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Yeah a few decades ago, where you been?
0Trait Anger
[ 0, 1 ]
Corner? Hell, they're on a highway with no off ramp.
1State Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
“Turd Reich”.
2Anger Expression
[ 0 ]
is this a joke? we're SO far past that point lmao
1State Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
They're going round and round now. Wednesday will be a national embarrassment, between the elected and the "domestic protestors". Goal posts will move to the 20th.
1State Anger
[ 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
Yes, blatantly authoritarian...but why aren't the flag obsessed Trump "patriots" concerned? Aren't they the don't tread on me people? Aren't they the ones that bellow the loudest about their freedoms and their rights? What is wrong with these people that they're still gleefully hoping that the GOP can overthrow an American Presidential election?
1State Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
The fact that this is even posed as a question is laughable
1State Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
1State Anger
[ 7 ]
Narrator: Yes, they have.
1State Anger
[ 8 ]
Is this a serious question?
1State Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
It's a little too late to pretend like the last four years and then the last six months didn't happen. We need some catharsis here, put some of these shitheads in jail
2Anger Expression
[ 2, 9, 10 ]
Well when all the people who've spent the past 4 years gloating about denying me rights and cheering when bigot bills get passed grow up, apologize and trash the idea that their religion is in any way relevant to my life we can discuss "uniting" and "healing." I'm not going to make nice with people who cheered when Trump passed a law saying doctors can let me die on a hospital floor just so white cis/straight liberals can feel like we're the high road party.
0Trait Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
Sorry, that ship has sailed. Were in for some shit, no more playing nice
2Anger Expression
[ 2, 3 ]
I get that this is how Biden is, a guy who loves to make friends with conservatives, but he's saying this when over half of the Republican members of the House are about to vote against validating his election. These people do not respect him. They will not even acknowledge he's president. How do you unite with politicians who refuse to respect your position?
1State Anger
[ 2, 9, 11 ]
Not possible with de facto President Mitch.
0Trait Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
Republicans: "fuck that"
1State Anger
[ 2 ]
Unite behind prosecuting all of them, from the President on down. Heal by burning out the rot of the TRUMP INFECTION and cauterizing it. Rebuild on the ashes of this failure, stronger and better than before.
2Anger Expression
[ 2, 0 ]
Fuck that, focus on voter outreach and removing suppression then when the GOP begins to lose everything maybe we can get actual work done for once.
1State Anger
[ 2, 9, 10 ]
I’ll wait till they pass Judicial reform and start charging ppl for the crime they committed
2Anger Expression
[ 2, 9 ]
"Unite, heal and rebuild" better not mean not holding people responsible for what they've done the last four years.
1State Anger
[ 2, 3 ]
If you're in GA and have already voted go find someone who hasn't. Convince them to vote. Offer them a ride. Please if you have not voted yet, please do so. This is more important than Biden winning. Nothing will get done whatsoever if BOTH Ossoff and Warnock don't win. Go Vote!
1State Anger
[ 3, 4 ]
If it were up to Republicans early voting would not be a thing.
0Trait Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
Voting Democrat means voting sanity and $2,000.
0Trait Anger
[ 7, 12 ]
Vote motherfuckers vote!
2Anger Expression
[ 2 ]
Its really important to highlight many of these long lines are taking place in Cobb County, a suburban county of Atlanta, where a GOP lead legislature eliminated numerous early voting locations. This is of course is leading to long lines at polling locations in suburban areas and locations with higher % African American. This is by design. To help encourage people to brave the pandemic, long lines, and the cold, volunteers do things like buy pizza to help encourage people to stay in line to vote. Now the GA SOS is threatening to hand out felonies for this practice known as 'line warming'. If voting wasn't so important, the GOP would not try to make it so difficult for you to vote. Please share this so more people are made aware of how antidemocratic the modern day republican party has become. From [@IamKingWilliams]( >As 2020 comes to a close, we see the repeat of voter suppression: Cobb County reduced early voting locations — and voters are in line for upwards of 4 hours. But this time around, the SOS is threatening line warmers with felonies. He’s a disgrace. > >I’m aware of the lines in Cobb. We have received notification that what we’ve been doing the last few months regarding providing pizza, water, and snacks, aka ‘line warming’ is a felony in Georgia. And that current Secretary of State > >[@GaSecofState]( > >is cracking down
0Trait Anger
[ 2, 0, 3 ]
Playing the sympathy card? A little late...
