Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Who had the most points and how many did they have in game 11? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_29870 ( "Game" real, "Date" text, "Team" text, "Score" text, "High points" text, "High rebounds" text, "High assists" text, "Location Attendance" text, "Record" text ) ### Response: SELECT "High points" FROM table_29870 WHERE "Game" = '11'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the year of the ceremony with a not nominated result and ni iji sin as the original title? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_42598 ( "Year (Ceremony)" text, "Film title used in nomination" text, "Original title" text, "Director(s)" text, "Result" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Year (Ceremony)" FROM table_42598 WHERE "Result" = 'not nominated' AND "Original title" = 'ničiji sin'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: what was the total number of days for the tour ? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_203_25 ( id number, "stage" number, "date" text, "route" text, "terrain" text, "length" text, "winner" text ) ### Response: SELECT COUNT("date") FROM table_203_25
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What season did Stoke City win? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_62257 ( "Season" text, "Date" text, "Winner" text, "Loser" text, "Score" text, "Venue" text, "Attendance" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Season" FROM table_62257 WHERE "Winner" = 'stoke city'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the Latitude of the monument built in 1901? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_34778 ( "County" text, "Monument name" text, "Year built" real, "City or Town" text, "Latitude" text, "Longitude" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Latitude" FROM table_34778 WHERE "Year built" = '1901'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What's the least against number for Cobden with draws more than 0? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_64365 ( "Club" text, "Wins" real, "Losses" real, "Draws" real, "Against" real ) ### Response: SELECT MIN("Against") FROM table_64365 WHERE "Club" = 'cobden' AND "Draws" > '0'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What were the competitions when the away team was fk kozara gradiska? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_31311 ( "Date" text, "Competition" text, "Location" text, "Home Team" text, "Result" text, "Away Team" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Competition" FROM table_31311 WHERE "Away Team" = 'FK Kozara Gradiska'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Name the position with height of 2.09 ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_70324 ( "Player" text, "Height" real, "Position" text, "Year born" real, "Current Club" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Position" FROM table_70324 WHERE "Height" = '2.09'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Of the players whose lead began at the australian championships, what was the shortest span of years led? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_26047 ( "Years led" text, "Span of years led" real, "Player" text, "Titles won at point of lead" real, "Total Career titles" real, "Tournament at which lead began" text ) ### Response: SELECT MIN("Span of years led") FROM table_26047 WHERE "Tournament at which lead began" = 'Australian Championships'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the time/retired for the driver emerson fittipaldi? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_62895 ( "Driver" text, "Entrant" text, "Constructor" text, "Time/Retired" text, "Grid" real ) ### Response: SELECT "Time/Retired" FROM table_62895 WHERE "Driver" = 'emerson fittipaldi'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What are the names of projects that require between 100 and 300 hours? ### Input: CREATE TABLE assignedto ( scientist number, project text ) CREATE TABLE projects ( code text, name text, hours number ) CREATE TABLE scientists ( ssn number, name text ) ### Response: SELECT name FROM projects WHERE hours BETWEEN 100 AND 300
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: In the game where Collingwood is the home team what is the score of the away team? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_55560 ( "Home team" text, "Home team score" text, "Away team" text, "Away team score" text, "Venue" text, "Crowd" real, "Date" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Away team score" FROM table_55560 WHERE "Home team" = 'collingwood'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the cardinal direction of Wednesday p.m. in English? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_6623 ( "Cardinal direction" text, "Burmese" text, "Sanskrit" text, "English" text, "Planet" text, "Sign" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Cardinal direction" FROM table_6623 WHERE "English" = 'wednesday p.m.'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What was the result of the election featuring james a. gallivan (d) unopposed? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_18695 ( "District" text, "Incumbent" text, "Party" text, "First elected" real, "Result" text, "Candidates" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Result" FROM table_18695 WHERE "Candidates" = 'James A. Gallivan (D) Unopposed'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What was the lowest round number that had an overall pick up 92? