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Sultan Selangor titah orang bukan Islam tidak campuri urusan hal ehwal Islam | /r/malaysia/comments/18tme0o/sultan_selangor_titah_orang_bukan_islam_tidak/ | 27 | [
] | Daulat Tuanku !!!!
Shah Alam: Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah mengingatkan rakyat khususnya yang bukan beragama Islam agar menghormati dan tidak mencampuri urusan berkaitan hal ehwal agama Islam di negara ini.
Sultan Sharafuddin selaku Pengerusi Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia (MKI) bertitah demikian susulan cadangan Ahli Parlimen Beruas Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham supaya kerajaan melantik pakar daripada orang bukan Islam untuk membantu Jawatankuasa Khas Mengkaji Kompetensi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) menggubal undang-undang Islam. | [
"If org islam can stop campur urusan bukan islam, then we have a deal. Jgn kau nasik tu makan pun nak bungkus pun nak."
"You can have your isolated religion affair management once you keep it out of public discourse and general fucking legislation.",
"Malaysia constitution : Basically others are NPC but please also contribute your taxes to support the priority of the majority. X suka? Boleh keluar Malaysia. Daulat Tuanku :29091:"
"How about you menghormati people who wanna keluar Islam",
"Exactly most muslims are not given a choice for religion since they are born into it and should have a right to opt out.\nAfter all it would be between them and god, why should humans intervene if they truly believe there is a god",
"Yup. This.",
"Amen Nyet. Amen."
"when it has something to do with basic human rights, of course people are gonna campur tangan...",
"All laws cannot conflict with constitution. That’s the safeguard.\nWhether the enforcement agencies overstep or not that’s another matter.",
"Don't worry Loke said it's ok no need nons representative",
"so this is how they all behave. If they want to shut down discussion, just declare the issue as Islamic and then issue a thinly veiled threat of violence of their arbitrary decree is violated."
"Lol. Sultan titah towards non Muslims are not legally binding.",
"Well they did listen to previous selangor sultan when he told em to grant Chinese and Indians citizenship back then. But after merdeka sultan dont have that kind of power anymore i think (granting and revoking citizenship is now no longer within the sultan jurisdiction).",
"It's this OP posting. What do you expect...syok sendiri laung there daulat tuanku. This OP memang wan lah, will post all this nonsense",
"Then that DAP Ngeh can try respond back to that Sultan saying \" Your statement does not matter, not legally binding to me\"."
"Boleh titah orang islam tidak campur urusan hal ehwal bukan islam?\nAh who am I kidding. Malaysia is now unofficially an islamic state already. Anything related to non muslim is free game because ini negara islam progressive"
"Then, if Murtad buat Gay Sex, hal bukan Islam lah. So now we legalise gay sex only for nons. Kami tak kacau Muslim. Kacau nons je."
"He (not specifying anyone) can shut the fuck up",
"The Sultan, as with all royals in Malaysia, has 3 actual powers - the discretion to not dissolve state parliament, the (limited) discretion to appoint the Menteri Besar, and as head of Islam for their state.\nThey've got no authority over non-Muslims in their state.\nIn other words, this has got as much legal authority as the Rukun Negara does - none at all."
"Justeru, Sultan Selangor mengharapkan agar ahli politik khususnya yang bukan beragama Islam untuk tidak terus-menerus mencampuri urusan hal ehwal agama Islam.\nNo problem. Tapi, PAS how? No holds barred?"
"Whats wrong with have other opinions? Problem with Muslims these days too close minded…",
"It is seen as mockery. Same case why non muslim sharia lawyer not allowed to practice unless they are Muslim themselves. I know a sikh lawyer that complained about this long time ago as he completed his study in sharia law yet he wasn't allowed to practice for the same reason. Something like why would you pretend play of using sharia law when you don't even believe?",
"Something like why would you pretend play of using sharia law when you don't even believe?\nBeing a lawyer has nothing to do with what one believes.\nIt's so stupid and backward to make it a requirement for sharia lawyers to believe in Islam. Sharia are laws. Laws don't care whether you believe them or not.",
"Well stupid to you not stupid to them. Can read more here.\nhttps://www.malaysianbar.org.my/article/news/legal-and-general-news/general-news/who-qualifies-as-a-syariah-lawyer#:~:text=To%20deal%20with%20this%2C%20they,syariah%20lawyers%20must%20be%20Muslim."
"Things can work in both way, I don’t give a shit on you, you don’t give a shit on me, then we’ll all be fine. I’m not interested in any religion, I can live my single day without being religious. Faith ain’t nothing, Monster Hunter Iceborne is everything."
] |
Benefits of getting married in Malaysia | /r/malaysia/comments/18tgt59/benefits_of_getting_married_in_malaysia/ | 13 | [] | Just curious on what kind of benefits married couples will get in terms of govt incentives or income tax, etc. Need more insights on this! | [
"Able to checkin into OYO and cheap budget hotels and when JAKIM comes knocking, you can show them the card nikah, smile smugly, get a pat on the back and continue to kongkek",
"You definitely did that",
"She definitely did it"
"I don't think we reach level like Germany yet. Where married couple have lesser tax.\nBut there are some, iinm SSPN and Health insurance for kids is deductable",
"How about married couples that do not have kids? Any good benefits or incentives that are beneficial?",
"Shared tax. But not really useful unless 1 not working, or 1 super rich",
"nothing much."
"Divorce money",
"Bruhh that's dark"
"Legally Buat Anak\nCan check in Budget Hotel then JAIS come, smile to them\nCan Share name in property/ownership\nCan walk together holding hands without Pak Cik Karim Masjid Busybody viraling it on Facebook\nCan show PDA without Mak Cik Kiah Suami Pak Leman viraling it on WhatsApp forward\nCan have sex in car without jais tangkap\nCan live together tanpa fitnah(Muslim problem mah)\nCan do pegging(any Queers want to be pegged secara Halal??!?)\nCan use Sex Toy legally\nNo need Alarm clock"
"Govt incentives?",
"Figured this kind of things doesn't exist in Malaysia"
"Declare separately or together depends on your Tax Bracket. IRB will adjust so you see how in March 2024.\nGood Luck paying less tax. And claiming relief."
] |
Powerful quarters behind alleged diesel shortage in Sarawak, says state DAP veteran | /r/malaysia/comments/18u2shc/powerful_quarters_behind_alleged_diesel_shortage/ | 0 | [] | [] |
Sepet (2005) by Yasmin Ahmad | /r/malaysia/comments/18tizkx/sepet_2005_by_yasmin_ahmad/ | 7 | [
] | Comments? | [
"Wow, has it been 18 years already?\nWatched in the cinema, it was very good.",
"Amazing overall. Gubra got my bulu. standing"
"How I missed Yasmin.. sepet, grubar. She was unique and special. Dare to show what we really are and in her life as well."
"Till this day I still can't find the uncensored(uncut) version which is available on VCD many years ago :(",
"That's tough... all vcd kena kuman.",
"I got 1 VCD ori. Sepet"
"Absolutely brilliant, no holds barred, way ahead of it's time, i think if you release it now, Certain groups would have it banned immediately, haha"
] |
Why malaysia categorize people like minangkabau or javanese or bugis as malay ? | /r/malaysia/comments/18tsdke/why_malaysia_categorize_people_like_minangkabau/ | 118 | [
] | In indonesia we view them as tribes with their own distinct culture and they have their own tribal language and traditional clothes so the malay concept for acknowledging these people as malay is so moronic in my opinion
They are clearly not malay eventhough majority of them are muslim,so why malay have to steal other people from different culture and put them in one box as malay ? Just because they have same skin colour with malay doesnt mean they are automaticaly malay | [
"Do you know that even Malay have their own “tribe”?\nBtw, there’s no stealing or anything going on. As a Sarawak Malay, I can’t and wouldn’t claim Kelantan/Terengganu/N.Sembilan/etc Malay culture as my own.",
"Fr. There are similarities by having the same roots but in the end we have different dialects, mindset and clothing though minor",
"One of the reason why federal assistance for West Malaysia felt more of a compulsory than voluntary for the past decades.\nGotta coat sugar on federal daddy by supporting their policies or else no funds for you."
"That would just make bumiputra complicated.",
"Then what about sarawak/sabah bumiputra? Theres plenty of chinese in sarawak that is bumiputra",
"There are instances of chinese being labelled as bumis back in the older days cuz sometimes chinese peeps got kids and gave them away for adoption to tribes due to not being able to care for them. Then they make ic just claim bumi la cuz grow up with bumis. But that shit stopped like decades ago tho",
"Can confirm bc my mom is exactly this.",
"Same here my Muslim kampung adopted a ton of children (not all became Muslim) regardless they all got bumi status.\nThis isn’t the case anymore tho."
"It's just like malay call cuttlefish, octopus and squid all as sotong. Its just easier.",
"Cuttlefish: Sotong katak,\nOctopus: kurita,\nSquid: cumi-cumi.\nHope that helps.",
"Thank f’n you!\nYou are forever blessed in all your endeavours relating to clan sotong-sotong.",
"Isnt octopus called gurita not kurita?",
"Both can be used.",
"I've never seen it spelled with g before, always k",
"I remember being a kid wondering why I have 3 different friends who look like 3 different races called Malay, none of them mixed btw. All their parents just are 100% “Malay”\nWhile I’m a chindian who has at times been told to go back to “my country”\nI still don’t know exactly how it works but it’s stupid",
"Oh that. That's called Racism my boy :28915:",
"It makes you feel better.\nGoing to have to drop the majority of my ethnic classification to a single ethnicity due to how mix many of east Malaysians are by government laws recently to simplify our ethnicities.\nI am an orang asal and yet very mix.\nI was always harassed unironically by people of immigrant descent or immigrants to go back to my own country LoL.",
"Use bi-generation (Doctor Who reference)",
"it's not just easier- it's an erasure of identity."
"There's a difference between Melayu Jati and Melayu Anak Dagang among the Orang Melayu Malaysia\nMelayu Jati refers to the Malay tribes that established kingdoms in the land. Melayu Kelantan, Pahang, Kedah, Terengganu, etc.\nMelayu Anak Dagang are the Austronesian tribes who are Muslims, migrated and settled in the land that would become modern day Malaysia, intermarried and become assimilated, and eventually became Malayized (this is where the term \"Masuk Melayu\" comes in play). They wear Melayu clothes, habitually speak Bahasa Melayu, and practice budaya Melayu. So much so that they are considered as Melayu also. Although they might retain some aspects of their original heritage.\nThe modern day constitution does not differentiate between who is a Melayu Jati and who is a Melayu Anak Dagang.",
"This is correct. This what I learn at my Uni.. already forget what subject it is.",
"Where is this referred from",
"There's three actually Melayu Jati, Melayu Anak Dagang and Melayu Peranakan, Melayu that are mixed with others like Melayu Cocos, Cape Malays and Melayu Betawi (although this one only in Indonesia)",
"Please dont destroy our belief!\nAll malays import from Indonesia\n/s"
"I'm just sharing a poem by Usman Awang, a Johorean. Probably it has to do with how Malays in the peninsular view the concept of race during the early Malay nationalism period.The was even an attempt by leftist Malays like Burhanuddin Helmi to form Melayu Raya (along with Indonesia) after the end of Japanese Occupation. British put a stop to that."
"They aren't counted as malay, \"officially\" but they can change their race as Malay since Malaysia constitution refers the Malay as: \" orang Melayu itu mestilah beragama Islam, mengamalkan adat budaya Melayu, bertutur menggunakan bahasa Melayu dan (a) lahir sebelum hari merdeka sama ada di Persekutuan atau Singapura, atau pada hari merdeka telah bermastautin di Persekutuan atau Singapura\", so, most of the people from the races you stated (+ siamese) already changed their identity to Malay to gain \"bumiputera\" status and its privileges, or else their identity would just be \"keturunan Indonesia\".\nBut socially, people are still calling javanese, \"orang jawa\" most of the time, not happening to minangkabau and bugis tho, people will just call them malay",
"Actually, it's just this current generation that doesn't. The previous generation would actively identify by their ancestors, whether bugis or minang or what not. My uncle-in-law would stand by the term of \"orang Bugis\" whenever got people asking our family \"orang mana dia tu?\" in earshot. Heck, even a slightly older friend of mine would call herself orang Minang.\nSo if you wanna blame someone for not referring to their ancestors, probably blame this generation instead.\nP/s: on paper, of course they would still be labeled Malays, it's easier that way for them. But vocally, they'd stand by whatever they are."
"need to prop up the Malay numbers. cannot show that Malay is lesser than 50%",
"I'm surprised no one brought up the 1998 riots or the 60s genocide yet to flame OP",
"I believe the demographic of this sub is predominantly innocent to that knowledge, and history book didn't mention at all.",
"Welp we had our own may incident tho not as tragic as the one happened in Indonesia"
"Racial politics is different here"
"Broadstroke categorization invented by the colonial brits when doing population surveys back in the days. We just inherited it and believed it lol.",
"Inherited it, and continue to use it as a political tool to keep the \"majority\" numbers.\nBased on the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, Malay is a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, and conforms to Malay customs.\nBy that, anyone can become constitutionally \"Malay\".\nAlso, think about why they make it hard for converts to revert.",
"You missed out one important context to the definition of Malay - they should also be a person who is born before independence day. So anyone born after that will follow their parents’ race.",
"Farish A Noor has a chapter about this in his book What Your Teacher Didn't Tell You. He shows our original census having like 9 races for what we consider as \"Malay\" today. Great book 10/10 read.",
"I see it as similar to classification of race and ethnicity in North America vs Europe. In Europe, Europeans identify as their respective ethnicity while in North America, Europeans identify as white. The white identity was crucial for Europeans to distinguish themselves from natives and Black people who they deemed inferior to them. Similarly, in Malaysia, the Malay identity was important to distinguish themselves from migrant races and possibly also because they view other races as inferior to them.",
"The controversial ones don’t see the other races as “inferior” but rather as a threat to their lifestyle, wealth and religion as their leadership would have them believe."
"The concept of Bumiputra is a scam when you know there's a tier even for Bumiputra. Thumbs up to the generation that votes the parties that screams Bumiputra whole year long /s\nThe party that screams the another card buys expensive cars and will let a newspaper company goes bankrupt by not paying will 100% be worse.",
"Shallow minded people think racial class is everything. Reality is when you realize it's economical class that really separate people apart"
"Easy ; put all under once category and then claim they are the majority and slowly rot away their original name, background and identity with one created by the ruling elites.",
"Sounds like what the so called Communist, USSR did in their whole existence and failed.",
"But I see a lot of people are coming to be more individualistic; they will claim their bugis/jawa roots then calling themselves malays.",
"It's better if Malaysians starts recognising their heritage. We're a mixed pot of ethnicity. Don't let rulers divide us using the laziest excuse: RnR"
"IMO there isn't much tribalism between Malays. Even the Mamak Malays. In the North there's lots of Mamaks but are Malays. They'll look 100% like any other South Indian but will be Bumiputera. This is because lots of Malays in the north had intermixed with Malays from Myanmar and Southern Thailand. This is why Northern Malays are diffrent from Southern Malays.\nIn the South, the food is more Southeast Asia toned such as Tempeh,Rebung,Rendang\nIn the North, our food is influenced by Indian Food such as Curry,dalca,roti canai,chapati,bihun sup,sup tulang.\nMalays in Kelantan create their own language,food and culture. For example akok cake,etc. Kelantanese Food is like a long lost Jungle Kind Malay Food with their own version of cheese.\nThis also kinda explains the election results.\nNo matter how Indian looking, white looking(me personally), if your dad/mom(citizen,etc many factor for mom) is a Malay, then you are MALAY."
"Hello cultural genocide, nice to see you again :29091:",
"To be fair it isn’t exactly a cultural genocide.\nFrom east Malaysia and from a “clan” of orang asal that was is partially malaynised. Our orang asal community tend to be very mix anyway so we often combine different cultures.\nThe vast majority of Bumi adopted part of Malay culture or some in full due to brotherhood. (In the east at least)\nFor my people, it was more brotherhood with east Malaysian Malays (indigenous Malays) and also more to integrate with west Malaysia.\nWe are way to mix of all ethnicity from European to etc so every has a sub section of something really different but in our core we have our orang asal culture and orang Melayu culture",
"Elaborate what cultural genocide means specifically",
"Indonesia is well known for their force assimilation policy. Chinese cant even have Chinese name or use Chinese language in everyday life in public sphere.",
"This was abolished about 25 odd years ago so people can speak Chinese and use Chinese names now. But then again Chinese Indonesians still use Indonesian names and speak Bahasa Indonesia out of habit and convenience.",
"They still do to this day? No apparently"
"Numbers politics n identity politics. Without it their numbers are not enough"
"I think it's just political will back in 70s. My late dad was categorized as Javanese in his death certificate but was Malay in my birth certificate. I know someone who was of arab descent are also \"Bumiputera Malay\" in their IC and then proud that they only have Malay grandmother or something."
"Singapore and Brunei also does this- in fact in all 3 countries' constitutions a Malay is someone who: 1. Speaks Malay \"habitually\"; 2. Practices \"Malay customs\"; and 3. Is a Muslim\nMy guess is that the British just decided to lump all Muslim pribumis as \"Malay\" (including Indian Muslims and Arabs) which probably was not something the Dutch did. Also Malay is the majority among the pribumis, unlike in Indonesia. So upon independence the Constitution (which was written by the British) maintained this."
"I am of Pagaruyung descent.\nPagaruyung was called Malayupura at one point... did you know? Arguably, the true Malays are Minang and Riau people, from West Indonesia. We started with the kingdom of Malacca, founded by a Sumatran.\nFYI, Javanese are often NOT regarded as true Malays. They're often called Orang Jawa here. They still look Javanese (tanned skin, squared jaw, short). They cook and eat and sell Javanese food even to this day. Same goes for Bugis but most Bugis tend to drop their heritage and assimilate because they look less distinctive. Even to this day, we worship Hamka etc., still relevant culturally, and we have a lot of roads and places named after prominent Sumatrans who developed Malaysia in the early days."
"To be fair, anyone can be a Malay and Malay loves that. You can be a non-Asian but still be a Malay if you adapt the culture and live like a Malay.\nOf course, the final ingredient would be marrying a Malay.\n“But you won’t get bumiputra benefits!”\nThat’s where you’re wrong kiddo. I have seen multiple scenarios where non-Malay was identified as Malay just because they look like it. Some of them included a pure Chinese who just happened to look a lil bit darker & speak fluent Malay.\nHonestly, I’m not even mad.\nIf this is what it takes to unify Malaysia, so be it.",
"I always see people said that among bumiputera, Malay are first class while others are second class… but if you think about it a second, it’s weird. Anyone can legally become a Malay. That’s mean the so called first class is actually open while the second class is an exclusive… That’s doesn’t make sense.",
"The root of the problem is the mandatory religion, and it is a one-way street, you can't get out; however, you may choose not to practice, but still subject to some laws.",
"People no longer see religion as a belief, they see religion as component in a system. Something that can be swap anytime. Unlike components, belief is hard to change. It’s either get stronger or weaker but not outright forgotten. That’s why the constitution placed Islam first in the definition of a Malay, because belief is the core of any human.",
"My Uncle was a high ranking police officer and was Chinese. He was very tan and looked Malay also having great Malay obviously."
"Mencapai definisi melayu; Islam, bertutur bhs Melayu, mengamalkan adat Melayu. Eventho they’re from different culture, they assimilated well with the malays. Ask any malaysian javanese what’s their breakfast today, or better “isuk tadi mangan opo?” Instead of pecel they ate nasi lemak.",
"Bit harsh tbh. The person you're replying to didn't make those rules",
"Your take is stupid, narrow and lacking forethought.\nI'm not the person you're insulting and I'm not Malaysian, but I think it's a bit less upsetting when you understand that all identities are partly made up and deeply contextual....\nto make a whole religion take an identity\nIndonesia does exactly the same thing in its own ways, as all countries do. For example, it doesn't matter what you believe, you're forced to accept one of the official religions on your identity card.\nI'm not defending how Malaysia uses religion and ethnicity in constructing its national identity, but its easily understood in historical context.",
"Yeah they are not Malay in the blood. But have you read his comment properly? Malay is just an umbrella term for people of the same behaviour, religion, language and shit. Let's take your example, say you are an Indian but grew up in Germany, practice german culture, speak german and eat german food. People will consider you German but not ethnically German.",
"That's the short version of what is legally malayu/bumiputra. It's not biological, but rather recognises cultural similarities. Same religion, same language, tradition, etc. As long as it's 70%+ similar at the time of independence. You can legally call yourself Malay/bumiputra status. Since this was fairly new after the war. Where most people lost their documentation and don't really have education on biology/race. So they basically round up most Muslim as melayu and any other orang asli group as bumiputera.\nNow it's base on parents bloodline. That's why melayu technically don't have freedom of religion and some don't look Malay due to mix with other race Arab/cina/Indian/etc.",
"Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks."
"I heard a taxi driver in Batam speaking Malay like Malaysian accent, he claimed to come from somewhere in Sumatera. I think he is a pure Malay.",
"yes there are Malays in Batam. Batam, Lingga and Riau used to be part of Johor empire not long ago.",
"Southern Sumatran provinces of Riau Islands, Riau, Palembang, Jambi are the original Malay heartlands. Remember Parameswara came from Palembang, and he was from a long line of ancestors of the Srivijaya- a Malay empire.\nConversely the Majapahit was a Javanese empire."
"The malays in Malaysia are based on the ethnicities of the Malay world which is an outdated term for the Austronesian realm which include the Javanese, the Bugis and etc. The word is used by the British due to group ethnicities in the Malay peninsula which is was and still a diverse place. We simply just inherited the term. It is no different than you guys inheriting the term Indonesian that was coined by the Dutch to refer to all ethnicities in the Dutch East Indies so don't act all high and mighty",
"But indonesian is not ethnicity nor its how dutch refer us, its from british geography scholar. The term is neutral and refer to nationality ,if we inherited from dutch we will call ourself dutch east indies. Indonesia doesnt refer to a certain ethnicity if we are like you guys who refer all brown skinned muslim people as malays we’ll call it “javanese” because its the biggest ethnicity in south east asia but of course its wrong, so we call ourself indonesian which doesnt elevate certain ethnicity status\nMalays is not neutral term, its just specific term for ethnicity in sumatra and semenanjung and for censuses reason and lazyness , British starting to call brown skinned people of sea as malays, which is really wrong and misleading like you said.\nLooks the way of op the word is rude but it is pretty true how malaysia refer malays is outdated and misleading but its in your constituency law so as long as malay malaysian doesnt call brown Muslim people outside malaysia as malays and force “tamadun malay” or “great malays civilization “ and “malay race” which is not exist, we are fine with it but in reality some of malaysian think like that."
"Racial politics and required inclusivity. When politicians are trying to invoke racial prejudice against the minority, it's easier to use the term \"Malay\" to include all the above mentioned groups. Being Malay is a privilege and has constitutional perks, so it's a win win situation for the politicians and the ethnic groups involved. Tun Mamak has been one of the fiercest champions of Malay rights, him being a Mamak of course.",
"There's nothing wrong with being Mamak. Even PMX have Indian ancestry. We accept all kind in Malaysia",
"Learn to read. Did I say there's anything wrong with being Mamak, Bugis, Minangkabau? I was answering the OP on why the tendency to include all \"tribal groups\" under the general umbrella of ethnic Malay, and why such groups overwhelmingly self identify as being Malay. If you think using the term Mamak is derogatory, that's on you, not me."
"Ek eleh dia ni. Still have the mentality:\n\"Indonesia is the centre of the universe and the world should follow us\".\nIndonesia this Indonesia that...\nPshhhhhhh",
"<image>\nUmmmmmmm yea"
"Thanks to British Segregation, I guess?",
"Nah. Just racism. Even Indo discriminates against full on Chinese since the old Dutch East Indies company days."
"Just like what most malaysian think indian=tamil and by default people that celebrates deepavali",
"Nah, most Malaysians do not think that. Many are aware of the difference between north and South Indian.",
"That's confusion only exist in western countries by westerners.",
"Nope, Malaysians are guilty as well for being ignorant with the different groups of people who call Malaysia their home. I find it a pet peave with Malaysians who are oblivious with this than some westerners.",
"That sounds more like an issue of the people you surround yourself with.\nSkill issues. Yikes."
"So that the “majority” is. So…"
"I know that this question is rage bait, and OP is a bad faith arguer and not for actual discourse. But Indonesians need to realise the history of Malaysia, and the history of Indonesia are very different.\nAs per your example the Minang people, the Bugis and the Java people are still minang and still java in essence, but those tribes in Malaya has been \"malayanised\" to a point where their culture has been adopted and absorbed to the the greater Malayan Malay identity.\nThen, there came the colonial history. Unlike in Indonesia, the racial demographic of the local populace and immigrants brought in by the colonial authority wasn't as drastic as in Malaya during the same period. If we used the British census of 1911, the \"Malays\" made up 46.8 percent, while the Chinese and Indians were 34.7 and 10.1 percent of the population, respectively. This means the total amount of \"Malay\" and the total amount of \"Non-Malay\" were nearly proportionate in numbers.\nThis spark another point of social demographic in the way Malayan Malay society sees itself. If you think the feelings felt by Indonesians during your early period of independence against the Chinese were bad. Imagine when it also comes into play demographics.\nThus, \"Malay\" became a catch-all term for the tribes in Malaya. As a way to nurture a bigger identity, in a way, it is like an umbrella for this group to be under. They are still of Minang descent, Javanese descent, and Bugis descent but are now in a greater national identity for political reasons.\nJust like how there are Indonesian Javanese, Indonesian Minang or Indonesian Malay. It is another layer of umbrella terms used in Malaya for the sake of political cohesion. Thus, the term Malay is then referred to not only in a racial or tribal sense but also in a larger polity as well for political cohesion."
"If you don't know, during 16xx there's a kingdom names Malay kingdom of Johor riau, in which consist of, Johor, riau,Jambi and kepri. This is why those decent from minang and javanese or bugis decent are considered as malay. They are in the Malay realm.",
"and basically they speak the variant of the same language family"
"If you like diversity so much why did you force assimilate the ID chinese?"
"Because different country have different interpretation of what is a Malay.\nIf you think Malaysian Malay is too broad of a categorisation, check out how the Philippines defines a Malay.\nAlso, easier to govern. For example there are many Chinese subgroups e.g. Hakka, Hokkien, etc. but then it is easier to group them all as Chinese. Same goes with Malay, Indian, and Dayak groups.\nIn Malaysia we like to say \"cincai kira\". Which shows Malaysian tendency for simplicity and pragmatism. Whatever works, fine with us."
"...because we all were malay? It's an ethnicity, right?",
"Not really.\nMalay is both of an ethnic and racial group.\nEthnicity can be specific and they can be similarities however it also has sub ethnicity due to the major differences within a single ethnic group.\nRace on the other hand does not take into account genetics but rather culture and geography.",
"And for many people there is no malay race, there are austonesian. “Malay race” is outdated term from british colonial era which is not exist",
"You might be confused.\nThe Malay race has existed pre British era.\nEven then the concept there is no Malay race is blatantly wrong.\nYou are now confusing the concept of race with old European racism and racial category.\nModern concepts of race and the Malay identity has always existed.\nMalay as a race has always been about culture, language and beliefs. Ethnicity wise it’s about genetics.\nThis is how the Arab world is majority non Arab.",
"No its not, “malay race” its just outdated debunked by many scholar because the existence and reason is doofus and has been ingrained to your country as segregation and reason for your “pride” of malay civilization. I am not confused.\nMalay as group of people in fact exist in the later phase of srivijaya and coming from jambi and south sumatra, and people later adapted as “group” name starting from there because the oldest melayu kuno prasasit is prasasti kedukan bukit from sumatra. It spread out to riau and then semenanjung\nAnd you know javanese sundanese bataknese and minang and all ethnicity in sumatra and java are far more older than malay and non of them refer themselves as “malay race”\nMalay race still just a tool from british to validate malay king at the time as proxy leader and census.\nYeas malay ethnicity is older than british colonization but not “malay race” because its never existed",
"Brother you’re going down a rabbit hole without any level of understanding about race and ethnicity and also historical concepts of race.\nI am not Malay, I don’t identify as Malay. Now your coming to attack both affirmative action and indigenous rights two aspects adopted by the United Nations and many countries including the US, Australia and so fourth.\nJavanese etc are a different race I am not sure what aspect of modern race usage you are using but it’s completely wrong and not even the definition I have mentioned.\nMalay again just like Arab has been defined racially as both a geographical, linguistic, cultural and at times a religious group.\nYou are failing basic race concepts and understanding of modern race history. The Malay race as a concept traces back to the Malay Annuals long before European colonialism in the region.\nYou are using Johann Friedrch (who is not even British) definition of race which labels almost all of south east Asia maritime as Malay.\nThis is the outdated and wrong racial information you are using.\nInstead of yapping about a topic you have little understanding about with such confidence. Settle down and actually learn about modern race classification, historical, the difference between indigenous rights, affirmative action and segregation and so fourth.\nTo further add: if you are referencing the modern concept of Malay race in Malaysia in particular again it just came down to cultural, linguistic, religious and geographical aspects.\nIt was a sub variant of the already establish identity of the Malay peoples.",
"Oh if its like that , i am really sorry for my misunderstanding, i am myself not exactly the believer of “race” and more like cultural group. The problem is whenever some people refer to “malay race” in malaysia is always like include us javanese, sundanese etc to bloated their number and pride. Which is wrong and ignorant thats what i refer to\nYes there is malay cultural group spread from palembang jambi riau and semenanjung",
"That I can agree with. I am explaining in the Malaysian context and modern usage of race as a cultural group.\nThanks for the conversation.",
"You too have a great day",
"You do know many of javanese, sundanese approve of the assimilation right? Do you want to call it wrong and ignorant when both melayu jati and melayu dagang agree on the assimilation? Name me one event of forced assimilation of malays to the orang dagangs.",
"No what i mean is javanese and sundanese in indonesia, not in malaysia and from what i know there is little to no immigration sundanese to malaysia only javanese. I am an indonesian javanese the bonafide one, if javanese who live long enough in malaysia choose to assimilate, sure no problem we called them as javanese “ jawa sing wes ilang jawane” mean “javanese whose already lost their javanese”\nWhat i refer is malaysian malay who always said the true javanese and sundanese and another ethnicity in indonesia as “malay” or “malay race” which is wrong and ignorant",
"You have no idea what you're talking about."
"Sebab semua bumiputera, so no point beda2. As Muslims, it is important to be united upon Islam",
"You what's funny? Indonesia had a dream of annexing malaysia right away after British left and called it Indonesia Raya. By that point, if they manage to achieve their wet dream they'll just label everyone melayu nusantara.\nThe term isn't unique to Malaysia btw that's what your government want you to believe. See malay archipelago to understand what i mean."
"because science said so\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy5ZvYUjmqY\nInfact from this study by USM prof has proven that all east asian people originated from the same mitochondrial DNA."
"Username indicates OP is \"tak betul\"...jangan layan sangat"
"It can be not as sinister as it seems. In Singapore it’s the same. In SG it’s not just Malays, Chinese regional language culture was also deemphasized. It’s a lot to do with practicality. Identifying and mixing with a bigger group is sometimes needed. Sometimes there’s just not enough people to keep traditions and language because they inter-marry. The important thing is whether the people themselves want to be identified as such. I think people from Negeri Sembilan identify as Malay and Minangkabau at the same time."
"you dont know kah?\nthe country some outdated policy is to make everyone \"Malay\". You marry a Malay, you become a Malay regardless of your gender.\nIf you are not \"Malay Bumi & islam\", you downgraded second class citizen as stated in Constitution."
"If I’m not mistaken, it’s because, on our road to achieving independence (with only Malaya jn 1957), it was easier to unite all these closely related Austronesian ethnic groups under one well-known “Malay race” label that the Europeans put us under than to use several different ones or to come up with a new one."
"Same way how China is actively turning everyone into a single \"Han\" ethnicity, so it is easier to control."
"If I’m not mistaken, all this tribes are Austronesian Family. Including Pinoy (Philippines). During British colonial era, they thought Malays = Austronesian Family.\nPersonally, I don’t really called Javenese, Pinoy, Minangkabau as a Malay but I prefer to called them as Austronesian family. Which different culture but similiar language and ancestors.\nIs like Chinese, Koreans and Japanese and many more are different cultures but share same ancestry"
"becos they are lazy"
"Could be an attempt at erasing the culture and identity of the native people here by grouping them all as Malay people."
] |
First 3,000 PADU users will receive free Touch ‘n Go NFC cards, Mydin discounts - SoyaCincau | /r/malaysia/comments/18to75f/first_3000_padu_users_will_receive_free_touch_n/ | 2 | [
"Science/ Technology"
] | The newly constructed national-level centralized database will be open for registration on 2 January 2024. | [
"Exactly how much data does Government have on you?\nThis is how you find out. Even more reason to vote for people who won't abuse us all and screw us over GE after GE.",
"If people filed their taxes diligently and answer the census they would have not need this. Don't need so many places to keep this sort of thing."
] |
Penang mum hopes to be reunited with missing toddler | /r/malaysia/comments/18u4vcf/penang_mum_hopes_to_be_reunited_with_missing/ | 5 | [
"Mildly interesting"
] | On Sept 2, Kannan arranged with Thevitthra to take the child to a mall at Gurney Drive here.
That evening, while Thevitthra was waiting for the child to return, she received a text from Kannan claiming they had “gone to KL”.
She lodged a police report and later filed an application with the Shah Alam High Court, which ordered Kannan to hand over the child on Oct 28.
Failing this, she claimed he also ignored another court order to return the child by Nov 5. Kannan and the child are now in Singapore where they have been since Nov 5.
On Nov 21, the court issued an order instructing the police to find the toddler and bring her back to her mother. The immigration department was also ordered to bar Kannan from taking the child out of the country.
Kannan told FMT the child wants to remain with him, and this is why he has not complied with the Nov 21 court order for him to surrender the child to Thevitthra.
e also said he has filed an application in court in relation to the custody dispute which has yet to be heard.
Meanwhile, Thevitthra has gone to Singapore in search of her daughter and even filed a police report in Clementi there.
She said she was informed that Singapore police could only search for the child if their Malaysian counterparts made a formal request. Thevitthra said there had been no action despite repeated attempts for an update and help from the Selangor and Penang police to locate her child. The immigration department informed her that the child was still out of the country as of two weeks ago.
FMT has contacted the Malaysian and Singaporean police for comment.
Looks like the article has been taken down.
There should be calls to change on rules for application of passports else if this occurance will definitely be more frequent, ie parents running out of the country with the child.
Looks like someone is trying to kill this story. Most newspages and even the lowyat post has been taken down. | [
"Wtf...with these Indian men kidnapping their own children(at least those made it to news). We have few trash convert Indians Muslims who made highlight the last decade. I mean I am all for men chivalry caring for the child and all, but this ain't it. Hopefully this one don't have religion involved, one less complication and legal issue.",
"Yes that's true. Hopefully, religion doesn't become just a tool for this sort of behavior. Marriage seems to be a game for men like this."
] |
Merdeka 118's Light Show | /r/malaysia/comments/18tmug4/merdeka_118s_light_show/ | 3 | [
"Mildly interesting"
] | [
"Dull and boring."
] |
The truth about Putin’s shootdown - Investigating MH17, the crime that presaged the war in Ukraine | /r/malaysia/comments/18tmbxc/the_truth_about_putins_shootdown_investigating/ | 4 | [
] | [
"Russia killed 43 Malaysians by shooting down MH17.\nIsrael killed 0 Malaysians by shooting down...nada.\nYet Malaysians sukak jilat buntut Putin - go figure.",
"Ya.\nBecause Russia got muslims, ma. Mainly Chechens & Ingush peoples. Also a bit from Central Asia.",
"Not only that, plenty of those morons would support Russia in the Russo-Ukrainian War because Zelensky is Jew therefore he is seen as a proxy of the West and the Jewry."
"Screencap of the article\n<image>"
] |
Food variety at TRX Mall | /r/malaysia/comments/18u7faj/food_variety_at_trx_mall/ | 11 | [
] | So something I noticed when I went to TRX Mall was there was an abundance of Chinese / Korean / Japanese / Taiwanese food but zero Western / Italian food? Is this by design, or is there a reason for it?
I saw some Korean fast food restaurant where they eat with plastic gloves.
Actually the food choices there were quite jarring, and yet the outlets are mostly packed to the brim with queues outside. And this is despite the pricing on the high side. | [
"there was an abundance of Chinese / Korean / Japanese / Taiwanese food but zero Western / Italian food?\nThe last time I checked, Majority of us were Asian."
"But u didn’t see mexico restaurant",
"No I didn't",
"Chica Bonita, a Mexican restaurant on level 2, piqued my interest; you can see the url for the full address on Google Maps. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sca_esv=594529445&hl=en-US&cs=1&sxsrf=AM9HkKmZEJAjej0Pn4Fd-tRhGiwuaNh0Qw:1703913941391&q=Chica+Bonita+-+Elegante+@+The+Exchange,+TRX&ludocid=13795793928594912584&ibp=gwp;0,7&lsig=AB86z5XixGVmdi0UHOzdmyknH-_z&kgs=7afcb0001cc7b163&shndl=-1&shem=lcspe,lsp&source=sh/x/loc/act/m1/4",
"yup, highly recommend this place for authentic Mexican instead of the usual Tex-Mex",
"Lmao.\nChica bonita is ANYTHING but authentic Mexican gastronomy."
"Did u miss all the kenny hills restaurants?!?!?",
"I associate that with cakes and baked food",
"They do western pretty well."
"It can either be the overwhelming demand for such cuisine or the target demographic (East Asians) supposedly has the most spending power, hence they cater to them\nIf I were to go there, food court or fast food only for me :28915:"
"The shops follow the money, that's simply common sense. If these shops have no demand, they will eventually close. If they continue to exist, it means people prefer them over whatever shop you have in mind, that's all."
"Western food in Malaysia sucks. Italian food is so-so"
] |
Ado's The First World Tour "Wish" 2024 Concert in Malaysia: Online Sale Details | /r/malaysia/comments/18tg5ea/ados_the_first_world_tour_wish_2024_concert_in/ | 6 | [
] | More info here: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/zNdnd5Ejjgd11EVt/?mibextid=xfxF2i | [
"bruh 3 zones only ahhhh :("
"Intourlive\nYeah, get ready to be double teamed by scalpers and promoters, with no lube"
"After the nonsense with the Yoasobi concert, imma just keep my expectations to get tickets for Ado as low as possible to avoid inevitable dissapointment...",
"Yikes, I wasn't in the know but what happened?",
"Website kept crashing nonstop, small venue and just loads of scalpers floating around social media selling overpriced tickets",
"Ado isn't as big as Yoasobi. Fingers crossed it would be easier to get."
] |
How to get out of hardselling? | /r/malaysia/comments/18ts3fc/how_to_get_out_of_hardselling/ | 31 | [] | SERIOUS REPLIES ONLY.
For context: I’m a relatively young woman in her 20s and has some hair loss problems which led to me going to a hair clinic to help with it
My hairloss problems are okay now, the hair has grown back but the hair clinic keeps trying to hardsell me their scalp care packages which is too fucking expensive and I can barely afford it with my shitty marketing job that pays peanuts.
I’m very socially awkward and shy and a total doormat so I said yes to it… I tried to get out of it but they explained through their science or whatever (who knows if its even true) and I was annoyed so I just said yes.
Worst part is the scalp care stuff is to help with my dandruff. I’ve been going to the clinic for about 9 months now and the dandruff is still there… girl…
Has anyone who has hairloss problems and goes this hair clinic (rhymes with scare loc) experienced the same thing?
Please help me get out of these hardsell packages. I CANT AFFORD TO KEEP PAYING RM300++ A SESSION FOR THIS SHIT…
At the moment, I’ve been trying to reschedule my appointments further apart to be able to pay for these things… Help a doormat like me say no. | [
"Ask your family member to go with you. Let them speak for you and just say NO",
"Or a friend. This is likely the best short term solution. Long term, you best talk to a psychologist/coach. Small investment to not get shafted again."
"Young lady you just have to say no. Do it a coupler of times and one day you won't feel guilty at all saying that."
"”I can’t afford to continue these payments”\nIt is that easy",
"that was the FIRST thing i tried.. and guess what they decreased the price to “student price” so i can “afford it”\nbelieve me… i’ve tried that way.",
"Then keep saying, I still cannot afford it. Until they shut up. At some point in life, you need to learn to be shameless and keep saying no to things you do not want.",
"In that case just tell them to fuck off 😂😂"
"Easiest way is to tell them you don’t have money. Ask them if 15RM a session is okay cause that’s all you can afford.",
"Hahaha, uno reverse low ball"
"Smack them with some honest google maps reviews"
"smile n say no, keep repeating"
"The earlier you learn to say no, the better, because this won't be the only time this happens to you in your life.\nOne thing to remember dealing with hardsellers:\nNEVER EXPLAIN WHY\nExplaining just gives them an opportunity in to sway you.\nJust say \"No thank you.\" If they ask why just repeat \"No thank you\" but offer no explanation until they get the message. Or if you're like me and ran out of fucks to give, I just say \"No thank you. I'm done and do not call me again\" and hang up without giving them a chance to reply.\nSociety raises a lot of women to be people pleasers, and it's horrible because salespeople use that to take advantage of them. Trust me when I say the earlier you learn to recognize this and stop being a people pleaser/doormat the better.",
"‘not explaining why’ is actually great advice!!! being short and concise… i will try it!! (after i finish this damn scalp care package like if i ady paid for it might as well go… unless? lol)",
"That is correct. You instruct. First say no. Then enforce. I said no. Enforce again. Which part of no did you not understand and raise your voice. Look at them. Eye contact. Learn to instruct not explain your decision. Similarly when you ask someone to do something. Instruct not explain."
"They don't like charge your card once a month or anything, right? Only when you go for the session? Then block the number to save yourself the stress.",
"no no, only during sessions. i dont have a credit card lol i dont wanna get into debt when i barely make money"
"Let me guess, OneDoc? My gf got into something similar and I ended up scolding her kaw kaw. Get someone close to you to help you."
