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Pluto rotates once on its axis every 6.39 Earth days;
Earth rotates on its axis once times in one day.
Earth<>rotates on<>its axis once times$$$Earth<>rotates on its axis once times in<>one day$$$its axis once times<>in<>one day
---Glenn ========================================================= Once per day, the earth rotates about its axis.
Earth rotates on its axis once times in one day.
Earth<>rotates on<>its axis once times$$$Earth<>rotates on its axis once times in<>one day$$$its axis once times<>in<>one day
geysers - periodic gush of hot water at the surface of the Earth.
The surface of the sun is much hotter than almost anything on earth.
The surface of the sun<>is<>much hotter than almost anything on earth
Facts: Liquid water droplets can be changed into invisible water vapor through a process called evaporation .
Evaporation is responsible for changing liquid water into water vapor.
Evaporation<>is<>responsible for changing liquid water into water vapor
By comparison, the earth rotates on its axis once per day and revolves around the sun once per year.
Earth rotates on its axis once times in one day.
Earth<>rotates on<>its axis once times$$$Earth<>rotates on its axis once times in<>one day$$$its axis once times<>in<>one day
Pluto is about 39 times more distant from the Sun than is the Earth, and it takes about 250 Earth years for Pluto to make one complete revolution around the Sun.
Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun about once every year.
Earth<>makes about once<>a complete revolution around the sun
It takes Pluto 247.7 Earth years to make one revolution around the Sun.
Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun about once every year.
Earth<>makes about once<>a complete revolution around the sun
Multicellular organisms that have a eukaryotic cell type, mitochondria and a complex nervous system.
Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms have this in common: both have a way to get rid of waste materials.
both<>have<>a way to get rid of waste materials$$$Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms<>have<>this
Distribution Water on earth is located primarily in the oceans (97.2%), polar caps (2.14%), ground water(0.61%), and surface water(0.009%).
Most of earth's water is located in oceans
Most of earth's water<>is located<>in oceans
migratory birds which fly from South America to winter in Arctic Circle, where they
Many species of birds in new england fly south for the winter months to find an environment with more food.
the winter months<>to find<>an environment with more food
Younger children learn about different forms of energy, including heat, light and sound, though concrete activities.
Heat, light, and sound are all different forms of energy.
Heat, light, and sound<>are<>different forms of energy$$$Heat<>[is]<>light
When enough condensation forms, it will rain and water the plants.
Dew forming on plants during a cold night is an example of water condensing.
Dew forming on plants during a cold night<>is<>an example of water condensing
The photosynthesis of the past is what had stored the Sun's energy that ultimately produced coal;
Coal is nonrenewable, and the sun is renewable is how coal and the sun compare as sources of energy.
the sun<>is<>renewable
Around the liquid stor- age and liquid recovery systems, rain water runoff would be controlled by collection into a sump system.
Rain is an example of liquid water.
Rain<>is<>an example of liquid water
In this last example, it isn't even loudness or sound at all that needs to be made.
The sound in a loud classroom is an example of a form of energy.
The sound in a loud classroom<>is<>an example of a form of energy
When these winds are strong, they deflect moister air moving up from the Gulf coast and cold air masses moving down from the Arctic;
The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states is that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream.
air masses<>move<>across the united states$$$the prevailing westerlies<>may be deflected<>by the jet stream$$$The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states<>is<>that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream$$$the prevailing westerlies<>move<>air masses<>from west<>to east<>across the united states
Evaporation : The process that changes water (liquid) into water vapor (gas).
Evaporation is responsible for changing liquid water into water vapor.
Evaporation<>is<>responsible for changing liquid water into water vapor
A long-day plant (a plant that flowers in the early summer in response to increasing day length) will be used to isolate the appropriate promoters.
A(n) increase in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day.
A(n) increase in length<>happens<>to metal railroad tracks<>during the heat of a summer day
Why do we find few or no human fossils in most sedimentary rock?
Most fossils are found in sedimentary rocks because organisms can be preserved in sedimentary rock.
Most fossils<>are found<>in sedimentary rocks<>because organisms can be preserved in sedimentary rock$$$organisms<>can be preserved<>in sedimentary rock
Even if you don't live near a stream or river (though most people do), there are many little things you can do to help prevent too much water and soil run-off from contaminating streams and rivers where anadromous fishes live: Keep your lawn vegetated.
