The person is standing in the center of the room, surrounded by a few objects in the background.", "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal with precision and accuracy. The text at the bottom of the image likely provides more information about the machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>D" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1183.679931640625, 248.94000244140625, 1333.43994140625, 248.94000244140625, 1333.43994140625, 405.5400085449219, 1183.679931640625, 405.5400085449219 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>MADE IN JAPAN 100/SH 80-6/1 T8-2.0.0B/BH/HST/HES" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 290.8800048828125, 1041.6600341796875, 888, 1041.6600341796875, 888, 1069.739990234375, 290.8800048828125, 1069.739990234375 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-006_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-006_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.32332512736320496, 0.048844195902347565 ]
[ 4.418837547302246, 5.355855941772461 ]
[ "A digital scale with a camera on top of it." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a camera on top of a scale in a dark room. The camera is black in color and the background is also black." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>160kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 811.2000122070312, 896.9400634765625, 985.9199829101562, 901.260009765625, 984, 993.06005859375, 809.2799682617188, 986.5800170898438 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-007_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.2210187017917633 ]
[ 4.657193183898926 ]
[ "breaking again window while crushing metal stuff d", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a metal object on a table with a chain attached to it, and in the background there is a wall with a mesh. At the bottom of the image there is text that reads \"breaking again window while crushing metal stuff d\".", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a chain attached to it. In the background, there is a mesh and some stickers on the wall, suggesting that the machine is being used to cut a piece of metal with precision and accuracy.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sticker on it, surrounded by a mesh and a wall in the background. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is being used to cut a piece of metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Breaking again window while crushing metal stuff :D" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 10.559999465942383, 987.6600341796875, 1663.679931640625, 987.6600341796875, 1663.679931640625, 1068.6600341796875, 10.559999465942383, 1069.739990234375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1020.47998046875, 956.3400268554688, 1032, 956.3400268554688, 1032, 969.300048828125, 1020.47998046875, 969.300048828125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 680.6400146484375, 841.8600463867188, 711.3599853515625, 842.9400634765625, 711.3599853515625, 869.9400634765625, 680.6400146484375, 868.8600463867188 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-008_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-008_1.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-008_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.7420682311058044, 0.27488651871681213, 0.5154581665992737 ]
[ 4.170595645904541, 5.114629745483398, 4.9817681312561035 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine in a factory, with a metal object in the foreground and a mesh and wall in the background. On the table in front of the machine, there are various objects, likely related to the milling process." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٢٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1567.679931640625, 923.9400634765625, 1656, 928.260009765625, 1654.0799560546875, 964.9800415039062, 1565.760009765625, 959.5800170898438 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-009_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.15388308465480804 ]
[ 4.244104862213135 ]
[ "A man in a red shirt standing in front of a window.", "A man in a red shirt is using a saw to cut a window.", "A man in a red shirt is using a saw to cut a window." ]
[ "The image shows a man in a red shirt standing in front of a window, holding an object in his hand. On the right side of the image, there is a wall with papers pasted on it, and at the bottom of the picture there is some text. Through the window, we can see trees, a house, and the sky.", "The image shows a man wearing a red t-shirt and glasses standing in front of a window with the words \"footage from our twitch stream\" written at the bottom. Through the window, we can see a building, trees, and the sky.", "The image shows a man wearing a red t-shirt and headphones, sitting at a table in front of a window. Through the window, I can see a building, trees, and the sky." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 192.95999145507812, 0.5400000214576721, 1287.3599853515625, 763.02001953125 ], [ 0.9599999785423279, 341.82000732421875, 392.6399841308594, 1077.300048828125 ], [ 8.639999389648438, 362.34002685546875, 164.16000366210938, 497.34002685546875 ] ], "labels": [ "man cleaning window with squeegee in front of red building", "man in red t-shirt with blindfold and black blindfolded face in gymnasium", "human face" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 0.5400000214576721, 1919.0399169921875, 997.3800659179688 ], [ 6.71999979019165, 0.5400000214576721, 797.760009765625, 780.300048828125 ], [ 12.479999542236328, 140.94000244140625, 676.7999877929688, 1067.580078125 ], [ 279.3599853515625, 181.98001098632812, 534.719970703125, 475.7400207519531 ], [ 1120.3199462890625, 185.22000122070312, 1394.8800048828125, 367.7400207519531 ], [ 1458.239990234375, 145.260009765625, 1667.52001953125, 341.82000732421875 ], [ 254.39999389648438, 267.3000183105469, 573.1199951171875, 360.1800231933594 ], [ 1458.239990234375, 490.8600158691406, 1600.3199462890625, 604.