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fr | Moscou salue la participation active de Téhéran à l'OCS | États participants à l'OCS
La Russie salue la participation énergique de l'Iran aux activités de l'Organisation de coopération de Shanghai (OCS), a déclaré vendredi le vice-ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Alexeï Borodavkine dans une interview à .
L'OCS (créée en 2001) regroupe la Russie, la Chine, le Kazakhstan, le Tadjikistan, le Kirghizstan et l'Ouzbékistan. L'Iran, l'Inde, la Mongolie et le Pakistan ont le statut d'observateurs. La présidence tournante de l'organisation en 2008-2009 est assurée par la Russie.
, a affirmé M. Borodavkine.
Les 18 et 19 février, le diplomate russe a mené avec ses collègues iraniens des consultations sur la politique extérieure des deux pays.
Selon lui, l'Iran .
, a fait savoir l'interlocuteur de l'agence.
Le moratoire sur l'élargissement de l'OCS établi en 2005 est toujours en vigueur. Cependant, la question de sa suppression est actuellement à l'étude. Moscou a engagé des démarches énergiques dans ce sens à l'approche du sommet de l'Organisation les 15 et 16 juin prochains à Ekaterinbourg (Oural).
Le 16 février dernier, le ministre iranien des Affaires étrangères, Manouchehr Mottaki, a annoncé que son pays avait l'intention de devenir membre à part entière de l'OCS avant la fin de l'année.
M. Borodavkine a rappelé à cette occasion qu'un groupe chargé de concevoir les critères de participation à l'OCS avait été créé dans le cadre de cette organisation.
, a-t-il précisé, ajoutant que Moscou .
| [
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Moscou salue la participation active de Téhéran à l’OCS (diplomatie russe)",
"text": "International Moscou salue la participation active de Téhéran à l’OCS (diplomatie russe) 12:29 TEHERAN, 20 février - RIA Novosti. La Russie salue la participation énergique de l'Iran aux activités de l'Organisation de coopération de Shanghai (OCS), a déclaré vendredi le vice-ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Alexeï Borodavkine dans une interview à RIA Novosti. L'OCS (créée en 2001) regroupe la Russie, la Chine, le Kazakhstan, le Tadjikistan, le Kirghizstan et l'Ouzbékistan. L'Iran, l'Inde, la Mongolie et le Pakistan ont le statut d'observateurs. La présidence tournante de l'organisation en 2008-2009 est assurée par la Russie. \"Nous nous félicitons de voir Téhéran s'associer activement aux efforts de l'OCS portant sur la lutte antiterroriste, les projets économiques et sur d'autres sphères d'activité de cette organisation qui présentent de l'intérêt pour l'Iran\", a affirmé M. Borodavkine. Les 18 et 19 février, le diplomate russe a mené avec ses collègues iraniens des consultations sur la politique extérieure des deux pays. Selon lui, l'Iran \"utilise de manière efficace les possibilités offertes par le statut d'observateur au sein de l'OCS\". \"En tant que président de l'Organisation de coopération de Shanghai, la Russie étudie des possibilités supplémentaires pour associer davantage les observateurs aux activités de l'OCS. A cet effet, elle envisage de les autoriser à communiquer directement avec les membres permanents, les observateurs et les invités au cours des réunions de l'organisation \", a fait savoir l'interlocuteur de l'agence. Le moratoire sur l'élargissement de l'OCS établi en 2005 est toujours en vigueur. Cependant, la question de sa suppression est actuellement à l'étude. Moscou a engagé des démarches énergiques dans ce sens à l'approche du sommet de l'Organisation les 15 et 16 juin prochains à Ekaterinbourg (Oural). Le 16 février dernier, le ministre iranien des Affaires étrangères, Manouchehr Mottaki, a annoncé que son pays avait l'intention de devenir membre à part entière de l'OCS avant la fin de l'année. M. Borodavkine a rappelé à cette occasion qu'un groupe chargé de concevoir les critères de participation à l'OCS avait été créé dans le cadre de cette organisation. \"Le groupe a récemment tenu sa quatrième réunion. La partie russe a présenté son projet de document énumérant les critères de participation. Ce projet est actuellement examiné par nos partenaires\", a-t-il précisé, ajoutant que Moscou \"continuerait de travailler sur toutes ces questions avec ses partenaires iraniens\".\nenvoyez par e-mail retour à la page d'accueil",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Indonesian government bans pornographic sites |
The message one Indonesian saw when attempting to access pornography today
The Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has announced that the government will be banning pornographic sites in the country. The announcement comes before the Islamic holiday of Ramadan.
The ministry conducted a technical test of the banning program with the six largest internet service providers in Indonesia — , , , , Bakrie Telecom, and . The ministry is optimistic that their ban will make 80% of pornographic sites inaccessable in the Southeast Asian country.
The People's Republic of China runs a similar program that blocks pornographic websites.
Communications minister Tifatul Sembiring said that about 200 ISPs in Indonesia had agreed to block the websites. Sembiring also said that ISPs would not suffer any losses by blocking pornographic websites.
He also added that the ministry would adopt the same approach used by , which involves constantly monitoring offensive content which, when discovered, is immediately removed.
| [
"Culture and entertainment",
"Free speech",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Tifatul blocks porn sites with holy curtain",
"text": "Tifatul blocks porn sites with holy curtain\nA | A | A | The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 08/11/2010 9:11 AM | Headlines\nA complete ban on all pornographic websites in observance of the Ramadan fasting period is unfeasible, Communications and Information Technology Minister Tifatul Sembiring says.\n“A 100 percent ban would be impossible, but it is the effort that counts,” Tifatul said Tuesday.\nLast month, the minister recommended blocking access to websites with pornographic content before Ramadan, which officially started today.\nHe added that the ban, which his office has been working on for the past month, would be put in place gradually, with a 100 percent ban as its ideal target. However, a few sites might slip through, he said.\nSeveral porn sites were still accessible at the time of writing this article.\n“The work done by Internet service providers [ISPs] to filter porn sites is not easy considering there are 4 million web sites out there,” he said.\nTifatul said ISPs were responsible for the filtering since they acted as gatekeepers connecting individual computers to the Internet.\nIndonesia’s 200 ISPs had agreed to the ministry’s request, he said.\nISPs would suffer no losses by blocking pornographic websites because those sites were not their core business, he said.\n“They mostly deal with communication data, networking between companies and ATMs,” he said.\nThe filters, he said, would be based on keywords entered during searches.\nThe list of porn-related keywords would be updated regularly to adjust to new keywords that previously had no links to porn sites.\n“The eradication of porn will be very dynamic in the future,” he said.\nThe websites blocked, he added, would be those that were “clearly vulgar” containing sexual intercourse, nudity, sexual organs, child prostitution and sexual symbols.\nHowever, Tifatul failed to provide a clear definition of what would be considered “clearly vulgar”.\n“The disputable [definitions] will be our next step to decide upon.”\nWebsites that referred to sex-related words and images, but used them in a scientific and cultural context, would be spared, he said.\n“Of course, certain formulas and analysis will be used in the process.”\nTifatul further said that sanctions would be imposed on individuals distributing pornographic material, whether it was ISPs or individuals.\nThe 1999 Telecommunications Law (which forbids telecommunications operators from violating public decency), the 2008 Information Transaction Law (which bans the distribution of pornographic material) and the 2008 Pornography Law would be applicable, he said.\n“The blocking of certain web sites would continue past Ramadan because the pornography law is permanent, even if it is revoked or amended,” he said\nTifatul said the ban was a necessary step in implementing the pornography and information transaction laws, as well as protecting people from unsuitable content.\n“The negative impact is evident in our society. [Pornographic content] crushes our culture and destroys our children,” he said.\nHowever, many people have expressed doubts about the effectiveness of the blockage given the immense size of the Internet and many tactics to unblock websites.\nDoubts also surfaced on the effectiveness of using keywords as certain words might have more than one meaning or connotation. (gzl)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Indonesia to crack down on porn over Ramadan",
"text": "Indonesia to crack down on porn over Ramadan\nJAKARTA — Indonesia, gripped in recent months by a sex scandal involving local celebrities, will mark the start of Ramadan Wednesday with a campaign against pornography.\nCommunications Minister Tifatul Sembiring, a member of the conservative Islamic party, called a news conference on the eve of the month-long period of dusk-to-dawn fasting at which he renewed a promise to act against porn sites.\nQuoting a poem, Sembiring called on Muslims to \"keep hearts clean in the holy month,\" and said that he would target websites and media that carried sexual content.\nAlready 200 Internet service providers in Indonesia have since last month agreed to block sites that displayed sexual activity and nudity, and \"their efforts are extraordinary,\" Sembiring said.\n\"It's not an easy task as there are four million local and international porn sites,\" he said, but added that he was unable to say how many sites had been shut out of Indonesia.\n\"I've promised before there will be efforts to close porn sites... This Ramadan hopefully traffic to porn sites can be reduced by more than 90 percent,\" he said.\nSembiring's call follows President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's support for a Web filter, saying in June that his country must not \"stay naked and be crushed by the information technology frenzy.\"\nWith 240 million people making it the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, Indonesia was scandalised in June by the online release of videos apparently showing local celebrities engaging in sex.\nRock singer Nazril Ariel, 28, a divorcee, is still in police custody on pornography charges after his arrest in June.\nAriel appears in separate videos with models and television personalities Luna Maya, 26, also his current girlfriend, and ex-girlfriend Cut Tari, 32.\nBoth women have been questioned but not arrested over the videos.\nA music engineer with the initials \"RJ\" was arrested in July for allegedly uploading the videos to the Internet.\nThe footage, which was widely distributed across the Internet, prompted clerics to issue an edict banning Muslims from watch certain gossip shows on Indonesian television.\nShows which dished out intimate details of people's private lives were immoral and threatened society, said the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).\nGossip shows should be allowed only if they \"uphold the law, warn the public and help people,\" said MUI chairman Maaruf Amin, who hoped that \"pornography and immoral content\" would be kept out of all TV programmes during Ramadan.\n\"Hopefully, Ramadan will set a momentum for the media to clean up their programmes and keep them free of pornography and filth. If we can't wipe them out totally, at least minimise them,\" he told AFP.\nFreelance magazine photographer Ahmad Fadilah, 35, who admitted to watching Internet porn occasionally, said hoped access will restricted only to hardcore porn sites such as those showing bestiality and unnatural sex.\n\"Go ahead and block the really vulgar and disgusting ones but please leave the beautiful, artistic ones alone. Anyway, if sites are blocked, there are other ways to access porn, like from VCD,\" Fadilah said.\n\"Sometimes people like to say Ramadan is a month to cleanse your heart and mind. But people still watch porn and who will find out if they do it quietly?\"\nCopyright © 2010 AFP. All rights reserved. More »",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Ban on Porn, Prostitutes, Fireworks Promises a Quiet Start to Ramadan",
"text": "Ban on Porn, Prostitutes, Fireworks Promises a Quiet Start to Ramadan\nIndonesia. On Tuesday, the eve of Islam’s holiest month, various officials separately announced bans on pornographic sites, prostitutes and firecrackers — things that can distract Muslims from faithfully observing Ramadan in peace.\nNo Offensive Sites\nFollowing up on his promise of a porn-free Ramadan, Communication and Information Technology Minister Tifatul Sembiring said he was confident that 80 percent of all “offensive sites” on the Internet in Indonesia were now inaccessible, including some of the most popular:,,, and\n“These five top-rated Web sites were just taken as samples, but we estimate that qualitatively we have banned 80 percent of offensive sites,” Tifatul said.\nHe added that the sites were chosen based on lists of most accessed sites on the ministry’s filtering system as well as those on, which ranks Web site visits.\nThe ministry worked with major Internet service providers Telkom, Bakrie Telkom, XL Axiata, Indosat, IndosatM2 and Telkomsel to block the sites the government deemed offensive.\nTifatul acknowledged that the government would not be able to immediately impose a complete ban on Internet pornography, but added that online filtering was an ongoing and dynamic process.\nHe said the ministry would adopt the same approach used by YouTube, which involves constantly monitoring offensive content which, when discovered, is immediately removed.\nThe same method will also be used in the future to filter out other offensive sites related to blasphemy, gambling, online fraud and violence, Tifatul said. “But we are focusing on the pornographic [sites] first.”\nHe emphasized that the ban had a strong legal basis, citing the 1999 Telecommunications Law, the 2008 Information and Electronic Transaction Law (ITE) and the 2008 Anti-Pornography Law.\n“The definition of pornography is not debatable anymore” since the Constitutional Court overturned a judicial review of the Anti-Pornography Law, Titaful added.\nNo Prostitutes\nIn Surabaya, Dolly, one of Southeast Asia’s largest red-light districts, is now quiet, with brothel doors bearing signs saying “Closed for Ramadan.”\nSawahan Police Chief Adj. Comr. Widodo said the prostitutes working in Dolly had all returned to their hometowns following a city regulation that mandated brothels close up shop throughout the fasting month.\nAsmiani, a staff member at Jaya Indah, told that the brothel’s seven prostitutes would return to work a week after Idul Fitri celebrations on Sept. 10 and 11.\nThe signs went up the same day hard-line Muslim groups under the banner of the Islamic Believers Union (GUIB) conducted a sweep of the district. About 350 members of the group raided brothels in three popular areas in Surabaya, but all they found were locked doors and empty streets.\nStill, they threatened to attack prostitution dens and other entertainment businesses that did not respect the Islamic holy month.\n“If they do not respect Ramadan, they will be attacked,” said Habib Muhammad Mahdi Al Habsyi, the head of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) in Surabaya.\nThe FPI is one of the 32 organizations that make up GUIB.\nZulkarnain, the spokesman for East Java’s hard-line Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid, denied members of the group were terrorizing the area, saying they were only out to remind people to abstain from immoral acts.\n“Please understand that this is a reaction to immoral activities legalized by the city administration. We are just spreading the message,” Zulkarnain said. “But if they keep operating during Ramadan, do not blame us if we attack them, as they are the ones who conduct moral terror.”\nBambang Budiono, the head of the Human Rights Study Center at Airlangga University, condemned the group’s actions, which he said were equivalent to “spreading terror in the name of Ramadan.”\nNo Firecrackers\nMeanwhile in Jakarta, Governor Fauzi Bowo forbade the use of firecrackers during Ramadan after a car carrying 70 kilograms of fireworks exploded in Pluit, North Jakarta, injuring four.\n“Every year people are victimized by incidents involving fireworks. Some of them suffer burns or even amputations,” he said. “These [incidents] force me to tighten law enforcement.”\nPenjaringan Police Chief Comr. Lalu M Ichwan said the four injured when a Daihatsu Zebra pickup truck exploded at noon on Tuesday were employees of Toyindo Perkasa, which owned the fireworks.\nJakarta Police spokesperson Sr. Comr. Boy Rafli Amar said the fireworks were already expired and were meant to be destroyed in a nearby lake. “Those fireworks were already past their expiration dates,” Boy said.\nLalu said the person in charge of getting rid of the fireworks would be questioned, as well as the victims once they recovered.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "id",
"title": "Penertiban situs porno di Indonesia",
"text": "Sehari menjelang memasuki bulan puasa (Selasa, 10/8), Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informasi mengumumkan rangkaian upaya pemblokiran situs porno di Indonesia yang ditempuh selama ini.\nDalam sebulan terakhir, menurut Menteri Kominfo Tifatul Sembiring, sudah sekitar 70% dari sekitar empat jutaan situs porno Indonesia yang diblokir dengan bantuan penyedia layanan koneksi internet swasta.\nUntuk melihat materi ini, JavaScript harus dinyalakan dan Flash terbaru harus dipasang. Unduh Flash Player versi terbaru Tukar format AV\nTifatul mengakui pihaknya menggunakan momen sehari menjelang Ramadan untuk mengumumkan penegakan atas pelarangan situs porno di Indonesia dan sekaligus menegaskan aturan akan ditegakkan seterusnya.\nPemblokiran, tambah Tifatul mengandalkan sebuah sistem pemblokir situs bernama massive trust namun dia menyerahkan model dan teknologi pemblokiran pada masing-masing penyedia jasa layanan internet.\n\"Karena semua internet kecamatan yang dipasang oleh pemerintah sudah bebas dari situs porno. Namanya massive trust, bisa pakai itu.\"\n\"Tapi ketika kami kumpulkan ISP, mereka mengatakan ada cara-cara yang lebih efektif dan efisien yang bisa digunakan. Kami katakan terserah tapi yang penting outputnya adalah pornografi tidak keluar lagi.\"\nSecara bertahap\nKami katakan terserah tapi yang penting outputnya adalah pornografi tidak keluar lagi. Tifatul Sembiring\nBagaimanapun ketika dicek hingga Selasa petang, hanya dengan membubuhkan kata 'seks' atau 'porno' di mesin pencari internet maka dengan mudah masih bisa ditemukan berbagai situs porno, baik berbahasa Indonesia atau Inggris.\nUpaya memblokir situs porno memang tidak mudah, paling tidak begitulah menurut penyedia layanan internet atau ISP dan mereka memerlukan waktu untuk menyesuaikan diri.\nMenurut Direktur Informasi Telkom, Indra Utoyo, hingga saat ini para ISP masih menunggu aturan tertulis tentang situs mana lagi yang harus diblokir karena kemungkinan munculnya situs-situs baru.\n\"Jadi ini bertahap karena 'kan daftarnya akan terus kejar-kejaran. Nanti ada yang muncul lagi dan kita akan blok. Sambil kekuatan network kita juga disesuaikan untuk bisa melakukan filtering sekaligus menjaga tingkat layanan. Ini 'kan pasti ada effort dan resources yang harus disiapkan yang bisa berdampak pada bisnis juga.\"\nTidak ada catatan resmi berapa jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia, meskipun pengguna jejaring sosial seperti Facebook mencapai 25 juta nama, sebagian melalui telepon genggam.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "id",
"title": "Tidak Blokir Situs Porno, Provider Internet Dicabut Izinnya",
"text": "Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010 | 15:19 WIB\nTEMPO Interaktif , Jakarta - Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika, Tifatul Sembiring mengancam akan mencabut izin perusahaan pelayanan jasa internet jika tidak melakukan pemblokiran terhadap situs porno. \"Itu perintah undang-undangnya,\" ujarnya saat berbicara dalam keterangan pers di Jakarta, Selasa (10/8).\nMenurut Tifatul, peringatan ini sudah berlangsung selama satu bulan kemarin. tujuannya, kata dia, agar sebelum ramadhan target 90 persen pemblokiran situs porno bisa tercapai. \"Sampai saat ini sudah men capai 70 persen lebih,' katanya.\nKementerian, kata Tifatul, saat ini melakukan kerjasama dengan 200 Internet Service Provider (ISP) yang ada di Indonesia untuk memblokir beredarnya situs porno di dunia maya. Mereka, telah merancang aplikasi penghalang situs porno yang akan diperagakan berbeda. \"Kunci pemblokiran ada pada keyword yang berbau porno,\" ujarnya.\nNamun Tifatul menjamin, situs lain yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan dan pengetahuan medis tidak akan ikut terblokir hanya karena memamerkan anatomi tubuh manusia. \"Itukan untuk pengetahuan, pendekatannya lain,\" ujarnya.\nMenambahkan hal itu, Juru Bicara Kementrian, Gatot Dewa Broto menerangkan bentuk sanksi pencabutan izin pemakaian spektrum frekuensi merupakan ganjaran terberat bagi perusahaan jasa layanan internet. Sebelumnya, kata dia, secara mekanisme kominfo akan melayangkan tiga kali surat peringatan. \"Kalau tiga kali tidak digubris, maka kami cabut,\" katanya.\nSANDY INDRA PRATAMA",
"url": ",20100810-270185,id.html",
"archive_url": ",20100810-270185,id.html"
] |
en | Scientist: Sulfur remedy for greenhouse effect backed by data |
Nobel Prize winner Professor Paul J. Crutzen has stated he has data to support his controversial claim that injecting sulfur into the atmosphere would negate the greenhouse effect.