"Dont say yes. Dont pay."
"That sounds like an expensive clinic. You might wanna give Dr. Ranjit Singh of Subang Jaya a try."
"Out of topic, but how can a shy socially awkward person works in marketing? How does that work",
"im also a theater kid so during interviews i just act outgoing and super upbeat so when i get the job, i can regress back into a hermit crab\nmy marketing job is more backend than dealing with clients and influencers sooooo yea"
"Go to a reputable dermatologist instead. I had problems with hair loss and dandruff (separate issues). Cause for hair loss was due to iron-defiency anemia. The doctor advised me to take iron pill for 3 months after which the hair loss significantly improved. He also gave lotion and shampoo for dandruff which worked well as long as I was using it."
"Had experienced with weight management package.\nThey kept forcing me to signup more and more package. They even coldcalling even after 6 months no longer with them.\nDo this:\nIf you schedule a session with them, don't turn up. Don't pickup their call.\nThey will keep forcing u, either you ignore them or block them."
"Here I thought only men can suffer from hair loss. Being honest about your financial situattion usually does the work for me with hardselling. You probably are too empathetic to reject them because you too are in similar line of work. But remember that just like you, they are used to get rejected. Be selfish, you go there to help yourself, not them. Pretending to talk on the phone usually works too, if they are too persistent."
"If the payment isn’t automatic or a subscription, just always say u are busy when they schedule an appointment."
"let me go with you next time"
"Just repeat \"No, thank you I'm not interested\". It's tiring but they have to make sales for commissions, it's okay to say no.\nTake this as an opportunity to practice \"thick face\" and say no."
"Just say \"NO\". Actually I realize many don't realize we can say no without giving reason. Keep repeat no on every sentence the sales says."
"Get yourself in a huge debt to motivate yourself to say no to hard sellers. Or just change clinic"
"I set myself a rule that if they are purposely targeting your insecurities, I will not allow myself to be spoken to in that manner.\nI will not allow my money to go to anyone that feels it’s appropriate to maliciously comment about my skin/weight/hair/etc. Once you understand that the salesperson are the problem, not your hair/scalp or anything else, it will be easier to say no!"
"Just learn to say NO.\nYour world opens up after..."
"Just say no. Counter offer? No. More offer? No. More blabbering? No. Start slowly walking out of the shop and give them a middle finger. That will stop them.\nWhich one is more important? Their business or your money? You decide. If you continue to act like a doormat then ofc your money is gonna be gone."
] |
Hannah Yeoh’s ministry report card for 2023 | /r/malaysia/comments/18tnl3y/hannah_yeohs_ministry_report_card_for_2023/ | 13 | [] | [
"Still a better report card than \"lawat kenduri\".\nActually.. anything is better than that."
"Oi u/Marathonjohns. Nah. Kasi lu :26554:",
"A mans gotta eat!"
"Why does number 6 count as pencapaian?\nAnd skrin besar for sport event has been done many times before no?\nThe rest is good",
"Mostly for jawatan2 belia i think and allocated budget for the deserved group. Like KJ was head of belia umno and he was 40 yo. 40 yo head with 20 yo head too much difference. But if you’re 30, will have the same fire and desire as 20 yo. This will make a good team to move the belia group.\nAlso most importantly, less people to claim e-belia rm200.",
"I see, it makes sense"
"and just like that, ministry report card are viewed as admirable, act of transparency by the ministers:26554:"
"none of those related to me, why even bother?",
"It's almost as if the government is supposed to help the whole population and not just you",
"I benefit nothing from them, what makes you think I would care about their their report? as matter of fact, I benefitted nothing from 90% of these \"ministers\""
"On socmed u get ppl calling her eh amoi, leng lui or just cina. That's just disrespectful."
"ministry report card jer.\nMana MP report card? Cries as Segambut district citizen."
] |
Gerbang Alaf Restaurants has requested BDS Malaysia to retract damaging statements, post an apology to McDonald’s Malaysia, and cease any actions that harm the company’s reputation. | /r/malaysia/comments/18u3h2q/gerbang_alaf_restaurants_has_requested_bds/ | 34 | [] | [
"BDS finally managed to piss off Melati Abdul Hai. She is a nice lady, but you do not want to piss her off.",
"She is the current Chief Marketing Officer at McDonald's Malaysia. She was put in charge back when McDonald's Corp (the global McDonald's) sold their Malaysian restaurants and the Malaysian McD license to a Saudi Investment Group. At the time the McDonald's brand in Malaysia was in the ropes and she turned it around. She is a very intelligent and nice woman until you piss her off. If you do, she will come at you with everything she has got and then some.\nSOURCE: I worked with her for many years.",
"She sounds badass, any story you are willing to share?",
"Only that she drove a lot of innovation on the digital advertising front. So much so that many of the other McDonald's worldwide including the US and Japan started emulating her strategies and McD Malaysia became the reference for digital advertising worldwide for McDonald's. But I don't know if that is still the case.",
"She sounds like the kind of boss you want. Somebody chosen on merit!",
"Isn’t the current CMO Eugene Lee?",
"Unless things changed recently, no. Eugene used to be under her, but moved to Singapore to work for McDonald's Corp as the marketing head for emerging markets. But I have been out of the loop for a while, so my info could be outdated."
"Reminder that BDS Malaysia is not formally part of the actual Palestinian run BDS movement, and that the main BDS movement does not call for a boycott of McDonald's:\nhttps://bdsmovement.net/make-an-impact",
"It is \"endorsed\" by or at least related to the main BDS Movement, and if you actually read the website, they mention that you should follow local campaigns.\nhttps://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott#:~:text=Check%20with%20BDS%20organisations%20in%20your%20country%20for%20the%20brands%20being%20targeted%20in%20your%20community.\nhttps://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/join-a-bds-campaign?country=Malaysia"
"Their logo says Justice, Freedom, Equality lmao. Does this include LGBT and ex-Muslims? Asking for a friend.",
"They are living in a delusion society or just being a random exploited puppet.",
"Selective freedom. Damn hypocrisy",
"Also no mention of justice for non-muslims aka kaffirs.",
"Only when theres Jews involved, there is news. For them.",
"Rules for thee, not for me",
"Ummmm, No! No, it does not.",
"Oh boy, this is not going to end well.\nI can already foresee the shitstorm on Facebook comment section."
"Ooh, this is an interesting conflict to see."
"Damn Terrorist Hamas gang"
"The opportunist in me wishes that this backfires so hard McD will further lower their price."
"Boikot bukan sebab support yahudi tapi sebab harga 'yahudi' pastu lepas makan lapar balik"
"Finally mcd will it put a nail in their coffin or ?"
"this is stupid, shit like this just gonna rouse more shit. should've weathered the storm.",
"Let’s see how it plays out first , too early to pass judgment whether it’s stupid or otherwise ."
"Want to boycott, go ahead. Dont need to speak ill of other ppl. Let the masses decide for themselves"
"I literally checked BDS Malaysia website, it has not made mention of boycotting McDonald's in its statements.\nWhat is Gerbang Alaf referring to here? Which statements are they asking to retract - can anybody point me to them?",
"https://bdsmalaysia.com/boycott/\nThere's literal Mcdonald's picture on there\nhttps://bdsmalaysia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/kempen-terkini-1024x1024.jpg\nhttps://bdsmalaysia.com/2023/10/15/press-statement-by-bds-malaysia-in-response-to-the-statement-by-mcdonalds-malaysia/\nWe note also that various McDonald’s franchisees in countries such as Turkiye, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar have announced efforts to provide aid to Palestinians. We further call on McDonald’s Malaysia to condemn Israeli genocidal policies.\nFailure to do the above will reflect McDonald’s Malaysia’s unconcerned stand as thousands of Palestinians are killed under Israeli bombs and may lead to calls for a boycott of all outlets here in Malaysia.\nHere they basically admits they're \"blackmailing\" Malaysia's Mcdonalds into making a statement against Israel, and also sending aid to Israel\nWhich they did within days\nBDS also said this\nJikalau McD Malaysia keluarkan kenyataan terbuka mengutuk jenayah pembunuhan beramai-ramai yg dilakukan oleh Israel terhadap warga Palestin, inshaAllah, BDS Malaysia akan keluarkan kenyataan bahawa McD bukan lagi dalam senarai sasaran syarikat utk diboikot di Malaysia.\nWhich they failed to do so even after Mcdonald's followed their threats",
"There's literal Mcdonald's picture on there\nYes, but you need to read what they said about that.\nBerkenaan McD, ia bukan target utama BDS Malaysia. Ia dalam kategori Grassroots organic boycott targets. Berikut penerangan berkenaannya: McDonald’s (AS), Burger King (AS), Papa John’s (AS), Pizza Hut (AS), WIX (Israel), dsb. kini disasarkan di beberapa negara melalui kempen boikot organik akar umbi. Ia bukan dimulakan oleh pergerakan BDS.\nFailure to do the above will reflect McDonald’s Malaysia’s unconcerned stand as thousands of Palestinians are killed under Israeli bombs and may lead to calls for a boycott of all outlets here in Malaysia.\nHere they basically admits they're \"blackmailing\" Malaysia's Mcdonalds into making a statement against Israel, and also sending aid to Israel\nThey're saying that the boycott is happening, but they didn't start it. And they were suggesting McDonald's to be more aggressive in condemning Israel to be clear on their stance, rather than tiptoeing around the issue.\nWhich they failed to do so even after Mcdonald's followed their threats\nDid McDonald's send out a statement condemning Israel?\nWhich they did within days\nThis isn't condemning Israel. This is them giving aid to Gaza. It doesn't mean a lot. Even Israel is giving aid to Gaza.",
"It doesn’t mean a lot? What did you do for them, mr. Keyboard warrior?",
"Sounds like one of the Fox News tactics of \"tacit agreement\", which should sound familiar to some on here:\n\"... if they're against the atrocities in Gaza, they would have mentioned an opposition against it and yet there isn't any. We are not saying they're supporting to the actions of the aggressors. Just asking the questions here, folks\".\n*deep frowns and silence, staring at the camera*"
"Less burgers less fat kids. All good."
"McDonald also to blame. No balls, want to kowtow to blackmailers. Have some backbone and integrity la. Stand strong till the end but instead kowtow to pressure from customers."
] |
Are those people calling for donation from National Cancer Society, National Kidney Foundation, etc by the roadsides and malls legit? | /r/malaysia/comments/18u64x2/are_those_people_calling_for_donation_from/ | 4 | [] | They are certainly growing in numbers and I noticed they always target those who are alone. They would usually ask for an auto debit transactions for donations. I do not mind donating but whenever they talk about payment methods something just feels off about it. What do you guys think? Have you donated? | [
"Legit. But they are middle people, not direct. Which means, they take a certain percentage from what you donate and give the rest to what organization hired them. That percentage is the problem. Some years back it became an issue. Those companies takes high percentage of the donation.\nYou give rm10, maybe rm1-2 actually goes to the organization."
"If you want to donate, check out their website and donate directly to them."
"Those MLM agents must be making a killing or the public is still this naive if they're more of them! Don't ever layan if they ask for your card details, they can easily take more than what's promised. If you have a busy life, you won't realise they've been siphoning you for years, going by some Google reviews.\nIf you call them to cancel, they'll make life difficult or manipulate you into a 'discount donation' to get you to stay on. Some even rage or beg to guilt trip you (\"Why did you agree to the plan then?\") The only way is to quietly change your card although it's a hassle.\nWe're not advising against donating to charity. Just not through middlemen. But if you really want to check how legit a charity is, look for the most recent financial statement or a proper customer careline instead of one general email (both of which I did not find with NCSM). Some NGO's donations might not even be tax claimable, despite what the agents say."
"Anyone can rent a spot at the mall.\nAnyone can create a website too. Check for the registered company and license, and their representatives/ physical location too.\nFor bank-in, should go into a registered company account etc."
] |
PAS appeals against RM656k award to Harakah printer | /r/malaysia/comments/18tj2g0/pas_appeals_against_rm656k_award_to_harakah/ | 38 | [
] | [
"harga sebijik alphard full spec. Gila punya la nak lari ngelat bayar hutang. This is basically chump change to pas. Yet the amount kung fu they are trying to do to not pay their dues shows what kind of people this people are.",
"This is just petty on PAS part"
"So, tak bayar hutang tu, halal tak?",
"Jangan tanya soalan susah...",
"PAS halalkan",
"By doing service to PAS PAS has granted them the payment of key to heaven , paying them in earthly money implies key to heaven to be lower than earthly bond , and that is sinful. Thus it’s actually a sin to pay them money.",
"This guy needs to go to the mental gymnastics Olympics."
"Screencap of entire article\n<image>"
"Just pay up what you owe and be done with it."
"brought to you by the most pious, religious, tolerance, transparent party. pathetic"
"Bayar jelah. 656k je. Bayar saman fitnah berjuta-juta banyak kali ada pulak duit. Cuba berhenti buat fitnah, mesti banyak duit. Taklah orang tu bankrap sebab tak dibayar."
"Not surprise since pas really like to lowball debt. Finally it will end as “consider as charity work is much better rather than asking to pay debt”."
"Kenapa PAS tak boleh bayar ni? Ini ke parti agama yang paling hebat? Aduh."
"Is there something that the public is missing??",
"PAS is trying to get out of payment by saying the old harakah company \"doesn't exist anymore\"\nThey would then need to pay to the owner directly, instead of the company\nSure, it's stupid, and the court obviously thinks so, but their logic basically boils down to \"if bankrupt companies does not need to pay their debts , why can they claim their receivables\"",
"I'm pretty sure the old harakah company folded because PAS never paid them. Went bankrupt. Makes this entire debacle even sadder/funnier, depending on who you are.",
"The funnier thing is the new Harakah Company is obviously owned by new gen.\nThe old company was biased as fuck, but it was still written professionally by journalists\nThe new one... It's basically if you took your average cybertrooper and ask him to write articles",
"The reply should be, \"kubur kira ke kalau lunaskan hutang begini?\"",
"They kinda need to claim their receivables to get out of bankruptcy.\nIf anything, those who can't pay their receivables should be the one declaring bankrupcy"
"Ini semua salah DAP and PMx",
"80% of Harakah's content is that",
"Still salah DAP no matter what.. Pas supporter catch a cold still DAP fault"
"The founder of the printing company was in the ICU and in critical condition two weeks ago.",
"They better pay up quickly before he dies"
"Can afford to buy a Mazda and Merc for the whole gang but can't pay to a printing company",
"Again...jangam tanya soalan susah..."
"Pay up suckers. Just dig into the flush funds you stole from the people of Kelantan for decades, go on less trips to Golok for a while and maybe ram each other instead.\nFuck PAS. Hope God sends all you lot and your supporters to Hell.",
"Ya sure hell want to accept this lot?"
"Sembang agama tapi hutang don't wanna pay. Typical PAS lol"
"file appeal ade duit pulak…hais"
"PAS can do shit like this and still have moral high ground to their supporters. It’s asinine. If one of the most successful and wealthy parties wouldn’t even pay off their due debts to struggling entities, then why does anyone think they will be a good leader for Malaysia?",
"Because their God said so 💁♂️"
"PN pipu ada hati beli kereta mewah. Tukar nama je jadi PArtiSetan."
"I had a similar experience when I worked overseas. There was a Baptist pastor who probably got his credentials from a night school bible college for paroled convicts. He would dress shabby when putting in his orders for his church newsletter but would be wearing gold rings and necklaces and driving a new Cadillac when he came pick it up. Always tried to lowball or take the product on credit or in exchange for blessings but we wouldn't give in.\nAlternatively, a few Catholic nuns and priests would come in and would be extremely polite and pay on time.\nSo the lesson is if they try to not pay, or con you, then they're not very religious in the first place."
"Owe money, pay money la. If not just ask RM100 from each member. Memperbodohkan rule of law je."
"Iblis pas",
"That sounds like a badass metal band name."
"Appeals? Kasi PAS bungkus... Then they ask for donations, then kasi the donaters bungkus..."
] |
Increase in divorce cases among teachers who failed in their transfer requests | /r/malaysia/comments/18tllh0/increase_in_divorce_cases_among_teachers_who/ | 0 | [
] | [] |
Uproar over govt move to tax traditional, complementary medicine | /r/malaysia/comments/18u3asv/uproar_over_govt_move_to_tax_traditional/ | 3 | [
"Economy & Finance"
] | [
"Prosecute corrupted people?\nGov : Nope\nattempt to introduce policy to reduce corruption?\nGov : Nope\nSlowly cut subsidy to cut expenses, keep inflation managable?\nGov : Nope, lets put target subsidy that hurt M40/T20 salary earn more than a factory owner that make B40 product.\nGov : also to keep our debt managable, we will raise tax instead."
"“According to my understanding, Western medicine and modern medicine are not subject to any taxation, so why are TCM services subject to taxes? This is clearly unfair and unreasonable to TCM practitioners and patients.”\nComparing 'traditional' and 'complementary' medicines in any way as if it is as effective as 'Western' medicine is laughable, especially since the recent pandemic has shown in real time that 'Western' medicine such as vaccines and boosters have been far more effective at saving lives than whatever nonsense 'traditional' herbal remedies and the like can possibly offer.\nI welcome the government's move to tax these 'alternative medicine', and I hope this drive people to instead use actually effective evidence-based medicine than these medical quackery.\nPeople should be free to choose whatever method of healthcare they want, but stipulate that people must be informed as to the safety and efficacy of whatever method they choose. People who choose alternative medicine may think they are choosing a safe, effective medicine, while they may only be getting quack remedies. Grapefruit seed extract is an example of quackery when multiple studies demonstrate its universal antimicrobial effect is due to synthetic antimicrobial contamination.\nThose who have had success with one alternative therapy for a minor ailment may be convinced of its efficacy and persuaded to extrapolate that success to some other alternative therapy for a more serious, possibly life-threatening illness. For this reason, critics contend that therapies that rely on the placebo effect to define success are very dangerous. Scientifically unsupported health practices can lead individuals to forgo effective treatments and this can be referred to as “opportunity cost”. Individuals who spend large amounts of time and money on ineffective treatments may be left with precious little of either, and may forfeit the opportunity to obtain treatments that could be more helpful. More research must be undertaken to prove the effectiveness of complimentary therapies before they can be incorporated in formal medical practice. Sufficient evidence is required for biological or clinical plausibility in order to justify the investment of time and energy in exploring the merits of alternative medicine. After all, human life is precious and no chances can be taken to comprise the health of any individual.\nComplementary and Alternative Healthcare: Is it Evidence-based?",
"When I got covid a few months after getting the second shot, taking Lianhua Qingwen really help me to cope with the fever.\nRingworm is very nasty skin infection. Using a chinese med that I bought from shopee really help someone I know with this problem (she has tried many type of meds from pharmacy & doctors but with no success, sometimes the infection gone for a while but always come back). That Chinese med is really good for many types of skin diseases too.\nA rm1 lice treatment for my cats that bought from shoppee is as good as than rm50 western one. Plus, the lice didn't come back after a few weeks.\nTaking ashwaganda continuously for two months help me lowering my bp significantly compare to years of taking doctor's prescribed meds.\nSo, my point is not all western medicine is good & not all traditional medicine is snake oil."
] |
Don't use hazard lights when driving in the rain, says JKJR | /r/malaysia/comments/18tgnxm/dont_use_hazard_lights_when_driving_in_the_rain/ | 47 | [] | [
"This had been a standing issue for a long time already. Those people just dont care.",
"huh. I use them to signal \"Thanks\" e. g. when some fella give me way. It's nice when the fella also hazard light flash back :29091:",
"I blame Badawi who told people to use hazard lights in the rain"
"This really grinds my gears when people do this lah.\nJust wait and see some poor person gonna be broken down on the road (shoulder or emergency lane) during a downpour and then some dipshit slams into their vehicle from behind because “semua orang buka lampu hazard masa hujan.”\nAs usual Malaysians tunggu high profile fatalities baru react. “Never expect this lah. Tak pernah terfikir akan berlaku.”\nBlah fucking blah. No, no and a thousand fucking times no. The authorities said no but then everyone thinks they know better so nothing changes.\nI guess rule of thumb is drive like everyone is a moron or psychopath on the road and maybe, just maybe you’re safe.\nOk end rant.",
"Sadly you can drive like a saint but one red light runner is all you need to end up in the hospital/garage shop.\nI literally had that experience. Green light, tunggu 2saat, coast is clear. Bergerak. BAM.\nBabi."
"The only way is education, reminders, enforcement, punishment",
"How do you punish drivers in this instance? Stop them in the middle of the heavy rain to summon them?",
"Or you know cameras and npr like most countries do traffic enforcement",
"Nah it's easier to close eye and eat bribes.\nImagine if we had a country where the bloody motosikal riders actually had consequences to their actions."
"Yup. Turn your headlamp/fog lamp or can turn on highbeam if heavy rain and your visibility is poor in that situation. Hazard light means got hazard/emergency. Dont let people confused. Drive with caution in heavy rain and slow traffic. This law is not only in Malaysia btw some others country also implement it."
"Just gonna come out and say it...\nThere are a lot of people who should not be allowed to drive in this country.\nIt's infuriating when one obeys the traffic laws and sees literally everyone else being absolute fuck wads with virtually no repercussions.\nHazards when driving, double parking, not keeping up with the pace of traffic, lane hogging, lack of lane discipline, the lost goes on.\nBut of course, most people just brush it off as \"it's Malaysia ma, what to do\".\nThe \"tidak apa\" attitude is the norm."
"It's so funny how people are confidently wrong about the actual functionality of hazard lights. Maybe I don't know it's in the name..if downpour is so bad there is banjir ahead and I'm slowing down significantly lower than the speed limit, mmh..I wonder if that maybe a harazadrous scenario in which I might want to inform the drivers coming up on my rear about...now if only there was an international driving signal for hazard up ahead 🤔"
"Thus thread proves people need to go through drivers ed again."
"I used hazard lights once in the rain. My dad was driving me and he suddenly felt chest pain, I took over the wheel to send him to a clinic, I was 13 and only learnt to drive from Gran Turismo so I knew other cars had to be alert of my presence."
"I think using hazard light during heavy rain is still a debatable issue. There is one time, heavy rain pour jn a heavy traffic and it’s barely seen what in front of the car. Car in front switch on hazard light and helps to increase it’s visibility. So its a total of car’s brake light, third light and hazard light to help be more visible. Keep in mind that rain in Malaysia is one of the heaviest downpours in the world.",
"Nope, not even top 10 heaviest",
"It's not a debatable issue. The authority says no, so no.",
"People need to go back to driving school to learn back wtf hazard lights are used for",
"Who give a fuck what they authority say. Do what is safest",
"If everybody turnon hazard during low visibility then how would you differentiate between if somebody is just trying to increase their car visibility vs their car actually broke down in the middle of the road and has to stop?",
"The safest is for everyone to follow the rules. People thinking they know better than everyone else is the reason that Malaysia has such a high road accident rate.",
"I get that, but one time, the rain were so heavy, it is almost impossible to gauge the distance between cars, and visibility were so low, like barely a few meters and I am already driving super slow. I am thankful the car in front of me actually pull out his hazard light because it allows me to gauge the distance carefully and the dude's car were greyish with really not so visible red light (again, due to heavy rain). For some reason, the traffic keeps going at different speed and that hazard light was extra helpful. Additionally, it was during dawn and not at night so for some reason, it is harder to see the redlight? Again, Idk. Maybe its the blinking effect that make it easier to see. I ain't no traffic or light scientist, but it does help me on that time. I am not rich so I don't have some fancy light setting either. Just normal stuff.\nI am not advocating nor supporting, but just saying it does help me on that time. Just some anecdotal stuff. And again, it was not normal rain, it was some extra heavy rainfall during Monsoon season + La Nina stuff.",
"I mean, username checks out, I guess.",
"The safest is to not turn on the lights",
"Modern sedans have dedicated fog lights to address this issue. Hazard lights should be reserved for its purpose, letting people know its a hazard.",
"Some new cars in their entry level specs don't have fog lights tho",
"Do you think everyone drive modern sedan?",
"Doesn't change the fact that hazard lights should still be used for a stopped vehicle.",
"Read the article or not?",
"You'd be even more visible if you stuck disco lights on your dick and swung it outside the window but it doesn't mean you should do it. If you're told not to do it don't do it dude.",
"I encountered this situation before, rain so heavy that it was hard to see pass 5 m in front. Even with fog light/front light/any light that available on, car in front are still barely noticeable until someone turn on hazard light, and everyone else follow. It does make them more visible with this blinking light to me. Oh ya,although it was raining at evening, the sky are still bright. The rain drop become silvery white colour, so a yellowish light does stand out more in that scenario.",
"I know this rain type. Worst than the most f'd up haze because your windscreen is fogging up too",
"no = no. plus there are those that keep going left or right of the lane and you wouldn't know because of the hazard light. AND should stop and reat if visibility is really bad. it's already at risk and by having disorientating signal to other road users increases that risk. no = no.",
"Why need hazard light and not just turn signals?"
"Why, though? Not every car has strong taillight, and some car colors are less visible in rainy days. My first highway accident is in such a condition; tip #4 is trash because visibility is less than 5m, how the fuck do you know you are tailgating/tailgated or not? The only way I saw the car in front was because it had hazard light ON, and I got hit from behind because I wasn't (and my car was silver).\nHazard light means take extra care/caution because car is in hazardous state i.e. In a heavy rain. Else why not call it STOP light, as the \"tips\" imply its name is literal but used the WRONG definition for \"amaran/ bahaya\"?",
"it's all down to the meaning of how it is meant to be used. cause if a car is stationary or to indicate distress, they flip the hazard lights on mis-using it can lead to dilution and things lose their meaning like they are seemingly so nowadays.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotive_lighting#Hazard_warning_signal\nNot every car has a strong taillight, but they can maintain a safer distance and drive slower.",
"Again, can't judge a safe distance if can't see vehicle in front. Following a blinking light is better than guessing.\nDilute their meaning? I guess that means hazard = stop now? Read yoyr own fucking link\nThis function is meant to indicate a hazard such as a vehicle stopped in or near moving traffic, a disabled vehicle, a vehicle moving substantially slower than the flow of traffic such as a truck climbing a steep grade, or the presence of stopped or slow traffic ahead on a high speed road.\nHAZARD LIGHT IS NOT A STOP LIGHT",
"If you are moving and have your hazard lights turned on, how are you going to indicate when you're going to switch lanes?",
"Do I look like I'm going to switch lane in a hazardous situation? Lmao",
"Again read the rules, stop interpreting your own even if you think it doesn't make sense that's how alot of countries see it as, i did not say it is a STOP light you dolt, the links first line also clearly says its not.\nEven if you don't like the rules it does not make it any less clear.\nAgain, can't judge a safe distance if can't see vehicle in front. Following a blinking light is better than guessing.\nYou are not able to judge the distance because you are in the front vechicles water wake then give it a longer distance especially in rainy day; give things some distance and you will see clearly.",
"Then stop telling me to only use HAZARD light when I stop.\nAnd no, the rain itself reduce visibility. You're malaysian? I doubt you've driven in the rain."
"i dunno about you, but if the car in front of me pops their hazard lights that means they are coming to a sudden stop and you should too.\nit works fine in Thailand, it has also never caused me issues when driving in Malaysia. Every damn light helps when you are driving in torrential rain that car wipers were never designed for.\nIf you think someone is popping hazard lights to make a turn you're a bodoh."
"I only use it when there were heavy rain that traffic slows due to high water level. We already have break lights on in such situations, hazard lights add a stronger message.",
"hazard lights add a stronger message\nthere you have it, boys. it’s all about sending a stronger message. we need to be firm about it. if it means going to war against JKJR, so be it!\nedit: forgot my /s",
"Duh if all cars are braking constantly, all red lights you think in heavy rain they can differentiate with a complete stop in the middle of the rain. A lot of morons couldnt and thats when shit happens."
"I turn my hazard lights on because i am a hazard. I cant see the car in front and behind me during heavy rain. I have perfect vision but despite slowing down and keeping left, i have difficulty seeing and therefore require the car in front to turn on the hazard lights in order for me to maintain distance"
] |
Bugatti EB110 in Malaysia again | /r/malaysia/comments/18tn801/bugatti_eb110_in_malaysia_again/ | 2 | [] | found this pic on FB
rupanya owner ni selalu pergi workshop brader ni untuk cat balik kereta dia.
owner cakap Malaysia banyak exotic cars cuma "sorok bawah selimut" | [
"Beautiful car"
"Whaaaa, I thought Malaysia won't ever have any"
] |
Biker always stop at pedestrians walkway at traffic light 😅 police there also never tegur. | /r/malaysia/comments/18th6u5/biker_always_stop_at_pedestrians_walkway_at/ | 46 | [
] | Bad attitude. | [
"police sendiri pun blocking the pedestrian walkway",
"Betul 😅 bad culture",
"They're all just lepak over there",
"Guess where does the police cut out from ?"
"Our traffic laws will never work if motorbikes can still do whatever they want. At least once a day I'm face to face with a motor going the wrong way.",
"We'll always be a developing nation and not a developed nation",
"Sorry to break it to you but the definition of a developed nation is mainly about its state of economy with high income and standard of living. The citizens mentality and behaviour is not considered as part of the criteria. If that is important, US will be the first to be out of the list as a portion of their population still seems to believe they are still living in the 1800s going wild with guns everywhere."
"Pedestrians are the lowest caste here, no doubt"
"Actually king of the road is not Myvi but motorbikes coz traffic laws somehow not applies to them and they are immune to it anyway",
"Against traffic. Go wrong way 😓",
"Just look at those Shopee food, food panda and grab",
"Memang teruk. Hit my car because they go wrong way",
"Later show you wallet only got rm10 …. “Tolong bang … tak Ada duit”",
"This is standard script 😎"
"usj 7?",
"USJ1. Happen every morning. As the cross bridge been removed for construction then pedestrians can only walk on the road, but biker less considerate 😅",
"That bridge been closed off for almost a year because of safety issues. If not mistaken some tiles fell onto traffic below.",
"This is new",
"You stay USJ1 ? Sometime when traffic police there to guide the traffic will be more worst than without them. 😓",
"I was wondering when tf did the bridge collapsed. They removed it to construct what?",
"Will build bridge from Mydin direct to kewajipan. And bridge to kesas. 👍🏻",
"Gg traffic going to be even more horrible during the construction phase",
"Yes. Expected. But for better future then have to tahan🥲",
"Another flyover. Supposedly to ease congestion."
"Polis semua tak boleh pakai.",
"I know that intersection. They're actually working. Or to be precise, they're on standby. That's a very jam area daily and when it becomes unbearable at a certain time (before work and after work), they take over from the traffic lights.\nTraffic police don't wait in office until traffic jam happens and then spend 15-20 minutes to arrive there. They're on standby nearby so that when start jam, they can enter immediately.",
"Sometimes traffic police is seen but sometimes not. I don’t get it why they don’t just fix the traffic timing instead?"
"I hate bikers, they just do whatever they want and hon you like they own the road.",
"I got my bike license this year, and I truly want to respect the law, but if I stand behind cars at traffic lights, cars bully me. If I respect the speed limit, cars tailgate me. If I stop before the white line, cars pushes me. The only way I have to stay alive on the road is defensive driving."
"in Malaysia bikes > everything else"
"fun fact, did you know that it's also illegal for motorcyclists to ride on the emergency lane? but they all don't give a rats ass and laugh in the face of \"laws\"",
"Why you don't understand their plight and how much they suffer having to ride bikes... why can't you give them this leeway ?? /s\nBasically more or less the argument I see often when people defend motorcycles."
"Polis busy talking la."
"If they are on duty, they can actually park wherever they want. If they are on duty la. If they just decide to lepak there for no reason, then its wrong."
"Not a good PR pic for the team"
"Damn here in the morning confirm jam😭",
"Been there every morning can confirm. Even more worse when there’s traffic blocking the yellow boxes right at the middle of intersection"
"I’m quite sure our polis actually don’t know shit about our own law. They are only being told to do certain jobs, and that’s all they will do. Otherwise, “why bother?”",
"Maybe some of them yes."
"USJ 7 moment"
"Lmao, and look at their bellies, i thought they have bmi requirements??",
"They don’t care"
] |
Is this scam in Georgetown? | /r/malaysia/comments/18u4qbf/is_this_scam_in_georgetown/ | 10 | [
"Tourism & Travel"
] | I (F, solo) arrived in Georgetown last night, while on the street a guy comes to me and asked if I can help him take a pic, his camera is so blurry so I told him it wouldn’t look good, he agreed and then said could you help me take pic over there with the street art? I said yes but the pic wouldn’t look good as you can see how bad the picture quality can get, it only captures the color and light but no details at all, he then said, well thank you and I’m going to have some tea would you like to come? I said no my friends are waiting for me, he then shook my hand and said goodbye. I feel this is such a weird conversation and got more alert. After meeting with my friends (yeah I did have friends waiting for me), another guy come to us and ask for money to help me get some food and pick his mom at home, we were really trying to help so asked a lot questions but there’re so many loopholes in his stories so we have to let the guy deal with his own issues.
I feel these two are both scammers, and if they are, what the hell? That a normal thing in Georgetown? Need to be more vigilant | [
"if those who come and ask for money giving you sad stories then yea its a scam.\nAs for inviting you for tea or a drink at a nearby coffee stall, so far in malaysia we dont have such scam yet, thry cant bring you to a kopitiam and get you charged for rm50 for a coffee. But still, just reject for your own safety."
"I just read a thread in r/travel by a woman who was traveling in Barcelona and was asked out to tea by a random stranger. She declined, but someone mentioned it’s a scam where you go out and are eventually presented with a huge bill.",
"\"She was about to get teabagged in Barcelona...\""
"Dude’s so ugly his camera thinks his face is NSFW and blurred it out."
"Most likely you’re targeted because you don’t look like a local."
"Scam and vigilante more\nSorry it happen to you\nU probably stand out a lot since it is foreigner and u are soloing travelling , best be careful and dont go out at 11pm onward"
"If anybody looks to you for money or randomly asking you out for tea, it's most likely a scam. They'll put on sad face, wear dirty clothes and look pitiful to play with your emotions. Locals don't entertain random strangers like that, do be careful."
"The second one is probably a scam. It happened to me too. A man on a bike asked me if I'm a foreigner and speak English and I said yes. He said he needed money because he forgot his wallet. He only has his phone. I asked him why doesn't he use his phone to call a friend to help him? Or he can use his bike and ride back home. Then he left angry."
"Asking money usually scam but I think it's normal to invite tourist to have a tea or coffee if they already intended to go for a tea prior to meeting the tourist. Quite common in Penang. Don't think it's a scam."
] |
Malaysians have 3 months to update info in Padu database ( No Update No Subsidy ) | /r/malaysia/comments/18tm2n1/malaysians_have_3_months_to_update_info_in_padu/ | 31 | [
"Science/ Technology"
] | PUTRAJAYA: Malaysians will be given a three-month period until March 31 next year to update and verify their information with the national Central Database System (PADU).
Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli said the public can start updating their information after the launch of Padu by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on Jan 2.
The minister added that no action will be taken against those who do not update their information in the database system.
However, Rafizi said those involved are at risk of being excluded from receiving targeted subsidies that will use updated data in PADU later.
"According to its mandate, PADU is tasked with providing the most accurate household profiles for the targeted reassignment of subsidies.
"If you do not update your data, there is no problem, but if you do not receive (subsidies), don't be angry," he said at a press conference here today. | [
"Knowing malaysians, many will rush to update on the 30th of march, and then system crash. And finally gov give extention."
"This came abruptly. Previously sounds like automatically get our info somewhere. Now suddenly want us to do data entry lol. I highly doubt 3 months is enough"
"Let's see how this goes"
"Why do we need to update it? Can't they just access our data from LHDN?",
"LHDN doesn't have info on the b40...they don't file taxes",
"they should use the e-kasih database instead. its a dedicated database for poverty. kementrian pembagunan wanita are tasked to kept this db updated.",
"If you want subsidies you MUST work for it 🫣🫣🫣😬",
"This is a tough one to be honest.\nAssuming they couldn't get the data otherwise, on one hand I don't want to trust the gomen with my personal info.\nOn the other hand, I also don't want to pay the current pam hijau rates for petrol 😅",
"agreed. I don't trust the government with personal info."
"Do T20s have a reason to do it? Seems like it’s just handing over data that could be another avenue for a leak.",
"Only those who are eligible for subsidies so T20 don't need to bother unless you want to update your personal info for the gov",
"Better update lor mana tau if you living with old parents can get subsidi using parents info or if give subsidies depend on your vehicle maybe you drive myvi that usually a b40 car",
"They want to trace all groups so that more data on which person pay taxes. Lots of so call b40 have ubregistered bussinesses. Same like t20. So yeah, indirectly have better track and potential nation revenue"
"how do you relay this information so people that actually need it knows they have to update their information?\nsms\ntv adds from 7pm to 10pm\n4 social media posting\n:26554:"
"Im actually 50/50 on this. With mydigital id couple with this padu. With so much information in 1 place, its just a matter of time the gov do something like social credit follow china. They already have all the resources to do so.\nAnd given a gov thats easily koyak, I dont think its impossible.\nYou banyak bunyi, cut social credit, if below certain score, cannot receive any gov subsidy or any form of assistance.\nTill now, they have yet to release any info how they going to determine a person is eligible for subsidy. How do they calculate. The only info they gave is no longer b40, m40 and t20.",
"Yep, this is the endgame. Folks here seem chill about it but imagine a PAS-Bersatu coalition with that kind of power...",
"PAS bersatu ministers never threaten openly to send police car to persons house, or actively control and monitor the media. Im actually more worried with this gov. They are too trigger happy.",
"That’s essentially the end goal. It’s all wrapped in a beautiful package as “subsidies” now. Once they have all they need, it’s a centralized surveillance system.\nUpdate your face and spotted location from CCTV (states now starts using AI CCTV), use it for election targeting as now they have your real and up-to-date address to precisely determine the demographic, monitor your movements (they can effectively do this when you need to scan or show your “PADU” authentication during payment of petrol), monitor your transactions (again, through the authentication) and many more you could do with centralized database.\nRemember people, information is currency, think twice before you take any further action.",
"Social credit, the crab form of government policy.",
"Sooner or later, digitalized ringgit."
"Where to do it?",
"wait 2/1/24 ,pmx need to launch it 1st"
"The meta is changing"
"Sounds like some Gestapo shit here"
"Why is there a deadline to begin with? What happens to people who start/stop working after 30th of March? Getting married and having new child? The population changes over time no?\nDoesn't sound like a central database to me if it has to involve data entry from the user.\nFrom the article they even mentioned that the data isn't flowing freely within the government. It sounds like a yet-another-separated-system to me.",
"Have some faith in PMX he is the chosen one to lead Malaysia to more glory"
"I'm just worried there will be another data leak like what happened to EPF recently, and I strongly feel that it's not a matter of \"if\", but \"when\" that will happen.\nOn the other hand I also don't want to potentially lose out on subsidies, so I guess I'm just going to drag and finally cave in and update at the last minute"
"Anybody already done it? What kind of data is it asking?\nHome address and current income?",
"Not yet launch, just preliminary notification"
"I though they have those data during occasinal banci thingy... wtf..."
"Will never give info to the Gov. Becarefull what we share to them."
] |
Malaysia's Pride! Young Malaysian Eco-champion Calls For Global Climate Action By Reflecting On Local Flood Disasters At The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) | /r/malaysia/comments/18u2z4y/malaysias_pride_young_malaysian_ecochampion_calls/ | 1 | [
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"I am happy more young people who are concerned and involved are recognised by the minister. I am sure this is not a PR stunt by NN. These young people must not just talk and blow hot air but go down to the grown to survey the actual flood areas and recommend what can be done for the causes and effects."
] |
Can we someday have a law where we report highbeam sohais for cash or have their license revoked:/ literally so fed up with these fuckers | /r/malaysia/comments/18tm7da/can_we_someday_have_a_law_where_we_report/ | 145 | [] | Been behind me for fucking half an hour sien | [
"<image>\nTime to do this",
"I wish this is legal",
"I did it on my car… so far it is safe… just be careful always turn off if not in use.",
"Show us the mod please. I'd like to do it too but I drive hatchbacks",
"No problem just make your break light Bright and when at traffic just hold your break light it going to be annoying for them",
"...but this requires braking. Usually on the road, this happens on highways where you don't brake for extended periods of time.\nThere's really no way to win",
"Alright teknik cari gaduh, let him overtake you than chase him and high beam him from behind",
"Been there when young, nowadays I just mencarut and let them overtake",
"Brake check him until he overtakes you, or he gets down the car and fight you.\nEither way, there's drama!",
"Halo pulis, akta hasutan candidate here",
"Cannot lah unless you don’t plan on stopping in front of regular ppl for sure will have collateral damage as well, then u become asshole too",
"A friend of mine bought a silver navara and he stick some kind of silver reflector sticker and the back of the truck.",
"Counter Beam: Lampu offensive"
"I curse 7 generations of theirs to the deepest pits of hell.\nOn top of being fucking annoying, it's also extremely dangerous as the glare obscures the vision - it's especially hard to tell when motorcyclists are coming through.\nThese are the kinds of sohais I wish there was \"social justice\" for. Fucking had it with these sohais.",
"Bro, u dont say. Most motor use high beam also.",
"I’m sorry man… try to fix it, but still if i put on low beam it goes to high beam… if i put it on high beam it goes to high beam… bike parts are not getting cheap. 💀",
"Put tape on the top half of ur front light. Now its a low beam. Your welcome :>",
"That’s actually what i did yesterday",
"Did it work",
"Amazingly enough… yes…"
"You can email jpj. Include your details and what you believe the other car did wrong. Include the plate number of the car. Video or photo of the vehicle with the offence. Plate number must be clear.",
"Was assuming jpj wouldn’t give a damn even if I sent them something but if u tried it. Does it work?",
"They do. Not sure about jpj, but the police traffic 1 is proven to work. A friend of mine once got a court summon because he rode his motorcycle against a 1 way street. Someone reported him.\nSo im guessing jpj also works.",
"Ah I’ll try it soon then",
"My experience on the other hand, is that i reported some lorries driving dangerously, over speed limit and obviously overweight (like it is going to explode) to the number they always put behind the lorries (aduan sila sms blabla number). This is in the era where the sms to 5 digit number is the norm. Didnt get any response, dont know if my report is in or not, taken care of or not."
