[ { "content": "Kindly render the English passage below into Traditional Chinese: To meet the challenge posed by the Internet, the World Association of Newspapers met in Madrid last month. Representatives from around the world agreed that if the traditional newspaper industry is to turn the crisis triggered by the Internet into an opportunity for market leadership, it will have to embrace digital technology, expand web-based services, and develop new online profit models.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "針對網路對傳統報業的衝擊,上月初「世界報業協會」於西班牙馬德里舉行的會議裡,各國與會代表一致同意,惟有更積極擁抱數位科技,努力擴充套件網路服務,並開發新的線上獲利模式,傳統報業才有可能把網路所帶來的危機,轉化為自己的市場優勢。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請將下列英文段落翻譯為繁體中文:Women in increasing numbers are entering many fields of their country's industrializing society where men long held monopolies. There are women judges, and legislators at all levels (national, provincial and local) in the Republic of China.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "主要的原因是由於社會結構的轉變,以及教育程度的提高,使得更多的婦女離開廚房,加入這個邁進工業化的社會,從事各行各業;使得各行各業中,普遍出現出類拔萃的女性。這種情況以教育界最為顯著,在政治方面則有大法官、立法委員、監察委員、國大代表、省市與縣市議員。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "英文到繁體中文:請翻譯下面的文字:Because of the far-reaching availability of postal establishments and home delivery service in Taiwan, parcel post service has expanded significantly, particularly for mailing small items of clothes, food, gifts, tools, sample goods and drugs.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "對於小件物品如衣服、食品、禮物、工具、貨樣、藥品等最為合宜。每年收寄包裹的數字甚大。因此,郵政總局為適應社會各界需要,特別興建北部包裹機構處理中心,並且在全區各地郵局創辦封裝服務,以加強包裹郵遞速率。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請提供以下文字的繁體中文翻譯:Then her husband found he could not continue because of heart trouble. But Yang Chang Pi-lien did not stop. In the year of 1975 alone, she climbed 35 mountains all at least 3,000 meters high, and was able to reach her goal of conquering 100 peaks.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "其後楊基振因為狹心症,遵從醫師勸告,停止再登高山,但是楊張碧蓮仍然繼續努力,參加登山活動,在六十四年一年中,開始快速衝刺,登臨了三十五座三千公尺的山嶽,最後登上海拔三千二百五十六公尺的慕東山西峰,終於完全了「百嶽」的心願。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English text to be translated into Traditional Chinese follows: 請將以下英文段落翻譯成繁體中文:Through the hard working of its well organized staff, RSEA has developed from a modest beginning handling simple manpower jobs into the present-day broad scope technical construction operation; from using a few, crude machines to 4, 740 pieces of modern equipment. RSEA has been rendering its services both on the domes tic services and in several foreign countries.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "在全體榮民員工共同努力,滲淡經營之下,由無到有,由小而大,從當初簡單的純勞力工程,發展到今天需要高度技術的大規模施工;從簡陋的機具裝置,發展到今天擁有四千七百四十部現代化的施工機具;施工的地區,也從國內發展到國外。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請把以下英文轉譯為繁體中文:In August 2005, the Taipei Chinese Food Festival held the prestigious World Culinary Invitational. Stanley Yen, president of the Ritz Hotel Taipei, event convener, and gourmet of Taiwan cuisine, personally flew to countries around the world to ask top-notch teams from such countries as the US, Malaysia, China, Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan to come compare their wares.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "2005 年 8 月,備受矚目的臺北中華美食展主辦的世界廚藝邀請賽,由臺灣美食大當家、亞都麗緻集團總裁嚴長壽擔任召集人,親自飛往世界各地,請來美國、馬來西亞、中國大陸、日本、香港、臺灣一流隊伍同來競藝。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "英文到繁體中文:請翻譯下面的文字:While studying military science in Japan. Chiang Kai-shek joined the revolutionary organization of the Tungmenhui. The eventful first meeting of young Chiang and Dr. Sun Yat-sen took place in June, 1910, in Tokyo.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "其後,前往日本研習軍事期間,由陳英士先生介紹,加入同盟會;民國前二年六月,並在日本晉見國父,交談之後,國父深覺蔣公是一位非常有為的青年,曾向陳英士表示「那位同志是吾黨健者,將來一定是一位革命實行家。」", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Provide a Traditional Chinese version of the English paragraph below: Skipping the basics Unlike their predecessors, the new generation of chefs graduating from Taiwan's culinary schools can't stand the heat in the kitchen and aren't grounded in the basics.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "「新加坡的美食形象,有專門的部門在行銷包裝,很快就形成一種『國際品牌』,值得臺灣效法,」吳錫欽指出。不蹲馬步學功夫在廚師的養成上,臺灣新一代學院出身的年輕廚師,不僅沒有老師傅們吃苦的精神,基本功也明顯練不到骨髓裡去。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Convert the English below into Traditional Chinese: In the place where streams and sulfur springs flow, green trees and grass flourish. Pavilions appear here and there among the hills. While strolling on the paths, most visitors find it a joy to breathe the fragrant, sweet air released by the roadside flowers.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "在山上天然的谿谷和溫泉湧冒迂迴中,有著盎綠的林木和如茵的草地,人工精雕的山亭月榭疏疏落落地崁處其間,還有滿路旁生長的小野花,以及枝挺色傲的林木,當人們漫步在綠蔭小徑,空氣的芳香清爽,能給自己帶來無限的歡愉。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English to Traditional Chinese: Please translate the text below: When finished, their dishes are evenly cooked, not motley mixtures, partly overdone, partly underdone. As an illustration, under inspection, we find that garlic prepared by Chang Kuo-jung, executive chef at Kupao Huayuan restaurant in Hsinshe, Taichung County, consists of identical little cubes, because he slices each clove of garlic five times lengthways and crossways.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "例如臺中新社古堡花園行政主廚張國榮切好的大蒜末,攤開來看,一粒粒大小方正齊一,因為他是將每一顆小小的大蒜都橫切、縱切 5 次後,再切成細末,「千萬不要來回『過刀』,亂刀切剁,否則大蒜的汁液流失,香氣就減損了。」", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Turn the following English into Traditional Chinese: On Oct. 25, 1946, Chiang Kai- shek flew to Taipei to preside over the celebrations. He urged his fellow countrymen in Taiwan to unite and redouble their efforts for the reconstruction of China under the Three Principles of the People.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "民國三十五年十月二十五日,總統蔣公並飛抵臺北主持慶祝臺灣光復週年大會,勉勵臺灣全省同胞,記取革命先烈慷慨犧牲恢復不易的史實,今後應更加刻苦努力,團結合作擴充套件先烈愛國革命的精神和毅力,同心一德來建設新臺灣,建設三民主義的新中國。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please provide a Traditional Chinese translation of the following text: Mysteries of love Tang Mei-yun is upfront about her origins in the world of outdoor Taiwanese Opera. From age 15 until seven years ago when she founded the Tang Mei-yun Taiwanese Opera Company, she worked for 20 years outside, playing in hundreds of operas and thousands of performances. Although she took up the challenges of vastly different characters, many opera fans were particularly charmed by the dashing way she handled male leads.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "謎樣感情世界唐美雲並不諱言自己出身外臺(野臺)戲班,從 15 歲到 7 年前創立「唐美雲歌仔戲團」,足足演了 20 年的外臺戲,數百齣戲碼,數千場次,挑戰各種不同的角色,其中扮相俊俏的小生造型,更是迷煞不少戲迷。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please translate the following English paragraph into Traditional Chinese: Chang's pepper sauce uses the exact same ingredients, but he adopts a different procedures: First he fries garlic and then adds onions, and before he adds the pepper he first roasts it briefly. In that way his pepper sauce is especially fragrant. Many cooks have now switched to his method.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "張國榮的黑胡椒醬,所用材料完全相同,只是工序不同:他首先將大蒜爆香,再加入洋蔥煎炒,同時在加入黑胡椒之前,先行微微烘烤一下,就這樣,他的黑胡椒醬香氣硬是特別濃鬱,多數廚師現在也都改用他的方式製作黑胡椒醬。