People can help keep a forest a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down.
too many trees<>from being cut down<>$$$People<>can help<>keep a forest a good place$$$People<>can help keep<>a forest<>a good place for birds to live by preventing too many trees from being cut down$$$birds<>to live<>$$$birds<>to live by preventing<>too many trees<>from being cut down
MINERALS A mineral is any naturally-occurring, homogeneous solid that has a definite chemical composition and a distinctive internal crystal structure.
A mineral is described as a solid natural material with a crystal structure.
A mineral<>is described<>as a solid natural material with a crystal structure
Selfish Cells Threaten Multicellular Life, Trends in Ecology and Evolution Excerpt: How far have conflicts at the cell and organism level influenced the evolution of multicellularity?
Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms have this in common: both have a way to get rid of waste materials.
both<>have<>a way to get rid of waste materials$$$Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms<>have<>this
Frogs replace them with lungs in the transition from tadpoles to adults.
A frog develops (a/an) lungs as it changes from a tadpole to an adult frog.
A frog<>develops<>$$$it<>changes<>from a tadpole<>to an adult frog
3) The earth is far enough from the sun so that its surface temperature isn't unbearably hot .
The surface of the sun is much hotter than almost anything on earth.
The surface of the sun<>is<>much hotter than almost anything on earth
Solar system: the Sun and all bodies orbiting around it.
The largest body in our solar system is the sun.
The largest body in our solar system<>is<>the sun
The sun and stars appeared exactly as they do to us upon earth.
From earth, the sun appears brighter than any other star because the sun is the closest star
the sun<>appears brighter<>because the sun is the closest star$$$the sun<>is<>the closest star
Indeed, these and most fungi are multicellular organisms made up of cells have cell walls, a typical plant characteristic.
Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms have this in common: both have a way to get rid of waste materials.
both<>have<>a way to get rid of waste materials$$$Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms<>have<>this
For example, active health is offered in every grade to teach students to monitor their own healthy habits such as nutrition, substance abuse and smoking.
Exercising every day is an example of a good health habit.
Exercising every day<>is<>an example of a good health habit
Identify her master traits and provide an example from the reading for each trait.
Being able to read is an example of a learned trait.
Being able to read<>is<>an example of a learned trait
On Titan, rain and clouds are most likely made up of liquid methane, not water.
Rain is an example of liquid water.
Rain<>is<>an example of liquid water
CSX operates a north-south length of railroad track that connects Chrisman and Paris.
A(n) increase in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day.
A(n) increase in length<>happens<>to metal railroad tracks<>during the heat of a summer day
Slugs, believe it or not have a very important purpose. They are decomposers, which means they eats wastes and organic materials of other organisms. They help get rid of the t…rash that animals leave behind.
Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms have this in common: both have a way to get rid of waste materials.
both<>have<>a way to get rid of waste materials$$$Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms<>have<>this
I 4.4.3d Different forms of energy include heat, light, electrical, mechanical, sound, nuclear, and chemical.
Heat, light, and sound are all different forms of energy.
Heat, light, and sound<>are<>different forms of energy$$$Heat<>[is]<>light
Your eyes of blue and hair that's straight, Comes through heredity, inheriting a human trait.
A human offspring inherit blue eyes.
A human offspring<>inherit<>blue eyes
Energy, heat and/or sound are forms of matter.
Heat, light, and sound are all different forms of energy.
Heat, light, and sound<>are<>different forms of energy$$$Heat<>[is]<>light
What good are cactus spines?
The spines of a cactus help it survive because spines protect the cactus from animals.
it<>survive<>because spines protect the cactus from animals$$$spines<>protect<>the cactus from animals
The energy in the coal came from the sun and was stored in the plants.
Coal is nonrenewable, and the sun is renewable is how coal and the sun compare as sources of energy.
the sun<>is<>renewable
Of course, the Sun is the closest star to Earth.
From earth, the sun appears brighter than any other star because the sun is the closest star
the sun<>appears brighter<>because the sun is the closest star$$$the sun<>is<>the closest star
Pumpkin Fruit RollUps Chop pumpkin and cook in saucepan until soft.
A pumpkin is a fruit.
A pumpkin<>is<>a fruit
Wait for a series of blue blocks to appear and fill the slot.
A blue block appears blue in the sunlight if only blue light is reflected by the block.
only blue light<>is reflected<>by the block
Be able to give examples of the marketing applications of these types of learning.
Being able to read is an example of a learned trait.