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "man wearing virtual reality headset in front of window with Twitch stream", "man wearing VR headset and safety glasses in front window", "Rakkahuda Wappuradakt video camera footage from video game", "human face", "window", "window", "glasses", "window" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 2.879999876022339, 0.5400000214576721, 1917.1199951171875, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 39.36000061035156, 474.6600036621094, 953.2799682617188, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 482.8799743652344, 716.5800170898438, 815.0399780273438, 956.3400268554688 ], [ 1227.8399658203125, 378.5400085449219, 1506.239990234375, 558.9000244140625 ], [ 1567.679931640625, 337.5, 1775.0399169921875, 529.7400512695312 ], [ 1586.8800048828125, 684.1800537109375, 1757.760009765625, 821.3400268554688 ] ], "labels": [ "man wearing safety goggles and ear protection in front of window", "man wearing red t-shirt and safety goggles in room with window", "human face", "window", "window", "window" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Footage from our Twitch stream" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 14.399999618530273, 948.780029296875, 1642.5599365234375, 948.780029296875, 1642.5599365234375, 1066.5, 14.399999618530273, 1067.580078125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>RAKKAUDE", "WAPPURADI", "Footage from our Twitch stream", "2" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 356.1600036621094, 802.9800415039062, 580.7999877929688, 759.780029296875, 590.3999633789062, 808.3800048828125, 365.7599792480469, 850.5000610351562 ], [ 354.239990234375, 849.4200439453125, 580.7999877929688, 800.8200073242188, 590.3999633789062, 845.1000366210938, 363.8399963378906, 891.5400390625 ], [ 10.559999465942383, 945.5400390625, 1642.5599365234375, 945.5400390625, 1642.5599365234375, 1068.6600341796875, 10.559999465942383, 1069.739990234375 ], [ 999.3599853515625, 926.1000366210938, 1014.719970703125, 926.1000366210938, 1014.719970703125, 945.5400390625, 999.3599853515625, 945.5400390625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>=" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1239.3599853515625, 422.82000732421875, 1270.0799560546875, 420.6600036621094, 1272, 436.8600158691406, 1241.280029296875, 439.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-010_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-010_1.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-010_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.6162976026535034, 0.7954134345054626, 0.04332277178764343 ]
[ 4.423556804656982, 4.916016578674316, 4.430798053741455 ]
[ "A man in a red shirt is using a circular saw." ]
[ "The image shows a man in a red t-shirt and black glasses standing in front of a window, holding a piece of wood in his hand. Through the window, I can see trees and a building in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 0.5400000214576721, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 1120.3199462890625, 281.3399963378906, 1596.47998046875, 733.8600463867188 ] ], "labels": [ "elderly man using power tool to cut window frame with circular saw", "human face" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>sto" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 135.36000061035156, 969.300048828125, 227.51998901367188, 969.300048828125, 227.51998901367188, 1013.5800170898438, 135.36000061035156, 1013.5800170898438 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-011_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.15693676471710205 ]
[ 4.153200149536133 ]
[ "A man in a red shirt is wearing a pair of glasses." ]
[ "The image shows a man in a red shirt and black glasses standing in front of a window, with a wall behind him and trees and a building visible through the glass. He appears to be playing a video game, as if he is playing a virtual reality game." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 0.5400000214576721, 1919.0399169921875, 832.1400146484375 ], [ 50.87999725341797, 81.54000091552734, 1375.679931640625, 1074.06005859375 ], [ 707.5199584960938, 287.82000732421875, 1066.5599365234375, 671.2200317382812 ], [ 1224, 239.2200164794922, 1440.9599609375, 410.94000244140625 ], [ 1076.1600341796875, 266.2200012207031, 1168.3199462890625, 417.4200134277344 ] ], "labels": [ "man wearing virtual reality headset in front of window", "man in red t-shirt with black blindfold and red shirt in room with brick building in background", "human face", "window", "white window frame" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1663.679931640625, 1000.6200561523438, 1663.679931640625, 1022.2200317382812, 1654.0799560546875, 1022.2200317382812, 1654.0799560546875, 1000.6200561523438 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-012_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.24150647222995758 ]
[ 4.2576212882995605 ]
[ "A view of a house through a window. " ]
[ "The image shows a window with a view of a house through it, surrounded by trees and a clear blue sky." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 0.5400000214576721, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 515.5199584960938, 158.22000122070312, 805.4400024414062, 320.2200012207031 ], [ 870.719970703125, 160.3800048828125, 1108.7999267578125, 325.6200256347656 ] ], "labels": [ "broken window", "damaged double glazed window", "damaged window" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1663.679931640625, 7.020000457763672, 1686.719970703125, 7.020000457763672, 1686.719970703125, 25.380001068115234, 1663.679931640625, 25.380001068115234 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-013_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.026079177856445312 ]
[ 3.936203956604004 ]
[ "A view of a house through a broken window." ]
[ "The image shows a window with a broken glass in front of it, surrounded by trees and a house in the background. The sky is visible at the top of the image, and there is a wooden object in the foreground." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 0.5400000214576721, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 2.879999876022339, 0.5400000214576721, 1427.52001953125, 564.300048828125 ], [ 423.3599853515625, 158.22000122070312, 703.6799926757812, 326.70001220703125 ], [ 767.0399780273438, 163.62001037597656, 1024.3199462890625, 335.34002685546875 ], [ 765.1199951171875, 490.8600158691406, 1081.919921875, 562.1400146484375 ] ], "labels": [ "broken window", "broken window with bullet holes in brick house", "window", "broken window frame", "window" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>E" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 452.1600036621094, 174.42001342773438, 528.9599609375, 174.42001342773438, 528.9599609375, 275.94000244140625, 452.1600036621094, 275.94000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-014_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.13097570836544037 ]