"It doesn't matter what law, these sohais will always be there to announce their stupid presence... Just slow down, let them pass... & you can have your revenge if you want to... Just a waste of time to even think about them..."
"If you are not on the right lane (overtaking lane), then just flip the rear review mirror on your r/kereta.\nIf you are actually on the right lane, get out of the lane",
"I don't think OP would dare take pic if traffic is fast. The vehicle is moving slowly that's why he is able to take a pic hahaha"
"I will purposely slow the car to the point they cannot tahan and overtake me. No rage on both side and problem gone. Doesn't take half an hour. Works everything.",
"This is what I usually do... I take my leg off the accelerator, and just let the car cruise until it crawls.. No aggressive sudden brakes since that's dangerous.",
"I did once, except it wasn't a highway. It was a two lane road and I am already on the left lane. The idiot think it is funny to follow behind me with lampu so bright when the right lane is empty.\nSo I just promptly indicate left, and proceed to stop and park on the side of the road.\nIt was midnight too so there is no one else around on the road so it is so obvious when he passed me I immediately get back on the road again behind him calmly continue driving.\nYou can't argue with stupid. Best is to let them be on their way."
"Pullover, get behind him, revenge",
"I’d love to but I’m a relatively new driver and Honda city brakes kinda shit",
"Your tyres suck. I drive a Honda City sometimes and never had an issue. If you don't have a gear selector hope your auto gear has a selector as that helps slow the front section of your car.\nCar brakes can easily out break tyre grip. Modern cars have abs so it makes you think your brakes are terrible as they don't lock. When your tyres don't grip abs won't let you over brake and lock the tyres.\nGrab an OBD2 device and see if abs trips when braking. If it does it's a problem with your tyres.",
"Too professional. Put it in words monke like me can understand. But basically what’s a oBD2 and yeah idk much bout cars as well gotta say, shud I get Michelin tires?",
"Michelin sucks kinda lol. Go continental.\nOBD2 is a diagnostic port. When there's no grip abs releases the brakes to prevent your tyres locking which causes flat spots and reduced braking distance. If you feel your brakes suck check your tyres. Make sure they are also filled too. When a safety feature triggers it usually gets logged which you can read from any computer plugged into the OBD2 port. In some cases your brakes may not be working properly like your fluid levels being too low however most of the time people don't realise their tyres are worn or are using terrible tyres.",
"Michelin primacy and pilot sport series is actually good",
"the 2 main brands are michelin and continental, and there are many sub brands or brands connected to them. The michelin side dont even last 5 years, only 2 years. Continental is about 5 years in practice.\nDespite what they say about their life time, the in practice part is down to rubber degradation not wear, based on my experience. My used car initially came with michelin, and based on the year needed changing despite 2 years. I had an accident with them, no grip then suddenly super grip and burst.\nMy mums honda city came with continentals, been stuck with them and worked great, 4-5 years between changes with the exception of the tyre bursting from very very bad pot holes. I switch my used car to one of continental sub brands and its been decent.",
"Yeah I mean other Michelin maybe questionable but FWIW Primacy and Pilot Sport is actually good in my experience",
"Aite noted my guy",
"Pilot sports 5 is one of the best tyres ive ever used on the road and that coming from a guy who used to track a lot locally and internationally and have used slicks and semi slicks",
"Yeah even their primacy tyres are good",
"the problem is their life span, not initial performance. Mine caused an accident being just 2 years old. No grip, suddenly super grip, burst and crash.",
"My last pilot sport 4 lasted well into its 5th year whilst i waited for the pilot sport 5 to ve released. Im not sure about cheaper offerings from them as i have always made it a point to invest in good tyres usually top of the line as i am a fast driver in a decently powerful car. I can't say much about your experience as I've not experienced it but I'd recommend using nitrogen for better lifespan, slower loss of pressure, maybe checking for uneven wear, rotate the tyres etc.",
"Nitrogen part not true. Mine is an ecobox. The problem I had was rubber degrading and I have to park outside. Our affordable houses don't have garages.\nThe only place where nitrogen is used is aeronautics. The high heat can cause the oxygen to combust and the uneven gas heat capacity would be an issue. So I bet where you fill is a scam because most of air is nitrogen.\nSure mine aren't performance tyres but not everyone can afford a lot of money for high performance tyres. If the main brands regular tyres rubber last long that's the minimum. There's trade off in a lot for design though and the tyres I once had the biggest complaint was life span and was a common complaint.",
"Ill counter argue that nitrogens benefits come from lower wear over time when it comes to the steel lines in your tyres which can affect longevity. It also requires less refill in general as it is more stable. Proof in case i drop 5 to 10 psi (low profile tyres) over a month compared to conventional air through gas station compressors that sees that every 2 weeks. If you like, I'll share my logs through 2023. Its minute in detail but is worth it in the long run. Again granted, very heavy driving and fast corners (empty roads only. I dont let loose when there's cars around)\nI totally get where you're coming from. I do. Ive been broke through most of this year thanks to many things affecting the business but if you dont mind my 2 cents, your tyres are the only thing connecting you to the roads. Its worth maybe saving 50 a month over 3 years for an upgrade. It keeps you safe, protect you from idiots and granted our weather, it'll minimise dangers from puddles on our shitty roads. It really does cut through the waters extremely well. Great stopping distance, handling, reliability really does go a long way to protect your investment and yourself.\nI don't mean to offend. Just sharing my thoughts as i do believe in the importance of good tyres and what it brings to your table.\nEdit: my nitrogen refills are free of charge even when i buy my tyres from elsewhere.",
"You don't need to be near for high beams to work. They are literally meant to be bright far away",
"The car brakes shit not cause of the brand. It's cause there's something wrong with it. Get your brakes checked. If that shop say it's like that fk that shop and go another.",
"It's the tyres. Abs is preventing the wheels locking so you can't tell. If tyres don't grip abs don't brake.",
"can you explain 'brakes kinda shit'",
"Or just change to another lane, slow down, let him pass, and change back.",
"Do not revenge. Later if someone bring baseball bat, everyone in trouble. Unwanted and useless escalation. A lot of case already. Regular people suddenly become crazy.",
"I like doing this when I can. I'm petty as fuck."
"I put mirrors at the back and reflective tape all over the back bonnet. Get fucked highbeamer.",
"Someone get this guy a YouTube channel. We need to do what he does.",
"I already have one but I only make videos",
"You only make videos? For YouTube? That...that'll do just fine.",
"Yes I need tutorial"
"Turn the mirror away, take the foot off the accelerator and let the car slow down to a crawl. Best done when there's car on your side and so the farker at the back can't overtake.\nIt will drive him mad while U drive peacefully in a safe speed."
"Just flip your rearview mirror???\n<image>",
"Can confirm it works for high beams from sohai drivers, but on roads where there are non-functional street lamps/street lamps that run in the day time, might be harder to see what's behind your car",
"Yeah actually this is the way"
"Flip your center rear kview mirror.. that way, you just looking in the reflection. That's how I drive at night. Down side is, if you forgot to flip back and an idiot have very low or did not turn on their light, you have no idea someone is behind you\nhttps://www.v3cars.com/features-explained/day-night-inside-rear-view-mirror-irvm-feature-explained#:~:text=A%20mechanical%20switch%20under%20the,everytime%20you%20change%20the%20mode. Hope this helps..",
"I can’t tell if your joking but I’ll take a look soon",
"Not a joke. That's why you have that toggle in your center rear view mirror..\nA good driving instructor should have teach you this. I don't remember who taught me.."
"I always keep a hand held mirror in my glovebox for this situation, I aim the light back at their retina :)",
"Switch lane let them overtake switch back to original lane turn on high light"
"A lot of people seems to be assuming I’m on the right lane. I’m on center lane and we’re all stuck in traffic.",
"Well next time put in that detail. Road hogs (babi jalanan) are a menace too.",
"Yeah forgor people can’t read minds will rmb next time"
"Aim your rearview mirror toward the car... They will shut it down themselves... I used it quite a lot of time... It worked... Maybe the light reflected back to them..."
"Same. Drove from KL to JB then back to KL few days ago and highbeam mofos are out in full force. I am already in the slow lane since i drive an older car, I even let go of the throttle to let this mofo overtake me. Nope, they wants to ride my ass with high beams and fog lights on. Even worst if I get stuck in a jam and it is downhill.\nHappened more than once too in the same drive, although with varying degrees of annoyance."
"I know a person who purposely did this every time he drives Aruz. Reason is because he points out that every suv drivers do this. Tried to argue that it is not true but stupidity wins…"
"You’re forgetting the best part, he’s behind you which means you can drive slow af to piss him off."
"As someone with poor vision, these lights always hurt my eyes.\nThey so blind they need such bright and high lights to drive?\nI hope they all crash.",
"I hope these kind of people always have to go to the toilet when they got comfortable on their bed and their car's engine breakdown at the most inconvenient of their time"
"Every Malaysian should strive to be a sohai, since Malaysia Boleh!\nJoke aside. Malaysia tarak boleh, sebab orang malas kerja enforcement tarak buat kerja.\nSo you can report kaw-kaw, but unless you have enough wang sogok, then nothing of substance will be done.\nMalaysia Boleh!\nThat is why awhile ago someone asked if he/she should learn Cantonese or Mandarin, and I replied French or German instead. Pity me got thumbs down.\nWhy French or German leh?\nBecause someday if lucky, can migrate to a much better country mah.\nTo live in a better country needs to speak French or German. Otherwise, how? Speak Cantonese with the foreigners ah? Boleh balik Malaysia la.\nDon't dream small by learning Cantonese/Mandarin.\nDream big by learning French/German instead.\nMalaysia Tak Boleh! Saya Boleh!\nMaciam ni la.",
"Ong very motivational. Bout to resign from digi customer service and go learn Myanmar language and have my organs harvested",
"Then you would not be upgrading yourself to a better country. Instead, you would be downgrading yourself to a worse country.",
"So wow, much motivational",
"Dont forget rear foglamp cibais"
"Problem really is when they put those LED lights on cars not meant for such lights."
"That’s why YB allows 100% tint for the back. Make use of it"
"Bruh, now day there's too many white light on the road. Not the gentle factory manufactured ones, but OEM parts. Last time I check a set of them would cost 400 ringgit but at shopee only 30 ringgit a bulb. Smh no wonder lah sakit mata"
"lmaoo, I can relate to you. Was driving back to Ipoh on 9-10 pm , and one range rover black color headlight so bright I can see heaven already. My eyes can't even open and worse, there was jam. Can't even move to left cuz already filled with cars.",
"Let’s change our back car window to reflective ones like the motorcyclist helmet kind of mirror",
"AHAHAH i seriously second this choice. But unfortunately I am a chicken and scared later polis tangkap me :/"
"Just let him through… if you’re driving on the right lane you’re blocking ppl"
"just put a mirror at back to reflect back😎",
"This is the way"
"so why u cibai dont move away and let him overtake ? ego right...typical"
"Goes both ways.\nStop hogging the right lane if you’re cruising at 40km/h. Fuck off."
"Ahhh... Honda City driver... No wonder feeling so entitled. Haha. It depends really. If you are on the right lane, then move to the left lane. If it is a one-lane, then follow the speed limit and use the thing on your rear view mirror.",
"On the center lane all the time. I’m not a right lane hogger u nerd.",
"You could have moved to the left lane and let him pass no?",
"Haha ok2 no need to get emo. Then another option is to move to the left most lane.",
"I’m not surprised if u have no friends Man. U wanna look at what u wrote? I don’t think u gave any valuable inputs",
"Oh man I shook some feathers didn't I. Let's be friends then 😉",
"Mmm explain it on monke mm actually u don’t have to I’m done here👌",
"I mean, why else would the car makers come up with this feature? To shoo away reindeers is it? Nooo. It is to tell other drivers to move away. I know they won't use it lightly if it is not necessary...",
"You have not been driving on the highways at night. People use high beam all the time.",
"Yeah I've been there. My point is, avoid these people within your power and not crying out to have laws for it. It's a simple issue with a simple solution. And I am sure any law abiding drivers would use the high beam when the need arises.",
"\"I know they won't use it lightly if it is not necessary...\"\nYou obviously don't know them.",
"I thought its main purpose is to be used during very low visibility like when there is no streetlight at all, even then when there is another car in front of you or coming the opposite way we always turn it off anyway to be considerate and safe. But then, I might be wrong so feel free to correct me.\nAlso it is damn hard to change lane safely when you cannot see anything behind you other than the bright light beeming into your every mirror.\n\"I know they won't use it lightly if it is not necessary...\" Look if this is the case no one would complain also.\nAnd also I drive a small old ratty car so I never stay on the right lane or middle lane unnecessarily, but still kena this kind of driver how??\nIt is obvious that you are one of these kind of driver so my advice is to think of other people when you drive. We share the road, so try to match other's speed and be kind and considerate. Not keep beeming everyone demanding people give way to you regardless of any situation. Who the f do you think you are?.",
"Woah no need to use f letter here. The lever has 2 sides, when you push it, high beam for the dark roads, if you pull it, it is for a quick second to signal something and it goes back to its natural position.\nMy point is, it is a simple problem with a simple solution. Use your own means to control the situation. You can adjust your rear view mirror so it won't be glaring as much, and then safely change lanes."
"Usually partially blind old uncles. What to do, aging population"
"Highbeam literally flashbanged my eyes at night. That's why I don't drive at night anymore"
"put reflective mirror at the rear :)"
"This is the reason why i always try to buy cars with auto dimming rear view mirror, precisely to not get blinded by these assholes\nSometimes certain things really can't be helped like if you drive a low car and the car behind is a tall SUV, but most times you can see idiots that turn on their high beam because they don't know what's the difference. Easy to spot because they'll have their fog lights on too.\nBasically they switch everything on blindly (heh) and go about their way blinding everyone",
"I didn’t know auto dimming morris existed I’ll need one",
"It's very handy, borderline essential given how ignorant our drivers are. Highly reccomend!"
"if your car has rear fog lights turn them on",
"If only I had them.. does myvi highest spec have that? I’d get a myvi when I earned enuf money",
"don't think so. usually only conti cars got"
"Even if there are laws about this fat chance of ppl abiding by it and the police/jpj enforcing it."
"I would usually let the overtake me then turn my highlights on 🤣"
"Buy mini spotlight and put in the back"
"Usually I just flip that switch below my rear view mirror and proceed to slow down gradually.\nHe can over take me whenever he is ready."
"I usually tap down on the rear view mirror leaver to have it polarized. I thought its standard in all vehicles. Although, i do agree it can be annoying to see high beam on side view mirrors."
"Try install reflective tint on rear windshield and chrome accessories.."
"I'm kinda guilty about this but then again, I have no idea how or why my saga headlight normal mode is like a highbeam. Been getting flashed by oncoming traffic even though it's on normal. It came out of the factory like that or something?"
"just get out of the way slowpoke",
"why drive infront of the dude for 30mins without letting him pass."
"Also the light would be pointed straight to the front instead of angled downwards"
"Driving with astigmatism even more jialat :( it's really super dangerous wth"
"Adjust your side mirrors towards them.."
"Next time someone's headlight is stabbing your eyes through the rear view mirror, the mirror has a little tab on it. FLICK THE TAB",
"First get auto darkening mirror. Second, angle mirror upwards. Third, let them overtake then do the same to them"
"They should ban white light. Revert to orange lights."
"Just let him pass. Don't be a moving chicane"
"we have the same problem in brunei..."
"Let’s fix the bully rempits first…"
"This is in fact illegal in many countries. You are not allowed to use your high beams in good weather because it can blind other drivers."
"we have many laws in Malaysia. the problem is the enforcement authority and the lack of enforcement, lack of professionalism and customer service, huge attitude problem with all government authorities. stuck in Third-World level of service."
] |
Genuine Question: Why restaurants like these suddenly appear all over Malaysia? | /r/malaysia/comments/18u5fo3/genuine_question_why_restaurants_like_these/ | 49 | [
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"Mostly established by Chinese nationals from China; competition in China is tough; some may not have a chance to create or earn a respectable living in China, so they relocate to Malaysia for Business.\nThere will be some loopholes as well, as some of them wanted to diversify their investment and money, and as we all know, China is quite rigorous about money flowing out, leaving them no alternative but to establish businesses outside of China.",
"Also monopoly of targeted Chinese market share.",
"With such a large population, anything they do would be perceived as monopolistic; after all, the country took 50 years to attain its current state. Their mindset at this age is still to advocate for a better lifestyle and living conditions. Whereas in other developed nations, the mentality is long gone, and people increasingly seek work-life balance and a sense of purpose in life.\nWith a population of 1.3 billion or 1.4 billion people, moving from poverty to middle class is a highly difficult challenge.\nUpcoming Nation might be India which population surpass China."
"Cause it’s been proven time to time where mainland china food suits majority of chinese malaysian palettes. ie: any mala hotpot, sour fish, smelly snail noodle. By the growth of these restaurants and human traffic patronising it, I think it gives confident to f&b owner/investor, just copy paste the shit from china and it will be a hit."
"Because of the influence of China.\nIf you go Pasar Malam, many stalls are selling China street food as well.",
"China street food example? I go to a Chinese pasar malam. The new thing I saw recently was some Taiwanese pinwheel pancake. Was nice but definitely foreign influence."
"Just like how the boba tea was the crazed a few years ago and many stores keep popping up.\nThis time it's these type lo, in mainland China, they're very easy to dapao, pack and eat during rush hours. Convenient food."
"Some are shell companies/restaurants for Chinese nationals to get their family out of china.\nSetup f&b business, say you need someone to manage the business, send your family member over to manage the business.\nRinse and repeat. If they make a business out of it, great. If not, at least can get out of the country and take some money out as well",
"Source: trust me bro",
"It's not even a wild guess. Why do you think Chinese nationals are spreading their wealth to Australia,Canada and Singapore nowadays?",
"In case things turn to shit in china they can escape to those countries",
"Because rich Chinese ppl like buying nice fancy new things. Same like how rich Indian/ Middle Eastern/ insert random nationality do the same",
"You don't understand the CCP very well...",
"I’m sure you u/arbiter12 our resident CCP armchair expert knows better",
"Ah, the local CCP expert have arrived.",
"China restrict their people from going out of the country?",
"More like they restrict capital outflow.",
"China restrict their people’s money from going out of the country"
"Personal experience: So I have been traveling around southern and middle part of Semenanjung and I see these restaurants in a lot of places. The food is decent but overpriced (since I can eat a way better meal with more meat/seafood at other restaurant with the same amount of money).\nI am wondering whether they all belong to the same tauke 🤔",
"It’s really expensive but for China nationals this is more to their preferred taste over Malaysian Chinese food. Although I’m Chinese but I don’t really like a lot of China’s cuisine.",
"You are not alone, I’m fujian Chinese and I prefer Malaysian hokkien food more than fujian hokkien food more 😂 Curry Mee is really good then you have Nasi Kerabu (Malay), and nyonya cuisine. All these are just very good",
"It's basically expensive chap fan.",
"It's basically expensive chap fan.\nTechnically Truth, In my opinion is more cater for family size \"Chap Fan\" rather than individual.",
"F&B business is one of the riskiest things you can invest in so people tend to jump onto one fad to another to follow the crowd. From bubble tea shops, to fried stuff and finally to this"
"kinda strange to hear that this is also happening in Malaysia too\n(Similar thing also happening in Thailand)\nthese restaurants are mostly run by Chinese nationals"
"Whenever I see this, it reminds me of a video about how chinese chef is able to recreate savoury pork bone soup from a whole bunch of artificial seasoning, without a single piece of bone or meat, and this give me the same vibe. Like how does one serve hot chinese or any asian meal, in fast food style?",
"It is indeed, that’s why I don’t really like trying different food in China especially northern and central. I usually do lots of research before choosing the restaurant to go",
"agreed\nsomehow I'd prefer Indian, Malay or whatever (I'm local Chinese)\nbut\nI'm kinda bored on Chinese food tbh"
"Mamak can't always rule the night, the chinese gotta keep up"
"This is basically Zhap Fan, aka Chinese Nasi Campur. Chinese people loves Nasi Campur, but the formula is almost always the same.\nI think one franchise was brought in and it became an instant hit with the locals. And because Chinese businessmen being Chinese businessmen, they like to tap on the market ASAP, earn the big money while it's still hot.\nThey should import/make a halal version while they are at it, because halal sells... A LOT."
"The type of Restaurants where the owner are most probably from mainland China? Since the sanction from USA and big businesses all around the world are in the process of decoupling (pulling out their factories and stores from China), China's economy is now in shambles. It matters a lot when you have to feed a whole country of billions of people that suddenly out of jobs.\nLong story short, they are looking business elsewhere from mainland to survive. Since Malaysia has close ties with China, and it has existing Chinese living in it, it would be an ideal market. Same with Thailand and Vietnam.",
"no bruh US is not sanctioning China like this.",
"That's not what they're saying, look past the word sanction and focus on the word decoupling.\nChina has the so-called three horse carts that drive their economy: exports, investments, internal consumer spending\nExports: Due to the decoupling efforts led by USA (but tbh they shot themselves in the foot with the insane COVID lockdowns, as Atrioc would put it xjp is scaring the hoes, they're having issues with capital flowing out of the country on an immense scale at the moment) their exports are weakening.\nThere has always been limited investment opportunities in china due to the corruption and inconsistent authoritarian iron fist of the CCP, and for a long time real estate was the only option to invest in, and now that's in shambles, and all there's left in investment is the government itself investing in bad infrastructure projects. Those investments are not driving the economy effectively.\nInternal consumer spending: they're on a deflationary spiral at the moment with extremely high youth unemployment (they stopped publishing the numbers a couple months ago even). Households are also riddled with debt (tied to their real estate bubble burst). No one's gonna spend or take up new debt\nIf you speak Chinese and follow/keep up with financial/economy related news and online content/sentiment, you'll see a very prominently negative outlook on the future of the country amongst China's populace. It's not just big money and business moving out of the country; anyone who can afford it are advised to leave the country too to seek greener pastures elsewhere. Apparently a lot of them are going to USA, Japan, Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia"
"I have a theory that One condition for China to invest in Malaysia we also have accept them to open business here also so that Chinese China don't be ackward when come here when looking for food"
"It's marketing. Package it differently, charge more. I make ownself cheaper."
"Same like boba shops and yogurt drinks shops, it’s a trend"
"Obviously businessman coming from china n Taiwan, they have to expand their business"
"china Australia also like this lol"
"wonder how many of these will flop.",
"With the amount of poor quality chap fan store these days still existing, I don't think so unless they drastically raised their prices"
"Many Chinese people 润(run) from China, in Singapore the Chinatown literally just all Szechuan stuff 😅 I can’t even find other fujian hokkien restaurants"
"Basically chapfan with more bowl to wash"
"Franchise expansion, said business is probably dwindling in China so they opted for oversea expansion. Malaysia is one of the prime location because of many china citizen staying in Malaysia for various reasons"
"Where the Bin Chi Ling?"
"Pot, bowl style fast food trending."
"money.\nthere's really no other reason for businesses to open."
"Trending XHS Duo ying China pop\nIs expensive and not delicious 😓"
"Due to the increasing amount of China Chinese study abroad here"
"Decent taste, decent price, open to the wee hours, clean premises and have you seen the quality of the chap fan stalls these days. They have been taking advantage of the poor quality of chap Fan stalls and kept opening more location"
] |
For Malaysian, time to plan your leaves for 2024! Here’s a list of the long weekends of the 2024. | /r/malaysia/comments/18tng88/for_malaysian_time_to_plan_your_leaves_for_2024/ | 9 | [
"Tourism & Travel"
] | [
"Planning my fishing trip"
"Hmm... would there be a jam on the PLUS highway on the 25th (Thaipusam)? Feels like I might want to visit my parents in Penang if there's no jam.",
"Think most will save their leaves for CNY and Raya. Too early in the year to use up the leaves. LoL",
"Thaipusam have 2 days, combine saturday and sunday = 4 days. So, dont even need to take leave to spend time in penang.\nAnd from my experience, every long holiday the traffic to penang will be jam packed. I had faced it 2 times. I forgot which holiday it was, but imagine from kl to penang 8 hours."
"Thanks OP!"
"OP kasi flair yg elok jgk. Aku stim sia :26554:"
"Thank you for this"
"Raya is 10th April?! I thought it was 9th???"
"i do want to add that on September since prophet muhammad birthday and malaysia day happened on the same day (16th sept), thus 17th sept also a national holiday."
] |
Driver refuses to pay RM15 to jaga kereta for public parking space in KL, comes back to a scratched car - paultan.org | /r/malaysia/comments/18u37sd/driver_refuses_to_pay_rm15_to_jaga_kereta_for/ | 12 | [] | [
"That's why I drive shit car, people scratch also I won't notice",
"Problems solved?"
"I would park in a legal car park and walk a bit further rather than give money to these kutus. Or use public transport/Grab.\nIf everyone stops giving in to these pests, they'll be starved of their income.\nBut as most Malaysians prefer to take the easy way out, then by all means, go ahead and pay the 15 bucks extortion fee.\nThe problem will always be here because of people willing to pay out of both convenience and fear.",
"It happens on legal parking spots too",
"You mean double charges, one to the real owner, another to these parasites ?",
"These are legal public parking spots. Usually by day pay using app and night is free but then these mofos come out to extort. Authorities unfortunately also kerja 9-5. This issue has been ongoing for over a decade, be it city centre or suburbs.",
"Agree, the authorities should clamp down on this after-hours activity by the parking kutus.",
"They will ask for money on a legal car park too.",
"I mean parking inside a building or a closed car park space, not legal street parking."
"I drive a cheap car but put a nice number plate. Most times they just say oh cantek nombor keta ye. I just walk away pretending not to hear because don't want them to even initiate conversations or ask for money. So far so good it worked to scare them off. I don't mind to pay for valet parking and other proper privately owner car parks but just not to touts or gangster jaga keta."
"Pay 15 or I scratch your car! Sometimes these fellas are asking for a beating."
"If you can afford it go take a taxi/e-taxi."
"Get a real job, you bum!"
] |
Warganet dakwa kedai runcit di Forest City jual ubat terkawal secara terbuka | /r/malaysia/comments/18tgfob/warganet_dakwa_kedai_runcit_di_forest_city_jual/ | 0 | [
] | [] |
"Cold" war | /r/malaysia/comments/18tje03/cold_war/ | 41 | [] | [
"For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."
"Why tf you tape the cuck oo",
"In real cuck fashion, it’s wearing a dick cage",
"It's chastity cage/belt if anyone wondered",
"Bondage :26561:",
"You know how it feels being taped up",
"my workplace also tapes the bottom.. idk why they dont want any drainage there its just water..."
"Serious question: Is there a much cheaper filter that I can use that wouldnt cost me a lot per month but has similar benefits?",
"Yes. Like this https://shp.ee/rf6fd5q. You get 8 filters for around 150++. Installation, learn from youtube or ask seller for video or ask a reliable friend to do it for you. Just buy the tools & tube & connectors. Just change the filters periodically according the type. Btw, cuckoo & coway has only 4 filters.",
"Can search up Yamada Water Filter in shopee / lazada",
"This things only suitable for offices where you can offload the maintenance to the vendor. But for personal/residential use, not worth it.",
"I use the LG tankless one, LG puricare. It is basically the same thing with a hot/cold dispenser, and the service you just gotta do it yourself every 6 months. It's painless and none of this subscription, Bullshit.",
"Just get something simpler like the red Panasonic water filter or the equivalent 3M water filter. Our water is very drinkable and you don't need anything elaborate for home use, in most cases."
"Coway has better aftertaste",
"Wey that is not normal at all 😭",
"How is there any different taste? They're both plain water 👀🤨"
"cuckoo > coway",
"Sk magic > cuckoo > coway",
"Isn't SK magic a little more expensive than these 2?"
"you vs the guy she tell you not to worry about"
"Which one is better? In terms of taste, features etc."
"Asked the cuckoo installer once what brand is best he said SK magic...forgot y"
"honestly i cant tell if the coway one is from 1980 or 2080"
"question - if you operate an eating place, how much would you price a tall glass of cold water taken from this machine plus hygienic tube ice? RM3? RM5?",
"Bruh, nothing more than RM1. It’s water",
"At most 50 Sen, RM 3/5 water better give me fucking super powers bro",
"I saw a post of someone getting charged RM5.00 for water in a cup in Langkawi. Not even bottled water.",
"This is why I don't like tourist areas, like jfc you'd think our economy was turning into Zimbabwe cash",
"RM 0.\nExpensive food can be justified if it’s good. RM 3 for ice water is just scummy AF.",
"Especially because water bills in malaysia is extremely cheap",
"Banyak kedai makan dekat kawasan aku kasi free flow ja kalau air kosong ais. Kalau kau tak kedekut sangat, lagi ramai orang pergi kedai kau.",
"Rm3-5???? At that price, you better be serving me some premium natural mineral water like evian or something, not some filtered tap water"
"Sigh… flick the water tap in Singapore",
"It aint for me."
"Which one the best"
"I thought this is about students fighting over water so they had to get another one"
"SK Magic watching from afar 👀"
] |
Can boss force salaried employee to work out of buisness hour if mistakes were made at work? (Whithout paying OT) | /r/malaysia/comments/18u8bxc/can_boss_force_salaried_employee_to_work_out_of/ | 9 | [] | My sister work hybrid as a grahpic designer, sometimes when she made a mistake at work she is expected to overtime remotely and finish the day work, she's currently on probation/intern for 3 months, so her pay is already low, but they never pay her OT for the hours she spent off-site or at home, some even take her untill 4am in the morning, imo her mistakes aren't that major, cause usually it's because they were expecting her to focus on something more instead of something else without clarifying her what she actually need to prioritize on, which cost her time but in the end she is at fault for not asking, though i think she was given vague instructions that were made to be misunderstood. But i won't debate on that. Currently she's working on 3 projects with day by day deadline, She is issued to design something that is given to her day to day, if she fail to finish it within a day she is expected to OT, even if she din't make any mistakes they would still call her up at night to send in the day work if she haven't finished. The deadline never exceed 2-3 days within announcement. If she don't do OT would she get in trouble? Considering they don't pay her for the time anyway? Also theres one more thing that happened to her, the "manager" messed up the deadline for the project she worked on and he didn't even clarified it, just deleted it and edited some stuffs to cover up the mistake and expected her to work with the new deadline, is this legal? The "manager" also likes to send in the working files 30 mins before the buisness hour is up.... This is her 2nd company (1st hybrid) and she got loads to complain about but the driving factor that makes her want to quit is working off buisness hours (OT).
For clarification, i get that salaried empoyees in the US are mostly exempt from OT pay, and instead is compensated by something called "Comp Time" but that's not mandatory, not sure how it is in Malaysia, and i also know that since the gig she is on is fairly competitive and since the deadline depends on the client, she is expected to work off hours remotely or in office, but this has been going on for the past 3 months and she has been missing her sleep which i think is not a healthy environment to be in, or this gig is just not suited for her.
Clarifcation 2: It's not actually "intern" since she had that experience in her first company already, it's just that this 2nd company ask to pay lower then minimum cause she is new, only 1 year experience as an intern in first company so i think it's more accurate to call this in "probation" she is promised minimum salary after a few more months.
Edit: forgot to mention, tomorrow (sunday) they expected her to be on-call to finish the project she worked on before new year, this is off buisness hours and shes is not getting payed for it. | [
"TLDR : yes until report to JTK but once u report to JTK there is no turning back because the next you go job interview, the HR will start to check whether u have history report against former employer and will deterrent from hiring you because u caused trouble.",
"Does this meen it's an offence to hold \"salaried\" employees out of buisness hour to stay for extra hours to make amendments for the mistakes that's been made? Or can we not force employees to stay for the deadline wether or not mistakes has been made? Not sure what the state law is in Malaysia, thanks for replying.",
"This is why malaysia is heaven for crocs , free abusive workforce country"
"Exploitation, grey area.\nTake it as a lesson, get more confident in the future and a better job.",
"Thanks for the advice, i'll try making her consider on changing her gig if that's possible...."
"As far as I concerned, if your salary is more than MYR3500, you are not able to claim OT anymore, for whatever reason.\nBut usually, you don’t really have to spend much on OT once you reach this stage. So, I can say your sister is abused. Not surprising though since graphic industry was never fair to begin with, just look at Les Copaque issues.\nGraphic people usually stay for the passion, if she no longer have that passion, ask her to jump somewhere else before her mental health detoriate at the speed of light.",
"She is in probation/intern for said company, she is paid RM500 monthly, last month got deducted but won't say how much and why just for the sake of not being specific.\nJust for clarification, it's not actually \"intern\" since she had that experience in her first company already, it's just this 2nd company ask to pay lower then minimum cause she is new, only 1 year experience as an intern in first company so i think it's more accurate to call this in \"probation\""
"Cannot. Must pay 1.5x. Here you go.\nhttps://malaysia.acclime.com/guides/employment-law/\nSeek arbitration."
"Employers are required to pay at least 1.5x for overtime hours. You can refer to the Employment Act 1955 (for West Malaysia) which protects employees with salary up to RM4,000.\nErm, maybe there's something wrong with my work ethic, but if they're paying low salary they shouldn't expect the employee to go beyond normal working hours without OT pay or allowance. Perhaps she can discuss with her superior regarding these issues, like, \"hey I've been working a lot beyond 6pm, can you please review my workload or advise the company's OT policy?\" If they refuse she should remain polite, but understand that all her personal resources belong to her.\n\"Sorry, internet down in my area I can't access the files.\"\n\"Sorry, my pc broken.\"\n\"Sorry, my phone a bit old sometimes calls automatic go to missed calls.\"\n\"Sorry, need to celebrate my grandma's birthday can't help.\"\n\"Sorry, my mum forcing me to go family trip.\"\n\"Sorry, my phone data running out, I don't have money to top up...\"\nThat's just a way to cope and be petty, but ultimately it's just not a good company."
"When you are employed under other person, you basically a corporate slave. The company has poor culture, merely let the person who made mistake to work alone. No teamwork etc?\nThere are companies or place that treasure employees. Tell her to keep looking for it."
] |
Karaoke with youtube in KL | /r/malaysia/comments/18u87dm/karaoke_with_youtube_in_kl/ | 0 | [] | Does anybody know a karaoke place with youtube in KL? So tired of not finding my songs. | [] |
Merdeka 118 rising on a gloomy day | /r/malaysia/comments/18u7zip/merdeka_118_rising_on_a_gloomy_day/ | 1 | [] | [
"The citadel"
"I call it the walkie talkie"
] |
Panoramic view of Kuala Lumpur - circa 1900 | /r/malaysia/comments/18u7uxm/panoramic_view_of_kuala_lumpur_circa_1900/ | 0 | [
] | [] |
'Why Him But Not Me?'- Tony Fernandes Asks Why Cosplayer Can Go Shirtless But Not Him | /r/malaysia/comments/18tios4/why_him_but_not_me_tony_fernandes_asks_why/ | 31 | [] | In a cheeky social media post, AirAsia’s CEO, Tony Fernandes, has tickled the internet’s funny bone.
Standing alongside a cosplayer decked out in pink hair and elaborate body paint, Fernandes quipped about the double standards of shirtlessness.
He questioned why his own shirtless moments garner global headlines while similar sights go unnoticed for others.
“So Sukuna can walk around KL shirtless but I can’t? This isn’t the Shibuya incident!!. Hahahahahha,” he wrote in his recent post.
His post, with a light-hearted tone, reflects on why his own past shirtless episode became a viral news story, while others pass without much ado.
The viral headlines he meant involved a LinkedIn post where he was seen getting a massage during a virtual meeting, aiming to showcase AirAsia’s informal work culture.
The post, although later deleted, attracted varied reactions from netizens.
The comments under his recent post are playful and teasing.
One person jokes about the cosplayer’s good looks and fit body, another suggests that Tony would be famous even when dressed simply. | [
"Users often report submissions from this site and ask us to ban it for sensationalised articles. At /r/Malaysia, we oppose blanket banning any news source. Readers have a responsibility to be skeptical, check sources, and comment on any flaws.\nYou can help improve this thread by linking to media that verifies or questions this article's claims. Your link could help readers better understand this issue. If you do find evidence that this article or its title are false or misleading, contact the moderators who will review it.\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."
"Unrelated, but the way this post is written is giving AI vibes",
"Weirdkaya is a content farm after all"
"If he cosplayed as a \"shirtless out of touch CEO\" then he gets a pass?\nNO.\nWHY NOT ??!!\nHe's not cosplaying..."
"One is a cosplayer.\nOne is an out of touch guy thinking he's being \"one of the people\" with his antics. You are not \"one of the people\" Tony."
"Ahh the narcissist realized he has been out of the media spotlight for 3 whole days and had to immidiate rectify it."
"because he is not doing it at the workplace!"
"I think what's most impressive is Tony knows the plot of JJK",
"even working in the phrase Shibuya Incident with capitals in the right places. foooo JJK - Msia lovestory is just heartwarming!"
"Sorry to say, ugly people dont get the free nips pass.",
"Mutahar in one video:"
"I'm not interested in seeing some hanging man tits.",
"Reminds me of this movie character who infamously says \"Luuk at mah....sexxeh tit-ess.....\". Anyone wanna take a guess?"
"No one wants to see your gut Tony."
"Because youre fat af tony"
"Because Tony, throughout heaven and earth he alone is the honored one."
"Sexual empowerment Vs put on a shirt"
"if i was airasia pilot,id def fly topless now"
"Because he is HIM!"
"Boobs or titties are not allowed, we don't want our ladies walking around topless",
"Because you are ugly and nasty, and get naked to get brownie points for no reason ?"
"He is right. As much as you love hating on him"
"because u r fat fcuk capitalism"
"Yes you may if you paint yourself pink like BUU :26554:"
"Does AirAsia not have any goddamn HR? What a nightmare of a boss to have"
"Money cant buy u class....go get fit and make it worth ur korean wife"
"Jfc this has gotta be the dumbest thing I've read today 😭"
"Trying too hard to stay in the news 🤭"
"I don't think he realises what dumb of a statement he put out when he wrote it."
"Equal rights for women"
] |
Want to climb mount Santubong but heard it’s too dangerous alone, even for someone who’s okay with intermediate to harder. Any packages? | /r/malaysia/comments/18u6y1p/want_to_climb_mount_santubong_but_heard_its_too/ | 1 | [] | I’m wondering if there’s anything I could pay for to get into a group that climbs the mountain. I would honestly prefer to do it alone. | [
"I think you'd get more chances of serious replies posting this in r/Sarawak, it seems rather out of place here"
] |
Georgetown and Balik Pulau | /r/malaysia/comments/18u630f/georgetown_and_balik_pulau/ | 1 | [] | Pics taken from Ngor Hean temple and Air Itam Dam. | [
"<image>\nView from mainland"
] |
Tangkak, Johor, Malaysia Weather Forecast and Conditions - The Weather Channel | Weather.com | /r/malaysia/comments/18u2wv8/tangkak_johor_malaysia_weather_forecast_and/ | 0 | [
] | [] |
Singapore jails man for 20 weeks over use of fake Malaysian passport | /r/malaysia/comments/18u2vvm/singapore_jails_man_for_20_weeks_over_use_of_fake/ | 2 | [] | [
"Screencap of the article\n<image>"
] |
The Joint Management Body of AraGreens Residences has obtained a judgment against HSB Development for breach of duty of care for common property defects, Malaysiakini reports. The ruling has set a precedent for JMBs to hold developers accountable. | /r/malaysia/comments/18u2s5u/the_joint_management_body_of_aragreens_residences/ | 1 | [] | [
"Yes, deserve"
] |
Which people visit Kek lok si the most? Chinese? Malaysian Chinese? Hong Kong people? Cantonese or Mandarin speaking people? | /r/malaysia/comments/18tgm19/which_people_visit_kek_lok_si_the_most_chinese/ | 8 | [
"Tourism & Travel"
] | I was there recently and was surrounded by a bunch of similar tourists. Did not speak to them as all were speaking in their language. Asking for general knowledge😅 | [
"Cantonese, mandarin, Hokkien speaking people. Mostly Malaysian, as they tend to mix the dialects. And not many understand the term \"Kek Lok Si\" if you dont know cantonese.",
"It is not Cantonese, it is hokkien, the primary dialect speak by Penang Chinese or even non Chinese."
"You are a suspicious ant aren't you"
"Mainly tourist from around the world. I don't think penang people will go there is not for special event like Chinese new yest when the temples is decorated with thousands of lights.\nI myself used to live very close to the temple for 15 years and never in my mind to visit the place."
"Tourists would, never meta Penang kiah who was happy to go there"
"42 now, the last time I went there was when I was 5."
] |
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 30 December 2023 | /r/malaysia/comments/18tvxx4/rmalaysia_daily_random_discussion_and_quick/ | 25 | [] | This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome.
Apa tanda si pinang kelat,
Bila dimakan terasa malan,
Apa tanda orang beradat,
Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan.
Dad joke: I've lost control, I don't see an end, there's no escape. I don't even have a home anymore
Time to buy a new keyboard | [
"Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."
"Sometimes I come across sales people with FB posts (mainly car dealership) using the word 'cikgu' to refer to their customers. And most of these customers are not actual teachers. Is there a meaning behind this?"
