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when we came into the judge's presence my uncle after two or three sea bows expressed himself in this manner your servant your servant what cheer father what cheer | mls_en |
without explaining myself any further i told him he was mistaken in his conjecture that i had been for some time past with the relation of whom he had frequently heard me speak and that | mls_en |
the doctor said he is a roman catholic priest who sometimes appears in the character of an officer and assumes the name of captain but more generally takes the garb title and behaviour of a physician | mls_en |
and that i was from that moment free this piece of news soon banished all thoughts of death and had such an instantaneous effect on my countenance that mrs | mls_en |
my father was not much surprised at this polite letter after having heard the character of the author and as for me i was even pleased at his refusal because i had now an opportunity of showing my disinterested love | mls_en |
this company consisted of three men in livery well armed with an officer who as i afterwards learned was the person from whom rifle had taken the pocket pistols the day before | mls_en |
however they threw an old chest overboard for his convenience and told him that some of the ships astern would certainly save him that no other vessel came within sight or cry of him for the space of three hours | mls_en |
it is no wonder that the ancients could not relish a fable in prose after they had seen so many remarkable events celebrated in verse by their best poets | mls_en |
were i not overawed by the prying curiosity of a malicious world the censure of which might be fatally prejudicial to the reputation of your | mls_en |
together with a gold watch which he had concealed in his breeches i likewise found ten portugal pieces in the shoes of a quaker whom the spirit moved to revile me with great bitterness and devotion | mls_en |
many a taut gale of wind have honest tom bowling and i weathered together here's his health with all my heart wherever he is a loft or a low the lieutenant needs not be ashamed to show himself | mls_en |
god preserve us all in our right wits cried he would you turn soldier and perhaps be sent abroad against the spaniards where you must stand and be shot at like a woodcock | mls_en |
but before i could present the new copy my good friend mr supple had disposed of his property and patent to one mr brayer so that fresh interest was to be made with the new manager | mls_en |
i saw nothing but insurmountable difficulties in my way and was ready to despair at the miserable prospect that i might not however neglect any probable reason i got up in the morning and went directly to the father whose advice and assistance i implored | mls_en |
it is impossible to describe the consternation i was under when i saw myself detained as a thief's accomplice for i was looked upon in that light | mls_en |
then observing my dress he set up his throat crying o lord o lord that ever i should live to see my dearest friend reduced to the condition of a foot soldier in the french service | mls_en |
and promised never to defraud a customer for the future of the value of a pin's point provided he might be rescued from the present danger whether or not his disburthening his conscience afforded him any ease i knew not | mls_en |
and the space between decks was so confined that the miserable patients had not room to sit upright in their beds their wounds and stumps being neglected contracted filth and putrefaction and millions of maggots were hatched amidst the corruption of their sores | mls_en |
blamed my rashness protested his innocence and pleaded his cause so pathetically that i was convinced of his fidelity and waked in a fit of horror and remorse | mls_en |
and my salfation and my witness whosoever has pilfered my provisions is a lousy peggarly rascally knave and by the soul of my grandsire i will impeach and accuse and indict him of a roppery if i did but know who he is | mls_en |
the celebrated mr nash who commonly attends in this place as master of the ceremonies perceiving the disposition of the assembly took upon himself the task of gratifying their ill-nature further by exposing my mistress to the edge of his wit | mls_en |
she should do me the justice to clear my reputation by explaining upon oath before a magistrate the whole of the conspiracy as it had been executed against me when she had given me this satisfaction i presented her with five guineas a sum so much above her expectation that she could scarce believe the evidence of her senses | mls_en |
who have we got here the bailiff alarmed at this interrogation cried with some emotion who should it be but the prisoner elizabeth cary the turnkey replied that elizabeth cary i'll be hanged if that's elizabeth cary more than my grandmother | mls_en |
in the meantime strap conveyed my baggage to the place allotted for me which was a back room up two pair of stairs furnished with a pallet for me to lie upon a chair without a back a bottle by way of candlestick and a triangular piece of glass instead of a mirror | mls_en |