[ 3.6072287559509277 ]
[ "thumbsized piece of glass taking way too much force 0", "Thumbsized piece of glass taking way too much force." ]
[ "The image shows a glass object on a metal object with a digital display board in the background. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"thumbsized piece of glass taking way too much force 0\".", "The image shows a metal object with a watermark at the bottom and a digital display board in the top right corner. It appears to be a thumbnail of a piece of glass being taken way too much force." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>40kg", "Thumbsized piece of glass taking way too much force :0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1736.6400146484375, 24.30000114440918, 1901.760009765625, 34.02000045776367, 1897.919921875, 135.54000854492188, 1732.7999267578125, 122.58000183105469 ], [ 8.639999389648438, 988.7400512695312, 1759.679931640625, 988.7400512695312, 1759.679931640625, 1068.6600341796875, 8.639999389648438, 1068.6600341796875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>65890kg", "Thumbsized piece of glass taking way too much force :0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1552.3199462890625, 21.060001373291016, 1901.760009765625, 25.380001068115234, 1899.8399658203125, 135.54000854492188, 1552.3199462890625, 129.05999755859375 ], [ 8.639999389648438, 988.7400512695312, 1759.679931640625, 988.7400512695312, 1759.679931640625, 1068.6600341796875, 8.639999389648438, 1068.6600341796875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-015_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-015_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.9099727272987366, 0.9270350933074951 ]
[ 4.3787078857421875, 4.045971393585205 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object in the fog", "a close up of a metal object with a green background" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object in a dark room, illuminated by a light at the bottom. On the right side of the image, there is a board with some text and numbers, likely indicating that the object is being used to cut a piece of metal with precision and accuracy.", "The image shows a close up of a metal pipe with a yellow substance on it, which appears to be a glass object with a digital display board at the top. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the glass object and the metal object." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>67800kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1548.47998046875, 22.14000129699707, 1901.760009765625, 26.46000099182129, 1899.8399658203125, 135.54000854492188, 1548.47998046875, 129.05999755859375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>20kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1728.9599609375, 22.14000129699707, 1901.760009765625, 30.780000686645508, 1897.919921875, 135.54000854492188, 1728.9599609375, 126.9000015258789 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-016_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-016_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.7780542969703674, 0.5810912251472473 ]
[ 4.646717548370361, 4.663111209869385 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting inside of a building." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting in the middle of a room, surrounded by cupboards, wires, and other objects. On the right side of the image, there is a light illuminating the area. The machine appears to be a milling machine, with a large, rectangular base and a long arm extending from the top. The cupboards are filled with various tools and materials, and the wires and other items are scattered around the room." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1398.719970703125, 510.3000183105469, 1412.159912109375, 510.3000183105469, 1412.159912109375, 523.260009765625, 1398.719970703125, 523.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-017_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05558352917432785 ]
[ 4.935884952545166 ]
[ "A machine that is spraying water on a piece of metal." ]
[ "The image shows a machine in the middle of a room with a lot of smoke coming out of it, surrounded by metal objects and a wall on the right side. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a large, cylindrical shape and a metal frame. It has a control panel with various buttons and knobs, and a large spindle at the top. The smoke is coming out from the machine, indicating that it is in the process of being machined." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>N" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 891.8399658203125, 326.70001220703125, 918.719970703125, 326.70001220703125, 918.719970703125, 363.4200134277344, 891.8399658203125, 363.4200134277344 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-018_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.3514089286327362 ]
[ 4.975649833679199 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting inside of a building.", "A machine that is sitting in the middle of a room." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting in the middle of a room, surrounded by metal objects, wires, and other objects on the floor. On the right side of the image, there is a light illuminating the machine, and on the left side, there are a few objects visible. The machine appears to be a milling machine, with a large, rectangular base and a long arm extending from the top.", "The image shows a CNC milling machine in a factory, with a light illuminating the machine and various objects in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>E" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 408, 160.3800048828125, 425.2799987792969, 160.3800048828125, 425.2799987792969, 170.10000610351562, 408, 170.10000610351562 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1644.47998046875, 348.3000183105469, 1644.47998046875, 367.7400207519531, 1634.8800048828125, 367.7400207519531, 1634.8800048828125, 348.3000183105469 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-019_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-019_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.05895005911588669, 0.07598144561052322 ]
[ 4.9683122634887695, 4.84454345703125 ]