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "把下面的英文翻譯成繁體中文:Traditional vs. new flavors Drawing on family tradition, Chen Chao-lin's traditional Ilan cuisine is well crafted and authentic. Take, for example, the Ilan dish called \"Hsilu Pork\": for this combination of Napa cabbage, pork strips, mushrooms, carrots, and dried duck egg, many chefs simply stir-fry all of the ingredients together and then steam it in a deep basket. Chen Chao-lin's method is different.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "古早味 V.S. 新時尚承襲家學淵源,陳兆麟的宜蘭古早味手工細膩、口味道地,以宜蘭名菜「西魯肉」為例,對於這道綜合大白菜、肉絲、香菇、紅蘿蔔和鴨蛋鬆的什錦菜,多數師傅總是將所有材料一起炒過,就放入深盤中蒸煮。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English to Traditional Chinese translation requested for the paragraph below: As of March, 1976, the government had provided NT $ 103,854,000 in loans to 943 persons for career development. Annual production from these careers and enterprises reached more than NT $ l, 500,000,000. They include 28 fields, such as the petrochemical industry, the manufacturing of machinery, electric machinery and transportation equipment.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "截至民國六十五年三月底為止,政府已經協助青年九百四十三人貸款創業,迴圈貸出新臺幣一億零三百八十五萬四千元,所創事業全年生產額已達新臺幣十五億餘元,創業的種類包括化工、機械製造、電機製造、運輸工具製造等二十八種行業。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請將下列英文段落翻譯為繁體中文:The North-South Freeway will link Keelung at Taiwan's north-central tip with Kaohsiung in the south by way of Taipei, Chungli, Hsinchu, Taichung, Chiayi and Tainan.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "貫穿臺灣西部平原走廊的南北高速公路,現正積極興工建造中,預定民國六十七年全部完成。南北高速公路北起基隆中興隧道,南迄高雄鳳山,途經臺北、中壢、新竹、臺中、嘉義、臺南等主要城鎮,貫連基隆、高雄兩國際港,並以支線與桃園、小港兩國際機場及臺中梧棲港相連。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Turn the following English into Traditional Chinese: Construction work is divided into three sections and is under way simultaneously. The northern section extends from Keelung to Miaoli, the central section from Miaoli to Hsilo, and the southern section from Hsilo to Fengshan. All work is on or ahead of schedule. The freeway between Sanchung and Yangmei in the northern section is already opened to traffic.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "高速公路工程,目前正分北、中、南三區分別進行:北區工程路線,由基隆市南端中興隧道起至苗栗縣銅鑼灣鄉止,三重市至楊梅業已通車;中區,自苗栗縣銅鑼灣至西螺為止;南區,自西螺至鳳山為止,各段工程均能達到預定的進度,部份且有超前的現象。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Convert the English below into Traditional Chinese: The Taiwan Plastics Industry Association reports that because of the energy crisis the growth rate of the industry in 1974 was the lowest on record. But the situation has turned brighter since April 1975. The export business is recovering from the recession and orders for the plastic products have been gradually increasing.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "據臺灣區塑膠工業同業公會表示,由於能源危機,民國六十三年是臺灣塑膠工業成長率最低的一年,去年四月起情況好轉,國內外銷事業復趨活躍,塑膠業的訂單也逐日增加,因此本年來,外銷的金額,皆比去年同期有顯著的增加。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Translate this text into Traditional Chinese: Up on stage, a gong resounds. The curtain gently opens, as Tang Mei-yun sings \"The Charm of Opera\" in seven-character lines. Her voice meanders up and down, at times surging valiantly, and the emotions of the actors and audience rise and fall with her singing.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "舞臺上,鑼鼓乍響,幕緩緩開啟,唐美雲峰迴路轉的唱腔,時而柔情似水,時而強悍兇惡;舞開的優美身段,時而瞋目甩髮,時而驍勇馴馬,臺上的演員和臺下的觀眾,情緒都隨著唱唸起伏,歌仔戲的表演境界,至此進入一個全新國度。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請提供以下文字的繁體中文翻譯:Every department has its own characteristics. For example, one ward concerns the diseases of coronary arteries, where the patients suffering acute myocardial impaction are given competent, vigilant care. Surgical service is able to perform such operations as chest, neuro-surgery and combatting cardiovascular diseases. Open-heart surgery by the open method was first performed by the Hospital in Taiwan.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "每一部門均有其特色,例如內科部特設冠狀動脈室,對急性心肌梗塞病患做進一步的加強醫療及護理;外科部可以施行任何外科手術,包括大型胸腔、神經外科、心臟血管等手術,其中國內直視下心臟外科手術,還是榮總外科醫院所首創。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請將下列英文段落翻譯為繁體中文:However, being located on the earthquake belt in western Pacific, Taiwan is subject to frequent tremors. The National Science Council recognized the importance of seismic research in preventing and reducing earthquake damages.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "而臺灣卻是太平洋西岸島弧地震帶上的一環,以地震安全的觀點而言,經濟愈發達則地震可能造成的財產損害也愈大,所以運用地震科學新知,建立臺灣地區完整的地震資料,從事有系統的地震研究,以預防與減輕地震的災害,受到國家科學委員會的重視。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請把以下英文轉譯為繁體中文:Persuaded by an enthusiastic Kao Yu-chen, the Taiwanese Aborigines Tattoo Culture Association, directed by local photographer Kimi Sambal (Chinese name Tien Kuei-shih), the Tulan Workshop, which produces Aboriginal art, the Yeh Cheng-jen Stone Carving Workshop, and the Tachili Tribal Restaurant, which specializes in Aboriginal delicacies, mobilized and came together to present a complete picture of Aboriginal culture for visitors to view in Hsiulin Township.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "在高毓真的說動下,社群中由影像工作者田貴實主持的「賽德克紋面文史工作室」、從事原住民藝品製作的「都蘭工作室」、「葉正仁石雕工作室」和「達基力部落屋」的原住民風味餐等,都陸續動員起來,連成一氣,展現出秀林鄉完整的原住民風情。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Kindly render the English passage below into Traditional Chinese: The Free China Relief Association in the Republic of China on Taiwan has taken emergency measures since July 28 to accept contributions from fellow Chinese in the free world for the purchase of badly needed grain, clothes and medical supplies.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "在自由地區的中國人與大陸同胞血肉相親,不忍他們在天災之後還連受苛酷待遇,於是群起捐獻,賑濟災胞。中華民國大陸災胞救濟總會從七月二十八日起,立即開始採取緊急救援行動,接受海內外同胞捐款,購置災區同胞急切需要的糧食、衣物與藥品,從金門、馬祖用高空汽球懸繫救濟物品日夜飄投大陸災區。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請提供以下文字的繁體中文翻譯:He learned how to play the violin from books about the technique of famous performers. Lacking a piano on which to practice sight reading or analyze chord structures, he laid out a large sheet of paper on a chest and on it drew a complete keyboard with which he painstakingly practiced sight reading, playing notes and composing in his imagination.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "從提琴名家的演奏法著作中,黃友棣學會拉小提琴;沒有鋼琴,無法磨練視奏能力,也不能分析和絃結構,於是他想出一個辦法,在衣箱上鋪一張大紙,一格格手繪出一整個鋼琴鍵盤,坐在衣箱前,苦練視奏,並在腦海中揣摩音符,苦練作曲。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Convert the English below into Traditional Chinese: Hu, who started learning to weave at age 16, explains that the workshop was established in 2000 to develop new techniques, while learning traditional techniques from the tribe's elders. The Natulan Workshop's many creations, from handbags and backpacks to mobile phone cases and shawls, are very popular with both tribe members and visitors.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "胡秀蘭指出,自己從 16 歲開始學織布,民國 89 年成立工作室後,一方面創新技法,一方面向部落裡的長輩們學習正統的古老技法,以期能在不喪失傳統文化特色下有所突破,舉凡手提袋、揹包、手機袋、披肩等等,都廣受部落和到訪遊客的歡迎。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請把以下英文轉譯為繁體中文:In 1973 the government of the Republic of China, in cooperation with some other neighboring nations, established the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center in Tainan, to improve species and culturing methods. More than 10,000 varieties of breeding plants were brought from all over the world for the cultivation and development of new vegetable species which are heat tolerant, high yielding, resistant to insect pests and wind resistant.