The data is intended to quiet critics of the theory he first discussed in the scientific journal ''Climatic Change'' in August, 2006.
The 1995 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry stated ''"Our calculations using the best models available have shown that injecting 1 million tonnes of sulfur a year would cool down the climate so the greenhouse effect is wiped out."''
The theory uses the idea that an added layer of sulfates in the stratosphere, approximately 16 kilometres above the earth, would reflect sunlight back into space and reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface.
Critics have shown that the earth has struggled for decades to reduce sulfur pollution, and how it is a component of acid rain that kills plantlife and animals.
A large-scale experiment would be impossible to conduct, however scientists have noticed that massive volcanic eruptions have had similar effects on the earth. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines lowered temperatures around the world for two years, according to data taken at the time.
Crutzen resparked discussion on the topic, a theory which has been dismissed up until now as dangerous. ''"Until August this was a taboo issue. But the paper I published really set off some movement in this area. It never hit the level of seriousness which it has taken in the past months,"'' Crutzen said.
Environmental groups are skeptical but agree the idea should be investigated. ''"This idea should be examined and as a last resort it can buy us a few decades,"'' said Steve Sawyer, a policy adviser for Greenpeace International.
| [
"Climate change",
"Science and technology",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Greenhouse effect can be fixed by sulfur, says scientist",
"text": "December 17, 2006\nNobel Prize laureate Paul Crutzen says he has new data supporting his controversial theory that injecting the common pollutant sulfur into the atmosphere would cancel out the greenhouse effect.\nAlthough such a project could not be implemented for at least 10 years, the data is aimed at appeasing critics of the idea he first championed in the scientific journal Climatic Change in August.\nThe Dutch meteorologist showed what he calls the positive cooling effect of adding a layer of sulfates to the atmosphere at a global warming conference at the Porter School for Environmental Studies in Tel Aviv.\nHe said new, detailed calculations carried out since August showed the project would indeed lower global temperatures.\n\"Our calculations using the best models available have shown that injecting 1 million tonnes of sulfur a year would cool down the climate so the greenhouse effect is wiped out,\" Crutzen told Reuters.\nAn added layer of sulfates in the stratosphere, some 16 kilometres above the earth, would reflect sunlight into space and reduce solar radiation reaching the earth's surface, Crutzen said.\nHe said he envisioned giant cannons or balloons dispersing the sulfur to offset the build-up of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, largely released by burning fossil fuels in power plants, factories and vehicles.\nThe world has struggled for decades to reduce sulfur pollution, a component of acid rain that kills forests and fish, mainly through tighter controls on burning coal.\n\"We are now entering a very intensive period of model calculations and following that we will conduct small experiments to test the sulfur oxidation mechanisms that we calculated,\" Crutzen said.\nCrutzen said he planned to publish the new findings in a few months' time in one of the major scientific journals.\nThe idea of using sulfur to combat global warming - which most scientists say will bring more floods, desertification, heatwaves and rising sea levels - is not new.\nScientists noticed that large volcanic eruptions had similar effects and the 1991 eruption on Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines lowered temperatures around the world for two years.\nFor decades the theory was dismissed as dangerous until Crutzen, who won the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for research on ozone, published his paper.\n\"Until August this was a taboo issue. But the paper I published really set off some movement in this area. It never hit the level of seriousness which it has taken in the past months. It may have had to do with the Nobel Prize, but I hope that's not all,\" Crutzen said.\nSome critics say the project is too risky and will have negative effects on the earth's water supply and increase acid rain.\nCrutzen said it was necessary to study the negative consequences, but he did not expect a rise in acid rain because the amount of sulfur injected would be a small percentage of the sulfates polluting the lower atmosphere today.\nSome environmental groups, wary of geo-engineering projects, say the idea should at least be looked at.\n\"The fact that the top experts in the field are saying it's necessary shows it's a sad state of affairs,\" said Steve Sawyer, a policy adviser for Greenpeace International.\n\"This idea should be examined and as a last resort it can buy us a few decades,\" Sawyer said.\nReuters",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Would giant canons bombarding the atmosphere with sulfur actually counter greenhouse effect?",
"text": "Would giant canons bombarding the atmosphere with sulfur actually counter greenhouse effect? By Zafrir Rinat Professor Paul J. Krutzen's ideas may sound like science fiction, but he says they could save the world from global warming. He suggests building gargantuan cannons that would shoot enormous quantities of sulfur into the stratosphere, thereby blocking solar radiation. The 1995 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry will arrive in Israel this week, and tomorrow will present his revolutionary scheme in a conference on global warning at Tel Aviv University's Porter School of Environmental Studies. Other research on the topic will also be presented at the conference.\nThe Dutch-born Krutzen maintains that there is dwindling hope that humanity will cope with global warming through reduction of greenhouse gases, because of a lack of desire or ability on the part of the world's nations to undertake the necessary measures. Hence, he suggests employing geo-engineering methods to cool the planet, including injection substances into the atmosphere that would reflect solar radiation back into space.\nA few months ago, Krutzen published an article that echoed throughout the scientific world, in which he proposed the option of introducing billions of tons of sulfate particles into the stratosphere by means of giant balloons or cannons. The advantage of direct injection into the stratosphere is that in that upper layer of atmosphere, the half-life of sulfur is one to two years, rather than a week, as at lower levels.\nAdvertisement Unlike the gases that produce global warming, particles of substances like sulfur reflect the sun's radiation, contributing to a cooling process. This phenomenon is commonly illustrated following a volcanic eruption, when enormous quantities of sulfur are emitted, causing a decrease in temperatures. Krutzen cites Mt. Pinatubo, in the Philippines. When the volcano erupted, in 1991, it expelled enormous quantities of sulfur-containing compounds. Scientific estimates are that these emissions pushed down the average temperature on earth by half a degree, Celsius, over the course of a year.\nAn American laboratory recently conducted the first examination of sulfur's ability to reflect solar radiation. But a long series of experiments and research will be required to examine Krutzen's suggestions.\nOne negative aspect of Krutzen's scheme could be its effect on human health. In recent years, sulfur emissions from industrial sources were consciously reduced because of the health risk they pose. Paradoxically, the health benefits of those measures were accompanied by an increased greenhouse effect, because reducing the level of sulfur in the atmosphere led to an increase in the sun's radiation that got through.\nKrutzen expresses a great deal of pessimism regarding humanity's ability to reduce its production of greenhouse gases. Still he stresses that his scheme is not intended to take the place of trying to reduce them. Rather, he sees his concept becoming vital if global warming becomes worse within a short period of time, a scenario that certainly is possible.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Flugzeugunglück in Mangalore: Mindestens 160 Tote |
Mangalore liegt im Südwesten des indischen Subkontinents am Arabischen Meer.
Beim Überschießen der Landebahn auf dem Flughafens ''Bajpe'' (IATA-Code IXE) 20 Kilometer außerhalb der südindischen Stadt Mangalore am Samstagmorgen gegen 06:30 Uhr Ortszeit (03:00 Uhr MESZ) wurden mindestens 160 Personen an Bord getötet. Der Flughafen liegt auf einem Plateau, welches von Hügeln umgeben wird. Der Heimatschutzminister des Unionsstaates Karnataka, V.S. Acharya, bestätigte vor der Presse zunächst, dass fünf oder sechs Überlebende in ein Krankenhaus gebracht wurden, konnte aber keine Angaben über den Zustand der Personen machen. Die Boeing 737-800 der indischen Billigfluggesellschaft Air India Express war auf dem Weg Dubai in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten nach Mangalore, als sie bei starken Regen von der 2900 Meter langen Landebahn rutschte. Es gibt immer noch irreführende Meldungen über die Anzahl der Personen, die sich an Bord der Maschine befanden. Nach amtlichen Angaben sollen 160 Passagiere und sechs Besatzungsmitglieder an Bord des Flugzeugs gewesen sein, andere Quellen sprechen von insgesamt 173 Personen.
Die Maschine soll nach dem Überschießen der Landebahn 24 einen Begrenzungszaun und eine Begrenzungsmauer durchbrochen haben. Die Maschine raste dann in ein Waldgebiet, kollidierte nach Drehung mit mehreren Bäumen, brach in der Mitte auseinander und ging in Flammen auf, berichteten Augenzeugen. Fernsehaufnahmen zeigen Feuerwehrleute, die versuchen, ein Feuer unter Kontrolle zu bringen. Ein Passagier sagte aus, nachdem er der Unglücksmaschine entkommen konnte, sei er zwanzig Minuten durch den Dschungel gelaufen, bevor er auf Hilfe traf.
Im örtlichen Fernsehsender TV9 berichtete ein überlebender Passagier mit dem Namen Abdullah, dass das Flugzeug entzwei brach und er nach dem Absturz aus dem Flugzeug gesprungen sei. Er habe gesehen, dass zwei weiteren Personen ebenfalls die Flucht aus dem brennenden Wrack gelang. Umer Farooq, ein anderer Überlebender sagte, er sei durch ein zerbrochenes Fenster geflüchtet. Zuvor habe es nach Angaben eines Überlebenden mit dem Namen Predeep eine Erschütterung und 10 Minuten später eine Explosion gegeben, berichtet der Sender CNN-IBN. Die Schilderung leistet Spekulationen Vortrieb, dass die Unglücksursache möglicherweise ein Reifenplatzer gewesen sein könnte.
Laut Aufnahmen des inzwischen geborgenen Stimmenrecorders, der den Sprechfunk der Piloten aufzeichnet, soll das Flugzeug in der letzten Flugphase vor dem Absturz technisch einwandfrei funktioniert haben. Eine Auswertung des ebenfalls gefundenen und geborgenen Flugdatenschreibers sollte Licht in das Dunkel der Unglücksursache bringen. Nach einem Bericht des Spiegel Online scheint der Pilot die Maschine zu spät auf der 2450 Meter langen Landebahn aufgesetzt zu haben. Ein Pilotenfehler sei "wahrscheinlich" die Unglücksursache, sagte der Chef Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation, Kapil Kaul. Der Pilot habe den idealen Landepunkt verpasst und deshalb nicht genug Zeit gehabt, die Maschine zum Stehen zu bringen.
An Bord von Flügen aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten befinden sich zumeist heimkehrende Gastarbeiter und Handelsreisende. Air India Express ist die Billigfluglinie der staatlichen Luftfahrtgesellschaft Air India. Diese macht seit Jahren Verlust. Das Flugzeug war relativ neu gewesen sein, es machte seinen Erstflug im Dezember 2007.
Der Flugunfall war der folgenschwerste in Indien seit 1996. Damals waren ein saudisches Passagierflugzeug und eine kasachische Maschine in der Luft kollidiert. 349 Tote waren die Bilanz jenes Unglücks. 2009 verzeichnete die indische Luftfahrtindustrie nach Angaben des indischen Verkehrsministeriums 4,1 Millionen Reisende, ein Zuwachs von 23 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Airbus geht davon aus, dass Indien in den nächsten zehn Jahren einer der am schnellsten wachsenden Reisemärkte der Welt sein wird. Der Flugzeughersteller geht von einem Marktvolumen von 138 Milliarden Dollar bis 2030 aus, da in diesem Zeitraum in Indien rund 1030 Verkehrsflugzeuge gebraucht würden.