1State Anger
[ 0, 2 ]
Just remember Palm Beach, he tends to have his neighbors tear-gassed and beaten up for photo ops. June 1st, 2020 Never Forget.
0Trait Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
He is an illegal "resident." He should be arrested for fraudulent voting.
2Anger Expression
[ 2, 0 ]
Be can’t legally have a permanent anything in criMe-a-lago.
1State Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
Fuck that shit. Without accountability, they will pick up where Trump left off when they get back in power.
1State Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
If by unite you mean compromise with the people who want anyone not like them gone, dead or marginalized you can fuck right off Joe.
1State Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
Ngl yall, its hard to have hope in this country. I thought that corona would bring us to together. I naively thought, maybe this virus will give a chance for americans to come together and work for a greater good. Nope, it actually made things worse.
0Trait Anger
[ 13, 14 ]
I'm not interested in unity with people who want to electrocute me into being straight, but go off I guess 🤷‍♂️
1State Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
He needs to stop with this reuinte fairy land he pretends exists. Fuck the gop politicians, use executive power to improve the lives of their voters and sway them to move left. We don't need policies from a group that has the goal of preventing any action that improves the lives of the middle/lower class.
1State Anger
[ 2, 9, 10 ]
I don’t want unity, I want justice.
2Anger Expression
[ 2 ]
4 years of a republican takes 8 years of a democrat to rebuild , rinse repeat. Nothing ever changes
0Trait Anger
[ 0, 13 ]
Joe - Joe, my man. Look, ah, we're all about the honeymoon and whatnot, okay but look, that "look forward not back" thing ain't gonna get it, okay? We need some serious - *serious* \- housecleaning, Joe. Trials, prosecutions, serious time, and major reforms. Unity is not necessary for that. Unity with racists and perpetually ignorant screamers ain't gonna happen anyway, ok. Let's cut that one loose. You have a chance to go forward by holding people accountable. Do that, okay.
1State Anger
[ 2, 9, 10 ]
Lets unite with the 4th Reich. Problem is all major media worked so so hard to frame socialism as the boogey man that we ended up electing a far right 'centrist only by American standards' who built the reputation that got him VP by reaching across the aisle. Look forward to everything that has happened being called irresponsible and maybe even negligent between impassioned pleas to reunite the country and bridge the divide, I eagerly voted for him against trump but he is perfectly ill suited to the current political dynamics, a true blue relic.
0Trait Anger
[ 0, 13, 2 ]
That’d be great but also hold mother fuckers accountable for one time in history.
2Anger Expression
[ 2 ]
No thanks
1State Anger
[ 0 ]
Joe still thinks republicans are good faith actors smh
0Trait Anger
[ 0, 2 ]
To rebuild we must find out what went wrong and ensure it won't happen again.
2Anger Expression
[ 3, 4 ]
Keep the smiling up until the clean sweep in Georgia then go for the fucking jugular. Pull some mortal combat shit on that Kentucky shit-eater.
2Anger Expression
[ 2, 10 ]
Joe is so inspiring. /s
2Anger Expression
[ 0 ]
Amendment 3 passing was heart breaking. I was really looking forward to fair districts Majority of the blame is on the description. It's was purposely misleading
1State Anger
[ 13, 2 ]
Fine if he quarantines, but is he also allergic to microphones, webcams, and question-asking?
1State Anger
[ 0, 2 ]
Ah. That would be called the old "hiding in the basement" strategy if a Democrat did it.
2Anger Expression
[ 2, 0 ]
It gives him an excuse to hide out and hope for the pity vote.
2Anger Expression
[ 0, 15 ]
I'm so suspicious
0Trait Anger
[ 3 ]
So, uh, when is the mod community going to finally recognize that Breitbart has zero business on the white list and needs to be blacklisted for disinformation? The content of their news articles themselves break just about every rule that moderators want to impose on the commenters.
0Trait Anger
[ 2, 9, 11 ]
I have never loathed a senator more than Mitch McConnell
0Trait Anger
[ 0, 2 ]
Just got out of a coma. What’s going on guys? Did Trump get impeached?
1State Anger
[ 16 ]
> What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been More like *Voyage of the Damned*. Happy New Year, everybody.
1State Anger
[ 13, 0 ]
Happy New Year for the subreddit that kept me mostly sane in 2020. We'll always have thread 69.
1State Anger
[ 7, 17, 12 ]
>The Democratic primary and caucus season started on February 3 with the Iowa Caucus (won by Biden) There were a maximum of two possible right answers to who won the Iowa caucus and that is neither of them xD Unless I missed the Iowa Megathread Part LXIX where Biden had a big come from behind victory.