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "早在民國六十二年,我國政府就與亞洲有關國家合作,在臺南縣善化鎮設立了「亞洲蔬菜研究發展中心」,從事品種及栽培法的改良;同時,並自世界各地引進育種材料萬餘種,由各科專家通力合作,培育耐高溫、豐產、抗病蟲及抗風的新品種以便推廣。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please provide a Traditional Chinese translation of the following text: This huge plant will bring it about. There are two stages in the steel mill's construction program. The first stage started in October 1973, and is scheduled for completion at the end of 1977. The initial capacity will be 1.5 million metric tons of steel annually.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "這座大鋼廠建廠工程按照計畫,分兩期進行,第一期第一階段工程是自民國六十二年十月開始,預計至明年年底完成,目標為每年生產粗鋼一百五十萬公噸;第一期第二階段工程,預計七十一年完成,年產粗鋼兩百七十萬公噸。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Kindly render the English passage below into Traditional Chinese: In Taiwan the government worries that to obtain tax reductions and other advantages some people pretending to run a guesthouse are actually running a hotel, and that unfair competitive practices are spreading to the unspoiled countryside. The guesthouse regulations therefore lay down a series of sanitation, fire prevention, and public safety norms and, most importantly, set strict limits on the size of guesthouses.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "再看看臺灣,為了怕業者假民宿之名,行開旅館之實,一面享受各種稅賦減免和政策優惠,一面卻把商業競爭的惡質手法帶入淳樸鄉野,因此「民宿管理辦法」中,除了對民宿的衛生、消防、公共安全等條件加以規定外,最重要的,首推對民宿規模的嚴格限制。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Provide a Traditional Chinese version of the English paragraph below: \"I think that Taiwanese kids generally don't have enough drive,\" says Mohammed Ibrahim Donkor, who helped lead Ilan's Chungtao High School soccer team to fifth place in the nation when he was teaching there. \"Players at a competitive level have to give 100 % physically and be 100 % focused whether running, passing, or shooting.\"", "role": "user" }, { "content": "「我覺得臺灣孩子普遍的企圖心不夠強,」曾經在宜蘭中道中學執教,幫助該校拿下全國中學足球第 5 名佳績、來自非洲的東可說,「競賽階段的球員,無論跑、傳、踢,每個動作都要付出 100 % 的專注和體能。」", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Translate this text into Traditional Chinese: Perception is more valuable than IQ. At a Las Vegas magician's request, MIT Media Lab developed a \"performing chair\" that could sense a person's whereabouts. An engineer from Japan's NEC saw it and felt it could be used in child car seats, because crash-released airbags can smash into older model car seats which in turn can injure children.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "洞察力比智商有價值:MIT 媒體實驗室曾經幫美國賭城的魔術師開發一款能夠感應身體位置的表演用椅,爾後日本 NEC 公司的工程師看到了,覺得很適合用在汽車的嬰兒座椅上,因為舊款座椅在車子遭受撞擊時會被啟動的氣囊打中,造成兒童受傷。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Kindly render the English passage below into Traditional Chinese: Now, it is a green island, covered with trees, with highways leading to every corner. Water and electric power are supplied to every one. People live and work in peace and prosperity, so close to communist held territory. Numerous lakes and hills, as well as pavilions, such as Chu-kuang Tower, Tai Hu and Mount Tawu, enhance the beautiful scenery.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "二十多年以來,金門在軍民同胞的齊心合力之下,埋頭建設,現在全島樹木蔥籠,公路四通八達,街道整齊清潔,水電供應充裕,人民安居樂業;加以湖光水色,太武嶙巖,襯託亭臺樓閣之勝,諸如莒光樓、榕園、太湖、金城公園,以及海印寺、魯王墓、太武山公墓等景色幽美,已經成為一個海上的公園。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please provide a Traditional Chinese translation of the following text: For example, entertainment technology researcher Lin Ying-tzu used computer imaging to describe her idea for a modified mirror. The notion came from her habit of looking at herself in a mirror. Because many women squeeze their pimples while at the bathroom mirror, they naturally wish that the mirror could locally enlarge the reflected image of a pimple so that it could be seen more clearly.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "例如研究娛樂科技的林盈孜,用電腦繪圖說明她的「魔鏡」創意,想法來自她愛照鏡子的習慣:很多女生在浴室照鏡子擠青春痘,都希望鏡子可以區域性放大青春痘,看得更清楚;若在浴室邊洗澡、邊唱歌時,如果水龍頭流出冷、熱水外,還能流洩出音樂,該有多好!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "把下面的英文翻譯成繁體中文:Tsai told the audience it was very meaningful to hold the games on the 90th birthday anniversary of the late President Chiang Kai-shek, who had paid much attention during his lifetime to physical education for all citizens. Tsai expressed his hope that every citizen would engage regularly in sports activities so that a better citizenship would emerge from the practice of teamwork, cooperation and service.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "蔡副會長在致詞時說:今年運動大會選在總統蔣公九十誕辰紀念日舉行,意義重大,因為蔣公生前非常重視國民體育,希望我們每一位國民經常運動,從運動中,鍛鍊個人的品格,養成合作與服務的精神,使人人成為健全的公民。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English text to be translated into Traditional Chinese follows: 請將以下英文段落翻譯成繁體中文:In the past the \"in-home service\" carried economic restrictions (only for middle- or lower-income elderly). This service was extended to all elderly persons in 2003 when an \"In-home Service Plan for Non-Middle- or Low-Income Disabled Elderly\" was begun on a provisional basis. After one year less than 15,000 elderly were enjoying this service, a very low percentage of the more than 180,000 disabled elderly.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "過去「居家服務」有經濟條件的限制(老人必須是中低收入戶),民國 92 年開始試辦「非中低收入失能老人的居家服務計畫」,才將服務擴及一般老人;試辦一年下來,享受這項服務的老人不到 1 萬 5000 人,和為數超過 18 萬的失能老人相較,比例甚低。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Provide a Traditional Chinese version of the English paragraph below: Scientists are putting laser beams to work as inspecting tools, in the Republic of China, as part of the government's big push to improve the quality of exported goods. The process is called \"Holographic Non-destructive Testing (HNDT).\" This new technique will be introduced for use by hardware manufacturers, tire manufacturers, electroplating factories and precision industries.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "在政府大力推動工業產品檢驗工作,提高我國外銷產品品質之時,國內科學界開拓了一項以雷射光作為檢驗工具的「全像攝影非破壞檢驗術」,並將提供此項技術,給予小五金業、輪胎業、電鍍業及精密工業,解決業者的困難。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "把下面的英文翻譯成繁體中文:When Lee Ting's father Lee Yueh-yu succumbed to motor neuron disease, neither his mother--so weak and frail she couldn't even cook--nor his brother, who was working way out in Hsinchu at the science park, were able to take care of him. Thus the responsibility of being primary caregiver fell to the only remaining family member, the 36-year-old, single, freewheeling Lee Ting.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "李鼎的爸爸李樂玉罹患的是運動神經元疾病,也就是俗稱的「漸凍人」。由於一家 4 口中,媽媽一向嬌弱,連做菜都不會,弟弟又遠在竹科工作,因此 36 歲、未婚、工作型態較為自由的李鼎,自然而然成了父親的主要照顧者。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Translate this text into Traditional Chinese: Under the project of the Taiwan Sugar Corporation, the farming of coastal sandy land is operated in a chain process--developing agriculture, raising livestock and developing fishery at the same time. It begins with raising livestock, from which wastes produce fertilizers for paddy fields and pasture and food for fish.