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"Themenportal Wirtschaft",
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] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Air India plane crashes, killing at least 160 people",
"text": "Air India plane crashes, killing at least 160 people Flight IX-892 goes down in a wooded valley about six miles from the Mangalore airport. Six people are pulled out alive from the wreckage.\nThere were reportedly 166 passengers and crew on the Boeing 737-800 jet, which was believed to be 2 or 3 years old, a relatively new addition to the company's fleet.\nTelevised images showed rescuers carrying limp bodies up a wooded slope and wreckage still burning hours after the crash, with bodies and the nearby ground covered with white foam emergency workers used to fight the blaze.\nReporting from New Delhi — An Air India flight from Dubai crashed Saturday morning in the city of Mangalore after apparently overshooting the runway, killing at least 160 people.\nThe rescue operation was complicated by rain and the topography: Flight IX-892 went down in a wooded valley about six miles from the runway.\nThe cause of the accident was not immediately known. An investigation was underway, and authorities were searching the debris field for the \"black box\" flight recorder.\nAir traffic control reportedly received no distress message or other communication from the pilot suggesting the aircraft was having mechanical or operational problems. The pilot was reportedly a Russian expatriate, and the copilot was Indian.\nThe runway at the Mangalore airport is relatively short and has what's known as a \"tabletop\" layout, with a flattened area carved out of mountainous terrain overlooking a valley, giving pilots a relatively small margin of error.\nThe airport, which opened to international flights four years ago, was shut down after the disaster, which occurred about 6:15 a.m. local time.\n\"This is a major calamity,\" V.S. Acharya, home minister for the state of Karnataka, said to the CNN-IBN television network.\nSix people who were pulled out alive were rushed to a government hospital with a burn unit, about 10 miles away. TV pictures showed a fireman carrying a body up a slope with difficulty, a colleague pushing him to help him ascend.\nOne survivor, Umer Farooq, said after being admitted to the hospital that \"there was a loud noise, followed by fire.\"\n\"I managed to jump out of a broken window,\" he said.\nTV images showed more than 15 firetrucks, 20 ambulances and 100 rescue workers standing at the periphery of the wreckage, with dense smoke billowing from the small valley and part of a mangled wing resting almost vertically on a slope.\nThe crash could be the deadliest in India since a November 1996 midair collision between a Saudi airliner and a Kazakh cargo plane near New Delhi that killed 349 people.",
"url": ",0,6546772.story",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "UPDATE 9-Airliner crashes in south India, 158 dead",
"text": "* 158 people killed in crash close to airport\nStocks | Global Markets | Airlines | Industrials\n* Flight from Dubai was landing, skidded in rain\n* Plane snapped in half, survivor says\n(Recasts lead)\nBy Harish Nayak\nMANGALORE, India, May 22 (Reuters) - An Air India Express airliner crashed and burst into flames outside an airport in southern India on Saturday, killing 158 people, many thought to be Indian migrant workers returning home from Dubai.\nThe Boeing 737-800 appeared to skid off the table-top runway in rain at Mangalore airport in Karnataka state and plunged into forest below, Air India director Anup Srivastava said.\nEight people survived from among 166 passngers and crew on on board, he said.\nAt least 146 bodies had been recovered, Civil Aviation ministry official M. Nambiar said.\n\"We had no hope to survive, but we survived,\" Pradeep, an Indian technician working in Dubai, told local television.\n\"The plane broke into two and we jumped off the plane. As soon as the plane landed, within seconds this happened.\"\nLocal television showed a fireman carrying what seemed to be the remains of a child from the smoking wreckage. Charred bodies lay in the forested terrain.\nAll the passengers were Indian nationals, an Air India official said. Many were likely to be Indian migrant workers in Dubai, the rich Gulf state which employees thousands of men and women for poorer Asian countries, often to fill lowly jobs.\nThe pilot was Serbian and said to be very experienced.\nAir India Express is the budget arm of the loss-ridden state-run carrier Air India, which has been fending off growing competition from private airlines.\nThe flight's black box has been recovered, the United Arab Emirates state news agency WAM said. Air India official Nambiar said the search for the flight data recorder was still going on.\nThe crash appeared to be an accident, Indian officials said. One TV report said the plane hit a radar pole on landing.\n\"There was no distress indication from the pilot. That means between the pilot and the airport communication there was no indication of any problem,\" V.P. Agarwal, director of Airports Authority of India, told local television.\nIndian officials said the plane crashed around 6 a.m. (0030 GMT). TV images showed it struck a forested area, and flames blazed from the wreckage as rescue workers fought to bring the fire under control.\n\"While landing at the airport, the plane deviated and hit something,\" said Krishna, another survivor. \"It caught fire and we fell out. We looked up and saw some opening and came out through that route.\"\nBOOM INDUSTRY\nIndia has seen a boom in private carriers due to growing demand from India's middle class. It was the first big crash in more than a decade but a series of near misses at airports, including Delhi and Mumbai, have caused concern India's creaking infrastructure was failing to keep pace with an economic boom.\nIndian Law Minister Veerappa Moily told CNN-IBN TV that he had opened a new runway at Mangalore airport just 10 days ago. The ill-fated Air India airliner was two years old.\nBoeing said in a statement it was sending a team to provide technical assistance to the crash investigation.\nThe last major crash in India was in July 2000 when an Alliance Air Boeing 737-200 crashed into a residential area during a second landing attempt in the eastern city of Patna, killing at least 50 people.\nWith growing competition from private carriers, the Indian government agreed to inject $1.1 billion into Air India if the ailing state-run carrier came up with the same amount in cost cuts and extra revenue.\nThe airline lost $875 million in the fiscal year ended March 2009.\n(Additional reporting by the New Delhi bureau, Surojit Gupta and Aniruddha Basu in Mumbai, Habib Beary in Bangalore, Tim Hepher in Paris and Erika Solomon and Cynthia Johnston in Dubai; Writing by Alistair Scrutton; Editing by Angus MacSwan)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Flugzeugabsturz in Indien: Wenige überlebten das Unglück",
"text": "Bei einem Flugzeugunglück in Indien sind am Samstag möglicherweise bis zu 160 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Die Maschine der Fluggesellschaft Air India mit 166 Passagieren und Besatzungsmitgliedern an Bord schoss bei der Landung in der südlichen Stadt Mangalore über die Landebahn hinaus und ging in Flammen auf. Die Behörden im Unionsstaat Karnataka erklärten, es gebe nur wenige Überlebende. Ein Sprecher von Air India sagte, acht Verletzte seien ins Krankenhaus gebracht worden.\nDie aus Dubai kommende Boeing 737 schoss bei der Landung auf dem Flughafen Bajpe gegen 06.00 Uhr über die Piste hinaus und durchbrach einen Begrenzungszaun sowie die Umgrenzungsmauer. An Bord waren 160 Reisende und sechs Besatzungsmitglieder. \"Das ist eine große Katastrophe\", sagte der Innenminister von Karnataka, V.S. Acharya, dem Fernsehsender CNN-IBN. Der indische Ministerpräsident Manmohan Singh sprach den Angehörigen der Überlebenden sein Beileid aus und sagte ihnen eine finanzielle Entschädigung zu.\nEs habe eine Erschütterung und wenig später eine Explosion gegeben, sagte ein Überlebender, Pradeep, dem Sender CNN-IBN. Fernsehaufnahmen zeigten, wie Rauch über dem Flugzeug aufstieg. Rettungskräfte evakuierten Menschen, Feuerwehrleute bemühten sich, die Flammen zu löschen. Ein Feuerwehrmann trug ein verletztes Kind auf seinen Arm.\nEin Polizeibeamter auf dem Flughafen erklärte, zum Zeitpunkt der Landung habe schlechtes Wetter geherrscht. Es hatte in den vergangenen Tagen stark geregnet, was die Sicht beeinträchtigt habe. Der Flughafen liegt auf einem von Hügeln umgebenen Plateau. Boeing kündigte an, die Ermittlungen der indischen Behörden zu dem Unglück zu unterstützen.\nDas Unglück ist möglicherweise das schwerste in Indien seit November 1996. Damals wurden beim Zusammenstoß einer saudischen Maschine und einem Frachtflugzeug aus Kasachstan 349 Menschen getötet.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "159 Tote bei Flugzeugabsturz in Indien: Reifenplatzer Grund für die Katastrophe?",
"text": "zuletzt aktualisiert: 22.05.2010 - 15:23\nBangalore (RPO). Beim schwersten Flugzeugunglück in Indien seit 14 Jahren sind mindestens 159 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Eine Maschine der Air India Express schoss bei der Landung auf dem Flughafen der südindischen Stadt Mangalore über die Piste hinaus und ging in Flammen auf. Sieben Überlebende konnten wurden aus den Trümmern gerettet. Jetzt wird über die Ursachen spekuliert.\nDie aus Dubai kommende Maschine kam bei der Landung am Samstagmorgen um 6.30 Uhr Ortszeit (3 Uhr MESZ) in Mangalore, einer Küstenstadt rund dreihundert Kilometer westlich von Bangalore, von der Landebahn ab und stürzte in eine bewaldete Schlucht. Dort fing die Boeing mit 160 Passagieren und sechs Besatzungsmitgliedern Feuer.\n\"Nach den uns zur Verfügung stehenden Informationen wurden acht Menschen gerettet und zur Versorgung in örtliche Krankenhäuser eingeliefert\", sagte ein Sprecher der Fluglinie Air India in Mumbai. Wie ein Polizeisprecher kurze Zeit später sagte, starb ein siebenjähriger Junge wenig später im Krankenhaus.\nLauter Schlag nach dem Aufsetzen\nEin Überlebender, Umer Farooq, sagte dem Nachrichtensender NDTV, er habe einen lauten Schlag gehört, als die Maschine auf den Boden prallte. \"Dann drehte das Flugzeug in Richtung einiger Bäume und die Kabine füllte sich mit Rauch\", sagte der Mann, der mit Verbrennungen an Armen, Beinen und im Gesicht im Krankenhaus lag.\nEin anderer Überlebender sagte der Nachrichtenagentur PTI, es habe keine Warnung an die Passagiere gegeben. \"Die Landung schien zunächst normal\", sagte K.P. Manikutty. Als die Maschine zu Boden ging, sei sie ins Schleudern geraten und wenige Augenblicke später gegen etwas gestoßen. \"Dann ist sie in der Mitte auseinandergebrochen und hat Feuer gefangen\", sagte Manikutty.\nAbdul Puthur berichtete, er habe einen seiner Mitreisenden in die Flammen stürzen sehen. Ein anderer sei mit ihm zusammen aus der Maschine gekrochen. Sie seien dann 20 Minuten durch den Dschungel gelaufen, bevor sie auf Einheimische trafen, die ihnen halfen. G.K. Pradeep sagte, etwa zehn Minuten nach dem Absturz habe es eine Explosion gegeben. \"Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich überlebt habe.\"\nReifenplatzer als Ursache?\nNach Behördenangaben herrschte zum Zeitpunkt der Landung der Boeing allerdings schlechtes Wetter. Es hatte in den vergangenen Tagen stark geregnet, was die Sicht leicht beeinträchtigt habe. Das Ministerium für Zivilluftfahrt erklärte, aus aufgezeichneten Gesprächen im Cockpit gehe hervor, dass die Maschine vor der Landung normal funktioniert habe.\nAufschluss soll nun die Auswertung des Flugschreibers bringen, der nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur WAM aus Dubai inzwischen gefunden wurde. Nach Medienberichten könnte womöglich ein geplatzter Reifen für das Unglück verantwortlich sein.\nAir India Express ist ein Billigflieger der staatlichen Gesellschaft Air India. Viele Menschen aus Karnataka verdingen sich als Bauarbeiter, Hausangestellte oder in anderen Niedriglohnjobs in Golfstaaten wie Dubai. Sie schicken ihren Familien einen Großteil ihres Gehalts.\nHelfer ziehen verkohlte Leichen aus Wrack\nStunden nach der Katastrophe waren Helfer immer noch damit beschäftigt, verkohlte Leichen aus den qualmenden Trümmern zu bergen - manche von ihnen waren noch auf ihren Sitzen angeschnallt. Das Cockpit war zertrümmert. Sämtliche Passagiere waren Inder, unter ihnen 19 Kinder und vier Babys. Der Pilot wurde als ein Brite identifiziert, der seit zwei Jahren für Air India flog.\nDer Mann habe mehr als 10.000 Stunden Flugerfahrung gehabt und sei bereits 26 Mal in Mangalore gelandet, sagte Innenminister Palaniappan Chidambaram. Außenminister S.M. Krishna erklärte, die dortige Landebahn sei als schwierig bekannt.\nDer Flughafen ist etwa 20 Kilometer von Mangalore im Bundesstaat Karnataka entfernt. Die Unglücksursache war zunächst unbekannt. Die Sicht sei zum Zeitpunkt des Absturzes mit mehr als sechs Kilometern Reichweite \"mehr als ausreichend\" gewesen, sagte der Chef der indischen Flughafenbehörde, V.P. Agrawal. Der Pilot habe vor dem Unglück keinen Notruf abgesetzt.\nMerkel spricht ihr Beileid aus\nBundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) und Außenminister Guido Westerwelle (FDP) bekundeten der indischen Regierung ihr Beileid. Auch die Regierung des benachbarten Pakistan, mit dem Indien wiederholt Kriege führte, äußerte Mitgefühl.\nIm Juli 2000 waren 61 Menschen ums Leben gekommen, als eine Boeing 737 der Fluggesellschaft Alliance Air in Ostindien abstürzte. Beim schlimmsten Flugzeugunglück waren 1996 zwei Passagiermaschinen in der Nähe von Neu Delhi in der Luft zusammengestoßen. Alle 349 Menschen an Bord der beiden Flieger kamen ums Leben.\nWeitere Fotos zu diesem Thema\nQuelle: AFP/felt",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "158 Tote bei Unglück in Mangalore",
