move the value one into eax
mov eax, 1
declare code section
section .text
put /bin/sh into the ecx register
push long 0x68732f2f \n push long 0x6e69622f \n mov ecx, esp
jump short to the _load_data label
jmp short _load_data
move the contents of the esi register into the long starting at the address [esi+18]
mov long [esi+18], esi
push the byte 2 onto the stack
push byte 2
put syscall sigaction into the eax register
push byte 0x43 \n pop eax
push zero onto the stack
xor ecx, ecx \n push ecx
load the effective address of ebx into the edi register
lea edi, [ebx]
move 0ah into eax
mov eax, 0ah
declare the three label
call the cont function
call cont
push the dword 0x62732f2f onto the stack
push dword 0x62732f2f
push 0xefffff7f onto the stack
push 0xefffff7f
if the contents of the eax register is not zero then jump short to the label _parent
test eax, eax \n jnz short _parent
define ip equal to 0x0100007f
_ip equ 0x0100007f
system call waitpid
mov eax, 7
add one to the doubleword integer stored at location var
inc dword [var]
move 0x6 into al
mov al, 0x6
add 0x2 to the contents in ebx and save the result in ebx
add ebx, 0x2
increment dl
inc dl
subtract the contents of eax from the contents of eax
sub eax, eax
move linefeed character into eax
mov eax, 0ah
if zero jump to the next_cycle label
jz next_cycle
push the word 0x6465 onto the stack
push word 0x6465
jump short to stage
jmp short stage
move command into ebx
mov ebx, command
push the 0x1 onto the stack
push 0x1
system call sigaction
push byte 0x43
declare a word uninitialized value referred to as location x
x dw ?
define the _while_loop label
make the system call to close the file
mov eax, 6
move 0x01 into al
mov al, 0x01
pop the last element pushed onto the stack into cx
pop cx
add decimal 2 to eax register
add eax, 2
decrement the contents of the ecx register and jump to the loop label if the result is not negative
dec ecx \n jns loop
move shellcodelen into cl
mov cl, shellcodelen
push 0x7374736f onto the stack
push 0x7374736f
push the 0x204c4c41 onto the stack
push 0x204c4c41
push 0x68732f6e to the stack
push 0x68732f6e
move the address of msg2 into eax
mov eax, msg2
system call open
mov eax, 5
add 4 to esi
add esi, 4
push the byte 0x3 onto the stack
push byte 0x3
move 0x0b into al
mov al, 0x0b
move 10 into esi
mov esi, 10
subtract the byte value 8 from the contents of ebx and save the result in ebx
sub ebx, byte 8
move the contents at the memory location specified by the result of the operation [ebp-8] into the ebx register
mov ebx, [ebp-8]
increment ebx
inc ebx
subtract the contents of bx from the contents of dx
sub dx, bx
jump to the exit label if the contents of the eax register is equal to the contents of the ebx register else move the value 0x4 into the al register
cmp eax, ebx \n je exit \n mov al, 0x4
move 1 into ebx
mov ebx, 1
add 0x3f3f3f3f to the contents in esi and save the result in esi
add esi, 0x3f3f3f3f
if the contents of the bl register is greater than or equal to the value 78h then jump to the memory location loc_402B1D
cmp bl, 78h \n jge short loc_402B1D
push the word 0xc005 to the stack
push word 0xc005
move the contents of bx into ax
mov ax, bx
if the unsigned contents of the cl register is lower than the unsigned contents of the dl register then jump to the label l3
cmp cl, dl \n jb l3
add the value 2 to the contents of the al register
add al, 2
jump short to the callit label
jmp short callit
allocate memory for local variables
sub esp, 4