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "在電氣、機械與生產各部門的通力合作下,灌溉、排水電氣化,耕作機械化,各項產品都已有豐碩的成果。臺糖公司在海埔新生地的經營採取農漁牧連鎖生產方式,即從養豬開端,把養豬的排洩物作為稻田和牧場的肥料及養魚的飼料之用。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "將此文字翻譯成繁體中文:About 15,000 government officials, representatives from all walks of life and foreign dignitaries attended the 1977 Freedom Day Rally at the China Sports and Cultural Activities Center in Taipei. President Yen Chia-kan personally addressed the participants, calling on all the people of our country to mobilize their full strength to support the anti-Communist uprisings of our compatriots on the mainland and thus hasten the destruction of Chinese Communist tyrannical rule.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "今年的自由日,國內也照例舉行了「世界自由日大會」。當天政府首長、各界代表、各國駐華使節和訪華外賓等共一萬五千人,在臺北市中華體育活動中心集會,嚴總統曾親臨致詞,呼籲全國軍民動員一切力量,支援大陸同胞反共抗暴運動。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "以下英文請翻成繁體中文:This is how he came to know the ins and outs of the business. Upon completion of military service, it was a foregone conclusion that he would take over the family business per his father's wishes.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "「我這個攤位,是金山市場發跡的地點,在我父親手底開始,」說起職業,年過半百的莊群良表示,從大馬路進到市場,兩邊的攤販商店全是他的親戚,因為莊姓在金山是一個有歷史的大家族,莊群良的阿公在日據時代曾任地方「保正」。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English to Traditional Chinese: Please translate the text below: The year was 1998. Chuang had one piece of investment property tucked away in a secluded area that he just couldn't seem to unload. He consequently took this property, which faces an ancient estate and features a view of the Yangming Mountains, and transformed it into the \"Life Art Villa.\"", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1998 年,他所投資的房地產中,有一間畸零地的新屋始終賣不出去,莊群良乾脆將這一間前有古厝,後可眺望陽明山的房子留下,自己設計空間,開設「良亭生活藝術空間」,除了提供餐飲,更作為金山地區的藝術展出空間。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English to Traditional Chinese: Please translate the text below: It made a notable impression on those in attendance. Many people might view the creative process as a perplexing one. Chuang doesn't see it that way at all. He takes a more whimsical approach.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "良亭生活藝術空間的地下室,就是莊群良隱身的秘密花園,只見他信手拿起剪刀,將大型的水泥袋剪出一隻拖鞋,又隨意剪下水果紙箱上的一些圖文,接著在上面貼上一層宣紙,製造出一種朦朧的美感,然後再於宣紙上彩繪塗抹,完成一幅富有「極簡藝術」精神的抽象畫。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "英文到繁體中文:請翻譯下面的文字:These help our American friends toward further understanding of our country. Last year's goodwill mission to the United States was invited to attend the Fifth International Folk Dance Festival in Miami, Florida, where it won big applause from thousands in the audiences.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "去年的美東訪問團由於表現優異,還曾應邀參加邁阿密市所舉辦的第五屆國際民族藝術節,他們精彩的演出,深獲觀眾的喝采。這批訪美的青年人,也可藉此機會瞭解我們友邦的風物人情,結交異國朋友,還可充分體驗「讀萬卷書」和「行萬里路」的深長意義。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "以下英文請翻成繁體中文:Premier Chiang Ching-kuo led his cabinet members in attending the first meeting of the 59th session of the Legislative Yuan February 25. He made an administrative report and responded to questions of the legislators, Premier Chiang called on the people of the nation to unite and concentrate their efforts in concerted actions to accomplish the sacred mission of Communist elimination and mainland recovery.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "立法院第五十九會期,二月二十五日上午正式開議,行政院長蔣經國曾在會上作施政報告,並率領各部會首長及政務委員列席,接受質詢。蔣院長在報告中特別勉勵全體國人堅定信念,集中力量,協力完成消滅共匪,重光大陸的神聖使命。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請提供以下文字的繁體中文翻譯:He started out with a Nikon F2 AS, which was fully manual in its operation. This meant that he had to set up the flash and set the aperture and shutter speed. Furthermore, the flash was not adjustable, but could only fire at full brightness. When Tsai discovered the presence of butterflies, he would pay attention to their every movement and consider how to draw near without frightening them.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "蔡百峻首先面臨的是攝影裝置不完善,初始他使用 NIKON F2AS 相機,這種全機械式的相機,拍照時要調整閃光燈、光圈和速度,而且閃光燈只有全光,無法改變出光源;發現蝶蹤時,還要專注牠的一舉一動,思考如何靠近又不會驚嚇到牠。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please translate the following English paragraph into Traditional Chinese: During their spare time, they go to the countryside to learn farm work, helping to transplant rice seedlings and with the harvest; they take jobs in factories, becoming operators on the production lines; they climb mountains or go to the seashore, and receive military training. Moreover, they take part in all kinds of social service work, offering their assistance and experience for future service to society and their country.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "在課餘之暇,他們深入農村學習農事,幫助農家收割或插秧;他們進入工廠,實地成為生產行列中的一個環節;他們或上山、或下海,接受戰鬥訓練,以期隨時可以擔起戰鬥任務;他們更參加各種社會服務工作,並體驗種種社會問題,作為日後為國家社會服務的參考。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Convert the English below into Traditional Chinese: The Association members are not restricted to students majoring in science or engineering. Scientific research is usually closely connected with general industry or defense industries. Our youths 'experiments may not result in great discoveries immediately, but this kind of self-training helps cultivate spirit of pursuing knowledge and seeking new discoveries. What they are doing will help them push into fields of scientific research or industrial construction in the future.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "科學研究與一般工業、甚或國防工業,一直有著不可分的關係,我國青年目前的實驗成果,或許無法發揮很大的作用,但這種自我訓練的過程,培養了求知與探究的精神,可使他們將來順利投入科學研究或工業建設的行列中,並發揮一種強而有勁的力量。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "翻譯下面的英文到繁體中文:In 1983, an English version translated by John Blofeld (1913-1987) was published. Blofeld, the preeminent \"China hand\" of the 20th century, lived out his youth in pre-Communist China, where he developed an interest in traditional wisdom and philosophy. He'd often visit Buddhist and Daoist temples as well as religious recluses, and through those visits was inspired to become a scholar.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1983 年有一本備受矚目的英文版《易經》上市,譯者約翰・布勞費爾德(John Blofeld, 1913-1987)是 20 世紀傑出的「中國通」,1949 年之前他在中國度過美好的青少年時光,對中國傳統智慧哲學極感興趣,經常拜訪道觀、寺廟和隱士,在那裡受到學者啟發,開始研究《易經》。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Provide a Traditional Chinese version of the English paragraph below: In his preface, Blofeld says that he does not wish to be a second Wilhelm or Legge, nor does he wish to criticize those predecessors 'shortcomings. He says his intention was to create a version in vernacular language that would be readable for the general public and to provide what he thought was the correct interpretation for ambiguous passages. Better than Confucius?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "布勞費爾德在序言中表示,他不想成為「衛禮賢或利雅各第二」,也不是要和先賢的譯本一爭長短,他的宗旨是用現代化的通俗語言給讀者大眾更簡明的解釋,例如有些原文很模稜兩可的地方,他便指點讀者,給一個他認為正確的詮釋。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "以下英文請翻成繁體中文:For preservation and propagation of tradition al Chinese culture, chop-making exhibitions are held regularly in Taipei by the Chinese Chop-makers Association. A recent show was held in March 1977. The participating artists included Wang Chuan-wei, Liang Nai-yu, Tao Shou-po, Tseng Shao-chih, Chen Dan-cheng, Wang Pei-yueh and Wu Ping. The contents of chops displayed included both names and texts of classical literature.