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I would love the chance to review the account and provide assistance.
is the worst customer service
H there! we would definitely like to work with you on this, how long have you been eeriencing this issue?
y’all lie about your “great” connection. 5 bars LTE, still won’t load something. Smh.
We understand your concerns and we would like for you to please send us a Direct Message, so that we can further assist you.
Since I signed up with you....Since day 1
This is saddening to hear. Please shoot us a DM, so that we can look into this for you.
You gonna magically change your connectivity for me and my whole family ?
Please send me a private message so that I can send you the link to access your account.
whenever I contact customer support, they tell me I have shortcode enabled on my account, but I have never in the 4 years I have tried
The information pertaining to the account assumption is correct. This does need to be done at a local outlet wit...
actually that is a broken link you sent me and incorrect information
What information is incorrect?
That is INCORRECT information I have the form in front of me that is faxed overmaybe you need to maintain up to date information
Our department is part of the corporate office. If you are particular area has gone to this format, we were unawa...
Would you like me to email you a copy of one since Spectrum is not updating your training?
No thank you.
I received this from your corporate office would you like a copy?
Hello, My apologies for any frustrations or inconvenience. I’d be happy to look into this for you?
Yo , your customer service reps are super nice— but I am going to start trippin if y’all don’t get my service going!
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will be glad to assist you. Can you message me your Name and acct or phone ?
My picture on pretty much every day. Why should I pay 171 per month?
Help has arrived! We are sorry to see that you are having trouble. How can we help?
somebody from please help meeeeee I am having the worst luck with your customer service
Awesome! If you ever need us we are just a tweet away.
I finally got someone that helped me, thanks!
Have your friend message us.
My friend is without internet we need to play videogames together please our skills diminish every moment without internetz
Please follow and message us so that we can look into this order.
MD. And this was sent to the wrong address
We would not be able to verify anything without authenticating your account.
What else can I provide? They refuse to help me because they cannot validate the account...
We can use the order number to locate the account but will need to do so in our secure one on one chat. Please follow and message us.
How? I have my phone number and email, that is it. How did I get equipment and service? I am literally trying to pay and nobody can find me?
What did we do to make you feel this way and how can we fix things between us?
is the worst ISP I’ve ever had
Are all your services cutting out?
Cuts out every 20 minutes this is ridiculous
Do you have our Fios service? When services go out, does the internet light on the router change color?
Did the lights change on the router when this happened?
Just randomly boots me offline there it goes again
Is the light on top red?
Don’t know, router is downstairs. But it’s just the WiFi Nothing connected to Ethernet
In what area are you located? All of your services are down at this time?
. gtAll of VERIZON IS DOWNlt When can we eect a fix ?
Which app are you referring too?
fix your app it will not even open
I still think you look great! Becky
I do not fit in my Veggie Burrito costume Halloween
I am so sorry about that. Please tell us more so we can help Becky
messed up today and didn’t give me my 3 burrito although I was dressed up
Hopefully we will get there at some point! Becky
hey wanna come to Mammoth. I will at least eat there once a week i promise
it is because you are smart. Tara
When you are the only one in costume boorito
Guac on! I am happy it was such a great eerience. Becky
I had excellent service tonight too! Plenty of people on the line, went very fast, everyone was kind!
that is incredibly concerning. Please tell us more here Becky
no Diet Coke and a literal bone this Boorito was extra spooky!
I mean, Boorito is basically the adult version of Halloween... Becky
Happy Halloween! Since I am too old to trick or treat I now look forward to 3 booritos at I got mine earlier, did you?
All of our U.S. locations are participating! Becky
By The Way giving out 3 burritos if you dress up for Halloween Call your Chipotle to make sure, they’re doing it select ones
Give it a try. Tara
can I dress up as myself and still qualify for a BOORITO?
My apologies for that. Just sent you a message to help. Becky
Tried, did not work. How rude
that is the best kind of trickortreating. All treats, my friend. Becky
Every year, my trickortreating routine is walking to Chipotle, spending 3 dollars and walking back home.
that is incredibly concerning. Please provide more details so we can investigate Becky
this is nasty. A used napkin in someones food
Bummer. I am so sorry. How far away is the closest location? Becky
3 burritos and I’m nowhere near a ‍♂️
You will not be alone – we will be there with you. Also, I want that llama onesie. Becky
Considering walking to in my llama onesie alone happy Halloween