"text": "Artikel-Services\nFlugzeugabsturz in Indien\n158 Tote bei Unglück in Mangalore\nBeim schwersten Flugzeugunglück in Indien seit zehn Jahren sind mindestens 158 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Eine Maschine von Air India Express stürzte bei starkem Regen während der Landung auf dem Flughafen von Mangalore ab.\n22. Mai 2010\nBeim schwersten Flugzeugunglück in Indien seit 14 Jahren sind am Samstag mindestens 158 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Eine Maschine der Air India Express schoss bei der Landung auf dem Flughafen der südindischen Stadt Mangalore über die Piste hinaus und ging in Flammen auf, wie ein Sprecher der Airline sagte. Acht Überlebende konnten aus der brennenden Boeing 737 gerettet werden.\nDie aus Dubai kommende Maschine stürzte nach einer Bruchlandung am Samstagmorgen in Mangalore, einer Küstenstadt rund dreihundert Kilometer westlich von Bangalore, in eine bewaldete Schlucht. Dort fing die Boeing mit 160 Passagieren und sechs Besatzungsmitgliedern an Bord Feuer. Zunächst war von 159 Todesopfern die Rede gewesen.\nSehr erfahrener Pilot\nErsten Erkenntnissen zufolge ließ sich die Maschine nach der Landung offenbar nicht mehr kontrollieren, wie Luftfahrtminister Praful Patel am Unglücksort sagte. Der Minister korrigierte zugleich frühere Angaben zum Piloten. Bei dem verantwortlichen Flugkapitän handelte es sich demnach um einen sehr erfahrenen Serben mit 10.000 Flugstunden.\nVon den acht Überlebenden erlitten nach Angaben des Ministers drei schwere Verletzungen, während vier nur leicht verletzt wurden und einer vollkommen unversehrt blieb. Einer der Überlebenden, Umer Farooq, sagte dem Nachrichtensender NDTV, er habe einen lauten Schlag gehört, als die Maschine auf den Boden prallte. Dann drehte das Flugzeug in Richtung einiger Bäume und die Kabine füllte sich mit Rauch, sagte der Mann, der mit Verbrennungen an Armen, Beinen und im Gesicht im Krankenhaus lag.\nKeine Warnung an die Passagiere\nEin anderer Überlebender sagte der Nachrichtenagentur PTI, es habe keine Warnung an die Passagiere gegeben. Die Landung schien zunächst normal, sagte K.P. Manikutty. Als die Maschine zu Boden ging, sei sie ins Schleudern geraten und wenige Augenblicke später gegen etwas gestoßen. Dann ist sie in der Mitte auseinandergebrochen und hat Feuer gefangen, sagte Manikutty.\nAbdul Puthur berichtete, er habe einen seiner Mitreisenden in die Flammen stürzen sehen. Ein anderer sei mit ihm zusammen aus der Maschine gekrochen. Sie seien dann 20 Minuten durch den Dschungel gelaufen, bevor sie auf Einheimische trafen, die ihnen halfen. G.K. Pradeep sagte, etwa zehn Minuten nach dem Absturz habe es eine Explosion gegeben. Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich überlebt habe. Stunden nach der Katastrophe waren Helfer immer noch damit beschäftigt, verkohlte Leichen aus den qualmenden Trümmern zu bergen - manche von ihnen waren noch auf ihren Sitzen angeschnallt. Das Cockpit war zertrümmert. Sämtliche Passagiere waren Inder, unter ihnen 19 Kinder und vier Babys.\nUnglücksursache war zunächst unbekannt\nDer Flughafen ist etwa 20 Kilometer von Mangalore im Bundesstaat Karnataka entfernt. Die Unglücksursache war zunächst unbekannt. Die Sicht sei zum Zeitpunkt des Absturzes mit mehr als sechs Kilometern Reichweite mehr als ausreichend gewesen, sagte der Chef der indischen Flughafenbehörde, V.P. Agrawal. Der Pilot habe vor dem Unglück keinen Notruf abgesetzt.\nAir India Express ist ein Billigflieger der staatlichen Gesellschaft Air India. Viele Menschen aus Karnataka verdingen sich als Bauarbeiter, Hausangestellte oder in anderen Niedriglohnjobs in Golfstaaten wie Dubai. Sie schicken ihren Familien einen Großteil ihres Gehalts.\nDie Bundesregierung bekundete der indischen Regierung ihr Beileid. Auch die Regierung des benachbarten Pakistan, mit dem Indien wiederholt Kriege führte, äußerte Mitgefühl.\nIm Juli 2000 waren 61 Menschen ums Leben gekommen, als eine Boeing 737 der Fluggesellschaft Alliance Air in Ostindien abstürzte. Vor 14 Jahren starben 349 Menschen in zwei Passagiermaschinen, die in der Nähe von Neu Delhi in der Luft zusammengestoßen waren.\nText: AFP\nBildmaterial: AP, REUTERS, stepmap",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Air-India-737 in Mangalore verunglückt",
"text": "Air-India-737 in Mangalore verunglückt Über 160 Tote nach Landeunfall\nEine Boeing 737-800 der Air India Express ist am Samstag bei der Landung auf dem Flughafen der südwestindischen Stadt Mangalore verunglückt. Berichten zufolge schoss die aus Dubai kommende Maschine mit 173 Insassen über die Runway hinaus.\nWrack der verunglückten Air-India-737, © dpa\nBei einem Landeunfall am Flughafen der südwestindischen Stadt Mangalore sind am Samstag nach offiziellen Angaben mehr als 160 Menschen ums Leben gekommen.\nDie Air-India-Express-Boeing 737-800 (VT-AXV) mit 167 Passagieren und sechs Besatzungsmitgliedern an Bord war um 06:10 Uhr Ortszeit (04:40Z) aus Dubai kommend (Flug IX-812) über die Runway hinaus geschossen. Acht Insassen sollen das Unglück überlebt haben.\nNach Angaben lokaler Behörden berührte die Unglücksmaschine zunächst die ILS-Localiser-Antenne der Runway 24, wobei der Rumpf aufgerissen und einige Insassen herausgeschleudert wurden. Unter diesen Personen sollen auch sämtliche Überlebenden gewesen sein.\nDanach durchbrach das Flugzeug die Flughafenumzäunung, stürzte in eine angrenzende Schlucht und ging in Flammen auf. Der Polizeichef von Mangalore sagte der britischen BBC, die Chancen, noch Überlebende zu finden, seien nicht sehr hoch, da das Flugzeug größtenteils ausgebrannt sei.\nAugenzeugenberichten zufolge waren bei der Landung Reifen geplatzt. Anderen Berichten nach hatte die Crew möglicherweise ein Durchstartmanöver eingeleitet.\nNach Angaben des \"Aviation Herald\" herrschten zum Unglückszeitpunkt mit 6.000 Metern gute Sichtbedingungen. Die Runway 06/24 ist mit 2.900 Metern für eine Boeing 737 ausreichend lang.\nQuelle:, mit dpa, AFP",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Indische Maschine schießt über Landebahn hinaus",
"text": "158 Tote\nIndische Maschine schießt über Landebahn hinaus\nDas Unglück geschah bei der Landung: Im indischen Mangalore schoss ein Passagierjet über die Piste hinaus, durchbrach eine Umgrenzungsmauer und ging in Flammen auf. An Bord der aus Dubai kommenden Boeing 737 waren mehr als 160 Menschen - 158 davon kamen ums Leben.\nNeu Delhi - Rettungskräfte konnten acht Passagiere aus dem brennenden Wrack retten. An Bord der verunglückten Maschine seien 160 Reisende und eine sechsköpfige Besatzung gewesen, teilte die Fluggesellschaft Air India am Samstag mit. Unter den 158 Toten seien auch vier Kleinkinder, so das Unternehmen weiter. \"Das ist eine große Katastrophe\", sagte der Innenminister des Unionsstaates Karnataka, V.S. Acharya.\nWas zum Absturz führte, war zunächst unklar. Nach ersten Einschätzungen von Experten von Ort könnte ein geplatzter Reifen die Ursache gewesen sein. Ein Polizeibeamter auf dem Flughafen erklärte, zum Zeitpunkt der Landung habe schlechtes Wetter geherrscht. Es hatte in den vergangenen Tagen stark geregnet, was die Sicht beeinträchtigt haben könnte.\nDer Flugschreiber sei mittlerweile gefunden worden und werde schnellstmöglich ausgewertet, teilten staatliche Medien der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate mit.\nEin indischer Polizeioffizier hatte zuvor erklärt, alle Insassen seien bei dem Unglück ums Leben gekommen. \"Alle sind tot. Es gibt keine Zweifel\", hatte der ranghohe Polizeioffizier, R. Ramesh, gesagt. Später korrigierte ein Sprecher von Air India diese Angaben und teilte mit, es seien acht Verletzte in ein Krankenhaus gebracht worden. Fernsehberichten zufolge erlag aber ein lebend aus den Trümmern geborgener Siebenjähriger später seinen Verletzungen.\nGeräusch wie das Platzen eines Reifens\nDie aus Dubai kommende Maschine der zu Air India gehörenden Billig-Fluggesellschaft Air India Express war über die Landebahn des Flughafens der Küstenstadt Mangalore hinausgeschossen. Die Maschine fing Feuer. Auf Fernsehbildern war der verunglückte Jet in einem Waldgebiet zu sehen. Feuerwehrleute kämpften gegen die aus den Trümmern schlagenden Flammen.\nDas indische Fernsehen zeigte Bilder von Überlebenden. Im Nachrichtensender NDTV war ein Mann mit schweren Verbrennungen in einem Krankenhausbett zu sehen, außerdem eine Frau mit einem Kopfverband auf einer Trage sowie ein kleines Kind, das von Ärzten versorgt wurde.\n\"Das Flugzeug zerbrach in zwei Teile\", sagte Abdullah, ein Überlebender des Unglücks, dem indischen Fernsehsender TV9, im Krankenhaus. \"Ich bin nach dem Crash aus dem Flugzeug gesprungen. Zwei andere Passagiere folgten mir.\" Er habe kurz nach der Landung ein Geräusch gehört, das wie das Platzen eines Reifens klang, sagte er und bestätigte damit erste Vermutungen von Experten. \"Ich versuchte später, vorne aus dem Flugzeug herauszukommen, aber dort sah ich ein großes Feuer. Deshalb kehrte ich um und sprang hinten raus.\"\nKnapp 3400 Euro für jede Familie\nEin Augenzeuge sagte dem Sender, er habe gesehen, wie das Flugzeug bereits gelandet sei. \"Es regnete und das Flugzeug rutschte einfach weiter\", sagte Mohiuddin Bava. \"Danach fing die Maschine Feuer.\" Rettungskräfte vom Flughafen sowie Bewohner der umliegenden Dörfer seien sofort an der Unfallstelle gewesen, um zu helfen. Die Rettungsarbeiten gestalteten sich wegen des Feuers und des Rauchs schwierig, sagte ein Sprecher des Flughafens.\nIndiens Premierminister Manmohan Singh versprach den Familien der ums Leben gekommenen Passagiere staatliche Hilfszahlungen in Höhe von umgerechnet jeweils knapp 3400 Euro. Die Verletzten würden jeweils 850 Euro aus dem staatlichen Topf erhalten.\nMangalore ist eine Küstenstadt rund dreihundert Kilometer westlich von Bangalore.\njul/kaz/dpa/AFP/Reuters/DAPD\nDiesen Artikel... Drucken\nSenden\nFeedback\nMerken\nSocial Networks\nNews verfolgen HilfeLassen Sie sich mit kostenlosen Diensten auf dem Laufenden halten: alles aus der Rubrik Panorama | RSS alles zum Thema Flugzeugunglücke RSS",
"url": ",1518,696314,00.html",
"archive_url": ",1518,696314,00.html"
"language": "de",
"title": "Indische Maschine schießt über Landebahn hinaus",
"text": "158 Tote\nIndische Maschine schießt über Landebahn hinaus\nDas Unglück geschah bei der Landung: Im indischen Mangalore schoss ein Passagierjet über die Piste hinaus, durchbrach eine Umgrenzungsmauer und ging in Flammen auf. An Bord der aus Dubai kommenden Boeing 737 waren mehr als 160 Menschen - 158 davon kamen ums Leben.\nNeu Delhi - Rettungskräfte konnten acht Passagiere aus dem brennenden Wrack retten. An Bord der verunglückten Maschine seien 160 Reisende und eine sechsköpfige Besatzung gewesen, teilte die Fluggesellschaft Air India am Samstag mit. Unter den 158 Toten seien auch vier Kleinkinder, so das Unternehmen weiter. \"Das ist eine große Katastrophe\", sagte der Innenminister des Unionsstaates Karnataka, V.S. Acharya.\nWas zum Absturz führte, war zunächst unklar. Nach ersten Einschätzungen von Experten von Ort könnte ein geplatzter Reifen die Ursache gewesen sein. Ein Polizeibeamter auf dem Flughafen erklärte, zum Zeitpunkt der Landung habe schlechtes Wetter geherrscht. Es hatte in den vergangenen Tagen stark geregnet, was die Sicht beeinträchtigt haben könnte.\nDer Flugschreiber sei mittlerweile gefunden worden und werde schnellstmöglich ausgewertet, teilten staatliche Medien der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate mit.\nEin indischer Polizeioffizier hatte zuvor erklärt, alle Insassen seien bei dem Unglück ums Leben gekommen. \"Alle sind tot. Es gibt keine Zweifel\", hatte der ranghohe Polizeioffizier, R. Ramesh, gesagt. Später korrigierte ein Sprecher von Air India diese Angaben und teilte mit, es seien acht Verletzte in ein Krankenhaus gebracht worden. Fernsehberichten zufolge erlag aber ein lebend aus den Trümmern geborgener Siebenjähriger später seinen Verletzungen.\nGeräusch wie das Platzen eines Reifens\nDie aus Dubai kommende Maschine der zu Air India gehörenden Billig-Fluggesellschaft Air India Express war über die Landebahn des Flughafens der Küstenstadt Mangalore hinausgeschossen. Die Maschine fing Feuer. Auf Fernsehbildern war der verunglückte Jet in einem Waldgebiet zu sehen. Feuerwehrleute kämpften gegen die aus den Trümmern schlagenden Flammen.\nDas indische Fernsehen zeigte Bilder von Überlebenden. Im Nachrichtensender NDTV war ein Mann mit schweren Verbrennungen in einem Krankenhausbett zu sehen, außerdem eine Frau mit einem Kopfverband auf einer Trage sowie ein kleines Kind, das von Ärzten versorgt wurde.\n\"Das Flugzeug zerbrach in zwei Teile\", sagte Abdullah, ein Überlebender des Unglücks, dem indischen Fernsehsender TV9, im Krankenhaus. \"Ich bin nach dem Crash aus dem Flugzeug gesprungen. Zwei andere Passagiere folgten mir.\" Er habe kurz nach der Landung ein Geräusch gehört, das wie das Platzen eines Reifens klang, sagte er und bestätigte damit erste Vermutungen von Experten. \"Ich versuchte später, vorne aus dem Flugzeug herauszukommen, aber dort sah ich ein großes Feuer. Deshalb kehrte ich um und sprang hinten raus.\"\nKnapp 3400 Euro für jede Familie\nEin Augenzeuge sagte dem Sender, er habe gesehen, wie das Flugzeug bereits gelandet sei. \"Es regnete und das Flugzeug rutschte einfach weiter\", sagte Mohiuddin Bava. \"Danach fing die Maschine Feuer.\" Rettungskräfte vom Flughafen sowie Bewohner der umliegenden Dörfer seien sofort an der Unfallstelle gewesen, um zu helfen. Die Rettungsarbeiten gestalteten sich wegen des Feuers und des Rauchs schwierig, sagte ein Sprecher des Flughafens.\nIndiens Premierminister Manmohan Singh versprach den Familien der ums Leben gekommenen Passagiere staatliche Hilfszahlungen in Höhe von umgerechnet jeweils knapp 3400 Euro. Die Verletzten würden jeweils 850 Euro aus dem staatlichen Topf erhalten.\nMangalore ist eine Küstenstadt rund dreihundert Kilometer westlich von Bangalore.\njul/kaz/dpa/AFP/Reuters/DAPD\nDiesen Artikel... Drucken\nSenden\nFeedback\nMerken\nSocial Networks\nNews verfolgen HilfeLassen Sie sich mit kostenlosen Diensten auf dem Laufenden halten: alles aus der Rubrik Panorama | RSS alles zum Thema Flugzeugunglücke RSS",
"url": ",1518,696314,00.html",
"archive_url": ",1518,696314,00.html"
] |
en | Australian government announces measures to reduce fuel costs |
The Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, has announced new measures to alleviate the impact of rising global oil prices on Australians. They include grants of up to $2,000 to switch to LPG, and $17.2 million over three years to improve E10 blend ethanol fuel infrastructure.
Speaking in Parliament House, the Prime Minister outlined the cause of higher petrol and diesel prices as a consequence of increasing global demand for oil occurring at a time when additional supply is tight. He singled out the re-emergence of China as a major factor in the increase in demand, and underinvestment as the main reason that supply cannot be increased rapidly.
The Prime Minister once again said he would not lower fuel excises, saying that any benefit that might bring would be quickly devoured by further rises in global oil prices, and would leave a large hole in the Federal budget.
He announced that the $1,000 grant to purchases of new vehicles equipped to run on LPG would be brought forward from 2011 to be effective immediately. In addition, he announced that conversions of private vehicles to LPG would be eligible for a $2,000 grant, also effective immediately.
LPG is much cheaper than petrol in Australia, partly due to concessional tax treatment. The Prime Minister said that a six cylinder vehicle that travels 15,000 kilometres in a year would save $27 per week at current prices if converted from petrol to LPG. With the $2,000 grant, the conversion would pay for itself in four months.
The cost of the eight-year program to convert vehicles from petrol to LPG, including lost excise revenue, is estimated to be $1.3 billion.
On the ethanol front, the Prime Minister announced a further $17.2 million dollars over three years to help petrol retailers install or convert pumps for E10 blends. Eligible petrol stations will receive up to $10,000 towards the cost of conversion or installation, once complete, and an additional $10,000 when sales targets are met.