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "今年三月間該會又展出國內篆刻名家王壯為、梁乃予、陶壽伯、曾紹傑、陳丹誠、王北嶽、吳平等人的作品,所刻內容有滿江紅、禮運大同篇、毋忘在莒、廿四孝印譜等多種,多疏密得體,穩練自然,且各有新意,各有風格,確為發揚傳統藝術精髓盡了一份力量。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English to Traditional Chinese: Please translate the text below: Meinung, a town in the Kaohsiung country of southern Taiwan with plantations of bananas and coconut palms spreading in every direction, is a mixture of things old. It remains little changed in the course of industrialization and modernization of the Republic of China.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "在南臺灣的蕉風椰雨之中,在全國工業化、現代化的努力之下,臺灣南端的高雄縣,有一個寧靜、幽雅的古老小鎮﹘﹘美濃,始終曳著馳緩、悠揚的拍子,輕輕吟唱著屬於她自己的古調,二、三百年來不改她自然純樸的本色,靜靜地成長,卻始終保有她獨特的風貌。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Kindly render the English passage below into Traditional Chinese: Always practicing hard right down to graduation day, Wang Shin-shin was picked up by the Quanzhou Nanyin Ensemble because of her consummate playing ability and became an immediate stand-out, winning a string of musical competitions including the top vocal award in the Eastern Six Provinces Red Lantern Cup Competition and first place in the Fujian Nanyin Music Broadcast Competition.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "苦練到畢業,王心心果然以精湛的演奏技巧被泉州市南音樂團網羅,並馬上嶄露頭角,連續榮獲多項競賽肯定,包括華東 6 省紅燈盃歌曲大賽最佳演唱獎、福建南音廣播大選賽第一名等,還錄製了生平首張南管專輯,第一年就達到兩萬多張的銷售量。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Kindly render the English passage below into Traditional Chinese: The nearby forest areas total about 4,700 hectares. There are more than 100 small islands in the lake, some inhabited. The islanders live simple farm lives. The bamboo raft is their major means of transportation.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "水庫蓄水面積一千三百公頃,林野面積四千七百公頃,潭中有一百多個小島,島上居民多務農,過著簡單純樸的生活,外出以竹筏為主要交通工具,靜謐安逸的生活調子,常使都市來的遊客豔羨不已,這也是當地特殊景觀之一。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Kindly render the English passage below into Traditional Chinese: In 1996, Sumptuous Feasting Song, in production for over two years, was an instant hit. Every one of the ten performances in Taiwan was sold out and the piece drew international interest and invitations. The Avignon Arts Festival and the Lyon BienDanse festival in France, the Bergen International Festival in Norway and the Adelaide Festival in Australia saw the visits of Wang Shin-shin and her husband.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1996 年,籌劃兩年多的《豔歌行》一推出即造成轟動,在臺灣 10 場演出場場滿座,並受到國際的矚目與邀約:法國亞維儂藝術節、里昂雙年舞蹈節、挪威貝爾根藝術節、澳洲阿德雷得藝術節等,都留有王心心和夫婿遠徵的足跡。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "將此文字翻譯成繁體中文:The Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction in the Republic of China is sponsoring species improvement. This includes such research work as seed selection, introduction of new varieties, cross breeding, tissue culture and quality analysis to prevent pests and diseases. It also seeks increased productivity and improved quality. Taiwan pineapple s in different export items are expected to play an increasingly important role in international markets.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "中國農村復興委員會一直在另一方面致力於鳳梨的品種改良,分別以選種、引種、雜交育種、組織培養、品質分析等工作,以防治病蟲害、增加產量並改良鳳梨的品質,期使臺灣鳳梨無論以何種方式外銷,都能在國際市場上佔一席重要的地位。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請提供以下文字的繁體中文翻譯:The NTU and CYCCSE systems are different in characteristics, and both called breakthroughs in designing. The two universities are now making further studies of keyboards, hoping to lower costs and produce better word style.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "兩校均為字根鍵盤,現正進一步分析,將某型別複雜字型以整字儲存,而簡單字型以字根儲存,然後設計一個負責鑑別與控制的軟體程式,來控制整字輸出或字根組合輸出,以期在鍵數、所需記憶容量,以及字型優美、造價各方面達到最理想的狀況。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English to Traditional Chinese: Please translate the text below: Many housekeepers often complain that markets in Taiwan are not ideal. Marketing requires a lot of time in the daily routine, but it also provides a measure of enjoyment. Although almost every family now has a refrigerator, the Chinese homemaker prefer to go to the market to purchase fresh vegetables and live fish daily.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "國內許多職業婦女常抱怨菜市場不夠進步,而許多家庭婦女卻以上菜場作為每日必要的活動:幾乎家家戶戶都備有冰箱了,卻仍喜歡去買些新鮮的菜蔬、活魚;或是趕巧兒碰上一些偶爾出市的攤販,還能買到比市價便宜很多的各類衣物。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "將此文字翻譯成繁體中文:Much progress has been made in recent years in improvement of pond management for fresh water fish culture, artificial propagation of some species and introduction of \"hybrid exotic species.\"", "role": "user" }, { "content": "淺海養殖以牡蠣、蛤蜊為大宗。淡水魚塭養殖鯉魚、鰱魚、草魚、鰻魚等,中南部水稻田常兼養吳郭魚。以淡水養殖而言,我國業者在使用飼料及品種改良等方面,近年來尤有長足的進步,對採捕、混養、孵化、繁殖等各方面,都有顯著的績效。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please translate the following English paragraph into Traditional Chinese: Ms. Wang capitalized on this interest in following Governor Shieh's slogan. She gave up her design work in an advertising agency to specialize in the production of these small, exquisitely decorated articles.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "王光華摸透了她們這層心理,放棄了在廣告公司的美術設計工作,專門做些新鮮奇巧的小玩意兒賺她們的錢。臺灣省主席謝東閔提倡家庭主婦從事副業,以增加收入,並有「客廳即工場」的口號,王光華的做法正是這樣,她動員了自己的、以及許多鄰居太太的客廳。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "以下英文請翻成繁體中文:In 2004, the Ministry of Economic Affairs provided guidance to 380 companies in 18 rural industries. The total revenues increased NT $ 130 million from the preceding year. They also created or maintained some 1,400 jobs, more than 400 of which were new job opportunities.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "經濟部中小企業處統計,民國 93 年度他們輔導了 18 項地方產業、合計 380 家企業,總營業額較上一年度增加了新臺幣 1.3 億元,創造與維持的工作機會約有 1400 個,其中真正屬於新創的工作機會約有四百多個。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "英文到繁體中文:請翻譯下面的文字:The compost for cultivating flammulina mushrooms includes sawdust, rice bran, lime, organic fertilizers and a small amount of water. The compost is stirred, then put into plastic containers. After cooling, it is inoculated with the spawn of flammulina mushrooms. The containers are placed in a cultivating room at a low temperature of about 44 ° F for 55 days or so before the mushrooms are ready to be picked.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "金針菇以塑膠瓶作培育器,培育土則是木屑、米糠、石灰、有機肥料與少量水分的混合物,培育土在攪拌混合後,裝入瓶中,推入高溫鍋爐消毒殺菌,待冷卻後,接上菇菌種,送入低溫培養室中,經過五十五天左右,即可採收供食。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Translate this text into Traditional Chinese: In 1975, the project of artificial propagation of mullet achieved the aim of \"Complete Culture.\" That meant that a new generation of mullet larvae was hatched successfully from adult fish that were themselves artificially spawned. The fingerlings produced in the laboratory's tanks were significantly stronger and more disease resistant than those of the same age caught in the open sea.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "民國六十四年,人工繁殖烏魚的工作又達成了「完全養殖」的目標,就是由魚卵而稚魚並育成為種魚,再由種魚採卵育成稚魚等重複迴圈的一系列過程,已可全由人工加以控制,人工育成的種魚也較天然者強壯,對人為操作抗力更強。