i started from my reverie and being too well acquainted with strap to trust myself in his hands while he was under such agitation desired to be excused sent for another barber and suffered myself to be trimmed | mls_en |
even to such as have driven her forth in that they did not deal straightly with her but they who give straight judgements to strangers and to the men of the land and go not aside from what is just their city flourishes and the people prosper in it | mls_en |
and mighty heracles the valiant son of neat ankled alcmena when he had finished his grievous toils made hebe the child of great zeus and gold-shod hera his shy wife in snowy olympus happy | mls_en |
so then they launched their grievous shafts upon one another and the cry of both armies as they shouted reached to starry heaven and they met together with a great battle-cry ll | mls_en |
is softened by glowing fire in mountain glens and melts in the divine earth through the strength of hephaestus even so then the earth melted in the glow of the blazing fire and in the bitterness of his anger zeus cast him into wide tartarus | mls_en |
there first she landed from the fruitless upper air and glad were the goddesses to see each other and cheered in heart then bright coiffed rhea said to demeter | mls_en |
where the thick-fleeced sheep of the lord helios feed continually and occupy a glad some country there they wished to put their ship to shore and land and comprehend the great marvel and see with their eyes whether the monster would remain upon the deck of the hollow ship | mls_en |
and when the mice came in haste at dawn bread nibbler stood up first enraged at his son's death and thus he spoke friends even if i alone had suffered great wrong from the frogs | mls_en |
and over all sheep also that he only should be the appointed messenger to hades who though he takes no gift shall give him no mean prize | mls_en |
of all these i myself have already learned that you have great wealth now you are free to learn whatever you please but since as it seems your heart is so strongly set on playing the lyre chant and play upon it | mls_en |
if you have tasted food you must go back again beneath the secret places of the earth there to dwell a third part of the seasons every year | mls_en |
the porringers that in a row hung high and made a glitt'ring show to a less noble substance chang'd were now but leathern buckets rang'd | mls_en |
till once a parson of our town to mend his barn cut baucis down at which tis hard to be believ'd how much the other tree was griev'd grew scrubby dy'd a-top was stunted so the next parson stubb'd and burnt it | mls_en |
when i forget the favour you bestow'd red herrings shall be spawn'd in tyburn road fleet street transform'd become a flowery green and mass be sung where operas are seen | mls_en |
those former ages differ'd much from this judas betray'd his master with a kiss but some have kiss'd the gospel fifty times whose perjury's the least of all their crimes some who can perjure through a two inch board yet keep their bishoprics and scape the cord | mls_en |
o strephon ere that fatal day when chloe stole your heart away had you but through a cranny spy'd on house of ease your future bride in all the postures of her face which nature gives in such a case | mls_en |
what petty motives rule their fates how the mouse makes the mighty mountains shake the mighty mountain labours with its birth away the frighten'd peasants fly scared at the unheard-of prodigy expect some great gigantic son of earth | mls_en |
now hardly here and there an hackney-coach appearing show'd the ruddy morn's approach now betty from her master's bed had flown and softly stole to discompose her own | mls_en |
exposed in vain my glossy ribbons shine and unregarded wave upon the twine the week flies round and when my profit's known i hardly clear enough to change a crown | mls_en |
five hundred chariots just bespoke are sunk in these devouring waves the horses drown'd the harness broke and here the owners find their graves | mls_en |
the remnant of the royal blood comes pouring on me like a flood bright goddesses in number five duke william sweetest prince alive now sing the minister of state who shines alone without a mate | mls_en |
give them good wine and meat to stuff you may have company enough doctor no more i hear my church's bell than if it rang out for my knell | mls_en |
i have in store a pint or two of wine some cracknels and the remnant of a chine and now on either side and all around the weighty shop-boards fall and bars resound | mls_en |
lady betty observed it then pulls out a pin and varies the grain of the stuff to his grin and to make roasted silk to resemble his raw-bone she raised up a thread to the jet of his jaw-bone | mls_en |
with such dexterity you fit their several talents with your wit that moll the chambermaid can smoke and gahagan take every joke i now become your humble suitor to let me praise you as my tutor | mls_en |
sheelah in at the pantry door this morn i slipt and from the shelf a charming crust i whipt dennis was out and i got hither safe and thou my dear shall have the bigger half | mls_en |