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_32228 ( "Round" real, "Overall" real, "Player" text, "Position" text, "School/Club Team" text ) ### Response: SELECT MIN("Round") FROM table_32228 WHERE "Overall" = '92'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the Price, when Upstream is '256 kbit'? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_50860 ( "Internet Plan" text, "Downstream" text, "Upstream" text, "Bandwidth Included" text, "Price" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Price" FROM table_50860 WHERE "Upstream" = '256 kbit'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the Catalog-Nr of the Epic Label Stereo LP named For Little Ones? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_41 ( catalog_nr VARCHAR, title VARCHAR, format VARCHAR, label VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT catalog_nr FROM table_name_41 WHERE format = "stereo lp" AND label = "epic" AND title = "for little ones"
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the gold when silver is 1, rank is larger than 3, total is smaller than 2, bronze is smaller than 0? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_52 ( gold INTEGER, bronze VARCHAR, total VARCHAR, silver VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT SUM(gold) FROM table_name_52 WHERE silver = 1 AND rank > 3 AND total < 2 AND bronze < 0
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Which position did kevin edwards play for ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_72791 ( "Player" text, "No." real, "Nationality" text, "Position" text, "Years for Grizzlies" text, "School/Club Team" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Position" FROM table_72791 WHERE "Player" = 'Kevin Edwards'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Which date's week was more than 4 with the venue being City Stadium and where the attendance was more than 14,297? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_1 ( date VARCHAR, attendance VARCHAR, week VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT date FROM table_name_1 WHERE week > 4 AND venue = "city stadium" AND attendance > 14 OFFSET 297
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Draw a bar chart for what is average age of male for different job title?, order by the job in asc. ### Input: CREATE TABLE PersonFriend ( name varchar(20), friend varchar(20), year INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Person ( name varchar(20), age INTEGER, city TEXT, gender TEXT, job TEXT ) ### Response: SELECT job, AVG(age) FROM Person WHERE gender = 'male' GROUP BY job ORDER BY job
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Which class has a rank of 5th? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_39276 ( "Year" real, "Class" text, "Team" text, "Points" real, "Rank" text, "Wins" real ) ### Response: SELECT "Class" FROM table_39276 WHERE "Rank" = '5th'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What team was the contestant who finished in 10th place originally on? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_23339 ( "Contestant" text, "Background" text, "Original team" text, "Age" real, "Hometown" text, "Result" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Original team" FROM table_23339 WHERE "Result" = '10th place'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: How many same release titles are there in the table? ### Input: CREATE TABLE torrents ( groupname text, totalsnatched number, artist text, groupyear number, releasetype text, groupid number, id number ) CREATE TABLE tags ( index number, id number, tag text ) ### Response: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT groupname FROM torrents GROUP BY groupname HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the PRR class of the freight train built in 1967 with a b-b wheel arrangement? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_4 ( prr_class VARCHAR, build_date VARCHAR, wheel_arrangement VARCHAR, service VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT prr_class FROM table_name_4 WHERE wheel_arrangement = "b-b" AND service = "freight" AND build_date = "1967"
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the modern equivalent of the former kingdom 'silla' with the hanja ? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_72743 ( "Former kingdom" text, "Province" text, "Hangul" text, "Hanja" text, "Capital" text, "Modern equivalent" text ) ### Response: SELECT COUNT("Modern equivalent") FROM table_72743 WHERE "Former kingdom" = 'Silla' AND "Hanja" = '尙州'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the highest Draws with less than 18 losses for north melbourne later than 1926? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_6731 ( "Season" real, "Team" text, "Wins" real, "Losses" real, "Draws" real ) ### Response: SELECT MAX("Draws") FROM table_6731 WHERE "Losses" < '18' AND "Team" = 'north melbourne' AND "Season" > '1926'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the brigade when Al-Hamra ('arab al-hamra) shows for name? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_46547 ( "Name" text, "Date" text, "Defending forces" text, "Brigade" text, "Population" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Brigade" FROM table_46547 WHERE "Name" = 'al-hamra (''arab al-hamra)'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the average rank of a nation that had 219,721 in 2012? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_39412 ( "Rank" real, "Country" text, "2011" real, "2012" real, "2013(Jan\u2013Sep)Link" text ) ### Response: SELECT AVG("Rank") FROM table_39412 WHERE "2012" = '219,721'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What team used the toyota rvx-07 2.4 v8 engine ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_14477 ( "Year" real, "Entrant" text, "Chassis" text, "Engine" text, "Points" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Entrant" FROM table_14477 WHERE "Engine" = 'toyota rvx-07 2.4 v8'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the smallest number of gold medals a country with 7 medals has? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_60858 ( "Rank" real, "Nation" text, "Gold" real, "Silver" real, "Bronze" real, "Total" real ) ### Response: SELECT MIN("Gold") FROM table_60858 WHERE "Total" = '7'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the constructor for time/retired of handling? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_56070 ( "Driver" text, "Constructor" text, "Laps" real, "Time/Retired" text, "Grid" real ) ### Response: SELECT "Constructor" FROM table_56070 WHERE "Time/Retired" = 'handling'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the name of the mill constructed of red brick in 1910 with a reference number lower than 55? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_7 ( name VARCHAR, construction VARCHAR, ref_number VARCHAR, built VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT name FROM table_name_7 WHERE ref_number < 55 AND built = 1910 AND construction = "red brick"
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What was the nationality of the winner on December 8, 1968? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_78775 ( "Edition" text, "Date" text, "Winner" text, "Country" text, "Time ( h : m : s )" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Country" FROM table_78775 WHERE "Date" = 'december 8, 1968'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: If %2001 is 0.1%, what is the minimum Arabs 2001 number? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_2036 ( "Province" text, "Arabs 2001" real, "% 2001" text, "Arabs 2011" real, "% 2011" text ) ### Response: SELECT MIN("Arabs 2001") FROM table_2036 WHERE "% 2001" = '0.1%'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the Name of the dinosaur that was discovered in the Location, China, and whose Notes are, 'described from a single tooth'? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_63 ( name VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, notes VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT name FROM table_name_63 WHERE location = "china" AND notes = "described from a single tooth"
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Who is the rider of Scot Racing team with a Honda constructor and rounds 6-17? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_38940 ( "Team" text, "Constructor" text, "Motorcycle" text, "Rider" text, "Rounds" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Rider" FROM table_38940 WHERE "Constructor" = 'honda' AND "Team" = 'scot racing team' AND "Rounds" = '6-17'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: what is the date when the home team is st kilda? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_52261 ( "Home team" text, "Home team score" text, "Away team" text, "Away team score" text, "Venue" text, "Date" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Date" FROM table_52261 WHERE "Home team" = 'st kilda'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: How many top 10s associated with 3 top 5s and under 22 cuts made? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_13 ( top_10 INTEGER, top_5 VARCHAR, cuts_made VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT MAX(top_10) FROM table_name_13 WHERE top_5 = 3 AND cuts_made < 22
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What country has a territory of French Guiana? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_33979 ( "Country" text, "Territory" text, "Name" text, "Birth date" text, "Death date" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Country" FROM table_33979 WHERE "Territory" = 'french guiana'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: pulse was the first album what was the second ? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_203_512 ( id number, "release date" text, "album" text, "catalog number" text, "chart position" number, "notes" text ) ### Response: SELECT "album" FROM table_203_512 WHERE id = 2
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: what is the longest track on the album ? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_204_74 ( id number, "#" number, "title" text, "producers" text, "guest performers" text, "length" text ) ### Response: SELECT "title" FROM table_204_74 ORDER BY "length" DESC LIMIT 1