"Being a (flawed) human means looking at the hot women and feeling sad because you know that they'll be having fun at all the cool parties. Unlike you, you loser 😏\nBeing a logical human means acknowledging that, but also knowing that deep down, you don't really fit in at all those cool parties, so what's the point in going there if you won't enjoy yourself anyway?\nAnd being a mature human means realizing all that, but you still kinda want to go if given a chance because your dick also gets a say in the decision-making process 😂 (but you won't beat yourself up if you didn't go)\nTonight malas masak, so I think I'll go to that vegetarian banana leaf place in Bangsar that I saved on Instagram. Tell me if this is a bad idea.\nNot sure what to do tomorrow night though; are there any street parties or whatnot? I don't one that's gatekeep because let's be honest, I'm not gonna make the cut. I just want to get out of the house, at least until they install the new aircond."
"Anyone here a photography enthusiast? Do you know a place that services/cleans cameras?",
"There's a couple that I know but they're mostly for analog cameras.\nVincent Camera Service Center",
"thanks! I have an analog as well so this will help."
"I’m looking for someone to watch malaysia open final badminton on jan 14 with me. I bought the tickets already. Let me know if interested?"
"any good nail salon recommendations in mid valley area or other malls ? preferably if they do korean/japanese gel. thanks"
"KL twin towers was intimidating seeing up close. the fact that you can walk close to the actual tower and look up feel humongous.\nalso: is pelita considered as malaysian mcdonald?"
"Does anyone keep sourdough starter around cheras area and willing to share some? I can start my own colony, but much prefer the shortcut. Willing to drive to your place with my own container, just need the dough."
"I tested COVID positive on Thursday (had symptoms since Tuesday night). Had a mild fever on Thursday and has been almost asymptomatic since yesterday (only a light headache and sore throat). Today is the 3rd day I've isolated myself from the family. Made another round of COVID test and was still positive\nQ: How long do I need to isolate myself? I'm fully vaccinated with 1 booster",
"MoH recently said 5 days after the first day of showing symptoms, then mask up.",
"mask up\nEven indoors around family? If yes, does that mean I still can't touch things too?\nAlso, do you have the link to the MoH guideline?",
"<image>\nBy right you should mask up even indoors with family and use a separate bathroom but this is a privilege some don't have. Remember this thing is airborne and can easily spread in closed spaces.",
"I just watched a few videos by MGAG\nWhy do they act like they have learning difficulties in the videos ?\nIt's very cringe the way they act and talk.",
"You don't want to watch the \"NPC\" videos then if you think those are cringe\nMgag is 5 years behind the cringe",
"I used to watch them regularly when it was the old team. Their videos were actually pretty good.\nNow it's like their content has been dumbed down. What kind of audience are they targeting ? Ppl with learning difficulties ?\nKrystal is most cringe. Makes me wonder if her IQ is even 60. Hope she not like that in real life. What a bad representation of amoi."
"Where is your go-to place to buy educational/prototyping boards like Raspberry Pi, Adafruit, etc?",
"Singahor or Johorpore?",
"Malaysia :29091:"
"Where can I bring my malay frens to hangout after countdown tomorrow? KL areas near KLCC"
"I'm wide awake. 🎶"
"First complete family trip in 10 years. A lot has happened. I'll be reuniting with my brother after 6 years ever since he left for uni and my parents re-married after getting divorced in 2017. Not sure how it'll go but I'm grateful I get to see my family again."
] |
Risk of Tiger Attacks in Taman Negara close to Kuala Tahan? | /r/malaysia/comments/18tjxe7/risk_of_tiger_attacks_in_taman_negara_close_to/ | 1 | [
"Tourism & Travel"
] | Hello!
Going to Kuala Tahan for Taman Negara in January and learned that there are also easy treks one can take on alone (without a guide). Now given four fatal attacks this year by Tigers in the northern region of Taman Negara and that it is mating season until April I've been wondering if there is something relevant to be said about the risk of Tiger attacks beyond it being unlikely but possible?
Seems like opposed to wolves and most bears Tigers are quite opportunistic predators who also do not seem fearful of humans beyond general hesitance to risk injury.
Cheers | [
"You enter malaysia jungle, theres always a risk. Another common wild animal you need to look out for are wild boars. With a guide, at least they know how to read animal tracks so can know if theres any danger."
] |
Pioneering Pendatang: Thank you for the questions, r/Malaysia! | /r/malaysia/comments/18tzo04/pioneering_pendatang_thank_you_for_the_questions/ | 0 | [] | Was very privileged to conduct this interview with the scriptwriter of Pendatang, Lim Boon Siang, and the managing director of Kuman Pictures, Amir Muhammad.
Thank you for the questions that you guys shared from the other day!
I didn't explicitly follow the questions that were provided (I sourced from multiple places and came up with my own spontaneously as well), and am very happy to share it with you - thank you for the inspiration :D
You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81jIiPyOPP0
https://preview.redd.it/ox94pndxx89c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=ace0841ad28dfbeb114fe09a091688d947c15336 | [] |
Malay Racism by local Chinese | /r/malaysia/comments/18u4epl/malay_racism_by_local_chinese/ | 240 | [] | Edit : those comments he made it sounds like a low key jokes. Since it’s repetitive and explicitly mentioned Islam Malay race, I don’t find it funny. Futhermore, at the beginning of the trip we almost got into an accident because of his distraction using his phone.
i recently hired a private driver from Ipoh to Cameron Highlands (booked a month ahead) to show my foreign friends around CH. Note : I don’t drive, that’s why I hired a driver.
Upon picking up he did mentioned to my foreign friend about the boycott of Starbucks, etc and how some states are very strict religious (Kelantan, Kedah). I was like oookay but brushed it off. While in the car, he made another comment about some attractions in CH where mostly are “Islam Malays like you lah” (his exact words) dressed up nicely and take photos. Again, I brushed it off cos yeah it’s true and didn’t think much of it. I just thought ok his kind of jokes lah.
Later on during the drive, he made some other comments which unfortunately I don’t remember anymore, but it started to made me uncomfortable. I did mentioned later on to my foreign friends about it. They don’t really understand or gets what the driver said because of his slang. Some of the remarks was when one car at a junction try to selit driving into the lane, he said “this Malay ahh, I will not give a chance in my lane”. “Best time to visit CH is during puasa month where all Malays is fasting. No jam”. “All this Malays lah that go out, we Chinese don’t go out cos we don’t like jam”.. well, I saw a bunch of Chinese too. Mostly family with kids. When we passed by one of the tea plantation, there were so many cars parked at the road side. He made another comment “see, this all Islam Malay people like you lah”. One of my foreign friend asked “what did you said” and he ignored him. When we were looking for a parking lot, one Malay couple was about to leave. I said “thank god to this Malay we got a parking spot in front of the plantation”. Not sure he heard me or not.
I looked up his Facebook page, all of his customers are foreigners and Chinese. Imagine, what kind of things he said to these people.. He shouldn’t have accept my trip when he knew well in advance I am a Malay.
I have never ever experience such a racism in my life, let alone in my own country. I have Chinese, indian, all kind of races friends and we got along well. | [
"As a former grab driver, many hired drivers didn’t land in that profession due to their intellectual prowess."
"Leave an honest review",
"Was thinking the same. Will do some time.."
"You were unlucky to have met such a driver. I hope you take action and report/leave a review to him. It's not Okay to take racism straight to the face like this.",
"It's good if he/she does reveal the name or even better if there is a video because I don't want this to be a rage bait post.",
"While I get what you’re trying to say, that last sentence kind of reads like “only racism straight to the face is not okay, but racism behind people’s backs is okay”, or maybe it’s just me. I just think it could be worded better like racism is just unacceptable.",
"You and I both know what I meant la, don't nitpick on gammer or sentence like that la comeon",
"It was indeed. I will definitely will a review on his Facebook page"
"So many comments here are just ridiculous.\nFirst things first, racism is never justified. It is pure discrimination, plain and simple. What that driver did, is sadly, a rather common occurrence and I am always disgusted by it. You could argue he was \"joking\" but based on OP, it has clearly went past any benefit of the doubt for it to be a \"joke\".\nHalf the comments here trying to justify the racism with things that mainly boil down to. -paraphrasing A) There's institutionalised racism in the other way. B) Nons have no special right\nIt makes the anger / negative attitude UNDERSTANDABLE, but not JUSTIFIED. Just like how we can understand a fear of small spaces (claustrophobia), but often not justifiable.\nHalf of the comments here stating things like 'now you understand how the nons feel.' Not to discredit your personal experience, I'm sure you have your reason to say that, and it might be your own personal experience, but saying that is akin to saying 'now you know how I feel' to a covid patient after recovering from covid. How is saying that helping anyone or beneficial? You didn't choose to be the target of racism, nor did OP.\nThe other thing I noted is that quite a few Malay commented how they used to be vocal about abolishing bumi rights and so on, but have stopped because they don't see a point in doing so anymore because it's a dammed if you do, damned if you don't situation. This just proves 2 wrongs don't make a right. The civil rights movement with MLK would not gain any success if it did not gain the support of the president of that time, a white man supporting a black man. Our common enemy are the racist. The supremacist. Not based on what we put under 'kaum' when we fill in our own personal information. How are we going to move forward to true equality when we keep showing each other hostility?",
"The common malay are just as powerless about these policies. I'm not an employer or a landlord or a politician. All I can do to help is shut down racist comments made from my family and friends. To quote Satrapi \"The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me\"",
"Absolutely agree, however I'm of the opinion that if the \"common Malay\" is not rallying against obvious racist policies, there's even less incentive for those in power to do anything about it.\nSo what you're doing in shuting down racist comments is already enough and should be applauded for that. Keep that up and maybe some day, some one who actually has power decides the status quo needs to be changed. Small steps can lead to big changes.\nAbsolutely agree with your quote about the difference between us and government. That's why we should all come together.",
"If you asked me, it's better to stop reading these kind of post and just enjoy your weekend if op him/herself can't provide any proof to what they post because it is possible he/she is just rage baiting people.",
"Now that you mentioned 'rage baiting', I do have to ask. I often see people suspect similar posts for rage baiting, is it a common enough occurence to warrant such a suspicion?\nSide note: OP's story seems believable enough to me, and I've seen it happen before myself. (That doesn't neccesarily mean this post is genuine). But IMO, I am much more dissapointed in the comments if anything, the post itself 'appears' genuine to me.",
"It's hard for me to say how common it is but I have seen post that's down right questionable. This is why as a rule of thumb always believe these kind of story with mountain of salt or even better don't believe at all since it's op that made this claim and it's up to them to show proof because the person just have to be a good storyteller to make it seem believable.",
"Fair enough, I agree with you.\nPersonally, I was just expressing my disdain for a huge part of the comment section whether the OP's claim is true or not.\nHope you have a great weekend ahead!",
"What you are seeing here is just people thoughts and facts, I don’t think most of them are justifying the racism including myself.\nA lot Malaysian who are here are more exposed to western values and modern acceptable norms. Especially the woke culture.\nMalaysia is in a very different place and time compared to the west.\nOur affirmative action isn’t comparable to others countries but make no mistake, discrimination is discrimination and it will create the same problem as those that are oppressed, no matter in lighter or heavier forms. What the OP experienced and others that commented here is the result of the affirmative action.\nThe country will never really heals unless people start talking instead of pointing fingers"
"I'm non but I can imagine being in your place and already felt disgusted by the driver's behaviour. Also felt a secondary embarassment for your friend."
"There are racist in every race.",
"True. But the hypocrisy by the Chinese is what that is pissing people off.\nMalays are very honest about their racism and despite institutional racism I’ve never experienced racism personally from Malays (I’m Indian).\nMeanwhile the Chinese act like oppressed minority and treat other minorities like rubbish. I went to SJKC and trust me, you’ll know what the Chinese really think of you if you can understand the vile things they say behind your back.",
"And generalizing like this is not racist? And your source is literally: Trust me bro.",
"He’s just talking about his experience tho…. Why are u mad?? Instead u should take it as a lesson to not being one of them racist people lol",
"stop invalidating people’s experience"
"That driver might be one of the monyets here lol",
"True, if there was a bingo card for typical r/malaysia redditor comments, he would have gotten bingo twice"
"It's just a fact that there are hella lot of racist people in the country, regardless of their race. It's the inevitable outcome of using race as the determining paradigm for policies, politics etc from the formation of the country until now. People are shaped by their lived realities -- doesn't excuse their behavior but does at least help us understand.",
"Not an excuse .. he’s a racist.",
"Agree. He is racist. All those blab aboutMalay supremacy, just come to Penang and hear those Penang Lang talk about Chinese Supremacy there in Penang. Same all bullshit. It apply to both.",
"Chinese have privileged special right and special pass malay are currently enjoying?",
"We do, it’s called economic power. But the affirmative action policy is corrupt at its core as well, instead of helping the bumiputera it only serves to benefit the politicians",
"Does it provided free by the government? Also any chinese that isn't poor = stole land and resources from malay forefather since british era for these kind of group , its their coded response when you try to say chinese economics in here , its not a plus and don't use it.",
"Chinese help chinese, that means we had rich colonial era chinese hand down their knowledge and resources to other chinese. Notice how chinese SRJKC are generally bigger and better funded? Some employers are also quite racist, or just rather speak Chinese than speak other languages, so you see Chinese SME mostly filled with other Chinese. Education and resources trickle down from the colonial forefathers. Plus we work hard and we have a culture of prioritizing material wealth (Ang Pau, 8888, Fatt Fatt, Gong Xi Ni, Toto Magnum 4D, Genting).\nAll these combined have put Chinese in another tier economically compared to the rest. It will take time to equalise. But bumi special rights is making you racist, and because you are racist, you make them hate us and label us “racist Chinese”.\nThis is why I say bumi special rights only benefit politicians. Because it makes people like you racist against Malays, and it enforces the dislike that Malays have against the Chinese. It was just a bandage solution to prevent more killings.",
"Yeah for the top 1% big crocs maybe ,and nobody is stopping them learning chinese , it has nothing to do with the average joe of lower or middle income regular people , but instead of hating them big crocs they decide to label chinese= rich and hate all the chinese instead\nDon't forget this is a place where a \"melayu malas\" gets you in jail while cina babi pendatang penjajah penipu gets your a fuck tons of likes.",
"Nobody is stopping the employer from learning Malay either, they just chose not to.\nI agree there are many poor Chinese as well, and this has affected them just because of their race.\nDo you not realise that bumi rights have made both Chinese and Malay racist against each other? How can you not realise that? How can you blame them but not the 1% big crocs that implemented this policy in the first place? Why are you so hypocritical and not realise you are doing the same thing and label malay = racists and hate all of the Malays?",
"You seem to suggest Chinese are somehow racist against Malays because of bumi laws. This is the biggest rubbish I’ve heard in my life.\nExplain why Chinese treat Indians like garbage then. Shouldn’t Chinese people sympathise with Indians for being a fellow minority and treat them like allies? Reality is Chinese people treat Indians like dirt beneath their shoes. I’m Indian and I can safely say despite bumiputera laws, Malays have treated me better than Chinese by far. Go and ask any Indian people or other minorities from east Malaysia and they’ll say the same.\nChinese people are simply racist because they think they’re superior. They can’t even be bothered to learn BM because they think it’s beneath them.",
"You seems to agree with the policy in the first place by saying chinese also have the privileged rights by dominating the economics imply we are equal and suddenly claim i hate all malay , i don't, but i can't blame people for being racist when one privileged side can get away scot free with being racist and other side goes to jail",
"Yes. It is call over sympathy. Malay are too soft hearted. These are the specialities that have been benefits for some time.",
"That sounds like a privilage both parties enjoy",
"https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0Boi7KNsUTT4aEfqCYkWgxeM5LKExgsVz7J2Fpuvfe3EHSu89nEueenW7TsSwwSKol&id=100002268614992&mibextid=Nif5oz\nNothing looks too softhearted for me , i guess you're the gosok parang type , pls do it asap.",
"Not the gosok parang type. The constitution is a social contract, breach it off means an act of war. It is better every one keep quit and just act according to the social contract. One less thing to worry about and let PMX do well in his Primeship",
"The constitution is a social contract, breach it off means an act of war.\nThe constitution can be ammended, it's not something set in stone",
"Something that we can Agree. We should change it. A nation needs to have only one strong identity. A one country rules by one government and one ruler.",
"A nation needs to have only one strong identity. A one country rules by one government and one ruler.\nUhmm....",
"You literally said its over sympathy for letting minorities have what they having rn , that means you think they shouldn't have any rights at all while they already a second class citizen. PMX who? The guy who literally just have the K-world pass?\nIm voting for pas next elections.",
"Somehow it's all crickets among the toons who voted him in. He's only gonna get worse, this is just the cinematic trailer\nPas can easily win if they just stop saying idiotic things. These guys are practically handing it over to pn with their mismanagement but I guess it's a race to the bottom in Malaysia all day everyday since 2008",
"Pas literally gain more vote by saying stupid thing , sembelih all kafir , x suruh cina potong lanjiao even humiliated sultan yet it becomes the reason wins the biggest, we are on a high speed lane of right with no return and anyone that doesn't think so is delusional.",
"Far right and far left are both bad. How can be stable if the government itself wobble from left to right and vice versa.",
"Owh. A PAS supporter. No wonder",
"Just to bring everything down faster.",
"Pretty much. Don't see it going anywhere anytime soon. Just have to accept Malaysia look nice on the outside only, multi culture this that. In the inside, we have people like this.",
"I do think that is not an excuse to justify the racism displayed by the drivers. It is more like a sad reality on why this happens and how is this still happening. It is not going away any time soon, all race will come to face this problem.",
"How exactly does fighting fire with fire solve the problem?"
"I mean, the part about puasa month being the best month to go out without large crowds or traffic is true 😂",
"im going to cameron during puasa then. lel"
"You can find them here too, lurking always ready to jump in and unleash their closeted racism on certain topics and comments :29091::29091::29091::29091:",
"Agreed, sometimes this subreddit Chinese (I am Chinese myself) is too aggressive in seeking out racism and kiasu, ends up being racist themselves",
"I kena attacked many times already by them.",
"Yeah perhaps because the ground was never equal to begin with , and the privileged keep asking for more ground",
"Nothing worse than having to skirt around issues that would label one a race traitor. There are those who are happy to coexist together and forge ahead, and those who don't."
"Should leave a comment or review on his fb account."
"Poor guy probably doesn't have any Malay friends.",
"By whose fault if not his own. A grown man can think.",
"Probably got rejected by a gyatt Malay awek"
"A lot of Chinese people are just as racist. Difference is just that they're not backed by the government so they had to do it in a more clandestine manner",
"The fact that indians would prefer to be friends with malays more (even with all the insitutionalized racism) over the \"not racist people\" , tells you all you need to know about how racists these people are.\nMalays are racists to other races because of power. Give them that and they'd shut up.\nThese \"not racist people\" are racists purely because they hate you\nMalays say shit like \"they want to steal our country\" or \"kafir cabar islam\"\nThey say shit like \"backwards 10anak pedos\" or \"apunene will kidnap you\"",
"Exactly. Everyone should really learn mandarin and Hokkien and go to Penang for a weekend to listen in on what they say behind your back when they assume you don't understand. They're just unnecessarily mean and vicious even if they don't know you from Adam. Just walk around queensbay mall, get into a lift, or browse some mid tier shops (~300-400 dollar shoes/clothes).",
"Can confirm. As an Indian, bumi laws and institutional racism aside, I’ve never experienced personal racism from Malays.\nThe Chinese have treated me like rubbish my entire like (I went to SJKC). You cannot imagine the nasty things they say behind your back when they think you don’t understand their language.",
"Anecdotal evidence at its finest... lol \"personal racism\"",
"are you trying to invalidate other's personal experience?",
"Imagine there is some form of racism backed by the government /s"
"Unfortunately, racism still happened in Malaysia and it's not only by specific races."
"The amount of excuses people make here for being racist just because he is Chinese, this sub is just full of hypocrite Chinese racists",
"I grew up online (Gen Z) as a Malay and I've always been vocal IRL and online about abolishing bumi rights, affirmative actions, and fighting against racism etc.\nBut now that we have Ktads from LYN pouring in and other average Malaysians trolling this sub I realized that it's just an issue not worth caring about because I see how they are. I've been attacked many times simply because of my username. Abu Nawas is not even my name, he was a philosopher.\nBe pro-equality, still have Chinese people being racist at you.\nBe pro-bumi, same shit.\nWhy bother?\nEDIT: I talk about online experiences because it's something we all can relate to but I myself have also experienced a lot of real-life racism from Chinese people.",
"Unfortunately it will take some time for newer generations to change the status quo. I feel sad for my racist friends and family. The bumi policy isn’t helping assimilation at all, and PAS/DAP politicians also keep making the racial divide even larger to serve their own interests. Reading the comments in this sub has brought to light the true situation on the ground now about racism in Malaysia, it doesn’t seem like we are truly that united, everything just on the surface for show only. We actually have a lot of work to do.",
"agree lah. I used to preach about abolishing bumi rights and shit but I realize whats the point anymore? will abolishing bumi rights make all malaysian learn malay? Will ablolishing bumi rights make cultural assimilation a thing?\njust like you said why bother anymore.",
"pls la. special bumi rights should be abolished because it helps the malays - yeah that's right, how's that for an out of the box take.\ndon't do it because you want to do virtue signalling",
"Again, as I said, I don't bother about bumi rights anymore. I never benefitted from it anyway. People crack it up to be something bigger, while in reality, it's not life-changing.",
"Chinese are not just racist in Malaysia, unfortunately.",
"They even have a lot of in-fighting. North vs. South. Taiwan vs. Mainland. Diasporas vs. Mainlanders. Etc.",
"Yeah they also have Sunni vs Shia, Indonesia vs Malaysia",
"If you're trying to bait me, I am a Malay who's not a Muslim and I am part-Indonesian.\nIn my opinion, most people are awful regardless of creed.",
"Well at least have some nuance then instead of generalising that Chinese as a people have a lot of infighting 🤷♂️ you want unity? Don’t la throw fire on hate 🤦♂️\nBtw bro, how are you a non muslim Malay in Malaysia? I’m curious, did you go through official channels or just senyap senyap don’t practice? Any backlash? I asking coz my friend married into muslim",
"What does unity look like? The USSR? Pol Pot's regime? Marxism? It doesn't exist and it never will. Me making a comment about Chinese in-fighting doesn't mean that I don't think the same about Africans or Arabs or even Europeans.\nI am non-Muslim because I decided to be non-Muslim. Who cares what my documents say? If I leave Malaysia, it will stop being relevant anyway.\nYes there is backlash, by baboons who never think for themselves.",
"Unity looks like Sabah",
"You mean poverty.",
"Bro just said Kota Kinabalu = poverty 💀",
"So is this generalisation? How all muslim are terrorist sounds to you?",
"I had this Indian lady who mistakenly thought my worker had given her the wrong change. It was the correct one.\nBut the interaction is somewhere along “Inilah orang Islam…” right to her face."
"This is probably where the sentence \"kamu balik china lah\" would be justified cuz since he hate malays so much and thinks all chinese are oh so good then pindah to china lor\nIm saying this as a chinese ok,we all are born here so the most basic mindset is to just idk not hate each other because of race ok? :26558::26558:"
"Bruh... that's just fucked up. I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I seriously, honestly wish I was in that car with you so I could just lay it back on the dude. Nobody should be allowed to be that rude and racist and be allowed to walk away unscathed."
"Somwthing off topic, if you are to post this in bolehland, i wonder what will be the replies like.",
"The exact same replies as the comments in this post i would bet, just with different race."
"We’re Malaysians. We’re racist to each other."
"Racism is not unique to any race. It is more prevalent among the uneducated. So a boomer driver? Not surprised."
"My last Grab ride back from the airport was in a Malay fella's car — had a good chat about stuff that the whole 45 minutes felt like 15 minutes.\nIf anything my long term (10+ years) hired car guy is a Malay fella as well we get quite candid about such conversations as well, dude had done nothing but be on time and a good conversationalist. We spoke relatively 'controversial' subjects because we were both each other's soundboard on things like this.\nAs some has mentioned here you got unlucky."
"In this community only Malay racist other race no racist /s",
"Versa to you bolehlanders , privileged and government backed majority vs suppressed discrimination minorities was being asked to give up more rights",
"The only people that actually benefit from the bumi right is the people on top of the hierarchy pyramid. Ie elites."
"TIL there are racist people in Malaysia /s"
"Give him negative 5 stars if you could. Elaborate the situation briefly in the reviews. Fuck racism."
"Hey OP, wait until you learned how badly racist some Chinese are against Indian people."
"Report that guy, just a shameful act of racism. On Chinese social media and press, Malay on Chinese is so frequently reported and the comments are like \"oh we are bullied for being a unique small minority\",but I actually also felt that Chinese on Malay is also frequent in the form of stereotypes, just that Chinese people is known to keep their feelings to themselves and being clever about it. Seriously, if we were to achieve actual unity, this has to change."
"Racism is everywhere if you see it.\nIt’s a pity that he chose to live his life around it.\nI can’t blame him and I won’t condone this kind of behaviour, we live in a country that has institutions and open racism to the non and what you experienced is daily life of the non more or less.\nI hope we can one day break from this vicious cycle of hatred."
"Sounds like your typical racist Chinese unkerr"
"come to penang lah, they even call you huana (barbaric people) in normal daily conversation and nothing racist about that to them.",
"Huana is literally how hokkien people call malay and there is no degratory in it.",
"Teochew people also, afaik there's no alternative word because that's the only word my grandma was taught growing up.",
"'then the K word is how melakans call indians , theres no degratory meaning in it '\nSee how that sounds ? Huana is still an ethnic slur with deeper meaning in other places such as the philipines or taiwan",
"Yeah but we are not taiwan or philipines , the other is not goverment backed , we don't purposely say it to degrate people , simply because there is no other word in hokkien to call malay people or widely know yet , you can launch a cancel culture on them , but cancelling is a west liberal thing you might want to avoid it",
"What about calling them Malay or Melayu instead though?\nI'll be like me calling my dad Keling because I grew up with the word and for some insane reason, never hearing the word Tamil in my life.",
"So you want to invent a new word? Good luck with that.",
"There no such word exist in hokkien yet , and educating language outside of mandarin in sjkc is illegal the teacher will cane you for even speaking one word , hokkien education is non existence how do you expect people to change, launch a cancel culture then , but then there will be people purposely use it for degratory because yall just put a degratory meaning in it by trying to cancel it.",
"I grew up in Ipoh and they called white people \"gwai lou\". It's devil or something.",
"Huana literally means malay people"
"Is he a boomer generation?\nIMO, quite common among this generation."
"Blame it on the individual, his up bringing has led him to this path as fate we would have called it. Just let it be. Racism a worldwide problem, since the dawn of men."
"wow...not even election season and still got race-baiting propaganda....what's going on?"
"It's unfortunate you end up with this moron. Even the worst racist I know is professional if he was paid for a service."
"Yup, need some proof. If not it’s just flaming and look at the commenters going wild.",
"Yupe and people are typing alot of colourful comments when there's no proof from op side.",
"And you will just believe this post by an anonymous poster? Without any evidence of such incident?",
"Pls reread what I type because I want proof and not another rage bait post.",
"Sry replied to the wrong comment",
"Apology accepted"
"ni mesti jenis suka hon x penyabar"
"Malaysian Chinese are some of the most racist folks I have come across, with the Penang variety especially toxic."
"Alhamdulillah, I saw the comments here and I will keep them in mind the next time I vote.",
"Vote based on proposed policies not some salty comments on a reddit thread lol",
"Thats not gonna be good for ph with all those new tax coming in and impending subsidy cut.",
"New luxury tax and targeted subsidy if I'm not mistaken, bad for rich tycoons but good for common folks no?",
"All kena, rich t20 luxury tax, increased income tax,\nm40 below rm500 online purchasing tax, increased electricity tariff, no fuel subsidy\nB40=Win with increased br1m, fuel subsidy.\n2024 gonna be a smashing year.. no wonder Chinese says 4 is suwey.",
"You got me at the last part 😂 take my upvote",
"b40 definitely kena also.. business owned by M40 and T20.. if these people are hit, the goods that B40 buy is gonna get hit too.",
"Who cares who you vote, go ahead hahahahahahah",
"So you just gonna believe some random reddit post."
"Welcome to the experience of every other non Malay in Malaysia."
"Man this guy was disturbingly comfortable with his racism.... Makes me wonder how much worse he is behind closed doors.\nFwiw, OP, this is an unfortunate reality for a lot of people where some assholes are just very comfortable with being a racist piece of shit to your face. But from experience, they very quickly back down or shut their mouths the minute you call them out on it. Most of us are just too polite in these situations, so its likely they haven't experienced anyone actually telling them off for their racist behaviour."
"Race baiting this sub is hilariously easy.\nWho cares what some random cab driver thinks? Leave a review and move on. Also, you're a paying customer, tell the dude to stfu and put on some T.Swift.",
"The whole journey OP couldn't say a word, but can come to reddit and say a lot lol. How about grow a pair and tell the taxi driver to shut it as a paying customer, berani kat leddit aje."
"finally understand how minority feel in this country?",
"yala cina cannot be rasis only malay only",
"More like privileged goverment backed majority prohibited a supressed discriminated minorities to talk back while they can freely do so without consequences",
"prohibited a supressed discriminated minorities to talk back? what minorities cannot talk balk ke? tak paham le",
"Blh , tapi masuk lokap",
"Calling minority balik tongsan and K word no issue. The cambodian merchant saying M word (lazy) police involved KEK."
"This is why bumi rights are created",
"Don't fight racism with more racism",
"Do we kill them with kindness instead?"
"ill say ,just go back to main land",
"Nah, they need a taste of their own medicine - they know what they're doing is wrong, and if they didn't, now they'll know how it feels\nPrimitive idiots need primitive lessons. Start at the bottom of the pyramid then work yourself up",
"Who are these 'they'? You are speaking of? OP posted 1 racist guy who happens to be Chinese. You are going to blame the whole race because of 1 person?\nYour moral high ground 'so high'",
"\"They\" refers to the individual racists. If someone pokes your eye they should be ok with their eyes being poked out",
"Luckily, for the rest of us, we have the justice system. You go ahead and poke people's eyes then, will read about you in the headlines",
"Well, maybe u should go back to Indonesia?"
"your mistake was you did not shut him down when he first started talking shit. you should have told him that you are not paying him to talk, but drive. you allowed him to continue and he took that as you agreeing with what he said and so he pushed his limits and went on further. as the employer, you should have done that. you are accountable for the experience that your foreign friends are having."
"Hey, maybe you'd meet the uncle again during the next r/Malaysia meet up session. Now got common topic."
"I’m a foreigner and live with Chinese family. Sadly racism is a thing towards Malay…"
"Here we go again. Another race bait post. 🙄"
"You ain't a racist if you are Chinese.\nEdit: calm down guys not all Chinese ok. Only some."
"Funny how Malay keep saying don’t paint them with one brush then proceed to paint all Chinese with one brush lol",
"they literally said that this Grab driver was the first time they had experienced such racism, and that they had lots of Chinese and Indian friends who were perfectly alright",
"Now put a mirror on your comment. Replace race \"x\" and put race \"y\" in the same spot. Doesn't make sense right? Because it's still same thing."
"We found the private driver y'all!",
"People like you hurt non-racist Malays. Wow.",
"Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech.\nThis is an official warning to stop fanning racial flames on this thread, or a ban will be imposed.",
"So u just paint everyone with one brush ? In your mind all malays are racist hence all Malay deserves to be treated that way ?"
"Racism is institutionalised, what can you do? Article 153 already proves inequality between people being okay in this country.\nYou lot like to remind us we are pendatangs and we need to go back where we come from, you leech from our hardwork, you don't appreciate us, and you slowly encroach and erode our rights slowly. You want us to not be racist?\nI feel bad for you but I don't feel surprised tbh, I can also name situations where I get abused too. But I don't make a big post here whining about something we see every 5 years.\nIn conclusion, you can't change something that's already acceptable here."
"Hohoho don’t worry. Institutionalised racism still in place. Ketuanan still rules."
"Majority of Malays have been groomed and brainwashed from young to be racists towards the Chinese. U r just experiencing the product of the Malaysian Govt since Mahathir- the ultimate racist fuxk. 3 headed snake who betrays anyone, regardless of religion and race.\nIt is unfortunate u experienced such comments from the Chinese driver but u need to realize he has been discriminated by the Malaysian Govt and Malay society in general his entire life . As a Malay, most will feel supreme over other races coz u know th government is always on ur side. Malays even tell the Chinese they should be grateful the Malays allowed them to stay in the country .. wtf. The Chinese are treated far worse than the blacks in the US. The Chinese enterprises play a big part of Malaysia's economy but are treated as 3rd class citizens after the mamaks.",
"The Chinese are treated far worse than the blacks in the US\nExcuse you? Call us woke for knowing of their slavery and in 2023, blacks still get SHOT, LYNCHED for existing. It feels good to be in control by putting another race down, doesn't it? We're not the ones being randomly stopped by the street for 'spot checks' or followed around in stores as if we're stealing.\nNo one is ignoring your first paragraph, but you really sound like an All Lives Matter apologist. \"I hate everyone equally!\"",
"That's coz blacks have a higher risk of killing others due to their historical crime track record..it's unfortunate but black youths have given themselves that reputation. The police see them as high risk so they get shot. I disagree with the way the police behave but the US is actually a pretty messed up ctry now. That is the sad fact. A bunch of hypocrites and corrupted Democrats and Reps. China will overtake the US.",
"You seriously comparing how black Americans being treated in the US to how non bumi being treated in malaysia ?\nWhat ?!!! How ?!!!!\nAs per you mention, Chinese owned business is the core of Malaysian economy. How can a group of people that have these kind of success still thinks that thy are being treated worst that blacks American in America where they have been systematically put in poverty and at one point slaves by the American whites ?\nThis is why I hate people like you ! Yes here there’s racism in Malaysia. no one can deny it but for you to belittle the hardship of black Americans it’s craaazyyyy to me !!! Nuts !",
"Yes, non bumis are openly discriminated in Malaysia and that is an ugly fact. From Education to Businessses. It's not a country based on meritocracy. Listen, I know of non bumis with Straight As and denied entries to do medicine in local Unis but for Bumis, they could get in with lesser grades. Government scholarships given to Bumis with lesser grades than Non Bumis ( straight As) despite the non bumis parents being hawkers... wtf.\nI dont think I said anything to belittle the hardship of black Americans. Black Americans do have a louder voice in the US than the Chinese in Malaysia. Blacks face hardships due to their own work and home culture and attitudes. So u r jumping to wrong conclusions.\nI don't have data to prove that Chinese owned companies are the core of the Malaysian economy today considering many Bumi enterprises are also very large but the Chinese entrepreneurs in 70s to 90s did help build the economy. Unfortunately the Malaysian Govt does not want to give credit to them.they are constantly told to thank the Malays?? Pfft...for what? Only in Malaysia do u have Malay dominated politicians openly threatening another race. Do u think the white Americans can say \"black ppl, don't test our patience with u??\" . Even South Africa does not behave like Malaysia..pls go get ur facts right.\nMalaysia is a sad state with a divisive Govt for the past 30 yrs. A truly none progressive mindset, esp the politics and Govt.\nMalaysia would be a far more progressive country if the government stopped it's racial politics. A country so rich in natural resources but poorly developed local talent due to racial politics and discrimination is the cause of Malaysia's poor economy and quality of life. The problem is u have this small elite group of Malays who wants control of the Malays to win elections. I don't have the data but only a small elite group of Malays are reaping the rewards but more than 60pct of them are struggling financially. This is just general observation.\nIt will take generations to reverse this sick racism in Malaysia.",
"As a Malay who is pro abolishing bumi rights, I don’t feel welcome in this fight for equality in malaysia if on the other side are people like you who painted every Malays with the same brush.\nThe simple fact is, you need Malays on your team to win the equality fight in malaysia . This will never happen when we see what kind of sick opinion the people that want to fight for “equality” have on malays in general.\nTepuk dada, Tanya selera.. you wanna fight against racism, then don’t be racist first …\nAnd for your simpleton mind let me tell you this, Black Americans may have a louder voice now, but most of them are still in poverty. Look at facts, get off the internet. Compare the household income of Chinese Malaysian and black Americans in the context of each country’s demographic la.",
"I agree with u. All races should work together and push the entire nation forward. It's frustrating for non bumis to be constantly told they don't belong to Malaysia when all they know is about Malaysia. Racism is toxic and will never go away but the government should not openly use it as a tool to win votes and constantly poison the minds of Bumis that Chinese are a threat to the Bumis existence. The Chinese are not interested in taking any privileges from the Malays. They just want to earn a decent living for their families. The Govt should stop sowing hate into the minds of Malays that Chinese are a threat..it just builds this distrust amongst races. I agree that not all Malays are racist but many view non bumis as trying to take things away from them.\nIt's just disheartening to see a country with so much resources and talent to be in this state.",
"If I'm malay why would I ever want it to change. I'm a privalaged race. My local politicians and religious leaders remind me everyday that I'm the superior race and everyone else is beneath me. I get free handouts in terms of welfare and bumi discounts. If I get an income of only 3k rm I am very contented. I daily look at religious and propaganda tiktok and FB telling me all the bad things other races are trying to sabotage us and they will be our downfall. While at the same time coming into major liberal cities looking for work under Chinese bosses and do gigs treating it as a full time job. Also under the management of other races. Then have to also rent from nons as well but quietly curse them inside of being a non halal abode.\nI do not ever see this nation progressing ever in the next coming century even. We are only a step or crisis away from regressing into a total taliban like Islamic state. Don't have to look far. ACEH is a good example. If tht ever comes to happen. Malaysia is gone. Malay conservatives won. All nons would desert Malaysia in droves and any hope of Malaysia ever developing into a 1st world state is gone while other aswan countries overtake us and our main import then will be security guards and maids.",
"Haha this guy is the supreme ultra malay tuan tanah, no use arguing with him",
"\"The Chinese are treated far worse than the blacks in the US\"\n\"As a Malay, most will feel supreme over other races..\"\nI know you are racist, but perhaps try to get out of your bubble sometimes and interact with people?\nReading your comment makes me shiver, to think there are still hardcore racist like this as Malaysians.",
"Bro, in what way are Chinese Malaysians treated far worse than blacks in the US?",
"This clown hasn't heard of apunenehs apparently",
"Go learn history bro",
"Bro, u have Malay politicians openly tell the Chinese to go back to China. Which part of Malaysia do u live in? Do u have the US government tell the blacks to go back to Africa because America.is for whites? Do u hear the American government threaten the Blacks that they were not welcome in the US altho they were born there? Duh. .I know my facts and lived thru racism there..so don't tell me bs bro. I m just stating the truth in Malaysia for the Chinese..if u can't handle it,.so be it.\nRacism in any country is bad but the sad truth is no one hides in Malaysia."
"This is what happens when you live in your own bubble and not befriending people from other backgrounds. Ignorance breeds hate.\nMost Malaysian aspire the same. To have an honest living and practice our own things.",
"Did you not read that OP has…foreign friends and local non-malay friends?",
"I am referring to the racist uncle, iant it obvious?",
"Nope, not to me. Using the word “you” breeds my assumption that you are referring to OP as obviously you don’t have direct contact with the driver, unless he is your dad or something.\nAnd the uncle is a driver by trade. We can assume he met people from different backgrounds so excuse my misunderstanding"
"He is a redditor."
"Now you meet one, as an ethnicity cina guy, next time you heard some racist remarks from them, just talk in Mandarin or Hokien or Cantonese i understand Chinese, you will be surprised by their face changes XP"
"Dude. We are all racist to some degree.\nJust unlucky you met uncle who could keep quiet..\nDid you tell him directly you're uncomfortable and for him to just be quiet?"
"Deep down we are all racist."
"i love malays",
"i only got malay friends tho, maybe they can find me a cupboard to live in... like anne frank",
"Not in this economy bruh ain't feeding another mouth.",
"i love how this post is some chinese dude being racist to malay, then u malay dudes are doing the same where the love bro? one malaysia",
"I am an equal opportunity hater. I am Malay, I hate Malays, and I hate other races also.",
"Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech. Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy.\nDefinition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.\nBasic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute.\nSome categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin.\nSlurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans.\nExample: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims).\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks."
"Thx to our great government that been playing racism cards n promote \"bumi rights\" which rose unfairness n equally questions in the sunlights.\nPlus they purposely brainwashing people to be racism , so we Jeep fighting between ourselves while the politicians sitting on top enjoying our ripped off taxes money n corruption.\nBe awake people, be clarity of mind, knowing what causes all these n walk yourself away from this."
"feels great on the receiving end huh? I'm sorry that you had to experience racism, the driver's behavior is inexcusable, but not out of the ordinary as a Malaysian, so... shake it off, I guess? like so many nons and minorities in the country",
"Thanks, OP feels better now. /s"
"based uncle",
"Bruhh 💀"
"Lol cina kena racism everyday never see we bark also. U go mamak as a cina see u kena or not..for us it is business as usual duh"
"Maybe you are not a racist, but most of the people around you are."
"Literally nothing he said was racist against Malay, you are too sensitive bro and need a thicker skin"
"Generally the older generations can be very racist, they're mostly the product of their time and don't think being racist is a big deal. For Gen Z onwards there's absolutely no reason to be racist piece of shit. These people mostly just wanna be edgy or going all out to be an asshole because it's cool. Otherwise, they are people who grew up in an echo chamber and never go out their comfort zone when socialize. And I'm speaking of people of all skin colors."
"Two sides of the same coin unfortunately"
"1st time?"
"He is racist and weak that why he only focus on the disadvantage in life. Life condition him to be that way. But guess what even if he born as malay he will find some other negative on Chinese and other races also.\nCan't help him but to pity him.\nWe should all be equally treated and look for the positive side of the world."
"Looks like you’ve just found CCP supporter."
"Try to put yourself in his shoes on why he came to such politically incorrect behavior.\nLet's put it this way, the minorities also experiencing daily institutionalized racism that the majority thinks is fully justified. I personally experienced that a Nasi Lemak stall owner refused/or gave priority to her own kind while everyone is on the queue to place order, it was obvious that when it finally reach my turn she instead serving the next person in-line, I walked away, I don't know if it will be safe to eat.\nThat's how your elected Government wants it."
"Use your special privilege to ask him back tongsan, chinese are minority am i right."
