translation |
"en": "Stop.",
"id": "Berhenti."
} |
"en": "They will never let you out of here.",
"id": "Mereka tidak akan membiarkan Kau keluar dari sini."
} |
"en": "I mean, well, fucking assholes do.",
"id": "Maksudku, well, sialan bajingan dilakukan."
} |
"en": "That's Agnes calling me from on the surface.",
"id": "Itu Agnes memanggilku dari atas sana."
} |
"en": "Just one second, please.",
"id": "Hanya sebentar saja."
} |
"en": "Hey!",
"id": "Hey!"
} |
"en": "Yes, ma'am.",
"id": "Ya, bu."
} |
"en": "Sometimes you find a flower you can help to bloom.",
"id": "Kadang2 kau menemukan bunga yang bisa kau bantu untuk mekar."
} |
"en": "She would perform all her tricks standing in mud, and just cry and cry.",
"id": "Menampilkan trik berdiri di lumpur dan menangis."
} |
"en": "She broke it.",
"id": "Dia memecahkannya."
} |
"en": "- Vibrissae.",
"id": "- Vibrissae."
} |
"en": "And when they infect others, how long is that?",
"id": "Dan saat mereka menginfeksi yang lain, berapa lama itu?"
} |
"en": "Our Lord, make us not a temptation to the people of the evildoers,",
"id": "Ya Tuhan kami; janganlah Engkau jadikan kami sasaran fitnah bagi kaum yang'zalim,"
} |
"en": "I'll let you go.",
"id": "Aku akan melepasmu."
} |
"en": "\"We are the no-men of no-man's-land.\"",
"id": "\"Kita adalah orang-orang yang berada di tanah yang bukan milik siapa-siapa.\""
} |
"en": "Glen.",
"id": "Glen."
} |
"en": "- Go ahead.",
"id": "- Lakukan saja."
} |
"en": "Uh... Uh...",
"id": "apa?"
} |
"en": "- Morna.",
"id": "- Morna."
} |
"en": "Lies.",
"id": "Dusta."
} |
"en": "No.",
"id": "Tidak."
} |
"en": "You are crazy...",
"id": "Anda gila ..."
} |
"en": "I wish that were true.",
"id": "Kuharap itu benar."
} |
"en": "- Who is she?",
"id": "- Siapa dia?"
} |
"en": "Excuse me.",
"id": "Permisi."
} |
"en": "Herr Brundage...",
"id": "Herr Brundage..."
} |
"en": "Let's get the hell out of here.",
"id": "Ayo kita pergi dari sini."
} |
"en": "- In French.",
"id": "Dengan bahasa Prancis."
} |
"en": "Go, go",
"id": "Pergilah, pergi"
} |
"en": "Usage: %s [ options ] [ <interval> [ <count> ] ] [ <datafile> ]",
"id": "Penggunaan: %s [ opsi ] [ <interval> [ <hitungan> ] ] [ ]"
} |
"en": "My lord.",
"id": "Yang mulia."
} |
"en": "Ran!",
"id": "Orang biasa bisa meerbangkn F-18 dari mileter hanya seperti itu?"
} |
"en": "I'm sorry, sir...",
"id": "Maaf, Pak."
} |
"en": "Yeah, yeah, yeah.",
"id": "Ya, ya, ya."
} |
"en": "Got him.",
"id": "Mengerti."
} |
"en": "Okay?",
"id": "Oke?"
} |
"en": "Alex?",
"id": "Alex?"
} |
"en": "Why not?",
"id": "Kenapa tidak?"
} |
"en": "Shit!",
"id": "Sial !"
} |
"en": "It's a sign.",
"id": "Itu pertanda."
} |
"en": "Twenty seconds to air.",
"id": "20 detik."
} |
"en": "Rawat!",
"id": "Down!"
} |
"en": "What?",
"id": "Apa?"
} |
"en": "I am here to do your bidding, master!",
"id": "Aku disini akan Melayani-mu."
} |
"en": "Good timing on your part, huh?",
"id": "Waktu yang tepat untukmu, huh?"
} |
"en": "Are you an idiot?",
"id": "Are you an idiot?"
} |
"en": "I'm scared.",
"id": "AKU Takut."
} |
"en": "For tracks that have ReplayGain data, automatically scale (normalize) playback volume",
"id": "Bagi trek yang memiliki data ReplayGain, otomatis skalakan (normalkan) volume putar"
} |
"en": "Yes, me and Callie were friends.",
"id": "iya, aku dan Callie adalah teman."
} |
"en": "Plucking flowers too quickly will bruise the petals.",
"id": "\"Kalau terburu-buru kau hanya akan kecewa\"."
} |
"en": "No! Down!",
"id": "- Merunduk."