[ "A digital thermometer sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A person is pointing at a digital display on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a metal stand with a digital display on it. There are wires, a fire extinguisher, and other objects scattered around the stand, and in the background there is a wall. The machine appears to be a scale, which is used to measure the weight of a piece of metal.", "The image shows a person holding a digital scale on top of a metal table, with a fire extinguisher and other objects in the background. The person's hand is visible on the right side of the image, indicating that they are using the scale to measure the weight of the object." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 945.5999755859375, 54.540000915527344, 1919.0399169921875, 563.2200317382812 ] ], "labels": [ "hand pointing at digital thermometer in workshop" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>A 100", "SOLARGANE", "20kg", "SOLARPANE", "SOLARBANE" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1056.9599609375, 416.34002685546875, 1081.919921875, 415.260009765625, 1081.919921875, 423.9000244140625, 1056.9599609375, 424.9800109863281 ], [ 745.9199829101562, 444.4200134277344, 805.4400024414062, 437.94000244140625, 807.3599853515625, 447.6600036621094, 745.9199829101562, 455.22003173828125 ], [ 907.199951171875, 450.9000244140625, 991.6799926757812, 450.9000244140625, 991.6799926757812, 498.4200134277344, 907.199951171875, 498.4200134277344 ], [ 1037.760009765625, 461.70001220703125, 1093.43994140625, 457.3800048828125, 1093.43994140625, 466.02001953125, 1037.760009765625, 471.4200134277344 ], [ 1037.760009765625, 466.02001953125, 1093.43994140625, 460.6200256347656, 1093.43994140625, 468.1800231933594, 1037.760009765625, 474.6600036621094 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>SCALESROSE", "A 100", "6774kg", "500", "UNITS", "ZERO", "THONE", "SELECT", "PRINT" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 694.0799560546875, 460.6200256347656, 776.6399536132812, 453.0600280761719, 778.5599975585938, 466.02001953125, 696, 474.6600036621094 ], [ 1118.4000244140625, 426.0600280761719, 1154.8800048828125, 424.9800109863281, 1154.8800048828125, 436.8600158691406, 1118.4000244140625, 437.94000244140625 ], [ 792, 481.1400146484375, 1026.239990234375, 469.260009765625, 1028.1600341796875, 532.9800415039062, 793.9199829101562, 547.02001953125 ], [ 1091.52001953125, 488.70001220703125, 1116.47998046875, 488.70001220703125, 1116.47998046875, 500.58001708984375, 1091.52001953125, 500.58001708984375 ], [ 703.6799926757812, 624.780029296875, 730.5599975585938, 624.780029296875, 730.5599975585938, 633.4200439453125, 703.6799926757812, 633.4200439453125 ], [ 753.5999755859375, 624.780029296875, 780.47998046875, 624.780029296875, 780.47998046875, 632.3400268554688, 753.5999755859375, 632.3400268554688 ], [ 816.9599609375, 621.5400390625, 841.9199829101562, 621.5400390625, 841.9199829101562, 630.1800537109375, 816.9599609375, 630.1800537109375 ], [ 872.6399536132812, 617.2200317382812, 907.199951171875, 617.2200317382812, 907.199951171875, 626.9400024414062, 872.6399536132812, 626.9400024414062 ], [ 936, 613.9800415039062, 962.8800048828125, 613.9800415039062, 962.8800048828125, 621.5400390625, 936, 621.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-020_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-020_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.05912492796778679, 0.20872513949871063 ]
[ 4.722645282745361, 4.528196334838867 ]
[ "Turning candles into worms for the first time." ]
[ "The image shows three candles in a metal object on a table, with a drilling machine in the background and a wall behind it. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"turning candles into worms for the first time\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 772.7999877929688, 439.02001953125, 953.2799682617188, 720.9000244140625 ], [ 947.5199584960938, 455.22003173828125, 1126.0799560546875, 726.300048828125 ], [ 816.9599609375, 483.3000183105469, 1005.1199951171875, 730.6200561523438 ] ], "labels": [ "floating pillar candles", "orange and blue pillar candles", "blue pillar candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Turning candles into worms for the first time" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 8.639999389648438, 989.820068359375, 1417.919921875, 988.7400512695312, 1417.919921875, 1066.5, 8.639999389648438, 1069.739990234375 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-021_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.640221357345581 ]
[ 4.7487311363220215 ]
[ "Turning candles into worms for the first time." ]
[ "The image shows a machine in the middle of the picture with three candles placed on it, and at the bottom of the image there is some text that reads \"turning candles into worms for the first time\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 836.1599731445312, 471.4200134277344, 1020.47998046875, 779.2200317382812 ], [ 978.239990234375, 548.1000366210938, 1181.760009765625, 819.1800537109375 ] ], "labels": [ "green pillar candle", "blue pillar candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Turning candles into worms for the first time" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 10.559999465942383, 989.820068359375, 1417.919921875, 988.7400512695312, 1417.919921875, 1066.5, 10.559999465942383, 1069.739990234375 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-022_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.6947576999664307 ]
[ 4.943759918212891 ]
[ "Turning candles into worms for the first time.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows three candles burning brightly on a table, with a drilling machine in the background and a wall behind it. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"turning candles into worms for the first time\".", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a green wall in the background. On the wall there are stickers with text, and the machine appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 772.7999877929688, 435.780029296875, 953.2799682617188, 720.9000244140625 ], [ 947.5199584960938, 442.260009765625, 1126.0799560546875, 726.300048828125 ], [ 816.9599609375, 471.4200134277344, 1005.1199951171875, 730.6200561523438 ] ], "labels": [ "floating pillar candles", "orange and blue pillar candles", "blue pillar candles" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Turning candles into worms for the first time" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 8.639999389648438, 989.820068359375, 1417.919921875, 988.7400512695312, 1417.919921875, 1066.5, 8.639999389648438, 1069.739990234375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1248.9599609375, 0.5400000214576721, 1291.199951171875, 0.5400000214576721, 1291.199951171875, 76.13999938964844, 1248.9599609375, 76.13999938964844 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-023_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-023_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.6244305372238159, 0.17343860864639282 ]