The Prime Minister also made mention of remote communities that rely on diesel for their electricity supply. He said that the existing Renewable Remote Power Generation Programme has helped remote communities reduce their reliance on diesel, through the use of renewable energy services like wind turbines. He announced that the Government will extend this programme with an additional $123.5 million over four years, and will now include energy efficiency projects.
The Prime Minister also committed an additional $135.4 million over the next five years for exploration services, searching for new oil, natural gas and geothermal reserves.
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"Australian Capital Territory",
"Politics and conflicts"
] | [
"language": "en",
"text": "CURRENT FUEL TAXES Introduction Good public policy requires above all else certainty and consistency from Government in its treatment of fuel taxation. Any change in Government transport or fuel policies including fuel taxation has the potential to change the road transport fuel mix. Investments, both on the supply side by industry and the demand side by consumers (eg LPG conversion of vehicles), have been put in place with the current regime in mind. Fuel production investments are long term and hence any changes likely to impact on the fuel mix should be given appropriate advance warning. Major refinery investment is usually undertaken with a 10-15 year time frame in mind. Concessions Currently, concessions to certain groups in the community are delivered through a mix of excise exemptions on the collection side and grants or rebates on the payment side after tax has been collected. Excise exemptions for fuels on the basis of different use (eg heating oil) provides an incentive for unscrupulous operators to substitute the lower taxed fuel (heating oil) for a higher taxed fuel (diesel for use in internal combustion engines). This leads to a revenue loss for the Federal Government and a loss to legitimate stakeholders in the industry through unfair competition depressing margins by driving down the price in the areas where fuel substitution is taking place. The industrys view is that revenue loss for Government and industry is significant. A solution to this issue is to tax like fuels on a uniform basis. That is, diesel and heating oil and other like fuels would all be taxed at the same rate. Any concessions to be delivered to farmers, miners, or the trucking industry should then be delivered through a grant system. A grants-based system also strengthens the compliance ability of the ATO because the taxation system is based on the use to which fuels are put. Simply put, burner applications are generally taxed at a lower rate than internal combustion engine use, with specific exceptions being agriculture, mining and certain trucking applications. In a grant-based system consumers are asked to sign a form indicating that they have used the fuel in the appropriate way in order to be eligible for a grant or rebate. This makes it much easier for the ATO to pursue those who have not complied. In the case of petrol, like fuels would be petrol, toluene, solvents and all substances with a flash point of less than 23 degrees Celsius. To summarise, a fuel tax system with uniform tax rates removes the incentive to substitute the lower taxed fuel for the higher taxed fuel. In addition a grants-based system provides government with information on the value of its support for fuels with concessions. It is also much easier to pursue consumers which illegally avoid paying excise if they are required to sign a form to signify what use they will put the fuel. If the fuel is incorrectly used and thereby legitimate excise is avoided then prosecutions are much easier to pursue than if an excise exemption system was in place and consumers did not have to sign off on what use they would put the fuel. Past 'Fuel Policy' The tax free status of most alternative fuels has developed by default because of the way that the excise legislation was drafted. That is, if a new fuel is marketed, it is outside the taxation regime because it is not listed as a taxable item. Although, two of the alternative fuels, ethanol and LPG have attained a tax free status due to specific Government decisions. LPG and ethanol were given tax free status in the 1970s in order to encourage the diversification of transport fuels at a time when security of liquid fuels was an important issue for Governments due to OPECs attempts to raise crude oil prices leading to the two oil price shocks in 1973-74 (leading to the formation of the International Energy Agency) and 1979-80. More recent government initiatives to encourage certain fuels through grants (Diesel and Alternative Fuels Grants) arose out of concern for the impact of the GST on the relativities between diesel and alternative fuels. These policies led to a road transport fuel mix in 1989-90 of 62% petrol, 36% diesel and 2% LPG. There was no road transport consumption of ethanol or CNG at that time. By 1999-00 the road transport fuel market share of petrol had fallen to 55%, diesel had grown to 39% and LPG had reached 6% - see the chart below: Current Tax Rates for Transport Fuels are: EXCISE Cents Per Litre Petrol (including regular unleaded, premium unleaded, and lead replacement petrol) 38.143 Diesel 38.143 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 0 Ethanol (even if blended with petrol or diesel) 0 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) 0 Biodiesel (100% ie unblended) 0 Biodiesel (if blended with conventional diesel) 38.143 GST Add 10% to the price of all of the above fuels.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Renewable Remote Power Generation Program (RRPGP)",
"text": "Home > Energy and transport > Renewable energy Renewable Remote Power Generation Program (RRPGP) Supporting the use of renewable energy for remote power generation In those areas of Australia not serviced by a main electricity grid, electricity generated from renewable sources is often an effective way of reducing reliance on diesel for electricity generation. The Renewable Remote Power Generation Program (RRPGP) provides financial support to increase the use of renewable energy generation in remote parts of Australia that presently rely on diesel for electricity generation. The objective of the RRPGP is to increase the uptake of renewable energy technologies in remote areas of Australia, which will: help in providing an effective electricity supply to remote users; assist the development of the Australian renewable energy industry; help meet the energy infrastructure needs of indigenous communities; and lead to long term greenhouse gas reductions. Up to $264 million will be available over the life of the RRPGP. Program funds are now available to participating States and Territories and are allocated on the basis of the relevant diesel fuel excise paid in each State or Territory by public generators in financial years 2000/01 to 2003/4. The certified amounts of relevant diesel fuel excise paid in 2000/01 are shown below: Western Australia $24.43 million Northern Territory $11.80 million Queensland $ 9.05 million South Australia $ 2.55 million Tasmania $ 1.59 million New South Wales $ 0.28 million Total $49.70 million The funds are available to the participating States and the Northern Territory to fund approved programs or projects. Potentially eligible installations are those for which renewable energy generation replaces all or some of the diesel used for off-grid electricity generation. RRPGP funding may also be available for new off-grid installations where it can be demonstrated that the energy source would otherwise have been diesel. The RRPGP may provide support for up to 50% of the capital costs of renewable energy installations. Capital costs encompass expenditure on: Renewable energy generating equipment such as photovoltaic arrays, wind turbines and hydro units; Enabling equipment (equipment necessary to make useable electricity available from the renewable energy generating equipment such as inverters, control and monitoring equipment and batteries); and Essential non-equipment requirements such as installation, design and project management costs. The RRPGP will not fund solar hot water systems or fossil fuel (including diesel) generation systems. RRPGP implementation is different in each of the States and Territories, to best meet the different characteristics of each jurisdiction. RRPGP sub-programs which have been approved thus far are: Western Australia's Remote Area Power Supply (RAPS) This program has a budget of $18 million in RRPGP funds to provide rebates of 55% (50% RRPGP rebates, 5% Western Australian rebates) of the initial capital costs of renewable energy installations in remote areas of Western Australia. Eligible target groups are: Indigenous Communities;\nIsolated households; and\nCommercial operations, including pastoral properties, tourist operations and mining operations. For further information contact Mr Evan Gray (08) 9420 5610. Western Australia's Renewable Energy Water Pumping Program (REWPP) This program has a budget of $3.5 million in RRPGP funds to provide rebates of 50% of the initial capital costs of the renewable energy component of solar pumps and windmills replacing diesel-based pumps in remote areas of Western Australia. For further information contact Mr Evan Gray (08) 9420 5610. Northern Territory's Renewable Energy Rebate Program (RERP) This program has a budget of $38.2 million in RRPGP funds to provide rebates of 50% of the initial capital costs of renewable energy installations in remote areas of the Northern Territory. Eligible target groups are: Small communities and households, including outstations and small indigenous communities;\nCommercial operations, including pastoral properties and tourist operations;\nLarge communities, including towns and large indigenous communities; and\nIndustrial operations, including mine sites. For further information contact Dr Subhash Chandra on (08) 8999 5440. Queensland's Working Property Rebate Scheme (WPRS) This program has a budget of $8 million in RRPGP funds to assist in providing rebates of 65% (50% RRPGP rebates up to $150,000 each, 15% Queensland Government rebates up to $25,000 each) of the initial capital costs of renewable energy installations to family owned working properties, initially in the fourteen most western and northern shires in Queensland. Rebates above $175,000 will be considered on an individual basis. For further information contact Mr Andrew Thomson (07) 3227 8189. Queensland's Renewable Energy Diesel Replacement Scheme (REDRS) This program has a budget of $22.3 million in RRPGP funds to provide rebates of 50% of the initial capital costs of renewable energy installations in remote areas of Queensland. Eligible target groups are: Indigenous Communities;\nHouseholds; and\nBusiness. For further information on REDRS contact Mr David Drew (07) 3224 6156 RRPGP in South Australia This program has a budget of $7.6 million in RRPGP funds to provide rebates of 50% of the initial capital costs of renewable energy installations in remote areas of South Australia. Eligible target groups are: Pastoral properties and homesteads;\nIndigenous communities;\nRemote Area Energy Supply (RAES) Subsidised Public Generators; and\nTourist facilities, roadhouses and small remote communities that do not qualify for assistance under the RAES scheme. For further information contact Ms Tracy Goh (08) 8226 5522, or the RRPGP information line (SA country callers only) 1800 7774 72. RRPGP in New South Wales This program has a budget of $0.78 million in RRPGP funds to provide rebates of 50% of the initial capital costs of renewable energy installations in remote areas of New South Wales. The program is restricted to applicants wishing to install more than 10 kW of renewable generation. For further information contact Ms Alison Reeve (02) 9249 6100. Indigenous Renewable Energy Services Project (Bushlight) This program has a budget of $8 million in RRPGP funds. Managed by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC), the program focuses on energy issues in remote, off grid indigenous communities. The program has two objectives: increase industry capacity to service indigenous communities; and build greater understanding of renewable energy issues within communities. A leading feature of the project is the creation of mobile service teams designed to assist communities with education, advice, repairs and maintenance of renewable remote area power supply systems. For further information contact Mr Gary Wright (02) 6121 4589. Queries concerning the development or operation of individual State and Territory Government programs should be addressed to: Western Australia\nEvan Gray (08) 9420 5610\nSustainable Energy Development Office\nNorthern Territory\nDr Subhash Chandra (08) 8999 5440\nDepartment of Business, Industry and Resource Development Queensland\nAndrew Thomson (07) 3227 8189\nEnvironment Protection Authority Energy Advisory Service 1300 369 388 South Australia\nTracy Goh (08) 8226 5522\nDepartment of Minerals and Energy RRPGP Information line 1800 7774 72 (SA country callers only) Tasmania\nPhillip Clarke (03) 6233 2498\nDepartment of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources New South Wales\nAlison Reeve (02) 9249 6100\nSustainable Energy Development Authority Online Survey Form - Take a minute to help us improve our website",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | 2010-12-22: ESA opublikowała najdokładniejszą mapę wegetacji |
Model satelity Envisat o rzeczywistych rozmiarach
Logo Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych do spraw Wyżywienia i Rolnictwa
'''Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna opublikowała sozologiczną mapę świata pokazującą rodzaj wegetacji szaty roślinnej. Mapa GlobCover 2009 jest najdokładniejsza mapą tego typu i najdokładniejszą jaką można wykonać w ciągu jednego roku.'''
Na stronie projektu GlobCover Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna opublikowała mapę GlobCover 2009, będącą najdokładniejszą mapą szaty roślinnej na świecie, jaka może być wykonana w ciągu jednego roku.
Mapę wykonano na podstawie danych zebranych ciągu 12 miesięcy przez obrazujący spektrometr średniej rozdzielczości (300 metrów), znajdujący się na satelicie Envisat - największym satelicie środowiskowym na świecie. Objętość danych źródłowych szacowana jest na około 40 terabajtów.
Mapa opracowała Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna we współpracy z belgijskim Uniwersytetem Katolickim w Louvain, przy pomocy oprogramowania opracowanego przez Medias France i niemieckiej firmy Brockmann Consult. Stworzenie mapy zajęło rok.
Mapa i jej legenda wykorzystuję klasyfikację pokrywy lądowej Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych do spraw Wyżywienia i Rolnictwa.
Mapę można obejrzeć również na portalu ESA.
| [
] | [
"language": "pl",
"title": "ESA: najdokładniejsza globalna mapa szaty roślinnej",
"text": "poprzednia\n1 of 2\nof następna\nEuropejska Agencja Kosmiczna opublikowała sozologiczną mapę świata, pokazującą rodzaj wegetacji szaty roślinnej. Mapa GlobCover 2009 jest najdokładniejsza mapą tego typu i najdokładniejszą, jaką można wykonać w ciągu jednego roku.\nNa stronie projektu GlobCover Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna opublikowała mapę GlobCover 2009, będącą najdokładniejszą mapą szaty roślinnej na świecie, jaka może być wykonana w ciągu jednego roku.\nMapę wykonano na podstawie danych zebranych w ciągu 12 miesięcy przez obrazujący spektrometr średniej rozdzielczości (300 metrów), który znajduje się na satelicie Envisat - największym satelicie środowiskowym na świecie. Objętość danych źródłowych szacowana jest na około 40 terabajtów.\nMapę opracowała Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna we współpracy z belgijskim Uniwersytetem Katolickim de Louvain, przy pomocy oprogramowania opracowanego przez Medias France i niemiecką firmę Brockmann Consult. Stworzenie mapy zajęło rok.\nMapa i jej legenda wykorzystuję klasyfikację pokrywy lądowej Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych do spraw Wyżywienia i Rolnictwa.\nŹródło: ESA\nTreść tego artykułu udostępniona na licencji CC-BY-SA 3.0. Licencjonowanie materiałów zdjęciowych w ich opisie.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "ESA unveils latest map of world’s land cover",
"text": "ESA unveils latest map of world’s land cover\nESA’s 2009 global land cover map has been released and is now available to the public online from the ‘GlobCover’ website. GlobCover 2009 proves the sharpest possible global land cover map can be created within a year.\nThe map was produced using 12 months of data from Envisat’s Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer at a resolution of 300 m. ESA and Belgium’s Université catholique de Louvain created the map using software developed by Medias France and Germany’s Brockmann Consult on data collected from 1 January to 31 December 2009. GlobCover 2009 was generated within a year of acquiring the final satellite data. The map’s legend uses the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation’s Land Cover Classification System. Some 8000 people have downloaded the previous version, GlobCover 2005. These maps are useful for studying the effects of climate change, conserving biodiversity and managing natural resources.\nSend this page to a friend",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Quanta startet die Massenfertigung für OLPC |
Produktion in Changshu
Der taiwanesische Hersteller Quanta Computer hat am 6. November im chinesischen Changshu die Massenfertigung des OLPC-Laptops der US-amerikanischen One-Laptop-per-Child-Initiative („Ein Laptop pro Kind“) begonnen.
Die ersten Geräte sollen noch in diesem Monat bei Kindern in Entwicklungsländern ausgeliefert werden. Einwohner der Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada, die an dem „ Give 1 Get 1“ Programm zwischen dem 12. und dem 26. November teilnehmen und dabei einen Laptop spenden, sollen ihre Laptops noch im Dezember erhalten.
Einige Tage vorher hatte die Initiative eine Zusammenarbeit mit der US-amerikanischen Tochter T-Mobile USA der Deutschen Telekom verkündet. Käufer, die einen Laptop kaufen und einen zweiten Laptop spenden, erhalten für ein Jahr Zugang zu den Hotspots von T-Mobile USA.