"As a Malay, I wonder what Chinese who regularly engage with the foreigners or expats tell them about Malays and Malaysia in general. I studied in Europe and I was once asked by my Eurpoean classmate whether it's true in Malaysia everyone is prohibited from drinking becayse Islam dictates us. I was like, \"everyone? you sure?\". Sigh. FYI, we have Malaysian Chinese in the class too, so I kinda sus thats where they got the wrong info from. Again, not all Chinese. Chinese are like Kelantanese, well organised and unionised people, but their unity kinda annoy people around them.",
"Maybe Islam is the one who make a bad name to Malaysia?"
"Adoiii do we live in your head rent free or what? 🤣"
"Wait.. the op post getting down votes😂"
"This type is typical uncle lah, but this one so atrocious in his racism. Malay ex muslim here, I think people that hate Malays and Islam have a history of hatred and bigotry themselves and perhaps even a superiority complex. I personally forgive those who have wronged me, even if I’m denied my rights to leave the religion I have no hatred for you guys. I want to live my own life too. I think more people should be tolerant and empathetic to each other, you and me Indian or Chinese we are no different except than the classes and caste that the racist society has laid down upon us. I’m not blaming all Malays here, I know there are many Malays that disagree with racism and special privileges. Malays that are secretly no longer faithful. Malays that are humanistic but also still believe in a higher power. I have no problem with humans preserving their humanity and sympathy for others. Please ppl, what our country need for change is for us to try and relate. See what’s it’s like to be in other people’s shoes."
"I would have confronted him in the face. It’s offensive to have this kind of racism thrown at your face.\nYou let it pass and he will never learn, the next customer will suffer."
"Review, \"thank you but please shut up next time, I need a driver not a storyteller\""
"What country do you think you're in? Communities actively generalise each other or get opinions on each other through Tik Tok / political parties"
"pay no mind to it\nIt's a fact that stupid, racist, sexist, and selfish-aholes exist. We either act as a responsible member of society to do something about it, or just pay no mind to it if we can't do anything. Not worth thinking about them"
"Haih. I've been around long enough to see this sort of racism from all races.\nThe only difference is how openly racist he is to you in front of your face. Usually talk bad behind, this one talk bad in front asking for a bad review."
"You should have asked him to stop or call him out when he says anything racist. Usually people who are racist out in the open have either a lack of shame or they are really lowly educated."
] |
Sudden switch to meritocracy in education may cause unrest, says ex-MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj (PSM) | /r/malaysia/comments/18u3fho/sudden_switch_to_meritocracy_in_education_may/ | 35 | [
] | [
"Malaysia is not ready for meritocratic practices in its education system, according to Parti Sosialis Malaysia chairman Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj.\nHe said a sudden shift to meritocracy could exacerbate political and social unrest if it resulted in professional courses being filled with an overwhelming majority of non-Bumiputera students.\n“Any system must be fair to all. This is also not something that is politically feasible or acceptable. It’s going to cause a lot of unhappiness,” he told FMT in an exclusive interview.\nProposals for university admissions to be based on merit have arisen out of discontent with the current quota system by which non-Malays from lower economic backgrounds have missed out on opportunities for higher education.\nTo be fair, I think the Dr. is just pointing out the sad reality that many in the public sphere of Malaysia today probably won't be ready for a meritocratic education system (or as close to meritocracy as it can be), not that he's personally against a meritocratic system.\nHell, not too long ago in 2018, there was huge rally in KL because the conservative forces in this country don't agree with Malaysia ratifying a UN treaty calling for an end to all forms of racial discrimination.\nAnti ICERD rally: So, what's the estimate?\nWhat would happen if such a laudable policy was simply proposed today? The Unity government would be criticized left, right and center for being 'anti-Malay' and 'taking away' Bumiputera rights, and the gullible will believe in this narrative.",
"if it resulted in professional courses being filled with an overwhelming majority of non-Bumiputera students\ni kindda agree if people have this assumption set as default. but we have done this before and it goes the other way around really badly. :26561:",
"Interesting! Could I get some sources on that?",
"https://www.dapmalaysia.org/all-archive/English/2002/may02/bul/bul1598.htm\nDAP welcomes the move by the government to implement a selection system based completely on merit for entry into public universities this year (2002)\nThe announcement of the successful enrolment of students into public universities this year has seen the increase of Bumiputra student intake to 68.9% of the total enrolment while enrolment of non-Bumiputra students has declined to 31.1% (Chinese-26.4% and Indian-4.7%)\nfor comparison the previous quota that was used prior to that year was:\nMalay 55% ( increase to 68.9)\nChinese 35% (decrease to 26.4)\nIndian 10% (decrease to 4.7)",
"Tbf, ‘merit’ is a metric ripe for manipulation",
"Seems to be this might have something to do with the Matriculation system still being on the quota 90:10 system?\nAs pointed out by the article you linked, that system remains and if a substantial portion of university admission are given to matriculation students, you would logically see a drop since the \"backstop\" mechanism that keeps STPM students filled in would be gone.\nWould love a good study/analysis on the mechanics of that if anyone has it, seems like a bunch of research to actually drill down to the possinle causes.",
"Then it’s not fair to capable nons who should rightfully fill the place. That in itself is a great disservice to the nation n much unbeneficial to bumis"
"Pain now, gain later"
"From free tongkats to free electric wheelchairs for generations, now you expect them to make an effort?"
"The way to do it is by first starting a \"no one left behind\" policy in education.\n1st step: get a lot more teachers, like 30% more than what we have now at least.\n2nd step: You suck at studying? Failing your \"insert subject\"? You join after school class, mandatory. Qualified guidance counsellor to 1 to 1 go through what's the student's problem is and helping them to fix it. No go home loiter, we make sure you pass, by understanding why you can't understand. Move you to syllabus more suitable to your aptitude.\nThen we go towards a more meritocracy education system.",
"Last time in my primary school, which was a SJKC, used to run this kind of system during the year of UPSR. All of us would have to attend additional classes after school every day.",
"as if malaysia has enough money to hire qualified and non abusive guidance counsellor hahaahha"
"They know if they play fair, public universities will be dominated by Cina"
"Should not have quota for certain courses that have bad consequences when small mistakes are made e.g. nuclear science, medicine, structural, geotechnical, aviation etc"
"isnt meritocracy = fairness? what's the point of graduating with tongkat?"
"When will Malaysia ever be fully ready, actually?",
"Sudden change, yes. Gradual change, no.\nKeep the racial quota for now, but make it b40 malay only. Need to check income tax to verify. It helps the country because families who want to enjoy this needs to declare income, more data for the government and potential higher income tax collection.\nWe can open it up to other races after the majority are used to the concept."
"SMKCs: meh"
"Survival of the fittest, scared is for the weak"
"I don't get it. Are we not using meritocracy in tertiary education except for UITM/Matriculation?",
"Keyword is matriculation."
"What a stupid country and policy lol. Enjoy the brain drain"
"A pure meritocracy would benefit the rich more than the poor. After all, the rich has access to better resource, food, school. They can afford to go to tuition. They can afford to focus in afterschool activities (is it called coop?) for better points while the poor might have to spend their day helping with family businesses and maybe take care of their younger siblings while their parents are out working.\nIn the end, the gap between the rich and the poor would only grow larger. Meritocracy is fine and all but a quota system should still be implemented, so stop acting like it's a bad thing. In fact, isn't all public universities like this? As far I know, UM is under this system."
"Allocate seats as per race distribution, so roughly 10% to Indians, 30% to Chinese and 60% to Malays. Use meritocracy within each category. Its not hard.\nThis way Malays are ensured allocation, while there’s still a mechanism to ensure seats for the highest performers within each category.",
"I was gonna agree and upvote the idea but that last sentence is distasteful.",
"Well if that's the case you gotta allocate proportionately to sabah and sarawak folks as well, Iban, dayak, kadazan etc.\nMalaysia isn't just peninsula",
"Not a fan of this. My perceived aim of public university education is to give lower income students to affordable venue to better themselves and improve social mobility. Instead of making the distribution based on race, we should make it based on socioeconomic level and academic performance. High performers from a high income family don't need public university ecudation because their family can afford private university education for them.",
"That would be the ideal situation. I completely agree. My comment was trying to be realistic and ensure a proportionate level of malay seats.",
"You made a valid point that I felt was worth looking into deeper and definitely one for discussion, until...\nIf you don’t agree with this you’re a racist.\n...because apparently this isn't a discussion and if I find a flaw in it I'm a racist lol. Sorry, get over yourself.",
"or distribute based on familial income."
"Isu is not about competition at all for Malays. Its about having the unis opened but sjk/smjk still being there.",
"Sjk and smk accept students from any race.",
"They can accept animals and plants even. The sentiment remains that the malays consider them divisive."
"There’s a white horse in the room thats never talked about. The average IQ of Malays(and Indians) fall substantially behind the Chinese. This will be reflected in academic performance. This is not easily corrected and will take generations. So mediocracy will not work for Malays for the longest time."
"So ? How to increase its country economy? Will it be continue of 500 years of being bully by other nation or prosperity after 100 years ?"
] |
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 30 December 2023 | /r/malaysia/comments/18typcw/rmalaysia_geopolitics_containment_megathread_for/ | 0 | [
"Geopolitical Megathread"
] | r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread
This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below!
Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate.
Rationale: Why we have set this up
This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day! | [] |
Motac MM2H Service Counter | /r/malaysia/comments/18tj456/motac_mm2h_service_counter/ | 0 | [
"Tourism & Travel"
] | Hi, anyone heard of or been to the recently-opened MM2H service counter at Motac? I lost my old passport and need to transfer the visa page onto the new one which I have applied for. Not sure if this is covered under their "pass transfer" service. Thanks in advance.
One-stop MM2H hub opens at Motac in Putrajaya | The Star | [] |
MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 30 Disember 2023 (pagi) | /r/malaysia/comments/18u346j/met_malaysia_laporan_cuaca_30_disember_2023_pagi/ | 0 | [
] | [] |
Best way to get to Penang tomorrow? | /r/malaysia/comments/18tg8m1/best_way_to_get_to_penang_tomorrow/ | 2 | [] | Hi good people. I’m a tourist, trying to get to Penang from KL tomorrow.
I understand that there are trains and buses that go there.
How do I book the train? Is there a website?
Same question for buses!
Any help would be awesome. Thanks!!! | [
"Bus: 50% Offer Kuala Lumpur to Penang bus ticket from RM 26.60 | BusOnlineTicket.com\nTrain: Welcome to the KTMB Integrated Ticketing System"
"Try this 2 sites for bus and train services http://www.tbsbts.com.my/ (bus) https://www.ktmb.com.my/ETS.html (train). I find it easier using their apps. Good luck getting a ticket for tomorrow"
] |
A Malaysian Tesla Model 3 customer receives mismatched door panels | /r/malaysia/comments/18u38k1/a_malaysian_tesla_model_3_customer_receives/ | 2 | [
"Science/ Technology"
] | [
"This is the Tesla experience."
"not uncommon.\nlet me tell you about the time the land rover factory did not remove a plastic seal and install the air con drainage hose. customer complained got water sound. found out this was the case, the whole floor was flooded, fried a couple of electronic control units.\nluxury at it's best."
] |
Ngeh's proposal to have non-Muslim experts in syariah law committee a mistake — Loke | /r/malaysia/comments/18tlooa/ngehs_proposal_to_have_nonmuslim_experts_in/ | 5 | [
] | [
"Political correctness at its finest."
"Mistake or not, it actually served a more important purpose — to get multiple parties, especially the royalty and political leaders to openly reiterate the separation of both laws in terms of application.\nWhat is more interesting however is the absence of PAS leadership who were weirdly silent on this matter (from the mainstream media at least), they would be the very first to latch on this to score political points especially with enemies DAP in the crosshair.",
"You can check on Facebook or Twitter la. PAS leadership has responded. 90% Malay support after this, takkan lepas punya la nak hentam. Bola tanggung.",
"Malas nak check Facebook la abam, haven't been there for half a decade."
"Meh ,if this was MCA or Gerakan during BN reign this post would have more traction"
] |
Food variety at TRX Mall | /r/malaysia/comments/18u7faj/food_variety_at_trx_mall/ | 20 | [
] | So something I noticed when I went to TRX Mall was there was an abundance of Chinese / Korean / Japanese / Taiwanese food but zero Western / Italian food? Is this by design, or is there a reason for it?
I saw some Korean fast food restaurant where they eat with plastic gloves.
Actually the food choices there were quite jarring, and yet the outlets are mostly packed to the brim with queues outside. And this is despite the pricing on the high side. | [
"there was an abundance of Chinese / Korean / Japanese / Taiwanese food but zero Western / Italian food?\nThe last time I checked, Majority of us were Asian.",
"So?\nThe majority of us are also non-chinese, and nearly all of us are non-korean/Japanese/Taiwanese",
"Asian. A-S-I-A-N.",
"What's so special? Why not south east asian? Why not Eurasian?"
"But u didn’t see mexico restaurant",
"No I didn't",
"Chica Bonita, a Mexican restaurant on level 2, piqued my interest; you can see the url for the full address on Google Maps. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sca_esv=594529445&hl=en-US&cs=1&sxsrf=AM9HkKmZEJAjej0Pn4Fd-tRhGiwuaNh0Qw:1703913941391&q=Chica+Bonita+-+Elegante+@+The+Exchange,+TRX&ludocid=13795793928594912584&ibp=gwp;0,7&lsig=AB86z5XixGVmdi0UHOzdmyknH-_z&kgs=7afcb0001cc7b163&shndl=-1&shem=lcspe,lsp&source=sh/x/loc/act/m1/4",
"yup, highly recommend this place for authentic Mexican instead of the usual Tex-Mex",
"Lmao.\nChica bonita is ANYTHING but authentic Mexican gastronomy.",
"Chica bonita is laughably bad",
"Also daylight robbery prices because people don’t know shit about Mexican food in Malaysia.",
"Where do you guys recommend",
"I really enjoyed Colombo, Sri Lankan cuisine right opposite Chica Bonita\nDespite the crowd, Day One Day One Noodles at the lower floor really surprised me in a good way. Not sure if its halal or not though"
"It can either be the overwhelming demand for such cuisine or the target demographic (East Asians) supposedly has the most spending power, hence they cater to them\nIf I were to go there, food court or fast food only for me :28915:"
"Did u miss all the kenny hills restaurants?!?!?",
"I associate that with cakes and baked food",
"They do western pretty well."
"Western food in Malaysia sucks. Italian food is so-so"
"Tbh the food selection at TRX is appaling. The only thing that is really interesting is Kanbe Ramen but the queue is off putting"
"The shops follow the money, that's simply common sense. If these shops have no demand, they will eventually close. If they continue to exist, it means people prefer them over whatever shop you have in mind, that's all."
] |
Do mixed Malaysians question their cultural identity? | /r/malaysia/comments/18ueimt/do_mixed_malaysians_question_their_cultural/ | 37 | [
] | Hello fellow monyets,
For context, I'm half Sarawakian and half Chinese.
Because of this, I'm not really sure how to label myself. Ever since I moved to semenanjung, you're somewhat forced to be one or the other. So I get confused on whether I should embrace my Sarawakian identity or Chinese identity. Its significantly harder for me to embrace the Chinese side of me since I'm both a banana and a Muslim at the same time, so I tend to tell people I'm Sarawakian instead. I feel bad for it tho, its as if I'm abandoning my mother's roots.
Do you fellow mixed race monyets feel the same? | [
"You are seriously confused dude, what do you mean mixed sarawakian & chinese? Sarawak is a state, not a race. Malay, melanau, kayan, kenyah, iban is all sarawakian",
"melanau, i say sarawakian because the majority of people in semenanjung dont know anything about our races. Force of habit sorry HAHAHAHA"
"For me, I just tell everyone I'm Malaysian. I don't care if they want to identify me as \"Chinese\", but that's not who I am. I just so happen to practice Chinese culture and speak the language.\nMy parents and grandparents are born Malaysian, so I'm not exactly abandoning my roots despite them claiming otherwise."
"Sarawak melayu ke?\nMy cousins are half chinese half sarawakian melayu too and both live outside of Sarawak.\nOne is very devout and has beard and wear kopiah most times. No one ever assumes he is not Malay so he just tells people he is half Chinese from Sarawak.\nThe other is more modern, clean shaven etc. He looks more ambiguous so he tells people he chinese malay mix from sarawak.\nThey both can't speak much mandarin too, but they own it anyway.\nThe more modern one insisted on having his given Chinese name (not on ic) on his business cards because he reckons its a great ice breaker.\nAnd when the devout one got married to a malay lady he also did all the Chinese Rituals with gusto. It was pretty endearing watching his wife get kitted out in a full length kua and had the gold hair accessories pinned through her tudung.\nSo...\nNo need to abandon anything, and just embrace it and say you're Malay Chinese mix from Sarawak.\nIf they ask why you cannot speak mandarin just say cause my chinese family all banana too haha. Gen z and alpha chinese kids in Kuching are all bananas anyway man.",
"That only can happen Sarawak, if it happens in a semanjung the jakim will show up and give saman.",
"what the hell are you even talking about?"
"As a KL Chinese, I don't see any point in East Malaysians denying that they're East Malaysians. East Malaysians' lifestyle and culture are so different from Semenanjung that we're really two different countries who share the same flag.\nAin't no way two communities separated by a fucking sea will ever feel like they're 'one' culture."
"You can mix and match"
"There are Chinese Muslims waaaay longer than Malay Muslims"
"I call myself rojak and just leave it at that. No point overthinking it as it will just stress me out already I’m living with identity crisis since forever"
"Lol everyone dunking on you in the comments for the Chinese / Sarawakian culture must not be an East Msian. It's true that Sarawakian isn't an ethnicity, but we East Malaysians do have a distinctly different culture??? compared to West Malaysians.\nIn peninsula, I feel like people identify as their race before they identify as a Selangorian (etc)/Malaysian.\nWhile East Malaysians in peninsula identify as Sarawakian/Sabahan. (Not all la, but speaking from my own experience and fellow East Msian friends' experience)\nEven my Sabahan pure Chinese friend, feels that she identifies more with fellow Sabahans than peninsula Chinese\nSo that's why you're feeling confused lol. It's not really race, it's the West Msia vs East Msia divide."
"i said sarawakian in general out of habit, because most semenanjung people don't know much about sarawakian races\nto clarify, i am melanau, so stop scolding me pls :(",
"Chinese = 1 billion world wide\nMelanau = 100k\nPreserve your Melanau culture first but never forget your Chinese root"
"Chindian here. No confusion for me personally, just emotional baggage when it comes to elements of both cultures that I can't fucking stand. I basically just sit on the fence and not pick a side, and I haven't really felt a need to identify more with a specific side either."
"Yes I'm mixed sperm and ovum."
"I’m fully Chinese but don’t speak Mandarin and my peers make me question my cultural identity.\nI think it’s less of a race thing and more of the people around you that made you feel like you are less of something just because you are lacking some arbitrary feature."
"who cares? why do you give a fuck what other people think? cultural identity is relative, it only has power if you re desperate to fit in and thus put a lot of weight on what \"X\" society thinks. but if you live your live on your own terms, then what they think don't matter."
"celup aja."
"TIL Sarawakian is a race"
"Just call yourself a Chiwakian."
"That means you’re local Chinese lah! As Malaysian Chinese, we have our own identity:\nNo allegiances to China or Taiwan, Malaysia only.\nLel why shouldnt you speak the national language\nSpeak your Fuzhounese or Hokkien etc too, we are not of northern Chinese stock (wait shit some sabahan chinese are northern Chinese fuck the north)\nok whatever imma sleep :p"
"Chinese-Indian-Jewish hybrid here. No, I do not question my cultural identity. I grew up surrounded by mainly Chinese and Ashkenazi Jewish cultures (I speak Mandarin and Yiddish). Barely any Indian. Hence, these two are the ones I identify with. Period. No confusion."
"Lol you and me same brother. I'm a Chinese Muslim embracing the Chinese side more. Marriage is still a difficult issue I'm trying to figure out, as I prefer nons/chinese and don't agree with force conversion."
"Just say you are mix (peranakan). Oyemji we unlock new peranakan keee"
"I Baba + Nyonya = mixed or not?"
"So long you’re rich people don’t care"
"I guess I'm Selangor-ian and Chinese. Now I'm confused of my identity too."
"You are sumandak. You don't take any side. Full stop."
"Spare a thought for the people who live in parts of the country where it was multiracial since very long ago, like some places in Melaka.\nMy grandparents were already pre-mixed, and we generally identified ourselves with the culture we grew up in, Malay. If someone asks if I have any other ancestry because of my deviant physical traits from standard Malay, I don’t deny.\nUltimately, beyond it being a nice little trivia, who cares?(Malaysians do, coz we a racist lot). My parents and grandparents raised me the best way they could, and if being in a monoculture setting is a part of that, I embrace that too.\nOn the flip side, me and a Malaysian Chinese colleague met a Filipino when traveling, and he was spiritedly talking up how he is partially Chinese to him, which annoyed my buddy a little: He only speaks English/Tagalog, and doesn’t really show any common Chinese cultural traits.\nIf it means something to you, celebrate it, if not, then don’t. It’s your right, and no one should guilt you over this."
"i just tell them what’s on my IC"
"I am a mix of Melayu and Melanau with a bit of Iban and Chinese ancestry,I identify myself with the culture I'm usually surrounded with as a child which is a Melanau community.So I identify myself more as a Melanau even though my IC says Melayu"
"In Sabah, just call yourself Sino - provided one of your parents is of Sabah Native heritage"
"I'm a 40yo half Malay, quater Chinese and quater French that grew up in Terengganu. I identify as Malay I guess since I grew up in kampung but when I moved to KL I just told people I'm Malaysian because no one could ever guess what I was"
"It's simple you're a semen."
"Embrace both sides.\n[1] The one main advantage we have as Malaysians is that we actually have a proper Chinese language education. That means our general grasp of the language (in a systematic educational sense) is better than many nations that have Chinese ethnic descents, thus giving you a clear advantage if you learned it and find an international job with a relevant requirement.\n[2] This is on top of having Malay as national language, which if you're already fluent potentially makes Indonesian somewhat comprehensible, and even if you're not familiar will quickly pick up on it.\n[3] Then we're a Commonwealth country, so English is a natural part of our societal fabric. Why would you not learn the language that's also usable with everyone by default from Korea/Japan to African and South America?\nI could also say something similar about Tamil, but I know little of the language and I'm barely aware the Tamil we have here may not necessarily be usable across India. I might be wrong.\nArguing about languages and culture is one of the stupidest things some Malaysians do and it's nauseating to see a lot more of it here recently. Why pick sides when you can take advantage of everything available and make you an international asset?"
] |
Sheraton Move, London Move and now, Dubai Move? | /r/malaysia/comments/18ua5yr/sheraton_move_london_move_and_now_dubai_move/ | 64 | [] | [
"Lol they know if Sultan Johor becomes YDPA in a few months, they can’t stand a chance.",
"he likes anuar?",
"Tun M has bad blood with Johor royalty",
"The fact that this come after Daim got put in the naughty list ,Tun M know he have less time to do his move",
"About 32 days left.\nIt's the final countdown intensifies",
"Almost checkmate 😂😂",
"ahh, yes. thank you. totally forgot that",
"What am I missing here? Is mahathir doing some shit? Why now? IIRC he isn't even an MP. This government is already a bit of a shitshow, they should just let Anwar cook so they can just swoop in for a won next election.",
"I think what they are trying to do is create the narrative that they are the saviours of the Malay race. One key difference I noticed with the Malay community this time that is absent during the Sheraton move is the rapid decline of the malays into political extremism. You can see this on twitter (who have always been a PH stronghold) where everyday it gets worse and worse. If they collapse the government, they will be hailed as heroes of the Malay community and ride that shit to secure a decade or more of power",
"Mahathir 97 bro. You think he can wait next election?",
"Yes, but also that's what I thought when I voted in PH last election.\n\"He's 90 something, how long can he not pass to Anwar.\"\nAnd I was ohhh so wrong.",
"Bro one heart discomfort and top 10 best heart doctors would surround him, he aint going anywhere.",
"Mahatir goes into power today. Tomorrow scientists announce a pill to prolong livespan.",
"But they ingat current Agung dumb ?"
"Apart from PN leaders, he claimed there was also the involvement of influential veteran political figures with the rank of Tun\nI wonder who could that be... 😏",
"Tun Perak maybe 🤷🏻♂️",
"Man comes back from the dead to make us into a superpower like the good old days.",
"Someone should make a manga of that.",
"Tan Tin Tun?",
"Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat.\nThey deserve Tun title more than the other two turds.",
"Tunak Tunak Tun"
"At this rate, \"Langkah\" will be Malaysia's equivalent to \"-gate\".",
"Langkah Batang Berjuntai when?",
"Everyday.\nWhen we get fucked by the government.",
"Chun tai?\nWtf"
"Sounds stupid. Opposition too busy talking about bringing down government and not taking care of their own constituents. What happened to gabungan 4? Any projects that will develop kelantan, terengganu kedah and perlis? Or just gonna buy another mazda cx5.",
"PN was in gov for more than 2 yrs, what major development projects were implemented in the East Coast and Northern states?",
"Project Kereta baru merc/vielfire\nProject pi makan nikah 50 kali tahun ini",
"Why would they care about their constituents.\nIt's all about the gaji buta and SUV's."
"Mr. Worldwide"
"RIP MYR man. Can’t we just have a stable term for the government?",
"Until a single party or single coalition has a simple majority. Since 2018, no coalition nor party has that golden number.\nSo expect a shaky government for the next election cycle or two.",
"simple majority\nWrong. Larger majority. Don't need to be 2/3rds, but enough that some frogs won't topple them."
"A viral message on social media recently claimed that a plan was being hatched in Dubai, dubbed the Dubai Move, by representatives of Umno, PN and GPS.\nPN teamming with H2O's anti-Zahid camp is one thing, but GPS? Are those guys very greedy to the point that they are willing to work with the same guys who will damage Sarawak's social diversity?\nEh who am I kidding. Borneo politicians are labeled as frogs for a reason.",
"GPS always there cause they know they r King Maker by playing both side they can get rewards when anyone come to power , why would they want making Malaysia great,it's better if Sarawak is great. You can see that some policy Sarawak do not follow federal,like Sarawak want pmr/spm style exam in there state,push for more control in oil related field and etc",
"Do you think they even care about making Sarawak great? What have they done since?",
"hard to put into words i guess",
"offering pm position is too juicy to say no",
"I thought PNPAS coalition PM candidate is this DR Sam that Pas supporters keep bring up?",
"then there is 0 incentive for GPS to support them. they are DPM now.",
"Didn't GPS initially supported Muhyiddin as PM before Anwar persuaded them to team up with PH",
"There were some small scale protests in Sarawak when Abang Jo flew to meet Muhyiddin and then talks of potential riots materialised later, after that they walked back and was suddenly friendly to Anwar.\nA certain someone high up in the Sarawak cabinet is a petty man and has targeted several DAP rep's family members that work in the public sector. Even those who are just small secretaries lost their jobs because they were related to a DAP member.\nThe man is a tyrant and he just wants a political party that would support his tyrannical rule, working with PH means he still has to work with the opposition in his state."
"It’s time for the Anwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar Special."
"If I were not mistaken, they hatched this plan while YDPA was at Dubai for the UN Climate Change Conference"
"Imagine if they used all of this cunning and energy to do their actual jobs. Malaysia would lead the world."
"Here we go again"
"This ain't madagascar, but they sure like the song."
"Expected Tun M Cronies' relationship with Sultan Johor is shaky (In Blood War)\nMore to come as everyone runs for their lives.:26554:"
"3 years of political crisis n we passed a bill to stabilise government. Would the King want to be the factor that throw a working gov into crisis again?\nAny decision has to be consulted w the Council of Rulers including the Sultan of Johor",
"Anything they have to do it before 31st Jan 2024.\nI'll bet my left nut new YDPA will not do a certain Tun any speckle of favor. Which this move is clearly head by.",
"Actually, at 1 point theres no choice. If a law does not pass, then the PM have no choice but to resign or call for election. Because it shows the PM no longer have the majority.",
"I think a motion of no confidence need to be called first\nNot law no pass = resign/re elections\nThat sounds too abusable to be an actual proceeding.\nAnyhow if its a motion of no confidence, PN is screwed. Fat chance they can out buy the sitting Gov's counter offer.",
"Nope. No need. The constitution only states the PM needs the majority of parliament. Theres 2 ways to determine it\n1) as you said, motion of confidence\n2) the passing of laws\nThe passing of laws require a simple majority. A law not passed means dont have a simple majority.\nJust like what happened to muhyiddin. The reason he avoid having a parliament sitting is because if a law is not passed, then he has to step down. A motion of confidence or no confidence can be blocked by the speaker. If motion of no confidence is the only way, then theres no way to remove a sitting PM.",
"Council of rulers and Agong can give their say but he still need to a point someone who get majority in the parliament unless he want hang government",
"I wonder if its a constitution crisis if the YDPA wanna play games and keep VETOing PM selection from the party that pisses him off.\nCan he do that? Constitution sifu clarification welcomed.\nThat'll be very funny to see.\nI mean very terrible, so please don't do that:26554:",
"Current Agong step down early and give the responsibility to the new Agong ie Sultan Johor, GG???",
"That will make the old man's head pop off, and spill another Facebook/Twitter rant tornado.\nActually, that would be funnier. To watch that old fart piss and whine his way into 2024:26557:",
"Hang parliament? U know what is the bill about? That wont happen already. No reason for the King to overthrow a working government"
"Guess you could say they like to move it move it, you like to move it move it, we like to? MOVE It!!"
"This is democracy. Biasa la ni.\nPMX pun dulu slalu announce “i got the numbers”"
"Uk move(ulu klang move)"
"With covid and banjir now, this is their main focus wth. And they want to convince us that they are capable of running this country?",
"They were never interested with running the country, they just want to run the money"
"next lancau move"
] |
Are there any folklores or legends that you know which is not famous in Malaysia? | /r/malaysia/comments/18uarjr/are_there_any_folklores_or_legends_that_you_know/ | 26 | [
] | like datuk gong (ik its belief and not folklore but its kinda awesome how the belief is adapted here in this part of SEA) | [
"Legend had it, field at school used to be graveyard of japanese soldier/their victim.",
"every school has this legend and then kids ended up having mass hysteria during camping at school 💀",
"I've seen it first hand during my secondary school years, for a brief while. It's more solo hysteria than anything else. Kid had to be restrained by classmates and the pendidikan jasmani teacher. I happened to be passing by at that moment. Pupils dilated, incoherent. Sure, the old school had a history of being converted to a Japanese internment camp during ww2, but I suspect he probably had a bad trip. Some kids from the next class were known to deal at the shop-lot behind the school, wouldn't know what kinda bullshit they cut their products with. There were lots of rumours that it's powdered glass and rat poison.\nI didn't stay around to see if whatever they're trying out works. I heard that the Pendidikan Islam teacher from the convent next door tried prayers. She prayed until she huffed and puffed, and gave up. They called the boy's mother next. She came to school, gave the boy 2 hard smacks to the cheeks, and woke him up. Even gave him a scolding and all. Luckily, the school allowed him to go home earlier than usual that day.",
"all that and kid 's high 💀 but so dangerous eh rat poison!!",
"It was a wild time. During my generation, Dr M's project IC really did a number on my hometown. Hard drugs like meth were trafficked in, while basic necessities like cooking oil, diesel, and even goddam soap were smuggled out by boat. A lot of my classmates ended up being dirt poor filipinos with either red ICs or no IC at all. Their moral values on certain areas are also a lot more flexible than that of an ordinary Malaysian. Kids that end up hooked on drugs either chose really bad meth if they have the cash, or they end up huffing glue."
"Orang mawas is Malaysia very-own Bigfoot that is located in Johor. I don't think many people talk about it.\nSpeaking of Johor, one of my favourite cryptids ever is Dengkes and Tepok, the mythical twin tigers that some people say still roam Johor to this day. Despite being partly the inspiration of the two tigers in our national seal, people outside of Johor don't really know about it.",
"I've heard of mawas, there used to be those conspiracy books they sell or mastika... but the two tigers, that's new!"
"Sarawak jungle is one of the oldest rainforests in the world. There must be some interesting folklores and legends story there.\nI’ll start. Usually in the late evening, if you heard the sound of monkeys in the middle of sarawak jungle, don’t just assume it’s a monkey. It might be a type of ghost that looked like monkey resting on tree branches, and when it’s time for it to walk, it will transform into 12ft monster and walk around the jungle.",
"thats scary 🤧 americans always said about appalachian legends and some of our jungles also have existed since forever.. who knows what might be in there",
"Sounds like one of the jungle creatures from Princess Mononoke."
"How about Sang Kelembai, is she popular?",
"i think there used to be children's books about her, but i dont think kids nowadays know her tale.."
"I once heard a friend who told me famous stories among the prison warden in Malaysia.\nThe story goes that one day, there is this wak, black magic, bomoh type of person that entered the prison. Everyone thought he was a weird dude. One day, he draws a boat on a wall and tells everybody that he can use black magic to escape using the boat. He invites people to join his escapes. Some people laugh at him, while there are minority of people who want to join him. The next day, the wak and everyone who wanted to join him disappeared from the prison, along with the picture of the boat. Everyone left shocked by the discovery, and the disappeared people had never been seen anymore.\nI didn't research the validity of this claim, and my friend can overexagerrate his stories, but the details kept me remembering these stories for a very long time.",
"Lol prisoners would sign left and right to learn that one"
"I have read of a lady (can't recall her exact name, Cik Siti something) who would get married and the men would be found dead the day after. This went on until 99 men and the 100th man to marry her was a man who was well-versed in the mystical arts. During their first night, he noticed that her vagina opened and out poured hundreds of poisonous creatures like scorpions, snakes, centipedes etc, etc. He killed them all and they managed to live happily ever after.\nBesides that, before Islam or even Hinduism arrived, Malays used to revere 'hiyang' who were thought to live on mountains. This became the origin for the words 'sembahyang'' which is basically 'sembah + hiyang' and 'Kayangan' which is derived from 'ka + hiyang + an' as in the 'place where hiyang resides'.",
"Ohh! The 99 husband lady got really tamed down in the telemovie ver lol + new info about the sembahyang word 😮",
"Found her name! It's Cik Siti Aminah Tanah Mahsyur also known as Cik Siti Jalang.\nHere's a fascinating thread if you are interested in Malay folklore. https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/b5jz6j/agama_lama_orang_melayu_sebelum_kedatangan_hindu/",
"Thank you!!",
"You are welcome !"
"Theres a bunch of inappropriate myths/folklores from Sabah that ik of. But tbh idk if they were made up by my family (as in by my moyangs) or actual folklores",
"ehh what kind of inappropriate",
"for example there is this one ghost who is drawn to the sound of children crying, specifically if they cry abt petty things like not wanting to eat vegies or take their medicine. When that ghost is able to locate that child and if that child is still crying she would take out her boobs, which my parents used to describe as pointy and red 😭, and shove it into the kid’s mouth. The name of the ghost literally teanslates to narrow boobs 😭😭😭.\nI say that I think my ancestors (or at least a group of parents in my kg) made this story up bc only the ppl in my hometown has ever heard of this ghost. This is so obviously a myth made up to scare their child into doing things. I have never even heard of the backstory of this myth. Like at least most ghosts have their origin story\n(ps If you’re from Sabah and u have heard this story pls tell me what u call this ghost im tryng to see something)",
"our ancestors love boobie ghosts huh...\n((im not 🤧 all i know about boobie ghost is hantu k0pek lmao))"
"The Green Lady. A mournful ghost of a mother mourning the death of her only son who was a student of the school. She would appear wearing green kebaya. Target would usually be among the juniors who happen to resemble her dead son.\n1st there would be the kelambu already set up on the boy's bed while all students were in prep class. There will always be a green smudge at a corner somewhere.\nThen the uniform left hanging to dry overnight will be found to be completely dry and fully ironed. Again there will be a green smudge on his collar.\nThen the lady will sat by the boy bedside each night looking at him while he is sleeping. She'll sang old malay dodoi songs in hauntingly mournful voice while caressing the boy's face.",
"u make me wanna google but im scared to now 🥲"
"Both my late grandmother and maternal grandmother claimed to have stumbled upon cryptids.\nFor my grandmother, after her family was destroyed and her ancestral lands collectivized by the communist army during the tail end of the era of warlords and generals, my grandmother decided to flee to the then North Borneo against the wishes of my grandfather, who had already established himself there earlier, working for the Chartered Company. On the boat there, she claimed to have seen a dragon flying overhead. Other than the ability to fly, she said that it is actually no more than a simple minded and playful animal, and that there's nothing supernatural or divine about it.\nFor my maternal grandmother, after the Chartered Company forces failed, and her father was executed by the Japs at the start of WW2, she quickly made herself scarce and ran deep into the jungles of the Pendalaman. She made a simple hut under a tall tree, and claimed that her neighbor was a furry half man half ape that made its nest atop that tree. Every morning, the noble creature would climb down his tree, and spent his entire day in search for food, and would be back by sunset. The said creature walked upright, taller than any man she had ever seen, and is completely mute. She said he is as intelligent as a human, and could understand her situation. He helped her with food, and kept watch over the area they were staying at night. She spent a few years like this until the war was over, and she went back to civilization.\nFor my era, things have changed a lot, Dr M's project IC was in full swing. Demographically, the locals were totally outnumbered by the foreign citizens. It's in this kinda era that I can sometimes see practitioners of magic amongst these foreigners. Amulets and tattoos are the most usual tell, commonly said to protect the user from small arms fire. The most egregious I've ever encountered was a sigil tattooed on an old man's forehead. They never bothered to update their magic to withstand against aerial bombardment though, as the army did recover a number of them from the bodies of the Sulu Sultanate soldiers back in 2013."
] |
Pioneering Pendatang: Thank you for the questions, r/Malaysia! | /r/malaysia/comments/18tzo04/pioneering_pendatang_thank_you_for_the_questions/ | 0 | [] | Was very privileged to conduct this interview with the scriptwriter of Pendatang, Lim Boon Siang, and the managing director of Kuman Pictures, Amir Muhammad.
Thank you for the questions that you guys shared from the other day!
I didn't explicitly follow the questions that were provided (I sourced from multiple places and came up with my own spontaneously as well), and am very happy to share it with you - thank you for the inspiration :D
You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81jIiPyOPP0
https://preview.redd.it/ox94pndxx89c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=ace0841ad28dfbeb114fe09a091688d947c15336 | [] |
MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 30 Disember 2023 (pagi) | /r/malaysia/comments/18u346j/met_malaysia_laporan_cuaca_30_disember_2023_pagi/ | 0 | [
] | [] |
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 30 December 2023 | /r/malaysia/comments/18tvxx4/rmalaysia_daily_random_discussion_and_quick/ | 90 | [] | This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome.
Apa tanda si pinang kelat,
Bila dimakan terasa malan,
Apa tanda orang beradat,
Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan.
Dad joke: I've lost control, I don't see an end, there's no escape. I don't even have a home anymore
Time to buy a new keyboard | [
"Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."
"Does Starbucks Malaysia support Israel? Because I like Starbucks but feel like I'm shamed for drinking it. Starbucks has stated they \"Stand with humanity\" and I assume they sued the workers fund because they don't want their name to be associated with the war and Hamas or Palestine and Israel. I could be ignorant in this but it's hard to believe they support Israel when there's no valid evidence that they do. There's also no Starbucks store in Israel. Pls educate if I'm wrong."
"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLTuXPODvr4\nthis reminded me like when i was what? 10yrs old? a similar programmable toy car by kfc during those times... can set way point commands then onces set, it can carry out the waypoint commands.. good times.\ngrab food dude was alright, he was being himself by talking some stuffs.. I'm too old for the humor but I meant, better for people to talk than to refrain and you'll know lesser about them as a person, people need to talk it out either.\nnow that restaurant food felt laced, because I kinda can feel the difference of having foods or some sort of chem reaction in the body (absorbtions) , pain, feelings, regeneration and many more effects.\nnow the usual polishing the shictk , some mehrunes dagons sparks.\nHJA HA HA AH AH\n:26558:"
"went to amcorp mall this morning. I guess I was too early (arrived around 10:45), not may flea market stall / shop open yet.\nbought Harlequin by Bernard Cornwell, part of The Grail Quest series for RM19.90 at Bookexcess. I guess I'll be going there again later next year as need to buy the other part of the series as well.",
"Isn't the flea market on Sundays?",
"Saturday n sunday"
"Why when talking about racism coming from a certain race,they always try to justify it or make excuses?\nAs if racism is justifiable, you're not making yourself or your group look any better."
"Who here tested positive for Covid this week? Shit I thought I could walk around in the KL crowds and really avoid the dreaded c-19"
"Chat aku dapat free 3 bulan apple arcade, suggest game apa best?",
"Sayonara Wild Hearts, Limbo+, Mini Motorways, Sneaky Sasquatch.\nFM 2024 Touch if you are into football manager simulation.",
"Thanks for the suggestion. Tried FM but text too small."
"Was talking to my friend about gunshot wounds. Didn't realised he is now a surgeon in the state in a dangerous area. It's normal for them.\nHow is this even a thing. How can someone just be like shooting people. Then my racist side be like no wonder they are supplying ammunitions to Israel. They upgraded themselves from shooting schools to bombing schools.\nThings that I can never say in real life..."