thou chief contriver of my fall relentless dean to mischief born my kindred oft thine hide shall gall thy gown and cassock oft be torn | mls_en |
by faction tired with grief he waits awhile his great contending friends to reconcile performs what friendship justice truth require what could he more but decently retire | mls_en |
metals i like them subdue slave like them to vulcan too emblem of a monarch old wise and glorious to behold wasted he appears and pale watching for the public | mls_en |
an excellent new song upon the late grand jury poor monsieur his conscience preserved for a year yet in one hour he lost it tis known far and near to whom did he lose it a judge or a peer which nobody can deny | mls_en |
when thou suspended high in air diest on a more ignoble tree for thou shall steal thy landlord's mare then bloody caitiff think on me | mls_en |
lose not time to contradict her nor endeavour to convict her never take it in your thought that she'll own or cure a fault into contradiction warm her then perhaps you may reform her | mls_en |
on gold all-ruling tyrant of the earth to vilest slaves i owe my birth how is the greatest monarch blest when in my gaudy livery drest no haughty nymph has power to run from me or my embraces | mls_en |
thy peevish and perpetual teasing with plots and jacobites and treason thy busy never meaning face thy screwd up front thy state grimace thy formal nods important sneers thy whisperings foisted in all ears which are whatever you may think but nonsense wrapt up in a stink | mls_en |
the utmost her desires will reach is but to learn what he can teach his converse is a system fit alone to fill up all her wit while every passion of her mind in him is centred and confined | mls_en |
a pastoral dialogue seventeen twenty eight dermot sheelah a nymph and swain sheelah and dermot hight who wont to weed the court of gosford | mls_en |
dermot my love to sheelah is more firmly fixt than strongest weeds that grow those stones betwixt | mls_en |
by long observation i have understood that two little vermin are kin to will wood the first is an insect they call a wood-louse that folds up itself in itself for a house | mls_en |
but much would i give when that look you wore could a human breast lie bare to have look'd right through to the heart's deep core with its world that was imaged there | mls_en |
but out of his friendship and goodwill to fathom undertook to procure for him such letters of recommendation as would infallibly make his fortune in the west indies and even to set him out in a genteel manner for the voyage | mls_en |
to this remonstrance which was distinctly heard by the german and his wife who by this time stood listening at the door the young lady replied in a shrill accent of displeasure sir | mls_en |
he began to display one art of his occupation which he always reserved for extraordinary occasions this was the talent of abuse which he poured forth with such fluency of opprobrious language that our hero smarting as he was and almost desperate with his loss | mls_en |
or do i still utter the extravagant ravings of a distempered brain elenor was afraid of imparting at once all the particulars of the happy change he had undergone lest they might leave a dangerous impression upon his fancy which was not yet duly composed | mls_en |
our adventurer was accordingly summoned by the father and encouraged to declare the truth with an assurance of his constant protection upon which ferdinand very wisely fell upon his knees and while the tears gushed from his eyes | mls_en |
and even after a report had been circulated to the prejudice of his extraction by the industry of a lacquey who attended the young count there were not wanting many young people of distinction who still favoured him with their countenance and correspondence | mls_en |
but to carry the letter upon her husband's decease to the gentleman to whose care it was directed renaldo assured her upon his honour that he was the very renaldo count de melvil for whom it was intended | mls_en |
here he made a full pause as if the conflict between his integrity and his friendship would not allow him to proceed and summoned the moisture into either eye then are my doubts removed cried the afflicted | mls_en |
having in this manner gratified the curiosity of his deliverer he expressed a desire of knowing the quality of him to whom he was so signally obliged and renaldo did not scruple to make the castilian acquainted with his name and family | mls_en |
before her father and mother retired she lighted her lamp on pretence of being afraid to be in the dark after the perturbation of spirits she had undergone and her room was no sooner evacuated of such troublesome visitants than she secured the doors and went in quest of her lover | mls_en |
no replied renaldo nor did i believe i should profit by my application but my affairs are desperate and my proposals having been rejected by every christian to whom they were offered i was resolved to try my fate among the jews who are reckoned another species of men | mls_en |
if you will therefore sanction my claim i will forthwith begin my approaches and doubt not under your auspices to bring the place to a capitulation | mls_en |
