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A little bite of what you like does you good
A young girl breaks up with her boyfriend by cutting off his cock and balls and then eating them.
Smiling innocently young Millie looked into her boyfriend's eyes and slowly pulled down the zip in his jeans. She then slipped her soft little hands into his trousers and pulled out his hard cock and balls. Sliding her hands down the length of his hard cock she grabbed firmly hold of his balls in her hands and started to squeeze gently at first. She stared into his eyes with sadistic lust as she slowly increased the pressure until she was squeezing them as hard as she could. The sight and feeling of him writhing in pain as she tried to crush his balls in her very young soft hands sent waves of pleasure through her body making her pussy wet and hot with cruel joy. Letting go for a moment she pulled out a sharp knife from her school bag and taking it her right hand she took hold of his balls in her left hand and pulled them hard away from his body. She then placed the sharp blade against the tight skin behind his balls and slowly started to make sawing motions with the blade. As the hot blood flowed over her hand her hot young pussy started to pulsate with powerful contractions making her dizzy with excitement. Her face went red showing how much cutting off his balls was turning her on as she felt the wonderful feeling of his revolting balls start to come off in her lovely hands as she sliced her knife through his scrotum. Millie's breathing become slow and deep as she finally felt what she had longed for 5 years since she was 6 years old was to feel the joy of cutting off the balls of a boy. Her pussy was now on fire as she put both of his balls into her mouth and bit down hard through them. As she crushed them with her teeth she couldn't stop herself from pushing her hands into her own knickers and bringing herself to an almighty orgasm. After her orgasm she grabbed hold of his nasty little cock and pulled it hard towards herself and slowly with great joy sliced it off and stuck into her mouth like a lollypop and sucked it. She then started to force her teeth through it and ate it all. After she had finished her meal she looked down at her ex-boyfriend as she stood to walk away and laughed sadistically and punched him hard in the face and then turned and left him.
Christine XIV: Christopher's Return
Johnny has a big surprise for Christine when he arrives home, but when that surprise turns out differently than planned, Christine makes a big decision. The Elliot’s and Reynolds all go on their annual December trip to Florida, this time taking Adam with them. It was a good trip for all but two of their group, who were miserable.
` Christine XIV Christopher’s Return ` Johnny was to arrive home Thursday afternoon, the day before the start of the labor day weekend. He had phoned to tell me he had a belated birthday present for me that he was sure I would like. He said that he had wanted to present it to me in person, which is why he hadn’t mailed it to me. I had no earthly idea what the present might be, but I knew if it came from Johnny it would be special. Johnny had been doing very well in the Navy. He was on shore now, going to college in California. The plan was for him to get his commission as soon as he had his degree, and then go right into training as a Seal. I was so proud of him. My brother, a Navy Seal. I didn’t understand all the steps he had to go through to get to his goal, but I had no doubt that he’d get there, and in record time. “I wanted to make this a total surprise for you,” he told me after he’d been home for a few hours, “but I can’t. The truth is, I’ve arranged to take you to a doctor who is willing to do an orchiectomy on you, but I’ve got to try and get Dad’s consent before we go.” “Don’t bother even trying,” I answered darkly. “We’ve tried a thousand times, and he’s not gonna budge. I’m just gonna have to do it the hard way, after I’m eighteen.” “How’s Josh feel about that?” Johnny asked. “Josh says it makes no difference to him ‘cause he’s not gonna touch me till we’re married anyway. But he hates that I have to go through all the hair electrolysis and throat surgery when it really isn’t necessary.” “Are you telling me that you and Josh aren’t... well, I just assumed...” “That’s what I’m telling you, Johnny. Just ‘cause I’m a little confused with my body parts doesn’t mean I’m... well never mind. But no, we’re not.” There was a rip-roaring fight that night in the Elliot house. This time I wasn’t listening from my vantage point at the head of the stairs, I was in on it. Johnny informed my father that I was going to lose my family jewels this weekend, with or without his permission. “You can’t do that.” my dad said smugly. “Don’t be too sure,” Johnny said back. “Unless I’ve missed something, my birth certificate says ‘John Elliot,’ same as yours. And Christine’s says her father’s name is John Elliot. All the doctor needs is a consent form signed and notarized by John Elliot.” “You can’t get away with that,” Dad challenged. “You’ll go to jail. Are you willing to go to jail and ruin your life to get your brother castrated? And besides, who’s gonna pay for it?” “No, I’m not willing to go to jail to get anyone castrated. But I’m willing if you’re determined to send me, if it’ll mean I’ve helped my sister avoid a lot of painful surgery and hormone treatment she doesn’t need. As for the money, don’t worry about it. I’ve been saving. I’ll pay for it. Come on, sis, it’s time for bed. We’ve got a plane to catch early in the morning.” “I can’t let you do it, Johnny,” I said as we climbed the stairs, me on his shoulders. “It’s already set up,” he answered. “We’ve got an appointment in Atlanta tomorrow afternoon at three.” I heard the rumblings and raised voices as the argument continued, but I didn’t bother going to the head of the stairs to listen. Mom had convinced Dad to allow me to go even if he didn’t sign the papers, so I was pretty sure of the outcome. There was no possible way that Dad would ever sign his consent and I knew it; but after a quick call to Dr. Reynolds he was assured that at least I wasn’t going to be cut by some butcher so he would at least not stand in our way. Dr. Chalmers was known throughout the medical community to be sympathetic to TG’s. He had performed hundreds of orchiectomies and dozens of sex reassignment surgeries. He was known to do excellent work, though his ethics were never pure and without blemish. Dr. Reynolds had referred Johnny to him when Johnny presented his plan. My doctor had checked him out thoroughly and satisfied himself that I would receive excellent care without a lot of the legal hassles that usually accompany such procedures, especially on a child. The procedure would be done in his office which would not only reduce the cost, but also avoid a lot of inquisitive eyes and embarrassing questions. On the long flight to Atlanta, Johnny and I did a lot of talking. I told him about the past year and how happy I’d been, and that he’d been right about Josh and me. “I don’t know exactly when I realized it,” I said, “but one day I just realized that Josh and I are in love.” “You’re still pretty young to be in love,” Johnny observed. “I really envy you, Princess.” He had started calling me ‘Princess’ as soon as he got home on leave, and I loved it. Then I told him about the past two weeks of school and how everything had changed when I’d been assigned my new teacher. “She’s really a witch,” I hissed. In that department Johnny didn’t seem to have any more wisdom than our dad. Johnny showed me a picture of a brand new red Corvette. “Now that I’ve been accepted to Seal school, I’ll be ordering one. It’ll be delivered in California as soon as I graduate,” he told me. He’d had to finance almost every penny, but as he said, he had nothing else to spend his money on. “And I’ve wanted a ‘Vette since I was 12,” he added. I was still into cars a little, even if I was a girl, so I appreciated his desires and I was excited for him. I knew he could have used the money he was spending on my castration toward a down payment, but I didn’t say anything. By the time we arrived at Dr. Chalmers’ office, his patients and most of his staff, except for one trusted nurse, had left for the day. I was very nervous, but Johnny assured me that I had nothing to fear. I had put on my favorite blue and white dress, white socks with blue lace trim, and white shoes. Johnny told me I looked at least 14 except for one thing: I had no breasts at all. “That’ll soon be remedied,” he promised me. The doctor was very short and to the point. With hardly a glance, he told me to strip naked and put on the hospital gown that was on the table, then climb aboard. I did it as quickly as I could while Johnny signed some papers and paid his money. “By the way,” Johnny said with a grin as the nurse placed my legs in the stirrups and strapped them in, “Dad signed the paper this morning. I knew he would when it came right down to the wire and he realized I was serious.” I didn’t answer. There were a lot of HMMM’s and Ohhh’s, Oooo’s and Ahhh’s as the doctor examined me. He checked out my genitals so thoroughly I was beginning to think it was the first set of intact genitals he’d ever seen in his life. He poked at my stomach, then stuck a finger up my butt so far I thought I was feeling his elbow disappearing inside me. “Are you sexually active, young man?” he asked. “No, sir,” I replied. “And it’s ‘young lady.’” “Ah, yes. Sorry, I forgot. Have you ever had a sexual experience?” “No, sir.” “Never had an orgasm?” “No, sir.” “Do you know what an orgasm is?” “Yes, sir. I’ve been studying all about the development of boys and girls so I would know what to expect.” “Ever have a wet dream?” “No, sir.” After a little more examining, the doctor sat down and began writing. Then he went into the other room and we heard him on the phone. “He’s not gonna do it,” I said to Johnny, almost in tears. I could see Pinocchio crumbling and disappearing before my eyes. “He’ll do it,” Johnny assured me. “Money talks.” We heard the door open, and the doctor was back. “I’ve just been speaking to your Dr. Reynolds,” he told us. “Between us, we have decided that an orchiectomy would be inadvisable at this time. Christine, you have already begun the very first stages of puberty. According to the charts I received from Reynolds, your genitals have grown considerably in the past three months. There are a few hair follicles beginning in your groin, and your erections are almost instant whenever you are touched. You don’t feel them or see them because of the drugs you’re taking, but the reaction is still there. You are in an absolutely perfect position developmentally for a very successful SRS operation. I would like you to go home and discuss this with your doctor and your parents. If you can possibly raise the money, we can save you some by doing the entire procedure in one surgery. It’ll have to be in the hospital of course, but it will save you the trauma of two surgeries, and it will all be over in a week or so. If you decide to proceed, I can book an OR in the hospital as soon as you give me the go-ahead.” “How much more will it cost?” Johnny asked. “A lot more than a sailor makes,” the doctor replied. He sat down and did some figuring, then showed Johnny the results. Johnny gasped. “Why don’t we just do the castration?” I pleaded. “Or better still, just cut everything off.” “Whatever you do, don’t do that,” the doctor said. “When we do SRS, we don’t cut anything off. We re-use the tissue to form your new organs. Without your penis and scrotum, it’s almost impossible to form the new parts. That’s why I feel it’s so perfect right now. Your genitals have grown out of proportion to the rest of your body, so there’s lots of tissue to do a really great job. But if you insist, I can go ahead with the orchiectomy.” “Not yet,” Johnny said thoughtfully. “There might be a way.” “There’s no way, Johnny,” I protested. “Dad would have a heart attack if you showed him that kinda money. At least if I have the castration, I can delay the rest till I can raise my own money.” “I can see where this is going,” Johnny said to me in an accusing tone. “You or Josh, or both of you, will forget about college, maybe even quit high school, to raise the money for that surgery. That’s not gonna happen, li’l sis. We’ll raise the money. Go ahead and get dressed. Thanks, doc, we’ll be calling soon.” I didn’t say much on the flight home. In my mind Johnny had set me up. He had me naked and prepped and on the table, then he’d pulled the dream out from under me. And the doctor had said I was already in the beginning stages of puberty. Now the clock was really ticking, and I was alone. Before we got off the plane, Johnny shared with me his idea. “I’m gonna cancel the order for the ‘Vette,” he stated. “The financing is already approved, so I’ll just use the money for the medical bills. I can’t get it right away, but within the next year or so, soon as I can show the finance company some good grades, I should be able to get it.” “You can’t, Johnny,” I said. “You’ve wanted that car as long as I can remember. I’d always hate myself if you did that. And besides, Dr. Chalmers said that unless Dad cooperates, the only way we can do all that surgery would be if we did it in his office, and that’s just too risky.” “We’ll find a way. But don’t worry about that ‘Vette. After all, it’s just a car. There’ll be others.” As soon as we were home, the battle between my brother and my father got so intense that Johnny left early to go back to California. He told me not to worry, that he would raise the money somewhere. I tried to be cheerful and assure him it would be all right, but I don’t think I was very successful. And now Dad was starting to get more determined to convince me that I was going to be his son again. He said that once puberty got going in a big way, that I would look and sound ridiculous in a dress. I was already forming visions in my head, and as visions usually are, everything was exaggerated so that I did indeed look almost obscene, with brawny hairy legs, huge muscles, and a deep bass voice. I didn’t seem to care about anything then. I had managed to rise above all the crap that Miss Banks handed me at school, but now I didn’t care. I began bringing home school work with less than my usual good grades. I had even lost interest in my studies with Professor Chambers. As Thanksgiving approached, Dad told us that Uncle Dan and Aunt Julia were taking Gail to Grand-dad’s house, but that we weren’t invited. That was the final straw. “Not to worry though,” he said. “We’ve been invited to the Reynolds’ for dinner.” “I’m not going,” I said. “I got some things I’ve gotta do.” “You’ll go if I say you go,” Dad said sternly. I didn’t answer. I went to my room and closed the door, as I had done so much lately. I turned on my computer and logged on, then went immediately to the web site I’d been visiting more and more lately. “What in the world has happened to you?” Mom demanded on Thanksgiving morning. I had refused to get dressed, and it was almost time for us to leave. “Do you have any idea how much you’re hurting your father? And what about the Reynolds? They all love you so much, and now you treat them like this. If you don’t show up for dinner with us, what are they gonna think?” “Are there any stores open today?” I asked, ignoring her questions. “What kind of stores?” Mom asked. “What are you up to, Christine?” “Clothing stores, Mom. I got some money saved and I need some clothes. I gotta get some underwear an’ some other things.” “Christine, you’ve got drawers full of underwear. You’ve got more clothes than three girls your age.” I tried to fight the tears, but they were sneaking out anyway. “Promise to take me to a store an’ I’ll go to the Reynolds for dinner. Otherwise I’m not going.” “Of course I’ll take you to the store, honey. But I wish you’d tell me what’s so all-fired important that you have to go today.” “It can wait till tomorrow if that’ll make it easier. But I’ve got to go this weekend. When I go back to school on Monday I’m gonna be Christopher.” Mom put her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye. That was too much. I started to cry harder. “Why, honey?” she said quietly. “Is that what’s been bothering you? Do you want to be a boy again?” I nodded. “Are you sure?” I nodded again. “I can’t do this any more, Mom.” I cried. “Dad hates me; I’ve been messing up the whole family. We’re not allowed to go to Grand-dad’s because of me. Dad and Johnny aren’t speaking, and he even left before his leave was over. My teacher thinks I’m a freak. The kids at school hardly talk to me at all. I just can’t do it any more, Mom!” “You can’t NOT do it either, sweetie,” Mom said. “Dr. Reynolds warned you that this was not going to be easy. But don’t you remember how miserable you were as Christopher? You were never happy.” “I’m not exactly jumping for joy now either,” I blubbered. “I just can’t take it any more!” “As for Johnny,” Mom said, “things there are pretty normal there. Why do you think he joined the Navy instead of going to college?” “I thought he wanted to,” I said. “He did want to. But it was WHY he wanted to that you don’t know. He and your dad haven’t got along since he was twelve years old. He joined the Navy because that’s the only way he could get away from here. Your father wanted him to help in the business, but Johnny knew that wouldn’t work. They have always fought about everything. They both know that, Christine. They love each other, but they can’t live together or work together, and they know it. You didn’t drive him away, Honey. “As for your grandfather, I think you’re being unfair to your dad there. If he wanted to go there for Thanksgiving, he would go. You should know your dad well enough for that. He told me last night that he was GLAD we weren’t invited. He said he’d rather go to the Reynolds where he knew he was welcome and that you’d be happy. You’re hurting your dad a lot more by being unhappy than by anything you’ve done or will do. Now please, Christine, give your mommy a hug and let’s get you dressed. Please? For me?” “Will you take me to the store tomorrow?” “Yes, Honey, if you still want to go after we’ve talked about it and you’ve had the night to think about it, I’ll take you to the store in the morning. That’s a promise.” I guess I should have felt better then, but I didn’t. I had made my decision and I was determined to stick to it, but it wasn’t going to be easy. I had one more day to live as Christine, and then I was going to kill her forever. I would try it for a year or so, and if I couldn’t make that work for me either, I would kill Christopher too. Of course I didn’t tell Mom that part. I was still prancing around in my underwear when I heard the back door open and someone come in. “That’ll be Gail, all ready to go,” Mom said as she pulled a pretty party dress out of my closet. “Gail?” I echoed. “Gail’s coming with us?” “Yes, dear, I thought you knew. Gail is coming with us today. She had a horrendous fight with her dad yesterday. She wanted to go where you go. She said it would be no fun at your Grand-dad’s without you, and her mother agreed with her.” There was a light knock on the door, and Gail stepped in wearing one of my favorite blue dresses. I had outgrown it and given it to her two months ago. Gail always seemed to know exactly what to do and when to do it. She was absolutely beautiful. “Gail?” I said, somewhat stunned. “Man, you’re so pretty in that dress.” “Not as pretty as its last owner,” she said. “But I think it looks pretty good, don’t you?” “You’re gonna get a whole closet full to go with it tomorrow,” I told her. “All those pretty clothes... they’re finally gonna get to be worn on a REAL girl.” “What’re you talking about?” she said. Then I could see the lights come on in her head. “No, Christine. NO! You can’t. Don’t even joke about that!” “You see anyone laughing? I’ve got to, Gail.” “No you don’t. I’ll be your sister full time. I’ll move in with you and be your sister. My dad doesn’t like me any more anyway. PLEASE don’t do it.” “We’ll talk about it later,” Mom said. “Everyone’s all worked up and tense, and in no condition to make any decisions about anything. Let’s just drop it for now and go have a good time with friends who love us. We’ll talk later.” We did drop it. Mom and Gail both set out to get me dressed. They paid particular attention to every little detail that I might have been inclined to ignore. When we climbed into the car, I was as perfect as a little girl could be. I was wearing the necklace and earrings Josh had given me last Christmas, my all time favorite blue party dress with sheer white tights. My hair was shining like satin, with a velvet hair band that matched my dress, and Mom even put just a hint of lipstick and blush on me. Oh well, I thought, no harm in looking my very best just one more time. Tomorrow I would be wearing briefs and jeans. UGGHHHHH! “Actually, that’s a very good idea,” Uncle Robert said when we told him of my plan. “But I’d like to make a suggestion that will hopefully help us all decide this matter once and for all.” “You like the idea?” Dad said with no small amount of surprise. “But I thought... I mean, you said...” “I said that in my opinion Christine is definitely a girl. But I can’t feel what she feels. I like to think I can get close, but when all’s said and done, only she knows exactly what she feels. Maybe this will help her know for sure.” “I already know,” I said stubbornly. “But it’s just too selfish. My grandfather says I’m a selfish, spoiled little brat. Sometimes I think my dad thinks so too. I don’t wanna be a spoiled little brat. And I don’t want to be selfish.” “Christine,” Uncle Robert said in his best psychologist voice, “no one thinks you’re selfish. And even if you are, that’s ok. It’s your job as a child to express your feelings and tell us what you want. It’s our job as parents to understand our children and make them happy, if we possibly can. You have nothing to feel ashamed about, Christine. You can’t help the way you feel.” “So what’s your idea?” Dad asked. “Well, we’re all going to Florida for a week this year, right? So why don’t we leave Christine home and take Christopher? He can be a total boy for a week, without embarrassment or confusion. It wouldn’t really be fair to the other kids at school for a boy to appear one day where there used to be a girl. If you think they’re giving you a hard time now, Christine, you have no idea how tough they’ll be if you start changing your gender during school. By giving it a try while we’re away, perhaps we can all settle a few things in our minds, and in a way that we can make a more informed decision without a lot of turmoil. No one around here ever has to know.” Everyone liked the idea, so we spent the day planning our trip. I was to be a total boy, in every way, from the time we left home until we returned a week later. Mom would buy me some new clothes, starting from the skin outward. Only those with a need to know would be informed; everyone else would just think that Christine was away for a week, just as we had planned. Mrs. Williams had gone to work for my dad at the computer store. It turned out that she was an office manager, which in actual fact meant that she had been doing the job of a vice president for the company she’d been working for, but being paid as a secretary. So when I started traveling with the band last summer, Dad wanted more free time so he had hired her at considerably more money than she’d been making to run things when he was away. She informed us that as much as she’d like to go to Florida, she would rather see my dad go provided that we could take Adam. Dad certainly had no problem with that, so for the first time in a long while, the boys would outnumber the girls. I went shopping with Mom the day after Thanksgiving, as she had promised. She led me directly to the boys’ briefs, but I turned them down. I wanted boxer shorts, I told her, like Josh wears. So she bought me four pair of boxers, all with different patterns on them, all very