"I want to do something but I don't want to.\n😢\nI heard it's called ADHD paralysis, but who knows. I try not to rely on information that's obtained from a youtube short.",
"If you don't mind, are you officially diagnosed with ADHD or not?\nI think it could be that you're just unmotivated at that time. There's no reason to suspect that you have ADHD paralysis unless if you got ADHD"
"So, I bought my Zenfone 3 last year on shopee and I bought it at about 76% less than what they actually priced right now. So my phone should actually perform good at 1699 when I bought it about 400. My phone camera right now is at the worst quality of a phone and a bit slow maybe because of load of things I put in the phone and I don't even know that my phone is 1699. How do I know if my phone is fake or China model? The phone work properly but sometime a bit slow.",
"The specifications of the phone is bad. Might need to upgrade"
"am the only one? i easily get sick when i sleep late (11pm) even tho i get a full good 8 in. pretty frustrating since ofc social events are pretty much all at night. :<"
"There’s so many interracial couples in melbourne but it’s almost always a white man with asian chicks",
"Could be a sign for you"
"<image>\nThis otter says tahniah to you"
"Anyone can recommend cheap but decent paper or notebooks for use with fountain pens? Am using it for studies and note taking.\nAm I looking out for their gsm or what? Specifically for the pilot kakuno/metropolitan sort with standard pilot ink.",
"Anatomy do sell paper and notebook skin separately. I always thought it’s expensive but end up using it a lot because it looks nice and they have colour paper in A5 size. So maybe you can check them out."
"guys random, but like, i wanna recreate this mac & cheese recipe. but where pray tell, can i find, a block of cheese: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNntLucC/",
"oooohhh this guy knows something about cheese! i guess the best shot you can take is to go to isetan groceries or high end groceries. i have seen sharp cheddar and mozzarella but im not sure about the colby jack. its as hard as to find pecorino romano",
"Thanks!!!!! Yeah i checked out my local jaya grocer and nada, oebsoyo, no 🧀 😭😭😭\nI wanna try this recipe so bad. Damn isetan groceries, i only know 1 in klcc urgh, 2 states away."
"how does one attend counselling? i am not depressed, just need some professional advice.",
"Glad to hear that you're considering going for counselling! Indeed one doesn't have to experience any bad mental health problems to see a counsellor - it's actually good to do so for maintaining good mental health!\nAs for how to - quite simply, as generally you'd find counsellors in private or community based practices, you can just go and see one - that's the simple guide.\nFor something more detailed - you can first do some simple look up on a few services, to have a little more options, before deciding on which one you'd like to try. (\"Try\" is a key word - so don't worry too much about finding the right or best service!)\nUsually, I'd just suggest you to consider practical factors like accessibility (easy to get an appointment, nearby etc.) and budget if you're unsure of which counselling service to choose. Don't stress over looking for the \"best expert\" for most general cases - unless you're looking at some exceptionally niche situations, most counsellors may help.\nAfter deciding on a service to try, you can get an appointment (by calling, messaging, emailing etc.) to confirm your session. Many services do accept walk-in, but usually I'd advise getting an appointment to be sure. (You can also get to ask the counsellors any questions you may have if you reach out before attending the session.)\nAnd after confirming your appointment, just wait for the date and time, and then just go!\nUsually you don't need to prepare anything specific for the session other than yourself mentally. But if you wish to get more of the session, you may want to prepare and plan how you'd want to tell your stories or share your worries before coming to the session. In this way, you may get more time to think through what are the main things you want to share with the counsellor, and that you don't miss any main points during the first sessions (which may happen if you're formulating your thoughts right on the spot during the session). Don't worry if you don't really know what to prepare or plan on sharing though! In general, counsellors will do their job in helping you open up on your issues by asking questions/guiding your sharing - counsellors will make sure they have a more complete understanding of your challenges before moving forward with helping you deal with them.\nNormally, counsellors may take a few sessions at the beginning just to listen to your \"problem\" (understanding what you're facing and what help you're looking for), and give less focus on the \"solution\" at the beginning stage. So don't worry if you don't feel like getting much counsel at first. Do try seeing the counsellor for a few (~3) sessions to see if you're comfortable with the counsellor and if you're happy with the help and service you're receiving. Sometimes things don't work out between the client and the counsellor, that's okay. You may always try to see another counsellor (so now you might see why it's good to do some research before starting your counselling journey!)\nAnd that's basically how you see a counsellor!\nHope this gives you a more comprehensive idea on how to go about seeing a counsellor. And if you have any questions on what I'm sharing, or if you have other questions relating to seeing a counsellor, don't have feel free to get in touch with me here, will always be happy to help where I can."
"Crossing Peneng bridge to Seberang Prai today and saw big black smoke coming from Seberang Jaya area. Anyone know what happened?"
"Boss just sent a message saying that our salary will only come in next week instead of today. 😭\nHe said the accountant \"made a wrong entry\". Does it mean the accountant sent the money to the wrong bank account? What does it mean exactly?",
"Sounds so sus. Takkan company has no buffer to deal with this kind of mistake. If I were a prudent wageslave, I'd look for a new job.",
"Means boss got no money to pay, next week customer pay him so he can pay u. Time to look for new job"
"Is anyone actually getting tested for COVID and updating their mysej anymore? I noticed half my office sick, and when I asked if they tested for COVID and many laughed it off.",
"Nobody cares anymore. My BIL got TB though and apparently it’s quite rampant now for some reason.",
"TB is rampant now? First time I'm hearing about it. That's scary. Any news articles on this?",
"Not really. I think last I google there’s ~30k so far and my BIL is quarantined for 6 months and have to report to KKM clinic everyday to get meds. They are working hard to not let it get worst."
"How this sub progressed from being a peaceful small community to the inevitable forum for racial issues.\nIt reminds me of my own childhood. I've always had Chinese and Indian friends because the Malays rejected me. Up until my diploma days, you know. The Nons took me in as their own.\nAnd now they wouldn't because now we're all grown up and have inherited the sin and hatred of our ancestors. You get older, you face more problems, and you develop complicated, sometimes warped, worldviews. Adulthood is hard and it's easier to return to the mentality that was enforced onto you as children. Many come back to their own people for easy and familiar support.\nDo you know who my friends are now? They're not many but white guys. Not your usual white guys. The kind that comes to Asia and feels like they don't belong either and they're trying to make their way back to the West or staying here temporarily. Yeah. It sucks but they're the only ones who I can fit in with these days. I miss diversity in my life. I miss not having to pretend like I understand white culture. I really still don't. I'll never be a Westerner."
"I know that I can be extremely emotional and misconstrue things people say, but I think I have the right to be sensitive about something said last night.\nIn Denver, I befriended a friend of my friend’s husband’s, whom I will refer to as M henceforth. I would be lying to say I was not slightly attracted to him, as he was over six feet tall, lanky with noticeable muscle definition, and has an infectious smile that any toothpaste commercial director would cast in a heartbeat. I also thought his Napoleon Dynamite afro hair is adorable.\nThe first time that we met, it was just waving of hellos and byes as I was more preoccupied with my friend and her children while he was having beer with my friend’s husband. My friend later told (signed to) me that M, too, asked whether I was single. But he never asked me out or gave me his number. I can only assume that he lost interest after finding out that I am a transgender, something that Americans are always too worried to broach, but I can understand if he had such aversions.\nWe properly talked (signed, M is also deaf) the next time that the both of us were at my friend’s place. I thought I carried myself well, despite my anxiety and excitement about talking to someone new, so much so that he offered to take me to dinner before I left Denver — and he said (signed) I didn’t even have to bring my caregivers as he flexed his arms to prove that he had the strength to carry me and push my wheelchair at non-wheelchair-friendly areas.\nM prefaced our conversation at the dinner with saying he hoped I didn’t think it was a date, which I didn’t given his initial hesitance, just for the record. I was just happy to meet new Deaf people to befriend.\nHe said he got out of a messy divorce just a year ago, and was not interested in dating again. Fine. Maybe I wrongly assumed he discriminated against transgenders.\nWe talked (signed) a lot, as the conversation’s flow was a steady and clear stream. I was amazed that he could speak hearing people’s language and is working as a lawyer, while he said (signed) that I have the most interesting life story he had ever heard (read). He also was amused that I asked him to take me to get ice cream in the middle of winter.\nWe became texting friends since then, as I gleefully shared photos of my Christmas celebration and he, his, which was not much because he is Jewish. As a car enthusiast, he asked me to take a photo of my sister’s Rolls-Royce in London. And at random times, he would send me memes and jokes that he found on the Internet since I’ve “missed out so much from not having a social media account”.\nLast night, I guess our conversation took a turn to the deeper side, when I asked him about his child and his previous relationships. I can’t tell why I inquired — maybe I was trying to live vicariously through M. I told him about how I’ve only had one boyfriend — I no longer count the guy that I was seeing early this year as one. And it is unlikely that I will meet anyone again now that I am a transgender, especially a transgender in a wheelchair. We Deafies are blunt people, and I added how the Deaf community can be quite discriminatory against the disabled.\nMaybe I put him in a spot by saying (texting) that, and his response was: “Don’t say that. You’re really beautiful and fun to talk to. You will find someone if you keep looking.”\nI ignored what he wrote at first, and continued the conversation by changing the topic. But when I was sent to bed, I began to think, If he finds me physically attractive and interesting, why won’t he just ask me out?\nIs he really not ready to be in a relationship? Or is he not keen to date a cripple? Or a transgender\nI recall a while back, when I had another account here, someone remarked that I am “interesting” because of all the traits that I have. It doesn’t matter if I am rich and/or beautiful, but being physically and intellectually disabled and a transgender would definitely repel people from taking interest in me. This is something that perhaps I have to live with until the day I die — and maybe so does my sister who has promised to take care of me."
"Is it me or Shopee's app is incredibly slow?",
"It's that darn popup advertisement on the homepage.\nWhen I installed it on a new phone, it showed up almost immediately. Nowadays, it pops up after a few seconds of scrolling and I almost always pressed it by accident."
"Many houses in Penang are stocking up water for January including apartments. People are buying 100+ L buckets to store water. My only question is, with all these sudden additional weight, building should be strong enough to support right?\nReference",
"Interesting thought! I'm no engineer but if you think of it as every unit in the building suddenly being visited by 2 skinny people (50kg each), it doesn't sound as bad."
"Why do most of the religious people I meet are disgusting once they've open up to me... So far there's only 3 religious people I know who aren't disgusting.",
"Totally agree. Don't even get me started on people who are proud of not being religious but are spiritual or involved in spiritual new-agey cults.",
"it's very typical of religious ppl, they think they are special and above everyone else. even with ppl of the same religion.",
"Superiority\nI've mentioned it before, people who do nothing but pray and read religious books, will consider themselves as \"religious and pious\"\nExcept they've never done anything good(charity/helping others) , so their souls aren't really kind anyway\nSo now we have people who arent kind, but thinks of themselves as kind..\nThats recipe for disgusting mentality",
"Disgusting in what way exactly?",
"Justifying violation of human rights in god's name"
"Sometimes I come across sales people with FB posts (mainly car dealership) using the word 'cikgu' to refer to their customers. And most of these customers are not actual teachers. Is there a meaning behind this?",
"Respect but encik just too formal, no reason i think. Like ppl calling police officer datuk."
"Being a (flawed) human means looking at the hot women and feeling sad because you know that they'll be having fun at all the cool parties. Unlike you, you loser 😏\nBeing a logical human means acknowledging that, but also knowing that deep down, you don't really fit in at all those cool parties, so what's the point in going there if you won't enjoy yourself anyway?\nAnd being a mature human means realizing all that, but you still kinda want to go if given a chance because your dick also gets a say in the decision-making process 😂 (but you won't beat yourself up if you didn't go)\nTonight malas masak, so I think I'll go to that vegetarian banana leaf place in Bangsar that I saved on Instagram. Tell me if this is a bad idea.\nNot sure what to do tomorrow night though; are there any street parties or whatnot? I don't one that's gatekeep because let's be honest, I'm not gonna make the cut. I just want to get out of the house, at least until they install the new aircond.",
"Can go Kiara Bay Kepong. There’s a night market there with live performances and countdown.",
"Thanks for the tip. I might!",
"lots of malls having count down party at night. ioi city mall, sunway velocity... etc.",
"'zat so? Thanks for the tip. I'll probably look into Velocity, IOI Putrajaya is a no-go on account of Putrajaya highways being scary af at night.",
"i followed those info pages, i saw a post before that lists down all malls with count down. just now i passed by velocity, they already closed the road to set up the place (like last year.)",
"closed the road to set up the place\nOkay, new plan: go celebrate, if I can find parking 😅",
"if you're brave enough can take lrt or mrt. extend till 1:30 tomorrow night.",
"because your dick also gets a say in the decision-making process\nsolution: beat your dick"
"Anyone here a photography enthusiast? Do you know a place that services/cleans cameras?",
"There's a couple that I know but they're mostly for analog cameras.\nVincent Camera Service Center",
"thanks! I have an analog as well so this will help."
"I’m looking for someone to watch malaysia open final badminton on jan 14 with me. I bought the tickets already. Let me know if interested?",
"this is smooth one🔥"
"any good nail salon recommendations in mid valley area or other malls ? preferably if they do korean/japanese gel. thanks",
"1.CRNailz 2.Nail it creations mani & pedi"
"KL twin towers was intimidating seeing up close. the fact that you can walk close to the actual tower and look up feel humongous.\nalso: is pelita considered as malaysian mcdonald?",
"malaysian mcdonald? bro ramly is the only legitimate successor.",
"also: is pelita considered as malaysian mcdonald?"
"Does anyone keep sourdough starter around cheras area and willing to share some? I can start my own colony, but much prefer the shortcut. Willing to drive to your place with my own container, just need the dough."
"I tested COVID positive on Thursday (had symptoms since Tuesday night). Had a mild fever on Thursday and has been almost asymptomatic since yesterday (only a light headache and sore throat). Today is the 3rd day I've isolated myself from the family. Made another round of COVID test and was still positive\nQ: How long do I need to isolate myself? I'm fully vaccinated with 1 booster",
"MoH recently said 5 days after the first day of showing symptoms, then mask up.",
"mask up\nEven indoors around family? If yes, does that mean I still can't touch things too?\nAlso, do you have the link to the MoH guideline?",
"<image>\nBy right you should mask up even indoors with family and use a separate bathroom but this is a privilege some don't have. Remember this thing is airborne and can easily spread in closed spaces.",
"I just watched a few videos by MGAG\nWhy do they act like they have learning difficulties in the videos ?\nIt's very cringe the way they act and talk.",
"i am one of the few admins of a quite large not for normie local meme page. mgag had no shame stealing memes from our page. then as a sign of apology, mgag reached one of the admins and offered him to be on their ransom. they never realised they add the cherry on top of the cake of humiliation.",
"You don't want to watch the \"NPC\" videos then if you think those are cringe\nMgag is 5 years behind the cringe",
"I used to watch them regularly when it was the old team. Their videos were actually pretty good.\nNow it's like their content has been dumbed down. What kind of audience are they targeting ? Ppl with learning difficulties ?\nKrystal is most cringe. Makes me wonder if her IQ is even 60. Hope she not like that in real life. What a bad representation of amoi."
"Where is your go-to place to buy educational/prototyping boards like Raspberry Pi, Adafruit, etc?",
"Singahor or Johorpore?",
"Malaysia :29091:"
"Where can I bring my malay frens to hangout after countdown tomorrow? KL areas near KLCC",
"24h mamak",
"Pelita basically lol"
"I'm wide awake. 🎶"
"First complete family trip in 10 years. A lot has happened. I'll be reuniting with my brother after 6 years ever since he left for uni and my parents re-married after getting divorced in 2017. Not sure how it'll go but I'm grateful I get to see my family again.",
"that sounds dramatic but nice. good luck and wish you have a good time."
] |
Powerful quarters behind alleged diesel shortage in Sarawak, says state DAP veteran | /r/malaysia/comments/18u2shc/powerful_quarters_behind_alleged_diesel_shortage/ | 1 | [] | [
"yeah... he can't say it out loud that the fuel stations and the industrial zones are owned by the same group of people."
] |
Are those people calling for donation from National Cancer Society, National Kidney Foundation, etc by the roadsides and malls legit? | /r/malaysia/comments/18u64x2/are_those_people_calling_for_donation_from/ | 6 | [] | They are certainly growing in numbers and I noticed they always target those who are alone. They would usually ask for an auto debit transactions for donations. I do not mind donating but whenever they talk about payment methods something just feels off about it. What do you guys think? Have you donated? | [
"Legit. But they are middle people, not direct. Which means, they take a certain percentage from what you donate and give the rest to what organization hired them. That percentage is the problem. Some years back it became an issue. Those companies takes high percentage of the donation.\nYou give rm10, maybe rm1-2 actually goes to the organization."
"If you want to donate, check out their website and donate directly to them."
"Those MLM agents must be making a killing or the public is still this naive if they're more of them! Don't ever layan if they ask for your card details, they can easily take more than what's promised. If you have a busy life, you won't realise they've been siphoning you for years, going by some Google reviews.\nIf you call them to cancel, they'll make life difficult or manipulate you into a 'discount donation' to get you to stay on. Some even rage or beg to guilt trip you (\"Why did you agree to the plan then?\") The only way is to quietly change your card although it's a hassle.\nWe're not advising against donating to charity. Just not through middlemen. But if you really want to check how legit a charity is, look for the most recent financial statement or a proper customer careline instead of one general email (both of which I did not find with NCSM). Some NGO's donations might not even be tax claimable, despite what the agents say."
"Anyone can rent a spot at the mall.\nAnyone can create a website too. Check for the registered company and license, and their representatives/ physical location too.\nFor bank-in, should go into a registered company account etc."
"Yes they are legitimate charities. Usually these charities will hire a company to raise funds/get people to donate for them."
"Check out Omniraise. That’s them."
] |
Gerbang Alaf Restaurants has requested BDS Malaysia to retract damaging statements, post an apology to McDonald’s Malaysia, and cease any actions that harm the company’s reputation. | /r/malaysia/comments/18u3h2q/gerbang_alaf_restaurants_has_requested_bds/ | 87 | [] | [
"BDS finally managed to piss off Melati Abdul Hai. She is a nice lady, but you do not want to piss her off.",
"She is the current Chief Marketing Officer at McDonald's Malaysia. She was put in charge back when McDonald's Corp (the global McDonald's) sold their Malaysian restaurants and the Malaysian McD license to a Saudi Investment Group. At the time the McDonald's brand in Malaysia was in the ropes and she turned it around. She is a very intelligent and nice woman until you piss her off. If you do, she will come at you with everything she has got and then some.\nSOURCE: I worked with her for many years.",
"She sounds like the kind of boss you want. Somebody chosen on merit!",
"She sounds badass, any story you are willing to share?",
"Only that she drove a lot of innovation on the digital advertising front. So much so that many of the other McDonald's worldwide including the US and Japan started emulating her strategies and McD Malaysia became the reference for digital advertising worldwide for McDonald's. But I don't know if that is still the case.",
"Any examples of innovation you can share?",
"she started boosting posts on fb.\nEdit: It's a joke guys. adoi. Who is going to share with u something pnc...",
"I have to say that out of all fast food chains here, McDonald’s is the best in terms of customer experience and perhaps service by far; and maybe most consistent in their food quality. Since the change of using kiosk ordering, and its app and drive-thru experience, it’s all much efficient compared to last time when ordering via multiple counters with humans. Is this bcos of her?",
"Totally agree with you on her.\nSOURCE : Family member",
"Isn’t the current CMO Eugene Lee?",
"Unless things changed recently, no. Eugene used to be under her, but moved to Singapore to work for McDonald's Corp as the marketing head for emerging markets. But I have been out of the loop for a while, so my info could be outdated.",
"Woah someone who is knows some whose is high up in MCD chain of command…. Hey can we used you to get free MCD food 🤣",
"If you mention my name, they might charge you double :-)",
"Aww man … what a bummer 😔",
"Kesian dia, piss off sampai have to limit comments fb and twitter on mekdi page. Looks like this move pissed of the people more."
"Oh boy, this is not going to end well.\nI can already foresee the shitstorm on Facebook comment section."
"Reminder that BDS Malaysia is not formally part of the actual Palestinian run BDS movement, and that the main BDS movement does not call for a boycott of McDonald's:\nhttps://bdsmovement.net/make-an-impact",
"Me after knowing it.",
"It is \"endorsed\" by or at least related to the main BDS Movement, and if you actually read the website, they mention that you should follow local campaigns.\nhttps://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott#:~:text=Check%20with%20BDS%20organisations%20in%20your%20country%20for%20the%20brands%20being%20targeted%20in%20your%20community.\nhttps://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/join-a-bds-campaign?country=Malaysia",
"BDS Malaysia is BDS at home"
"Their logo says Justice, Freedom, Equality lmao. Does this include LGBT and ex-Muslims? Asking for a friend.",
"Selective freedom. Damn hypocrisy",
"They are living in a delusion society or just being a random exploited puppet.",
"Also no mention of justice for non-muslims aka kaffirs.",
"Only when theres Jews involved, there is news. For them.",
"What about the hostages taken by Hamas? They don't deserve freedom?",
"to them, these hostages don't exist. Remember, anything Jew or Israel is bad to them.",
"Now swap that Hamas to Israel, it's the same for both.",
"It's not like most people are giving a free pass to Israel. But why only condemn Israel when both of them are bad.",
"There's literally a video about Hamas freeing Israelis and they are healthy as well. Not the same as Palestinian after 10-20 years being hostage by Israel that come out with mental health/breakdown. You can search for them.",
"You know those videos could be PR right? What about the German girl and many women who were raped and murdered? What about the many elderly and children kidnapped? What about the Thais and Nepalis who have nothing to do with this war but were still killed and kidnapped?",
"And what? You think I will support rape and killing of German and etc?\nDude, they come to the warzone country, expect that at least.",
"This is what I said about giving a free pass to Hamas. Hamas did disgusting shits to civilians and foreigners, you all turn a blind eye and some even support them. You all only attack Israel non-stop. You all are choosing sides, man.",
"Some people are just goddamn hypocrite. Side they don't like committing atrocities are bad (that's fair). But when the side they support commit atrocities, suddenly \"it's a warzone\", the victims should expect it.\nSuch a disgusting mentality to have, why is it so hard to say both side are horrible for committing heinous acts?",
"And now swap that word to Israel too. Some will support them as well. What's your point here?",
"Point taken. Should change their organisation tagline to Justice, Equality and Freedom for Muslim because that is what they are fighting for.",
"Congratulations on falling for propaganda…",
"Consumed too much hamas propaganda lol",
"Rules for thee, not for me",
"Ummmm, No! No, it does not."
"Ooh, this is an interesting conflict to see."
"Finally mcd will it put a nail in their coffin or ?",
"They will not unfortunately. Paling teruk pun downsizing jer."
"I feel they should remain quiet until the boycott has lost momentum."
"Boikot bukan sebab support yahudi tapi sebab harga 'yahudi' pastu lepas makan lapar balik",
"This, harga kasi turun lor"
"Want to boycott, go ahead. Dont need to speak ill of other ppl. Let the masses decide for themselves"
"McDonald also to blame. No balls, want to kowtow to blackmailers. Have some backbone and integrity la. Stand strong till the end but instead kowtow to pressure from customers.",
"More like pressure from shareholders leh. See their stock hurt since the boycott, now only slowly growing back.",
"US MCD stock price has been rising tremendously since Oct 2023 (that's when it started right?). Like 25% up over 3 months.\nHeck, it was crashing since Jun and it turnaround after the boycott, so yay?",
"Yup! I made so much money from the boycott. Highly recommend everyone to invest against the next boycot"
"Damn Terrorist Hamas gang"
"The opportunist in me wishes that this backfires so hard McD will further lower their price."
"this is stupid, shit like this just gonna rouse more shit. should've weathered the storm.",
"Let’s see how it plays out first , too early to pass judgment whether it’s stupid or otherwise ."
"I didn’t actually start boycotting McDonald’s until they threatened people with the Sedition Act. Probably not visiting their establishments until they apologize for it."
"I literally checked BDS Malaysia website, it has not made mention of boycotting McDonald's in its statements.\nWhat is Gerbang Alaf referring to here? Which statements are they asking to retract - can anybody point me to them?",
"https://bdsmalaysia.com/boycott/\nThere's literal Mcdonald's picture on there\nhttps://bdsmalaysia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/kempen-terkini-1024x1024.jpg\nhttps://bdsmalaysia.com/2023/10/15/press-statement-by-bds-malaysia-in-response-to-the-statement-by-mcdonalds-malaysia/\nWe note also that various McDonald’s franchisees in countries such as Turkiye, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar have announced efforts to provide aid to Palestinians. We further call on McDonald’s Malaysia to condemn Israeli genocidal policies.\nFailure to do the above will reflect McDonald’s Malaysia’s unconcerned stand as thousands of Palestinians are killed under Israeli bombs and may lead to calls for a boycott of all outlets here in Malaysia.\nHere they basically admits they're \"blackmailing\" Malaysia's Mcdonalds into making a statement against Israel, and also sending aid to Israel\nWhich they did within days\nBDS also said this\nJikalau McD Malaysia keluarkan kenyataan terbuka mengutuk jenayah pembunuhan beramai-ramai yg dilakukan oleh Israel terhadap warga Palestin, inshaAllah, BDS Malaysia akan keluarkan kenyataan bahawa McD bukan lagi dalam senarai sasaran syarikat utk diboikot di Malaysia.\nWhich they failed to do so even after Mcdonald's followed their threats",
"Sounds like one of the Fox News tactics of \"tacit agreement\", which should sound familiar to some on here:\n\"... if they're against the atrocities in Gaza, they would have mentioned an opposition against it and yet there isn't any. We are not saying they're supporting to the actions of the aggressors. Just asking the questions here, folks\".\n*deep frowns and silence, staring at the camera*",
"tahukah anda k-fry tak pernah condemn Israel",
"There's literal Mcdonald's picture on there\nYes, but you need to read what they said about that.\nBerkenaan McD, ia bukan target utama BDS Malaysia. Ia dalam kategori Grassroots organic boycott targets. Berikut penerangan berkenaannya: McDonald’s (AS), Burger King (AS), Papa John’s (AS), Pizza Hut (AS), WIX (Israel), dsb. kini disasarkan di beberapa negara melalui kempen boikot organik akar umbi. Ia bukan dimulakan oleh pergerakan BDS.\nFailure to do the above will reflect McDonald’s Malaysia’s unconcerned stand as thousands of Palestinians are killed under Israeli bombs and may lead to calls for a boycott of all outlets here in Malaysia.\nHere they basically admits they're \"blackmailing\" Malaysia's Mcdonalds into making a statement against Israel, and also sending aid to Israel\nThey're saying that the boycott is happening, but they didn't start it. And they were suggesting McDonald's to be more aggressive in condemning Israel to be clear on their stance, rather than tiptoeing around the issue.\nWhich they failed to do so even after Mcdonald's followed their threats\nDid McDonald's send out a statement condemning Israel?\nWhich they did within days\nThis isn't condemning Israel. This is them giving aid to Gaza. It doesn't mean a lot. Even Israel is giving aid to Gaza.",
"It doesn’t mean a lot? What did you do for them, mr. Keyboard warrior?",
"Dont you know a strongly worded letter is more impact than RM 1million",
"I wonder which stadium would the next goalpost be moved to.",
"You're missing the point.\n\"It doesn't mean a lot\" in terms of making a clear stance in condemning Israel. Try to keep up. The reason is in the very next sentence that reads, \"Even Israel is giving aid to Gaza.\"\nNext time, maybe you wanna try to listen and understand what people are saying rather than just thinking about how to respond.",
"It’s ok you can take your pointless rhetorics back home where people can listen to your nonsense better.\nBy the way you still haven’t answered me. What have you done so far mr. Keyboard warrior? All philosophical talk and no action? Baliklah…",
"nice pivot.",
"Great comeback.",
"Hey thanks! I'd teach ya, but let's be real – it's way over your head.😉",
"As real as the whoosh over your big egotistical head?\nHonestly go back to your village where you can continue to feel like you’re the smartest person there."
"Less burgers less fat kids. All good.",
"Good comment but pro zionishit dan malay haters also downvote this"
"So the boikot is working yes?"
] |
New info: he met and hooked up with the daughter of the founder of Ken’s Apothecary in London, UK 🤮 ( she was one of his exes ) | /r/malaysia/comments/18ulb44/new_info_he_met_and_hooked_up_with_the_daughter/ | 0 | [] | I’m sure sarawakians know this family. They’re the Mahmuds ( Family of Taib Mahmud ) I recently found out that the youngest son from the brother’s family who is 16 years of age of is apparently adopted and is a womaniser. He was known as a playboy at his school and liked to go around fucking girls. He has had over 15+ exes and would constantly ask for nudes from them. He has like tons of nudes and porn saved in his gallery which he would show people. Yes, those includes the girls nudes. He would also constantly flex about how rich he is according to one of his exes who i won’t mention for anonymity. According to the ex, he made himself known as a really nice and sweet person but once you start to date him, you’ll notice his true colours. He would manipulate, gaslight, love bomb and call the girls names which is honestly sad. i really feel bad for the girls. He probably just loved the attention he was getting from the girls. What a huge asshole and uneducated dude 🙄. | [] |
A Malaysian Tesla Model 3 customer receives mismatched door panels | /r/malaysia/comments/18u38k1/a_malaysian_tesla_model_3_customer_receives/ | 6 | [
"Science/ Technology"
] | [
"This is the Tesla experience."
"Imagine paying almost RM 200k, macam ahem . . . P1 je.\nUsed to be a fan of Tesla."
"not uncommon.\nlet me tell you about the time the land rover factory did not remove a plastic seal and install the air con drainage hose. customer complained got water sound. found out this was the case, the whole floor was flooded, fried a couple of electronic control units.\nluxury at it's best.",
"It's...... pretty uncommon tho. You're using Land Rover as an example, another brand known for their shit tier quality.",
"tesla isn't well known for good quality.\nland rover isn't bad honestly. it's the owners that are giving the brand a bad look. those that maintain the car well have no complaints. those that can't afford to maintain it well, those are the ones complaining all the time.",
"Tesla isnt known for their quality regarding panel gaps and rattles. Mismatched doors are definitely uncommon lol"
] |
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 30 December 2023 | /r/malaysia/comments/18typcw/rmalaysia_geopolitics_containment_megathread_for/ | 0 | [
"Geopolitical Megathread"
] | r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread
This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below!
Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate.
Rationale: Why we have set this up
This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day! | [] |
Grab delivery surcharges | /r/malaysia/comments/18uep2l/grab_delivery_surcharges/ | 1 | [] | Grab loves to charge extra for "faster" delivery. But when your food arrives late you don't get any of your money back for the faster delivery option 🙄. Ridiculous. | [
"tell me about it. Use FP when Grab gets too stupid.\nI ordered same food much cheaper than Grabs RM6 saver. Save my ass :26563:"
] |
I've done it | /r/malaysia/comments/18udg6z/ive_done_it/ | 95 | [
] | [
"Which one is you?",
"Glad someone is asking the hard questions.",
"Yeah that mathatir cosplay is really convincing",
"sial can someone get this oldfart OP away from the coser?",
"probably the girl"
"He's like \"Adakah ini hasil wawasan 2020 aku\"",
"dasar pandang ke timur gone right"
"Watch out, he's going to sugma ur life force out",
"Not gonna work, bro",
"What is sugma? Is it a new malay slang?",
"Sugma kacang, adik kecil\nGottem",
"Another way to say \"suck my\""
"<image>\nYou can tell how disappointed he is to our generation 😂",
"Same energy",
"I didn't know Tun M is a fellow redditor."
"Damn Tun M finally got a chance to take a picture with cosplayer"
"Mahatir is having that Oppenheimer's regret look for the unprecedented effect of his 'Dasar Pandang Timur' policy.",
"Hahahahahhaha this is a deep track sejarah"
"Atok don't look impress in the first pic"
"wow the cosplay is dope",
"Very convincing indeed. Especially the wrinkles. Must have used up a lot of modelling Clay!",
"Yeah that cosplay looks sexy hot!..\nAnd also haramboi costume looks cool too.",
"Iirc that's a dude BTW 💀",
"Obviously , its mahathir lol .",
"Who is she cosplaying?",
"some old and experienced politicians by the look of it idk"
"Tun got same energy"
"Based siak, wtf..."
"Lmaooo that's insane"
"Easily post of the year"
"Are you a boy or a girl? Because looking at the picture I cannot tell /s",
"Yeah they should. I didn’t disagree. But that’s not what the entirety of lgbt represents. We’re not ‘lost generations’. We are just more capable of expressing ourselves freely and don’t have an ego as fragile as you. We know who we are. We know who we love. No one is ‘forcing it down your throat’. You see it on social media? Then don’t use social media if ur that bothered. Simple enough. Don’t criticise things that you don’t know anything of and stick to living your pathetic old life to the fullest instead of being a hater over things that doesn’t even concern you. You’re a straight cisman. Good for you. Go lick a pussy or something. No one’s asking you to cut your dick off and put on a dress. Your time is almost up anyways. Cheers.",
"...that person did not say they are non-binary or trans?",
"Imagine thinking that masculinity is so fragile that wearing a skirt can erase it",
"I passed the entrance exam for a Japanese government uni in a STEM subject and have been able to pay off my tuition with my own part time job money for 3 semesters now, I think I'm doing quite well but eh 😊",
"You did not refute the point I brought up- that it is absurd to think that wearing a skirt makes a man any less of a man- and then claimed I lost. I explained how I don't think I did. I believe we are perfectly on point.\nWearing a skirt does not make a man any less of a man. The act of wearing a skirt and not believing in gender norms are not markers of incapablity, inability to succeed in modern life or lack of grit- that is the point I wanted to make. Men have worn skirt like clothes and paid attention to their appearances throughout history and across cultures- pants did not exist in Muhammad's age, nor in Jesus or in Buddha's, in Confucius's or Marcus Aurelius' or in the eras of emperors and kings... Are you going to argue that these people were not men?\nWhy are you hung up on another person's behavior?",
"Why are you hung up on another person's behavior?\nProbably having post nut clarity after fapping to a man in a skirt.",
"Wtf are you saying man",
"omg i thought this was a girl the whole time",
"No, he's a regular cosplayer in r/bolehland.",
"Comments removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat.\nWhile you're not using direct insults, you're still making personal attacks, i.e.: attacking your conversational partner instead of the topic itself - \"kids\" (declaring someone is your inferior and speaking down to them meets the criteria above). This causes escalation, so don't do that please.\nI also see you've been doing a lot of flaming in the form of bigotry on this thread.\nPlease stop equating LGBT to a form of mental illness.\nThe basic stance of American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Psychiatric Association is that \"homosexuality is not a mental disorder but is rather a normal form of human sexuality, and they propose that their stance is based on significant scientific evidence\".\nIn 1990, homosexuality was declassified as a mental disorder by WHO (World Health Organization) in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10)\nIn 2019 WHO no longer classifies gender nonconformity as a “mental disorder.”\nYou're a relatively new account so please treat this as your one and only warning as reddiquette is actively enforced here."
"Tun M: Maybe I shouldn't take photos with that Pink Guy last year..."
"Hasil Look East Policy."
"Why is that leg at that angle ?\nThe second picture.."
"Congratulations champ, you made history"
"I really hope nothing bad happens to you lol"
"Now I know Tun M Redditor name :26561:"
"Didnt know malaysia had a wax museum. It looks so real , howd you get it to change expressions?"
"Is he going to save Cosplay ?"
"Who is this cutie on the right?"
"He looked like the grandpa in disney up movie lol"
"Was he aware that you're a guy? 😂"
"Did you tell that fucking racist to piss off?"
"dont take foto... it's nothing. take video, it's more pro and can keep repeat and laugh, bcos Tun is the Shiaets, everyone wants to live the lavish life, how many can be so high up there, itu maha KUT !",
"Yeah I should have lmao but the security was intimidating and there was a crowd of people wanting to take pictures"
"Nice to see Mahatir and his son"
"H, T, L",
"Eh… N, G",
"Nah. it's B,G"
"Not sure what is so proud about talking pictures with a racist ex PM"
"What’s so good about taking a pic with this old prick?"
"\"if I have a time machine, I'll go back 80 years to my youth and show this pic to them and that'll make them commit sudoku on themselves\"",
"You want them to commit a number-placement puzzle on themselves? 🤔"
"Who ever did the make up is awesome"
"Now do this but with obama"
"Impossibly based."
"No fucking way XD"
"Bro rethinking his idea of \"Dasar Pandang ke Timur\""
] |
Is this scam in Georgetown? | /r/malaysia/comments/18u4qbf/is_this_scam_in_georgetown/ | 18 | [
"Tourism & Travel"
] | I (F, solo) arrived in Georgetown last night, while on the street a guy comes to me and asked if I can help him take a pic, his camera is so blurry so I told him it wouldn’t look good, he agreed and then said could you help me take pic over there with the street art? I said yes but the pic wouldn’t look good as you can see how bad the picture quality can get, it only captures the color and light but no details at all, he then said, well thank you and I’m going to have some tea would you like to come? I said no my friends are waiting for me, he then shook my hand and said goodbye. I feel this is such a weird conversation and got more alert. After meeting with my friends (yeah I did have friends waiting for me), another guy come to us and ask for money to help me get some food and pick his mom at home, we were really trying to help so asked a lot questions but there’re so many loopholes in his stories so we have to let the guy deal with his own issues.
I feel these two are both scammers, and if they are, what the hell? That a normal thing in Georgetown? Need to be more vigilant | [
"I just read a thread in r/travel by a woman who was traveling in Barcelona and was asked out to tea by a random stranger. She declined, but someone mentioned it’s a scam where you go out and are eventually presented with a huge bill.",
"\"She was about to get teabagged in Barcelona...\"",
"I've heard of this, on a Youtube video on a type of scam in Beijing.\nIn the video the mat salleh tourist was approached by a Chinese person who spoke English and said they were a tourist too, claiming to be from another part of China, who then asked them if they wanted to have lunch together or something like that, with the scam being that just like in Barcelona they'd be presented with a huge bill."
"if those who come and ask for money giving you sad stories then yea its a scam.\nAs for inviting you for tea or a drink at a nearby coffee stall, so far in malaysia we dont have such scam yet, thry cant bring you to a kopitiam and get you charged for rm50 for a coffee. But still, just reject for your own safety.",
"The “teashop” scam is here in Malaysia.\nIt works thru chat and dating apps. Not sure about in real life approach.\nThey will ask to meet up. And will ask you to meet at bars or similar. And ask you to buy very expensive drinks.\nStay safe.",
"Ah, same scam in other Asian countries I think, the classic teahouse scam"
"If anybody looks to you for money or randomly asking you out for tea, it's most likely a scam. They'll put on sad face, wear dirty clothes and look pitiful to play with your emotions. Locals don't entertain random strangers like that, do be careful."
"The second one is probably a scam. It happened to me too. A man on a bike asked me if I'm a foreigner and speak English and I said yes. He said he needed money because he forgot his wallet. He only has his phone. I asked him why doesn't he use his phone to call a friend to help him? Or he can use his bike and ride back home. Then he left angry."
"Most likely you’re targeted because you don’t look like a local."
"Dude’s so ugly his camera thinks his face is NSFW and blurred it out.",
"Lol take my upvote"
"I had a similar experience in Seoul when some random dude on the subway asked if i'd like to get a beer with him.. i declined as i was on the last train rushing back to Incheon and I wouldnt be able to find my way back on my own.\nNo idea if it was a scam or not in my case, but the invitation seemed genuine at that time.",
"Yeah no, thats predatory behavior\nI believe its similar in Japan whereif you agree to go with someone after the last train went away is how they’re getting you to sleep at his home\nIts definitely not a good idea to accept it"
"Scam and vigilante more\nSorry it happen to you\nU probably stand out a lot since it is foreigner and u are soloing travelling , best be careful and dont go out at 11pm onward",
"Yeah, thanks and also I think my backpack says it all, definitely became more vigilant after that"
"Asking money usually scam but I think it's normal to invite tourist to have a tea or coffee if they already intended to go for a tea prior to meeting the tourist. Quite common in Penang. Don't think it's a scam."
"There’s a guy who claimed he’s from Dubai and asked if I’m a foreigner. I said yes and he asked to show my country currency to him while he showed me his USD. Dubai uses dirham and not USD. meanwhile, his partner keep telling us to put our hotel names in her phone. Sure as hell dodgy"
] |
We have no time to entertain political drama, says Fadillah | /r/malaysia/comments/18ugliv/we_have_no_time_to_entertain_political_drama_says/ | 1 | [] | [
"PBB totally denied and indirectly slam J-Kom on Dubai Move. So did Govt propaganda unit J-Kom made up story lies about Dubai Move as a distraction ? https://www.malaymail.com/amp/news/malaysia/2023/12/30/j-kom-claims-dubai-move-aims-to-topple-pm-anwar-and-his-unity-govt/109888"
] |
Merdeka 118 rising on a gloomy day | /r/malaysia/comments/18u7zip/merdeka_118_rising_on_a_gloomy_day/ | 5 | [] | [
"The citadel"
"I call it the walkie talkie"
"Kinda has middle finger vibes 🖕",
"Exactly what I see from an architectural standpoint. All the other buildings around it are much lower, thus being the folded fingers"
"Half life vibes"
] |
Genuine Question: Why restaurants like these suddenly appear all over Malaysia? | /r/malaysia/comments/18u5fo3/genuine_question_why_restaurants_like_these/ | 132 | [
] | [
"Just like how the boba tea was the crazed a few years ago and many stores keep popping up.\nThis time it's these type lo, in mainland China, they're very easy to dapao, pack and eat during rush hours. Convenient food.",
"To add on, boba tea craze has transform itself into 新茶饮(new tea drink -direct translated). basically it has 3 distinctive features - premium ingredients, digitalisation & tech, & branding. Nowadays you can see tealive tryna re-position itself and convert to more tealive+ stores. However I’m not sure if it can actually beat mixue & chagee/beutea\nTl;dr mid range bubble tea business is quite fucked",
"Mixue / chagee is meta nowadays. Still remembered when bubble tea first started, bubble tea stores were more packed than a club on a weekend lol!",
"If the meta = using creamer for milk tea I rather not drinking.",
"can other boba tea shops even compete with Mixue being around? They offer the same stuff (it's just milk tea + mass produced boba lmao how different can it be) for way cheaper that I sometimes wonder do the franchisee really make any profit, or I've been overestimating just how much the raw materials cost for these things",
"Mixue = creamer. They don't use real milk. How different can it be? Day and night.\nEven their ice cream is not milk. It's too artificial for me to eat it.",
"Mixue tastes heavily processed. Cant stand it. Their soft serve taste like sweet shaving cream to me - processed taste. Just max 3 licks & decided its not for me.\nChagee,heytea, gongcha, koi .. got natural taste."