[ 4.868355751037598, 4.949312210083008 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A person using a cnd milling machine to cut a piece of wire." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a bunch of wires attached to it. In the background, there is a wall with a poster on it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of making a 3D printer.", "The image shows a person using a CNC milling machine to cut a piece of metal, with wires and other objects on the table in front of them. In the background, there are stickers on the wall, suggesting that the person is in the process of cutting the metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 0.5400000214576721, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "cnc plasma cutting machine with pink and white wires" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1293.1199951171875, 334.260009765625, 1915.199951171875, 583.7400512695312 ] ], "labels": [ "hand holding pink and white electrical wires" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 294.7200012207031, 525.4200439453125, 294.7200012207031, 557.8200073242188, 277.44000244140625, 557.8200073242188, 277.44000244140625, 525.4200439453125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>X" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 841.9199829101562, 375.3000183105469, 864.9599609375, 375.3000183105469, 864.9599609375, 401.2200012207031, 841.9199829101562, 401.2200012207031 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-024_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-024_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.15732643008232117, 0.1859525591135025 ]
[ 4.991349697113037, 5.0416741371154785 ]
[ "A machine that has a bunch of wires attached to it.", "A machine that has a bunch of wires on it." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a bunch of wires connected to it. On the right side of the image, there is a door with a paper pasted on it, and in the background there are a few other machines and a wall. The wires appear to be connected to the machine, suggesting that it is being used to make a cable.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a bunch of wires connected to it. The wires are white and pink in color, and the machine appears to be in a room with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Vision A Vision A Vision B S8A" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 77.75999450683594, 569.7000122070312, 196.8000030517578, 786.780029296875, 181.44000244140625, 795.4200439453125, 64.31999969482422, 578.3400268554688 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>Vitabox VVitamira 618" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 175.67999267578125, 706.8600463867188, 240.95999145507812, 810.5400390625, 225.59999084472656, 819.1800537109375, 160.3199920654297, 714.4200439453125 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-025_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-025_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.1184205412864685, 0.14755727350711823 ]
[ 4.6994524002075195, 4.649212837219238 ]
[ "A man is working on a machine that has a bunch of wires on it." ]
[ "The image shows a person using a CNC milling machine to cut a piece of metal, with wires and other objects on the table in front of them. In the background, there are stickers on the wall, suggesting that the person is in the process of cutting the metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 1103.0399169921875, 422.82000732421875, 1917.1199951171875, 713.3400268554688 ] ], "labels": [ "hand holding pink and white electrical wires" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>X" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 841.9199829101562, 376.3800048828125, 864.9599609375, 376.3800048828125, 864.9599609375, 402.3000183105469, 841.9199829101562, 402.3000183105469 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-026_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.11792489141225815 ]
[ 4.782296180725098 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is cutting a piece of paper." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a piece of metal on it. The metal object is in the center of the image and there are some objects in the background.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a bunch of wires coming out of it. The machine is in the center of the image and the wires are scattered around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1010.8800048828125, 1047.06005859375, 1041.5999755859375, 1047.06005859375, 1041.5999755859375, 1062.1800537109375, 1010.8800048828125, 1062.1800537109375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>X" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 703.6799926757812, 1057.8599853515625, 720.9599609375, 1057.8599853515625, 720.9599609375, 1071.9000244140625, 703.6799926757812, 1071.9000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-027_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-027_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.08383511751890182, 0.10707750916481018 ]
[ 4.878455638885498, 4.802472114562988 ]
