translation |
"en": "Humans love their porn.",
"id": "Manusia mencintai film porno mereka"
} |
"en": "- That's very cute. - Heh. Speaking of which, how's Roy?",
"id": "Manis sekali."
} |
"en": "Well, I thought I did a pretty good job for you, but I guess I was wrong.",
"id": "Kupikir aku telah melakukan pekerjaan dengan baik, tapi rasanya aku salah."
} |
"en": "Oh, no.",
"id": "Oh, tidak."
} |
"en": "Are you watching the news?",
"id": "Apa kau menonton berita?"
} |
"en": "DASH: I heard you at the lvbrary.",
"id": "Aku mendengarmu saat di perpustakaan."
} |
"en": "Who is it?",
"id": "Siapa itu?"
} |
"en": "Except for Satan. He was too proud, and one of the faithless.",
"id": "Semua malaikat pun melaksanakan perintah itu dan melakukan sujud penghormatan kepada Adam, kecuali Iblîs yang tidak mau bersujud."
} |
"en": "Then he could have banished him into that mask.",
"id": "Lalu ia CouId telah dibuang dia ke topeng itu."
} |
"en": "- Don't forget.",
"id": "- Jangan lupa."
} |
"en": "- How long for the engines, CASE?",
"id": "- Berapa lama mesinnya siap, CASE ?"
} |
"en": "Get lost, you little monster.",
"id": "Maksudku ..."
} |
"en": "These people are my family.",
"id": "Mereka ini keluargaku."
} |
"en": "Come on, it's not like that.",
"id": "ayolah, bukan seperti itu."
} |
"en": "Seth, I ain't leaving this place.",
"id": "Seth, aku takkan meninggalkan tempat ini."
} |
"en": "I think it's under construction now.",
"id": "Kurasa sedang dibangun sekarang."
} |
"en": "- Rough day? - Not really.",
"id": "Jika saya bersalah dan saya ingin mengalahkan mesin itu, tidak sulit."
} |
"en": "I gave him his usual, anafronil, 250 milligrams.",
"id": "Aku memberinya seperti biasa, 250 miligram Anafronil."
} |
"en": "You got one of those pins in Deming?",
"id": "Kau punya salah satu pin di Deming?"
} |
"en": "If you could sign here for me.",
"id": "Jika kau bisa tanda tangan di sini untukku."
} |
"en": "13 years.",
"id": "13 tahun."
} |
"en": "- Oh, I mean, we're...",
"id": "Oh, maksudku, kita.."
} |
"en": "Protect the Emperor! Go!",
"id": "Lindungi Kaisar!"
} |
"en": "He took her presents, he took her motherhood.",
"id": "Dia mengambil hadiahnya, dia juga \"mengambil\" ibunya."
} |
"en": "\"July 12th, 1941 Oh.",
"id": "\"12 Juli 1941.\""
} |
"en": "Hurry. Arthur, hurry!",
"id": "Cepat, Arthur!"
} |
"en": "I know where you can find him.",
"id": "Aku tahu di mana Anda dapat menemukan dia ."
} |
"en": "This isn't a western.",
"id": "Ini bukan barat."
} |
"en": "Listen to me. You owe me nothing.",
"id": "Kamu gak hutang apapun ke aku."
} |
"en": "The entire fate of your planet and mankind are at stake?",
"id": "Nasib planet dan seluruh umat manusia dipertaruhkan?"
} |
"en": "Sure.",
"id": "- Oke."
} |
"en": "Have a seat.",
"id": "Silakan duduk."
} |
"en": "Get off of him you bastard!",
"id": "Lepaskan dia bajingan!"
} |
"en": "- (KNOCKING)",
"id": "- (MENGETUK)"
} |
"en": "I'm not sure, Arthur.",
"id": "Aku tak yakin, Arthur."
} |
"en": "This is a gift.",
"id": "Ini hadiah."
} |
"en": "I got another anesthesiologist to cover for me.",
"id": "aku mendapat anestesi lain untuk menggantikanku."
} |
"en": "Bravo.",
"id": "Bravo."
} |
"en": "- This is Hogarth Hughes.",
"id": "- Ini Hogarth Hughes."
} |
"en": "Garbage is being cleared.",
"id": "Sampah yang dibersihkan."
} |
"en": "Well, this is me.",
"id": "Nah , ini saya ."
} |
"en": "Um, so Cal is your boyfriend?",
"id": "Um, jadi Cal adalah pacar Anda?"
} |
"en": "I don't know, I swear!",
"id": "Aku tidak tahu, aku sumpah!"
} |
"en": "It's just a dream.",
"id": "Hanya mimpi."
} |
"en": "Where are we going?",
"id": "Mana kita nak pergi?"
} |
"en": "Sherlock!",
"id": "Sherlock!"
} |
"en": "Hey.",
"id": "Hey."
} |
"en": "About the workings of our brains.",
"id": "Tentang kerja dari otak kita."
} |
"en": "He shouldn't be too long now.",
"id": "Dia tidak boleh terlalu lama sekarang."
} |
"en": "Oh, heh, heh.",
"id": "Oh, heh, heh."
} |
"en": "Where's Slide?",
"id": "Mana Slide?"