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"Themenportal Wirtschaft",
"Themenportal Computer",
"Freies Wissen",
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Quanta startet Massenproduktion des OLPC-Notebooks",
"text": "Der Computerhersteller Quanta hat die Massenproduktion des XO-Notebooks der Initiative One Laptop per Child (OLPC) aufgenommen. Der taiwanische Hersteller habe kürzlich seine Produktionskapazitäten verdoppelt und am Morgen des 6. November die Produktion in Changshu in der Volksrepublik China gestartet. Wie viele Geräte dort derzeit täglich hergestellt werden, geht aus der OLPC-Mitteilung nicht hervor. Es wird nur erwähnt, dass die Kapazität gesteigert werden könne.\nDie Besteller in den Entwicklungsländern sollen die ersten XO-Geräte noch in diesem Monat bekommen. Einwohner der USA und Kanadas, die zwischen dem 12. und 26. November an dem Programm \" Give 1 Get 1 \" teilnehmen, sollen ihre Notebooks im Dezember bekommen.\nMIT-Professor Nicholas Negroponte hatte den XO-Laptop 2005 seinerzeit noch unter dem Titel \"100-Dollar-Notebook\" initiiert. Mit einer entsprechenden Ausstattung und einem günstigen Preis ist er vor allem für Schüler in Entwicklungsländer gedacht. Mittlerweile ist dem Projekt in Form des Classmate PC von Intel sowie des EeePC von Asus Konkurrenz erwachsen, zumal sich der ursprünglich angestrebte Preis von 100 Dollar mittlerweile verdoppelte.\nSiehe zum Thema auch:",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Mass Production of XO Laptops Has Begun",
"text": "Mass Production of XO Laptops Has Begun\nQuanta Computer kicks off mass production in China facilities\nCHANGSHU, China--(BUSINESS WIRE)--One Laptop per Child, a non-profit organization launched in 2005 by MIT professor Nicholas Negroponte to design, manufacture and distribute laptop computers that are sufficiently affordable to provide every child in the world access to new channels of learning, sharing and self-expression, announced that mass production of the revolutionary XO laptop computer began yesterday morning at Quanta Computer’s manufacturing facility in Changshu, China.\nTaiwan-based Quanta Computer, the world’s largest notebook computer manufacturer, has recently doubled its manufacturing capacity, in part to prepare for the production of the XO laptop from One Laptop per Child. On early November 6 (local time), Quanta kicked off mass production in its giant new Changshu manufacturing center, two hours northwest of Shanghai. XO laptop unit volumes will ramp up over time, leveraging the newly available capacity in the Changshu plant.\n“We are very proud to be a partner of One Laptop per Child and to start volume manufacturing of the highly innovative XO laptop,” said C.C. Leung, Vice Chairman and President of Quanta Computer. “We believe that the XO laptop will have a transformative power on the future of developing nations.”\n“Today represents an important milestone in the evolution of the One Laptop per Child project,” said Nicholas Negroponte, founder and chairman of One Laptop per Child. “Against all the naysayers and thanks to great partners such as Quanta, we have developed and now manufactured the world’s most advanced and greenest laptop and one designed specifically to instill a passion for learning in children.”\nThe commencement of mass production means that children in developing nations will receive XO laptops starting this month. Residents of the USA and Canada participating in the Give 1 Get 1 program (November 12 – 26) will start receiving laptops in December 2007. For more information on the Give 1 Get program, go to or call 1-877-70-LAPTOP (1-877-705-2786).\nAbout One Laptop per Child\nOne Laptop per Child (OLPC at is a non-profit organization created by Nicholas Negroponte and others from the MIT Media Lab to design, manufacture and distribute laptop computers that are sufficiently inexpensive to provide every child in the world access to knowledge and modern forms of education. These XO laptops will be rugged, open source, and so energy efficient that they can be powered by a child manually. Mesh networking will give many machines Internet access from one connection. The pricing goal is $100.\nThe XO laptops will be sold to governments and issued to children by schools on a basis of one laptop per child. Starting November 12 and for two weeks only, individuals in the U.S. and Canada will be able to participate in the Give 1 Get 1 program and for US$399 get a laptop while giving one simultaneously to a child in a developing nation. For more information on the Give 1 Get 1 program, go to",
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"title": "Business Wire",
"text": "Error\nAn error has occurred processing your request.\nIf the problem continues, please contact [email protected].\nTo Submit News Releases\nFor clients wishing to submit a news release, please contact your local Business Wire bureau:",
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de | DNA-Analyse liefert neue Verdachtsmomente zum Mordfall in Sittensen |
Zwei Wochen nach der Ermordung von sieben Menschen in einem chinesischen Restaurant im niedersächsischen Sittensen hat sich nach Polizeiangaben der Verdacht gegen einen der verhafteten Vietnamesen durch eine DNA-Analyse erhärtet. An der Kleidung des Verdächtigen waren Blutspuren gefunden worden, die mit Hilfe der DNA-Analyse einem der Opfer in dem chinesischen Restaurant zugeordnet werden konnten. Das teilte das Landeskriminalamt (LKA) Hannover am Dienstag mit.
LKA-Sprecher Lothar Zierke wertete den neuen Befund als „einen wesentlichen Schritt“ vorwärts bei den Ermittlungen. Bisher hatten die beiden verhafteten Vietnamesen jede Verantwortung für die ihnen vorgeworfenen Taten abgestritten. Gestern durchsuchte die Polizei die Wohnungen von vier weiteren tatverdächtigen Vietnamesen in Bremen und Bremerhaven. Zahlreiche Gegenstände seien bei den Durchsuchungen sichergestellt worden, hieß es.
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"Themenportal Recht",
"Themenportal Deutschland",
"Themenportal Niedersachsen",
"Recht in Deutschland",
"Recht in Niedersachsen",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Aktuelle Nachrichten, News, Hintergründe & Videos",
"text": "Ausgangssperre, Inzidenzwert-Fokus, Eingriffe in die Schulpolitik – in den Ländern formiert sich Widerstand gegen die Pläne des Bundes, mehr Macht an sich zu ziehen. Der Ton ist unerbittlich, wann eine Änderung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes beschlossen wird, ist komplett offen.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Opferblut an Kleidung eines Verdächtigen",
"text": "Nach der Bluttat von Sittensen in einem China-Restaurant erhärtet sich der Verdacht gegen einen der beiden verhafteten Vietnamesen. Anhand einer DNA-Analyse wurde an seiner Kleidung Blut eines der sieben Toten entdeckt.\nRotenburg - An der Kleidung des 31-jährigen Mannes wurde Blut gefunden, das nach dem Ergebnis der DNA-Analyse eindeutig einem der Opfer zugeordnet werden konnte, teilte die Sonderkommission in Rotenburg mit. Weitere kriminaltechnische Untersuchungen laufen. \"Mit diesem Ergebnis der DNA-Analyse sind wir in den Ermittlungen einen wesentlichen Schritt vorangekommen\", sagte LKA-Sprecher Lothar Zierke.\nMassaker in Mafia-Manier: Das Blutbad im China-Restaurant\nFotostrecke starten: Klicken Sie auf ein Bild (9 Bilder)\nFür den 31 Jahre alten Tatverdächtigen, an dessen Kleidung das Blut entdeckt wurde, wurde heute ein Haftprüfungstermin anberaumt. Sein ebenfalls inhaftierter 33 Jahre alter Landsmann war bereits Ende vergangener Woche mit einer Haftbeschwerde vor dem Landgericht Stade gescheitert.\nDie beiden Männer bestreiten die Morde und hatten angegeben, zum Tatzeitpunkt in einem Spielclub in Bremen gewesen zu sein. Die Videos der Überwachungskameras seien aber noch nicht ausgewertet, sagte einer der Anwälte der Tatverdächtigen.\nHeute morgen wurden zudem in Bremen und Bremerhaven die Wohnungen von vier weiteren Vietnamesen durchsucht, die im Verdacht stehen, \"tatrelevante Verbindungen zu den beiden Inhaftierten zu haben\". Bei den Durchsuchungen der Wohnungen seien zahlreiche Gegenstände sichergestellt worden, Details wollte der Sprecher nicht nennen. Das Quartett wurde vorläufig festgenommen und von der Polizei vernommen.\nDie hundertköpfige Sonderkommission verfolgt nach eigenen Angaben in dem Fall etwa 400 Spuren und Hinweise.\njjc/AFP/AP",
"url": ",1518,467441,00.html",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | 2007-11-24: Rosja: kampania przed wyborami do Dumy Państwowej |
Grafika:Election russia 2007 001.jpg|thumb|250px|Baner agitujący do głosowania na Putina w Sankt Petersburgu
W Rosji trwa kampania wyborcza przed wyborami parlamentarnymi, która poprzedzi wybory prezydenckie w marcu przyszłego roku.
Ponieważ kończy się druga kadencja urzędowania obecnego prezydenta Władimira Putina zdecydował się on startować w grudniowych wyborach parlamentarnych. 21 listopada przemawiał on podczas wiecu na arenie sportowej Łużniki, rozpoczynając kampanię wyborczą. na wiec przyszło ok. 5 tys osób, na tle przemawiającego obecnego prezydenta znajdował się baner "Zwycięstwo Putina- zwycięstwem Rosji."
Opozycyjna partia Sojusz Sił Prawicowych zarzuca Putinowi wykorzystywanie urzędu prezydenckiego do agitacji na partię Jedna Rosja, z list której startuje on w wyborach do Dumy Państwowej. Przedstawiciele partii złożyli nawet z tego powodu pozew do Sądu Najwyższego o skreślenie nazwiska obecnego prezydenta z list wyborczych. Pozew został oddalony.
Najważniejsza postacią opozycyjnego SPS jest Borys Niemcow, który także zamierza ubiegać się o urząd prezydenta w marcu 2008. Wczoraj zadeklarował on, że jest gotów do rozmów z wszystkimi siłami demokratycznej opozycji. Michaił Kasjanow, który do tej pory był jednym z ważniejszych kandydatów opozycji jest gotów do rezygnacji z ubiegania się o fotel prezydencki na rzecz Niemcowa.
W trakcie kampanii wyborczej prokuratura już zauważyła przypadki łamania prawa wyborczego poprzez rozdawanie ulotek wraz z produktami spożywczymi czy kupowanie głosów dzięki wręczaniu gotówki.
| [
] | [
"language": "pl",
"title": "Rosja: Przypadki łamania prawa wyborczego przed zbliżającymi się wyborami",
"text": "Rosja: Przypadki łamania prawa wyborczego przed zbliżającymi się wyborami\nRosyjska prokuratura generalna informuje o wielu przypadkach łamania prawa wyborczego przed zbliżającymi się wyborami parlamentarnymi.\nProkuratorzy zauważyli, że dochodziło do kupowania potencjalnych głosów poprzez rozdawanie razem z ulotkami produktów spożywczych, wypłacania pieniędzy oraz bezprawnego rozpowszechniania materiałów agitacyjnych.\nTymczasem Sąd Najwyższy Rosji oddalił pozew Sojuszu Sił Prawicowych o skreślenie z listy kandydatów na deputowanych Władimira Putina. Lider Sojuszu, Nikita Biełych na niedawnej konferencji prasowej sugerował, że prezydent Rosji łamie ordynację wyborczą. Według jego oceny, prezydent łamie prawo dopuszczając się w swoich publicznych wystąpieniach agitacji na rzecz partii Wspólna Rosja, z list której startuje w wyborach. Ponadto za wiedzą Kremla miało dochodzić do wywierania presji na kandydatach Sojuszu Sił Prawicowych by rezygnowali z udziału w wyborach. Rosyjska prokuratura generalna informuje o wielu przypadkach łamania prawa wyborczego przed zbliżającymi się wyborami parlamentarnymi.Prokuratorzy zauważyli, że dochodziło do kupowania potencjalnych głosów poprzez rozdawanie razem z ulotkami produktów spożywczych, wypłacania pieniędzy oraz bezprawnego rozpowszechniania materiałów agitacyjnych.Tymczasem Sąd Najwyższy Rosji oddalił pozew Sojuszu Sił Prawicowych o skreślenie z listy kandydatów na deputowanych Władimira Putina. Lider Sojuszu, Nikita Biełych na niedawnej konferencji prasowej sugerował, że prezydent Rosji łamie ordynację wyborczą. Według jego oceny, prezydent łamie prawo dopuszczając się w swoich publicznych wystąpieniach agitacji na rzecz partii Wspólna Rosja, z list której startuje w wyborach. Ponadto za wiedzą Kremla miało dochodzić do wywierania presji na kandydatach Sojuszu Sił Prawicowych by rezygnowali z udziału w wyborach.\nNie masz czasu na długie odprawy na lotniskach? Z kartą Diners Club LOT masz prawo do odprawy\nna stanowiskach Bussines Class Check-in na wszystkich lotniskach w Polsce.\nSprawdź!",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "pl",
"title": "Rosja: Putin rozpoczął kampanię wyborczą",
"text": "2007-11-21 18:44:40\nRosja: Putin rozpoczął kampanię wyborczą\nfot: EPA/PAP fot: EPA/PAP\nPrezydent Rosji przemawiał na arenie sportowej Łużniki, na tle ogromnej flagi rosyjskiej z napisem \"Wierzymy w Rosję! Wierzymy w siebie!\" oraz transparentu z hasłem \"Zwycięstwo Putina- zwycięstwem Rosji\".\"Wasze poparcie jest potrzebne, abyśmy wspólnie zakończyli rozpoczęte przemiany, aby w każdym mieście, w każdej wsi na każdej ulicy, w każdym domu i w życiu każdego rosyjskiego człowieka zachodziły zmiany na lepsze\" - przemawiał Władimir Putin. \"Ludzie powinni być pewni jutrzejszego dnia i żyć godnie, tak jak wypada obywatelom Wielkiej Rosji\".Władimir Putin ubiega się o mandat deputowanego z listy wyborczej partii Wspólna Rosja. W przyszłym roku kończy się jego druga i ostatnia kadencja prezydencka.",
"url": ";putin;rozpoczal;kampanie;wyborcza,104,0,293480.html",
"archive_url": ";putin;rozpoczal;kampanie;wyborcza,104,0,293480.html"
] |
de | Internationale Tagung in Hildesheim zur Sexuellen Revolution und zum Missbrauch |
Unter der Überschrift „Zwischen notwendiger Enttabuisierung und problematischer
Entgrenzung“ beschäftigte sich in der Zeit vom 29. September bis 1. Oktober eine internationale und fachübergreifende wissenschaftliche Tagung mit der Sexuellen Revolution und den Auswirkungen bis heute. Die Vorträge deckten eine große Bandbreite von Themen ab, wie etwa die Aufklärungsbücher für Kinder um 1970 oder sehr fachspezifische Fragen wie „Wilhelm Reich, die Psychoanalyse und die deutsche Neue Linke“. Veranstalter war eine Gruppe von Hochschullehrern der Universitäten Trier, Frankfurt am Main und Hildesheim zusammen mit dem Niedersächsischen Institut für frühkindliche Bildung und Entwicklung.
Unter dem Begriff Sexuelle Revolution wird der Wandel der öffentlichen Sexualmoral in den westlichen Industrieländern während der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts verstanden. Dieser Wandel steht im Zusammenhang mit einer in links-libertären Kreisen propagierten Befreiung der Gesellschaft. In den letzten Jahren wurden auch zahlreiche Fälle von sexuellem Missbrauch an Kindern damit in Verbindung gebracht. Die Tagung diente dazu, eine wissenschaftlich fundierte Sichtweise zu erarbeiten.
Meike Sophia Baader, Professorin für Erziehungswissenschaft an der Universität Hildesheim und Mitglied der Ethikkommission „Nähe und Distanz in pädagogischen Beziehungen“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, erklärte dazu: „Sexualisierte Gewalt war in pädagogischen Einrichtungen bis zum öffentlichen Bekanntwerden von Missbrauchsvorfällen in pädagogischen Institutionen 2010 mit einem Tabu versehen. Derzeit ist es eher mit Angst und Verunsicherung verbunden, wie Forschungsergebnisse zum Umgang von pädagogischen Einrichtungen mit der Thematik zeigen.“ Seit Sommer 2014 läuft ein dreijähriges Forschungsprojekt, bei dem Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter von 14 bis 18 Jahren sowie Betreuungspersonen von Wissenschaftlern bundesweit befragt werden. Eine dieser Befragungen ist anonym und läuft im Internet bis Mitte November. Dabei soll unter anderem ermittelt werden, welche Vorstellungen die Jugendlichen in Wohngruppen, Internaten und Kliniken haben und wie die Betreuungspersonen die eigenen Qualifikationen bei den Themen Gewalt und Grenzüberschreitung einschätzen.