"Mostly established by Chinese nationals from China; competition in China is tough; some may not have a chance to create or earn a respectable living in China, so they relocate to Malaysia for Business.\nThere will be some loopholes as well, as some of them wanted to diversify their investment and money, and as we all know, China is quite rigorous about money flowing out, leaving them no alternative but to establish businesses outside of China.",
"Also monopoly of targeted Chinese market share.",
"With such a large population, anything they do would be perceived as monopolistic; after all, the country took 50 years to attain its current state. Their mindset at this age is still to advocate for a better lifestyle and living conditions. Whereas in other developed nations, the mentality is long gone, and people increasingly seek work-life balance and a sense of purpose in life.\nWith a population of 1.3 billion or 1.4 billion people, moving from poverty to middle class is a highly difficult challenge.\nUpcoming Nation might be India which population surpass China.",
"Considering how said mentality us still prevalent in easern countries(japan korea singapore), i doubt its a chinese only issue",
"Is it even worth it…most of my chinese office mates prefer local Chinese or hong kong/taiwan food and obviously this is not targeted towards the majority muslim population. Can they survive?",
"Personally, I prefer Hong Kong and Taiwanese cuisine. My Generation Z friend, on the other hand, adores Chinese cuisine. But I'll still eat but not preferable because their food is strong in flavor, oily, and spicy, and I prefer sambal lol.",
"They can. This is just 預制菜. The safety standard and taste is far from freshly cooked meal. Even China themselves don't want to eat it.",
"This is the only correct answer. What cannot be sold in China goes to malaysia. Malaysia has always been trashbin for anything can't sold in China."
"Because of the influence of China.\nIf you go Pasar Malam, many stalls are selling China street food as well.",
"China street food example? I go to a Chinese pasar malam. The new thing I saw recently was some Taiwanese pinwheel pancake. Was nice but definitely foreign influence.",
"The entire Nyomya cuisine is “Chinese influenced”, among other things. Foreign influence has been floating around for ages all over SEAsia",
"You see the burst of god damn stinky tofu ? That’s Chinese influence.",
"Stinky tofu has been around for ages though. I remember stinky tofu at my local pasar malam 15+ years ago. Plus would you call that Chinese influence? Stinky tofu for me is more of taiwanese influence than Chinese.",
"You are right. Stinky toufu is more Taiwan than China. It's everywhere in Taiwan night market.",
"Stinky toufu is Taiwan if you every been to Taiwan you will see stinky rough everywhere.",
"The pasar malam in Taman Connaught, Kuala Lumpur is full of china foods now, and it's so expensive. Back then we eat at pasarmalam bc we r broke, now only the rich will eat at pasarmalam..",
"I nearly laughed sadly at this. So sad but true."
"This is basically Zhap Fan, aka Chinese Nasi Campur. Chinese people loves Nasi Campur, but the formula is almost always the same.\nI think one franchise was brought in and it became an instant hit with the locals. And because Chinese businessmen being Chinese businessmen, they like to tap on the market ASAP, earn the big money while it's still hot.\nThey should import/make a halal version while they are at it, because halal sells... A LOT.",
"Cannot simply call yourself halal nowadays. Can easily backfire.",
"Their target audience are usually mainland Chinese",
"as a non chinese i wonder how malaysian chinese feel about mainland chinese in malaysia",
"Not gonna lie, most of it is expensive."
"kinda strange to hear that this is also happening in Malaysia too\n(Similar thing also happening in Thailand)\nthese restaurants are mostly run by Chinese nationals",
"They learnt a thing or two from Thailand. If China was to be a powerhouse they’ll need soft power too. And that soft power is in the form of food diplomacy. And it’s kinda working",
"I think it's desperate move rather than attempt to gain soft power. Read the 預製菜 scandal recently in China."
"Many Chinese people 润(run) from China, in Singapore the Chinatown literally just all Szechuan stuff 😅 I can’t even find other fujian hokkien restaurants"
"Some are shell companies/restaurants for Chinese nationals to get their family out of china.\nSetup f&b business, say you need someone to manage the business, send your family member over to manage the business.\nRinse and repeat. If they make a business out of it, great. If not, at least can get out of the country and take some money out as well",
"Source: trust me bro",
"It's not even a wild guess. Why do you think Chinese nationals are spreading their wealth to Australia,Canada and Singapore nowadays?",
"In case things turn to shit in china they can escape to those countries",
"Because rich Chinese ppl like buying nice fancy new things. Same like how rich Indian/ Middle Eastern/ insert random nationality do the same",
"Many Chinese national 润 to many countries, mihoyo setup another office in Montreal in case shit goes bad for gaming in China",
"You don't understand the CCP very well...",
"Ah, the local CCP expert have arrived.",
"I’m sure you u/arbiter12 our resident CCP armchair expert knows better",
"China restrict their people from going out of the country?",
"More like they restrict capital outflow.",
"China restrict their people’s money from going out of the country"
"Cause it’s been proven time to time where mainland china food suits majority of chinese malaysian palettes. ie: any mala hotpot, sour fish, smelly snail noodle. By the growth of these restaurants and human traffic patronising it, I think it gives confident to f&b owner/investor, just copy paste the shit from china and it will be a hit.",
"I wonder if they would make it halal. I would so would love to try it",
"It’s expensive to make it halal when the food itself is already quite cheap.",
"I mean making it halal attracts more customers which can offset and even give more profit",
"Also mean less chinese will go to you",
"Doesn't matter since the food now targets potentially 60% of Malaysia population, more profit to be made",
"Issue with making some food halal is that, not every ingredient is halal, example they’re using some proprietary or their preferred brand of soy sauce or mala sauce, which is sourced from China, which don’t have halal certification.\nSo they can’t get halal here.\nTo make something halal, they’ll need to restructure their entire logistic and sourcing, which does not make sense for tiny profit margins.",
"I’ve seen quite a few Hui Chinese (Mainland Muslim Chinese) restaurants around Setapak in Danau Kota, you could check those out. I remember seeing a few Uyghur ones elsewhere in Setapak too, can’t remember exactly where though.\nNot sure if they have Halal certification but should be since I regularly see other Malays eating there",
"I am still not used to it. Also feel like the dishes are monotonic."
"F&B business is one of the riskiest things you can invest in so people tend to jump onto one fad to another to follow the crowd. From bubble tea shops, to fried stuff and finally to this",
":26554:What could be greater risk than competing with a population of 1.4 billion people?\nAny second, you'll be replaced by someone fresh. :26558:"
"Because teenagers these days be scrolling DouYin and watching lame ass China content, China food has been growing in influence. Only thing they offer is cheap, not any tastier, quality is also not there (taste and presentation vary quite noticeably from branch to branch)."
"Hate to say this but take your own risk for eating in this kind of restaurant. There are actually no cooks. All of them are just staff that trained to heat up food.\nIf you know chinese, you can look up on “预制菜” to learn more about it, but in short, it's basically pre-cooked food that is then chilled and ready to be eaten once reheated. The food can last around a year before it goes baf"
"Personal experience: So I have been traveling around southern and middle part of Semenanjung and I see these restaurants in a lot of places. The food is decent but overpriced (since I can eat a way better meal with more meat/seafood at other restaurant with the same amount of money).\nI am wondering whether they all belong to the same tauke 🤔",
"It’s really expensive but for China nationals this is more to their preferred taste over Malaysian Chinese food. Although I’m Chinese but I don’t really like a lot of China’s cuisine.",
"You are not alone, I’m fujian Chinese and I prefer Malaysian hokkien food more than fujian hokkien food more 😂 Curry Mee is really good then you have Nasi Kerabu (Malay), and nyonya cuisine. All these are just very good",
"It's basically expensive chap fan.",
"It's basically expensive chap fan.\nTechnically Truth, In my opinion is more cater for family size \"Chap Fan\" rather than individual.",
"I'm just curious, where are you from? If you're from Penang island I'm surprised it hasn't arrived there, since these states have the highest Malaysian Chinese concentration so the PRC will import to these places first. Especially the cina cina type, they're very attuned to what's hot in China and will quickly latch onto anything exported over.\nFor this style of serving, I'd say it's very common in China, packed exactly how delivery food looks like. In fact at first I thought you were posting something from China."
"Obviously businessman coming from china n Taiwan, they have to expand their business"
"Mamak can't always rule the night, the chinese gotta keep up",
"These are not local Chinese though"
"Basically chapfan with more bowl to wash"
"Franchise expansion, said business is probably dwindling in China so they opted for oversea expansion. Malaysia is one of the prime location because of many china citizen staying in Malaysia for various reasons",
"Yup, the revival of MM2H program."
"Trending XHS Duo ying China pop\nIs expensive and not delicious 😓"
"To add on. Some of these stores won’t breakeven. Probably tastes mediocre or normal at best.\nThey are for the Chinese to wash $; these losses etc allow them to move funds legally out of China."
"I have a theory that One condition for China to invest in Malaysia we also have accept them to open business here also so that Chinese China don't be ackward when come here when looking for food"
"rise of china influence in tiktok and xhs. personally i hated it. might as well eat mixed rice"
"Decent taste, decent price, open to the wee hours, clean premises and have you seen the quality of the chap fan stalls these days. They have been taking advantage of the poor quality of chap Fan stalls and kept opening more location"
"A loophole in our law to get citizenship, establish a business here and they will be able to move here"
"Whenever I see this, it reminds me of a video about how chinese chef is able to recreate savoury pork bone soup from a whole bunch of artificial seasoning, without a single piece of bone or meat, and this give me the same vibe. Like how does one serve hot chinese or any asian meal, in fast food style?",
"It is indeed, that’s why I don’t really like trying different food in China especially northern and central. I usually do lots of research before choosing the restaurant to go",
"agreed\nsomehow I'd prefer Indian, Malay or whatever (I'm local Chinese)\nbut\nI'm kinda bored on Chinese food tbh",
"Shichuan cuisine fatique. I have that too. Everything tastes salty, mala spicy, and oily",
"yeap indeed"
"Low creativity. Just copy paste everything from China and prays it works. Just fed up of all China copycat. Where is the OG?"
"The type of Restaurants where the owner are most probably from mainland China? Since the sanction from USA and big businesses all around the world are in the process of decoupling (pulling out their factories and stores from China), China's economy is now in shambles. It matters a lot when you have to feed a whole country of billions of people that suddenly out of jobs.\nLong story short, they are looking business elsewhere from mainland to survive. Since Malaysia has close ties with China, and it has existing Chinese living in it, it would be an ideal market. Same with Thailand and Vietnam.",
"no bruh US is not sanctioning China like this.",
"That's not what they're saying, look past the word sanction and focus on the word decoupling.\nChina has the so-called three horse carts that drive their economy: exports, investments, internal consumer spending\nExports: Due to the decoupling efforts led by USA (but tbh they shot themselves in the foot with the insane COVID lockdowns, as Atrioc would put it xjp is scaring the hoes, they're having issues with capital flowing out of the country on an immense scale at the moment) their exports are weakening.\nThere has always been limited investment opportunities in china due to the corruption and inconsistent authoritarian iron fist of the CCP, and for a long time real estate was the only option to invest in, and now that's in shambles, and all there's left in investment is the government itself investing in bad infrastructure projects. Those investments are not driving the economy effectively.\nInternal consumer spending: they're on a deflationary spiral at the moment with extremely high youth unemployment (they stopped publishing the numbers a couple months ago even). Households are also riddled with debt (tied to their real estate bubble burst). No one's gonna spend or take up new debt\nIf you speak Chinese and follow/keep up with financial/economy related news and online content/sentiment, you'll see a very prominently negative outlook on the future of the country amongst China's populace. It's not just big money and business moving out of the country; anyone who can afford it are advised to leave the country too to seek greener pastures elsewhere. Apparently a lot of them are going to USA, Japan, Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia"
"The influence of China is huge on Chinese teenagers and even young adults here in Malaysia. The Chinese TikTok app (douyin) and another social media called ‘小红书’ has too much influence on people here. Also, a lot of young kids on that app post very stupid stuff and embarrass our country’s name. As the app is only intended to be used by China residents, a lot of Malaysian videos on that platform that reaches the China residents’ feeds have comments filled with explaining what Malaysian Chinese is because most people think that Malaysia only has Malay people. The only reason I see as to why officials of the Chinese apps are not banning access to the app from outside countries, is to collect data and info on us, as is in their own country as well to gain a better control and power over the world.\nMalaysian Chinese love these kinds of stores because they are usually cheap (due to cheap ingredients that are mostly made from chemicals) and taste good because of the absurd amount of sodium and fats present in their food.\nUsually these stores are loved by lalazai and lalamuis those materialistic(which is also gotten from Chinese culture) kids wearing ‘adlv’ or ‘I don’t smoke shirts’ with their dyed hair and anything they put on or buy to make them look rich",
"Cheap ingredients made from chemical? Proof that happens in Malaysia?",
"Im not sure about this restaurant but have u tried MiXue? Yeah just tasting it you know it’s chemicals, even the air conditioner smell has a very concentrated chemical smell",
"Only RM2.90 for a lemon drink, hella confirmed it's made of chemicals."
"Due to the increasing amount of China Chinese study abroad here"
"Same like boba shops and yogurt drinks shops, it’s a trend"
"wonder how many of these will flop.",
"With the amount of poor quality chap fan store these days still existing, I don't think so unless they drastically raised their prices"
"Genuine question also: what do you mean by ‘these restaurants’?\nFor context, im a Malay who likes noodles and most of chinese food lol",
"It is just like mixed rice but the dishes are pre-plated. You take the dish from the table just like you do with mixed rice. The price is cheaper than ordering freshly cooked so it feels like it is affordable.\nIf you go as a couple, each one takes 2 dishes suddenly you get 4 dishes to be shared.\nA typical Chinese restaurant will charge RM10++ for a vegetable dish. Rm15-20++ for a small meat dish."
"The store looked interesting then I remembered I’m Malay and that ain’t a halal place"
"Oh this, these places tend to be overpriced af, but it has that allure of \"authentic Chinese (mostly Si Chuan or Chong Qing) cuisine\" so no matter how expensive the dishes are ppl will still go there\nI do prefer them over regular mix rice simply because of the mapo tofu"
"Non-Malaysian here but my guess would be that these are made by either Chinese nationals trying to have diverse income source or maybe Chinese Malaysians (?) ?"
"I live in Canada and shops in our malls are closing, just to be replaced by these stores selling cheap knock-off clothing."
"chinese culture invation"
"Where the Bin Chi Ling?",
"somewhere near Bin La Den"
"Thanks for letting me know such Chinese restaurants exist in Malaysia now. I shall plan a trip this coming January when I travel up north\nTo answer your question it's because Sichuan cuisine is loved by Chinese diaspora all over the world, so some Chinese Nationals residing here are just making bank off of the craze",
"Not all Chinese diaspora...\nSichuan cuisine is not native to Malaysian Chinese palates, nor did it have much of a presence in our cuisine until recent years. Hokkien, Hainan, Hakka, Teochew style food were our staples. Please don't think of Chinese diaspora cultures as a homogeneous thing.",
"It's not native to Singapore too, but in recent years it's really been making a huge impact here. Chinatown here is now overrun by many Sichuan restaurants run by Chinese nationals, there's more Hai Di Laos everywhere, every school and university has a mala stall in their canteen, and we've had mala KFC, potato chips and other snacks too because everyone loves it now"
"It's marketing. Package it differently, charge more. I make ownself cheaper."
"china Australia also like this lol"
"Pot, bowl style fast food trending."
"money.\nthere's really no other reason for businesses to open."
"Under the same consultant company I guess. The consultant company offers the project and investors or boss interest in it."
"It targets a very specific market, young people who now have a limited budget and little time to cook/eat well.\nI'm in that target group, this suits me to a tee, cheap wholesome non-processed food."
"Because opening in Malaysia cheaper than opening in Singapore."
"Because China mainland are here to stay"
"So many answers, but nobody mentioned that it's actually quite cheap and affordable for the price no?"
"Like every other F&B trend in Malaysia: someone became a supplier, and convinced a bunch of people to open up shop, buying their supplies from them. Hence, many of them have the exact same materials/style."
"Looks tasty and quite cheap? Kinda hope someone will make for a muslim one."
"The era of delivery, they're easy to deliver"
"30 days Visa free for chinese citizen is an invasion."
"A meal for rm8? Sign me up man. Honestly i just want good zapfan, dont really care where they come from. If its a good addition to my wallet, ill happily embrace them into my neighbourhood. No longer need to pay the stingy zapfan aunty take small portions still blink eye can charge like rm15+"
"Restoran viral"
"There's always a trend that will last around 10 - 20 years until something else comes up. 30 years ago we had DeliFrance. After that we had Coffee Bean until Old Town White Coffee came. Now you see DeliFrance no more, Old Town also doing so-so la along with Coffee Bean. The BobaTea craze has been around few gears already still strong but now came to Boba tea ice-cream craze. In few years, all these will also be dying all gone when something new came up. All for syok saja. Thing is people can get tired of these things especially when they are not cheap"
"humanity has aged like fine wine, the more futuristic, the more they're fked."
"If you pay attention to news and global economy you will know China is pushing pre made meal now to cut cost. All those unsold food can sell to Malaysia. Malaysia is pretty much dump for anything that can't sell in China."
"Ate at a similar store like this in Uptown and I quite enjoy it"
"why? because people like it. supply and demand."
] |
Desperate, doomed move: Lokman Adam claims Daim, Dr Mahathir behind Langkah Dubai | /r/malaysia/comments/18ucdpj/desperate_doomed_move_lokman_adam_claims_daim_dr/ | 3 | [] | [
":26554:\nKek.\nSomeone knows he's fucked once new YDPA heads office."
"Kangkang Mahadiu"
] |
Driver refuses to pay RM15 to jaga kereta for public parking space in KL, comes back to a scratched car - paultan.org | /r/malaysia/comments/18u37sd/driver_refuses_to_pay_rm15_to_jaga_kereta_for/ | 47 | [] | [
"That's why I drive shit car, people scratch also I won't notice",
"Problems solved?",
"The scratch mark or the shit on the car?",
"I would park in a legal car park and walk a bit further rather than give money to these kutus. Or use public transport/Grab.\nIf everyone stops giving in to these pests, they'll be starved of their income.\nBut as most Malaysians prefer to take the easy way out, then by all means, go ahead and pay the 15 bucks extortion fee.\nThe problem will always be here because of people willing to pay out of both convenience and fear.",
"It happens on legal parking spots too",
"You mean double charges, one to the real owner, another to these parasites ?",
"Yes, sometime you see those popular places where you can pay just using app. Some asshole will approach you and ask you pay like RM20.\nWhen you say you already paid using app, they say the app is for parking, the RM20 for \"security\".",
"motherfuckers..., entrepreneurship and gangsterism makes great enterprise, but wait, that's extortion.",
"you called it beautifully",
"That’s just a protection racket",
"These are legal public parking spots. Usually by day pay using app and night is free but then these mofos come out to extort. Authorities unfortunately also kerja 9-5. This issue has been ongoing for over a decade, be it city centre or suburbs.",
"Agree, the authorities should clamp down on this after-hours activity by the parking kutus.",
"There was an incident in the past where they got reported and the ‘collector’ got fined with summons. Now not sure",
"They will ask for money on a legal car park too.",
"I mean parking inside a building or a closed car park space, not legal street parking.",
"From the picture, it's along Jalan Sultan Ismail, next to the Damascus shop. There are VERY limited parking at the back. The nearest \"a bit\" further parking would be Pavilion. Looks like at night and she just wanna grab some food. All the power to you, but it doesn't seem like she have much choice at that given time."
"Our police is driven by social media. If the news is big enough they will take action. I believe the news will blow up if you catch a person actively damaging your car in full HD."
"I drive a cheap car but put a nice number plate. Most times they just say oh cantek nombor keta ye. I just walk away pretending not to hear because don't want them to even initiate conversations or ask for money. So far so good it worked to scare them off. I don't mind to pay for valet parking and other proper privately owner car parks but just not to touts or gangster jaga keta."
"Pay 15 or I scratch your car! Sometimes these fellas are asking for a beating.",
"I wonder if we can beat people up who want to damage our property as self defense in the eye of the law.\nLike one dude is approaching my car with a coin, I prevent him from getting near my car but he refused to walk away and so I beat him up to protect my car.",
"You versus all 3-4 of them? Good luck Mr Ip Man",
"Maybe just take video and call police , nothing good fighting violence with violence. I just hope our abang police will do something",
"Ya I once got so mad after he said want to scratch my car for refusing to pay him. I went over to him, moved his chair next to my car. Told him, baik you duk sini jaga keta ku. You pun cari makan aje. Kalo I balik tgk keta Kena gores calar, you tau je la. You org satu jln jgn ingat nak cari mkn kat cni sminggu. Bukannya you org parking berlesen.",
"I like this response",
"Because depending on the parking lot arrangements, can ask bus kilang to wait and park overnight daily. Force their own hand to call for majlis perbandaran to remove illegal vehicles parked and so on. So eventually they slap their own face. Whoever that operates will come apologise since their own periuk nasi affected. Monthly can be from RM 15k - RM 50k depending on how hot the location is.",
"Technically if you send them to hospital, they can’t calar ur car. I hope you’re good at leg kicks lol"
"One effective way is to not go where such activity happened. This should force the businesses to force the local city council to act because businesses pay for permits to operate.\nIf businesses can co-operate to protect their customers then customers should walk away with their money.\nOr customers just pay for the \"protection\"."
"go scratch other cars that paid them the rm15",
"Berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing. Right!"
"Park a tesla. Sacrifice your tesla. The car records 24/7 surround view. Report police with evidence clear as day",
"You think the police would actually take action? You sweet summer child.",
"Tangkap depan, lepas belakang",
"IF police give a crap",
"RIP to your tesla 200k. They don't give a rats ass about this petty crime."
"Get a real job, you bum!"
"Find the person who did this and do the same to the face"
"Over at where I stayed, there's a Maybank and also a police station nearby. Walking distance. Park outside Maybank, public parking spot, always got one guy will come and ask for money cos we park there. I asked my dad once that isn't it free? He told me just do it even tho it's Rm1 cos we don't want any trouble as in like causing a fight or whatsoever. And no that fella doesn't jaga parking there cos it's a public parking space to begin with. My dad just say, you just help when you can cos the person that ask for money there is a homeless and sleeps there too.\nThere's also an instance where we went somewhere, open air parking, no sign indicating that it's private and have to pay to park. Right after we exit the car, a guy approached us and ask for Rm5 and said it's for parking. We paid and as we were walking off, my dad told me this one jaga parking but illegal. He said he'll pay once and no more. It's better to pay this once than not paying and walk away. My dad is a one time bad experience and no more next time kind of guy.",
"i don't understand this at all",
"Pay once to save you the trouble and just don't go back there to put yourself back into the same situation knowing it's gonna happen. If you don't wanna pay, get back into your car and leave.",
"Thanks for the tl;dr"
"If you can afford it go take a taxi/e-taxi.",
"Your brain is like your username",
"Take the train lah. It's in Bukit Bintang after all."
"It appears they are learning from Indonesia"
"Freaking hate these thugs, too bad it's scary for a female driver to not give in when you drove across town for half an hour for an appointment and found out when you already there. I pray that they go to hell"
"They’re here to stay. Just pay them, Grab over or stay home."
] |
Penang mum hopes to be reunited with missing toddler | /r/malaysia/comments/18u4vcf/penang_mum_hopes_to_be_reunited_with_missing/ | 6 | [
"Mildly interesting"
] | On Sept 2, Kannan arranged with Thevitthra to take the child to a mall at Gurney Drive here.
That evening, while Thevitthra was waiting for the child to return, she received a text from Kannan claiming they had “gone to KL”.
She lodged a police report and later filed an application with the Shah Alam High Court, which ordered Kannan to hand over the child on Oct 28.
Failing this, she claimed he also ignored another court order to return the child by Nov 5. Kannan and the child are now in Singapore where they have been since Nov 5.
On Nov 21, the court issued an order instructing the police to find the toddler and bring her back to her mother. The immigration department was also ordered to bar Kannan from taking the child out of the country.
Kannan told FMT the child wants to remain with him, and this is why he has not complied with the Nov 21 court order for him to surrender the child to Thevitthra.
e also said he has filed an application in court in relation to the custody dispute which has yet to be heard.
Meanwhile, Thevitthra has gone to Singapore in search of her daughter and even filed a police report in Clementi there.
She said she was informed that Singapore police could only search for the child if their Malaysian counterparts made a formal request. Thevitthra said there had been no action despite repeated attempts for an update and help from the Selangor and Penang police to locate her child. The immigration department informed her that the child was still out of the country as of two weeks ago.
FMT has contacted the Malaysian and Singaporean police for comment.
Looks like the article has been taken down.
There should be calls to change on rules for application of passports else if this occurance will definitely be more frequent, ie parents running out of the country with the child.
Looks like someone is trying to kill this story. Most newspages and even the lowyat post has been taken down. | [
"Wtf...with these Indian men kidnapping their own children(at least those made it to news). We have few trash convert Indians Muslims who made highlight the last decade. I mean I am all for men chivalry caring for the child and all, but this ain't it. Hopefully this one don't have religion involved, one less complication and legal issue.",
"Yes that's true. Hopefully, religion doesn't become just a tool for this sort of behavior. Marriage seems to be a game for men like this."
] |
The Joint Management Body of AraGreens Residences has obtained a judgment against HSB Development for breach of duty of care for common property defects, Malaysiakini reports. The ruling has set a precedent for JMBs to hold developers accountable. | /r/malaysia/comments/18u2s5u/the_joint_management_body_of_aragreens_residences/ | 1 | [] | [
"Yes, deserve"
] |
Sudden switch to meritocracy in education may cause unrest, says ex-MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj (PSM) | /r/malaysia/comments/18u3fho/sudden_switch_to_meritocracy_in_education_may/ | 59 | [
] | [
"Malaysia is not ready for meritocratic practices in its education system, according to Parti Sosialis Malaysia chairman Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj.\nHe said a sudden shift to meritocracy could exacerbate political and social unrest if it resulted in professional courses being filled with an overwhelming majority of non-Bumiputera students.\n“Any system must be fair to all. This is also not something that is politically feasible or acceptable. It’s going to cause a lot of unhappiness,” he told FMT in an exclusive interview.\nProposals for university admissions to be based on merit have arisen out of discontent with the current quota system by which non-Malays from lower economic backgrounds have missed out on opportunities for higher education.\nTo be fair, I think the Dr. is just pointing out the sad reality that many in the public sphere of Malaysia today probably won't be ready for a meritocratic education system (or as close to meritocracy as it can be), not that he's personally against a meritocratic system.\nHell, not too long ago in 2018, there was huge rally in KL because the conservative forces in this country don't agree with Malaysia ratifying a UN treaty calling for an end to all forms of racial discrimination.\nAnti ICERD rally: So, what's the estimate?\nWhat would happen if such a laudable policy was simply proposed today? The Unity government would be criticized left, right and center for being 'anti-Malay' and 'taking away' Bumiputera rights, and the gullible will believe in this narrative.",
"I think this is something that some people here on Reddit cannot appreciate and comprehend. While most people on this subreddit want social reforms and eradication of race-based rhetoric, mathematically the entire r/malaysia is only a drop in the ocean of Malaysia’s population, most of whom are still stuck in the ethnic dogmas.\nAt one event after Belanjawan 2024, the organisers made it clear that they were pushing for the government to introduce the GST or the VAT. When Anwar got up on stage for his keynote speech, he said that reforms “must be gradual and sequential” as doing the opposite would only raise the ire of the people and perhaps burden them. OP already gave good examples on the reasons the Malay electorate quickly turned on Pakatan the first time it took over the government.\nRealistically, we can’t change people’s mindsets in a snap of a finger. And the government ultimately has to follow the tide as it needs to stay in power, lest there would be a prolonged political instability. America took over a century to do away with racial discrimination practices, and it was only less than two decades ago that it legalised same-sex marriage.",
"America took over a century to do away with racial discrimination practices\nTbf if something is not achievable within our lifetime, it might as well be impossible / pointless.",
"if it resulted in professional courses being filled with an overwhelming majority of non-Bumiputera students\ni kindda agree if people have this assumption set as default. but we have done this before and it goes the other way around really badly. :26561:",
"Interesting! Could I get some sources on that?",
"https://www.dapmalaysia.org/all-archive/English/2002/may02/bul/bul1598.htm\nDAP welcomes the move by the government to implement a selection system based completely on merit for entry into public universities this year (2002)\nThe announcement of the successful enrolment of students into public universities this year has seen the increase of Bumiputra student intake to 68.9% of the total enrolment while enrolment of non-Bumiputra students has declined to 31.1% (Chinese-26.4% and Indian-4.7%)\nfor comparison the previous quota that was used prior to that year was:\nMalay 55% ( increase to 68.9)\nChinese 35% (decrease to 26.4)\nIndian 10% (decrease to 4.7)",
"Tbf, ‘merit’ is a metric ripe for manipulation",
"Read the full report, the title is \"3 Steps to Restore the Confidence of Non-Bumiputra Students in STPM\".\nThe decrease in enrolment of non-Bumiputra students had been attributed to the drastic decline of the number of non-Bumiputra applicants due to the fact that not many Chinese and Indian students were interested to pursue STPM.\nHow ? \"Chinese students make up only 22% of the total applicants while 5.33% are Indian students.\"\nWhy ?\n\"many who have scored good grades in their SPM examination and have good prospect of being admitted into public universities. Their choice is understandable as sitting for the STPM is a “high risk” move, as is does not guarantee a place for them in their preferred courses in the public universities due to the restricted places under the quota system. \"\nRead full below.\nDeputy Education Minister Datuk Hon Choon Kim revealed that Chinese students make up only 22% of the total applicants while 5.33% are Indian students. The low application by non-Bumiputra students shows that many Chinese and Indian students have no confidence in the Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) and thus many of them refused to further their studies to Form 6 after they have sat for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) but instead opted to study in private colleges pursuing twinning programs or professional courses. This includes many who have scored good grades in their SPM examination and have good prospect of being admitted into public universities. Their choice is understandable as sitting for the STPM is a “high risk” move, as is does not guarantee a place for them in their preferred courses in the public universities due to the restricted places under the quota system. This undeniably is a more secured option but at the same time creates a lot of financial burden for parents who have to fork out a large sum of money to finance their children’s high tuition fees in private colleges and their cost of living in cities.",
"if it resulted in professional courses being filled with an overwhelming majority of non-Bumiputera students\ndosent matter. the point is on one year they do quota and another year they do merit and there are noticeable difference in both year. the system did change but the scenario that people think will happen does not happen and somehow become way worst\nfast forward 10 years later (2013) Lim Kit Siang still complain about how merit system was worst then quota.",
"Seems to be this might have something to do with the Matriculation system still being on the quota 90:10 system?\nAs pointed out by the article you linked, that system remains and if a substantial portion of university admission are given to matriculation students, you would logically see a drop since the \"backstop\" mechanism that keeps STPM students filled in would be gone.\nWould love a good study/analysis on the mechanics of that if anyone has it, seems like a bunch of research to actually drill down to the possinle causes.",
"Then it’s not fair to capable nons who should rightfully fill the place. That in itself is a great disservice to the nation n much unbeneficial to bumis"
"Pain now, gain later"
"The way to do it is by first starting a \"no one left behind\" policy in education.\n1st step: get a lot more teachers, like 30% more than what we have now at least.\n2nd step: You suck at studying? Failing your \"insert subject\"? You join after school class, mandatory. Qualified guidance counsellor to 1 to 1 go through what's the student's problem is and helping them to fix it. No go home loiter, we make sure you pass, by understanding why you can't understand. Move you to syllabus more suitable to your aptitude.\nThen we go towards a more meritocracy education system.",
"Last time in my primary school, which was a SJKC, used to run this kind of system during the year of UPSR. All of us would have to attend additional classes after school every day.",
"as if malaysia has enough money to hire qualified and non abusive guidance counsellor hahaahha",
"Well we have enough money to hire the largest civil servant to population ratio.\nProbably train/ transition them in, or they can quit and try their luck in private sector.\nIt's a matter of wanting to do it or not.\nI mean we suddenly got money to complete the shelved LRT2 stations no? That was what? 5 billion?",
"I mean we suddenly got money to complete the shelved LRT2 stations no? That was what? 5 billion?\nNot comparable (though I don't disagree with the rest of your post).\nIt's a lit easier to obtain loans and investment for tangible infrastructures than it is for the nebulous gift of education.",
"I think I said this because recently Tony Pua went to a podcast called \"are we ok\" to say they shelved those stations because its not feasible at current area population usage.\nI understand your counter argument but the point I'm making is they can stomach a bad investment without considering the fiscal return, against the guy I'm replying that said they \"don't have the money\"",
"The problem here is that assuming all teachers are fine and not emotionally abusive.",
"By that logic, nothing can be done to anything; because one component of a larger picture will always be broken sometime, somewhere.\nA thing to be concerned about yes. But very unproductive to not do anything because something might be a problem.\nToo lazy to do an analogy, so something something, Murphy's Law.",
"i'm not against the addition of teachers, i'm just saying that both the addition of teachers into the teaching sector and implementing regular check-up of the teachers should be in place (which is unlikely to happen)"
"From free tongkats to free electric wheelchairs for generations, now you expect them to make an effort?"
"Should not have quota for certain courses that have bad consequences when small mistakes are made e.g. nuclear science, medicine, structural, geotechnical, aviation etc"
"When will Malaysia ever be fully ready, actually?",
"isnt meritocracy = fairness? what's the point of graduating with tongkat?",
"no, it is not. imo A+ with 20 hours of tuition a week is worth much less than A- while tending to a parent's nasi lemak stall every day. wouldn't it be much worse if that bright student, who overcome such adversity to get their results, still wasn't supported and left to waste away in the end?"
"Survival of the fittest, scared is for the weak"
"I don't get it. Are we not using meritocracy in tertiary education except for UITM/Matriculation?",
"Keyword is matriculation."
"What a stupid country and policy lol. Enjoy the brain drain"
"They know if they play fair, public universities will be dominated by Cina"
"Sudden change, yes. Gradual change, no.\nKeep the racial quota for now, but make it b40 malay only. Need to check income tax to verify. It helps the country because families who want to enjoy this needs to declare income, more data for the government and potential higher income tax collection.\nWe can open it up to other races after the majority are used to the concept."
"SMKCs: meh"
"Instead of heaving Matrik/University quotas.\nHow about with give free tuition to Bumiputera instead ? Like we open a free tuition center for all the Bumis, filled with the best teachers. If you cannot succeed even with the best teachers helping you for free, I don't think university is for you."
"Then ask why companies want to hire non Malays? Racist ke?"
"There’s a white horse in the room thats never talked about. The average IQ of Malays(and Indians) fall substantially behind the Chinese. This will be reflected in academic performance. This is not easily corrected and will take generations. So mediocracy will not work for Malays for the longest time."
"Allocate seats as per race distribution, so roughly 10% to Indians, 30% to Chinese and 60% to Malays. Use meritocracy within each category. Its not hard.\nThis way Malays are ensured allocation, while there’s still a mechanism to ensure seats for the highest performers within each category.",
"Well if that's the case you gotta allocate proportionately to sabah and sarawak folks as well, Iban, dayak, kadazan etc.\nMalaysia isn't just peninsula",
"I was gonna agree and upvote the idea but that last sentence is distasteful.",
"Not a fan of this. My perceived aim of public university education is to give lower income students to affordable venue to better themselves and improve social mobility. Instead of making the distribution based on race, we should make it based on socioeconomic level and academic performance. High performers from a high income family don't need public university ecudation because their family can afford private university education for them.",
"That would be the ideal situation. I completely agree. My comment was trying to be realistic and ensure a proportionate level of malay seats.",
"You made a valid point that I felt was worth looking into deeper and definitely one for discussion, until...\nIf you don’t agree with this you’re a racist.\n...because apparently this isn't a discussion and if I find a flaw in it I'm a racist lol. Sorry, get over yourself.",
"or distribute based on familial income."
"Don’t worry. Someone will pop up and say ketuanan doesn’t exist, it’s something imaginary cooked up by the Chinese Malaysians on Reddit."
"A pure meritocracy would benefit the rich more than the poor. After all, the rich has access to better resource, food, school. They can afford to go to tuition. They can afford to focus in afterschool activities (is it called coop?) for better points while the poor might have to spend their day helping with family businesses and maybe take care of their younger siblings while their parents are out working.\nIn the end, the gap between the rich and the poor would only grow larger. Meritocracy is fine and all but a quota system should still be implemented, so stop acting like it's a bad thing. In fact, isn't all public universities like this? As far I know, UM is under this system.",
"They can afford to focus in afterschool activities (is it called coop?)\nMy time it was called Ko-K (Pronounced Co-Kay. Short form for Ko-kurikulum, which is the Co-curriculum in Malay.)",
"Quota suppose to be universal as in for the poor or b40 - and not race based. Not all nons are t20 and not all Malays are from b40."
"Isu is not about competition at all for Malays. Its about having the unis opened but sjk/smjk still being there.",
"Sjk and smk accept students from any race.",
"They can accept animals and plants even. The sentiment remains that the malays consider them divisive.",
"To be fair if a llama can make RM1 = USD1 , I will gladly vote the llama to be our next PM.",
"sembang kencang anyone can"
"So ? How to increase its country economy? Will it be continue of 500 years of being bully by other nation or prosperity after 100 years ?"
"We should do it slowly and gradually instead"
"Malaysia ni semua kena sudden sudden. Kalau nk pelan2, kena kaji dulu, kena cuba try test dulu takkan jadi. Sebab sem depan tukar menteri dia jadi lain pulak."
] |
Something is wrong (Maybank mae) | /r/malaysia/comments/18ua2cc/something_is_wrong_maybank_mae/ | 20 | [] | This is pissing me off | [
"Yes, this dogshit.\nI believe, -daily limited to reset once -internet issue -no old password\nOr app maintenance. The app is just a failure.",
"Gosh and my current manager needs us to create an account now 💀 this is so silly omg",
"All good, almost all Malaysian knows the Maybank efficiency.",
"Lol I hope she will",
"I can confirm the 1 limit password reset per 24hr thing, should put on the list.. Shitty app"
"wait till u see the UOB app man, i genuinely hate it so much from every aspect",
"They didn't have the email feature like what Citibank did. A total downgrade after their acquisition."
"I wonder why they limit password to only 12 letters, coz usually stronger passwords are longer. Yea i get it i can make strong passwords with 12 chars only but would it be also better if can make it long as well.",
"Right? That's so silly too",
"cut cost ma... 13 letters got ghost pulak. what can do?",
"CIMBClicks have a higher character limit but they don't allow copy-pasting your password in their Android app because of security.",
"That’s the opposite of security"
"They still run on old legacy system that built on COBOL, hence the limiting characters and options for a modern secure password.",
"Not surprising. COBOL developers are highly sought after by banks, tax agencies etc."
"yes. the fking password is ridiculously short for a BANK\nmy shitposting twitter account has more security"
"Yo bro. I also had this problem, went to contact their staff and they told me to create the new password on their website instead of the app. It actually worked for me.\nHope this helps"
"Start a using @ 0 4 $ in the password.. if you want to maintain the old password, but not same as old password Example P@$$w0rd"
"Yup I quit when reaching this step"
"Same issues here, been trying to open account since last month, posted 1star Google Play review, they asked to me to contact then via Twetter and told me to go to maybank branch when I asked then to fix the app registation they were like 'Trust me bro, just go to the Maybank branch', Freaking lazy Dev.\nAlso what's up with the shitty password guidelines? 12 Characters limit, really? Even my Password Manager told the generated password for MAE has a poor security, its also prevent users to use Passphrase due to character limits. Latest Password guidelines recommends length limit of at least 64 characters to allow people to use Passphrase Like Diceware which is strong but easily remembered password if you wanna know more check out this video!"
] |
The Public Finance and Fiscal Responsibility Act 2023 has been gazetted and will take effect on 1st Jan 2024 | /r/malaysia/comments/18ubhwo/the_public_finance_and_fiscal_responsibility_act/ | 9 | [
"Economy & Finance"
] | [
"Summary of this Act:\nThis law will mandate the government to issue multiple different financial or economic reports annually and every 3 or 5 years and table them in the Parliament. The Minister of Finance has the responsibility to formulate several fiscal and economical policies and ensure they are adhered to by other government entities.\nIf any factors derail the economic development or financial stability of Malaysia, or if an entity's debt that is guaranteed by the government is about to default, the government need to table a contigency plan or solution to the Parliament or House of Representatives (Dewan Rakyat).\nThis law also mandated the government to spend at least 3% of our GDP on development expenditure and to keep the national budget deficit to be not larger than -3% of our GDP. Under this law, the government will also need to keep the national government debt to be lower than 60% of our GDP.\nFailure to keep aforementioned policies and criteria will mandate the government to answer to the Parliament.\nHowever, this not cause a change in government or a government shutdown like in the US if the Parliament decided to not approve the contingency/mitigation plan formulated by the government.\nThis is because the law only said \"If the fiscal adjustment plan is not approved, the House of Representatives may pass a resolution to require the Minister to improve the fiscal adjustment plan to be laid in the House of Representatives as soon as practicable\""
"The whole Act can be accessed here:\nhttps://lom.agc.gov.my/act-detail.php?act=850&lang=BI&date=29-12-2023#timeline\nPDF version:\nhttps://lom.agc.gov.my/ilims/upload/portal/akta/outputaktap/1946989_BI/WJW23%EF%80%A21340%20BI.pdf\nThis whole Act, except section 37 and 38, will come into force on 1st of January 2024:\nhttps://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?type=pub&language=BI&no=P.U.%20(B)%20584/2023%20584/2023)\nThe Prime Minister, with the YDPA power delegated to him, has prescribe the authoritative text of this Act and its subsidiary legislation shall be in English:\nhttps://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?type=pub&language=BI&no=P.U.%20(B)%20585/2023%20585/2023)"
"Thank you OP:26561:"
"💩\nDSAI: Reee one person cannot hold both PM and Finance Minister portfolio.\nMadanon: Anyways.",
"Anwar wrested some of Finance Minister’s powers by instituting this Act, and it took him less than a year to introduce the bill. Did any previous Finance Minister make the effort to propose the law?",
"Is that a rhetorical question? The point he made about FM and PM not being held by one person over the years meant nothing?\nYou're saying if he didn't hold both of the portfolio or someone else had it, there's zero chance of reform or new laws being enacted. I suppose we could always look at the dark days of the first PH government under Tun. Maybe the PM should always hold the Finance Minister post in perpetuity.",
"I understand if you are disappointed with this.\nFor now, please be assured that Anwar has done major reforms in the ministries that he personally oversees. For the Finance Ministry, which is an indispensable ministry that handles the country’s Treasury and is currently facing fiscal constraints, Anwar has introduced this Fiscal Responsibility Act and stipulated that all government procurement processes must be done through open tender. For the Prime Minister’s Office, he has instructed to start working on separating the powers between the Attorney General and the Deputy Public Prosecutor.\nThere is also now a Second Finance Minister to take a more hands-on role in the ministry.",
"Hindsight is 20/20. Of course we are hopeful for proposed changes, and it would take awhile to see their effects. Let's hope for the best for now :29091::29091::29091:"
"Any other countries doing this? Any chance the info able to identify scum moves like 1MDB buying land from government and selling it back with inflated price?"