masculine. She bought me some athletic socks, two pair of really nice stylish boys’ shorts and a pair of jeans, a new bathing suit and five T-shirts. There was a new pair of sneakers and two pair of very boyish pajamas, and even a very heavy gold neck chain like the one Josh always wore. Josh had already said that he had lots of clothes he had outgrown I could wear, but Uncle Robert said I also needed some clothes of my own. I was a little afraid that Mom would want to buy items I could still wear if Christine returned, but she said no, what I wore for the week should be totally masculine. I was taken off all medications, which resulted in my dormant little wee-wee springing to life almost instantly. By the time it was time to go, I was having erections every morning and several times throughout the day. I was so embarrassed I was already wondering about the wisdom of what we were doing. I asked Mom to cut my hair, which was probably the hardest part for me. She didn’t want to cut it all off, but I was determined. I wanted my ears showing... I wanted to feel the wind on my head. I wanted it all off. “It’s taken you over two years to grow that beautiful hair, Christopher,” she reminded me. “Boys have long hair now too, you know, especially hair as beautiful as that.” “I don’t care,” I asserted. “I want it all off.” “Just wait a second,” Dad said. “I think you need to think this through, son. You owe some people, and your hair is a part of it. I agree it would be better next week if your hair was short, but what if Christine comes back after the week is over?” “She’s not comin’ back,” I said with determination. “And what about Mr. Marks?” Dad reminded me. “Don’t you think he deserves more of an explanation than to just be presented with a short-haired boy next time he sees you? H’s invested a lot of time and money in you. I think you owe him, Chris.” “I’ve got an idea,” Mom said after thinking about it. “It may be a little unconventional, but not totally unheard of. I can gather your hair in one large ponytail, but lower down. On boys I think they call it a rat tail, but it’s the same as a girl’s pony tail except that it’s gathered lower down on your head. That way it’s out of the way, but it’s still there. I’ll have to thin it a bit, but it will soon thicken out again if you need it long, or we can cut it all off if that’s what you decide.” “As usual, you’ve got it covered, Susan,” Dad said. “How about it, champ?” “A ponytail?” I said doubtfully. “I guess... if you think...” “I’ve seen them before,” Mom said. “Frankly I don’t like them as well as full and flowing hair, but I think it’d be better than cutting off all that beautiful hair prematurely.” And so began the formidable task of thinning my very thick hair and then gathering it into a rat tail at the bottom of my skull. I really didn’t like the result, but it sure beat losing all that hair. The morning we were to leave, Mom took all my girls’ clothes and put them away in my closet and dresser drawers. She helped me pack a more than adequate wardrobe of all my new clothes, plus several pairs of shorts and other articles donated by Josh. Then she stripped me naked and handed me a pair of white boxer shorts with green stripes. Next came the jeans - very plain Levi’s, and a dark blue T-shirt, a pair of white socks and my new sneakers. She removed all my nail polish and cut my nails in a much shorter, more masculine style. When Josh saw me, he had a look on his face that I couldn’t describe if I live to be a hundred. It wasn’t shock, or surprise, but... well, he just looked at me differently than he’d ever done before. “You look... err... nice, Christopher,” he stammered. I didn’t know what to say to him, so I just thanked him for the compliment. Mom had already told me that all the other kids had been coached pretty thoroughly, and that there was to be no reference whatsoever to the fact that I had spent the past year and a half as a girl. It was as if Christine had never existed. Uncle Robert had managed to find a very luxurious twelve passenger van to rent, which was more than adequate for our needs. Once again Uncle Dan had decided not to go. It seemed that more and more of the time, Uncle Dan was avoiding family type activities. Of course he was somewhat caught in the middle of the feud between my dad and their father, but that didn’t help Gail’s feelings much. She was quite depressed as we got ready to go: her father wasn’t coming and neither was her twin sister Christine. I tried really hard to have a good time in spite of how awkward and silly I felt, and if I do say so myself I did pretty well. There were times though, like when we stopped for lunch on the drive down I-95. We all went scrambling into the restaurant like any other happy bunch of kids out of school a week early and on their way to Disney World, and I went bounding right into the Ladies’ washroom. Amanda burst out laughing and I stood there wondering what the joke was. Gail was covering her mouth trying hard not to laugh when a lady come out of a booth and said rather sternly, “Young man, I think you took a wrong turn.” At first I ignored her, thinking she was talking to someone else. And then I remembered. God, how could I have made such a mistake? “Oops!” I said stupidly. “Sorry, Ma’am.” I turned red-faced and joined Josh and Adam in the Mens’ room. It was an honest mistake, my dad said, and no harm was done. But it certainly did some serious damage to my dignity. Everyone laughed about it until they saw that I was not amused, then Uncle Robert said sternly that the incident should be forgotten. In the washroom wasn’t any easier. I had never been able to use those darned urinals comfortably, and my time as Christine had made it no easier. At school we had no choice: if we were caught using a toilet for anything other than serious pants-down pooping, we were in serious trouble. At least here I had a choice, so I went into a booth and closed the door, then fished out my wee-wee and peed in the toilet. It felt incredibly weird standing to do it, but I told myself I would get used to it. We got settled into the resort in time for a good swim after dinner. Again one of my old horrors came back. I could not, simply COULD NOT show myself bare- chested. So Mom told me to wear a T-shirt with my ample boxer bathing suit, that I probably wouldn’t be the only boy dressed that way. She was right, too. There were two other boys about my age wearing T-shirts. I ached to ask them if their reasons were the same as mine, but of course I never got the courage to speak to them, never mind ask such a personal question. When bedtime came, the three boys were assigned one king size bed. I was totally mortified. How in the world could I sleep with Josh and Adam? How would I get dressed and undressed? Why in the world had I asked Mom for boxers? If I’d had briefs I could have held my errant penis in check a little bit; but with boxers it did whatever it wanted, and what it wanted most of the time was to stand up and make a test tour of those boxers. And I found to my horror that it had grown more than I had thought. When I noticed that Adam was wearing briefs, I pulled him away from Josh’s earshot. “Adam, trade underwear with me? Please?” “What?” he said a little too loudly. “SHHHH! Trade underwear with me.” I repeated. “These boxers are embarrassing me. I mean, when I get a... a...” “You mean a stiffie? I thought you didn’t get them.” “I do now, all the time. Will you trade me, please? Just till tomorrow and I’ll get my mom to buy me some briefs. And don’t tell Josh, ok?” “Ok,” Adam said with a shrug. “But keep the boxers. I hate ‘em.” We didn’t lie awake very long that first night. I guess we were tired after the long drive. I slept on one side, with Adam in the middle and Josh on the other side. I think Adam sensed that I didn’t want to touch him or Josh, so he crowded Josh and left me lots of room so that it was almost like sleeping alone. It wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t too bad. Monday was Disney World day. The Florida sunshine was at its best, the temperature in the low 80's by early afternoon. Like last year, I would’ve had a blast wearing a dress, pants, in my underwear, or stark naked. The Disney park had only one requirement for unbelievable fun: that you be a child somewhere between 2 and 102. I completely forgot what I was wearing or what I was trying to accomplish. We were at the gates when they opened at nine, and we didn’t leave until after the fireworks at ten that night. Then back to the resort and into bed, then the deep, contented sleep of a totally exhausted child. It was incredible. The big poolside party was to be Tuesday night, and we all wanted to go and stay up late like we’d done last year, so we didn’t go anywhere special Tuesday . Josh wanted to go golfing with his dad so they planned to get up early. No one else was really interested, so my dad promised to take Adam and me fishing while the four girls went shopping and just rested up for the party and dance. I would have liked to go with Josh and Uncle Robert, but not so much for the golfing as just to be with Josh. I think Dad recognized that and discouraged me from even asking. “Besides,” he said, “I’ve been waiting a long time to take my boy fishing.” I’ve gotta say we had a great time out on the lake. Dad had made some inquiries about where to go and what kind of tackle to use, what to use for bait, and so on. We rented a boat and went to one of the many lakes around Orlando, and all together the three of us caught over 100 fish, and they were all big. It was like old times - Dad and I were buddies again. We laughed and joked, made fun of each other when we caught a small fish or lost our bait - all the things that fishing buddies do together. We didn’t ignore Adam and he had a great time too, but all the same the bond between me and my dad got stronger that day than it had been for a very long time. The party began about like we had expected. Mom had bought me a cool Hawaiian shirt which I wore over a pair of really baggy cargo shorts Josh had given me. There was certainly no girl in this dude as we all headed for the location of the party. Josh and Adam and I laughed and giggled as we stuffed ourselves with hot dogs, chicken burgers and barbeque while the girls and adults watched with some amount of disgust at our silly behavior. I was beginning to think that perhaps being a boy wasn’t all bad after all. Maybe I’d been too hasty. Perhaps I could pull off this boy thing. But then the music started, and the MC started encouraging everyone to dance. With the start of the music came the start of my memories - memories of the party we’d had last year, or rather the party Christine had had with the rest of the crew. I wanted to dance so bad I ached inside. Finally I asked Gail to dance. In our lessons everyone was taught to both lead and follow because they told us that even though it was customary for the boy to lead, it was certainly better for the girl to lead a partner that couldn’t dance than to not dance at all. That training would come in handy tonight. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time Gail and I had danced anyway. We did ok, but it wasn’t the same. When Josh led Amanda to the floor and they began dancing, I found myself watching their every move. Was he enjoying it as much as he had dancing with me? Was he mad at me for my decision? Would we ever dance again? “I’m tired,” Gail announced and shook me out of my reverie. “Can we sit down for a while?” “Ok,” I said. It had never occurred to me to get tired when I danced - I guess that was one of the things that made me different: I could dance all night and still want more. But tonight my heart wasn’t really in it anyway, so I readily agreed to take a break. I danced with my mom a few times, and with Aunt Julia and Amanda, but mostly I just sat and listened to the music. I guess Josh did much the same thing, but I really didn’t notice. When a slow number started, my mom took my hand and led me to the dance floor again. Being an interpretive dancer I instinctively listened to the words to every song whether I was dancing or not. This time, listening to those words was a big mistake. “Can’t say we’re lovers, can’t say we’re friends. Don’t even know if I’ll see you again. But against your warm body, I felt so alive You got me over a heartache tonight. “My heart was broken, my hurt was deep. I had lost something I wanted to keep. I was lookin’ for comfort when you caught my eye. You got me over a heartache tonight. “Sweet conversation, a drink and a dance Led to an evening of making romance. I don’t even care if it’s wrong or it’s right Cause you got me over a heartache tonight. Yes, you got me over a heartache tonight Starting of passion brought me back to life Oh it might not last, but who knows? It just might But you got me over a heartache tonight Yes, you got me over a heartache tonight.” I had tears in my eyes before the song was over. I didn’t want it ever to end because I’d have to face everyone at the table. So I told Mom I had to go to the washroom. I ran into a stall and locked the door, then I sat on the toilet and buried my face in my arms so no one could hear me crying. Why did I have to come here anyway? All I could think of was the fabulous time we’d had last year. I knew that I could never ever be like Josh. I might eventually have a girl friend, but I could never make a girl feel the way Josh made me feel. It just wasn’t in me to be a prince. I sat there alone as long as I dared without having someone come looking for me, then I did my business, got myself straightened out and joined the others. Finally around 10:30 Mom suggested that we go back to our rooms. For once she got no argument from me. I didn’t think I was particularly depressed, but there was definitely a lack of the “spark” that usually kept me smiling at times like this. Back in our rooms, I had a quick shower and got into my pajamas. The sky was clear - so clear we could see millions of stars. I had always loved watching the stars, so I got a bottle of coke and wandered outside. I was sitting on a lawn chair, sipping my soda and looking into the endless sky when someone pulled a lawn chair close to mine and sat down. I didn’t know who it was, but for some reason I figured it was one of my parents. When I felt someone take my hand, I knew it was Josh. “You mad at me?” he asked. “No, Josh,” I said without looking at him. “Whatever makes you think I’m mad at you?” “Well, you haven’t hardly said a word to me all day. And tonight I was hoping we could dance together.” “I’m a boy, Josh,” I answered. “Boys don’t dance together, haven’t you noticed? Everybody laughs when boys dance together.” I looked at Josh for the first time, and he had tears in his eyes. Josh, my hero, the strongest boy on the planet, was crying. “There’s nobody here to laugh now,” he whispered. “I can still sing, if you can still dance.” “I’d feel silly.” “I don’t think so. I saw you crying, Christopher. I know why you were in the bathroom so long. Dance with me? Please?” He didn’t wait for a refusal, he just took my hand and pulled me out of the chair. I didn’t resist. He put that incredibly warm, strong arm around me and started to hum that same song that had sent me flying to the privacy of a washroom stall. Can’t say we’re lovers, can’t say we’re friends. Don’t even know if I’ll see you again. But against your warm body, I felt so alive You got me over a heartache tonight. “My heart was broken, my hurt was deep. I had lost something I wanted to keep. I was lookin’ for comfort when you caught my eye. You got me over a heartache tonight.” “I love you, Christine Elliot.” he whispered. “Christopher,” I corrected. “Call yourself whatever you want, and dress any way you like, you’ll still be Christine to me, the prettiest girl in the world. And if I never see Christine again, then I’ll just have to learn to love another boy, ‘cause I can’t live without you.” “We’re just kids,” I said as Josh’s tears streaked down his face. “Mom says we’ll have dozens of ‘can’t do without’ loves before we’re through. She says you’re only 12 and I’m only nine, and we can’t possibly know for sure.” “Do you believe that?” “No. But if I’m gonna be a boy...” “If you’re gonna be a boy, you’re gonna be a gay boy, and so am I.” “Your dad says we can’t DECIDE to be gay or not, we just are.” “Then I just AM. My dad’s pretty smart, but he doesn’t know everything. And neither does your mom.” Without even realizing it we had stopped dancing and sat down on the lawn chaise, me positioned between Josh’s legs, his arms wrapped around me, my head nestled on his chest. “I had a long talk with my dad on the golf course today,” he told me. “If he knew I was telling you about it, he’d kill me. But I’m sorry, I can’t help it. We’re not supposed to say anything at all to you about being a girl this week, but that’s just not fair. I think you need to know what’s going on.” “Going on?” I questioned. “What do you mean?” Josh was quiet for a minute or two. I could tell he was thinking; probably deciding if he dared tell me what was on his mind. But I also knew Josh, and I knew that he would not keep anything from me if he knew it would help me. “Dad told me he thinks you’re pretty unhappy,” he said finally. “He said this might be the best thing that ever happened... I mean, you spending the week as Christopher with your parents here watching. He said any fool can see that you are different.” “Mom said it’s only natural,” I answered. “She said I’ve spent so long now as Christine it’s bound to feel strange, especially with you and your family ‘cause you never knew Christopher till this week.” “That’s true,” Josh agreed. “But I told my dad, and he agreed, that it’s more than that. I mean, you’re just plain different. It isn’t so much your looks or what you do, it’s just... well... you seem so unsure of yourself.” “Christopher always was,” I told him. “When I was Christopher I was afraid to meet people my own age ‘cause I knew before I met them that we’d never get to be good friends. I was always more comfortable with Gail, and that didn’t help my popularity any.” “I dunno about all that, Christopher,” he said as he fought tears again. “All I know for sure is I can’t stand to see you like this. Your smile is gone, you don’t ever sing any more, and whether you realize it or not, you were always singing. I mean, ALWAYS.” There was so much more I wanted to say, so much more I wanted Josh to tell me, but just then our mothers called us in, saying that it was way past our bedtime. When we got to the bedroom Adam was already fast asleep, so we crawled in on either side of him. Josh dropped off to sleep almost immediately, but I couldn’t sleep. I heard voices from the other room so I strained to make out what they were saying. “I think he’s pretty unhappy,” I heard Uncle Robert say. “I’ve noticed that too,” my dad answered. “I fully expected him to be so relieved at being a boy again, with no explanations to give to anyone, no confusion, no one questioning him. But he’ll come around.” “I’m not so sure,” Uncle Robert countered. “How was he in the boat today?” “About the same. I think he enjoyed himself, but he wasn’t natural. I think we both enjoyed it, but... well, I guess the only way I can describe it is to say there was a tension there that never was before. I guess I’m beginning to realize what he’s been going through this past year.” “I’m going to ask you both to do something,” Uncle Robert said. “I’ll be asking Christopher to do it too, but I don’t want his mind on it this week. I’ll probably ask him on the way home Saturday.” “What is that?” Mom asked. “Come outside,” Aunt Julia called from the patio door. “It’s so peaceful and warm.” They all went outside then, so I didn’t hear what it was that Uncle Robert was going to ask them. Obviously it had something to do with me, but I simply wasn’t going to find out until the end of the week unless I could get it out of Mom in the morning, and I didn’t see how I could do that without letting her know I’d been listening to them. Still wondering and thinking about it, I fell asleep. To be continued... * * *
Speed Trap
The government has found a way to correct the male-female population imbalance while also solving some traffic problems.
Over time, the male population in my country has begun to greatly exceed the female population. This is the result of parents favoring sons, and coupling this desire with genetic prescreening and selective pregnancies & abortions. In any case the number of frustrated males grew out of proportion, and these testosterone laden guys were becoming aggressive. This was noted by the highway & transportation folks as an increase in speeding and the resulting traffic accidents. It was then that they passed the new traffic safety act. All cars must be fitted with a small pouch under the driver seat. Males and females were given different key sets. If a male was to drive, a hatch opened above the pouch. A sensor must detect his warm testicles, and then the opening closes to “capture” the testicles into the seat pouch. This was done gently of course so as not to cause damage or undue pain. More expensive cars had fur lined and even warmed pouches. One thing that all cars had in common though was a spring loaded knife blade which could be activated by the police. In my case it seemed so unfair. I tried to be SO careful. Even a tiny amount over the speed limit could result in swift justice. I was in a hurry on my way to the office, and did not notice the new speed limit sign. Suddenly my car slowed down and coasted to a halt. All cars had been fitted with a remote shut down, and the local traffic cop had just zapped me. The most beautiful blonde stepped out of the police car and walked up to my window. I was terrified as she leaned over the car door, exposing a generous cleavage. But squirm as I may, the pouch constrictor had my jewels captured. “You were going just over the limit sir, and I expect you know the rules as well as the punishment”. I pleaded with her but to no avail. “I can see by the bulge in your pants that you deserve the judgment” she smiled sweetly. “If you want one last cum, I suggest you be quick about it. I’ll fill out my paperwork for a few minutes.” She unbuttoned her blouse so her bra came into full view, and it was nearly transparent. I unzipped my fly and got to work while she wrote on the papers attached to her clipboard. “Need a hand there sport?” she cooed. “Don’t worry, I won’t press the activator until you’ve shot your last” she said as she reached in with one hand, while now holding a remote control device with her other hand. I had not been with a woman in months. It didn’t take long. UNGH and the white cream splattered the console. As it did, her pretty red nailed finger depressed the red button. NOOOO I cried but it gave no mercy. SNAP and the pain shot up while the balls slipped down into the pouch. She let her hand slip off my penis and down into the pouch which now opened fully. She took out my balls and slipped her hand down into her pants, slipping them up into her warm & wet vagina. “Ohhh she moaned, this always gets me SO horny. I guess this is as close as you’ll ever get to cumming in my coozy.” After she calmed down she handed me some paperwork. “Here, take this to the local highway department office and they will switch out your key for a Eunuch key. Your car will start up again in 15 minutes. By then you should be better able to drive. Or if you’d like, I can call the local clinic to come get you. Aren’t you glad we deactivate your car before we deliver the punishment?” In spite of great caution, a few percent of the male population gets neutered each year as a result of this program. I guess it does work though. Traffic accidents are way down, men drive much more cautiously, and the ratio of breeding men to women is returning to 1:1. As for me, I guess it has reduced my own frustrations, and I certainly don’t chase skirts any more. I do miss the exhilaration of orgasm, but the memory is fading. Jim Fox [email protected] * * *
Playing Lukas Sorensen - Chapter 5
Matthew learns the secret of mind control.
