1 value
Are otters playful animals?
Are otters totem animals?
Are otters very active?
Can otters survive in cold water?
Do otters live in water?
Do sea otters have long muscular tails?
Do sea otters live along the Pacific coast?
Does otter give birth or lay egg?
give birth
Does the giant otter inhabit South Africa?
Have most otters fish as the primary item in their diet , supplemented by frogs , crayfish and crabs ?
How are otters playful animals?
The slide down snowy slopes, apparently for sheer enjoyment.
How do otters keep themselves warm without blubber?
A layer of air trapped in their fur.
How do sea otters insulate themselves?
As with other species of otter, they rely on a layer of air trapped in their fur, which they keep topped up by blowing into the fur from their mouths.
How many species and genera does otter have?
13 species and 7 genera
How many species of otter are there?
How much do sea otters weigh?
30 kg (about 65 pounds)
Is an otter 's den called a holt ?
Is it true that otters eat a variety of fish?
Is otter a kind of mammal?
Is the myth of Otter 's Ransom the starting point of the Volsunga saga ?
Sea otters eat what?
Shellfish and other invertebrates
What animals are related to otters?
weasels, polecats, and badgers
What do river otters eat?
River otters eat a variety of fish and shellfish, as well as small land mammals and birds.
What drives sea otter almost to extinction?
Sea otters have some 200,000 hairs per square cm of skin, a rich fur for which humans hunted them almost to extinction.
What is one of the challenges of re-establishing a population of Eurasian otters in the UK?
Roadkill deaths have become one of the significant threats to the success of their re-establishment.
What is the primary item in an otter's diet?
Where do sea otters live?
Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) live along the Pacific coast of North America.
Where does the word "otter" derive from?
The word "otter" derives from the Old English word otr, otor or oter. This and cognate words in other Indo-European languages ultimately stem from a root which also gave rise to the English words "water", "wet" and "winter".
Why are sea otters nearly extinct?
Sea otters have some 200,000 hairs per square cm of skin, a rich fur for which humans hunted them
Why is the giant otter becoming increasingly rare?
poaching, habitat loss, and the use of mercury in illegal alluvial gold mining
Why otters are considered as totem animals?
The time of year associated with this is also associated with the Aquarius sign of the Zodiac, through which the sun passes January 20-February 19.
Are all penguins countershaded?
Are penguins afraid of humans?
Are penguins astonishingly agile?
In the water they are.
Are penguins at risk?
Are penguins birds?
Are penguins considered "higher waterbirds"?
Can larger penguins dive deep in case of need ?
Do penguins feed on krill?
Do penguins have a better than average sense of hearing for birds?
Do penguins live almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere?
Have penguins an average sense of hearing for birds ?
How are Isabelline penguins different from most penguins?
Because they are born with brown rather than black plumage.
How many species of penguins are there?
Penguin biodiversity varies between 17 and 20 living species, all in the subfamily Spheniscinae.
How much time to penguins spend on land?
They spend half of their life on land.
How tall were the tallest prehistoric penguins?
as tall as an adult human
Is it also possible that penguin comes from the Latin pinguis , fat ?
Is it true that each penguin gets a turn in the center?
Is the largest living species the emperor penguin -LRB- aptenodytes forsteri -RRB-?
Is the smallest penguin species the Little Blue Penguin -LRB- also known as the Fairy Penguin -RRB- , which stands around 40 cm tall -LRB- 16 in -RRB- and weighs 1 kg -LRB- 2.2 lb -RRB- ?
Is the smallest penguin species the little blue penguin -LRB- also known as the fairy penguin -RRB- , which stands around 40 cm tall -LRB- 16 in -RRB- and weighs 1 kg -LRB- 2?
What is also the distance that Antarctic tourists are told to keep from penguins?
3 meters
What is the largest living species of penguin?
the Emperor Penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri)
What makes penguins so agile in the water?
Smooth plumage preserves a layer of air, ensuring buoyancy, wings are flippers
What order do penguins belong to?
Why are penguins countershaded?
for camouflage
Why do penguins "tobaggan"?
It conserves energy while moving quickly
A semi-aquatic marine mammal , the polar bear has what?
It has adapted for life on a combination of land, sea, and ice.
Are polar bears excellent swimmers?
Can polar bears be seen under infrared photography?
Polar bears are nearly invisible under infrared photography.
Do female polar bears weight more than the male?
Does a polar bear live in the Arctic?
Have thumbpolar bears been made both controversial and famous for their distinctive white fur and their habitat ?
How heavy is a male polar bear?
Most adult males weigh 350-650 kg
How heavy was the largest polar bear on record?
He allegedly weighed 1002 kg
How long is polar bear's guard hair?
5-15 cm
How much weight do female polar bears gain during pregnancy?
They double their weight during pregnancy
Is a polar bear at high risk of extinction?
Is a polar bear white in color?
Is polar bear a carnivore?
Is polar bear a mammal?
Is the Polar Bear the mascot of Bowdoin college ?
The bears sometimes what?
They sometimes have problems with various skin diseases with dermatitis caused sometimes by mites or other parasites.
What does a polar bear's fur provide?
A polar bear's fur provides camouflage and insulation
What is cause of polar bear's skin diseases?
mites or other parasites
What is largest polar bear on record?
A huge male, allegedly weighing 1002 kg (2200 lb) shot at Kotzebue Sound in northwestern Alaska in 1960.
What is polar bear's skin color?
white or cream
Why polar bear is a special species?
The World Conservation Union listed polar bears as a vulnerable species, one of three sub-categories of threatened status, in May 2006. Their latest estimate is that 7 out of 19 subpopulations are declining or already severely reduced.
Are Immature sea turtles not cared for by the adults ?
Are Pleurodira known as side-necked turtles?
Are the Pleurodira sometimes known as the side-necked turtles , a reference to the way they withdraw their heads into their shells ?
Are the largest turtles aquatic?
Are turtle eggs leathery and soft?
Are turtles a part of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Are turtles being examined for longevity genes?
Are turtles ectothermic?
Are turtles pets?
Can turtles take many years to reach breeding age ?
Do sea turtles lay eggs on dry sandy beaches?
Do turtles lay eggs underwater?
Does the Order Testudines not include both extant -LRB- living -RRB- and extinct species , the earliest known turtles being from around 215 million years ago ?
Has this inspired genetic researchers to begin examining the turtle genome for longevity genes ?
How do turtles reproduce?
They lay eggs
How many suborders are turtles divided into?
How often do turtles breed?
Every few years or more
If a turtle egg was kept warm, what would likely hatch?
A female turtle.
Is aquatic respiration in Australian freshwater turtles being studied?
Name a turtle popularly kept as a pet.
Russian Tortoises
Name four related articles for the article on turtles.
Triassic, Ernst Haeckel, Kunstformen der Natur, Animal
What are turtle eggs covered in when they incubate?
Mud or Sand