Dataset Viewer

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Source link
Huggingface here (recommended)
Zenodo here
Google Drive here


This is the official release of OAIZIB-CM dataset

Changelog 🔥

  • [27 Feb, 2025] Add the template and atlas CLAIR-Knee-103R
  • [26 Feb, 2025] Update compulsory citation (CartiMorph) for the dataset
  • [15 Feb, 2025] Update file imagesTs/oaizib_454_0000.nii.gz
  • [14 Feb, 2025] Identify corrupted files: case 454


Images & Labels

  • imagesTr: training images (#404)
  • labelsTr: training segmentation masks (#404)
  • imagesTs: testing images (#103)
  • labelsTs: testing segmentation masks (#103)

Data Split & Info

  • subInfo_train.xlsx: list of training data
  • subInfo_test.xlsx: list of testing data
  • kneeSideInfo.csv: a file containing knee side information, used in CartiMorph Toolbox

Download from Huggingface

pip install --upgrade huggingface-hub[cli]
huggingface-cli login --token $HF_TOKEN
# python
from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
snapshot_download(repo_id="YongchengYAO/OAIZIB-CM", repo_type='dataset', local_dir="/your/local/folder")

Segmentation Labels

labels_map = {
    "1": "Femur",
    "2": "Femoral Cartilage",
    "3": "Tibia",
    "4": "Medial Tibial Cartilage",
    "5": "Lateral Tibial Cartilage",


The dataset originates from these projects:

title = {CartiMorph: A framework for automated knee articular cartilage morphometrics},
journal = {Medical Image Analysis},
author = {Yongcheng Yao and Junru Zhong and Liping Zhang and Sheheryar Khan and Weitian Chen},
volume = {91},
pages = {103035},
year = {2024},
issn = {1361-8415},
doi = {}
author="Yao, Yongcheng
and Chen, Weitian",
editor="Wu, Shandong
and Shabestari, Behrouz
and Xing, Lei",
title="Quantifying Knee Cartilage Shape and Lesion: From Image to Metrics",
booktitle="Applications of Medical Artificial Intelligence",
publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland",


This dataset is released under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

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