} |
"en": "And from North Korea....",
"id": "Dan dari Korea Utara..."
} |
"en": "- Marzipan.",
"id": "- Marzipan."
} |
"en": "You want one?",
"id": "Kau mau?"
} |
"en": "Master Liu",
"id": "Guru Liu"
} |
"en": "Get over here!",
"id": "Ke sini!"
} |
"en": "Well, I don't know.",
"id": "Aku tak tahu."
} |
"en": "When so many want you dead, it hardly seems good manners to argue.",
"id": "Saat semua orang menginginkanmu mati, ada banyak sikap baik yang muncul."
} |
"en": "We've been separated.",
"id": "Kami sudah pisah."
} |
"en": "The belle of St. Petersburg society.",
"id": "Pujaan masyarakat St. Petersburg."
} |
"en": "- That's what we call it.",
"id": "- begitu kami menyebutnya."
} |
"en": "I'm totally serious, all right?",
"id": "Aku sepenuhnya serius, ok?"
} |
"en": "- I didn't do anything.",
"id": "- Aku tak melakukan apapun."
} |
"en": "You don't touch a nun.",
"id": "Kau tidak menyentuh biarawati."
} |
"en": "That's the way!",
"id": "Itulah jalan!"
} |
"en": "Aiden?",
"id": "Aiden?"
} |
"en": "Sit down.",
"id": "Duduk."
} |
"en": "- School?",
"id": "-SekoIah?"
} |
"en": "Hey.",
"id": "Hei."
} |
"en": "She'll take me back.",
"id": "Dia akan kembali padaku."
} |
"en": "You don't understand.",
"id": "Anda don apos; t mengerti."
} |
"en": "There's virtually no empirical proof.",
"id": "Tidak ada bukti empiris"
} |
"en": "Almost.",
"id": "Hampir."
} |
"en": "You know what he's capable of.",
"id": "Kau tahu dia bisa berbuat apa."
} |
"en": "Daryl.",
"id": "Daryl."
} |
"en": "Very easy to push a small blade through the fabric and you wouldn't even feel it.",
"id": "Sangat mudah menekankan penusuk kecil lewat bahan itu... dan kau tidak akan merasakannya."
} |
"en": "Ten pounds symtex, possibly with shrapnel,",
"id": "10 pound symtex, mungkin juga dengan shrapnel,"
} |
"en": "Ôhe supposedly public universities are being forced to adapt to the same market imperatives, so what we will find is a process of assimilation in which the public universities become like the private ones:",
"id": "yang seharusnya universitas publik dipaksa untuk beradaptasi dengan imperatif pasar yang sama, jadi apa yang akan kita temukan adalah proses asimilasi di mana universitas publik menjadi seperti swasta:"
} |
"en": "Mama, what is it?",
"id": "Mama, ada apa ?"
} |
"en": "Bye.",
"id": "- Bye."
} |
"en": "Run.",
"id": "Run."
} |
"en": "Come on.",
"id": "Ayolah."
} |
"en": "Were their eyes pecked out?",
"id": "Apakah mata mereka mematuk?"
} |
"en": "Different thing entirely.",
"id": "Benar-benar berbeda."
} |
"en": "Sixteen's too young.",
"id": "16 tahun itu terlalu muda."
} |
"en": "- Thank you, Father.",
"id": "- Terima kasih, Bapa."
} |
"en": "Jojo, the guy from the zipline, is gonna leave us.",
"id": "Jojo, orang dari zipline, akan meninggalkan kita."
} |
"en": "Let me see.",
"id": "Coba kulihat."
} |
"en": "But...",
"id": "Tapi..."
} |
"en": "You know what he does for a living?",
"id": "Kau tahu apa pekerjaannya?"
} |
"en": "Yes you!",
"id": "Ya, kau!"
} |
"en": "You have to resist it.",
"id": "Kau kena melawannya."
} |
"en": "Should be home by 1, 1:30.",
"id": "Harus pulang dengan 1, 1:30."
} |
"en": "You're really good.",
"id": "Kau benar-benar baik."
} |
"en": "Then we have to move on.",
"id": "Kita harus tingkatkan."
} |
"en": "Again, what will make you realize what the day of judgment is?",
"id": "Tahukah kalian betapa dahsyatnya hari pembalasan?"
} |
"en": "\"George Foreman came back!\" Now you go out and you start preaching.",
"id": "\"George Foreman telah kembali!\" Sekarang kau mulai keluar dan mulai berkhotbah."
} |
"en": "Hold on!",
"id": "Tahan!"
} |
"en": "Where will you go?",
"id": "Kemana kamu akan pergi?"
} |
"en": "Excuse me.",
"id": "CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Galangan Kapal Tunstall"
} |