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Where was Alex Song signed from after 2010? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_65972 ( "Rank" real, "Player" text, "From" text, "Transfer Fee (\u20ac millions)" text, "Year" real ) ### Response: SELECT "From" FROM table_65972 WHERE "Year" > '2010' AND "Player" = 'alex song'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: How many production codes are there for episode number 45? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_28250 ( "No." real, "#" real, "Title" text, "Director" text, "Writer(s)" text, "Original air date" text, "Prod. code" real, "U.S. viewers (million)" text ) ### Response: SELECT COUNT("Prod. code") FROM table_28250 WHERE "No." = '45'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: what is the series when the team is gunbroker racing? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_49778 ( "Year" real, "Series" text, "Make" text, "Driver" text, "Team" text, "Schedule" text, "Role" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Series" FROM table_49778 WHERE "Team" = 'gunbroker racing'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Which round has an H/A of A with Notts County as opponents? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_34193 ( "Date" text, "Round" text, "Opponents" text, "H / A" text, "Result F \u2013 A" text, "Attendance" real ) ### Response: SELECT "Round" FROM table_34193 WHERE "H / A" = 'a' AND "Opponents" = 'notts county'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: How many episodes in the series that premieres 5 february 2012 ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_20315 ( "Series" text, "Episodes" real, "Series premiere" text, "Series finale" text, "Region 1" text, "Region 2" text, "Region 4" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Episodes" FROM table_20315 WHERE "Series premiere" = '5 February 2012'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Which Game has a Record of 27-11-10? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_38452 ( "Game" real, "March" real, "Opponent" text, "Score" text, "Record" text ) ### Response: SELECT AVG("Game") FROM table_38452 WHERE "Record" = '27-11-10'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What's the number of the game in which Carlos Boozer (8) did the high rebounds? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_23286223_5 ( game VARCHAR, high_rebounds VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT game FROM table_23286223_5 WHERE high_rebounds = "Carlos Boozer (8)"
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Score of new york yankees 2, brooklyn dodgers 3 involves how many number of games? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_68584 ( "Game" real, "Date" text, "Score" text, "Location" text, "Time" text, "Attendance" real ) ### Response: SELECT COUNT("Game") FROM table_68584 WHERE "Score" = 'new york yankees – 2, brooklyn dodgers – 3'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Tell me the overall rank for roland schoeman ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_32000 ( "Heat Rank" real, "Lane" real, "Swimmer" text, "Country" text, "Time" real, "Overall Rank" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Overall Rank" FROM table_32000 WHERE "Swimmer" = 'roland schoeman'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Name the launch date for vladimir lyakhov , aleksandr pavlovich aleksandrov ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_26988 ( "Expedition" text, "Crew" text, "Launch date" text, "Flight up" text, "Landing date" text, "Flight down" text, "Duration (days)" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Launch date" FROM table_26988 WHERE "Crew" = 'Vladimir Lyakhov , Aleksandr Pavlovich Aleksandrov'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the average rebounds for the player who started in 1986 and who plays SG? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_54002 ( "Player" text, "Pos." text, "From" real, "School/Country" text, "Rebs" real, "Asts" real ) ### Response: SELECT AVG("Rebs") FROM table_54002 WHERE "From" = '1986' AND "Pos." = 'sg'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: How many wins did the club have with the last win in 2000? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_56539 ( "Club" text, "Wins" text, "Last win" text, "Runners-up" text, "Last final lost" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Wins" FROM table_56539 WHERE "Last win" = '2000'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is Money ( $ ), when Player is Greg Norman? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_44630 ( "Place" text, "Player" text, "Country" text, "Score" text, "To par" text, "Money ( $ )" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Money ( $ )" FROM table_44630 WHERE "Player" = 'greg norman'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the Median family income when the Median household income is $38,137? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_8 ( median_family_income VARCHAR, median_household_income VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT median_family_income FROM table_name_8 WHERE median_household_income = "$38,137"