Whoa – that does not sound like a fun road trip. we will be here with you every step of the way, though! Becky
Thanks Becky! Just feeling sorry for myself because my fiancé is driving from D.C. To Mississippi tonight
I love it! Thanks so much for stopping by. Becky
name a better halloween duo speedwaybrick UTtranscript
There is no info to share at the moment. Feel free to keep an eye on the PS Blog for news and updates
So, what is the november ps plus free game?
Sorry for the inconvenience. Do you see the data corrupted message when you try to open the game or download it?
I bought Lego Star Wars in the PlayStation store but it will not let me download it because the data is corrupted..
Glad to know that is downloading, please feel free to contact us if you have further concerns.
It was when I would go to download it. I just waited a few hours till after I bought it and it downloaded now.
Glad to help. Please share the details of this issue in our Community forum for further investigation
can i block a community from sending me invites to something i dont want to join
Glad you had fun, Sarah! We heard Count Collin can really suck the life out of the party . . .
We had to have a Count Colin xx...
we have let our team know we can do better, Joel. Thanks for sharing
‘Ere , never mind avocado How’s about ‘ave a word? Is it really necessary? The pair of ‘em were suffocating.
we are only obligated to provide bags for unpackaged meat. As ours is prepackaged, a charge will be applied
y do they charge you for a meat bag at colliers woods branch. If you buy meat you r required to supply customers a free bag. Poor service.
As our packaging is sufficient, any extra wrappings or bags does require an extra 5p charge as per legislation. Thanks
Raw meat!!!! It’s does not say unwrapped raw meat!!! Sainsbury’s don’t charge nor do Waitrose so y do you?!
Love the aesthetic of your Colin the Creeperpillar and someday....
Excellent Halloweening countcolin halloween food
Hello, Josh! To get better assistance and support, we suggest that you post a tweet or message our friends from .
hi, having trouble making purchases on Xbox one store for fifa points, can you help?
Help is here. To assist you in recovering your account we recommend that you contact our Answer desk team
I need assistance recovering 2 hotmail accounts. I have filled the recovery forms but am told am not providing enough info
It appears this has been removed. Thanks for letting me know
umm someone is streaming WWII with 500 viewers
Yes you can pre order the game on the console store. For more information please contact your console store.
can you still pre oder ww2 on the playstation store
No problem, let us know if you come across any other issues or questions in the future. We are happy to help.
Hello there. Sorry for the late response. I am just checking if you still in need assistance. Please let me know.
I am trying to buy the digital deluxe edition on the ps store but I keep receiving an error message
Good afternoon William, unfortunately this app is no longer supported. Sincerest apologies.
Are yous going to update COD Zombies on IOS for IOS 11.
Good afternoon Jayden, sadly we do not have information on that. Sincerest apologies.
Why was there a half gig update for world at war?
Can you please give me your gamertag / platform you are playing on so I can pull up your account information.
I got all of my Your sex and age reset on MWR and I do not know why. please help!!!
Unfortunately we do not have any information on this. Please stay tuned for more updates.
Will non season pass holders get the bobus man Carentan at any point? Or not at all?
Hi Jason, please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Thanks!
Any help here ?
Hi Jason, could you please try resetting the preferences of Photoshop amp let us know if it helps with the issue
Pretty much elained my issue in the quoted tweet... dragging an image onto a canvas no longer center snaps it...
Sorry that this is not more simple... let us know if the steps in the video work out or if you need further help Madison
the ctrlaltshift on load method did not work.
Would you please message the Adobe Product amp your purchase details that you have so that we can ask our eerts to follow up. Raj
did not work. Tried it on another computer, fresh install, same thing...
Hi Jeffrey, were you able to update to Lightroom Classic CC? Tanuj
whats going on with your app. its totally stuck here for 1 hour and prior to updating froze and didnt work since updating.
Have you tried signing out/back in or reinstalling the CC desktop app? Let us know! Madison
nope still down.
Thanks for confirming. we are looping in an eert who can help you out here. They will reply as soon as they are available. Madison
yes ive done that multiple times. its happened on previous versions as well.
こんにちは、アマゾン公式です。Fire TV Stickが見れないというのは、どのような状況でしょうか。一般的なトラブルシューティングを記載したヘルプがございますので、ご参照ください。
Hi, you can change your Microsoft account email through the steps here . If the email your son wants to change to is already associated with a Microsoft account, you will need to follow those steps to switch the email address on that account too.
can I change me sons Xbox live account to his Hotmail account, currently linked to my Hotmail account
Hi there, Lightroom 7.0.1 update was launched recently, please update the app to the latest version.
Did You release an update today for Lightroom Classic CC?
Hi there, please message us you Adobe id so that we may have a quick look at your account details. Tanuj