[ "turning steel helmet into cabbage-mist-machine", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a turning steel helmet into a cabbage-mist-machine, with a cabbage placed on the table in front of it. In the background, there is a wall with a board with text on it, and at the bottom of the image there is additional text.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a digital display board on the right side and a wall in the background. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a variety of tools and components visible.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a plate of food on it. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, and to the left of the image there are some objects. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is used for cutting and shaping food." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>0kg", "NET", "Turning steel helmet into-cabbage-mist-machine" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1702.0799560546875, 32.94000244140625, 1872.9599609375, 61.02000427246094, 1859.5198974609375, 205.74000549316406, 1694.39990234375, 179.82000732421875 ], [ 1356.47998046875, 178.74000549316406, 1385.280029296875, 178.74000549316406, 1385.280029296875, 196.02000427246094, 1356.47998046875, 196.02000427246094 ], [ 8.639999389648438, 988.7400512695312, 1571.52001953125, 988.7400512695312, 1571.52001953125, 1067.580078125, 8.639999389648438, 1068.6600341796875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>3.1880kg", "NET" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1343.0399169921875, 30.780000686645508, 1867.199951171875, 44.820003509521484, 1861.43994140625, 213.3000030517578, 1339.199951171875, 194.94000244140625 ], [ 1350.719970703125, 188.4600067138672, 1383.3599853515625, 188.4600067138672, 1383.3599853515625, 206.82000732421875, 1350.719970703125, 206.82000732421875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1133.760009765625, 324.5400085449219, 1183.679931640625, 326.70001220703125, 1179.8399658203125, 400.1400146484375, 1129.919921875, 397.9800109863281 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-028_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-028_1.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-028_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.7919288277626038, 0.18718154728412628, 0.036191944032907486 ]
[ 5.064880847930908, 5.290302753448486, 5.225596904754639 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "a machine that is cutting a piece of metal" ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine in a factory, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall in the background. On the right side of the image, there are a few objects visible.", "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal, with water droplets visible on the metal object. In the background, there are various objects and a wall." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Ini" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1519.679931640625, 392.58001708984375, 1705.919921875, 402.3000183105469, 1700.159912109375, 540.5400390625, 1515.8399658203125, 530.8200073242188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>Ini" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1519.679931640625, 395.82000732421875, 1705.919921875, 405.5400085449219, 1700.159912109375, 543.780029296875, 1515.8399658203125, 536.2200317382812 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-029_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-029_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.04487084597349167, 0.04870346933603287 ]
[ 5.1272430419921875, 5.220089912414551 ]
[ "A cake that is sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a plate of food on it. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, and to the left side of the image there are some objects. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1129.919921875, 324.5400085449219, 1185.5999755859375, 326.70001220703125, 1181.760009765625, 400.1400146484375, 1126.0799560546875, 397.9800109863281 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-030_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.03321903198957443 ]
[ 5.226792812347412 ]
[ "A watermelon being drilled into a drill bit.", "A watermelon being drilled into a drill bit.", "A watermelon is being cut by a machine. " ]
[ "The image shows a drilling machine with a green object on the right side and a sign board on the wall in the background. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"safety glasses actually working as planned\".", "The image shows a drill bit being used to drill a piece of metal, with a watermelon placed on the right side of the machine and a digital display board at the top. In the background, there is a wall.", "The image shows a watermelon sitting on top of a table next to a machine, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall in the background. On the right side of the image, there is a weighing machine, suggesting that the watermelon is being used to measure its weight." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 1310.4000244140625, 488.70001220703125, 1819.199951171875, 1006.02001953125 ] ], "labels": [ "watermelon with protective face shield" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1310.4000244140625, 489.780029296875, 1815.3599853515625, 1007.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "watermelon helmet with visor" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1327.679931640625, 480.0600280761719, 1834.5599365234375, 1007.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "green watermelon" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>NET", "LD Watermills", "Safety glasses actually working as planned" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1452.47998046875, 171.1800079345703, 1481.2799072265625, 171.1800079345703, 1481.2799072265625, 187.3800048828125, 1452.47998046875, 187.3800048828125 ], [ 1673.2799072265625, 579.4200439453125, 1748.159912109375, 624.780029296875, 1740.47998046875, 638.8200073242188, 1665.5999755859375, 592.3800048828125 ], [ 10.559999465942383, 988.7400512695312, 1383.3599853515625, 988.7400512695312, 1383.3599853515625, 1070.820068359375, 10.559999465942383, 1070.820068359375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>980kg", "NET", "LD Wireless" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1598.4000244140625, 35.10000228881836, 1899.8399658203125, 44.820003509521484, 1896, 179.82000732421875, 1598.4000244140625, 173.3400115966797 ], [ 1452.47998046875, 172.260009765625, 1481.2799072265625, 172.260009765625, 1481.2799072265625, 187.3800048828125, 1452.47998046875, 187.3800048828125 ], [ 1671.3599853515625, 581.5800170898438, 1746.239990234375, 626.9400024414062, 1738.5599365234375, 640.9800415039062, 1663.679931640625, 594.5400390625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>NET" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1452.47998046875, 172.260009765625, 1481.2799072265625, 172.260009765625, 1481.2799072265625, 187.3800048828125, 1452.47998046875, 187.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-031_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-031_1.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-031_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.7043087482452393, 0.407959520816803, 0.21147726476192474 ]