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: How many dar are in germany? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_72734 ( "N\u00b0" real, "Television service" text, "Country" text, "Language" text, "Content" text, "DAR" text, "HDTV" text, "Package/Option" text ) ### Response: SELECT "DAR" FROM table_72734 WHERE "Country" = 'Germany'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What was the total number for the PIW Class' The Adventures Of... and had a score bigger than 94.6? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_45318 ( "Year" real, "Program Title" text, "Placement" text, "Score" real, "Class" text ) ### Response: SELECT COUNT("Year") FROM table_45318 WHERE "Class" = 'piw' AND "Program Title" = 'the adventures of...' AND "Score" > '94.6'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the Location of the 'My Pacific' Theme? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_63502 ( "Iteration" text, "Year" real, "Dates" text, "Location" text, "Theme" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Location" FROM table_63502 WHERE "Theme" = 'my pacific'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Who won Division Southwest when the winner of Division North was Lepenec and Division South was won by 11 Oktomvri? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_44 ( division_southwest VARCHAR, division_north VARCHAR, division_south VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT division_southwest FROM table_name_44 WHERE division_north = "lepenec" AND division_south = "11 oktomvri"
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: How many wins has a podiums greater than 1 and 9 as the races with a season after 1984? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_13 ( wins VARCHAR, season VARCHAR, podiums VARCHAR, races VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT COUNT(wins) FROM table_name_13 WHERE podiums > 1 AND races = 9 AND season > 1984
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Which Built by has a Name of northern jaeger? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_37545 ( "Name" text, "Length" text, "Tonnage" real, "Built by" text, "Year" real, "Engines" text, "Horsepowers" real, "Former Names" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Built by" FROM table_37545 WHERE "Name" = 'northern jaeger'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What Series had 14 races and 12th position? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_42416 ( "Season" text, "Series" text, "Team" text, "Races" real, "Wins" real, "Poles" real, "Podiums" real, "Points" text, "Position" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Series" FROM table_42416 WHERE "Races" = '14' AND "Position" = '12th'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the final for middleweight 75 kg? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_51431 ( "Athlete" text, "Event" text, "Round of 32" text, "Round of 16" text, "Quarterfinal" text, "Semifinal" text, "Final" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Final" FROM table_51431 WHERE "Event" = 'middleweight –75 kg'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Which team scored 14.14 (98) at an away game? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_52293 ( "Home team" text, "Home team score" text, "Away team" text, "Away team score" text, "Venue" text, "Crowd" real, "Date" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Away team" FROM table_52293 WHERE "Away team score" = '14.14 (98)'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the largest year with an Entrant of ron harris / team lotus? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_70235 ( "Year" real, "Entrant" text, "Chassis" text, "Engine" text, "Points" real ) ### Response: SELECT MAX("Year") FROM table_70235 WHERE "Entrant" = 'ron harris / team lotus'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What away team scored 6.22 (58)? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_4932 ( "Home team" text, "Home team score" text, "Away team" text, "Away team score" text, "Venue" text, "Crowd" real, "Date" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Away team" FROM table_4932 WHERE "Away team score" = '6.22 (58)'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: How many laps does luca badoer have? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_78485 ( "Driver" text, "Constructor" text, "Laps" text, "Time/Retired" text, "Grid" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Laps" FROM table_78485 WHERE "Driver" = 'luca badoer'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the lowest Lost, when Goals For is greater than 52, when Points 1 is '44', and when Drawn is less than 8? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_88 ( lost INTEGER, drawn VARCHAR, goals_for VARCHAR, points_1 VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT MIN(lost) FROM table_name_88 WHERE goals_for > 52 AND points_1 = "44" AND drawn < 8
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: When did Hans Hartmann drive? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_75423 ( "Year" real, "Event" text, "Venue" text, "Driver" text, "Result" text, "Category" text, "Report" text ) ### Response: SELECT COUNT("Year") FROM table_75423 WHERE "Driver" = 'hans hartmann'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: WHAT IS THE SUB-PARISH WITH A YEAR AFTER 1916, IN ortnevik? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_41 ( sub_parish__sogn_ VARCHAR, year_built VARCHAR, location_of_the_church VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT sub_parish__sogn_ FROM table_name_41 WHERE year_built > 1916 AND location_of_the_church = "ortnevik"
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Return a histogram on what is average age of male for different job title?, sort bar in asc order. ### Input: CREATE TABLE PersonFriend ( name varchar(20), friend varchar(20), year INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Person ( name varchar(20), age INTEGER, city TEXT, gender TEXT, job TEXT ) ### Response: SELECT job, AVG(age) FROM Person WHERE gender = 'male' GROUP BY job ORDER BY job