} |
"en": "No, but I hope it's real.",
"id": "Tidak, tapi aku harap harta itu ada."
} |
"en": "Oh, cool!",
"id": "Oh, keren !"
} |
"en": "Don't be a jerk.",
"id": "Jangan brengsek."
} |
"en": "- So you won't be alone.",
"id": "- Jadi kau tidak akan sendirian"
} |
"en": "Unless she sells you out, how's he gonna find you anyway?",
"id": "Jika dia tidak memberitahuny, darimana pacarnya tau kau dimana?"
} |
"en": "Clay now faces a nomadic existence of uncertain duration divided between courthouses and meeting houses all over America.",
"id": "Clay kini menghadapi keadaan yang belum pasti... Yang terbagi antara gedung pengadilan atau bertemu orang-orang seluruh Amerika."
} |
"en": "It's a treble hook.",
"id": "Trims. Kaitannya tersangkut."
} |
"en": "She closed the door!",
"id": "Sepenuhnya menutup pintu."
} |
"en": "Vicki, Vicki, Vicki.",
"id": "Vicki, Vicki, Vicki."
} |
"en": "My uncle's cancer took his stomach.",
"id": "Pamanku menderita kanker, merusak perutnya,"
} |
"en": "We've come a long way, you and I.",
"id": "Kita datang jauh, kau dan aku."
} |
"en": "Director!",
"id": "Direktur!"
} |
"en": "Just cross that finish line, and you'll be a real racer.",
"id": "Lalui garis finish-nya dan kau akan jadi pembalap sungguhan."
} |
"en": "long held notions of how planets form.",
"id": "lama dipegang gagasan tentang pembentukan planet."
} |
"en": "I'm so happy!",
"id": "Aku sangat senang!"
} |
"en": "- You'll lose your leg.",
"id": "/ Kakimu hilang."
} |
"en": "Jesus. What's so bloody hard?",
"id": "Apa susahnya?"
} |
"en": "The government is not using this technology to spy on our citizens, yet.",
"id": "Pemerintah tidak menggunakan teknik ini untuk memata-matai warga negara AS... Belum."
} |
"en": "Sound like he's hypnotizing someone.",
"id": "Kedengarannya dia sedang menghipnotis seseorang. / ..."
} |
"en": "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry.",
"id": "Ya, maaf."
} |
"en": "I wish I'd had the chance for a face-to-face.",
"id": "Aku ingin punya kesempatan untuk berhadap-hadapan."
} |
"en": "I'll go check it out.",
"id": "Akan kuperiksa."
} |
"en": "- Good.",
"id": "- Bagus."
} |
"en": "Hey, man, act like you're from out of town.",
"id": "Hey, bung, bertindak seperti kau berasal dari luar kota."
} |
"en": "You'll kill me if I ever hurt her.",
"id": "Kau akan membunuhku kalau aku menyakitinya."
} |
"en": "That is Sotiris and the men of the Fourth!",
"id": "Itu Sotiris dan Pasukan Divisi Keempat!"
} |
"en": "Did they, though?",
"id": "Sungguh?"
} |
"en": "He will inherit me",
"id": "Dia akan mewarisi ku"
} |
"en": "If I find a way out, then what?",
"id": "Kalau aku menemukan jalan keluar, lalu apa?"
} |
"en": "Think about it.",
"id": "Pikirkan itu."
} |
"en": "Bonk ?",
"id": "Menghisapnya?"
} |
"en": "At its height, the British Empire was the most powerful force humanity had ever known.",
"id": "Puncaknya, Kerajaan Inggris adalah kekuatan manusia paling berkuasa yang pernah dikenal."
} |
"en": "You see, I don't think he does.",
"id": "Lihat, kurasa ada hubungannya."
} |
"en": "I just got sad.",
"id": "Aku jadi merasa sedih."
} |
"en": "I've hand-picked my team.",
"id": "Aku memilih sendiri anggota timku."
} |
"en": "Doctor!",
"id": "Dokter!"
} |
"en": "Power them up.",
"id": "Nyalakan senjata."
} |
"en": "How I feel.",
"id": "Bagaimana saya merasa."
} |
"en": "- I... am far more powerful than you think.",
"id": "- Aku... lebih kuat dari yang kau kira."
} |
"en": "♪ She really thought she meant it. ♪",
"id": "♪ Ia pikir ia benar-benar bermaksud untuk itu♪"
} |
"en": "Jump in the shower and clean yourself up.",
"id": "Masuklah ke kamar mandi dan bersihkan dirimu."
} |
"en": "Of course I do.",
"id": "Tentu saja."
} |
"en": "Come drink with us.",
"id": "Ayo kita masuk dan makan."
} |
"en": "With pleasure.",
"id": "Dengan senang hati."
} |
"en": "Yes, I'm a genius.",
"id": "Ya, aku seorang jenius."
} |
"en": "No. because a little dry so I put a little bit.",
"id": "Bukan, karena sedikit kering jadi kupakai sedikit."
} |
"en": "But it is boring, battling away day after day.",
"id": "Tapi ini pertempuran dari hari ke hari yang membosankan."
} |
"en": "She loves me.",
"id": "Dia mencintaiku."
} |
"en": "You broke our deal.",
"id": "Kau melanggar perjanjian kita."
} |