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "把下面的英文翻譯成繁體中文:During his three-day visit, President Yen and King Khaled held six talks. The Republic of China chief of state also visited various important cultural and economic establishments. Through the arrangements of the reception unit, President Yen received representatives of his country's technical groups and overseas Chinese in Saudi Arabia. He talked with them and expressed his commendation for their contributions to international friendship and good will.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "嚴總統在沙國一共停留三天,這三天中,曾與哈立德國王舉行六次懇切會談,並參觀了各項重要文經建設;透過沙國接待單位的安排,嚴總統還在下榻的哈穆拉宮接見了我國前往當地協助建設的工程人員及僑胞代表,與他們親切晤談,並致慰勉之意。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "將下列英文譯為繁體中文:These boys and girls are fortunate to have lived in peaceful times, never really lacking, never suffering. They have married and are expecting the arrival of the next generation in the same happy and peaceful state of mind. They will bring up their own babies with abundant love, considerate care and the best material provisions they can afford.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "戰後出生的孩子如今已長大成人,到了結婚生子的年齡了,這一群幸運兒,平安順遂地走著人生道路,從不知巔沛流離、困阨匱乏的滋味,如今他們也以同樣平和幸福的心境,企盼下一代的來臨;以豐富的愛心,悉心的照顧,竭盡所能的物質條件,來養育他們的寶寶。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Turn the following English into Traditional Chinese: We recognize that the constitutional government of the Republic of China is where the Chinese people on the mainland place their hope. All our compatriots should unite and double our efforts in self-reliance. The sacred mission of reconstructing a new China under the Three Principles of the People is ours to accomplish.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "由此我們更應體認,中華民國憲政政府是大陸上八億同胞希望之所繫,我們全國軍民同胞自應更加莊敬自強、日新又新,加強海內外團結,竭盡心力作盡其在我的奮鬥,我們必可渡過光明前的黑暗階段,走向勝利大道,達成拯救同胞,重建三民主義新中國的神聖使命。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Convert the English below into Traditional Chinese: The 6-lane main bridge is prestressed concrete cantilever construction at the center, with a total length of 671 meters. The maximum width is 34.6 meters. The north and south approaches are 158.8 meters and 525.5 meters long, respectively. As conceived by its architect, the design of this bridge spanning the Keelung river avoided building piers in deep water, which would increase construction cost and obstruct the flood flow during typhoon periods.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "該橋長為 671 公尺,最小寬度 34.6 公尺,兩端引橋各為 158.8 公尺及 525.5 公尺,為六車道橋面,民國六三年九月動工興建,預計今年年底完工,負責設計的是林同棪國際工程顧問公司,而由大陸工程公司負責承建。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please translate the following English paragraph into Traditional Chinese: Scarecrows stand guard, flapping their ragged clothes in the breeze. Children tramp in the fields, and alongside brooks, trying to catch fish and shrimps, all parts of a leisurely, care-free portrait of the country around Ta Hsi.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "但出了鎮中心,鎮外一片片綠油油的田野,間有鷺鷥、麻雀等飛鳥盤旋其上,稻草人身上的衣衫迎風飛舞,而農家的孩子伏在田邊、泉間,捉魚、摸蝦,又是一番逍遙自在、與世無爭的景象。都市、鄉村二者得兼,他們是多麼幸運。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "將下列英文譯為繁體中文:Each piece of Jimmy's Products can be rated as a work of art rather than mere craftsmanship, both in design and in the making. A table and chair set by Jimmy is a creation combining carved ebony with jade as ornament.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "這一家木器工廠所聘用的師傅,手藝已超出工匠的範疇,逐漸近入藝術雕刻之境,像一套黑檀木立體雕花的桌椅傢具,嵌上義大利玉石作為配飾,豪華堂皇處,實令人嘆為觀止,而所值更是不菲,一套要值美金一萬五千元左右,但訂購者國內外均不乏人。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "英文到繁體中文:請翻譯下面的文字:Tofu contains rich protein, but not fat. It has been highly valued by the Chinese and always has been a MUST for the daily Chinese diet. The method of making to fu has been passed to Korea, Japan and countries in Southeast Asia. You now can find to fu in any other part of the world where Chinese people live.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "黃日香的豆腐、豆乾、素雞、素肉乾、豆腐乳或冷凍豆腐,食之確實令人齒頰留香,據老闆黃日香本人說,他的豆類產品,目前仍以手工製作為主,所有技術全憑經驗與心神領會,難怪將這類素食細嚼慢嚥之間,確實耐人尋味呢。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "翻譯下面的英文到繁體中文:Ta Hsi, with an area of 105 square kilometers, and a population close to 6,200, has 12 primary schools and 3 junior middle schools, in addition to such modern facilities as a health station, telecommunications office, post office, water plant, forestry office and power transformer station.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "大溪全鎮面積為一○五平方公里,目前居民有六萬一千九百七十二人,鎮上有國民小學十二所,國中三所,衛生所、電信局、郵局、自來水廠、山林管理所、變電所等也都一應俱全,對外聯絡交通十分方便,故民風雖保持農民純樸本色,卻絕不閉塞。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please translate the following English paragraph into Traditional Chinese: Triumphant Return of the Young Baseballers The Republic of China's Little League, Senior League and Big League baseball teams won the championships of all three 1977 world baseball series held in the United States.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "於八月中旬前往美國參加比賽的我國青棒、青少棒與少棒三支代表隊,已分別經過數度奮戰,而在美國佛州羅德岱堡、伊州蓋瑞城與賓州威廉波特三地,各自贏得本年度棒球大賽的冠軍,重又爭回了失落一年的「三冠王」榮銜。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English to Traditional Chinese translation requested for the paragraph below: The power industry and communications of the Republic of China have developed rapidly in recent years. The need for electric wire and cables has increased at the same time. Manufacturers of electric wire and cables are trying to improve their products by using new equipment and techniques.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "中華民國的電力與通訊事業,近年來有著飛躍性的進展,對電線、電纜的需求量因而大增,業者為順應此一趨勢,乃急起直追,全力改善生產裝置,並更新生產技術,俾使所製造電線電纜的品質能達到國際水準,而產量也能在自給有餘的情況下,大量外銷,爭取外匯。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "將此文字翻譯成繁體中文:From 1993 to 2003, while working in the Shihpai area of Taipei City, every free weekend he'd take the night train to Kaohsiung, switch to a bus headed for Fangliao in Pingtung County, then take the little train to Taimali, from which he'd finally catch a bus to Hsinhsianglan Village.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "從民國 82 年開始的 10 年間,在臺北石牌當差的撒可努,只要沒有值班,每個週五晚上就從臺北坐夜車到高雄,接著轉搭中南客運到屏東枋寮,再轉換兩節式小叮噹火車到太麻里,最後再轉鼎東客運回到新香蘭部落。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "將此文字翻譯成繁體中文:In 1996, Sakinu and his cousin Pastor Tai ran into the harvest festival site dressed head to toe in traditional Paiwan clothing, creating an instant sensation.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "現在已經是「新香蘭部落青年會」重要幹部的杜文祥記得,民國 85 年、當他還是國一生時,那一年的豐年祭,如同過去數十年的習慣,族人依舊穿著阿美族的服裝,拿著雨傘跳舞,然而,撒可努與他的表哥戴牧師卻穿著一身排灣族傳統服飾跑進會場,立刻引起軒然大波。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請提供以下文字的繁體中文翻譯:The meat balls, also called Kung Wan in Chinese, are noted for the good quality and flavor. Kung Wan is made of high quality pork. The pork must come from well-fattened pigs slaughtered by man, not by machines.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "當地的貢丸店,為保證品質,每天特別搜購溫體豬肉,也就是吃殘羹剩菜長大的黑毛豬;須以土法屠宰,不可碰水,不可冰凍,要完全新鮮,才能符合所需;據說這樣的肉才有彈性,味亦鮮美,打成肉醬後,只需加一點鹽,即可製成非常美味的貢丸。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Kindly render the English passage below into Traditional Chinese: The total population of the ten tribes is estimated at less than 250,000. Since Taiwan was returned to the Republic of China by the Japanese in 1945, the government has made many moves to protect these people and improve their lives.