Chapter 5 Lukas’ father was a tall man. He wore glasses with silver frames and had thin, white hair, which he raked back over his head. He was nearer to sixty than fifty, Matthew supposed, and was wearing a dinner suit. ‘Matthew,’ he said, coming forward. ‘It’s so good to see you again.’ He held out his hand and Matthew shook it. ‘Hello, Sir.’ In the sudden panic of his arrival, Matthew had smacked the handle on the vice, to loosen it, and jerked Lukas’ runner off the edge of the bench. He had gripped Lukas around the waist and pulled him forward, and down, lifting him first, but not enough. The padlock had wedged in the vice, and Lukas’ balls were trapped there. His legs were hanging down, but his arse was held backwards and up, while Matthew kept pulling him forward and down. Lukas’ head collapsed onto Matthew’s shoulder, his hands slipping down Matthew’s back as they tried to grip something. Matthew heard a whimper, but had kept pulling, in a panic, because he could hear the rattle of the garage door opening. And he had kept pulling him till his hands slipped from Lukas’ waist. Lukas was suspended, like a bridge, his balls at one end, his head on Matthew’s shoulder at the other. Matthew gripped his waist again and lifted him as high as he could, though Lukas’ body was trying to swing toward him. The padlock snapped out of the vice and Lukas’ swung forward all of a sudden. His genitals slapped against Matthew’s mouth, his balls hitting Matthew’s chin with the weight of the padlock behind them. Lukas’ thighs fell inwards. Matthew lowered him gently, but he sunk to the floor, sitting on his heels, with his thighs clamped together, and his genitals locked underneath him. He put a hand in his groin and pressed down, as though he was trying not to piss, steadying himself with his other hand as he slipped a bit sideways. ‘Here,’ Matthew said, handing him his pyjama pants. Lukas didn’t move. He was sucking his thumb! Matthew pulled him up by his arm and held him, as the bright glare of headlights fell onto the back wall. ‘Hold onto the car,’ he said. He bent down behind Lukas, stepping his runners into the pyjama bottoms while Lukas steadied himself on the roof of the car, his legs shaking, his groin held in a little and his arse sticking backwards. Matthew was aware of his hair brushing Lukas’ arse, of the smell of soap, and then he was pulling Lukas’ pants up, and reaching around him to tie them from behind. ‘Can you do it?’ he said, fumbling, as a dark red Saab rolled into the garage, feeling the soft warmth of Lukas’ genitals through the flannelette. Lukas didn’t move. Matthew managed to tie the cord, thankful that he could see Lukas’ father in the car, could see his head stretched up, in profile, measuring the distance to the wall, unaware of either Lukas or himself, behind Lukas’ car, where Lukas’ legs were trembling now, Matthew realised, sending ripples through his pyjamas. ‘Sorry,’ Matthew said, putting his hand between Lukas’ shoulder blades. Lukas nodded, his teeth clenched, his whole body beginning to shiver. ‘Are you okay?’ ‘I’m cold.’ ‘Here, pretend you’re looking for something.’ Matthew opened the passenger door and thrust Lukas into it. He leant over and opened the glove compartment, took the manual out of it and put it into Lukas’ lap, opening it and saying, ‘Pretend you’re looking for something.’ Lukas nodded and put his hands on the manual. ‘Matthew!’ Lukas’ father said. ‘It’s so good to see you again!’ They shook hands. ‘And do your eyes still contain all the mysteries of interstellar space?’ Matthew offered a tentative smile. He didn’t suppose his eyes had ever contained these mysteries, though he remembered the old man’s saying that they did. His literary allusions. Old world manners. Foreign peculiarities. And he remembered, too, wishing, as a child, that Lukas’ father had been his father, when that never could have happened. ‘Lukas has been showing me his car,’ he said. ‘Yes. He shook be safe in that, you think?’ Matthew nodded. ‘It has all the biz – brakes and stability controls and one hundred thousand airbags or some such thing. It’s a cushion, I said to him. You’d be crashing into a cushion.’ Matthew tried not to smile. ‘You’d have to be an idiot to crash that thing,’ Mr Sorensen said confidentially, and then he stood back and looked at Matthew. ‘Well, you certainly aren’t any less handsome, but still a boy I think, like all you young men nowadays. You’ll come upstairs and have tea with me in a moment. Yes? Good. I’ll go up to my room and change and then we’ll have a talk, just like the old days. Lukas!’ he called, calling him Lukash, ‘You make us tea?’ Lukas looked up. He nodded. And Matthew breathed a sigh of relief. # In the drawing room, Matthew sat in silence, listening to the ticking of the clock on the mantle piece. The room was warm, too warm, he thought, and too exquisitely furnished to be comfortable. Matthew wondered how a person could come up with such a collection of chairs, sofas, tables, vases and paintings, wondering how all of it had been put together into harmony, the dominant colours being blue and gold. There was red in the carpet, though, striations of it, and something like ochre in the wallpaper. The ceiling was a fantastic menagerie of trumpeting cherubs and clouds, a beatific vision of heaven, he supposed. Lukas came in bearing the tea tray, with a silver pot and cups and saucers and an arrangement of cakes and slices. His father followed him, entering from the hall, and closing the door behind him. Lukas had put a sweater on in the meantime, a bone one, a fisherman’s sweater with a round neck and a ribbed pattern, though as he was pouring the tea, Matthew noticed his pyjama pants gaping a little and wondered what Mr Sorensen would say if he saw what Lukas had done to himself, thinking, at the same time, that his father would then know what they had been doing in the garage together. His face felt hot. Lukas handed him the tea, and offered him a piece of cake. Matthew refused it. ‘And what about this spring weather we’re having?’ Mr Sorensen said. ‘Not very seasonal, is it?’ ‘It’s been pretty cold,’ Matthew said. ‘Too cold,’ Lukas added. ‘And wet.’ ‘And what are you doing with yourself, Matthew? What plans do you have for your future?’ Matthew told him how he had got into the conservatorium, saying that he was taking a gap year, like Lukas, like most of his friends, telling Mr Sorensen that Christian was the only one he knew who had started his course. Mr Sorensen asked Matthew to play for them and Matthew agreed, choosing a piece of Satie and following this with Chopin’s Valse Brillante in A Minor. He got up from the piano afterwards feeling both melancholy and diffident, as he always did after performing. He sat down on the sofa and turned to Lukas’ father. ‘Lukas said you’ve got a new book out.’ ‘Not a new one. A translation,’ Mr Sorensen said. ‘But here, I’ll get you a copy.’ He walked into his study and returned with a copy of the novel, inscribing it ‘To a dear friend of the family, with love,’ and then told Matthew how he translated his novels himself, writing first in Danish, and then coming out with an English version, creating two quite separate novels which were somehow not synonymous, a Danish and an English one. The book was called “A Dream to Die With”. On the cover was a picture of a woman falling backward into tangerine clouds. Matthew supposed he would have to read it. He helped Lukas load the dishwasher after Mr Sorensen had left them, reminding Matthew to call him Lars as he went. ‘Yes, Sir,’ Matthew had replied, only realising what he had said after Mr Sorensen had gone. How the hell was he going to call him Lars? Lukas was putting a cup into the dishwasher. ‘You know,’ Matthew said, ‘I really like your dad.’ ‘Yeah, I know you do.’ ‘He’s like…I don’t know. I wish my father was like that.’ Lukas shrugged his shoulders. Matthew picked up an apple and took a bite out of it. ‘What are you eating that for?’ Matthew stopped with his mouth partly open. ‘It’s one of McCady’s apples.’ Does she have her own apples? Matthew wondered, starting to chew again. ‘Well it’s too late now,’ he said, his mouth still full, ‘I’ve started it.’ * * *
Bryan's Story, Part 3
Bryan\'s adventure continues as he meets new friends with similar interests ...
` Chapter 3 ` Bryan rolled out of bed early the next morning still feeling euphoric about his experiences the day before. Even though he was positive he wasn’t going to back out of the surgery, Bryan resisted the impulse to masturbate as soon as he awoke. He found a long cold shower did manage to make his erection disappear. He was just toweling his hair dry when there was a knock on the door. Pulling on the light gauze robe provided by the clinic, Bryan hurried to the door as he fumbled to tie the belt around his waist. Opening the door, he found Sam standing in the hall, an old-fashioned doctor’s bag in his hand. “Sorry to bother you so early,” Sam said, after Bryan invited him inside. “But, I needed to get a blood sample from you before you had breakfast. You haven’t eaten yet – have you?” Bryan assured Sam that he had just finished showering and hadn’t had a chance to get anything to eat yet. Relieved, Sam suggested Bryan take a seat on the sofa, wrapped a blood pressure cuff around his patient’s arm and got a new reading, before tapping a vein in Bryan’s arm and drawing blood. As he was bending over, Bryan noticed the ID card clipped to the pocket of Sam’s scrub top. He couldn’t help staring at it –the picture was so different from the way Sam looked that at first Bryan thought the intern had picked up someone else’s ID card by mistake. In the picture, Sam had masses of longish dark brown hair styled in a loose, casual style that made him look a little like Hugh Grant. He couldn’t help staring from the picture to Sam’s face and back again so much that Sam noticed. “I guess I really should get a new ID card made,” Sam chuckled. “Pretty big difference, isn’t it?” “Yeah, yeah it is,” Bryan agreed. Sam self-consciously ran a hand over his cropped and bleached hair, “Even I’m still getting used to the new me,” he laughed. “Why’d you make such a drastic change?” Bryan asked. “I mean, it really looks good on you.” “Dunno – haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like to make a big change in the way you look?” Bryan nodded. “Well, same for me. I pretty much wore my hair like that picture for as long as I can remember. Every time I thought about changing my style, I got to thinking about what my friends might say and never tried anything new.” “So, what made you change your mind?” “Being here,” Sam said simply, labeling the test tube with Bryan’s blood sample. “I was going to be away from everyone I knew for a long time. I decided to go ahead and try something different – I figured if I didn’t like it, no one back home ever needed to know.” “Smart idea,” Bryan said. Sam gave Bryan’s arm a pat as he stood up, “Well, unless something very unexpected shows up in your lab tests, and I don’t see why it should, everything’s a go for tomorrow.” Sam snapped his satchel closed. “I’ll be back here tonight about seven to get you prepped and give you something to help you relax and sleep.” He held up a hand as Bryan started to open his mouth. “I know, I know – you don’t think you’ll need it. Believe me, you will – most patients find it hard to sleep the night before their surgery. We find things go better for them during recovery if they go into surgery relaxed and well- rested.” After Sam was gone, Bryan returned to his bedroom to get dressed. He was in the middle of brushing his hair when he stopped and stared at his reflection remembering what Sam had said. He’d often thought about trying a style different from his usual preppy, middle of the road style. He never did, though – and pretty much for the same reasons Sam had given. He didn’t know what reactions even a small change would elicit. At school, Bryan liked being just a face in the crowd – nothing about him really made him stand out from the other students. He didn’t brag about his grades. Although he dressed fashionably – in a preppy style – his clothes never called attention to him or singled him out from the others. His best friend Aaron, on the other hand, was almost always the center of attention. His clothes were bright and always on the cutting edge of fashion – mostly expensive surfer and skater styles, but still the latest fashion. Aaron never hesitated to change his hair style dramatically and seemed to thrive on the attention a new style got him. Bryan remembered the time Aaron had showed up to school with his hair parted in the middle and dyed in the school colors or scarlet and purple. Bryan would have been mortified to even show up at school like that. Aaron seemed to draw energy from the attention he got following that stunt. Bryan shook his head ruefully and finished brushing his hair before wandering down to the lobby. There were several small gift shops in the lobby and Bryan thought he’d send Kev a little card or maybe flowers for when he woke up. Drifting along the displays, Bryan wished he knew more about Kev and Simon – it would be easier to find something they would appreciate. He wandered from shop to shop aimlessly, nothing really striking his interest. Coming out of the third shop, he stopped and found himself facing the salon. He stared in the window for several minutes, chewing his lower lip. He was just about to turn when he heard a familiar voice call his name. Turning, he saw Simon coming out of the shop next door. “Hiya mate,” Simon said, coming over to him. “Hi, how’s Kev?” “He’s in the surgery now,” Simon replied. “The doc told me to check in on him around two this afternoon. He should be awake by then.” He looked from Bryan to the salon and back again. “Thinking about making a change?” “Thought I might,” Bryan admitted. “But, I don’t think I will.” “Oh go on,” Simon urged, a devilish smile playing across his lips. “You should try a new do for the new you,” he joked. “Be a little daring>” “Maybe, I have to think about it,” Bryan stalled. Before Bryan knew what was happening, Simon had a hand on each shoulder and was propelling him into the salon, “No thinking about it – just grab the bull by the balls and do it.” He glanced around the waiting room and saw a stack of style books, guiding Bryan over to the chairs in the corner. “C’mon, you grab a book and I’ll take one – we’ll find something to make you look cool – and even hotter than you already look.” The grin Simon flashed was infectious. Bryan grinned back and soon found himself turning the pages of a style book. Nothing really grabbed his attention. They were all great looking – on the fashion models in the book, but Bryan couldn’t imagine himself wearing one of those styles. Suddenly, Simon let out a long appreciative whistle and held the book he was going through up next to Bryan’s face. “I found the perfect one for you,” Simon crowed proudly. “It’s a versatile style – you can be as preppy and conservative as you want and still have a wild side to display when you want. Dubiously, Bryan took the book from Simon’s hands and examined the pages. He found himself surprised and intrigued. The model looked so much like Bryan that he could have easily passed as a close cousin, or maybe even a brother. The double spread showed a before picture and over a dozen after pictures of the model wearing a low and tight fade style. The top was long enough to comb over or even gel and slick down. But, it was cut in such a way that the top could be brushed forward and up to create a bumper at the front, or just left spiky. The more Bryan looked at the picture, the more he liked it. The next thing Bryan knew, he found himself in a salon chair with a cape around his neck and Simon standing by his side directing the stylist. A little over an hour later, Bryan was walking out of the salon in a daze sporting the shortest haircut he’d ever had. He ran the palm of his hand up the back of his head, marveling at the way the short buzzed hair felt. He kept glancing at his reflection in shop windows and always finding himself surprised at the way he looked – Simon had insisted the stylist add some very natural-looking coppery highlights and keep the style casual. The stylist had certainly done that – his hair was very casually brushed forward and slightly to the side, with his bangs pushed up a little in the front. “Bonzer!” Simon exclaimed, seeing Bryan in the bright lights of the lobby. “Now, for some new clothes – c’mon, you’re getting a whole makeover, no arguments.” Simon steered him into a clothing shop, helping him pick out a couple of pairs of new shorts – one in khaki and one in a moss brown. Both were shorter than Bryan had ever imagined himself wearing – Simon claimed they were very popular in Australia. Simon hunted around and found two long-sleeved shirts that complimented the new shorts and a couple of tank tops. Bryan spent more than he would have liked, but found himself excited by the prospect of trying something so totally out of character for himself. Simon insisted Bryan use the dressing room to change into his new clothes before they even left the shop. Stepping from the dressing room, Bryan felt self-conscious – as short as the shorts had looked, they appeared even shorter once he had them on. His swimming trunks covered more of his legs than the new shorts did. Seeing him, Simon whistled in appreciation and gave Bryan a lewd wink. Simon insisted on taking Bryan to lunch at the beach-front restaurant. Walking through the restaurant to the deck, Bryan noticed several patrons – male and female – turn to give him approving glances. As they took their seats at their beach side table, Simon took great delight in pointing out how many people had been checking Bryan out, laughing at the pink flush that showed in Bryan’s cheeks. “Get used to people staring at you, mate,” Simon said. “You’re pretty hot to start with – only problem is no one ever really noticed before. With your new look, they can’t help noticing you.” He leaned close over the table. “And, you know what? They like what they see – not that I can blame them.” Simon lingered over his appetizer, giving passersby on the beach and other diners more than ample opportunity to turn and send appraising looks in Bryan’s direction. As he stuffed whole stuffed mushrooms in his mouth, he watched Bryan gradually grow more comfortable with the stares of strangers who clearly liked what they saw. By the time their lunch was over, Bryan was no longer blushing – but he retained an endearingly shy quality that made him even more appealing. As they slowly wandered back to the lobby, Bryan suddenly remembered he had been looking for a small gift for Kev and asked Simon what he would appreciate. Simon considered the question for a moment and then brightened. “Kev’s nuts about dolphins,” Simon said. “He’d love anything with a dolphin.” And so, the two of them invaded the gift shops, browsing the aisles and display counters. Bryan found a dolphin stature – but was forced to abandon it when he discovered the price was almost five-hundred dollars. Most of the other dolphin themed gifts were either equally expensive, or just plain trashy. He was just about to give up all hope of finding something just right when a glint of something silver caught his eye. Looking in the direction of the glitter, Bryan felt his chest go tight with excitement – hanging almost hidden among pukka shell necklaces was a simple silver chain – and attached to the chain was a beautiful little silver dolphin. Checking the price, he was delighted to find it was well within his price range. He had his wallet out in a flash and excitedly asked the clerk to gift wrap the necklace for him. He and Simon found Kev in the recovery area looking pretty washed out. He smiled wanly when he saw the two of them peek around the curtain. Bryan shyly handed him the little gift box, and watched Kev’s face brighten when he discovered the necklace nestled inside. “How’re you feeling?” Simon asked, taking Kev’s hand in his own. “Like a truck hit me in the gonads,” Kev joked. He looked over at Bryan and explained, “I’m a big wimp when it comes to pain, and I faint at the sight of blood …” “And he’s terrified of needles,” Simon interrupted. “So true,” Kev grinned. “Anyway, I asked for a general anesthetic. I figured that would take care of all the pain. I didn’t feel anything during the operation – and it wasn’t too bad right after I woke up, but now. Wow! It’s not real bad, but …, well – it’s like the start of a toothache …like a dull throb that promises to be a real bitch-kitty later on.” “I’m sure the nurse will be here soon with some pain killers for you,” Bryan said, his eyes sympathetic and his face pale. “Hey – don’t go getting scared just ‘cuz I’m a wimp,” Kev assured him. “It’s not like a white hot unbearable pain. I had more pain after getting my wisdom teeth out and I was gassed for that one, too.” “No, no – it’s okay, I promise,” Bryan assured him. “I mean – it only stands to reason any operation is going to hurt a little for a while. Only …” “Only, until now you never thought about it,” Kev finished with a rueful chuckle. “Believe me, neither did I. Until a little while ago, I always kinda thought I’d wake up and be ready to frolic around on the beach about an hour later.” “Yeah, me too,” Bryan admitted. Kev reached out and touched Bryan’s hair, “Well, don’t you look different! You were a cutie before – but now, all I can say is fantastic!” He waved Bryan back away from the bed. “Move back a little – lemme see all of you. Go on, don’t just stand there blushing – step back.” Grinning bashfully, Bryan stepped away from the bed and awkwardly turned in a circle when Kev twirled his finger in the air. Kev grinned lasciviously at the sight of Bryan’s new outfit. “And what fairy godmother took our innocent young friend and turned him into such a hottie?” Bryan laughed, self-consciously, “Simon suggested the changes.” “Ah – a fairy godfather, then,” Kev laughed. “I cannot tell a lie,” Simon said, bowing comically. “I found Bryan standing outside the salon in confusion and took waved my magic wand … and you can see the end results.” “Can I ever!” Kev said, admiringly. “He looks like a Christmas sweet just waiting to be unwrapped – and I’ll bet he’s even more delicious.” “And not fattening, either,” Simon shot back. Simon watched the color starting to come back into Bryan’s face as he relaxed while chatting with Kev. The two of them stayed by Kev’s side until a short, formidable Mexican nurse ushered them from the cubicle, insisting the patient needed to rest after she changed his dressings. Checking his watch, Bryan realized it was already after four o’clock and that Sam would be returning to get him prepared in just about two hours. He had just returned to his suite after leaving Simon when there was a knock on his door. He barely had the door open when Sam pushed a large cart into the room. Pausing to take a long look at the dramatic change in Bryan’s appearance since earlier in the morning, Sam added his compliments to the long list of compliments Bryan had received all afternoon. Leading the way into the bedroom, Sam immediately went to work stripping the sheets from Bryan'’ hospital bed and replacing them with a rubber sheet. He politely declined Bryan’s offer of help, instead asking him to strip down and climb up on the bed as soon as he was done. Sam removed a covered tray from the cart and sat it on the bedside table before pushing the cart into the bathroom. Bryan heard the sound of water running and then Sam returned drying his hands on a small towel. As he used the remote control to lift the bed higher and then raise the head of the bed, Sam explained that Bryan had nothing to worry about. He carefully folded back the white cloth cover on the tray and revealed a set of rechargeable electric clippers. “Okay, if you’ll just place your hands behind your head, we can get started with your underarms,” Sam said gently, pulling on latex gloves. “My underarms?” “Doctor Javier insists on everything from the neck down being shaved before surgery,” Sam explained, gently lifting Bryan’s right arm. “Until the stitches come out, you’ll be getting sponge baths – and it’s easier to keep smooth skin bacteria free.” Bryan slowly lifted his arms, placing his hands behind his head, interlocking his fingers. Leaning over, Sam turned the clippers on and went to work shaving away the dense growth of hair in Bryan’s armpit. Bryan found the vibration of the clippers tickled his arm pit and had to fight the urge to twitch or pull his body away. It was only a couple of minutes before Sam was moving around the bed and working on the other arm pit. While Sam was busy denuding Bryan’s arm pits, Bryan could feel the familiar swell in his groin as his cock slowly filled, growing slightly thicker as it languidly lengthened. By the time Sam has finished clipping the hair from Bryan’s left arm pit, his cock was beginning to rise away from his body. He was already beginning to leak precum when Sam ran his fingers through his thatch of pubic hair. “Well, well,” Sam said jokingly. “It looks like someone is standing up to get some attention.” Bryan smiled weakly, unable to meet Sam’s eyes. “Hey, it’s not a problem,” Sam said, laying a reassuring hand on Bryan’s belly. “Everyone gets an erection when they’re prepped for surgery. It’s the most normal thing in the world.” He leaned closer, hi gentle British accent dropping to a conspiratorial tone. “The truth is, I find it easier to shave down here when the patient is erect.” “Really?” “Absolutely,” Sam said with conviction. “When it’s erect, your penis stays out of the way – plus, it makes a convenient handle for when I have to move it to one side or the other while shaving you.” Sam went to work with the clippers, buzzing away the thick growth of hair between Bryan’s legs. He began speaking conversationally, “You know, a lot of people – guys, too and not just women – often trim their pubic patches. I’ve seen everything from just a neatening up of the pubes, to actual designs shaved into them.” “You’re kidding!” Bryan said, in disbelief. “Not at all,” Sam protested. “I’ve seen bushes that were heart-shaped pubic, triangular-shaped, a couple of squares, and even a pubic Mohawk.” He held his hand up as if taking an oath. “I swear – this one bloke had a neat one-inch wide line going from his penis towards his navel. It looked just like a Mohawk!” By the time he related the Mohawk incident, Sam had buzzed Bryan’s pubic hair to stubble and was working on his scrotum. He held the tender skin of the scrotum taut as he lightly ran the clippers over it. He stopped talking as he took his time, concentrating on his work. At last, he turned the clippers off and set them down. Patting Bryan’s leg, Sam promised to be right back and strolled into the bathroom. Bryan could hear him moving around in there, but had no idea what he was doing. Sam finally returned, carrying several steaming towels, “Let me know if they’re too hot for you.” Sam opened the first towel and gently draped it across Bryan’s chest, taking care to cover both his arm pits. Bryan had tensed in anticipation of the towel being scalding hot, but it