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the enrollment at the school of Hamilton community? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_63310 ( "School" text, "Location" text, "Mascot" text, "Enrollment" real, "IHSAA Class" text, "# / County" text ) ### Response: SELECT AVG("Enrollment") FROM table_63310 WHERE "School" = 'hamilton community'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the lowest Top-25, when Events is 10, and when Wins is greater than 0? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_31 ( top_25 INTEGER, events VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT MIN(top_25) FROM table_name_31 WHERE events = 10 AND wins > 0
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Which Song has an Issue date(s) of 29 may - 26 june? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_49550 ( "Volume:Issue" text, "Issue date(s)" text, "Weeks at number one" real, "Song" text, "Artist(s)" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Song" FROM table_49550 WHERE "Issue date(s)" = '29 may - 26 june'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: how many total players were transferred to sun pegasus ? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_204_968 ( id number, "squad #" number, "position" text, "player" text, "transferred to" text, "fee" text, "date" text ) ### Response: SELECT COUNT("player") FROM table_204_968 WHERE "transferred to" = 'sun pegasus'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Who was the actor in London in 2002 with the shipwreck of Leonty Ibayev? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_78 ( actor_in_london VARCHAR, _2002 VARCHAR, shipwreck VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT actor_in_london, _2002 FROM table_name_78 WHERE shipwreck = "leonty ibayev"
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: The player who plays left wing is from what college/junior/club team? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_21657 ( "Round" real, "Overall Pick" real, "Player" text, "Position" text, "Nationality" text, "College/Junior/Club Team (League)" text ) ### Response: SELECT "College/Junior/Club Team (League)" FROM table_21657 WHERE "Position" = 'Left Wing'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What year was the venue at Sydney Cricket Ground, and the opponent was Parramatta Eels? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_71745 ( "Year" real, "Opponent" text, "Competition" text, "Score" text, "Venue" text, "Attendance" text ) ### Response: SELECT COUNT("Year") FROM table_71745 WHERE "Venue" = 'sydney cricket ground' AND "Opponent" = 'parramatta eels'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is Collingwood's home venue? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_33502 ( "Home team" text, "Home team score" text, "Away team" text, "Away team score" text, "Venue" text, "Crowd" real, "Date" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Venue" FROM table_33502 WHERE "Home team" = 'collingwood'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: This engine with a cylinder size of 20 x 26 and a firebox of radial-stay was built when? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_25695027_1 ( years_built VARCHAR, cylinder_size VARCHAR, firebox VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT years_built FROM table_25695027_1 WHERE cylinder_size = "20 ½” x 26”" AND firebox = "Radial-stay"
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Who directed 'what do you know?'? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_26553 ( "No. in series" real, "No. in season" real, "Title" text, "Directed by" text, "Written by" text, "Original air date" text, "Production code" real ) ### Response: SELECT "Directed by" FROM table_26553 WHERE "Title" = 'What Do You Know?'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: How many C-95 aircrafts originating in Brazil are currently in service? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_31639 ( "Aircraft" text, "Origin" text, "Type" text, "Versions" text, "In service" text ) ### Response: SELECT "In service" FROM table_31639 WHERE "Origin" = 'brazil' AND "Versions" = 'c-95'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the smallest grid with collision as the Time/Retired for pedro diniz? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_51664 ( "Driver" text, "Constructor" text, "Laps" real, "Time/Retired" text, "Grid" real ) ### Response: SELECT MIN("Grid") FROM table_51664 WHERE "Time/Retired" = 'collision' AND "Driver" = 'pedro diniz'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Name the team for wins being 0 and top 5 is 0 and poles is 0 and avg start is 37.0 ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_2463383_2 ( team_s_ VARCHAR, avg_start VARCHAR, poles VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR, top_5 VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT team_s_ FROM table_2463383_2 WHERE wins = 0 AND top_5 = 0 AND poles = 0 AND avg_start = "37.0"