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "排灣人的雕刻技巧是所有臺灣山地部落中最高的,他們的雕刻師在族中也擁有相當的地位,但這些雕飾精巧的傢具或器皿,並非所有人都可使用,只有族中酋長或有特殊英勇行為的勇士之家才得享有,且往往地位愈高,所用的木器材料愈好,雕刻也愈講究。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Convert the English below into Traditional Chinese: At nine the night before the banquet, guests gathered at the site and sang and danced hand in hand non-stop for more than two hours to give their blessings to the newlyweds. One was charged with offering dancers cups of strong rice wine. The atmosphere was festive and intoxicating.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "婚禮前一夜,族人們在聚會所,從晚上 9 點族人聚集,連續歌舞兩個多小時不斷,大夥手牽手,踏著反覆的舞步,一遍又一遍地為新人祝福,負責請酒的族人,在場上一一為跳舞的賓客敬上香濃的小米酒,氣氛熱烈而醉人。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "將此文字翻譯成繁體中文:To ensure success in the entrance examinations, therefore, parents used to send their children to supplementary schools for \"cram\" lessons, and in the process, impaired the healthy development of the nation's young people.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "由於國小畢業人數激增,以致下一階段的初中、初職雖不斷增設,仍無法完全容納,形成了嚴重的升學競爭問題。教育當局有鑑於此,深怕因此造成無法德、智、體、群四育並進,僅偏重課業的傳授,而影響學童身心的均衡發展。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Provide a Traditional Chinese version of the English paragraph below: Because all of them specialize in a particular subject, they can co-exist with the tuition- free public junior high schools. Most of these private schools stress concentrated studies, so their graduates usually perform better in entrance examinations for senior high schools.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "一些私立初中有校舍供學生住宿,孩子們整天待在校中學習過群體生活,老師與舍監輔導他們使生活規律化,許多在家中驕縱的孩子,都能在住校之後改掉種種生活上不良的習慣。臺北有個私立光仁中學,是一所天主教學校,這所中學以音樂教學聞名。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Turn the following English into Traditional Chinese: The Kuangjen Middle School, operated by the Catholic authorities, for instance, specializes in music, and runs an experimental music class, in which particularly gifted students are enrolled.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "光仁中學中設有音樂實驗班,進入音樂實驗班的孩子,不只本身對音樂有很大的興趣,且大半因為從小學習彈奏某種樂器,而已具備相當的造詣。音樂班學生的主科與一般無異,但在課外活動、自習課時,都安排為練琴或上琴課的時間。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English text to be translated into Traditional Chinese follows: 請將以下英文段落翻譯成繁體中文:Blue-and-white ware was made possible in the Ming dynasty by the discovery of a cobalt blue that could survive the high temperature required for underglaze coloring.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "此外,透明釉的厚薄,以及煉燒時的溫度也需控制得宜,才能燒出理想的青花瓷。當透明釉過厚時,燒出的成品會帶灰色;煉燒時火力過大或者不夠,又會使青花不顯或變色,因此,製作符合水準的青花瓷,需要各個步驟配合得完美無缺。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please provide a Traditional Chinese translation of the following text: In the province of Taiwan, the government started to carry out a provincial self-government policy in 1949. Last year five local elections, the biggest of their kind in the Republic of China in the last two decades, were held simultaneously.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "競選活動一共有十天,在這十天中,全臺灣近二千位候選人,為了角逐一千三百多個席位,無不使出渾身解數,全力以赴。這麼多的候選人,加上他們聲勢浩大的助選團,又輔以各種宣傳品、宣傳車,以及每天都在各地舉行的公辦、私辦政見發表會,使得情況熱鬧非凡,競爭自亦極其激烈。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請將下列英文段落翻譯為繁體中文:Interest in the election was shown by the voter turn out-more than 80 percent in the provincial election and more than 70 percent in the Taipei City Council poll. An independent magistrate-elect said voting was fair, open and impartial. He added that its particular significance lay in the fact that it was held while the nation was facing hardships.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "執政黨中國國民黨對於地方自治的輔選工作,除以公平、公正、公開為最高指導原則外,並以樹立守法節約的選風、激勵和諧團結的精神為工作的目標,同時,還確定了:一切輔選措施,均以維護國家和全民最高的利益為前提。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Convert the English below into Traditional Chinese: During the campaign period, candidates pasted up posters in prominent positions and rode around in campaign vans plastered with photographs, slogans, and each candidate's designated number, haranguing the crowds over loudspeakers. A total of 3,002 open-air rallies, arranged by the government for candidates to state their opinions publicly, were attended by thousands of voters, who showed particular interest in political affairs and local administration.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "在事過境遷之後,我們回顧本次競選活動,發現有不少進步的現象,正足以表示我們在推進民主的歷程中成功的一面:一、民眾政治意識水準的提高:本次選舉,公辦政見發表會全省共辦理三○○二場,自辦的數目也相當高,每回都吸引了許多的聽眾。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English to Traditional Chinese: Please translate the text below: In 1971, the Taiwan provincial Government and the farmers 'association in Tienwei started a flower growing class to which they invited agricultural and horticultural experts to help solve problems associated with cultivation.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "當地在民國六十年時並設立了「花卉專業訓練班」,由臺灣省政府及中國農村復興委員會會同田尾鄉農會所共同辦理,禮聘了許多農業與園藝專家前往指導,深入瞭解各戶花農在培育花卉時所遭遇的各種問題,並協助他們解決。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請把以下英文轉譯為繁體中文:A joint venture of six private chemical firms, the plant was completed in May 1973, with a total capitalization of NT $ 320 million (US $ 8 million). Equipped with ultramodern machinery, it was designed to produce Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) for use by the local plastics industry.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "臺氯頭份工廠佔地四千坪,耗資達新臺幣三億二千萬以上,當初是由外籍公司投標設計承建的,但在民國六十二年五月建廠完成,開始加料試時,遭遇許多意想不到的困難,以致到六十四年底為止,除了曾間斷地開四、五個月外,其他時間多半在停整修。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Kindly render the English passage below into Traditional Chinese: Master of two knives Aside from his chef's knife, the artistic Chen Chao-lin is also highly skilled with the sculptor's knife. In his carvings on vegetables and fruits, his patterns are never cliched, and his incredible skills have earned him several national prizes in food-carving contests.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "對於經濟條件較差的主人,總舖師傅也要懂得「水為主」,利用勾芡等湯湯水水,讓有限的食材顯得份量十足。雙刀神除了菜刀,喜好藝術的陳兆麟,拿起雕刻刀,在蔬果雕刻上,構圖不落俗套、刻工出神入化,多次在國內食雕大賽中獲獎。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Kindly render the English passage below into Traditional Chinese: The private sector has invested a large proportion of the capital needed to build plants, but not all of them were unqualified successes, at first at any rate. A striking example is provided by the Taiwan VCM Corporation's Toufeng plant in northern Taiwan.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "吳澄清的這項成就,也因此獲得行政院蔣院長所頒贈的「六十六年度五大傑出科技人才獎」的殊榮。臺灣氯乙烯公司是由六家公民營公司所合資經營的,產品主要專案就是氯乙烯單體,是製造PVC的重要原料;副產品則為二氯乙烷與鹽酸。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English text to be translated into Traditional Chinese follows: 請將以下英文段落翻譯成繁體中文:The auto industry in the Republic of China is developing rapidly, as the North-South free way nears completion and per capita income has increased. But perhaps the most important development recently has been the first exports of motor vehicles achieved by a Taiwan company.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "三富汽車開始外銷了。當然,輛數不算很多,金額也不很大,但是,這是我們汽車工業發展廿餘年來的另一新頁,是國內大街小巷滿跑著國產汽車後的又一境界,因此,我們都好開心,我們把這個開始,視作汽車工業發展再發展、進步又進步的一個表徵。