wasn’t. Within minutes, Bryan’s whole body was wrapped in hot, damp towels. Even his arms down to his fingertips were covered. Only his erect penis poked out of the coverings. After waiting a few moments, Sam began to remove the towels covering Bryan’s chest and belly, and dropping them on the cart. He squirted a heavy oil over Bryan’s chest and began slowly massaging the oil into his chest. “Vitamin E oil,” Sam explained, working his oily fingers up Bryan’s neck and around his face. “It will soften the remaining body hair and stubble – and the massage will help you relax.” Sam worked his fingers expertly back down Bryan’s neck towards his throat. The massage did feel good to Bryan, but he wasn't sure about it relaxing him. As Sam’s strong hands kneaded his chest and shoulders, he could feel his penis twitching and jerking. Sam seemed not to notice as he massaged his way down Bryan’s torso. Bryan was finding himself feeling calm and almost sleepy as Sam performed the massage. Sam skipped Bryan’s groin and began working his way up each of the patient’s legs. Reaching Bryan’s thighs, Sam again skipped Bryan’s groin, going to work on each of his arms. At last the massage was over and Bryan found himself once again swaddled in more hot towels. As the first towels cooled, Sam pulled them away and began spreading shaving crčme over Bryan’s chest. In moments, his chest and belly were covered in a layer of foam. Even though most of his torso was smooth, Sam went to work with the surgical prep razors right at his collar bone and began removing the foam, leaving smooth, pink skin in its wake. He slowly shaved each of Bryan’s arm pits before moving back to his belly. Once again, Sam skipped Bryan’s groin and went to work on his legs instead. Bryan found that his skin tingled strangely where it had been shaved smooth – it was almost as if his skin was more sensitive than it was before. Finally, Bryan’s body down to his toes and fingertips had been shaved smooth and Sam turned his attention to his patient’s groin. Sam did take Bryan’s penis in his left hand as he shaved around it. Bryan tried very hard to remain absolutely motionless, resisting the impulse to grind his hips against the rubber sheet. His breath began growing ragged as his excitement grew. He prayed he wouldn’t ejaculate all over Sam as he was being shaved. Sam turned his attention to Bryan’s balls, pulling the skin of his scrotum tight before guiding a fresh surgical prep razor over the scrotum. Somehow, Bryan managed to maintain control of himself – even though it felt as if his cock might actually explode. He did wriggle around as Bryan wiped the last traces of foam from his body with a cool cloth. At last, Sam cleaned up the cart and turned back to Bryan. He lightly ran his fingertips over Bryan’s freshly denuded skin checking to make sure he hadn’t missed anything. By that time, Bryan’s penis was leaking copiously. A steady stream of fluid was dripping down the underside of his penis, over his smooth ball sac, and forming a puddle on the rubber sheet beneath him. Sam slid his index finger up the underside of Bryan’s penis and tickled the frenum, “Looks like something needs to be done to bring you some relief.” Sam let his finger slowly slide down Bryan’s penis and back up again. “Perhaps I should let you have some privacy, so you can take matters in hand – so to speak.” His slick index finger traced a lazy circle around the purplish head of Bryan’s dick, making it twitch uncontrollably. His fingers slowly wrapped around the pulsing shaft and began to work up and down. “I’m sure you’re very experienced in that department, Bryan. Have you ever had someone else masturbate you?” “N-n-no,” Bryan panted, his own fingers twitching. Sam’s face showed surprise, “You haven’t? No one else has had their hands on this beautiful dick and gotten to see it in such a perfect state?” “I – uh, I – ah, uh – I have jerked off with a friend,” Bryan admitted, surprised to hear the words come out of his mouth. “But, we – we always j – ju – just do ourselves.” “Ah, I see,” Sam said, his voice soft and almost hypnotic. He continued to slowly manipulate Bryan’s penis. With his free hand, Sam began to delicately trace his way around the crown of Bryan’s dick head. “I was wondering – do you always get this hard and produce so much lubrication? Or is it because this is one of the very last times you’ll ever get an erection?” His voice dropped even lower and Bryan had to strain to hear him. “You do know that, I’m sure. You might wank off once or twice more tonight, but by this time tomorrow – well, by this time tomorrow, you won’t have anything left to wrap your fingers around.” Bryan’s hands unconsciously moved towards his chest, his fingers circling each sensitive nipple. Sam grinned and urged Bryan to work his nipples harder in his low, hypnotic voice. He instructed Bryan to pinch them and twist them as hard as he could. Bryan’s legs were slowly beginning to pump and twist. Dropping his hand to the base of Bryan’s beautiful cock, Sam tightened his grip – using his hand almost like a cock ring to prevent Bryan from ejaculating. With his other hand, Sam continued to tease the twitching mushroom head. Beneath him, Bryan’s hips were lifting off the bed as the physical excitement grew and grew. “Just think,” Sam whispered. “By this time tomorrow, when you reach down between your legs you’ll find nothing above your balls but a mound of heavy bandages – and there won’t be anything under those bandages. And, when those bandages come off, Bryan – there’ll be nothing down there above your balls but a thin scar in the middle of a smooth lower belly.” Bryan was gasping for breath, his head turned to the side and eyes squeezed tightly closed. Animalistic moans and sighs escaped his parted lips. Sam strained to hear what the young man was saying, but couldn’t quite make out the frenzied words. Bryan’s body was lifting up off the bed, his weight resting on his shoulders. Sam released the pressure on Bryan’s penis and began pumping it once again. The climax was almost instantaneous – Bryan’s whole body shuddered as spasms rolled through his muscles in waves. The hot ejaculate shot spurted straight up, falling in huge drops all over Bryan’s freshly shaved body with audible plops. It appeared to Sam that Bryan was experiencing multiple orgasms, one right after another. He continued to slowly milk the still erect penis in his hand until nothing more emerged. Finally, Bryan went limp on the bed, oblivious to the pools of semen that were splattered across his body. Sam disappeared into the bathroom and returned with warm, damp cloths and gently wiped Bryan’s body clean once again. The young man seemed to be unaware of anything going on around him for several minutes. “Well, there’s just one more thing left to do,” Sam announced. Bryan’s head rolled listlessly to face him. “All you need to do now is sign the consent forms.” Sam produced the forms and held out a pen to Bryan’s trembling fingers. For several long moments, Bryan stared blankly at the consent papers. Sam permitted himself a little smile – he knew Javier would be annoyed when Bryan refused to go through with the surgery. Sam was sure that after an orgasm like the one Bryan just experienced, he’d surely change his mind. Instead, Bryan tried to steady his shaking hand and signed his dick away. Sam couldn’t believe it – even knowing he’d never again have an orgasm like that, Bryan signed the consent forms to have his penis removed. He watched as Bryan retreated into the bathroom to shower. Sam shook his head in disbelief as he removed the rubber sheet and replaced the regular bed sheets. Sam was putting the finishing touches on the sheets and smoothing them out when Bryan emerged from the bathroom, a robe pulled tightly around him. The change in him was dramatic – seeing Sam still in the room, Bryan seemed embarrassed as he mumbled words of appreciation. Sam did his best to put the young man at ease. He pulled back the top sheet and then produced an open backed hospital gown for Bryan to wear. Sam shook his head in amusement when Bryan retreated to the bathroom to change into the gown. Returning from the bathroom, Sam insisted Bryan climb into the bed. He produced two tablets from his equipment on the cart and handed them to Bryan, watching as the teen dutifully swallowed the tablets. Sam explained the pills would help Bryan sleep through the night and that a nurse would be periodically checking on him through the night. Bryan nodded his understanding, saying he’d lay in bed and watch television until he fell asleep. Sam checked to make sure he had everything packed back on the cart and reminded Bryan he couldn't drink or eat anything after midnight, adding that he’d prefer Bryan try not to drink much before then, either. He smiled down and promised he’d see the teen in the morning before the surgery. Sam saw himself out, insisting Bryan stay in bed and relax. Bryan didn’t see how anyone expected him to relax on the biggest night of his life – he’d been waiting for this night since he was fourteen. Even if Sam hadn’t given him the most intense and fantastic orgasm of his life, Bryan didn’t think he’d be able to sleep. Raising the head of the bed, he flipped through the channels on the television, finally settling on a pay-per-view Jackie Chan All Day Ticket movie. He still didn’t feel sleepy and wondered if the pills Sam had made him take were going to work at all. Fifteen minutes later he was asleep. The next thing Bryan knew, Sam was leaning over him. Bryan had a hard time focusing his eyes and realized that at some point in the night someone had removed his glasses. Glancing around, he found an IV line going into his right arm. “Good morning,” Sam whispered cheerfully. “We’ll be moving you over to the gurney in just a few minutes.” He noticed Bryan staring at the IV line. “I decided to put that in while you were still sleeping – it’s easier on you and easier on me that way.” Sam reached out and patted Bryan’s face. “Come on, I need you to try to clear your head for me, okay?” “Yeah,” Bryan croaked. “I’m awake.” “Tell me your name.” “Bryan Smith.” “Very good,” Sam smiled. “Now, why are you here?” “For an operation,” Bryan answered. “What operation, Bryan?” Sam pressed. “A penectomy,” Bryan murmured. “And, do you still want to go through with the operation?” “Yes,” Bryan declared firmly. “Okay – just making sure before it’s too late,” Sam explained as he pulled a plastic cap over Bryan’s hair. Bryan wasn’t sure if it was the drugs or not, but Sam seemed a little disappointed to hear he still wanted to go through with the surgery. He decided his mind was still foggy – Sam was probably just following procedure. There had to be some people who changed their minds at the last minute, and the young intern had to make sure Bryan wasn’t one of them, he decided. In the distance, he heard a sharp rap on the suite door and then two male attendants were wheeling a gurney into the room. One was a young Mexican with short black hair and deep, sympathetic brown eyes. Bryan figured the other was American – he had curly light brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Bryan wondered if the resort hired anyone who wasn’t good looking – so far, everyone he’d seen had been cute. The Mexican deftly folded back the sheets covering Bryan as the other attendant positioned the gurney right next to the bed. Bryan was about to scoot over when he found himself being smoothly lifted from the bed and being deposited on the gurney. That was better, he decided – he wasn’t sure his arms and legs would have supported him. The blue-eyed attendant covered Bryan with a crisp, starched sheet before pulling the gurney away from the bed. Bryan felt like he was floating down the corridor as the lights flashed by above his head. There was a dream-like quality to the trip down the halls toward the operating room. He could feel the gurney smoothly turn in one direction, and then a little later turn to the other direction. Then, he was in an elevator. When the doors slid open, the new corridor was all mint green tile, and the lights above him were harsher. Somewhere, he heard a whooshing sound and the gurney slowed and finally stopped. Glancing around, Bryan was surprised to find that he was in a small room not much bigger than a closet. He had expected to find himself in the operating room. Turning his head to the right, Bryan found Sam standing by the side of the gurney. “We’ll be moving you into the operating room shortly,” Sam explained, producing a hypodermic syringe and plunging it into a Y-shaped connector on the IV line. “This is a sedative, you’ll feel very weak and maybe even sleepy now.” “How long before I go into the operating room?” Bryan asked. “Very soon now,” Sam replied. “Do I have time to … I mean, how much time?” Bryan asked. Sam smiled, “Last night was your last time, Bryan. Even if you were able to get an erection this morning, I don’t think there would be enough time for you to do anything about it before the sedative takes effect.” “The last time?” Bryan asked in wonder. Those three words seemed so final all of a sudden. Until now, the last time had always been sometime in the future. There had always been time enough to bring himself pleasure. His head felt like it was a balloon inflating and becoming very light. Bryan wanted to assure Sam that if he had just five minutes alone – well, that was enough time to take care of things. But, the gurney started to move again. Glancing around, Bryan found the two attendants were now gowned, masked, and gloved. The gurney had barely come to a stop when Bryan felt himself being lifted onto the operating table. He was finding it almost impossible to move at all, his whole body was as limp as a Raggedy Andy doll and just as helpless. In less than a minute, the sheet covering him and the gown were removed, leaving him totally naked. The blue-eyed attendant loomed view and Bryan felt his arms being spread out to his sides. They were strapped down, like he was being crucified. He felt the attendants lifting his legs and strapping them into stirrups before spreading them as wide as the stirrups would allow. He had never felt so helpless in his life. Bryan hadn’t considered just how helpless he would be during the surgery – the doctor could do anything he wanted and Bryan was helpless to prevent it. Terrifying images of Dr. Javier choosing to operate with only a local anesthetic and Bryan hearing, or worse, seeing everything swam through his drugged brain. A new thought crowded into his brain – Dr. Javier could easily ignore the contract and cut everything off – his dick and balls, too. No, that wasn’t going to happen he told himself as he listened to what was happening around him. Bryan was finding it hard to follow everything that was happening – only snippets and snatches of conversations around him managed to penetrate the growing fog in his brain. “… you’re kidding!” “… like totally off?” “… sex change …” Bryan tried to tell them he wasn’t there for a sex change when those words penetrated the fog swirling in his brain. They were making a mistake – he didn’t want that. But, no coherent words escaped his lips. Sam’s face floated into view, those compassionate eyes offering Bryan a scrap of hope that Sam wouldn’t let anything bad happen. Something was happening between his legs – he could just barely feel someone touching him down there, fondling his penis. “… such a nice pecker …” “… bet I’d never let someone just chop mine …” There was a flurry of activity in the room and Dr. Javier’s face loomed into view. Bryan could hear Javier’s rich, soft baritone greeting everyone, but he couldn’t really understand the words. Another face swam into view – someone Bryan had never seen, and then a mask was covering his face and things just faded out. The anesthesiologist nodded to Javier – the patient was asleep and stable, the operation could proceed safely. Javier knew he didn’t really need to check the catheter Sam had put into place, but his standard protocol was to double check everything. As usual, Sam’s work was flawless. Bryan’s whole lower abdomen, including his genitals, was stained a yellow-brown from the Betadine antiseptic solution. Glancing once at the surgical tray, Javier saw everything was laid out exactly as he liked. He nodded his approval. “Well, our guest of honor is in his place, we’re all dressed up – I’d say it’s time to get this party started,” Javier joked, holding his hand out for the scalpel. He glanced over at Sam and tested his preparation by asking him to describe the steps involved in the dissection of a penis. Sam didn’t hesitate at all with his answer as Javier bowed his head and pressed the scalpel to Bryan flesh. Javier liked working with the British intern – Sam was always well prepared and eager to learn techniques that weren’t in the books yet. While the basic techniques of penectomy and other genital surgeries were fairly routine, Javier and the other doctors at the clinic had far more experience than most other medical professionals in those areas. With their increased experience, they had developed some subtle modifications to the surgical techniques that resulted in improved post-surgical results. Sam knew that Bryan would have a very thin scar after the operation – it would be an angry-looking red line at first, but with time, the scar would fade until it was barely noticeable. Handling the retractors, Sam admired Javier’s technique and hoped he’d be just as good one day. Javier took his time working, never hurrying so he could squeeze in an extra procedure or dash out to the golf course. Sam knew a straightforward penectomy usually took between two and three hours. Under Dr. Ligenfelder, the German doctor on staff, a penectomy often took less than that. Javier, however, took his time as long as the patient wasn’t in any distress. A penectomy under Javier’s knife could take over four hours. The difference in post-op care and appearance between the work of the two surgeons was dramatic. Javier’s patients seldom suffered any complications, healed faster, and had less scaring. If perfect end results took more time, Javier and Sam were willing to put in the extra time. Bryan vaguely remembered a mask covering his mouth and nose and then – nothing. Not even a dream. The next thing he remembered was the sound of people whispering in the distance. As his brain shrugged off the effects of the anesthesia, the sounds of whispering grew closer and more distinct. He was aware of how dry his mouth was, the pain in the crook of his elbow, and a feeling of discomfort centered in his groin. His legs were spread wider than normal, and it felt as if there was a pillow between his thighs, keeping his legs apart. He didn’t mean to groan as he opened his eyes, but he did. Simon and Kev were sitting by the side of the gurney and smiling down at him. Bryan managed a lopsided grin when he recognized them. “Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty,” Simon greeted him. “How’s the boy doing?” Kev asked, bending over to kiss Bryan’s forehead. “Okay,” Bryan rasped. “Thirsty.” Simon spooned a few ice chips into Bryan’s mouth, insisting he had to wait until Sam or Dr. Javier checked him out before he could have something cold to drink. It didn’t take long before Sam appeared, all smiles and solicitude. He quickly took Bryan’s vital signs before pulling back the sheet to examine the bandages. He nodded in satisfaction. “Everything seems spot on,” Sam announced. “We’ll be getting someone to take you back to your room – there’ll be a nurse on duty in the room for the next few days. Are you feeling any pain yet?” “No – not really,” Bryan croaked. “You will,” Sam promised. “And when you do, let us know right away – we can give you something to make it more bearable.” Sam’s genial face turned serious. “I don’t want you to try to tolerate the pain in order to show what a brave young man you are. You’ll only cause yourself more problems by trying to play brave – pain can make you move around and put strain on your stitches. Do you understand?” “Yeah – I understand,” Bryan nodded. “Can I have something to drink? I’m really thirsty.” “How’s your belly feel?” Sam asked. “Any nausea?” Bryan shook is head. “Okay, you can start out with small sips of water.” Sam held out a drinking cup with a bent straw. Bryan eagerly sucked on the straw, savoring the feel of the cool water in his parched mouth. Sam pulled the cup away, chiding Bryan, “I said small sips to start. We don’t want you getting sick all over yourself.” “And, we sure as hell don’t want you being sick over us,” Kev joked. Bryan nodded and took small sips of water. Right now, he’d do anything for a sip of something cool and wet in his mouth. Finally, he was satisfied enough to agree to let Sam put the cup down. “The operation …” Bryan began. “Went beautifully,” Sam finished. “Not a single hitch – we couldn’t have asked for a better patient.” “All I did was sleep,” Bryan pointed out. “True, and you did that admirably well,” Sam joked. “No blood pressure fluctuations, at no time did you stop breathing, nor did your heart skip a few beats. All in all, you were a perfect patient.” The two attendants who had brought Bryan from his room appeared and asked Sam if Bryan was ready to go back to his room now. Sam nodded and promised to catch them up in a couple of moments before excusing himself. Bryan noticed the blue-eyed attendant kept glancing down at him with a funny look on his face. But, the attendant never said anything or asked any personal questions beyond asking how Bryan was feeling. They were just about back to his suite when Sam jogged up. It felt good to be back in his room – for one thing, the bed was more comfortable than the gurney. Simon and Kev made sure Bryan was comfortable with Simon raising the head of the bed while Kev plumped the pillows and settled the sheet over Bryan. Sam waited until they were finished and asked if they could wait in the living room while he had a little talk with Bryan. Once the door was closed behind the two Australians, Sam turned to Bryan, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed it yet – but you’re bound to very soon – there’s a plastic tube snaking over your right leg attached to a collection bag on the side of the bed. That’s attached to a catheter going up into your bladder. You need to be careful moving about so you don’t pull on the catheter too much.” “How long does that have to be attached?” Bryan was concerned he might be stuck with a catheter for a long time. “Not long at all,” Sam laughed, as if he could read the young man’s thoughts. “Your urethra had to be rerouted and the catheter needs to stay in place until we’re sure the incision there is healing nicely. You really wouldn’t want an infection down there now.” “I understand,” Bryan said in a small voice. He had never thought about the possibility of infection. “Now, once the catheter is removed,” Sam explained, “you’ll have to sit to urinate from now on.” Bryan nodded, he already knew that. “Now, the first few times you sit to relieve yourself might be a little uncomfortable – it might even burn or be slightly painful. That’s perfectly normal – if the pain is extreme, or you notice bleeding we want you to let us know about that. You might even have a little trouble with controlling your bladder at first. Again, that’s perfectly normal and you’ll quickly learn bladder control again. With the catheter in place, your bladder automatically empties itself and the muscles can sometimes get lazy. It’s nothing to worry about – like I said, it’s fairly routine and everything returns to normal in a very short time.” “Okay,” Bryan replied, even though Sam could see he was worried about long term complications. “Now, for the almost good news,” Sam said, lightly. “I’ve ordered a light meal sent up – a couple of soft boiled eggs, white toast, and clear tea.” Bryan wrinkled his nose hearing the meal. “Eat it all and keep it down, and I’ll sign off for you to order whatever you want for your supper tonight.” He held out his hand. “Deal?” “Deal,” Bryan reluctantly agreed, taking Sam’s hand. “In the meantime, you can have water and an occasional juice,” Sam said, as he headed to the door. “No milkshakes or things like that until after a light, bland lunch.” At the door he paused. “I’ll give you a couple of minutes alone before I let your friends back in.” He winked and disappeared. Bryan figured everyone had the same first reaction – he threw the top sheet back and pulled up the hospital gown. He didn’t know what he expected to see, but all he found was a mass of thick surgical pads and bandages taped between his legs. He really couldn’t see anything else except the plastic tube coming from the catheter. He gingerly reached down and laid his fingers on the bandages, but they were too thick for him to feel anything beneath them. Sighing, he pulled the hospital gown down and rearranged the sheets moments before Simon and Kev entered the room. The two Australians stayed with Bryan through the rest of the day, amusing him with stories of back home in the Land Down Under. Aside from the occasional exotic animal sighting, Bryan was surprised to find their lives weren’t all that different from his own – except, of course, both were in Graduate School and he hadn’t yet finished high school. Like him, they both enjoyed snorkeling and the beach, pizza, and old movies. When the blah lunch finally arrived, Kev threatened to spoon feed Bryan unless he ate everything on his tray. Simon assured Bryan that Kev would carry out the threat. At first, Bryan couldn’t stomach the idea of eating the runny, soft boiled eggs. Kev scooped the eggs into a bowl and broke the toast up, mixing the eggs and toast.. The renewed threat of spoon feeding was enough to make Bryan eat the mixture. To his surprise, the egg and toast mixture wasn’t as bad as it looked and he quickly had the bowl empty. True to his word, Sam agreed to let Bryan have what he wanted for supper – his only restriction was that Bryan didn’t go overboard. The truth was that even if Bryan was interested in over-indulging, he wasn’t all that hungry. By dinner time, he was feeling some mild discomfort, and let the nurse know about it. She promised to give him some pills for the pain just before his meal arrived. To his surprise, Bryan found himself growing sleepy even before he took the pain pills – he really hadn’t done anything except sleep through the surgery and then stay in bed all day. He couldn’t believe he was so worn out. When Sam came around after dinner to check on the bandages, he explained that the surgery was still a trauma to Bryan’s body and sleep would help him heal. Sam explained that Bryan should try not to fight against the sleep and just let himself drift off when he felt sleepy. Simon and Kev promised Sam that they’d make sure Bryan rested. As it turned out, their promise was unnecessary – an hour later Bryan was peacefully sleeping. Simon removed Bryan’s glasses while Kev tucked the sheets up around his chin. Together, the Australians tiptoed from the room, turning out the light and whispering goodnight to the nurse. To be continued … * * *
Take It Easy
I had the fantasy of picking up with an old flame, but she had conditions.