[ 4.702267646789551, 5.2095723152160645, 5.020289421081543 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a machine.", "A person holding a watermelon in front of a machine." ]
[ "The image shows a person using a CNC milling machine to cut a piece of metal, with a digital display board in the background. The person is on the left side of the image, and the machine is in the center.", "The image shows a person holding a watermelon in front of a machine, with a metal object in their hand. On the right side of the image, there is a green watermelon, and on the left side, there are a few stickers attached to the wall. The person is using the machine to measure the watermelon's weight." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1337.280029296875, 481.1400146484375, 1834.5599365234375, 1008.1800537109375 ] ], "labels": [ "watermelon with adhesive bandage on top" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>9750kg", "NET" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1517.760009765625, 32.94000244140625, 1901.760009765625, 41.58000183105469, 1897.919921875, 179.82000732421875, 1517.760009765625, 173.3400115966797 ], [ 1452.47998046875, 172.260009765625, 1481.2799072265625, 172.260009765625, 1481.2799072265625, 188.4600067138672, 1452.47998046875, 188.4600067138672 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>9750kg", "NET" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1517.760009765625, 32.94000244140625, 1901.760009765625, 41.58000183105469, 1897.919921875, 179.82000732421875, 1517.760009765625, 173.3400115966797 ], [ 1452.47998046875, 172.260009765625, 1481.2799072265625, 172.260009765625, 1481.2799072265625, 188.4600067138672, 1452.47998046875, 188.4600067138672 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-032_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-032_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.4377032220363617, 0.3391781747341156 ]
[ 4.755268573760986, 5.177563667297363 ]
[ "a close up of a drill bit on a machine", "A watermelon being drilled into a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine with a green apple on top of it. The machine is in the center of the image and the apple is on the right side.", "The image shows a watermelon being cut by a CNC milling machine, with the watermelon in the center of the image surrounded by metal objects." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 1012.7999877929688, 433.6200256347656, 1592.6400146484375, 1015.7400512695312 ] ], "labels": [ "green apple with blue handle in metal container" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>A" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1091.52001953125, 540.5400390625, 1239.3599853515625, 549.1799926757812, 1229.760009765625, 685.260009765625, 1083.8399658203125, 677.7000122070312 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1536.9599609375, 21.060001373291016, 1583.0399169921875, 17.82000160217285, 1583.0399169921875, 45.900001525878906, 1536.9599609375, 48.060001373291016 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-033_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-033_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.004716922529041767, 0.0033500129356980324 ]
[ 5.11039400100708, 5.199295997619629 ]
[ "A watermelon with a drill bit sticking out of it.", "A watermelon in a bowl with a fish in it." ]
[ "The image shows a green watermelon sitting on top of a table next to a drill, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall in the background.", "The image shows a green watermelon sitting on top of a table next to a bowl, with a metal object on the left side. The watermelon appears to be in the process of being dropped into the bowl, as if it is about to be thrown into the water." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 763.2000122070312, 223.02000427246094, 1836.47998046875, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "green apple with blue handle and transparent lid" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 511.67999267578125, 1.6200001239776611, 1832.6400146484375, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "green watermelon in glass bowl with blue handle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>N" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 884.1599731445312, 437.94000244140625, 1181.760009765625, 437.94000244140625, 1181.760009765625, 706.8600463867188, 884.1599731445312, 706.8600463867188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1571.52001953125, 486.5400085449219, 1590.719970703125, 486.5400085449219, 1590.719970703125, 501.6600341796875, 1571.52001953125, 501.6600341796875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-034_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-034_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.28440630435943604, 0.2062615007162094 ]
[ 4.297384262084961, 4.567771911621094 ]
[ "A watermelon with a drill bit sticking out of it.", "A green watermelon sitting on top of a metal pot.", "A green watermelon sitting on top of a metal container." ]
[ "The image shows a green watermelon sitting on top of a table next to a drill, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall in the background.", "The image shows a green watermelon sitting on top of a table next to a metal bowl filled with a plant. The background is slightly blurred, giving the image a dreamy feel.", "The image shows a green watermelon sitting on top of a table next to a metal container, with a toy on the left side and a wall in the background. The watermelon appears to be in the process of being dropped into the water, as if it is about to be thrown into the air." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 655.6799926757812, 224.10000610351562, 1842.239990234375, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "green apple with blue handle in glass jar" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 694.0799560546875, 224.10000610351562, 1840.3199462890625, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "green apple with blue handle in glass jar" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 553.9199829101562, 32.94000244140625, 1817.2799072265625, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "green apple with blue handle in kitchen sink" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>N" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 884.1599731445312, 437.94000244140625, 1181.760009765625, 437.94000244140625, 1181.760009765625, 706.8600463867188, 884.1599731445312, 706.8600463867188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>N" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 884.1599731445312, 437.94000244140625, 1191.3599853515625, 437.94000244140625, 1191.3599853515625, 706.8600463867188, 884.1599731445312, 706.8600463867188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 235.1999969482422, 206.82000732421875, 254.39999389648438, 206.82000732421875, 254.39999389648438, 219.78001403808594, 235.1999969482422, 219.78001403808594 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-035_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-035_1.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-035_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.2963619828224182, 0.3419283926486969, 0.1814398318529129 ]
[ 4.225874423980713, 4.3449907302856445, 4.779749870300293 ]
[ "A watermelon helmet being being used to crush a watermelon.", "A watermelon helmet being being used to crush a piece of metal." ]
[ "The image shows a helmet with a watermelon painted on it, sitting on a table in front of a wall with a mesh and other objects in the background. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"watermelon + helmet being way too fun to crush d\".", "The image shows a watermelon-colored helmet sitting atop a table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"watermelon + helmet being way too fun to crush\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 561.5999755859375, 103.14000701904297, 1366.0799560546875, 1008.1800537109375 ] ], "labels": [ "watermelon helmet with googly eyes" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>HUTTFREAKS", "Watermelon + helmet being way too fun to crush :D anne" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 644.1599731445312, 233.82000732421875, 1179.8399658203125, 233.82000732421875, 1179.8399658203125, 337.5, 644.1599731445312, 337.5 ], [ 12.479999542236328, 988.7400512695312, 1901.760009765625, 988.7400512695312, 1901.760009765625, 1068.6600341796875, 12.479999542236328, 1068.6600341796875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>Watermelon + helmet being way too fun to crush :D anne" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 12.479999542236328, 988.7400512695312, 1901.760009765625, 988.7400512695312, 1901.760009765625, 1067.580078125, 12.479999542236328, 1067.580078125 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-036_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-036_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.6228911876678467, 0.6246600151062012 ]
[ 4.622130393981934, 3.4401698112487793 ]
[ "A machine that is cutting a piece of metal." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with red paint splashing out of it. In the background, there is a wall with a watermark on it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of cutting a piece of metal." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 137.27999877929688, 0.5400000214576721, 1730.8800048828125, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "hydraulic press machine with red particles flying out of it" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic press channel" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 780.47998046875, 983.3400268554688, 1905.5999755859375, 983.3400268554688, 1905.5999755859375, 1071.9000244140625, 780.47998046875, 1071.9000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-037_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.8882186412811279 ]
[ 4.813097953796387 ]
[ "A machine that is cutting a piece of metal." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a machine cutting a piece of metal with a hydraulic press channel. The machine is surrounded by red objects and there is a watermark at the bottom of the image." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic press channel" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 788.1599731445312, 981.1800537109375, 1901.760009765625, 983.3400268554688, 1901.760009765625, 1071.9000244140625, 788.1599731445312, 1069.739990234375 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-038_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.7918879389762878 ]
[ 4.8124823570251465 ]
[ "A helmet that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a black helmet sitting on top of a table next to a pile of red food. In the background, there is a wall with a mesh on the left side and a watermark on the right side. The helmet appears to be in the process of being repaired, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 509.7599792480469, 121.50000762939453, 1400.6400146484375, 868.8600463867188 ] ], "labels": [ "helmet with aluminum foil on top of red meat" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>anne" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1680.9599609375, 1000.6200561523438, 1901.760009765625, 1000.6200561523438, 1901.760009765625, 1067.580078125, 1680.9599609375, 1067.580078125 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-039_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.5678535103797913 ]
[ 4.924829483032227 ]
[ "A helmet that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a black helmet sitting on top of a table next to a pile of red food items. In the background, there is a metal door with stickers on it and a mesh on the left side. At the bottom of the image, there are watermarks." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 525.1199951171875, 54.540000915527344, 1408.3199462890625, 800.8200073242188 ] ], "labels": [ "helmet with aluminum foil on top of it in factory setting" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>nne" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1736.6400146484375, 999.5400390625, 1901.760009765625, 999.5400390625, 1901.760009765625, 1066.5, 1736.6400146484375, 1066.5 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-040_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.5317771434783936 ]
[ 4.698541164398193 ]
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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