Being able to read<>is<>an example of a learned trait
as, to inject cold water into a condenser;
Dew forming on plants during a cold night is an example of water condensing.
Dew forming on plants during a cold night<>is<>an example of water condensing
The cholla, with its long spines, provides a well protected home for the cactus wren and its young.
The spines of a cactus help it survive because spines protect the cactus from animals.
it<>survive<>because spines protect the cactus from animals$$$spines<>protect<>the cactus from animals
turbulent flow) air flow rate The mass/volume of air moved per unit of time through a space opening or duct.
The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states is that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream.
air masses<>move<>across the united states$$$the prevailing westerlies<>may be deflected<>by the jet stream$$$The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states<>is<>that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream$$$the prevailing westerlies<>move<>air masses<>from west<>to east<>across the united states
As a House of Animals There are many trees living in woods, and their flowers, nuts and fruits support the life of small animals such as a squirrel.
A squirrel storing nuts is preparing for a seasonal change in the environment.
A squirrel storing nuts<>is preparing<>for a seasonal change in the environment$$$A squirrel<>storing<>nuts
We may, for example, respond to a loud noise by saying "That sounded like a gunshot."
The sound in a loud classroom is an example of a form of energy.
The sound in a loud classroom<>is<>an example of a form of energy
Now the carbon atom we are following is sent out inlo the air as a part of a carbon dioxide molecule again.
Air is made of atoms.
Air<>is made<>of atoms
In some programs, genetic counselors use DNA fingerprint information to help prospective parents understand the risk of having an affected child.
Children resemble their parents because they have similar dna.
Children<>resemble<>their parents<>because they have similar dna$$$they<>have<>similar dna
Genes determine all inherited traits including those that give the individual specific characteristics (blue eyes rather than brown eyes) as well as common characteristics (two eyes, two arms, etc.).
A human offspring inherit blue eyes.
A human offspring<>inherit<>blue eyes
An organism eats other living things to survive;
A moose eats a plant is an example of a living thing that depends on another living thing to survive.
A moose<>eats<>a plant$$$A moose eats a plant<>is<>an example of a living thing$$$a living thing<>depends<>on another living thing
In this food chain, energy flows from the grass (producer) to the deer (primary consumer) to the tiger (secondary consumer).
A consumer and producer in a food chain are involved when a deer eats a leaf.
A consumer and producer in a food chain<>are involved<>when a deer eats a leaf$$$a deer<>eats<>a leaf
It consists of three main components: a bicycle for creating mechanical energy, a generator for converting the mechanical energy into electricity, and a display panel that has the necessary wiring and a range of gadgets
A person uses mechanical energy to pedal a bicycle.
A person<>uses<>mechanical energy<>to pedal a bicycle$$$A person<>uses mechanical energy to pedal<>a bicycle
Seeking shelter from the pouring rain, you duck into a nearby music store.
When it rains, some animals will move to seek shelter.
some animals<>will move<>to seek shelter<>When it rains$$$some animals<>to seek<>shelter
This tactic is similar to the parental idea of ignoring a child having a tantrum.
Children resemble their parents because they have similar dna.
Children<>resemble<>their parents<>because they have similar dna$$$they<>have<>similar dna
It rotates on its axis once every 60 Earth days.
Earth rotates on its axis once times in one day.
Earth<>rotates on<>its axis once times$$$Earth<>rotates on its axis once times in<>one day$$$its axis once times<>in<>one day
Our lenses will enhance what you want to see and block out sunlight, blue-light, glare and distracting objects and terrain.
A blue block appears blue in the sunlight if only blue light is reflected by the block.
only blue light<>is reflected<>by the block
This respect must have been similar to the feelings of a child for its parents.
Children resemble their parents because they have similar dna.
Children<>resemble<>their parents<>because they have similar dna$$$they<>have<>similar dna
For required action realization use one of the types of mechanical energy.
A person uses mechanical energy to pedal a bicycle.
A person<>uses<>mechanical energy<>to pedal a bicycle$$$A person<>uses mechanical energy to pedal<>a bicycle
The sun, moon and twelve stars represent the heavenly bodies of our solar system.
The largest body in our solar system is the sun.
The largest body in our solar system<>is<>the sun
Both units protect against lighting, high winds, burglary, fire, tornadoes and hurricanes.
Both hurricanes and tornadoes always have high winds.
Both hurricanes and tornadoes<>have<>high winds<>always
> >It's turned into plasma, a burning gas as hot as the surface of the sun.
The surface of the sun is much hotter than almost anything on earth.
The surface of the sun<>is<>much hotter than almost anything on earth
Looking Good: Is exercise a dangerous habit?