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: How many times was the result was re-elected and the party was anti-masonic in the district Pennsylvania 24? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_2668199_2 ( first_elected VARCHAR, district VARCHAR, result VARCHAR, party VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT COUNT(first_elected) FROM table_2668199_2 WHERE result = "Re-elected" AND party = "Anti-Masonic" AND district = "Pennsylvania 24"
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: what was the score of the parallel bars with a floor exercise score more than 9.137, vault more than 9.5 and horizontal bar of 9.225? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_87 ( parallel_bars INTEGER, vault VARCHAR, floor_exercise VARCHAR, horizontal_bar VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT SUM(parallel_bars) FROM table_name_87 WHERE floor_exercise > 9.137 AND horizontal_bar = 9.225 AND vault > 9.5
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the percentage of all females that are literate people have a percentage of 68.74? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_19424 ( "State/UT Code" real, "India/State/UT" text, "Literate Persons (%)" text, "Males (%)" text, "Females (%)" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Females (%)" FROM table_19424 WHERE "Literate Persons (%)" = '68.74'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What were Will Rackley's total rounds? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_34463 ( "Round" real, "Pick #" real, "Overall" real, "Name" text, "Position" text, "College" text ) ### Response: SELECT COUNT("Round") FROM table_34463 WHERE "Name" = 'will rackley'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Name the least floor exercise for parallel bars more than 9.687 and pommel horse less than 8.45 ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_58 ( floor_exercise INTEGER, pommel_horse VARCHAR, parallel_bars VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT MIN(floor_exercise) FROM table_name_58 WHERE pommel_horse < 8.45 AND parallel_bars > 9.687
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the rank for the 3 silver medals? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_44261 ( "Rank" text, "Nation" text, "Gold" real, "Silver" real, "Bronze" real, "Total" real ) ### Response: SELECT "Rank" FROM table_44261 WHERE "Silver" = '3'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the maximum total medals when the rank is 8? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_58925 ( "Rank" text, "Gold" real, "Silver" real, "Bronze" real, "Total" real ) ### Response: SELECT MAX("Total") FROM table_58925 WHERE "Rank" = '8'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What Rank has a 65 s Wicket? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_41576 ( "Rank" text, "s Wicket" text, "Player" text, "Matches" text, "Season" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Rank" FROM table_41576 WHERE "s Wicket" = '65'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: what team has a score of 11 ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_75223 ( "Game" real, "October" real, "Opponent" text, "Score" text, "Record" text, "Points" real ) ### Response: SELECT "Record" FROM table_75223 WHERE "Game" = '11'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What's the Hangul/Japanese of Boys Over Flowers that's drama? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_64508 ( "Year" real, "Title" text, "Hangul / Japanese" text, "Role" text, "Network" text, "Genre" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Hangul / Japanese" FROM table_64508 WHERE "Genre" = 'drama' AND "Title" = 'boys over flowers'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What is the average number of bronze medals associated with 0 silver, 1 total, and ranks over 16? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_58 ( bronze INTEGER, rank VARCHAR, total VARCHAR, silver VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT AVG(bronze) FROM table_name_58 WHERE total = 1 AND silver = 0 AND rank > 16
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What Tunnel has an Imperial Length of 307 yd? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_46918 ( "County" text, "Tunnel" text, "Type" text, "Length (Imperial)" text, "Date of opening" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Tunnel" FROM table_46918 WHERE "Length (Imperial)" = '307 yd'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What was the highest number of points in 1966? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_15735 ( "Year" real, "Entrant" text, "Chassis" text, "Engine" text, "Points" real ) ### Response: SELECT MAX("Points") FROM table_15735 WHERE "Year" = '1966'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: Which team has an away score of 7.9 (51)? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_55681 ( "Home team" text, "Home team score" text, "Away team" text, "Away team score" text, "Venue" text, "Crowd" real, "Date" text ) ### Response: SELECT "Away team score" FROM table_55681 WHERE "Home team score" = '7.9 (51)'
Below are sql tables schemas paired with instruction that describes a task. Using valid SQLite, write a response that appropriately completes the request for the provided tables. ### Instruction: What team was the opponent in the 2008 09 season, with a final score of 2 3 l? ### Input: CREATE TABLE table_name_43 ( opponent VARCHAR, season VARCHAR, final_score VARCHAR ) ### Response: SELECT opponent FROM table_name_43 WHERE season = "2008–09" AND final_score = "2–3 l"