Why did I get off the train? There is no way in Hell that I'm going to see her. I know that she lives around here somewhere, but I'm not going to ask around. Amtrak doesn't run the schedule that the old Santa Fe ran, so the next eastbound train doesn't get here until six tomorrow morning. I took great care to shower and shave this morning, not easily done on a train. Normally, I don't use aftershave, but this morning I put on the Stetson that she liked, just a few dabs on the arousal spots, the way a woman would, including a dab at the base of my penis. I've even taken a Cialis. All this for the woman I jilted 40 years ago, who I haven't seen since, and have no chance of seeing today. Hell! She got married a few years ago and for all I know still is. I'm really beginning to feel a little silly. Well, it is, morning rush hour, such as it is in a town this size, and here I am, standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona. Cars are going by. I would guess that most of these people work in Flagstaff by the way they are headed. The traffic does occasionally stop in front me. A Jeep pulls to a stop right in front of me. DAMN! There she is. The hair is almost white, she still has her Bette Paige bangs, and her face is weathered, but even though I haven't seen her since she was nineteen, I would recognize her anywhere. She turns and looks at me. I smile. No recognition. She can't be bothered and starts up with the traffic. SHIT! Oh, well. What could I expect? About two-hundred feet down the road, the tail lights come and she pulls over to the curb. She stands up on the driver's side step and looks over the top at me with a look of disbelief. Trying not to look too excited I walk over to the Jeep. She sits back down in the car. I look in at her. “You know, “ she says finally, “you're not such a fine sight to see.” Somehow, her Texas accent seems stronger than I remembered it. “You're long past being a girl and this isn't a flat-bed Ford, so I guess we're even.” “What do you want to do? Pick up where we left off?” “We can't. We're not the same people. You were nineteen and I was twenty-two. We have to get to know each other all over again and see where that takes us.” “Don't just stand there. Get in!” I throw my stuff in the back and get in the right seat. Before I even have the belt clipped she is back in traffic. As soon as she finds a spot to hang a U-turn we're going back the other way. She gets out her cell phone. “Hi,” she says. “I need the day off today....Yes, I know but something is going to come up.” I give her a wry smile that she returns. “I know, but I have been your most reliable employee for the last ten years, I think I deserve a little slack.... O.K. I'll be in tomorrow.” She closes the phone. “By that, something is going to come up, remark I assume that you are not still married,” I said. “No.” “That didn't last long.” “I'd rather not talk about it. And, you?” “No. And, it lasted too long.” “What? It took you over forty years to realize that you married the wrong woman.” “Hey! It was my mistake, but I gave it a good run. Besides, I think that if you hadn't been through a marriage yourself we wouldn't be having this conversation.” “Probably not. You know, that was a pretty nasty remark you made that last time we saw each other.” “Yah. I want to apologize for that. I wouldn't have been facetious except thats what I thought you were being. I didn't realize that you were probably the only person who didn't know she was pregnant.” “If you had just said that she was pregnant it wouldn't have hurt so much. I probably would have question that you were sure it was yours.” “I didn't find out the truth of that until thirty-seven years later. By that time it was ancient history and not worth getting upset over.” “Oh! I didn't know. Sorry. Does your kid know?” “What's the point? There are no medical issues so I will always be Daddy. My ex won't say anything. Whatever you think of her for what she did forty years ago, she isn't really a bad sort.” “Yes, but you are divorced.” “You're right. I said that it wasn't worth getting upset over, but it stuck in my craw, and stuck, and stuck. When she said that she didn't want sex any more, I did what all men do when they hear that, added the words 'with you' to the sentence, and decided the marriage was over.” “So, that's what all men do when they hear that.” “Explain something, does it?” “Not really. When I say something I'm very clear. It comes with age.” She turns into her drive. I suppose you would call the place a small ranch. There is a mid sized, contemporary house with a three-car garage, proper desert landscaping, and a stable with a corral out back. “I see you have someplace to keep horses.” “You have to get something out of a marriage. Did you ever learn to ride?” “I 'm still not what you would consider a horseman, but I've learned to move with a horse so I can go on a trail ride without falling off.” “What made you do that?” “An affair with other girl from Texas. She said that she could teach me to move with the horse in a minute, but it only took about thirty seconds.” “Tied your balls to the saddle horn?” “How did you know?” “I was going to do the same thing. Come on. Let's go inside.” As soon as we get in the house she turns and gives me a long, hard kiss knocking both our hats to the floor.. “Are you sure?” I ask. “Have I told you lately you talk too much?” We leave a trail of clothes on are way to the bedroom and are both naked when she pulls me down onto the unmade bed. About three hours later, I wake up from our after sex cat nap. She is looking at me across the pillow with her big, dark eyes. I look at her face and realize that this is still a face that I don't mind looking at across a pillow when I awake. At sixty she is as pretty as any woman ever needs to be. Raising her head off the pillow and leaning it on her hand she uses the other hand to trace idle circles in my chest hair for a moment. “You;re better than you were forty years ago,” she says with a pleased look on her face. “So are you.” “That's a given. I was a virgin.” She sits up and playfully hits me with a pillow. We wrestle around in the bed for a while like a couple of kids. “Why don't you use the bathroom? Come back and we'll see just how good we are.” I practically jump out of bed. When I get back she has one pillow at the center of the bed and one in the middle. She motions me to put my butt on the one in the middle and my head on the other. When I lay down, she straddles my chest and spreads my arms out. “Remember how you were going to tie me up when we had sex, but we never got around to it?” “Yes.” “Well,” she says, pulling handcuffs up from between the mattress and the headboard, “In a way, we really are going to pick up where we left off.” I'm a bit uneasy, but I let here cuff my hands to the headboard. She gets off and pulls a rope out from under the mattress at the foot of the bed and in short order I am tied, spread eagle, on the bed. “Just a moment,” she says with a smile, “I have to get something.” She returns with a can of shaving cream, a razor, and a bowl of water, puts them down and walks out again. When she comes back she is holding an elastrator, green bands and a stockman's knife. She holds up the elastrator and stockman's knife for me to see. “Do you know what this is for?” “You have got to be kidding!” “I loved you. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, I gave you my virginity and you dumped me. I decided right them what I would do if I ever saw you again, give you a really grate fuck, so you would know what you were missing, then cut your balls off.” She kneels on the end of the bed and sets to work shaving my balls. Of course, I get hard. “Men! I'm going to castrate you and you get a hard-on.” “There is a law against malicious castration in the State of Arizona, you know.” “Please, all I need is one woman on the jury and they will never get a conviction. You made me hate you and you deserve it. There is nothing you can say that will talk me out of it.” “If you hate me then you have passion for me. That means we can love again. If you had recognized me and kept on driving when you saw me, then we would have no hope. We can love again. Let me make a deal with you.” “Save your breath. I want you to live the rest of your life knowing the feeling of loss that I had when you dumped me. I'll drop you off at the emergency room when I'm done, but I'm going to take my time and make you feel it.” She finishes shaving me and starts to load a band on the elastrator. “If you're sure you aren't going to change your mind it won't hurt to listen.” I've upset her rhythm. She tilts her head and gets a little exasperated look. “OK. Talk.” “Let's live together as lovers for five years, denying each other nothing We'll live with complete honesty, no lies. We've both been married, so we both know how hard that is to do. We will share all our sexual fantasies, no matter how perverted we think they are and try to realize any of them that won't do damage to us. Then, at the end of that time, if you still think that I deserve to be castrated, my balls are yours.” She's thinking. “What if you can't get it up after that?” “I'll lick your pussy as long as we both shall live.” She looks at me for a moment then a bit of a smile crosses her face. “That should be part of wedding vows.” Her look is serious again. She leans forward and crawls up until she is looking me in the face. “Three years, we're not getting any younger, and we have to get married.” “Done!” “You agree to that?” “It was my idea.” She sits up across my thighs, gets an almost petulant look, and makes a show of idly flicking my penis back and forth with the elastrator as she thinks. “I don't know if I should trust you. You could run off as soon as I let you loose.” “I wouldn't run off this time even if you wanted to cut off my penis.” “Don't give me any ideas!” she says as she starts to laugh. “OK! It's a deal.” She gets off of me, unties my feet, gets the keys and unlocks the handcuffs. “Come on! Get up!, she is pulling me out of the bed. “We still have time to shower and get into Flagstaff this afternoon. We have errands to run.” “Errands?” “Yes, you don't have to get a blood test in Arizona, and there is no waiting period after getting the license. If we can find an available judge we can get married this afternoon. And, no more sex until we're married.” She pulls me into the bathroom and turns on the shower. “What other errands?” I asked. “There is a Staples in Flagstaff. The last time I was there I saw a really nice four-year calendar.” “That's why you said three years. So it would fit on that calendar.” “We're getting that calendar and a Sharpie so you can check off the days yourself.” She pulls me into the shower and while she's kissing me under the running water grabs my penis. “It's a solar heater so we won't run out of warm water,' she whispers. “Maybe just one more time before we are married.” * * *
Familienfeier - German
Ein Junge wird kastriert. Zu seinem eigenen Besten - sagt seine Mutter.