Exercising every day is an example of a good health habit.
Exercising every day<>is<>an example of a good health habit
You will be able to distinguish between single-trait, multi-trait and social learning theories of personality.
Being able to read is an example of a learned trait.
Being able to read<>is<>an example of a learned trait
a natural mineral rock salt.
A mineral is described as a natural substance that makes up rocks.
A mineral<>is described<>as a natural substance$$$a natural substance<>makes up<>rocks
On sweltering summer days, city power supplies are often taxed by increased air conditioning use, as citizens struggle to beat the heat.
A(n) increase in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day.
A(n) increase in length<>happens<>to metal railroad tracks<>during the heat of a summer day
EVAPORATION: the process of liquid water becoming water vapor, including vaporization from water surfaces, land surfaces and snow fields, but not from leaf surfaces.
Evaporation is responsible for changing liquid water into water vapor.
Evaporation<>is<>responsible for changing liquid water into water vapor
Build with blue blocks.
A blue block appears blue in the sunlight if only blue light is reflected by the block.
only blue light<>is reflected<>by the block
At one temperature and pressure, called the Triple Point , all three phases of water (liquid), water vapor (gas), and ice (solid) coexist at equilibrium.
One way to change water from a liquid to a solid is to decrease the temperature.
One way to change water from a liquid to a solid<>is<>to decrease the temperature
Use this microscope to see: microorganisms in pond water, human tissue, plant cells, insect parts and more.
A microscope would best help a person observe the parts of a plant cell.
A microscope<>would best help<>a person observe the parts of a plant cell$$$a person<>observe<>the parts of a plant cell
The parent said she was having a difficult time explaining the situation to her child and maintaining the child's belief in Santa.
Children resemble their parents because they have similar dna.
Children<>resemble<>their parents<>because they have similar dna$$$they<>have<>similar dna
One example was given: flammability - the ability of a substance to burn in the presence of oxygen. Some substances (wood, alcohol) are very flammable, others are not. Iron (see above) reacts with oxygen, but so slowly we do not say the iron burns, but that it rusts.
Wood burning is an example of a different substance being formed.
Wood burning<>is<>an example of a different substance$$$a different substance<>being formed<>
When the weather begins to cool off in the fall, the birds fly south to find warm winter weather and plenty of food.
Many species of birds in new england fly south for the winter months to find an environment with more food.
the winter months<>to find<>an environment with more food
ECONOMY OF WOOD BURNING FACILITIES There are several successful examples of projects with wood burning.
Wood burning is an example of a different substance being formed.
Wood burning<>is<>an example of a different substance$$$a different substance<>being formed<>
Evaporation is the process of changing water from liquid to gas.
Evaporation is responsible for changing liquid water into water vapor.
Evaporation<>is<>responsible for changing liquid water into water vapor
Pauling: 1.78 Allred Rochow: 1.49 Crystal Structure structure: tetragonal The following CrystalMaker image represents the solid state structure.
A mineral is described as a solid natural material with a crystal structure.
A mineral<>is described<>as a solid natural material with a crystal structure
The railroad trestle and the highway bridge attract a small number of fishermen throughout the year, with activity increasing to approximately 20 persons per day on weekends during summer.
A(n) increase in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day.
A(n) increase in length<>happens<>to metal railroad tracks<>during the heat of a summer day
The blue wavelength reflected from the ground is blocked;
A blue block appears blue in the sunlight if only blue light is reflected by the block.
only blue light<>is reflected<>by the block
Without it, the surface temperature of Earth would be either extremely hot or extremely cold, depending on which side is facing the
The surface of the sun is much hotter than almost anything on earth.
The surface of the sun<>is<>much hotter than almost anything on earth
X1014316970-00284-62165</DOCNO> A Cactus A Cactus Cactus CACTUS A cactus is any of the family of plants that are native to north and South America and usually have clusters of spines.
The spines of a cactus help it survive because spines protect the cactus from animals.
it<>survive<>because spines protect the cactus from animals$$$spines<>protect<>the cactus from animals
Mechanical structures of musculoskeletal systems and impedance regulation Koji Ito (Toyohashi Univ. of Technology) Dynamic simulation of bicycle ergometer pedalling using human muscle characteristics Mitsuhiko Hasegawa (Nagaoka Univ. of Technology), et al.
A person uses mechanical energy to pedal a bicycle.
A person<>uses<>mechanical energy<>to pedal a bicycle$$$A person<>uses mechanical energy to pedal<>a bicycle
Saturn orbits the Sun once every 29.4 Earth years.
Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun about once every year.