1State Anger
[ 16, 7 ]
You owe me a new F5 key.
2Anger Expression
[ 2, 9, 10 ]
For anyone who hasn't read it, Dave Barry's [year in review for the Washington Post]( is comedy gold.
1State Anger
[ 7, 12, 17 ]
The strangest thing was Election Results Discussion thread 69... and every comment......'nice'
1State Anger
[ 7, 16 ]
It’s so weird looking at old megathreads. How many predictions were wrong and what came true. 2020 sucked but it was a momentous year in history.
1State Anger
[ 16, 13 ]
im sure this is a mistake but Biden did not win the iowa caucus. he came in 4th iirc
1State Anger
[ 16 ]
2020 has been a wild ride, for sure! I think I spent more time making and participating in the Impeachment Threads than I did on anything else in life during the beginning of the year (even tho January feels like it was a decade ago!) Thank you so much to everyone that came along for the ride. The hearings were fascinating and it was great to be able to watch/listen to them all with you. WH Daily Presser threads were a thing that happened occasionally too... maybe we’ll get a few more of those in 2021 lol As I’ve said a hundred times, my biggest goal on this sub is to get people engaged and paying attention to what our elected leaders are doing, every day, even if we don’t like what we see and hear. An informed voter is an effective and intelligent voter. Thank you all for participating! See you next year! PS: A HUGE thank you to DottieMommy for putting together this recap thread!! A ton of work went Imi to this, it is amazing, and truly a rollercoaster to see everything that happened in 2020! Wew I hope 2021 is way more chill
0Trait Anger
[ 7, 16, 12 ]
Won’t ever forget election week being on this Sub and all the continuous live mega threads that whole week and all the anxiety we all had . Just remember going back and forth between here (politics Reddit) , twitter, and cable news channels for that whole week (all while trying to get in work at the same time ). Have a good 2021 everyone !
1State Anger
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
This entire year has felt like riding a psychotic horse towards a burning stable.
0Trait Anger
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
I have nostalgia for 8,375 election night/days megathreads. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Georgia take my energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ and such.
1State Anger
[ 7, 17, 12 ]
I think candidate Trump saying "We're going to have better relations with Russia. What's wrong with that?" was far more significant than perhaps many thought at the time.
0Trait Anger
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
2020 taught me WAY more about the presidential election process, post-vote, than I ever needed to know.
0Trait Anger
[ 4 ]
I miss Megathread 44.
1State Anger
[ 13 ]
I owe this community a debt of gratitude. I think I probably would have suffered some sort breakdown without this forum to discuss and understand the absolute dumpster fire this year. There have been complex legal/political issues far out of my feeble knowledge, experience and understanding. I've learned volumes from those who were generous with their depth of knowledge, time and patience. Thank you. The frustrations and, yes, at time fears of the unthinkable actions of this Administration were an all to frequent feature of this year. Here, I found others who tolerated my vents, joined in the release of those frustrations and helped calm those fears. The arguably worst chapter in modern American history is coming to a close. We have changed as a nation as a result. One positive change of 2020 is youth and formerly the apathetic turned out to vote in historic numbers and witnessed the vital importance of their political engagement. So thanks to one and all. Here is to recovery in 2021 for the nation and for each of us as individuals.
0Trait Anger
[ 4, 12 ]
Jesus I’m exhausted even scrolling through that.
1State Anger
[ 4, 3 ]
I'm in disbelief that so much could happen in a year
1State Anger
[ 16 ]
The last 4 years have been an absolute goddamn nightmare... but this year has been far worse than than the rest.
0Trait Anger
[ 4, 15, 13 ]
Happy New Year r/politics, you all are the reason I've become politically active and more involved in local issues. You're an inspirational and great group and I truly enjoy being a member here. Hope 2021 is great for everyone!
0Trait Anger
[ 7, 17, 12 ]
Damn, I didn't realize that Trump's impeachment hearing actually ran into this year. It feels like that was two and a half years ago. That's how fucking crazy 2020 has been.
1State Anger
[ 16, 3 ]
Fuck. I know we all joke about how long this year has felt with something new happening pretty much every day but fuck me. Seeing it all set out in a list... It's insane.
1State Anger
[ 4, 3, 2 ]
Loving the Grateful Dead reference. R/politics 2021 seems like its off to a good start!
1State Anger
[ 7, 17, 12 ]
A *Trump* plan. What else would you expect but failure.