**Familienfeier** Heute ist wieder mal unser „Familientag“. Meine Mutter, meine beiden Schwestern und ich – Arno – haben uns zusammengesetzt, um einige Sachen zu bereden, die in letzter Zeit angestanden sind. Meine Mutter beruft solche „Konferenzen“ alle paar Wochen mal ein. Meistens kommt ohnehin nichts dabei ’raus außer blödes Weibergequatsche. Meine beiden Schwestern, Lisa und Annemarie, sind beide um vier Jahre älter als ich. Beide? Ja doch, es sind Zwillinge. Sie sehen sich aber kaum ähnlich. Ich bin 15 und ziemlich clever – sagen die Jungs mit denen ich herumhänge. Meine Mutter findet, ich sei ein bisschen zu clever, aber lassen wir das. Mutter bringt immer so eine Art „Tagesordnung“ vor, auf der wir auch eintragen können, wo uns der Schuh drückt und was wir bequatschen sollten. Mir fällt dazu nie was ein, ich find es eigentlich nur dämlich. Heute steht auf dem Programm: „Abwasch-Einteilung“, „Müll runtertragen“, „Ein neues Haustier?“ und „Pubertätsprobleme von Arno“. Wie bitte? Was denn für Pubertätsprobleme? Ist Mutter jetzt komplett bescheuert oder was? Na, die Tagesordnung war schnell abgehandelt – bis zum letzten Punkt. Da hatten sie nicht mit mir gerechnet. Ich sagte mal meine Meinung. Leider musste ich erfahren, dass dieser Punkt von Lisa auf die Tagesordnung gesetzt worden war. Mutter kann gar nichts für. Ist eben Lisa verrückt geworden. Was geht die denn meine Pubertät an? Und überhaupt, so was hab’ ich gar nicht, Pubertät. Ich könnte denen schon mal zeigen, was für ein Kerl in mir steckt. Immerhin ist mein Schwanz satte 14,5 cm groß und meine Eier sind auch nicht übel. „Pubertät – hat sich was. Ich bin ein erwachsener Mann!“ So sehe ich das. Mutter grinste: „So so, erwachsen ist er also, der Arno. Und hat noch nie ein Mädchen auch nur aus der Nähe gesehen!“ Und Lisa setze noch eins drauf: „Und selbst wenn, ich glaube, Arno bekäme sein Pimmelchen gar nicht hoch.“ Da war nun aber wirklich stark. Die spinnt wohl, dachte ich, und sagte ihr gründlich die Meinung. Dann meinte Annemarie: „Bevor wir uns streiten, warum machen wir nicht die Probe aufs Exempel. Sehen wir uns doch mal an ob er ihn hochkriegt!“ „Und wie, bitteschön?“, fragte Lisa. „Na ganz einfach. Ich zieh’ mich jetzt aus und geh’ ihm mal an die Wäsche. Ich weiß schon, Mama, Du wirst sagen dass das gar nichts beweist, aber ich sage Dir, wenn Arno wirklich ein Mann sein will, kriegt er auch bei seiner Schwester einen hoch.“ Mutter brach in Gelächter aus: „Na Du hast Ideen. So was Bescheuertes. Aber vielleicht hast Du Recht. Machen wir das Experiment. Nur, was sind die Konsequenzen? Wenn er ihn hochkriegt, ist er dann ein Mann und das Thema damit vom Tisch? Was, wenn er ihn nicht hochkriegt?“ Lisa meinte: „Wenn er ihn hochkriegt, ist er meiner Meinung nach pervers und wenn nicht, ist er eben ein impotentes Würstchen, was meinst Du, Mary?“ „Sehe ich genau so“, sagte Annemarie. „O.K., dann legt mal los“, meinte Mutter, „gleich hier im Wohnzimmer!“ Da muss ich einen kleinen Einschub machen: Annemarie ist eine ziemlich scharfe Braut. Ja, ich weiß, sie ist meine Schwester, aber Leute, ich sage Euch, sie ist eine ziemliche Traumbraut. Groß – ich glaube so einssiebzig – schlank, schwarze, lange Haare, die sie offen trägt, ein Busen, der es in sich hat, nicht besonders groß aber knackig, ein megageiler Hintern und Augen, dass Du glaubst, die Sonne geht auf, wenn sie Dich ansieht. Meine Wichsvorlage seit ich wichsen kann. Und jetzt zog sie sich ganz einfach vor uns allen aus. Sogar den Slip. Wow! Ich konnte mich kaum satt sehen. So geil hatte ich sie mir in meinen wüstesten Fantasien nicht vorstellen können. Ich spürte, wie sich mein Schwanz bemerkbar machte. Mutter kommandierte: „Los, Arno, Hose runter. Sofort!“ Na gut. Macht ja nichts. Bleibt ja in der Familie, sagte mein Hirn. „Oh Gott, wie peinlich“, sagte ich. Da ergriff Lisa die Initiative, öffnete Gürtel und Schlitz meiner Jeans und zog sie mir im Sitzen mit einem Ruck unter dem Arsch weg. Jetzt konnten mich alle in der Unterhose sehen. Mein Kopf glühte. War mir das peinlich! Noch dazu, wo mein Schwanz schon spürbar größer wurde. Mutter, Lisa und Mary starrten alle drei auf die wachsende Beule in meiner Unterhose. Annemarie meinte trocken: „Na viel tut sich da nicht. Weißt Du, dass Dein Pimmelchen auch für Dein Alter ziemlich mickrig ist? Was fängst Du denn damit an?“ Worauf meine Mutter und Lisa gleichzeitig zu Lachen begannen und „Onanieren!“ riefen. „Stimmt das?“, fragte Annemarie und grapschte nach meinem Schwanz. Ihre Hand fühlte sich noch durch den Stoff der Unterhose warm und zart an. Ich zog scharf die Luft ein: „Manchmal“, sagte ich. „Was heißt ‚manchmal’?“, fragte meine Mutter. Ich antwortete nicht gleich. Da begann Annemarie meinen Schwanz im Slip zu massieren. Mann, war das geil! Noch nie hatte wer meinen Schwanz abgegriffen. Ich musste aufstöhnen. Da hörte Mary auf, doch ich hätte alles dafür gegeben damit sie weitermachte obwohl die ganze Situation arschpeinlich und ziemlich demütigend war. „Na, sag schön“, meinte sie, „wie oft onanierst Du? Jeden Tag?“ „Ja“, sagte ich. Was auch stimmte. Seit etwa einem Jahr machte ich es mir regelmäßig selbst. „Und woran denkst Du dabei?“, fragte Mutter. „Denkst Du dabei an Mädchen und daran, wie das sein könnte, wenn Du mit einer schlafen dürftest? An wen denkst Du am öftesten?“ Annemarie hatte inzwischen wieder damit begonnen, an meiner Beule zu rubbeln und mein Schwanz war ganz steif. „Oft denke ich an Annemarie und daran, wie sie wohl untenherum nackt aussieht“, quetschte ich raus. Annemarie lachte auf: „Na, das kannst Du ja gerade sehen! Schau einmal genauer hin!“ Sie spreizte ihre Beine und drückte meinen Kopf an ihre Scham. Ich konnte sie riechen. „Da riecht geil!“, entfuhr es mir. „Ach so?“, meinte Mary. „Dann versuch mal ob’s auch schmeckt.“ Und meine Schwester ließ sich von mir lecken. Ihre Hüften machten langsam kreisende Bewegungen. Meinen Kopf hielt sie fest an sich gedrückt. Meine Zunge konnte ihren Saft schmecken: herb und süß. Es war unbeschreiblich. So hatte ich mir das nie vorstellen können. Ich konnte das Blut in meinem Schwanz pochen fühlen. „So, jetzt zieh mal Deine Unterhose auch aus, mein Junge“, meinte da Mutter. Und ich ließ die Hose runter. Mit hochrotem Kopf stand ich nun vor meinen Schwestern und vor meiner Mutter. Und mit einem abstehenden Schwanz, der vor lauter Geilheit auf und ab ruckte. „Miss mal nach, Lisa“, rief Mutter. Lisa kam mit dem Lineal, legte an und meinte dann: „Dreizehn Zentimeter und ein paar Millimeter. Da kann er sonst nicht viel damit anfangen, der Arme. Glaubt ihr, der wächst noch?“ „Na zwei drei Zentimeter wird er schon noch zulegen, aber es wird immer zu wenig bleiben, um eine Frau glücklich zu machen“, meinte Mutter. „Ich glaube, es ist besser, wir beenden das unwürdige Schauspiel. Wir sollten ihm Erleichterung verschaffen, damit er nicht mehr jeden Tag heimlich ins Klo onanieren muss. Das ist doch entwürdigend für den Jungen. Und Mädchen kriegt er mit dem Pimmelchen ohnehin nie ins Bett. Was meinen meine hübschen Töchter dazu, hm?“ Lisa und Mary nickten: „Soll er vorher noch kommen?“ „Ja“, meinte Mutter, „soll er. Und zwar in Annemarie! Lisa, geh’ schon mal ins Schlafzimmer und bereite vor, was wir besprochen haben.“ Ich stand immer noch da, mit meinem Schwanz, der pochte und kannte mich nicht mehr so richtig aus. Hatte ich richtig gehört, ich sollte mit Annemarie ins Bett gehen? Der Gedanke törnte mich ziemlich an. Gleich sollte ich meinen Schwanz in die feuchte Grotte meiner Schwester stecken dürfen. Es würde mein erstes Mal sein, dass ich in eine Frau eindringen durfte. „Hoffentlich klappt alles“, schoss es mir durch den Kopf, aber ich beruhigte mich schnell als mich Mary an der Hand nahm und mich ins Schlafzimmer meiner Mutter führte. Auf dem Nachttisch lag ein grünes Tuch, das anscheinend ein ziemliches Durcheinander gnädig verhüllte. Die Bettdecke war zurückgezogen. Lisa hatte Kerzen angezündet und die Jalousien heruntergelassen. Es duftete ein bisschen nach Rosenblüten. Lisa und Mutter setzten sich aufs Sofa, das am Fußende des Bettes an der Wand stand. Annemarie legte sich mit gespreizten Beinen auf den Rücken ins Bett und zog mich zu sich. Ich kann seitlich neben ihr zu liegen. Mary drehte mich auf den Rücken, beugte sich über mich und küsste mich lange. Ich konnte ihre Zunge in meinem Mund fühlen und schauerte vor Geilheit. Ihr Körper war warm und weich. Sie roch fantastisch. Mein Schwanz war so steif wie überhaupt noch nie. Annemarie setzte sich auf mich drauf, griff nach meinem Schwanz und ließ ihn in ihre Höhle schlüpfen. „Himmel!“, war das geil! Einfach unglaublich. So warm, so feucht, so glitschig und so, so …!“ „Das also ist richtiger Sex“, dachte ich. „Kein Wunder, dass die alle so ein Theater drum machen. Etwas Schöneres kann es nicht geben.“ Annemarie bewegte ihre Hüften zwei, drei Mal auf und ab, als ich auch schon explodierte. Ich konnte spüren, wie Sperma aus meinem Schwanz in die Höhle meiner Schwester schoss. Richtiges Sperma, das wusste ich gleich. Bis jetzt hatte ich nur trockene Orgasmen gehabt, aber das hier war unvergleichlich viel geiler. In meiner Geilheit hatte ich gar nichts von der Außenwelt mitbekommen. Als Annemarie aber von mir runterstieg und mich noch einmal küsste, bemerkte ich, dass ich mit Händen und Füßen ans Bett gefesselt war. Meine Mutter zog gerade einen Ledergurt um meine Hüften stramm, der mich aufs Bett drückte. Ich konnte mich nicht befreien! Als ich den Kopf drehte, sah ich auch, was sich auf den Nachtkästchen unter dem Tuch verborgen hatte, das Lisa jetzt zurückschlug. Ein komplettes Operationsbesteck! „Was geht hier vor?“, rief ich, „was macht ihr? Mama!“ „Ja, Deine Mama ist bei Dir, mein Liebling. Ich bin ja da. Lisa wird Dir jetzt helfen, damit Du nicht mehr onanieren musst. Ach Annemarie, wie war’s eigentlich?“, meinte Mutter. „Wenn nicht ein bisschen Sperma raustropfen würde, könnte ich nicht mit Sicherheit sagen, ob er drin war“, lachte Annemarie, „aber es muss wohl so gewesen sein.“ „Siehst Du?“, meinte Mutter, „Dein Ding ist leider zu klein für eine Frau. Und ich sage Dir, es wird auch nicht viel mehr draus. Da bliebe Dir Zeit Deines Lebens nur der Sex mit Dir selbst. Das werden wir Dir ersparen. Lisa wird Dir jetzt eine Injektion geben, damit es nicht weh tut.“ Im selben Moment spürte ich einen Stich zwischen meinen Eiern und meinem Arschloch. Es brannte kurz, tat aber nicht besonders weh. Dann gab mir Lisa noch drei weitere Injektionen rund um meinen Hodensack. Langsam begriff ich, was da vor sich ging. Die wollten mir an die Eier! Sie wollten mir die Eier abschneiden! „Seid ihr verrückt?“, schrie ich, „was tut ihr denn da, um Himmels willen!“ „Ganz ruhig, Schatz“, sagte Mutter, „es ist alles nur zu Deinem Besten, glaub’ mir!“ Annemarie stopfte mit irgendetwas in den Mund. Ich bekam fast keine Luft mehr und konnte nicht mehr reden. Dann griff mir Lisa zwischen die Beine. „Spürst Du das?“, fragte sie, während ich sah, wie sie meine Eier quetschte. Ich schüttelte den Kopf. Nein, ich spürte tatsächlich gar nichts. „Gut“, meine Lisa, „dann fange ich an. Mutter, kannst Du ihn jetzt waschen und seine paar Härchen abrasieren?“ Meine Mutter nahm einen Lappen, den sie in Wasser tauchte, rubbelte an meinen Eiern herum und wusch – glaube ich – auch meinen schlaffen Schwanz. Ich konnte noch nicht einmal fühlen ob das Wasser kalt oder warm war. Ich spürte gar nichts. Dann nahm sie einen Einwegrasierer und schabte mir die Schamhaare ab. Wieder wusch sie mich unten rum. Dann sprühte Lisa mit einer Sprayflasche etwas auf meinen Hodensack. An der Innenseite meiner Oberschenkel konnte ich fühlen, dass es kalt war. „Und Du weißt genau, was Du hier tust?“, fragte Mutter Lisa. „Aber ja doch. Ich habe mich wirklich gründlich schlau gemacht. Ich weiß wie so was geht. Ist keine Hexerei. Jeder kann das“, meinte Lisa und nahm ein Skalpell vom Nachttisch. „Ich mache Dir jetzt einen kleinen Schnitt in Deinen Hodensack. Du wirst ich nicht spüren“, sagte Lisa zu mir. „Warte“, „sagte Mutter, ich rück’ den Ankleidespiegel näher her, dann kann er selbst sehen, was Du machst.“ Ich konnte mich nicht bewegen. Erstens war ich gefesselt und zweitens war ich wirklich starr vor Schreck. Lisa schnitt tatsächlich meinen Sack auf! Ich konnte sehen, wie sich die Haut öffnete. Lisa schnitt noch drei Mal an derselben Stelle. Jedes Mal ein wenig tiefer. Im Schnitt, der ca. fünf Zentimeter Lang war, tauchte ein weißliches, glattes Gewebe auf. Dann drückte Lisa mein rechtes Ei durch den Schnitt aus dem Sack heraus. Ich hatte noch nie das Innere eines Hodensackes gesehen. Es floss kein Tropfen Blut. Alles wirkte sauber. Dann quetschte Lisa auch das zweite Ei durch den Schnitt. Jetzt lagen meine Eier frei! Oh Gott! Dann nahm Lisa eine Klammer und fixierte die Eier, damit sie nicht wegrutschen konnten. Lisa nahm eine Schnur –offenbar irgendein medizinisches Material – und band die Samenstränge so fest ab, wie sie konnte. Sie machte mehrere Knoten. Dann sagte Sie: „So, Arno, sag ‚Auf Wiedersehen’ zu Deinen beiden Hoden. Ich schneide jetzt die Samenstränge durch und nähe Dir dann Deinen Sack wieder zu. Er wird ein bisschen komisch aussehen, wenn er leer zwischen Deinen Beinen hängt, aber Du wirst Dich schon daran gewöhnen.“ Und tatsächlich nahm Lisa jetzt eine Schere und kappte mit einem einzigen kurzen Schnitt mein rechtes Ei! „Mutter, Du das andere?“, fragte Lisa. „Nein, Kind, lass nur, ich glaube ich würde was falsch machen. Mach Du nur“, sagte Mutter. Ich konnte hören wie Ihre Stimme zitterte. War sie aufgeregt oder erregt? Ich sah zu ihr hin. Mutter und Annemarie saßen auf dem Sofa mir gegenüber und hatten beide ihre Hände zwischen den Beinen. Die holten sich einen runter! Lisa meinte nur: „Sei froh, dass Du jemanden geil machst. Das wird Dir ohnehin ab jetzt nicht mehr passieren!“ Mit diesen Worten schnitt sie den zweiten Samenstang durch und beide Eier lagen auf dem Leintuch! Pippi (neueweltenAThotmailDOTcom) * * *
Little sister part 3
A 17-year-old transsexual is tormented by her sisters and their friends, until one day they finally go too far.
My name is Amber and this is another story of the worst two months of my life. I was seventeen, and had been transitioning to female for two years when my mom suddenly decided that if I really wanted to be a girl, I could prove it by not complaining when I got hit in the balls. My little sisters took advantage of this and starting torturing my balls as often as possible, using it to control me and just to pick on me. With my mom threatening to take me off my hormones, I had to put up with it for two months until I turned 18 and could get my own meds. My two sisters are Erin, then age 16, who had a grudge against me for years, and Karly, who was fourteen, and seemed to think of it as just a fun game. This story takes place five days before I turned eighteen, it's my last story, and it's the story of the most humiliating day of my life. I was just getting home after spending the day downtown, where there were always enough people that I could hide from my sisters. It cost me a lot of money to take the bus back and forth every day, but I was that afraid of my sisters at that point. Just beating my balls had lost some of its novelty, and now they mostly just threatened me with it to make me do chores and favors for them. It was great to let my swollen balls heal up a bit, but if anything I hated being turned into their slave even more than just getting kicked around every day. So I made sure to get out of the house every day, and with the swelling and soreness in my pants going down, I'd started wearing decent looking clothes again instead of having to go out every day in baggy pants. That day I was wearing a cute pleated skirt over soft pink panties, and a red halter top. Anyway, I arrived back at my house and quietly opened the door, sure that they would be waiting to ambush me. Nothing. The living room was completely peaceful. Then I heard some giggles from down the hall and I figured out why, Karly had her friends over. All three of them were little brats and Erin found them even more annoying than I did, so she must be out of the house. Lucky! If I could just sneak to my room, I could hide out at least until mom came home, and then my sisters couldn't do anything real bad to me. Only problem was, Karly's bedroom door was wide open and in between me and my room. If she saw me, she was such a little bitch that she'd just have to order me around, to show off to her friends. I'd have to wait until she was distracted and sneak by. I got close to the door and listened in... Like all fourteen-year-old girls, they were talking about boys. After a minute or so, one of them asked what penises were like, and Karly started this long, rambling explanation. Yeah, like she really knew what she was talking about. Still, this was my chance. I tried to calm down and walked casually past the door. I didn't want to jinx it by looking inside. Karly just kept talking, and I made it to the other side... Just when I thought I was home free, I heard her shout "Amber! Get over here!" I knew it was an awful idea, but I really didn't want her pissed. I leaned back into the doorway. "Yeah?" "Come in here really fast." This was getting bad, but I walked into the room, trying to act casual. Karly and her friends were sitting on her bed, and had obviously been dressing each other up for no real reason. Emma was on the right wearing a striped t-shirt, red shorts and knee-length stripey toe socks. I had to admit, it went with her curly red hair. Stephanie was on the left in a yellow sun dress and long white socks, her hair pulled back in a long braid. In the middle, Karly was sitting there with her legs crossed trying to look mature. She had a black sweater on over a denim miniskirt and black stockings complete with garters. Where she got them, I don't know. She was wearing elbow-length black gloves, and had on a lot of makeup and her long blond hair was parted to make her look like an office worker. All three of them were staring at me like they knew something I didn't, and I instantly got a bad feeling. "Emma and Steph have never seen a penis up close before," Karly said with a smug grin. "Show them yours." The other two instantly burst into giggles. "Oh hell no," I said and crossed my arms. It was embarrassing enough having my sisters see me naked, especially when I hated my body. This was way too much. "Too bad," Karly said, "I wasn't asking. Either you strip down or Erin and I will kick you in the nuts and do it for you." She pointed over my shoulder and I glanced back; Erin was leaning against the wall behind me with an evil look on her face. Shit, they had me surrounded... There was no way out of this. "C'mon!" "We wanna see!" Steph and Emma were leaning forward eagerly. My mind was working, trying to think of a way out of this. "You don't do it by three and Erin kicks you right between the legs," Karly said. She didn't sound angry, she just sounded like this was all a game to her. She started counting and I just stood still... But when she got to three and started signaling Erin, I gave up. "Fine!" I shouted, blushing. Reaching up underneath my pleated skirt, I grabbed the sides of my panties and slowly pulled them down. They hung around my knees and I lifted my skirt self- consciously, reluctantly exposing myself. "Oh wow, is that all?" Steph said and I glared at her. Emma added, "It's tiny!" I wanted to die at that point. "Most boys are a lot bigger," Karly told them matter-of-fact-ly. "Amber's just small 'cause she's a tranny." I gave here a death glare, but she just grinned back. "All right, I'm leaving," I declared and started lowering me skirt. "Wait!" Karly shouted and I paused. "We're not done yet. Get over here and let them touch it." "No!" There was no fucking way I would let myself be felt up by a bunch of giggling 14-year-olds. Then suddenly there was a hand wrapped around my testicles... Erin was reaching in between my legs and grabbing them from behind. "Do what she says, bitch," she hissed in my ear and gave my balls a squeeze. I groaned and nodded, not wanting more torture. She let go and I forced myself to walk closer until my cock and balls were within reach. Karly motioned me closer, so I shuffled in until my cock and balls were practically right in their faces. Emma and Steph reached out and started groping me with no modesty whatsoever. I shut my eyes and tried to put it out of my mind as they pulled and squeezed my limp penis. 'Hey, it's not all bad,' I thought to myself. 'At least my body is full of so much estrogen there's no way I'll accidently get an erection... That would be a nightmare.' Suddenly there was a dull ache in my testicles that pulled me back to reality. The girls were already bored of my dick and were now cupping my ball sack. Even though I had healed a lot, my balls were still large, about twice as big as normal, and very red. "Why are these so big?" Steph asked, and Karly gave me a grin that was a sure sign things were about to go from bad to worse. "That's 'cause Erin and I play with 'em all the time," she said, and before her friends could ask, she said "Watch this." and gave my nuts a quick slap from below. Instantly pain shot through my body, and I had to fight the urge to curl up. I gritted my teeth and let out a gasp of pain. My eyes were shut, but I could hear Emma clearly. "Oh wow! It hurts that much?" She leaned in closer. "I've never seen a boy get hit in the nuts." "Oh yeah, it hurts bad," Karly bragged. "Especially when you squeeze 'em. Go on, give it a try." Alarm bells were ringing inside my head, but I was too slow from the previous stunning blow, and I felt their small hands wrap around my vulnerable balls. The pain started slow, but then they readjusted their grips, Emma grabbing my right nut and Steph my left. I saw their arms tense up with effort, and then my mind went blank as the agony made its way to my brain. My testicles had nowhere to go and were quickly being flattened in the grips of girls who had barely started high school. I tried to reach my hands down to pry their hands off, even knowing that would make the pain worse, but Erin grabbed me by the arms and held them behind my back. My knees started buckling, but she wouldn't let me fall to the ground. I couldn't breathe and my face must have been turning as bright purple as my poor balls. To add insult to injury, Karly pinched my cock in between her fingernails and tugged it upwards, making me thrust my hips forward to try and alleviate the pain. Seeing what Karly was doing with her nails, that little bitch Steph adjusted her grip again, this time digging the tips of her fingers into my huge, aching ball. I let out a squeal as her sharp nails dug into the vulnerable skin, and I fell to my knees. The three smaller girls kept up their cruel assault on my privates for what felt like another hour before Karly finally said "Okay, stop!" Suddenly all the hands left me alone, and I sat there trying to regain my breath as my bruised genitals drooped in defeat. Oh, the agony... I needed a while just to start breathing regularly again, but I wouldn't get it. Instantly Karly's foot in its black stocking shot up into my balls, ramming them up into my body. I let out a sick groan and froze up, and the other two took this chance to swing their feet up into my crotch, slamming my nuts again and again. It was a strange feeling, having their smooth little feet, wrapped in soft, spongy socks, cause my balls so much agony. I crumpled up more with each blow, then finally fell over with tears streaming down my face. Erin let my hands go and they cradled my abused testicles, as I rolled onto my stomach with my legs underneath me. I could hear all the girls laughing, and talking about how they could feel my balls flatten underneath their socked feet, while I lay there on the floor in pain. I was on the verge of throwing up, but with the last of my strength I swallowed it, knowing that if I made a mess on the carpet I'd be in plenty more trouble. I think I blacked out for a bit, but when I came to I was still laying there on the floor. The three of them were still on the bed giggling about crushing my nuts, but at least Erin seemed to be gone. My balls were massive now, bigger than a softball all together, and I had trouble holding them in my hands. None of them had even thought about helping me, had they? "Man, I loved feeling his nuts under my feet," Emma was saying, and I couldn't even manage to be offended by her using the wrong pronouns. She was practically gushing about kicking me in the crotch, which was weird because until then I had thought of her as the most sweet and innocent of the three. She looked maybe 11 or 12 and cute as a button, with frizzy orange hair. I guess Karly didn't look like an evil little brat either, though, so looks could be deceiving. Realizing I probably had enough strength to move now, I wondered if this could be my chance to get to my room and rest. They didn't seem to notice I was recovering, and if I could jump to my feet quickly enough, I could be down the hall before they even got off the bed. I'd have to be quick though. I slowly let go of my swollen balls to get my hands free, and felt them swing down between my thighs. In retrospect, since the three of them were behind me, there was no way they could miss my huge purple ball sack falling into plain view. But thinking I still had the element of surprise, I put my hands on the floor and got ready to jump up. Right as I started lifting my body up, I heard bedsprings squeaking behind me as Emma jumped off the bed. It was too late though, my chest was already up and I was climbing up to hands and knees. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as I suddenly felt Emma's foot on top of my balls, shoving them down right as the rest of my body was going up. I could feel everything as her toes in the soft toe socks pinned my nuts to the rough, scratchy carpet, but it was too late to stop. I tried to jump up, almost yanking my own balls off. The skin of the sack stretched out almost to the breaking point as I tried to lift my ass, and I screamed and fell back down to the floor. Emma's soft feet ground my poor nuts into the carpet, and I could feel the skin becoming raw. It was agony. I thought it couldn't possibly hurt any worse, but this was incredible. I was completely out of control, squealing like some kind of injured animal and thrashing around, but she had my balls pinned in place. The other two girls stood beside Emma and they took turns stomping on my massive purple sack. I thought my balls might have popped, because they were squishier than they should be, almost flattening with every stomp. Then everything went quiet. No more kicks to my poor nuts. I was splayed out across the floor making sounds I've never heard a human being make before, and balls were huge, the sack stretched out so that they hung way lower than I had ever thought possible. I thought it was all over, but I couldn't move a muscle. That's when I heard Emma shout "Here I go!" She was standing between my legs and getting ready to jump. I watched her fly through the air with her feet stretched out beneath her, and all I had to do was move a few inches and avoid what I knew was coming. But I was frozen in place, both from exhaustion and fear. I saw her feet flexing in her stripey toe socks as they dropped closer, closer, closer to the giant mushy purple thing I could barely recognize as my testicles. Then she landed, and my entire body was on fire with pain. I think my balls would have exploded right then and there if she had been right on; at first it looked like they would, as her full weight landed on my sack, and my nuts flattened until they looked like pancakes. Then her left foot slipped down to the floor, and even though she lifted it back up and planted it firmly on my left nut, it wasn't quite enough to burst. Every little movement she made caused new agony, and I could do nothing but scream through my hoarse throat. She shifted her weight, flexed her toes, even managed to dig her toenails deep into my soft, meaty balls. Karly and Steph just started with their mouths open as she flattened my nuts more and more. Finally she dismounted, the force of pushing herself off my nuts serving as one last crushing pain, and they all stared as I lay there with my ball sack huge and flattened on the bedroom floor. Just in time, too, as I could feel my lunch coming up fast. "Dude, I think you killed her..." Steph said quietly. Karly knew better, though. "Nah, I think she's gonna throw up though. Grab her arm, Steph, we gotta get her across the hall to the toilet." The two of them lifted my front half off the ground, and Karly told Emma to try and get my legs, but she didn't move. "Don't just stand there staring at my sister's nuts!" Karly shouted, but Emma must have been dazed, so they sighed and just dragged me by the arms. This meant the lower half of my body, including my cock and especially my balls, got a rug burn from getting dragged along the carpet. I just gasped and tried not to throw up as they tugged me across the hall. I barely made it before puking my guts out into the toilet bowl as they held my head up. After I threw up for about half an hour, all of us heard the worst possible sound: My mom opening the front door. The three of them panicked and scattered, and I barely managed to fall onto the floor rather than into the toilet bowl. This led to two of the most humiliating things I've ever been through. First of all, my mom found me on the bathroom floor, covered in puke and with my massive purple ball sack hanging out of my skirt. She just stared for two minutes straight, and the look on her face is burnt into my mind forever. "Karly did it..." I managed to mumble, hoping to at least hear my sister get punished, but my mom wasn't going to leave me. She got a big bag of ice and pushed it down onto my balls, which hurt like hell. Then picked me up and drove me to the hospital. I tried my best to hide my swollen sack, but it was just too big. In the emergency room I could see people pointing and staring at me, luckily I didn't know any of them. I could just sit there and try to pull my skirt down further, wondering if they could even recognize what was between my legs. Finally I got taken back and placed in a bed, and a doctor and three nurses all closely examined my swollen balls. I wanted to die so bad right then, but I couldn't do anything, I just sat there hearing them talk about the damage until I passed out from exhaustion and from the drugs they gave me. Apparently I woke up a few times after that, but the next thing I actually remember was after the operation. See, my balls were so damaged that they probably wouldn't ever function properly. The doctor had a long talk with my mom about how I would never be able to have children, and since I was transgendered anyway, there was no reason to keep my balls. Finally my mom realized I would never be a normal boy, and between a 'damaged' son and a more or less functional daughter, she finally gave in and accepted me as a girl. When I woke up, I was a eunuch, and when my mom talked to me she told me that I would get a sex change operation as soon as possible. I'd been in the hospital for two weeks, so the operation would be a late eighteenth birthday present. I was told if I lived completely as a girl for my senior year of high school, I could get the operation before I went to college. I still have no idea what punishment my sisters got, but they avoided me like the plague after that. When I did see them, they glared at me silently. I missed the first few weeks of school when it started back up, and there were all kinds of rumors about why I'd been gone, but I just ignored them. After the hell I survived, another year as a social outcast was nothing. Besides, I was well on my way to becoming a girl in every way. * * *
San Carlos Island - Hop Sing - Chapter 10
The Story continues.&nbsp; Authored by Paolo, with Slammr<BR><BR>The completed story, along with other San Carlos storys is at: <A href=""></A>
` ` _**Chapter 10**_ _**Uncle John**_ **The next day wasn't quite as bad Hop Sing's first day on the job.** **Ben, when he found out that his buddy Wu had given the boy alcohol, almost had a stroke over it. He then contacted the clients who had either Hop Sing or Lewie booked for the day and informed them that a longer nap was being inserted into the schedule. No one seemed to mind. All clients with new boys were also required to file satisfaction reports, and both of the new boys were pulling figures in the high 90% ranges. The only complaint about Lewie was that he chattered a lot and was "tiring". The only complaint about Hop Sing was that he was "unsure of himself" and "embarrassed".** **Ben had been extremely worried about that. Actually, he'd expected Hop Sing to beat up a client. Matti kept claiming that the boy was continually hitting him, but yet there was no video record of it, or audio. That, and the computer was "burpy" lately. It was aggravating Ben to no end.** **But at least John Wong was there to fix it.** **He'd flown in late the previous night, and although he'd been anxious to see his "nephew", as he referred to Hop Sing, Ben had said that the boy was too exhausted and the excitement would be bad for him. Ben wasn't sure whether to believe his story or not. There were no legal records that he had any claim to the boy. Usually, parents filed papers when there was an agreement such as the one that Wong had explained to him. He wasn't sure of this at all as he watched Wong tinkering with the computer that morning while the boys were all at breakfast.** **And Wong wasn't the only one tinkering.** **In his office at HKS3, Hop Sing's father was busily going over what Wong did, unbeknownst to Wong, who knew nothing about the virus-like chip implanted in the boy's neck and its interface with his collar. And the chip was working beautifully, too. Tsu smiled. He could sell the patent on this chip, and he would be set for life.** **If only he'd known that it would work...before he'd been forced to send his son to San Carlos Island.** **And if that wasn't enough to worry about, An Dong - his eldest son at almost 17 - had called to say that he'd gotten his girlfriend pregnant!** **"Why me?" Tsu wondered, as he stared at the glaring bug in Ben Toeber's software upgrade.** **It was obvious what that bug was going to do. He'd told Wong over and over again.** **But there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. He knew, and Wong knew that he knew. So if the bug didn't do its thing, right when it should, Wong would know that he'd corrected it. That thought sent shivers through him. Wong's advice to him, when he'd tried to explain the glitch that would randomly leave some boy on the island "invisible" to the security tracking system via his collar, had been: "I'd suggest you just DO your job, Tsu, and think about Guo Jian while you're doing it."** **And so there was really nothing that Tsu could do.** **Nothing but watch and wait, and suffer right along with his son.** **He just prayed that Wong didn't get a hold of him while he was there on the island.** **Hop Sing, still at breakfast with his friends, didn't know yet.** **But Hop Sing wouldn't have worried about it too much, had he known. At the moment, he was too worried about Sander. Finally, that previous night, he'd been able to get through to him. The sight of his only friend, battered and dirty from his first hard day at work, had been all that Sander could take. He'd been brusque at first, lecturing him about how "I told you so," but he hadn't been mean to Hop Sing. Instead, he'd cleaned him up and put him to bed. Then he'd apologized. Then the proverbial dam had broken, and everything that had been hurting Sander from his first day on the island came spilling out. He'd gone to sleep, cuddling the damaged boy in bed with him, convinced that he could rehabilitate him. It had made his first terrible day on the job all worth it to Hop Sing.** **Chris had been skeptical, though. Having beaten up Sander at least twice while Hop Sing was recovering from his nullification, he didn't believe a word of it. Chris had once been Sander's best friend, but the whole ordeal with Sander's father had ruined that. Hop Sing wasn't sure if the two of them could ever make up, but at least they had shaken hands on it with Chris promising to put Sander in the hospital again if he started acting like he had before.** **Matti was another story. Ben was furious with him for not having lived up to his agreement to talk to Sander and for not taking advantage of Ben's permitting him to see the boy while he was working. Actually, Ben had never forbidden it. It was all Matti. There was nothing in his trainers' contract that said he couldn't socialize with - or fuck - former trainees. Hell, for all Ben cared, he could marry Sander! It had all been Matti's idea, and the boys thought that they knew why.** **"We don't know shit about him," Timmy said at breakfast. "All we know is Ben sold him to someone bad and got him back. He's probably just as fucked up in the head as Sander is!"** **"Thanks," Sander mumbled, as he got up to take their trays. "Have a fun day. I won't."** **Dressed in a red collar and a long white apron, Sander was being punished by being taken off of active duty. He was washing dishes that morning. Then he got to mow the golf course. He would also be serving at lunch. Then more dishes, more mowing, dishes at dinner, and then cleaning leaves and such out of the main pool before it got dark. If nothing else, Ben figured that he could spare the boy being sold to someone worse - where he'd probably commit suicide - and still not have to pay any other employees for grounds upkeep. Actually, it had only been Hop Sing's tearful pleas for his friend to stay that had swayed Ben. Ben had already been convinced to sell Sander to Lester Delray. He hated the thought, and it pained him. Ben had to hand it to Hop Sing, though. He had one hell of a heart.** **The boys headed out to face the day. Timmy was grinning, but then again, he always was. So was Chris. Lewie, who had run to catch up with them and was holding Hop Sing's hand, was chattering again. He never stopped.** **"Wear me out," he was saying, "Like to fuck, but all day! I go sleep, miss dinner yes-ser-day!" He went on, scratching at his butt. He didn't know what it had been for, but he'd given a suppository right along with Hop Sing. "And can't pee! Have to get tube to pee! Why?"** **"You fuck too much," Timmy told him, tussling his hair. "You know, he is kinda cute. If I had a penis, I think I'd fuck him!"** **"It's a good thing you don't," Chris laughed, as they met up with their appointments near the pool. The busy season had gone off at a very good start, and the boys were all booked. Hop Sing steeled himself, wishing he was doing dishes with Sander, and greeted his first client of the day.** **It was easy. The man only had a 5", slender cock, and he fell asleep right after the first fuck. He'd also been drinking, and failed to make Hop Sing cum. Not by a long shot - but the boy didn't care. Hop Sing didn't know what to do, but his collar told him to just hang out and make sure the guy was fine and try to wake him up. Hop Sing made a report to his collar and used his free time - since his client was passed out - to go for a quick swim. His next client had him in the pool, in the shallow end, where Timmy was also busy. Then their clients thought that it would be arousing to watch two nullos cuddle. The boys did that. It didn't bother Hop Sing in the least, because he could sense that Timmy needed to be cuddled in a nonsexual way, too. And Timmy seemed to realize it, too - right before they both got a good, long fucking again. Both of them orgasmed, and both of them fainted. Their clients were amazed, and scored them at 100%. They even took them to the gift shoppe afterwards and bought them both a gold bracelet and a cold soda. "I always trade these back in," Timmy whispered to Hop Sing, "I've only got like a dozen of them already!" But they wore their bracelets to their next jobs, which aroused their third clients so much that they almost missed lunch. Hop Sing saw an opportunity and took it.** **Later that afternoon, after his scheduled nap, Hop Sing found Sander on the golf course. The boy was dressed - wearing clothes - and Hop Sing almost didn't know him. Sander was wearing a white work shirt with his name on it, and lightweight khaki shorts. He also had sunglasses and a ridiculous white hat, along with work boots. When he saw Hop Sing coming across the grass, he took a few steps and fell right on his face. "Stupid boots!" He complained, "Look at me! What is this getup?" He demanded, "What you got there?" He then asked.** **Hop Sing was carrying a small box, and it was steaming in the heat. He gave it to Sander. "A client liked me so much he bought me treats," the boy explained, his face red again. Sander gasped when he was the liter bottle of cola and a huge chocolate bar in the portable cooler.** **"You'll get in trouble!" He exclaimed. Sander hadn't had such treats in a long time. His clients never bought him things.** **"No, he won't," Hop Sing's collar told him.** **Sander looked around. "Mine's been chatting at me, too, like that," Sander whispered to Hop Sing. "It told me to watch my back, that something bad was going to happen! Should we tell Ben?" He then drank some of the cola and shivered in delight.** **"You can't tell, boys," their collars spoke up in stereo. "No one will believe you. And you'd be punished. Just be careful. Never be alone and watch your backs! You're both in danger. But you cannot tell anyone yet. YET!"** **"Thank you," Sander said, looking very confused as he finished his candy. He hugged his friend. Hop Sing kissed him goodbye and told him he had to go and have his next job. Sander went back to mowing grass and dodging golf balls. He was so distracted that he nearly ran over Chris and a guest, who were going at it on the 14th hole! "Something bad," Sander was wondering, as he mowed on.** **Despite having his father's voice in his collar to reassure him, Hop Sing was again a wreck by the end of the day. He'd been used - as he had come to think of it as Sander did - eight times that day by Chinese clients. They were all very taken with him, they all bought him gifts and tipped him, but that didn't make it any better. His butt was still sore, he still felt dirty no matter how much he bathed and scrubbed, and he just plain didn't like being fucked! It was all he could do to NOT run away screaming, or attack his clients. He was entertaining a whimsical notion that he could always go and find Matti and work him over to relieve the tensions! But he didn't. He hadn't seen Matti all day long, and neither had Sander. But at least Sander got to keep living with them in their dorm, and he still got to eat with them. That was some comfort, even though Sander didn't see it that way.** **Hop Sing was paged right after dinner to report to Ben's office again.** **Of course he was nervous, he always was, even though Ben was usually nice to him. He was refreshed after his shower, clean outside and inside, fed, but still tired. He was yawning as he entered the office to find Lewie already asleep on one of the couches. He also saw another man sitting at Ben's desk, chatting. He did a double-take. It couldn't be...?** **"Uncle John?" Hop Sing squeaked in disbelief. "What...what are YOU doing here?"** **John Wong stood up, his face a study in surprise. Before him stood the boy he'd always secretly lusted after. The boy who called him "uncle", the boy who had no idea. And he was still as beautiful as Wong remembered him.** **No, more beautiful.** **Hop Sing was now a nullo.** **The smooth space between his legs only added to his beauty, and Wong was almost faint at the sight of the golden-tan bald boy with no genitals facing him. The boy's smile lit the room, and Wong almost fainted at the very sight of him.** **He wanted him.** **"Hop," Ben spoke up, "Your uncle does what business?" Ben played with him.** **"Security!" Hop Sing nodded, as he ran to Wong. Wong caught him up and spun him around, kissing him and squeezing so tight that it hurt his ribs. Hop Sing returned the affections. He was so happy to see his uncle again. It had been so long, and he'd been so miserable. Uncle John was someone from home, and Hop Sing so needed that.** **"And your collar is what?" Ben asked.** **"Security!" Hop Sing laughed, "Uncle came to work on your system, Ben!" Hop Sing leaned back, facing Wong, "You know," he whispered, "what they do here, Uncle?" As if it were some great secret. "You don't have to wear clothes, you know."** **"I know, but I'm here to work," Wong explained. "I can't work on Ben's computer naked, can I?"** **"Do you like to do what the guests us?" Hop Sing asked, suddenly realizing that his "uncle" never had married and didn't have children of his own. He wondered. He was naive, he knew, but he wasn't that dumb!** **"Sometimes," Wong confessed, "But only here. It's not proper to just go around and pick up odd boys for sex. And NO," Wong headed off Hop Sing's next question, "I NEVER ever did anything to your brothers. Did I ever do anything like that to YOU?"** **"No, sir!" Hop Sing smiled at him, still so happy to see him that it didn't really bother him that his uncle liked little boys. Only hindsight would tell him much, much later that he should have seen it all coming.** **"Well, John, since you've been all day working, and the system is fine now," Ben said, "Why don't you and Hop Sing spend some quality time together while he's off duty? He can show you his room, and tomorrow, on his break time, he can show you around and what he likes to do for fun here?"** **"Would you like that?" Wong asked the boy.** **Hop Sing nodded. He was so choked up and happy to see a familiar face that he could only cling to Wong and cry in happiness.** **It never even crossed his mind, what his father had told him when they'd first arrived on the island - "You silly boy, your uncle is the reason that you're here!" He'd totally forgotten it.** **"You wanna see my room, an' meet my friends?" Hop Sing asked anxiously.** **Wong said that he would. Actually, he'd already had Lewie and was sexually satisfied for the moment. And while he couldn't hurt him, not right there in Ben's office, he had fucked the smaller boy harder than most did. Lewie was scared at first, but he got used to it fast. The kid was a slut, Wong saw, and he got off twice before he had even pulled out of the boy and gone soft. Lewie had even made him cum again, cleaning him with his mouth. Then Wong had praised him lavishly, given him a soda (diet, no caffeine or other drugs) and the boy had gone to sleep in his lap. Ben demanded a quality report. Wong said that Lewie was beyond repute!** **But there was Hop Sing - tanned, beautiful, nullified - no longer a real boy. Wong was getting aroused again. He suppressed it. It wasn't the time, anyway. He could wait. What was one more day? Besides, the island was full of boys - and he had his part of Tsu's money to spend, in addition to what Ben offered him commission only. Wong laughed inwardly that he would be giving Ben back some of the money that Ben had paid Tsu for the boy, and that he'd soon be fucking this boy - whether Ben approved or not. It was all part of the security upgrade; the system would never even know that Wong had fucked Hop Sing.** **Besides, if all went according to plan, it was going to be a moot point anyway.** **Wong wanted Hop Sing.** **Wanted him for his own.** **He wanted to fuck him.** **"Where's Sander?" Wong asked the boy, holding his hand tightly as they walked to the dorm hotel.** **"He lives with me! You know him, Uncle?"** **"I know OF him, a friend of mine knew him here some time ago."** **Hop Sing sighed. "I love Sander, he's my brother, but he's really messed up," Hop Sing offered. "He has to cut grass and do dishes now. He can't have sex with guests anymore."** **Wong stopped in his tracks.** **"What? Why?"** **"They don't like him. They say he's a "dead fuck". What's that mean, Uncle?"** **Wong laughed. He wondered how Delray would take that one when he found out! It seemed to serve him right, Wong thought. He knew full well what Delray had in mind for Sander, and even though he liked to hurt boys, he was amazed at some of the things that Delray did to his victims. Sander was messed up, Hop had just said? _A dead fuck_?! Well, Wong thought, he'll REALLY be messed up soon!** **Wong tried to explain it as they rode the elevator up to the tenth floor. At the fifth floor, they picked up Sean, the Irish kid, and Pudge. Hop Sing was bursting to introduce his uncle. Both boys hugged and kissed him, then went down the hall to their dorm. Hop Sing palmed the door panel, and the door opened.