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"Themenportal Wissenschaft",
"Themenportal Deutschland",
"Sexueller Missbrauch",
"Misshandlung von Schutzbefohlenen",
"Kind (weltweit)"
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Forscher der Universität Hildesheim fordern: Fachkräfte zum Thema Missbrauch fortbilden",
"text": "29. September 2014 Forscher der Universität Hildesheim fordern: Fachkräfte zum Thema Missbrauch fortbilden Missbrauchsfälle in Internaten, kirchlichen Einrichtungen und in der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit haben die Öffentlichkeit erschüttert. Forscher der Universität Hildesheim fordern, das Thema stärker in der Aus- und Fortbildung von pädagogischen Fachkräften zu verankern.\nBild : PublicDomainPictures /\nDer Umgang mit sexuellem Missbrauch werde nach wie vor zu wenig in der Aus- und Fortbildung von pädagogischen Fachkräften und Lehrkräften thematisiert, kritisiert Meike Sophia Baader, Professorin für Erziehungswissenschaft. Seit 2010 bietet sie an der Universität Hildesheim regelmäßig Lehrveranstaltungen zum Thema an. „Sexualisierte Gewalt war in pädagogischen Einrichtungen bis zum öffentlichen Bekanntwerden von Missbrauchsvorfällen in pädagogischen Institutionen 2010 mit einem Tabu versehen. Derzeit ist es eher mit Angst und Verunsicherung verbunden, wie Forschungsergebnisse zum Umgang von pädagogischen Einrichtungen mit der Thematik zeigen“, sagt Baader.\nEinige pädagogische Organisationen und Institutionen übernehmen eine Verantwortung für das Thema. Sie entwickeln Schutzkonzepte, die Verfahrensregeln enthalten, wie Lehr- und andere pädagogische Fachkräfte bei Verdachtsfällen vorgehen, an welche Expertinnen und Experten sie sich wenden, wer vor Ort Ansprechpartner für Betroffene ist und wie und wann das Lehrerkollegium, Fachkräfte, Eltern sowie Mitschüler und Mitschülerinnen informiert werden sollten. Doch ein solches Vorgehen ist bislang kaum flächendeckend der Fall, sagt Professorin Baader.\nErgebnisse aus einer Recherche zum Umgang mit sexualisierter Gewalt in pädagogischen Einrichtungen zeigen, dass vor allem Schulen sich schwer tun, während das Thema in Kindertageseinrichtungen und Heimen eher angekommen ist. „In den Schulen wird das Thema gerne an die Sozialpädagogik delegiert“, so Baader. Sie hat in der Ethikkommission „Nähe und Distanz in pädagogischen Beziehungen“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft mitgewirkt, die 2010 eingerichtet wurde.\nAktuelle Forschungsarbeiten zum Thema\nLehrveranstaltungen, die das Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft an der Hildesheimer Universität zur sexualisierten Gewalt durchführt, werden von Studierenden stark nachgefragt. Mehrere Forschungsarbeiten entstehen. So hat die Studentin Lisa Quasthoff in ihrer erziehungswissenschaftlichen Master-Abschlussarbeit aktuelle Vorfälle in pädagogischen Institutionen und die Bedingungen in zwei Internatsschulen miteinander verglichen. Pauline Karch hat präventive Projekte in Kindertageseinrichtungen untersucht. „Prävention beginnt im Erziehungsalltag. Kinder müssen darin gestärkt werden, Nein zu sagen und lernen, was Geheimnisse und Grenzen sind und wo sie sofort Hilfe erhalten. Ein einmaliges Projekt nur für Kinder reicht nicht, kein Kind kann sich selber schützen. Die Erwachsenen müssen mit ins Boot geholt werden“, sagt Karch. Claudia Bowe-Traeger befasste sich damit, wie die katholischen Kirche mit dem Thema umgeht und Henrike Niedermeyer fragt in ihrer Bachelor-Arbeit nach den Anforderungen an pädagogische Professionalität. Außerdem sind mehrere Promotionen entstanden. Julia Gebrande, inzwischen Professorin an der Hochschule Esslingen, hat ihre Promotion „Handlungskompetenz zur Unterstützung von Kindern mit sexualisierter Gewalterfahrung. Bedarfsanalyse von pädagogischen Fachkräften in Kindertageseinrichtungen“ abgeschlossen. Christin Sager, Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft hat eine Dissertation zur „Geschichte der Sexualaufklärung“ verfasst. Derzeit entsteht eine weitere Dissertation zu „Schutzkonzepten und Frühen Hilfen“ von Anne-Kathrin Grebenstein.\nNiedersachen richtet erste Anlaufstelle für Opfer ein\nNiedersachsen hat als erstes Bundesland vor zwei Jahren (August 2012) eine Anlaufstelle für Opfer und Fragen sexuellen Missbrauchs und Diskriminierungen in Schulen eingerichtet, die telefonisch an vier Tagen in der Woche erreichbar ist ( Die Anrufer, darunter Lehrer, Schüler und Eltern, hatten allgemeine Fragen zu sexuellem Missbrauch, Mobbing, Cybermobbing und Diskriminierung. Meike Baader unterstreicht die Bedeutung von regionalen Beratungsstellen. „Sie können für Betroffene vor Ort schnell und einfach erreichbare Anlaufstellen sein, wo sie ihre Fragen und Sorgen in einem geschützten Rahmen mitteilen können.“\nForschungs- und Handlungsbedarf sieht Baader in der Frage der Betroffenheit von Jungen durch sexualisierte Gewalt, aber auch in der Problematik eines „Generalverdachts“ gegen männliche Fachkräfte in Kindertageseinrichtungen. Beratungseinrichtungen sind jedoch aufgrund ihrer historischen Entstehung häufig auf die Beratung von Mädchen und Frauen spezialisiert. Während Mädchen in der Familie und im persönlichen Nahraum stärker sexualisierte Gewalt erleiden, sind Jungen in den pädagogischen Einrichtungen stärker betroffen.\nForschungsverbund arbeitet an einer Verbesserung von Schutzkonzepten in pädagogischen Organisationen\nWeitere Forscher der Universität Hildesheim arbeiten in diesem Themenfeld, darunter ein Team um den Sozialpädagogen Professor Wolfgang Schröer. Was macht ein sicheres Umfeld aus? Derzeit läuft eine bundesweite Untersuchung: In dem dreijährigen Forschungsprojekt „Ich bin sicher! Schutzkonzepte aus der Sicht von Jugendlichen und Betreuungspersonen\" befragen Wissenschaftler seit Sommer 2014 Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter von 14 bis 18 Jahren sowie Betreuungspersonen bundesweit. In dem Forschungsprojekt stehen die Bedürfnisse und Sichtweisen der Kinder und Jugendlichen im Mittelpunkt. Die Forscher der Universität Hildesheim, der Hochschule Landshut und der Ulmer Universitätsklinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie/Psychotherapie fragen Jugendliche, was ein sicheres Leben in stationären Erziehungshilfen, Internaten und Kliniken ausmacht, was Einrichtungen hierfür tun können und wie sie ihre aktuelle Situation einschätzen. Von den Betreuungspersonen möchte das Forschungsteam erfahren, welche Voraussetzungen und Hinderungsgründe sie erleben und wie sie im Alltag handeln, um Kindern und Jugendlichen in ihren Einrichtungen ein sicheres Leben zu ermöglichen. „Wir wollen von den Kindern und Jugendlichen erfahren, wie Wohngruppen, Internate und Kliniken beschaffen sein müssen, damit sie sich dort zuhause, wohl und sicher fühlen\", sagt Tanja Rusack, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Sozial- und Organisationspädagogik der Universität Hildesheim.\nMithilfe der Ergebnisse will der Forschungsverbund zur Verbesserung von Schutzkonzepten in pädagogischen Organisationen beitragen. Das Forschungsprojekt wird mit 694.000 Euro vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung in der Förderlinie „Sexuelle Gewalt in pädagogischen Kontexten“ unterstützt. Der Forschungsverbund erhebt die Daten in Online-Befragungen und Gruppendiskussionen mit Fachkräften, Kindern und Jugendlichen. Jugendliche zwischen 14 und 18 Jahren sowie Betreuungspersonen aus stationären Einrichtungen können bis Mitte November 2014 an der Online-Befragung teilnehmen ( Die Daten im Online-Fragebogen werden anonym erhoben.\nKonferenz „Entgrenzung“\n40 Fachleute unter anderem aus den USA, Dänemark, Tschechien, Großbritannien und Deutschland tagen vom 29. September bis 1. Oktober 2014 an der Universität Hildesheim. Auf der internationalen Tagung „Zwischen notwendiger Enttabuisierung und problematischer Entgrenzung. Sexuelle Revolution und Kindheit im historischen Kontext der 1970/80er\" geht es um historische Perspektiven, Recht, Politik und Medien, Kindheit, Sexualität und Erziehung; um Politik-, Erziehungs- und Zeitgeschichte. Veranstaltet wird die Konferenz von Forschern der Universitäten Hildesheim, Trier und Frankfurt am Main. Ansprechpartnerin bei Fragen ist Meike Sophia Baader, Professorin für Erziehungswissenschaften an der Hildesheimer Universität. Die dreitägige Konferenz richtet sich an Fachleute und ist nicht öffentlich. Kooperationspartner ist das Niedersächsisches Institut für frühkindliche Bildung und Entwicklung.\nQuelle: Stiftung Universität Hildesheim vom 29.09.2014\nRedaktion: Kerstin Boller",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | U.S. Senator Tim Johnson hospitalized |
U.S. Senator Tim Johnson
Tim Johnson, a United States Democratic Senator from South Dakota, reportedly suffered a stroke at about 11:30 this morning. However, subsequent tests revealed that the senator did not suffer a stroke or a heart attack. He was transported to George Washington University Hospital by ambulance, where he was diagnosed with a congenital arteriovenous malformation and underwent brain surgery. He is currently "recovering without complications" and "appropriately responsive to both word and touch" but it still in critical condition and being monitored. Additional surgery may be required.
Currently, the US Senate is controlled by the Republican Party; however, when the Senate reconvenes after the recent midterm elections the Democrats will have a one senator majority. Under the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, state legislatures can give their governor the power to appoint someone else to take over, but this power can only be used in cases where the senator vacates his seat. Historically, this applies to death or resignation, but serious illness does not count.
Should Johnson die or resign, the Republican governor, Mike Rounds, will likely appoint a Republican in Johnson's place. This would bring the Senate to a 50-50 tie for organizational purposes and give Vice President Dick Cheney the tie-breaking vote, thus letting the Republicans control the Senate. This appointment would last until the end of Johnson's term, in 2008.
If he does not recover the senate has the power to force him out, but historically the senate has not done so. On Nov. 23, 1969, GOP Sen. Karl Mundt of South Dakota, who previously held Johnson's seat, had a debilitating stroke. He later endured months of speech and physical therapy at his Washington home. Mundt's wife, Mary, refused to vacate the seat despite pressure from the state's Republicans. Mund remained formally in his seat until his term expired in 1973. In the past multiple other senators have become incapacitated for months or even years and kept their seat, but party control of the senate was not involved.