Please tell me why my has eired, but I’m still being charged????
Hi there, you may suggest it as a feature request at . Tanuj
are there any plans to add a fast crop mode for the iPad version of LR? It takes too many taps and slows down workflow.
Hi Keelin, Sorry for the inconvenience. I am able to eort SVG in AI CC 2018. Would you mind sharing your workflow, sample file/screenshot?
So apparently the new version of has this cool feature where you cannot eort SVGs. Sick update guys.
Unfortunately, we are not able to reproduce it at our end. I will still be checking with the development team to find out more on this.
Seems pretty widespread do not mean to be a jerk, but it is frustrating when an update breaks core functionality.
Thanks for sharing the file, we will get back to you with updates as we investigate. Wren
It’s intermittent for me. This file fails reliably The “Create subfolder” option just makes an empty “svg” folder
Hi Lauren, can you try changing your forum screen name at That should do the trick! Madison
your online forum is always broken even when I clear my cookies.
Hi Jake, any screenshots you can share? What are you eort settings? Is this happening on all files with links? Wren
InDesign 13.0 is eorting all PDFs with blurry links, but links are not missing in INDD file. JPG eort is not blurry. Help!
Hi Jack, is there any way you could send me a file to try eorting on my end to try and replicate? Wren
Here is an example of an eort before and after. Eort settings are unchanged from default. No, only some files.
Hi there, we would like to help. Please message us your accounts email and reservation code so we can further assist. Thank you.
Quand ton ne ressemble pas à celui que tu as réservé, amp quen dêtre sale et en soussol, tu te retrouves à 10 dans 1 logement !
Thank you for that. We have responded to your message with more information.
I have just sent you a message with details. Thanks for your help
We are sorry to hear this. Please message your email address and reservation code so we can look into this for you. Thank you.
Misrepresentation by host. Asked them to cancel my reservation and refund me over AUD1700 strict policy. No response. Please help.
Hello! Would you mind following us and sending a message with your gamertag and the code you redeemed?
redeemed a code for fifa points this afternoon and still have not got it. Why is this?
Can you show us what is appearing on your screen?
the 5 app on Xboxes not working error code 200, done a power cycle and still the same? Please fix app
Hi. Emergency services are dealing with an incident, info here
my colleagues for more info on how this is affecting services, thanks.
We have replied to you via DM. Check it out Yana
CAS19708536CB92N2 CRM0326600 Please check on this I have not heard from my case officer in weeks and provided all docs.
Hi Emma, Could you please follow us so we can message you again with the email reply sent to you Yana
Hi Yana I don’t have any DMs from you. Did you mean email?
Hi Emma, We have replied to you via DM. please check again, Thank you Mariya
Hi Yana, followed!
Hi Ashutosh , Could you provide us the booking number for further checking. Thanks Khairul
Why are you not refunding my trip to Bali for Volcano eruption!!! Urgently refund!!
Please do not tell me Carol!! I cannot wait to go home amp find out!! Chloe
Fresh cream palmier bakery Bellshill gets my vote for star baker ‍just catching up on gbbo17 don’t know who won yet
Somebody else has told me!! I am gutted Chloe
My lips are sealed
do not you worry Carol, my lips are shut!! Chloe
Aahhrrgh! Keep mum, I’m still watching
Hi there, sorry about that. Please message me when you visited the store and I will look into this. Thanks Kirsty
so fed up of this very familiar sight at Houghton Regis. Get more staff amp stock the place properly. This is just a small example
So sorry! Could you send me what store this is in so we can get this to the right people? Janay
that is pointless as it is every day, all the time. No matter when I go in. I speak 2the management who r as fed up as I am. they have no staff.
store you bought it from, along with your address and More Card number and I will get this sorted for you. Thanks Kirsty
3 for £6, unless one is reduced hidden label on the side! then it’s 3 for £6.14. Don’t care about the 14p but feel ripped off!
While the Coach plans can be weeks in time. it is up to you to decide what fits you best.
I am new to nike run club app, should i start with guided runs or my couch?
you are welcome, William. Give us a shout if you need assistance with anything else. Good luck with the NRC app.
Thank you nike
Hi there, I am so sorry to her that. what exactly is the issue you are having?
Thought Amex values their customers. But boy you got really bad reps on the customer service.
I am so sorry to hear that. Which U.S. based card do you have? Pls do not share any personal info.
Nope. They weren’t ready to listen what I wanted to say and if I had any questions about anything else and hung up on me.
What exactly is the issue you are having?
Amex Platinum and Amex everyday card.
Apologies for all of the issues. If you have time to chat securely with me, I would be happy to review. Rachel
I’ve asked your sales rep about the payments and she wasn’t ready to listen to any issues that I had.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Customer Support on Twitter Dataset 945k