] |
Uproar over govt move to tax traditional, complementary medicine | /r/malaysia/comments/18u3asv/uproar_over_govt_move_to_tax_traditional/ | 9 | [
"Economy & Finance"
] | [
"Prosecute corrupted people?\nGov : Nope\nattempt to introduce policy to reduce corruption?\nGov : Nope\nSlowly cut subsidy to cut expenses, keep inflation managable?\nGov : Nope, lets put target subsidy that hurt M40/T20 salary earn more than a factory owner that make B40 product.\nGov : also to keep our debt managable, we will raise tax instead."
"“According to my understanding, Western medicine and modern medicine are not subject to any taxation, so why are TCM services subject to taxes? This is clearly unfair and unreasonable to TCM practitioners and patients.”\nComparing 'traditional' and 'complementary' medicines in any way as if it is as effective as 'Western' medicine is laughable, especially since the recent pandemic has shown in real time that 'Western' medicine such as vaccines and boosters have been far more effective at saving lives than whatever nonsense 'traditional' herbal remedies and the like can possibly offer.\nI welcome the government's move to tax these 'alternative medicine', and I hope this drive people to instead use actually effective evidence-based medicine than these medical quackery.\nPeople should be free to choose whatever method of healthcare they want, but stipulate that people must be informed as to the safety and efficacy of whatever method they choose. People who choose alternative medicine may think they are choosing a safe, effective medicine, while they may only be getting quack remedies. Grapefruit seed extract is an example of quackery when multiple studies demonstrate its universal antimicrobial effect is due to synthetic antimicrobial contamination.\nThose who have had success with one alternative therapy for a minor ailment may be convinced of its efficacy and persuaded to extrapolate that success to some other alternative therapy for a more serious, possibly life-threatening illness. For this reason, critics contend that therapies that rely on the placebo effect to define success are very dangerous. Scientifically unsupported health practices can lead individuals to forgo effective treatments and this can be referred to as “opportunity cost”. Individuals who spend large amounts of time and money on ineffective treatments may be left with precious little of either, and may forfeit the opportunity to obtain treatments that could be more helpful. More research must be undertaken to prove the effectiveness of complimentary therapies before they can be incorporated in formal medical practice. Sufficient evidence is required for biological or clinical plausibility in order to justify the investment of time and energy in exploring the merits of alternative medicine. After all, human life is precious and no chances can be taken to comprise the health of any individual.\nComplementary and Alternative Healthcare: Is it Evidence-based?",
"When I got covid a few months after getting the second shot, taking Lianhua Qingwen really help me to cope with the fever.\nRingworm is very nasty skin infection. Using a chinese med that I bought from shopee really help someone I know with this problem (she has tried many type of meds from pharmacy & doctors but with no success, sometimes the infection gone for a while but always come back). That Chinese med is really good for many types of skin diseases too.\nA rm1 lice treatment for my cats that bought from shoppee is as good as than rm50 western one. Plus, the lice didn't come back after a few weeks.\nTaking ashwaganda continuously for two months help me lowering my bp significantly compare to years of taking doctor's prescribed meds.\nSo, my point is not all western medicine is good & not all traditional medicine is snake oil.",
"snake oil.\nWas an actual useful medicine from Chinese rail workers in the US wild west. Con artists saw that as an opportunity by going town to town to sell fake elixers with no snake oil. Hence the phrase \"snake oil salesman\".",
"Non-stop cough for 2 months, not covid, 3 different sets of antibiotics and I still coughing the same 2 weeks after the 3rd antibiotics set was done.\nWent to a proper TCM, 2 sets of meds in 2 weeks I've stopped coughing like a maniac.\nI'm not saying TCM>Western meds. Hell, I'm not even saying TCM=Western meds\nBut to discount TCM as \"nonsense\" is very ignorant and biased of you. Its a culmination of of experience and trial and error dating back to 200BCE, with written methodology and formula till this day.\nNot all of it is proven, because there's not enough Western study of it to put it into journalistic publication.\nAnd you know what's Western medication once accepted?\nLobotomy.",
"Just to be clear, there’s no independent body to establish the effectiveness of TCM. This doesn’t mean that TCM doesn’t work, especially for home remedies for common conditions e.g. simple fevers, treating genetic conditions like balding and even natural remedies for improving testosterone levels like what they eventually scientifically concluded for Tongkat Ali funnily enough.\nA lot of TCM actually works but it’s effectiveness is whack because there’s no lab practice to establish dosage and other issues like delivery mechanisms that’s almost always oral or topical in TCM for example.\nI’ve seen TCM and alternative medicine be very helpful for many especially vulnerable groups of society because they’re usually less intimidating and more personal in its approach to helping with conditions. Obviously we need to temper expectations because alternative medicine isn’t going to cure cancer for example but to make the wide claim that alternative medicine is “medical quackery” is awful for people who benefit from it.\nTaxing it just to recover debt caused by non-evidence based economic policy is the biggest irony here by the way. Let’s not lose sight over the bigger picture here"
"Good, taxing these scammers with their snake oil crap is a good move"
"PMX: that’s the price of freedom, so everybody pay up! no exception!"
"Some private hospitals offer traditional medication to treat patients. I think that's the root cause\nRich corporation screwing up everything"
] |
Why are museums so underwhelming in Malaysia? | /r/malaysia/comments/18u9no5/why_are_museums_so_underwhelming_in_malaysia/ | 82 | [
"Tourism & Travel"
] | I visit museum whenever I visit a new city or county. With Malaysia, I find the museum really underwhelming. Even the national museum is not really up to standarde for a National museum. I been to museum in US, Europe, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Thailand, Vietnam.
I say Malaysia museum of all sorts are so underwhelming here.I don't see much attention to detail or story telling. Only walls of information like a powerpoint presentation or copy paste of general knowledge. There is no artifact on display or just badly curated.
I love history, arts, and culture. I truly wish Malaysia step up it's game. | [
"We don't have the habit of preserving our culture and history as a society unfortunately. Agree with you that our museums are really bad, doesn't inspire and feel \"museum\" enough\nOnly one I'd say that feels contemporary enough to be an actual museum in Peninsula is probably the Bank Negara Museum. Otherwise the newly opened Borneo museum on Kuching is also up there!",
"Been to the bank negara museum, can confirm it's quite good\nThat said, maybe I'm biased but the old Kuching museum has a certain charm to it, but yes it's not up to par with more modern museums",
"I think the comment above was referring to the newly opened Borneo Cultures Museum in Kch, it’s world class!",
"Yes, I am aware, but I have never been to the new one since leaving Malaysia. While the old Brooke era museum is full of childhood memories for me\nWould love to visit the new museum at some point in the future tho",
"Ah woops, gotchu. I think the old Brooke era Sarawak Museum is being refurbished at the moment, but if you haven't been back in a while, you should also add the (kind of new) Brooke Gallery in Fort Margherita to your list.",
"I actually came back about a few months back but just stayed in Sibu for two weeks to see my fam lmao",
"Singaporean here - I just went to bank Negara museum and several days ago and gotta say that my kids did have fun. But plenty of interactive stuff broke/wasn’t working so that’s a huge bummer for my kids",
"Would like to piggyback the top comment but the Islamic Arts Museum in KL is incredibly beautiful and one of the best experiences in KL. Not that this is important, I’m not Muslim myself but have visited this museum multiple times.\nBonus. Its a great place for dates!",
"i see you JAKIM :26562:"
"Mostly my opinion:\nMalaysia, through most of its history, stone construction has not been the norm. Mostly the locals use wood. So we don't have lots of preserved indigenous artifacts beyond a few hundred years. On top of that, much of Malaysia's ancient history is oral and tribal. Much of it has probably been lost. There is a relative lack of things like Buddhist, Muslim or Hindu constructions that are very old unlike say Thailand, India, Vietnam and China.\nOn top of that Malaysia has a history of \"borrowed\" culture going back in history. Arab traders bringing Muslim religion and language. The Indians and Chinese too. Then came the waves of Western colonialists. In this sense, Malaysia has been a \"melting pot\" being at the center of many sea trade routes.\nEven things we consider \"traditional\" in Malaysia like the royalties etc appear to borrow heavily from traditions that are not indigenous. (Sultan, for example, is an arabic term) The Majapahit empire, for example, is Javanese-Hindu and is not centered around the current political boundaries of Malaysia. Then there is the influence from Thailand that is primarily Buddhist.\nIn a sense, this doesn't blend well with the current political ruling class that like to craft a narrative that Malaysia as predominantly Muslim and thus being Muslim is somehow central to Malaysia's past. History would point out a much richer and more diverse origins of Malaysian tradition and culture but this is actually quite politically inconvenient.\nThis probably disconnects many Malaysians from things going back more than a few generations. This is probably reflected in the academics as well as how things get curated in museums.",
"You're not lying. There is literally an UMNO Museum In Melaka, literally at the historical area below A Famosa and with the other museums.",
"I went there earlier this month and that particular museum is probably not gonna last that much longer. I would be suprised if it still exist beyond 2024.",
"Why? Genuinely curious",
"2nd floor isn't open to public, not that it has anything good anyways. And I was the only person who went there for the day (as of 3pm based on the logbook). Also no more aircond, which is a sure sign they are dying.",
"Ah i see. When I was in melaka a few years back I was there and wanted to enter but it was closed hahah",
"And we also have to contend with the fact each state museum wants to house their own artefacts (which Malaysia in general has very limited amount to begin with). The State Museums sometimes have much better artefact collections than the National Museum.\nAnd ofc, there's also the obvious issue of funding. Malaysian Museums in general (rightfully) have very low admission fee. A lot of them you don't have to pay a single cent.",
"Wish I can upvote you twice. Super true",
"Man. I want to print this out and just hand it out to people. Multi-purpose answer for most Malaysia FAQs",
"This is the right answer.",
"This I believe is the real reason. Politics and religion."
"Hopefully this could improve sooner than later.\nThe one in Kuching, Borneo Cultures Museum is amazing though. If you like museums, I think its worth a visit when you do visit Kuching. Being the newest built 'big' museum really do wonders. The facility inside is nice, clean and modern. I don't really have an eye for architecture, but from the looks of it, the architecture of the building itself is well designed as well. Could spend an entire day there if you actually go through the exhibits slowly and read through everything.",
"i really love this museum too. i went there during their spirit showcase (im not sure if it's permanent or not). the vibe is amazing, the showcase is amazing, the layout inside is amazing, the interactive showcase is amazing as well. 10/10 would recommend.\nalso i went to islamic arts museum in kl couple months ago. while it's not as amazing as sarawak and has no interactive feature, the paintings and items on showcase are quite a curious sight to see too.\nand perhaps you might want to take your kids to klcc petrosains and planetarium kl if they're into interactive museums. my kids love those a lot.",
"I can vouch for this. There's a lot of heart put into it, it's modern(as of right now), the museum is very interactive, there's a merchandise store, it's a good tourist attraction, the entrance fee is also pretty cheap. I spent like 4 hours there reading and going through every artifacts and taking tons and tons of pictures. Sadly, I didn't get to experience the last floor entirely because the museum was about to close. I will definitely go there again in the future. It's a good family visit too however children tend to get bored easily but even then, there is an interactive section, made for kids (and fun loving adults) so even kids would love the experience.\nIf you're visiting Kuching, make sure to go there. It's genuinely a good museum and the largest one in Malaysia too.",
"The State Museums are all generally very good. Perak Museum, Kota Tinggi Museum, Stadhuys (and the museums surrounding it), Seri Menanti Museum, and so on."
"I would say have you visited our museum in the late 80's or early 90's it would be a lot more interesting. I remember a room full of weapon relics like keris of all shape and sizes, musket and pistols used by the British army when they colonized our country, as well as a replica of tin mining ship the size of a car. Another fond memory I had was the longest rotan found in the jungle of Malaysia, it was like 400 meters long (I think lol), they fixate it on the ceiling of the showcase and have it looped around the room several dozen times to fit its massive length.\nVisited the museum again with an Australian friend like 15 years ago, that time the museum is already fallen into a sorry state. The room full of keris shrunk into a single cabinet, most showrooms are basically empty. Such a sad fate for a place that holds the many amazing things in the past.",
"Yeah, all thanks to the legendary head curator, the late Shahrum Yub back then - he really has the passion to do his job. Read his interview once in Mastika about how his team handled the tomb of King Tut for \"Tombs Around The World\" and it already make me go wow. Those period was the peak of National Museum.\nIt takes both the leaders passion and the gov passion to return it in similar state again, which per current Malaysia gov standard...uhhhhh......"
"The Islamic arts museum is REALLY good. Serious kudos to the management there. Highly recommend. But yeah Muzium Negara was so sad.",
"Agree. Very comparable to the one I’ve been to overseas.",
"And cheap too! RM7 for the permanent exhibit and RM4-6 for the rotational one. They're also the only centre for restoration in Semenanjung. Most museums use them for repairs and restoration. They also used to have art classes like calligraphy.",
"I love the Islamic Arts Museum. Easily one of my favourite museums of anywhere I've visited."
"The Borneos Culture Museum in Kuching is pretty good. Went there last year and thoroughly enjoyed myself."
"Underfunded. Im guessing the only budget they get is for staff, electricity, water and keeping the place clean. Nothing more.",
"Yep underfunded and most of the history stuffs are under appreciated as well in Malaysia.",
"Let's normalise not saying \"stuffs\" folks"
"Many of the muzeums here were old and wasn't kept up with the latest technology. If you have the time, pleaee visit the relatively newly built Borneo Museum in Kuching, Sarawak. Some people say that it's even better than Muzium Negara"
"Because it didn't match with our Arab descendant narrative."
"I was at Islamic Art museum yesterday with my foreign friend. I was blown away cos it’s a world class standard and he really liked it too."
"Why bother with museums when you can see real-life dinosaurs roaming around us in daily life.\nIt's pretty easy to spot them really, they're the ones shouting ketuanan melayu."
"Imo it’s because Malaysian don’t view Museums as interesting or a tourist attraction. Most Malaysians view museums as boring and only for history. The best Museum I’ve been to is the National History Museum in London. We should have a cultural change to value art and history more."
"You went to the wrong place? Go to the British museum as they nicked all the good stuff! /s"
"When I went to the National Art Gallery in Malaysia, I couldn't help but imagine some government bureaucrat saying, \"we need an art museum like a serious country\" and so they came up with a really poor, half-assed imitation of a Western art museum.\nWhen I went to the Islamic Arts Museum I had the opposite impression. I felt like the backers authentically cared about showcasing the diversity of Muslim cultures around the world and through history and did something impressive.\nSmaller local museums similarly fall into two camps. There are some real hidden gems in different parts of the country, but then there are some pathetic misses."
"It's easier for the politicians to control the masses if the masses do not learn from the past ;)",
"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past"
"The artifacts are probably in British Museum /s\nJokes aside, even the buildings are not as appealing or majestic as museums in other countries. It is hard to attract tourists or locals to come and see them.\nShoutout to Museum of Islamic Arts tho, they are really nice."
"Museums are what is known as sociological expressions, in that they act as cultural conduits linking present to past. They therefore tend to be very well established and appreciated in areas of the world where there is a strong sense of connecting past, present and future together to inform society.\nMalaysia as a whole is not very interested in its past except in niche scenarios ( like most Penangnite who are Chinese or Indians are very interested in Penang history from the early 17th century onwards ). Malaysia is more interested in ethnic identification, which may mean one is interested in looking at the past except in the case of Malaysia the ethnic identification is a legal entity as well so it becomes more a focus on the present and less about the past.\nAs a result, museums become less important. Cultural things of the current becomes more important, such as existing festivals and rituals ( it does not need the past to be valid ).",
"Chat GPT ah bro 😂"
"I always thought muzium is very boring since I'm grow up in Malaysia, until one day i step into taiwan muzium."
"Probably because we don't have a lot to preserve lmao. Try other museums instead of just tue national museum (like the perak man one) since our museums are split so many places"
"You can try visiting the Malaysian Chinese Museum in Serdang. Ive been there earlier this year, and it is by far the best museum ive been to in Malaysia"
"Because real Malaysian heritage is shopping and eating. Look at the number of huge shopping malls"
"keeping the people dumb is how 3rd worlds control their population.\nsmart citizens will change things, dumb citizens will follow along."
"Really? Have you tried Dewan Rakyat?"
"I hate malaysia museum"
"Since we're all here anyway - are there any museums in the Klang Valley that redditors are impressed with?",
"Islamic arts Museum. I reckon it's good because it's privately owned. Their collection is extensive.",
"Which one ah",
"Next to Masjid Negara",
"Idk if it's in Klang valley but I loved the orang asli museum, I also dk if it's up to you guy's standard but yeah",
"The one that’s next to Muzium Negara? Pretty sure that counts as Klang Valley!\nIt focuses on OA craft and artwork, and is quite good in my opinion.\nOr did you mean the one at Ayer Keroh outside Melaka?"
"Cos Malaysians are very under-educated (by international standards) and basically extremely ignorant. Religious schools still teach evolution is fake…so yeah…cool level of general knowledge, guys..",
"Religious schools still teach evolution is fake\nDo they? I came from SK Agama and did alot of religion study outside school in HS. The ustat and ustazah never said it's fake. They just did not mention it and ignored the question when asked. The best reply I ever got was \"wallahualam\".",
"My and my wife religious schools were pretty aggressive that it wasn’t true. This is retard-level education"
"Becos we never conquered any other countries and steal their treasures and we kena conquered and our treasures all at British museum.....",
"Laughs in Singapore National Museum, Art Museum, Asian Civilisation Museum etc etc.\nBut no seriously Malaysia’s museum is kinda underwhelming for a country this developed. It was strange to me that visiting museums is not part of the tour when visiting Malaysia."
"Our museums have only like 50 yrs of history compared to other countries, who tf wants to visit? Defo not me. All displaying cultural underwear and panties across different eras 🤣🤣 as my dad likes to say in Cantonese “看什么马来底裤”"
"Because all the good stuff were taken away by the colonizers when they were here hundred of years ago. If you have the chance to go to prominent museums in europe, you can see how much of our stuff were taken back there. Same thing happened to all the place where they colonized.",
"Singapore's museums are really good tho, even their art ones.",
"Because we got bajet to obtain exhibits mah. Collectors and owners also have peace of mind lending their objects to us because they know anything they lend will be secure and well-taken care of.",
"The fuck you on about. Taipei and Seoul museums are nice. Also as others have said Singapore. Even Japan and their museums is about Japanese culture not so much about their colonizing past.",
"Example, Klang bell, a 1200years old bell from bronze age found in klang. Taken by british and currently displayed in british museum. Also look at the database of british museum, around 3000 artifacts from malay peninsula alone in their collection.everything good were looted."
"Idk, museum always seems like a creepy place. I went one in melaka, there was an empty cradle with a doll (probably) inside with voice of crying baby and angklong background music.\nAlso went to the terengganu one, there was this traditional clothes section. Put inside a small room that looks exactly like my late grandma’s room. Also creepy. I hv the photo but it’s buried too deep inside my gallery.\nEdit: also good idea by op but i dont think the price will be rm5 per entry anymore."
"The Islamic art museum is pretty good"
"Suggest you try other things in Malaysia i.e food hunting. This museum stuff is so politically fucked up that it's not worth your time."
"The Borneo Cultures Museum in Kuching is absolutely fantastic. Huge, excellent collection, modern design and great use of technology, interactive, very well curated. Though the Sabah State Museum in Kota Kinabalu is indeed rather sad."
"because most of the museum worthy collection is privately owned and owners dont want to part with it"
"Our national arty gallery is pretty good tho"
"Even the scammers knew elsewhere to rob"
"Bro Kuching has the best museums here. Check them out."
] |
Ngeh apologises for non-Muslims on shariah law committee proposal | /r/malaysia/comments/18udckg/ngeh_apologises_for_nonmuslims_on_shariah_law/ | 6 | [
] | DAP MP says he was not previously aware of the Sultan of Selangor’s involvement and withdraws his statement. | [
"He had what we commonly referred as foot and mouth disease . The cure is to think before opening one’s mouth ."
"just trying to push some button to gauge the response:26554:"
"U have no idea the chinese community is angry :26554:",
"Even most Chinese knows this is out of bounds.",
"His real name is ngeb ngeh lai"
] |
Georgetown and Balik Pulau | /r/malaysia/comments/18u630f/georgetown_and_balik_pulau/ | 1 | [] | Pics taken from Ngor Hean temple and Air Itam Dam. | [
"<image>\nView from mainland"
] |
The Federal Government will relinquish its authority over Sabah's electricity matters on 3rd Jan 2024 | /r/malaysia/comments/18ubwix/the_federal_government_will_relinquish_its/ | 15 | [] | [
"TLDR: The Federal Government has given the State Legislature of Sabah the legislative powers to make laws on the matters of electricity. The Federal Government has also, by multiple gazatted orders, suspended the operation of federal electricity laws in Sabah. All of these will take effect on 3 Jan 2024\nThe Sabah State Legislature is expected to sit during a special session on 3 Jan 2024 to pass a new state law in regards of Sabah's electricity matters.\nGeneral news on this: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/12/994264/sabah-exercise-full-authority-over-electricity-accordance-malaysia\n1st pic: https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%20393/2023%20393/2023)\n2nd pic: https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%20394/2023%20394/2023)\n3rd pic: https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%20395/2023%20395/2023)\n4th pic: https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%20396/2023%20396/2023)\n5th pic: https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%20397/2023%20397/2023)"
"So if electricity in Sabah still fuck up it's not federal fault it's their state fault now?",
"Yes, starting from 3 Jan 2024.\n* Something fuck up in SS *\nSS: Ini semua salah Semenanjung!\nFeds: * Give up power and transfer it to SS states *\n* Something still fuck up in SS *\nSS: [Surprised pikachu face]\nFeds: :26554:\n/jk",
"too bad, the legacy effects from Feds may take years to wear off",
"oh they will find some way to blame",
"One of the comment already preset the blame shift towards \"the legacy effects from Feds may take years to wear off \". So if they start to use that excuse, people like that guy would eat it up easily. Because surely, only the feds are dirty and theirs are squeaky clean. Next, they'll use the word lesser evil as a counter point, same old, same old. Cheers.",
"Yeah sabah mp's kroni is salivating right now"
"Hmm Taib Mahmud - Electricity Edition will be born then.\nSemua kontrak utility Sabah dia akan sapu",
"Taib is Sarawak agong, what does it have to do w Sabah?\nSabah have their own blood suckers",
"I know, my point and yours are the same. There will be some cronies/blood sucker who monopoly all those deals either directly or indirectly, and Sabah will remain the same despite all resources.",
"That why Bung and Shafie want to gether2 against Hajiji",
"And u think that’s for the sake of Sabahan? 😂",
"Better than Hajiji the \"Sabah Maju Jaya\" signboard guy"
"Hope it doesn't turn out like Texas."
"Elon Musk is going to sell tons of Cybertruck :26554:"
] |
Self-Collect Shoe Box | /r/malaysia/comments/18ubfue/selfcollect_shoe_box/ | 5 | [] | I went to a 24-hour laundry in Sungai Way, PJ today and what caught my interest was this shoe box machine. I checked the price it cost 18 bucks for 1 pair of wet wash services.
Has anyone tried this before and is it safe to leave your shoe inside the machine overnight? | [
"How I wish there is one in my area. It is pain in the ass to wash my hiking shoe. RM18 is pretty reasonable."
"Wow. Thats useful"
"Someone will come and collect, the will wash em on the washing machine next to it\n/s"
"Wow gg sunway velocity"
"Got different pricing in different area ni.\nThe LaundryBar Mega outlet in Damansara Jaya has the box too, but its RM30 instead."
] |
Panoramic view of Kuala Lumpur - circa 1900 | /r/malaysia/comments/18u7uxm/panoramic_view_of_kuala_lumpur_circa_1900/ | 4 | [
] | [
"Based on my estimation, with the the Sultan Abdul Samad building's clock tower as reference, this picture is probably taken somewhere on the hill where the current Chin Woo Stadium stands, or the current location of Merdeka 118 tower.\nIf you zoom in the photo, you can see some of the buildings in the middle hase chinese architecture on its roof (dragon sculpture on the roof). That row of buildings are probably the current Chinatown of KL.\nYou can also see the old Central Market building on the left near the coconut trees."
"Which part of KL is this?",
"That clock tower is defo Dataran Merdeka"
"I wonder how many of the buildings still stand?"
] |
Singapore jails man for 20 weeks over use of fake Malaysian passport | /r/malaysia/comments/18u2vvm/singapore_jails_man_for_20_weeks_over_use_of_fake/ | 3 | [] | [
"Screencap of the article\n<image>"
"Malaysia need to ban or jail this fella too."
] |
Is "sibeh" is bad word in penang? | /r/malaysia/comments/18udmk4/is_sibeh_is_bad_word_in_penang/ | 15 | [
] | My friend in penang told me that sibeh is a bad word and it is rude for me to say it in front of other penangnites.
In context: Si = "die" Beh=sounds like "pek" which is father in hokkien
Yeah I'm just confused about this. I always thought that sibeh=very. Any penangnites or nyets who understand hokkien help me explain this? | [
"Your friend is full of it. Sibeh / sipek is just a word for \"very\", albeit in a crude manner.\nEdit : crude as in (sipek kiam = fucking salty)"
"Sibeh isn’t a bad word"
"Sibeh is very\nYour friend is just messing with you.\nMy advise, mess with him back"
"hm? sibeh = very , yes. what is this? another cancelation attempt?"
"It's not a cuss word, it's just crass. People who label themselves as classy and turn up their noses on anyone using this crass word will look down on you if you used it too much. I use it sparingly and only in front of people who are ok with my usage of it."
"Sibeh should be a slang word for \"very\".\nBut, I suppose it is rude to say it in front of your dad. As far as I know, it's made up of 2 words \"si\" and \"beh\" that means \"dead\" and \"father\" respectively. So uttering it every time is like saying \"Oh on my dead dad, that xxx is yyy\".\nThe other exclamation Chinese phrase is walaoweh, meaning showing surprise or incredulity. Based off \"wa\", \"lao\", and \"peh\" which means \"Oh my old dad!\"."
"You sure your friend is from Penang? Lmao try to translate \"si pek kao lat\" or \"si pek ho liao\" with your friend's explanation and see if it makes sense or not.",
"You can tell whether someone understands the dialect based on whether they think 4896 is a funny number"
"I thought \"sibek\" means \"die white\" in Hokkien?"
"Sibeh ho jiak = very tasty"
"What about Cibek?"
"yea, the origin of the word is correct, you can ignore those comments that are ignorant of it, using a word without understanding the word's true origin is kinda pathetic\nits fine to use it among your friends, but not suitable with elders, its not very polite\nits exactly the same thing with \"fucking\" when you say this chicken chop is fucking good, nobody will think that fucking means sexual intercourse, although the origin of the word is referring to it, people will understand that you mean \"very\"\nstill, you wouldn't use the word \"fucking good\" in front of your parents or people that you should respect and be polite to"
"Growing up I never used \"sipek\" / \"sibeh\". Very was \"cin chia\". I always assumed that was Southern Hokkien influence."
"sibeh is not - your friend is lying.\nUnless it was cipet - then that's quite vulgar a term for the female genatalia."
"No, sibeh means very"
] |
Chinese New Year in KL? | /r/malaysia/comments/18umj2r/chinese_new_year_in_kl/ | 0 | [
"Tourism & Travel"
] | I'll be staying in KL around the Chinese New Year. Are there going to be some kind of public celebrations, like fireworks or parades and like, that I should not miss? | [] |
Hijab Shopping recommendations? | /r/malaysia/comments/18ukobw/hijab_shopping_recommendations/ | 0 | [
"Tourism & Travel"
] | Hi first time going to Kuala Lumpur and im looking for some tips to go shopping for local Hijabs (muslim headscarves) and dresses. | [] |
Enquire about local Youtuber | /r/malaysia/comments/18ujggh/enquire_about_local_youtuber/ | 0 | [
] | Hello, can you guys recommend the local Youtuber content that similar like Nexpo, Nick Crowley etc? Thanks. | [] |
Stamp selling/trading locations | /r/malaysia/comments/18uiw3g/stamp_sellingtrading_locations/ | 3 | [
] | Hi everyone, I’ve inherited a large stamp collection of Malaysian and international stamps going back about 7 decades and I feel like it’s worth something. Do y’all know anywhere where I can get a proper valuation of my collection or somewhere I can trade it? Thanks in advance | [
"Can try at amcorp mall weekend flea market. Saw previously lots of stamp collectors there.",
"Alright will look into it, thanks !",
"there's even few shops that sells stamp there"
] |
Police to probe RM700mil spent on govt publicity since 2020 | /r/malaysia/comments/18uhotn/police_to_probe_rm700mil_spent_on_govt_publicity/ | 1 | [] | [
"Won't be surprised if this one gets swept under the carpet as well."
] |
Lost phone in KL Transit | /r/malaysia/comments/18ujbsl/lost_phone_in_kl_transit/ | 2 | [
"Tourism & Travel"
] | Just 40 mins ago lost my phone in KL transit while going to Putrajaya from KLIA2, the train went on to KL Sentral, the station master contacted other staff members but they said they didn't find anything.
What can I do? Just landed at KLIA2 and we don't have a local sim card yet, there are cameras in KL Transit train but will they check for us incase if someone took it? | [
"Since the staff said they didn't find it, then it's really gone now.",
"they found it in the train, after it arrived on the cleaning station, will collect it tomorrow"
] |
Kuala Selangor fauna(Mangrove broadwalk to Eagle feeding) | /r/malaysia/comments/18uhfb7/kuala_selangor_faunamangrove_broadwalk_to_eagle/ | 2 | [
] | [
"In pic 19, although the tourism board label it as \"Eagle\" feeding,there are no actual eagles, they are Brahminy kites instead which feed along the whiskered terns(limited to 20 photos so did not post clearer image of terns)"
"Pic #1, your average r/Malaysia nyet :26554:"
] |
Old school cool : revisitng 1998 | /r/malaysia/comments/18ugtih/old_school_cool_revisitng_1998/ | 11 | [] | We had Commonwealth games, Anwar getting arrested for reformasi and the financial crises
Whats your fondest memory from that year? | [
"accessing the Internet via TMNet dial-up. Anyone remember babyrina? 😏\nthe CM is Koh Tsu Koon from Gerakan. Since they're part of BN, okay lah\nwe would buy pirated game DVDs from malls, usually at the topmost floor. The one in Bukit Jambul Complex goes for RM12-RM15 per DVD\nBas Kuning ftw",
"Bukit jambul complex omg. My fellow penangite I presume. I used to buy my pc game CDs from there. Good memories circling the top floor finding for my fav games during the holidays",
"Yup, Penangite here! Of course I have fond memories of BJC (I was there back when there's an ice skating rink at the ground floor), but my most nostalgic CD/DVD shop would always be that place at Komtar (kinda hard to describe the location though lol).\nAlso back then there's a florist shop in Pulau Tikus that sells old PC games with their thick manuals.",
"Babyrina, we sure have cum a long way :26554::26554::26554:",
"Internet was introduced. Netscape navigator and yahoo paved the way. Mirc and icq happened and yes babyrina and Ckg Suraya were two staple names amongst the teenagers that time 🤣",
"Mirc and icq\nAnd MSN Messenger!"
"Still hectic as ever around Kota Raya and Petaling Street, just more foreigners around and lots of homeless near CM."
"All the cars seen are considered a shitbox today.\nAll the bikes mostly remain the same, small capchai dominated by ex5."
"Also, potholes 🤣"
"Malaysia good in preserving culture.\nPot hole\nCross the road sesuka hati\nNot maintain buildings\nNot friendly predestination walkway\nDouble park\nProton wira"
"Video is going to be 26 yrs old. Half of 90s and 00s are entering 30s and 20s respectively. Holy...."
] |
Seas of belawai | /r/malaysia/comments/18ufdfy/seas_of_belawai/ | 0 | [
"Tourism & Travel"
] | [] |
Want to climb mount Santubong but heard it’s too dangerous alone, even for someone who’s okay with intermediate to harder. Any packages? | /r/malaysia/comments/18u6y1p/want_to_climb_mount_santubong_but_heard_its_too/ | 1 | [] | I’m wondering if there’s anything I could pay for to get into a group that climbs the mountain. I would honestly prefer to do it alone. | [
"I think you'd get more chances of serious replies posting this in r/Sarawak, it seems rather out of place here"
] |
Can boss force salaried employee to work out of buisness hour if mistakes were made at work? (Whithout paying OT) | /r/malaysia/comments/18u8bxc/can_boss_force_salaried_employee_to_work_out_of/ | 18 | [] | My sister work hybrid as a grahpic designer, sometimes when she made a mistake at work she is expected to overtime remotely and finish the day work, she's currently on probation/intern for 3 months, so her pay is already low, but they never pay her OT for the hours she spent off-site or at home, some even take her untill 4am in the morning, imo her mistakes aren't that major, cause usually it's because they were expecting her to focus on something more instead of something else without clarifying her what she actually need to prioritize on, which cost her time but in the end she is at fault for not asking, though i think she was given vague instructions that were made to be misunderstood. But i won't debate on that. Currently she's working on 3 projects with day by day deadline, She is issued to design something that is given to her day to day, if she fail to finish it within a day she is expected to OT, even if she din't make any mistakes they would still call her up at night to send in the day work if she haven't finished. The deadline never exceed 2-3 days within announcement. If she don't do OT would she get in trouble? Considering they don't pay her for the time anyway? Also theres one more thing that happened to her, the "manager" messed up the deadline for the project she worked on and he didn't even clarified it, just deleted it and edited some stuffs to cover up the mistake and expected her to work with the new deadline, is this legal? The "manager" also likes to send in the working files 30 mins before the buisness hour is up.... This is her 2nd company (1st hybrid) and she got loads to complain about but the driving factor that makes her want to quit is working off buisness hours (OT).
For clarification, i get that salaried empoyees in the US are mostly exempt from OT pay, and instead is compensated by something called "Comp Time" but that's not mandatory, not sure how it is in Malaysia, and i also know that since the gig she is on is fairly competitive and since the deadline depends on the client, she is expected to work off hours remotely or in office, but this has been going on for the past 3 months and she has been missing her sleep which i think is not a healthy environment to be in, or this gig is just not suited for her.
Clarifcation 2: It's not actually "intern" since she had that experience in her first company already, it's just that this 2nd company ask to pay lower then minimum cause she is new, only 1 year experience as an intern in first company so i think it's more accurate to call this in "probation" she is promised minimum salary after a few more months.
Edit: forgot to mention, tomorrow (sunday) they expected her to be on-call to finish the project she worked on before new year, this is off buisness hours and shes is not getting payed for it. | [
"Exploitation, grey area.\nTake it as a lesson, get more confident in the future and a better job.",
"Thanks for the advice, i'll try making her consider on changing her gig if that's possible...."
"TLDR : yes until report to JTK but once u report to JTK there is no turning back because the next you go job interview, the HR will start to check whether u have history report against former employer and will deterrent from hiring you because u caused trouble.",
"This is why malaysia is heaven for crocs , free abusive workforce country",
"HR will start to check whether u have history report against former employer\nHolup, they can do that? How though?",
"Call your previous employer if curious enough and check jtk department, everything just need ic name . U are fucked if is niche industry because everyone know everyone and this has just happen few week ago at instagram salary malaysia gap confession.\nFun fact : maybank have a hr department that send authentic employee potential survey / queries to previous employment to confirm any issues before hiring",
"Does this meen it's an offence to hold \"salaried\" employees out of buisness hour to stay for extra hours to make amendments for the mistakes that's been made? Or can we not force employees to stay for the deadline wether or not mistakes has been made? Not sure what the state law is in Malaysia, thanks for replying."
"So many things wrong with the situation but for rm500/mo the best thing is to just GTFO of that company immeadiately.\nTell your sister to just email saying he quit and start looking for a new job, block all contact with that company.\nOT is the least of her concerns to be honest."
"As far as I concerned, if your salary is more than MYR3500, you are not able to claim OT anymore, for whatever reason.\nBut usually, you don’t really have to spend much on OT once you reach this stage. So, I can say your sister is abused. Not surprising though since graphic industry was never fair to begin with, just look at Les Copaque issues.\nGraphic people usually stay for the passion, if she no longer have that passion, ask her to jump somewhere else before her mental health detoriate at the speed of light.",
"She is in probation/intern for said company, she is paid RM500 monthly, last month got deducted but won't say how much and why just for the sake of not being specific.\nJust for clarification, it's not actually \"intern\" since she had that experience in her first company already, it's just this 2nd company ask to pay lower then minimum cause she is new, only 1 year experience as an intern in first company so i think it's more accurate to call this in \"probation\"",
"Is she an employee under probation or is she an intern? She cannot be both. As an employee of a Malaysian company she must be paid at least the statutory minimum wage (RM1500 for employees paid per month or RM 7.21 per hour for those paid per hour). Help her to make a report to JTK then find a new job ASAP",
"This is bs. She's not an intern, she is a fully working employee who is under probation because she's new. She's being grossly underpaid at a RM500 salary - even waiters at restaurants are paid more. Likely the employer does not even have a salary slip for her because they are paying her below minimum salary. 100% being exploited.",
"Is she living in outskirts? Because she should receive a minimum wage at least. I earned more working in 7-11 and our OT was paid.\nYou should have a reality check with her."
"Employers are required to pay at least 1.5x for overtime hours. You can refer to the Employment Act 1955 (for West Malaysia) which protects employees with salary up to RM4,000.\nErm, maybe there's something wrong with my work ethic, but if they're paying low salary they shouldn't expect the employee to go beyond normal working hours without OT pay or allowance. Perhaps she can discuss with her superior regarding these issues, like, \"hey I've been working a lot beyond 6pm, can you please review my workload or advise the company's OT policy?\" If they refuse she should remain polite, but understand that all her personal resources belong to her.\n\"Sorry, internet down in my area I can't access the files.\"\n\"Sorry, my pc broken.\"\n\"Sorry, my phone a bit old sometimes calls automatic go to missed calls.\"\n\"Sorry, need to celebrate my grandma's birthday can't help.\"\n\"Sorry, my mum forcing me to go family trip.\"\n\"Sorry, my phone data running out, I don't have money to top up...\"\nThat's just a way to cope and be petty, but ultimately it's just not a good company."
"Cannot. Must pay 1.5x. Here you go.\nhttps://malaysia.acclime.com/guides/employment-law/\nSeek arbitration."
"When you are employed under other person, you basically a corporate slave. The company has poor culture, merely let the person who made mistake to work alone. No teamwork etc?\nThere are companies or place that treasure employees. Tell her to keep looking for it."
"Not considering context: If mistakes were made at work, you should solve it yourself and not cause trouble for others. If you feel bad doing unpaid OT to fix your mistake, imagine doing unpaid OT to fix someone else's mistake while the other guy went home on time and doesn't respond.\nAt my current workplace, I have a mistake prone colleague and when you tell him to be more careful, his attitude is that others should find his mistakes and clean up after him. Not a pleasant person to work with.\nWith your sister's current company, the problem isn't fixing mistakes. The problem is her overwork and the company is just abusing her. She should leave."
"OP, let me give you a scenario.\nYou order pasta without nuts due to allergy (last order, kitchen closing), they serve you pasta mixed with nuts and you cant separate them.\nAs a customer, what are your expectations?\nAs the chef what is your responsibility?\nAs the restaurant owner, how would you feel?\nMany comments here miss out on the \"made mistake\" part. F***, everyone should just make mistakes and claim 8 hours OT then."
] |
Is it legit for e-commerce platform like Shopee to impose LVG tax before the effect date 1 Jan 2024? | /r/malaysia/comments/18u6xs8/is_it_legit_for_ecommerce_platform_like_shopee_to/ | 1 | [
"Economy & Finance"
] | Is it legit for Shopee to impose LVG tax before the effect date 1 Jan 2024?
As consumers, we are forcing to pay extra for goods purchased from oversea seller(China) before 1Jan 2024 as the e-payment system already has tax included.
Does anyone encounter similar issue here? Is it rightfully for the e-commerce platform to do so? Do we have rights to not paying the tax before the effect date? | [
"Where did you get this information from? I just checked on Shopee and found that they have yet to imposed the tax."
] |
Tangkak, Johor, Malaysia Weather Forecast and Conditions - The Weather Channel | Weather.com | /r/malaysia/comments/18u2wv8/tangkak_johor_malaysia_weather_forecast_and/ | 0 | [
] | [] |
Subsets and Splits