0Trait Anger
[ 0, 2 ]
But, Warp Speed though. It was such a catchy name. Too bad they put more effort into naming it than actually putting a plan together. What a fucking embarrassment.
1State Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
Right now there's multiple houses in my neighborhood having party's with large numbers of mostly unmasked people, I hope all those people got vaccinated but I doubt it. Thanks "Operation warp speed"!!
1State Anger
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
The Trump Administration’s negligence and incompetence throughout this whole crisis — and outright hostility to the country’s best interests — continues to astound me. It shouldn’t, but it does. I’m 100% certain a random selection of r/politics users could’ve administered the rollout more competently than this White House.
1State Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
Apparently the warp speed plan was just to shove a bunch of vaccine out there and let States implement their own varying distribution plans. the South lost the civil war, not because of industrial versus agricultural differences, but because they were decentralized and went by this model, the current power in Washington is invested in a fragmented model of organization, in this instance especially we needed a central federal authority to organize the dissemination and coordinate it. Now we have States like Mississippi deciding how to distribute, and their approach will be wildly different than a place like california, but both could benefit from one concise plan implemented from the top. That's how the army works That's how corporations work That's how almost any successful organization works. Fragmenting us into 50 different directions is what happened here. Republicanism is failing.
0Trait Anger
[ 2, 9, 6 ]
Fear has been their tactic since 9/11. They have nothing to offer America.
0Trait Anger
[ 2, 3 ]
That's modern conservatism in a nutshell: attack people with ideas
0Trait Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
[ 2, 0, 3, 7, 13, 16 ]
Fear Progress! Fear A Better Tomorrow! Fear A Better Society!!
0Trait Anger
[ 3, 4 ]
The “fear the democrats” ads they are running on the radio are hilariously awful, like used car sales ads awful. The sad thing though, is there are too many people dumb enough to believe the BS they are slinging.
0Trait Anger
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 2, 0, 3, 7, 13, 16 ]
>In the last month alone, Mr. Trump has called for Gov. Brian Kemp to resign, accused Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger of having a brother in cahoots with the Chinese government (*Mr. Raffensperger does not have a brother*) How do you even communicate with people like that let alone persuade them?
1State Anger
[ 0, 9 ]
Yeah, well, what else are they going to say? "We cashed in on your death and financial ruin and plan to prolong your suffering to benefit an obstructionist agenda, but frankly we are extremely rich and indifferent to your pain" is a tough message to win a campaign with.
0Trait Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
But but but... I thought that Democrats were limp wristed and weak. Isn’t that what they told us for the last 20 years. Why would people need to fear a group of weaklings? /S
0Trait Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
Hawley is an embarrassment. What he's doing right now is a pretty transparent attempt to get his name into the headlines as much as he can because he's planning on making a run for the nomination in 2024 and appealing to the populist far-right and extremist base Trump appealed to.
1State Anger
[ 0, 2 ]
Do I have to listen to this little twerp? I was getting bjs when he was born.
1State Anger
[ 2, 0 ]
He reminds me of that summer evening when my wife and I had friends over and were busy chatting, ignoring our dog. Just to get attention, he took a dump on the rug. Bad Hawley. Bad.
1State Anger
[ 0, 15 ]
Happy New Year everyone! Although the new decade (i.e. the 2020s) has started off poorly in its first year (2020) due the pandemic. Although COVID is still with us, let's hope to keep wearing masks and try social distancing ourselves from others and possibly avoid putting ourselves in the harms way so let's hope 2021–2029 will make up for the damages made.
1State Anger
[ 3, 4, 7 ]
I honestly forgot about it till someone reminded me a few minutes ago. Happy New Years folks, may next year be better for all of us.
1State Anger
[ 7, 16 ]
1State Anger
[ 2, 0, 3, 7, 13, 16 ]
I like the recent right on right crime but I doubt it'll stick.
2Anger Expression
[ 7, 13 ]
Split it? I hope he destroyed it!
1State Anger
[ 2, 10 ]
Hopefully he has destroyed it all together.
2Anger Expression
[ 0, 15 ]
He also thinks more states will adopt ranked-choice voting. This is necessary for the emergence of other parties. The fact that third parties haven't been pushing ballot initiatives to get more ranked-choice voting tells you about how organized third parties are.
0Trait Anger
[ 2, 9 ]
I fully support splitting the Republican party. Split that vote and never win again.
2Anger Expression
[ 2, 0 ]
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