Earth<>makes about once<>a complete revolution around the sun
Heat and summer months activate and increase the biting.
A(n) increase in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day.
A(n) increase in length<>happens<>to metal railroad tracks<>during the heat of a summer day
As the tadpole transforms into an adult frog, its gills are absorbed into the body and the lungs take over for the process of respiration.
A frog develops (a/an) lungs as it changes from a tadpole to an adult frog.
A frog<>develops<>$$$it<>changes<>from a tadpole<>to an adult frog
freezing the change of a liquid into a solid as temperature decreases.
One way to change water from a liquid to a solid is to decrease the temperature.
One way to change water from a liquid to a solid<>is<>to decrease the temperature
11B sun other star Is the Sun another star?
From earth, the sun appears brighter than any other star because the sun is the closest star
the sun<>appears brighter<>because the sun is the closest star$$$the sun<>is<>the closest star
Around the liquid storage and liquid recovery systems, rain water runoff would be controlled by collection into a sump system.
Rain is an example of liquid water.
Rain<>is<>an example of liquid water
animalAny living thing that is not a plant.
A moose eats a plant is an example of a living thing that depends on another living thing to survive.
A moose<>eats<>a plant$$$A moose eats a plant<>is<>an example of a living thing$$$a living thing<>depends<>on another living thing
A Special Message on Safety Safety should be first in the minds of administrators, teachers, and students actively involved in a science program.
If an accident happens during a science experiment, the first thing a student should do is report to the teacher.
an accident<>happens<>during a science experiment$$$the first thing<>should do<>a student$$$the first thing a student should do<>is<>report to the teacher
the elements, plants and living things;
A moose eats a plant is an example of a living thing that depends on another living thing to survive.
A moose<>eats<>a plant$$$A moose eats a plant<>is<>an example of a living thing$$$a living thing<>depends<>on another living thing
Single organisms have certain characteristics.
Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms have this in common: both have a way to get rid of waste materials.
both<>have<>a way to get rid of waste materials$$$Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms<>have<>this
Railroad workers in the Paris region went on strike for a day or two to claim increased levels of staffing to deal with the anticipated influx of travelers for the World Cup this summer.
A(n) increase in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day.
A(n) increase in length<>happens<>to metal railroad tracks<>during the heat of a summer day
Students learn how electric current flows through series circuits and parallel circuits.
A parallel circuit is best described as: electricity flows along more than one pathway
A parallel circuit<>is best described<>as: electricity flows along more than one pathway$$$electricity<>flows<>along more than one pathway
What if it is as large as Jupiter and so close to the sun it would be part of the solar system?
The largest body in our solar system is the sun.
The largest body in our solar system<>is<>the sun
Mass wasting is the name given to erosion due to gravity--this is, when rocks, soil, or dirt moves downhill under the influence of gravity.
Gravity causes rocks to roll downhill.
Gravity<>causes<>rocks to roll downhill$$$rocks<>to roll<>downhill
They're just sucking atoms out of the air to make you dinner."
Air is made of atoms.
Air<>is made<>of atoms
among other things, plants give off oxygen and take in carbon dioxide gas necessary for growth and development.
Oxygen gas is given off by plants.
Oxygen gas<>is given off<>by plants
But there is more to cactuses than spines.
The spines of a cactus help it survive because spines protect the cactus from animals.
it<>survive<>because spines protect the cactus from animals$$$spines<>protect<>the cactus from animals
Asymmetric cell divisions - a single cell (zygote) produces a multicellular organism with many different specialized cell types, this requires cell divisions in which daughter cells have different fates.
Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms have this in common: both have a way to get rid of waste materials.
both<>have<>a way to get rid of waste materials$$$Single-celled organisms and multicellular organisms<>have<>this
Will there be hot surfaces?
The surface of the sun is much hotter than almost anything on earth.
The surface of the sun<>is<>much hotter than almost anything on earth
and very little precipitation.
The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states is that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream.
air masses<>move<>across the united states$$$the prevailing westerlies<>may be deflected<>by the jet stream$$$The best explanation for how air masses move across the united states<>is<>that the prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the united states but may be deflected by the jet stream$$$the prevailing westerlies<>move<>air masses<>from west<>to east<>across the united states
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Dataset Card for "scitail"