Dataset Description


This dataset provides a large corpus of real-world English conversations between consumers and customer support agents on Twitter, designed to drive innovation in Natural Language Processing (NLP) by providing data that better matches the actual language used in contemporary customer support interactions.


Initially, the data included complex threads of conversations involving multiple exchanges between customers and support agents. To transform this data into a more structured format suitable for training language models, the following steps were taken:

  • Conversation Extraction: Each conversation was distilled down from potentially lengthy threads to essential exchanges. This involved identifying the start and end of customer support interactions and ensuring each input (customer's query) was paired with an immediate response (support agent's reply).
  • Data Pairing: The extracted conversations were restructured into pairs of inputs and outputs, where each 'input' is a customer's request or question, and each 'output' is the corresponding response from a support agent.
  • Cleaning and Standardization: To enhance the quality of the dataset for NLP tasks, extensive cleaning and preprocessing were applied, which included:
    • Removing Noise: Unnecessary content such as URLs, HTML tags, and user mentions were removed.
    • Normalizing Text: Emojis were replaced with words, and emoticons were removed or replaced with their textual descriptions to maintain the emotional and contextual nuances without visual elements.
    • Expanding Abbreviations: Internet slangs and contractions were expanded to their full forms to standardize the text and make it more understandable and accessible for language processing models.

Preprocessing Details

  • Chat Slang Conversion: Common internet abbreviations and slang were expanded to their full words using a predefined dictionary to ensure clarity.
  • Contraction Expansion: Contractions were expanded to their full forms for consistency in language usage.
  • Emoji and Emoticon Replacement: Emojis and emoticons were replaced with corresponding text descriptions to preserve their emotional and contextual significance.
  • Cleaning End-of-Line Noise: Abbreviations at the end of responses, often irrelevant to the context, were removed to maintain the focus on the content relevant to customer support.

Use Cases

This dataset is suitable for various NLP applications, including:

  • Fine-Tuning Language Models: The structured format of input-output pairs makes this dataset ideal for fine-tuning language models on task-specific dialogue understanding and generation.
  • Automated Response Suggestion: Training models to predict customer support responses.
  • Analysis of Response Effectiveness: Evaluating how different response strategies affect customer satisfaction.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Examining how sentiment influences the interaction dynamics in customer support.
  • Topic Modeling: Identifying common themes or issues in customer inquiries to aid in strategic planning for support services.
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