** **The boys were sitting on the balcony, watching the sun set and sipping fruit drinks.** **"One day, and I swear, I'm gonna die," Sander was complaining. "I ran over a golf ball with the mower, and it almost hit a guy! Do you know how far those things can FLY?"** **"Guys!" Hop Sing shouted happily, "Look! This is my uncle John! He came to work on Ben's computer! He's gonna be here for a while!"** **Wong introduced himself to the boys, all of whom had a hug for him. Even Sander. Hop Sing had, as he'd claimed, made a good friend of him.** **_So much the better_ , Wong thought, as he took in Sander's beauty. _I can see why Lester wanted him so badly!_** **__ Hop Sing was also thrilled to find that his uncle had brought his last birthday gift - the electric antique train set - with him. It was set up and running in the playroom. Hop Sing was so happy that he was chattering like Lewie.** **Finally, Timmy broke in and got him calmed down.** **"So, Hop, did you know your uncle liked little nullo-boys?" Timmy asked provocatively.** **"Give it up, you're off duty, you little slut!" Chris smacked his arm.** **"Hey, you gotta work," Timmy justified it. "And just because HE has to work, don't mean he can't have fun while he's here!" Hop Sing almost died of embarrassment.** **"Yes, but not with HIM or his brothers. That family, it's different," Wong explained.** **"Awww," Timmy whined, "You're no fun!"** **_No fun_?! Wong thought. _I'll show you FUN, you slutty little bastard!_ "It wouldn't be right," Wong repeated. _._** **"Oh," Timmy nodded; it was clear that he didn't get it, though. Timmy had a one-track mind, and it was stuck on sex! Wong made a mental note to book him the day that he planned to leave the island. He'd show Timmy a fun time - IF he lived through it, that was, he'd never forget it!** **They watched an old movie that night, and Wong found himself almost driven to distraction by the attentions paid him by the four boys. Hop Sing, ever the noble one, was willing to share his uncle with his friends. And from what Wong could see, the boys didn't see him as a client. Clients were not allowed in the boys' rooms, and Wong was a guest on a family visit. It was touching, the way they just sat there and clung to him and leaned in for the petting he gave them. They were almost all like puppies around him, and Wong wondered at the change. Every other boy he'd ever seen on the island wasn't like that. The love was an illusion. But the love in that room was not. It was genuine. In being Hop Sing's "uncle", Wong thought, he was bringing the boys some reminder of home and family.** **It almost made him regret that he got off on hurting boys.** **ALMOST.** **When the computer signaled bedtime, he then tucked each of them in and kissed them all goodnight, surprised that Sander and Hop Sing slept together.** **He went back to the guest hotel with a wicked grin on his face.** **"You wouldn't believe it," He told Delray, via a secure connection he'd rigged through the communications system, telling him all about what he'd just seen and done. He'd found and shut off the bugs in his room, both video and audio, and had the computer feeding Ben's files a prearranged fake video of himself sleeping.** **"You can cuddle him all you want, if you don't kill him," Delray said in an icy tone. "Just so long as I get Sander! I don't care WHAT you do there!"** **Back in the boys' dorm, Hop Sing's collar whispered to him. "Be careful, Q.," it said, in the tone of his father, "And watch out for your uncle. Remember, I told you he was the reason you were there?"** **But Hop Sing still didn't make the connection. He was still too happy over seeing his uncle again.** **Someone who was suspicious, though, was Sander. But he didn't say a thing. He didn't want to spoil Hop Sing's happiness.** **The next day was another work day. Wong spent the day on the computer, but he did take a break at Ben's insistence to "enjoy the scenery." That meant that he got to use a boy for only the charge of the boy's commission percentage. Wong ended up with Ty, the black boy who'd only been penectomized and still had his nonfunctional balls attached. When he was done, Ty had a very sore butt and his balls were aching from all the squeezing. But then again, he was used to that. It was part of his job, being only without a penis. It turned some of the clients on, and Wong had enjoyed the pain that he could inflict on him.** **But by that night, he'd made up his mind.** **He was going to execute the plan the next day.** **He even knew how to make it so perfect.** **First, he'd find Sander somewhere. The boy was out alone, working, and the bug in the security system would lie to anyone who asked where he was. Of course, once he had the boy off the island, he would unlock the collar and leave it somewhere - probably on the far side of the island or just throw it into the ocean. Then the bug would go away, repair itself, and they would find out that Sander - miserable beyond hope - had killed himself. There would be a note, too. Wong would force Sander to write one, and leave it for Hop Sing.** **Then he'd corner Hop Sing somewhere, using the same bug beforehand, and rape him.** **He wanted that...** **To rape him.** **The thought of how it would shatter the boy's illusions excited him.** **And so did the thought of training the boy learn that pain - pain inflicted by his uncle who loved him - would be just a form of pleasure, an expression of his great love. Hop sing hated sex, they'd told him. Even the boy had told him that first night. But Wong was going to make him learn to like it. A lot.** **Then, after he'd secured Sander somewhere on the far side of the unused part of the overgrown island, Wong knew that Hop Sing would find the note and come looking for him. Hop Sing would sneak out, and no one would miss him. The bug would tell everyone that Hop Sing was in bed that night. Hop Sing was with a client all day. Hop Sing was napping...and when they found out about it, it would be too late.** **Both Sander and Hop Sing would be miles away, without their collars, and in the hands of Lester Delray.** **And everyone would think that they were dead.** **But in the meantime, there was Timmy to deal with.** **Wong couldn't wait to get him alone. As he worked and thought it out, he added Timmy to the equation. He couldn't have cared less about Chris. The spikey-haired white boy did nothing for him. He didn't even want to hurt him. He had no interest in Chris at all. But Timmy - the little slut - Timmy, who had propositioned him and said that he was no fun!** **He'd show Timmy fun, alright!** **Timmy would have so much fun that he might even die of it!** **Wong busily began hacking into Timmy's files as well, programming the subroutine that monitored his collar to lie, too. That was three of them. Two who'd be gone, never to return to San Carlos Island, and one who would either be dead - or left behind and be so physically damaged that he'd be worthless. He might even have a stroke or burst an aneurysm, Wong realized. So much the better. It was perfect revenge for Ben having banned him and Lester Delray so long ago. He'd show Ben. He'd teach him a lesson.** **But Wong wasn't the only one hard at work.** **Finding the areas of the computer that watched over and recorded his son, Sander, and suddenly another boy - Timmy - all inaccessible, Tsu went into the other roomie's file - Chris. Then he remembered something he'd overheard on the audio, when he listened to Hop Sing's days...Lewie! That other little Chinese boy that had attached himself to Hop Sing, too. He went in and took over Lewie's database. Then he began his plans to contact Ben Toeber.** **Had it not been for the safety of his other sons, Tsu would have contacted him sooner.** **But first, he HAD to find a safe place for them. He had to hide them, first. Yet he knew that if Wong was there to steal Sander, as he surmised from what he'd seen of the computer bug so far, he also had to assume that Wong would probably try and make a grab for Hop Sing as well.** **Tsu just hoped that all the money he'd spent on Kung Fu lessons for the boy would pay off.** **For the sake of his three brothers, and his mother, Hop Sing was going to be - literally - all alone on this adventure.** **Wong certified the computer to be in perfect condition the next day, and then took Ben up on his offer. He scouted around the island, knowing that Delray's men would have the equipment in place. According to the computer, the far side of the island wasn't monitored well. Not that it mattered. Wong's bug in the system had that covered, too. It wouldn't take much for Delray to get a submarine positioned just inside the reef around the island at the one deep spot. Then someone could be sent on an ATV to rendezvous, and they would leave the island under the cover of darkness and water.** **Their next stop would be Delray's complex just off the coast of Chile, where the boys would wake up to a whole new life.** **A life of pain.** **A life of pleasure.** **If they were good, they'd be rewarded. But if they were bad...** **Wong was getting excited. He checked the schedule. Timmy's late morning appointment had cancelled. _Poor man, must have been his drink,_ Wong laughed to himself, when in fact, he'd already known the client who had Timmy booked and slipped enough of a drug into his drink to take down a horse. That had freed up Timmy, and Wong couldn't wait.** **He met the cocky little slave near the pool, as was usual. Timmy was happy to see him, and when Wong scanned his collar, Timmy's eyes went wide. "You wanna find out IF I'm any fun?" Wong asked him. Timmy didn't have to be told twice, and followed Wong back to his room. "But I like for people to watch, sir!" Timmy protested, which got him a rough jerk to the arm. Timmy's eyes went wider. "I hope you like it rough," Wong told him. Timmy reminded him that clients couldn't hurt boys - it wasn't allowed and the collars monitored them all to make sure. Wong laughed and tossed Timmy through the door, locking it.** **Timmy just lay there on the floor, unsure of what to do.** **"You don't like rough play?" Wong asked him, teasingly. Timmy smiled and thought that he was playing with him. _Stupid little slut,_ Wong thought, going to his suitcase to find what he'd need. He'd hadn't come prepared, but just as he'd planned, the sealed bag that he had wanted has washed up on the beach the past night, right on schedule. It contained his favorite toys ... for boys.** **"Timmy, do you like bondage, and leather?" Wong asked. "I do!"** **Timmy, who had only had one fuck so far that day, said that he did. "You gonna tie me up?" He squeaked in delight.** **Wong did more than that. As he laid the slave boy out on the bed, he attached thick leather cuffs to Timmy's wrists and ankles, securing him on his stomach, spread-eagled. Then he placed a red ball gag in his mouth, tightening it. He then produced a small enema bulb, and injected Timmy's rectum with something cool and tingling. "I like my boys helpless, bound, and unable to cry out," Wong whispered in his ear, licking it. Timmy shuddered. Wong then penetrated him, using only the residuals from Timmy's last enema for lube. It was a surprise for Timmy, and he squealed into his gag. Wong was large, and he entered the boy in one hard thrust. Then he began to fuck him - hard.** **Something was wrong, Timmy knew as soon as Wong entered him. He tried to scream at his collar for help, but the gag wouldn't let him. He couldn't spit it out, and he couldn't move. The only thing that saved him from being torn open was the extra lube he always shot up into himself, just in case. This time, it saved him. "You're very loose," Wong told him. "I don't like that. I'll have to punish you for it," he told Timmy, who was struggling in vain to get out of his restraints. "You only get to see the first one," Wong told him, as he rode him violently. Timmy cried, but Wong ignored it. Still, the slave boy was too well trained and he liked it too much. Even though it hurt, even though he was scared out of his mind, he moved with Wong and used his ass to pleasure him. Wong came, and when he did, he collapsed on the bound boy and squashed him. Timmy thought he'd suffocate before Wong rolled off.** **"Now," Wong panted, as he got a cold drink and rested a bit. He didn't offer to untie Timmy, who hadn't orgasmed. Wong had made sure of that, in stroking up and not down, so as to avoid stimulating the boy's prostate too much. Then he produced a rubber hood with a suction bulb on it. He placed it over Timmy's head, but the boy was helpless to avoid it. "Sensory deprivation, Timmy. Once I seal the hood, you'll be blind, deaf, and it keeps all smells out. The ball gag won't let you taste, either, so all you'll have it TOUCH. And you will have touch, Timmy! This will be a fuck you'll never forget!" And then Wong sealed the hood over his head.** **Timmy screamed.** **Then Wong fucked him again, this time, making sure that the boy came as well. He'd removed the ankle cuffs, repositioning them so that Timmy's legs were raised and secured to the headboard. It was the optimal position, and he battered the boy's prostate with his cock. Timmy shook his head, but no sound escaped the gag. The only sign that he had orgasmed, a dry one, Wong saw - was when he stopped moving. Wong used smelling salts to revive him.** **Inside the hood, immobilized, Timmy was scared out of his mind. Why hadn't the collar reported his condition? Why hadn't it picked up his vitals and called for help, or why hadn't anyone been monitoring him? He was in a guest's room - that meant that someone was always watching on security video! He was in trouble, yet no one was coming for him? And how - how - could Hop Sing's uncle do this to him? He was so nice! Hop Sing loved him! But Timmy couldn't dwell on it. He was torn between pleasure and panic. Unable to see or hear, his only sensation was the fucking going on in his ass. And it was a hard one. No one had ever fucked him so hard. Wong was hurting him, but the orgasm that was coming, Timmy knew, would be devastating. He wanted to get loose, but he also wanted the orgasm.** **In security, the cameras played back an empty room for the guard watching Wong's suite.** **Timmy fainted when it came, but something smelly woke him up. Then he felt something else being put up inside of him. Something large. And another new sensation - something being put up his peehole! The suction of the hood relaxed a bit, and Timmy could hear again.** **"This is a nice plug for you, Timmy," Wong was saying, as the plug was forced in. "I've coated it with some of that stuff they stick up your butts for boys that don't wanna fuck. You're going to itch inside, Timmy. And your prostate will swell up. But when I inflate this plug, and it begins to vibrate, it'll work itself back and forth, like an automated fucking machine! All you have to do is lay there and you can cum, over and over again, all day long. Why, in fact, I've actually seen boys DIE of pleasure from this setup I'm giving you! Won't that be fun, you little slut?" Wong asked him harshly. Timmy then felt a searing pain in his buttocks as Wong whipped him with something. He screamed again as the plug was inflated and began to vibrate and caress his swollen prostate. Then Wong was putting that thing up his peehole.** **"The probe," Wong told him, "is tight. I'm sure you feel it. It's got a small battery in it, and it'll sit right inside your prostate and vibrate, too. Every now and then, it'll deliver a small shock to your prostate. One bad thing is that it makes it impossible for you to pee, although you'll feel the urgent need to do so the whole time. You're going to cum, Timmy, all day long, nonstop! What's that?" Wong mocked him, "No, I'm leaving. You see, Sander and Hop Sing and I have a date with some very bad men. They're leaving with me, and they're not coming back. I hope you don't miss them too much, but then again, it doesn't matter. You see, Timmy, I'm leaving you here. There's a virus loose in Ben's precious security system, and it thinks that you're with a client somewhere else. Later, it'll lie and say you're in your room.** **"No one knows you're here, Timmy, and housekeeping doesn't come until tomorrow morning. But by this afternoon, maybe this evening, you'll either be dead - or hopelessly insane. Sensory deprivation does that to a person. You see, the body can only take so much pleasure! You can't pee, and you can't get a drink. You can't see or hear. The drugs in your rectum, too, are going to make you horny and keep you conscious! You're overdosed, Timmy, and your heart and nerves won't be able to stand it!" Wong then paused to thrash the boy's buttocks again, leaving angry red welts. "You're going to orgasm to death, Timmy," Wong promised him. "Tell me I'm no fun, indeed! Isn't THIS fun, Timmy?" Wong demanded.** **Timmy struggled, but it was no use. He was trapped.** **"Goodbye, Timmy," Wong told him, sealing the hood again.** **He then gathered up his things and went to find Sander and Hop Sing, leaving Timmy alone in his quiet darkness with the electronic plugs working at him. It didn't take long for the orgasms to begin - orgasms from which Timmy could not escape.** **_Someone help me_! Timmy thought wildly, _I don't wanna die! Help!_** **__ But there was no way he could call for help, and when Chris asked his collar where Timmy was, it told him that he was at the beach with a client. ** **Wong first went in search of Hop Sing.** * * *
Pussy Envy 4
I had a female cousin - Katie. She was of my age and lived not far from ours. That day I was playing with her in our garden. There were only two of us; my parents and sister were out in town. We romped around for about for half an hour and then Katie said: "Just wait a bit, Gene, I have to go and take a pee." And she went off into the bushes. After she disappeared behind the leafy stems, I discreetly sneaked up to the bushes and started peeping. On noticing me, she exclaimed "Gene!" and got abruptly up to her feet, pulling her panties up and adjusting the skirt. "Shame on you," she said coming out of the bushes, "It's not good peeping such things. You, boys, are lucky - you can go behind any tree and pee there standing upright." "You envy boys?" I asked. "Yeah, you, boys, have peters. It's so convenient." "But do you know that all boys, and me too, are very weak down there?" "Where?" "Didn't you ever kick a boy between his legs?" "No," she said. And that was true. Katie being rather a shy girl, never had tried to abuse any boy's groin. I suddenly felt a great wish to show her how having a convenient peter meant possessing vulnerable sack in the bargain. And I said: "Katie, you must kick somebody in the balls to see how you are lucky not to have them." "Kick? But who?" As there was only one pair of testicles around, I said: "I guess you should kick me. There's no other boy over here." "Will that hurt you?" "Sure it will, nothing can be more hurting than balls kicked." "But why then.., why do you wanna be hurt?" "Just because you envy me my having a peter. And to be true I sometimes envy girls..." "Envy girls what?" "I envy ..," I stammered, "well.., you see, I don't care much about my wiener and balls. You may hurt them alright. Okay, let's go inside the house not to let anybody see us." Soon we were in my room. I took my stand opposite Katie, my legs wide apart. "Come on," I urged her, "give me a good kick!" "No, no, I can't," the girl hesitated. "Why, it's so easy - just kick me and you'll never envy any boy, no more." "No, Pete, I.., I..," "Well, do it half your strength then, you'll see balls are so easy to hurt." "Pete, maybe next time..." "Alright, let me show you how I'm weak down there - just give me a flick in the balls," I yanked my pants down to reveal my boyish possessions to Katie. "Here are my balls - just flick them." Katie wavered for a while, then stepped up to me, raised her hand close to my balls and gave a light flick to one of my testicles. "Ouch," I exclaimed painfully, clutching my scrotum and stooping over. Katie gave a light giggle: "You're pretending, Pete. It can't hurt you. It's just a flick." The pain indeed didn't last long. Very soon I was standing straight up again, feeling just slight aching in the testicle. "No, I'm not pretending at all. It's really painful. You can't understand it because you've no balls. Now just kick my balls to see me in real pain." "Pete, I've no wish to hurt you." "Katie, please..." "Pete, I believe now that boys' balls are very weak. Please pull back your pants up." "But you haven't seen how weak my balls are yet. Okay, I'll hurt my balls myself to make you see..." I looked about the room, saw a plastic ruler on the table and reached my hand out to grasp it. "Just look here," I exclaimed, placing the ruler close to my groin. I pulled down the end that was beneath my scrotum and then suddenly released it, letting the ruler flew back right up into my hanging testicles. This time the pain was a score times greater. My legs at once softened and I collapsed onto the floor. For a few seconds I couldn't even breathe, and then emitted a long moan. Clutching my throbbing balls in my both hands, I wanted to tell my cousin how they were terribly aching and how I wished they were replaced somehow by the thing she had between her legs, the thing that couldn't be so easily abused just with a ruler flick. But I couldn't say anything but groan. Instead of laughing at me Katie just cried out: "Idiot!" and ran outside. I hadn't seen her for about two weeks till she suddenly appeared in our garden with her girlfriend Ira. They both came up to me and Katie said: "Hi, Pete! We came to ask.., well.., do you remember you wanted me to kick you in the balls?". "Sure, I do," I replied. Katie smiled and said: "I came to say I want to kick you now. If you still wish, of course." "I'm not sure," I looked at Ira, "you're not alone now." "You said you envied girls, do you still do?" "Yeah, I still do," I replied. Katie turned to her girlfriend: "You see, Pete, Ira says she envies boys the way they pee. I guess she envies them badly, so you can help her. I want you to stand by some tree and pee onto it with your legs wide apart. And that's when I'll kick you between your legs from behind." I couldn’t believe what I'd just heard. Girls wanted to get some proof of the fact that being a girl meant possessing a body that I was so envious of. Surely I was ready to help them in that. "I agree," I said without any hesitation. "Let's do it by that oak." We walked up to the tree, I took a position facing a wide trunk of the old oak, spread my legs, unzipped my pants and took my penis out. The both girls stood right behind me. "Pee," I heard Katie command and let a squirt of urine out onto the tree bark. To add more excitement to the situation, I started teasing girls provocatively: "Hey, girls, see what I can. I can write my name on the tree trunk with my piss. No girl can do that! It's nice to have a peter. No need to squat down to take a pee! Being a girl sucks! All of a sudden I felt a foot flew into my crotch from behind. It was Katie who so broke off my speech. A killing pain pierced my testicles to make me let out a shrill scream. My penis bounced up, letting the urine squirt splash over my shirt, my hands grasped my balls and I tumbled down. "Balls, balls, my balls," I was trying to say something else but the burning pain in my testicles didn't allow me to utter any other words. The girls started giggling and Katie said: "You see, Ira, how boys are weak down there. No doubt Pete would prefer now to be a girl rather than a boy with all that ability to write words on trees with his piss. There's nothing more embarrassing for boys than being so easily put in so much pain by girls. By girls who have neither peters, nor balls to be so weak down there." I just groaned to express my agreement with Katie's words and squeezed my poor balls harder. I looked up at the girls' shapely legs, at their short skirts that covered their groins, the groins I envied so badly, and then looked at my hand holding my own groin. The girls noticed my eyes' movement and the jealous gleam in them, and gave out a loud laugh... * * *
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