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English text to be translated into Traditional Chinese follows: 請將以下英文段落翻譯成繁體中文:In contrast to the plentiful business opportunities abroad, Taiwan is currently limited to just one legal digital music platform, and the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), which represents recording industry interests, has in recent years aggressively pursued legal claims against online music sites ezPeer and Kuro for infringing on copyrights. Before business opportunities for digital music could emerge in Taiwan, the local industry has become enmeshed in legal disputes.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "相較於國外近年來的滾滾商機,臺灣目前只有一家合法的數位音樂平臺,而代表唱片產業利益的「財團法人國際唱片業交流基金會」(IFPI)近年來積極控告「Ezpeer」與「Kuro 流行音樂網」侵害著作權,臺灣的數位音樂前景還未見到商機,就已籠罩在一片法律訴訟的迷霧中。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Convert the English below into Traditional Chinese: \"Going from zero to a definite population in the rehabilitation area was the result of our feeling our way ahead step by step,\" points out Wu Jen-pang, the researcher in charge of managing the habitat.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "「復育區的從無到有,是我們一步步摸索出來的,」負責經營棲地的研究人員吳仁邦指出,由於水塘的面積遼闊,第一年(2000 年)收集不到足夠浮葉植物的種源,只好全部種植菱角;但是菱角葉片冬天枯萎,食物不足,需要有睡蓮、印度杏菜等其他植物遞補,他們便從自己培養種源著手。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English text to be translated into Traditional Chinese follows: 請將以下英文段落翻譯成繁體中文:He regards as one of his best works one entitled \"Surrender,\" which represents Cheng Cheng-kung (Koxinga) receiving the instruments of surrender from the Dutch in Taiwan in 1661. This piece is now on display at Tainan's Cheng Cheng-kung Memorial Hall.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "他最感滿意的作品之一,就是在藝專畢業那年,為臺南延平郡王祠鄭成功紀念館所塑造的一件作品,名為「屈服」,這個作品採取立體派塊面分割手法,表現受降的主題﹘ ﹘一位荷蘭人跪在鄭成功面前,下面則有海浪的線條代表臺灣海峽,三者造型緊密地連結在一起。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "將下列英文譯為繁體中文:These latter are also made in Taiwan, and a few local people are beginning to appreciate the value of what is still a predominantly export product. The most precious of these hand-knotted oriental rugs, as they are known, is the Tientsin version, formerly made in the mainland city of the same name, but now exported almost exclusively from Taiwan.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "在舉世工業飛躍發展的現代,大家在日常生活中所接觸到的,差不多都是以同一模型大量複製生產的工業品,這些產品價格廉宜,取得方便,也的確增進了人們生活的舒適與便捷,但是,這些充斥於世的工業產品卻往往不能觸動人們的情感,更無法滿足人們心靈上更進一層的需求。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "英文到繁體中文:請翻譯下面的文字:In recommending Chairman Chiang as the party's presidential candidate, President Yen Chia-kan said: \"Comrade Chiang Ching-kuo, the present Chairman of the Party and President of the Executive Yuan, has followed our Tsungtsai, the late President Chiang Kai-shek, and practiced faithfully the teachings of the Tsungli, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, for as long as 40 years.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "這次中央常委臨時會由中常委嚴總統家淦主持,討論的主題,即為嚴總統鄭重提出的一項建議:要求中常會作成決定,向十一屆二中全會提案,請推舉蔣主席經國為中華民國第六任總統國民黨候選人;再由總統候選人,提名副總統候選人。會中所有出席人員曾熱烈響應,全票透過。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English text to be translated into Traditional Chinese follows: 請將以下英文段落翻譯成繁體中文:Later the Tainan birdwatching society assisted the academic community in surveying the roosting area and discovered that after dark the spoonbills all left the main roosting area and flew to the surrounding fishponds within a range of some ten kilometers to feed and take refuge.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "隨後臺南鳥會協助學界展開棲地的調查研究,透過「繫放」作業,黑琵裝上無線電發報器,才發現原來天黑後紛紛飛離主棲地的黑琵,是飛到周圍方圓十多公里內的漁塭,撿拾廢棄漁塭或漁塭收穫後水位下降區域的下雜魚為食,並避風休息,然後在凌晨又飛回主棲地。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English to Traditional Chinese: Please translate the text below: Fang Woei-horng says that IBA criteria are 1) endemic species, 2) degree of threat to survival and 3) population. Although at present only areas that overlap with the national parks and wildlife sanctuaries are protected by law, the announcement and promotion of the importance of the IBA concept will benefit the promotion of sanctuaries in the future.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "方偉宏表示,IBA 的界定以特有種、鳥類生存受威脅的程度、族群多寡等為標準,雖然目前只有和國家公園、野生動物保護區等重疊的區域受到法律保障,但 IBA 的重要性經過宣示和推廣,將有利於日後保護區的推動。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請提供以下文字的繁體中文翻譯:The government has also continuously provided assistance and loans to local makers. Because Taiwan-made umbrellas are so low-priced, on the domestic market as well as for export, people in Taiwan do not bother to have old ones repaired; nor do they worry if it starts raining and they have left their umbrellas at home. They simply stop at a shop or department store to buy a new one.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "國內的人佔著地利之便,可以很低廉的價錢購得各種不同用途的洋傘,因此,無論在海灘、在高爾夫球場、在泳池之畔,在風景區,在庭院裡,都可看到一張張美麗的大傘,爭奇鬥豔,不僅給人們提供了遮陽、遮雨的服務,也把這些所在點綴得更多彩多姿。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請將下列英文段落翻譯為繁體中文:It began with Chen Kuo-fu's Double Vision, a 2002 film that raked in more than NT $ 80 million at the domestic box office. Next came 2005's The Heirloom, a low-budget project that has hit it big with over NT $ 20 million in domestic ticket sales. Several more supernatural horror-fests are now in production.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "而從 2002 年陳國富執導的靈異驚悚片《雙瞳》寫下新臺幣八千多萬票房,到今年小兵立大功拿下二千多萬票房的《宅變》,以及目前正在籌備階段的幾部「裝神弄鬼」國片,都顯示一股臺灣電影的新靈異陰風,已蓄勢待發。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please provide a Traditional Chinese translation of the following text: PRESIDENTELECT CHIANG CHING-KUO Premier Chiang Ching-kuo was elected by the National Assembly March 21 as President of the Republic of China. Chiang Ching-kuo is an outstanding statesman who adheres to principles and stands firm in his positions. He is dedicated to his duties, popular with the people and respectful of the law.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "具有歷史性意義的第一屆國民大會第六次會議,受全國同胞的付託,於三月廿一日投票選舉總統,中國國民黨提名的候選人蔣經國先生,在出席的一千二百零四位代表中,以一千一百八十四票的絕大多數,當選總統,並將於五月廿日宣誓就職。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "請提供以下文字的繁體中文翻譯:He urged government employees to adopt the concept of \"living for work, not working to live\" as their principle in serving the people. Mr. Chiang is not only a planner but also a man of action. Among his guidelines for life is: \"Never fear suffering, never fear hardship and never fear danger.\"", "role": "user" }, { "content": "在理智上,國人都深切認識到,今日我們要建設臺灣、發展經濟、繁榮社會,提高人民的生活水準與各項福祉,使國家發展成工業化的開發國家,蔣經國先生的領導,最能發揮計畫型自由經濟的效能,也最能發揮民生主義的精神。", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "English text to be translated into Traditional Chinese follows: 請將以下英文段落翻譯成繁體中文:During the Chinese Communist attempt to seize Kin-men in October 1949 and during the Battle of the Taiwan Straits that opened with the saturation shelling of Kin men on August 23, 1958, he traveled to the offshore island despite the danger of heavy artillery fire.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "我們也深切認識到,國家處此危疑震憾的國際環境與敵我鬥爭的形勢,我們要突破困難,克服險阻,鞏固臺灣復興基地的安全,推展反共復興大業,蔣經國先生的領導,以他繼承革命傳統的志業、屹立不移的節操、堅苦卓絕的精神、以及全國軍民對他忠誠的擁戴,乃是必勝必成的保證!", "role": "assistant" } ] exists but content is empty.
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