Storage Footprint of Dolma 1.7 (on disk)

by skaramcheti - opened

Is there an estimate of the memory footprint of all the Dolma 1.7 documents (on disk)?

Want to make sure I have enough disk space allocated before I run the download script β€” thanks so much!

I want to also know whether the new v1_7 contains v1_6 data or only the new and updated ones?
I already downloaded the v1_6 and don't have much disk space left. If v1_7 contains only the updated and new ones then can I safely replace the updated data inside v1_6?

@skaramcheti Not sure if it's still useful for you, but I found that Dolma 1.7 was 12 TB on disk once fully downloaded and unzipped (from the 4.5 TB of gz data).

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