Dataset Summary

The SciTail dataset is an entailment dataset created from multiple-choice science exams and web sentences. Each question and the correct answer choice are converted into an assertive statement to form the hypothesis. We use information retrieval to obtain relevant text from a large text corpus of web sentences, and use these sentences as a premise P. We crowdsource the annotation of such premise-hypothesis pair as supports (entails) or not (neutral), in order to create the SciTail dataset. The dataset contains 27,026 examples with 10,101 examples with entails label and 16,925 examples with neutral label

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

More Information Needed


More Information Needed

Dataset Structure

Data Instances


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 14.18 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 7.83 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 22.01 MB

An example of 'train' looks as follows.


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 14.18 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 10.19 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 24.37 MB

An example of 'validation' looks as follows.


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 14.18 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 25.77 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 39.95 MB

An example of 'validation' looks as follows.


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 14.18 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 5.30 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 19.46 MB

An example of 'validation' looks as follows.

Data Fields

The data fields are the same among all splits.


  • premise: a string feature.
  • hypothesis: a string feature.
  • label: a string feature.
  • hypothesis_graph_structure: a string feature.


  • answer: a string feature.
  • sentence2_structure: a string feature.
  • sentence1: a string feature.
  • sentence2: a string feature.
  • gold_label: a string feature.
  • question: a string feature.


  • sentence1_binary_parse: a string feature.
  • sentence1_parse: a string feature.
  • sentence1: a string feature.
  • sentence2_parse: a string feature.
  • sentence2: a string feature.
  • annotator_labels: a list of string features.
  • gold_label: a string feature.


  • premise: a string feature.
  • hypothesis: a string feature.
  • label: a string feature.

Data Splits

name train validation test
dgem_format 23088 1304 2126
predictor_format 23587 1304 2126
snli_format 23596 1304 2126
tsv_format 23097 1304 2126

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

More Information Needed

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

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Who are the source language producers?

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Annotation process

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Who are the annotators?

More Information Needed

Personal and Sensitive Information

More Information Needed

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

More Information Needed

Discussion of Biases

More Information Needed

Other Known Limitations

More Information Needed

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

More Information Needed

Licensing Information

More Information Needed

Citation Information

     Author = {Tushar Khot and Ashish Sabharwal and Peter Clark},
     Booktitle = {AAAI},
     Title = {{SciTail}: A Textual Entailment Dataset from Science Question Answering},
     Year = {2018}


Thanks to @patrickvonplaten, @mariamabarham, @lewtun, @thomwolf for adding this dataset.

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