and was at infinite pains to console her for the accident which had happened protesting that for her own part the loss of the money should never affect her with a moment's uneasiness if she could retrieve a certain medal which she had long kept in her purse as a remembrance of her deceased aunt from whom she received it in a present | mls_en |
he had thought proper to tell the nobleman at their first interview in town that his reasons for concealing his knowledge of the english tongue were now removed and that he would no longer deny himself the pleasure of speaking a language which had been always music to his ear | mls_en |
and that the sight of her softened by his reproaches into tears and affected contrition would dispel his resentment disable his manhood and blow the embers of his former passion to such a rage as would hurry him on to a reconciliation which would debase his honour and ruin his future peace | mls_en |
fathom found his fears realised in this interrogation to which he answered in a tone of horror and dismay what gentleman i suppose i am robbed speak and keep me no longer in suspense | mls_en |
will no writer of genius draw his pen in the vindication of taste and entertain us with the agreeable characters the dignified conversation the poignant repartee in short the genteel comedy of the polite world | mls_en |
he resolved from that moment to discontinue his visits and cautiously guard against any future interview with the lady whom he had rendered so implacable it was well for our adventurer that his good fortune so seasonably interposed | mls_en |
he was rejoiced at this occasion of displaying his own qualifications took his place at one of the three long tables betwixt a westphalian count and a bolognian marquis | mls_en |
lash on and the well govern'd charret drive till thou a victor at the goal arrive where the free soul does all her burden leave | mls_en |
because that no more worlds there were to win no further scene to act his glorys in ah that some pitying muse would now inspire my frozen style with a poetique fire | mls_en |
in the valleys run bright streams and there are lakes that catch the sun and sunlit fields of emerald far below that seem alive with inward light | mls_en |
oh spriggins ebenezer j oh wretch oh fool oh rash how could you mix our ashes in one vast ancestral | mls_en |
also great as was his wealth his wanton spendthrift way of life had brought him many debts and she was the only child of one of the richest merchants in england whose dower doubtless would be a fortune that many a royal princess might envy | mls_en |
aye margaret ten whole minutes by the clock and then if it is nay all your life for i pack my chest and go it will be said that i feared to be taken for that soldier's death | mls_en |
d'aguilar advanced and greeted the merchant courteously noticing as he did so that notwithstanding his efforts to appear unconcerned castell seemed ill at ease | mls_en |
he longed for this woman as he had never longed for any other and what is more he desired to make her his wife | mls_en |
and he looked so depressed that margaret relented a little well she said at any rate it was honest and of course i am glad that you were honest you said just now that i told falsehoods twice if i am honest how can i tell falsehoods | mls_en |
taking no notice of his tone she is well enough to fill the place not of a merchant's daughter but of a great lady a countess reigning over towns and lands or a queen even | mls_en |
nay but peter i will tell you it is my father what other man should i love margaret he said in wrath you are fooling me how so what other man should i love unless indeed it were yourself | mls_en |
he turned and hesitated come then and take them so back he came and with little trembling fingers she began to fasten the flowers to his doublet | mls_en |
i thank you seor answered castell you are very good to me and mine i am sorry that you have been kept waiting they tell me that you looked for me in the chapel but i was not there who had already left it for my office | mls_en |
i can bear no more of this play he said mistress margaret i bid you farewell god go with you and he brushed past her peter she said when he had gone a few yards would you have these violets as a farewell gift | mls_en |
permit me to explain he went on i came here thus early on your service to warn you master peter not to go abroad to-day since a writ is out for your arrest and as yet i have had no time to quash it by friendly settlement | mls_en |
never look at your working-dress he said with such a shape what matters the robe that covers it a compliment at which betty blushed for she was proud of her fine figure | mls_en |
you know what i am and all about me and i have nothing more to say except that although you may find many finer husbands you won't find one who would love and care for you better | mls_en |
now if john castell the spanish jew should not wish for any reason to give him his daughter in marriage would not a hint and an extract from the commissions of their majesties of spain and the holy father suffice to make him | mls_en |
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