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"United States",
"North America",
"Democratic Party (United States)",
"Republican Party (United States)",
"Politics and conflicts"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Conflicting reports on senator’s condition",
"text": "Dec. 13: Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., has been hospitalized with symptoms initially described as stroke-like. NBC's Chip Reid reports.\nNBC, MSNBC and news services\nWASHINGTON - Democratic Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota was hospitalized Wednesday, weeks before his party was to take control of the Senate by a one-vote margin. But by evening, his condition was unclear, with conflicting reports over whether he had suffered a stroke.\nThe one thing that appeared to be true was that Johnson had some undiagnosed illness that has left him with difficulty speaking and moving. The Washington Post reported that Johnson was undergoing surgery.\nJohnson, who turns 60 on Dec. 28, was admitted to George Washington University Hospital, said Julianne Fisher, Johnson's communications director. The illness was initially thought to be a stroke.\nStory continues below ↓ advertisement advertisement\nFisher later said, however, that Johnson did not suffer a stroke or heart attack. Other sources, said Johnson had.\nIn a statement late Wednesday, Fisher said, \"Senator Johnson continues to undergo testing and procedures at George Washington University Hospital. We expect to have more information in the morning.\"\nAdmiral John Eisold, attending physician of the U.S. Capitol, issued a statement saying Johnson was admitted to the hospital \"with the symptoms of a stroke.\"\nWhile many on Capitol Hill voiced frustration about the lack of immediate information, aides noted the senator promptly received medical attention after feeling ill earlier in the day.\n\"He has great doctors looking after him,\" one aide said.\nJohnson became disoriented during a conference call with reporters at midday Wednesday, stuttering in response to a question. He appeared to recover, asking if there were any additional questions before ending the call.\nFisher said he walked back to his Capitol office after the call with reporters but appeared to not be feeling well. The Capitol physician was called, and Johnson was taken by ambulance to George Washington University Hospital for evaluation.\nA statement released by Johnson's office then said, in part, \"At this stage, he is undergoing a comprehensive evaluation by the stroke team. Further details will be forthcoming when more is known.\"\nFilling a vacated Senate seat\nDemocrats won a 51-49 majority in the November election. South Dakota’s Republican governor, Mike Rounds, would appoint a replacement to serve until the 2008 election should Johnson die or resign.\nThe appointment would last until the next general election — in this case, 2008. Johnson's term expires that year.\nThe 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution says state legislatures can give their governors the power to appoint someone else to take over, but only in the case of \"vacancies.\"\nWhat's a vacancy? Clearly death or resignation, but history suggests not much else. Serious illness doesn't count.\nUnder the rules of the Senate, tie votes are settled by the vote of the vice president — currently Republican Dick Cheney — effectively giving control of the Senate to the Republicans.\nPrevious cases\nThe Senate historian's office cites several examples of a senator being incapacitated for years and remaining in office.\nMost recently, Sen. Karl Mundt (coincidentally, also from South Dakota) suffered a stroke in 1969 and was incapacitated, but he refused to step down. He remained in office until January 1973, when his term expired. Mundt was pressured repeatedly to step down during his illness, but he demanded that the governor promise to appoint his wife. The governor refused, and Mundt remained in office.\nAnother example was Sen. Carter Glass, D-Va. Glass had a heart condition that prevented him from working for most of his last term after his re-election in 1942. Yet Glass refused to resign, and finally died of congestive heart failure in May 1946, in his apartment at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington.\nThe Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Staff: Senator hospitalized with stroke-like symptoms",
"text": "Adjust font size:\nWASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Tim Johnson, D-South Dakota, was hospitalized Wednesday after he suffered stroke-like symptoms in his Washington office, his staff said.\nJohnson, who turns 60 on December 28, was taken to George Washington University Hospital by ambulance about 11:30 a.m., sources in his office said.\nA statement issued by Johnson's office said he was suffering from a \"possible stroke.\"\n\"At this stage he is undergoing a comprehensive evaluation by the stroke team,\" the statement said. Staffers said that Johnson was conscious when he was transported to the hospital.\nA lawyer and longtime state lawmaker, Johnson was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1986. He served five terms before he was elected to the Senate in 1996.\nHe is the senior senator from South Dakota and serves on numerous committees, including appropriations, budget, banking, energy and natural resources, and Indian affairs.\nShould Johnson not be able to complete his term, which ends in 2008, South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds, a Republican, could appoint his replacement, which could shift the balance of power in the Senate.\nJohnson battled prostate cancer in 2004, and after surgery, tests showed he no longer had the disease, according to his Web site.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Senator Johnson hospitalized",
"text": "CAPITOL HILL South Dakota Democratic Senator Tim Johnson is being checked out at a Washington hospital after suffering a possible stroke.\nA statement issued by his office said he's been taken to George Washington University Hospital, where he is undergoing a comprehensive evaluation by the stroke team.Johnson turns 60 later this month.If he were to become unable to serve, it could halt the scheduled Democratic takeover of the Senate. South Dakota's governor, who would appoint any temporary replacement, is a Republican.Democrats are scheduled to hold a narrow 51-to-49 margin as a result of last month's election.Johnson is in his second term and is one of the more reserved members of the Senate, rarely taking center stage at news conferences.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Sen. Johnson recovering after brain surgery",
"text": "Dec. 14: NBC News analyst and moderator of \"Meet the Press\" talks with \"Today\" show anchor Meredith Vieira about Sen. Johnson's illness.\nDec. 14: Sen. Tim Johnson, D-SD, is recovering after he underwent emergency brain surgery to treat a congenital malformation. NBC’s Mike Viqueira has the latest on his condition.\nWASHINGTON - Democratic Sen. Tim Johnson was \"appropriately responsive to both word and touch\" half a day after successful emergency brain surgery, but still leaving active the political drama over whether his illness could cost Democrats newly won control of the Senate.\nAdmiral John Eisold, Attending Physician of the United States Capitol released a statement Thursday afternoon saying Thompson \"continued to have an uncomplicated post-operative course. Specifically, he has been appropriately responsive to both word and touch. No further surgical intervention has been required.\"\nThe South Dakota senator, 59, suffered from bleeding in the brain caused by a congenital malformation, the U.S. Capitol physician said.\nStory continues below ↓ advertisement advertisement\nThe condition, usually present at birth, causes tangled blood vessels that can burst unexpectedly later in life.\nControl of the Senate\nDemocrats hold a fragile 51-49 margin in the new Senate that convenes Jan. 4. If Johnson leaves the Senate, the Republican governor of South Dakota could appoint a Republican to fill the remaining two years of Johnson's term - keeping the Senate in GOP hands with Vice President Dick Cheney's tie-breaking power.\nIncoming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid visited Johnson in the hospital Thursday morning and said afterward he was confident the senator would recover fully.\nAsked about whether Democratic control of the Senate might be jeopardized, Reid said, \"There isn't a thing that's changed.\"\nReid refused to comment on Johnson's medical condition, declining to even answer a question on whether the senator was conscious. \"To me he looked very good,\" Reid said.\nSymptoms caught early\nJohnson was taken to the hospital on Wednesday after becoming disoriented during a conference phone call with reporters. At first, he answered questions normally but then began to stutter. He paused, then continued stammering before appearing to recover and ending the call.\n\"The senator is recovering without complication,\" said Adm. John Eisold, the Capitol physician. \"It is premature to determine whether further surgery will be required or to assess any long-term prognosis.\"\nEisold said doctors stopped bleeding in Johnson's brain and drained the blood that had accumulated there.\nNBC VIDEO • What struck Johnson?\nDec. 14: Dr. Nancy Snyderman talks with \"Today\" show anchor Matt Lauer about what could have happened to Sen. Tim Johnson. Today show\nJohnson's condition, also known as AVM, or arteriovenous malformation, causes arteries and veins to grow abnormally large and become tangled.\nThe condition is believed to affect about 300,000 Americans, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The institute's Web site said only about 12 percent of the people with the condition experience symptoms, ranging in severity. It kills about 3,000 people a year.\nThe senator's wife, Barbara Johnson, said the family \"is encouraged and optimistic.\"\nIn a statement from Johnson's office Thursday, she said her family was \"grateful for the prayers and good wishes of friends, supporters and South Dakotans.\"\nA person familiar with Johnson's situation said surgery began late Wednesday night and ended around 12:30 a.m. Thursday and that the next 24 to 48 hours would be critical in determining Johnson's condition. The person spoke on condition of anonymity out of respect for the senator's family.\nIf Johnson were forced to relinquish his seat, a replacement would be named by South Dakota's GOP Gov. Mike Rounds.\nA Republican appointee would create a 50-50 tie, and allow the GOP to retain Senate control.\nHowever, Senate historian Don Ritchie said senators serve out their terms unless they resign or die. Nine senators have remained in the Senate even though illnesses kept them away from the chamber for six months or more.\nRounds' press secretary, Mark Johnston, said Thursday the governor had nothing new to say. \"We're watching as much as everyone else,\" he said.\nThe governor, elected to a second four-year term last month, has been widely seen as the Republican candidate with the best chance to challenge Johnson in two years.\nOther than Rounds himself, top possibilities if a replacement senator were needed include Lt. Gov. Dennis Daugaard and state Public Utilities Commission Chairman Dusty Johnson, considered a rising star in the Republican Party. Retiring GOP legislative leaders, such as state House Speaker Matthew Michels and Senate Majority Leader Eric Bogue, also might be considered.\nJohnson, who turns 60 later this month, was admitted to George Washington University hospital at midday after experiencing what his office initially said was a possible stroke.\nHis spokeswoman, Julianne Fisher, later told reporters that it had been determined that the senator had suffered neither a stroke nor a heart attack.\nFisher said that after making the conference call with reporters from the recording studio in the basement of the Capitol, he then walked back to his office but appeared to not be feeling well. The Capitol physician came to his office and examined him, and it was decided he should go to the hospital.\nHe was taken to the hospital by ambulance around noon, Fisher said. \"It was caught very early,\" she said.\nA brain specialist not involved with Johnson's care said there's no way to know until Johnson is awake and able to answer questions how much lingering damage, if any, the bleeding may have caused. Still, while he'll remain in intensive care for a while, \"he has every chance of recovery,\" said Dr. William Bank, who treats AVM and other neurovascular disorders at Washington Hospital Center.\nPolitical ramifications\nJohnson is up for re-election in 2008.\nIn 1969, another South Dakota senator, Karl Mundt, a Republican, suffered a stroke while in office. Mundt continued to serve until the end of his term in January 1973, although he was unable to attend Senate sessions and was stripped of his committee assignments by the Senate Republican Conference in 1972.\nJohnson, who was elected in 1996, holds the same seat previously held by Mundt.\nSouth Dakota Secretary of State Chris Nelson said there were no special restrictions on an appointment by the governor and a replacement would not have to be from the same political party.\nThe Senate last convened with a perfect balance of 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats in January 2001. Then, the two parties struck a power-sharing agreement that gave control of the Senate to Republicans but gave Democrats equal representation on committees.\nThat arrangement lasted only until June 2001, when Vermont Republican James Jeffords became an independent who chose to vote with Democrats on organizational matters, giving Democrats control until Republicans won back the Senate in the 2002 midterm elections.\nJohnson, a centrist Democrat, was first elected to the Senate in 1996 after serving 10 years in the House. He narrowly defeated Republican John Thune in his 2002 re-election bid. Thune defeated Sen. Tom Daschle, the former Senate Democratic leader, two years later.\nJohnson is in line to become chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee.\nHe underwent prostate cancer treatment in 2004, and subsequent tests have shown him to be clear of the disease.\nJohnson is the second senator to become ill after the Nov. 7 election. Wyoming Sen. Craig Thomas, a Republican, was diagnosed with leukemia on Election Day. He is back at work.\n© 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | 2009-11-12: Waziristan: ponad 500 zabitych talibów w operacji Rah i Nijat |
'''Armia pakistańska prowadząca ofensywę pod kryptonimem Rah i Nijat w Południowym Waziristanie zabiła już ponad 500 rebeliantów tracąc 51 wojskowych. Obecnie w Południowym Waziristanie prowadzone są pojedyncze operacje sił bezpieczeństwa mające na celu aresztowanie kolejnych bojowników, a także niszczenie ich baz i fabryk w których są produkowane m. in. prowizoryczne miny lądowe. Armia pakistańska nadal toczy intensywne boje o kontrolę nad miastem Makin. Talibowie tymczasem przeprowadzają kolejne zamachy terrorystyczne na terenie Pakistanu. Poniżej prezentujemy szczegółowy opis walk ostatnich dni.'''
=== 9 listopada ===
9 listopada w walkach poległo 9 kolejnych talibów oraz 4 żołnierzy.
W czasie bitwy o Makin rebelianci wystrzelili rakiety, które spowodowały śmierć 4 żołnierzy pakistańskich sił bezpieczeństwa. W czasie walk lądowych zabito 9 talibów. Armia zabezpieczyła wioskę China, w której od kilku dni toczono ciężkie boje.
Wojsko kontynuowało operację poszukiwania bojowników i czyszczenia terenów odbitych z rąk talibskich pod miejscowościami Bangal Khel, Totai Langar Khel i Kaniguram. Do starć doszło też pod miastem Ladha. Podczas rozbrojenia grupy talibów w jednej z kryjówek aresztowano lokalnego dowódcę bojowników Mumtaza Burkiego.
Na froncie Shakai-Kaniguram zniszczono 7 talibskich kryjówek. Siły bezpieczeństwa wzmocniły swoją pozycję wzdłuż drogi Sararogha-Jandola.
w Peszawarze doszło do kolejnego ataku terrorystycznego, w wyniku którego życie straciły trzy osoby.
=== 10 listopada ===
10 listopada pakistańskie siły militarne zabiły 9 talibów.
Armia nadal nacierała na miasto Makin, z kolei talibowie atakowali przedpola miasta Ladha. Walki zakończyły się śmiercią 9 rebeliantów, natomiast 8 odniosło rany. Lotnictwo pakistańskie dokonało bombardowania pozycji talibów w okolicach miejscowości Janta, w wyniku czego zniszczono sześć kryjówek.
Na linii Jandola-Sararogha siły bezpieczeństwa zabezpieczyły wioskę Tsappara. W trakcie wymiany ognia aresztowano jednego z bojowników.
W miejscowości Charsadda doszło do eksplozji samochodu-pułapki na zatłoczonym targowisku, w wyniku czego zginęły 24 osoby, a 102 odniosły obrażenia.
=== 11 listopada ===
11 listopada zginęło 7 bojowników, a dwóch pakistańskich żołnierzy odniosło rany w walkach w mieście Makin, gdzie intensywna wymiana ognia doprowadziła do umocnienia pozycji armii pakistańskiej w wschodnich partiach miasta.
Rebelianci wystrzelili 4 rakiety na miasto Sararogha z pobliskiej wioski, jednak atak nie przyniósł ofiar. Wojsko przeprowadzając militarne akcje kontrolne, umocniło zajmowane pozycje pod Sararoghą i Kaniguram.
Na froncie Shakai-Kaniguram armia odkryła kolejne składowiska talibskiej broni oraz 8 tuneli w okolicach wiosek Torwam, Boya oraz Ghani Khel. Przejęto także materiały do produkcji prowizorycznych min lądowych.
=== 12 listopada ===
12 listopada zginęło 22 talibów, a także 5 żołnierzy, podczas gdy 8 odniosło rany.
Na froncie Jandola-Sararogha doszło do walki o wioskę Ghara Sar, podczas której zginęło 5 talibów, a jeden żołnierz został ranny.
Na froncie Shakai-Kaniguram wojsko kontynuowało operację poszukiwania talibów w okolicach miejscowości Ladha, Satta, Mangora Sar Narakai, Gulit Killi, Torwam, Shabi Khel. W okolicy wioski Langar Khel doszło do intensywnej wymiany ognia w wyniku której zginęło 14 talibów, 5 żołnierzy, a 7 zostało rannych.
W trakcie bitwy o Makin, siły bezpieczeństwa przerzuciły ciężar walk na południe miasta. Armia zniszczyła bazy talibów w wioskach Darra Alghad oraz Rogha, zabijając 3 bojowników.
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"Konflikty zbrojne",
"Operacja w Waziristanie (2009)",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Thomson Reuters Foundation News",
"text": "Vanessa Nakate\nFridays for Future Uganda\nWhy my erasure from a photo of climate activists at Davos matters\nAcross Africa, the climate crisis is happening to us now, and the stories Africans have to tell are urgent - but who is listening?",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Bomb kills 24, wounds more than 100 in NW Pakistan",
"text": "Bomb kills 24, wounds more than 100 in NW Pakistan\nPESHAWAR, Pakistan — A car bomb exploded outside a crowded market in northwestern Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 24 people in the latest attack by suspected militants apparently aimed at avenging an army offensive along the Afghan border.\nThe bombing, aimed at causing maximum civilian casualties, was the third blast in as many days in or close to Peshawar, the capital of the North West Frontier Province, an area bordering the tribal region where the army is pushing into a key Taliban and al-Qaida sanctuary.\nThe blast in Charsadda, some 25 miles (40 kilometers) north of Peshawar, was caused by some 90 pounds (40 kilograms) of explosives stuffed into a van, said the senior police chief in Peshawar, Liaqat Ali Khan. Authorities were investigating whether the attack, which killed at least 24 people and wounded 102 others, was carried out by a suicide bomber, he said.\nRashid Kaka said he was returning from the mosque to his shop in the market when the bomb exploded, destroying stores on both sides of the road and knocking down electrical wires.\n\"It was deafening and there were clouds of dust all around. I could not see anything around me,\" said Kaka. \"Later I saw many bodies lying scattered.\"\nForeign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi condemned the attack, calling those behind it the \"enemies of Islam.\nNo one claimed responsibility, but authorities have blamed similar attacks in recent weeks on the Taliban.\nThe insurgents apparently hope the blasts will weaken the resolve of the army, which launched an offensive in mid-October against militants in South Waziristan, the main Taliban and al-Qaida sanctuary in Pakistan's tribal area along the Afghan border.\nOn Monday, a suicide bomber in a rickshaw detonated his explosives near a group of policemen in Peshawar, killing three people. A day before, a suicide bomber blew himself up in a market south of Peshawar, killing 12 people, including a mayor who once supported but had turned against the Taliban.\nLess than two weeks ago, a car bomb killed 112 people in a market in Peshawar, the deadliest attack in Pakistan in more than two years.\nThe government has pledged to press ahead with the offensive despite the assaults. The U.S. supports the South Waziristan operation because Pakistan's tribal belt is home to many militants involved in attacks on Western troops across the border in Afghanistan.\nMian Iftikhar Hussain, information minister for North West Frontier Province, said Tuesday's bombing was evidence the government crackdown was putting pressure on the militants.\n\"They are not able to target freely, and that's why they are targeting innocent people,\" said Hussain. \"But we and the people of Pakistan are determined to continue this jihad against terrorists undeterred.\"\nPakistan's army has pitted some 30,000 troops against up to 8,000 militants in South Waziristan, including many Uzbeks and other foreign insurgents who have long taken refuge in the lawless tribal areas.\nThe soldiers have been battling militants in three key Taliban bases in South Waziristan over the past few days.\nThe latest fighting has killed nine militants, an army statement said Tuesday.\nThe information is nearly impossible to verify independently since Pakistan has blocked access to the battle zone.\nCopyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "7 militants killed in Pakistan's Waziristan operation",
"text": "Seven militants were killed and two soldiers injured when Pakistani troops combating the Taliban in South Waziristan engaged rebels in an intense gun battle near their stronghold of Makeen, the military said today.\nSoldiers are currently clearing Makeen and \"expanding their area of domination\", the military said in a statement. An \"intense fire exchange\" between troops and militants occurred at a newly established check post at Fort Knoll near Makeen. Troops continued strengthening their positions around the former Taliban strongholds of Sararogha and Kaniguram.\nMilitants fired four rockets at Sararogha from a nearby village though there were no reports of casualties. Soldiers conducted search and clearance operations in the areas around Kaniguram and seized weapons and explosives, including materials for making improvised explosive devices.\nTroops also found eight tunnels containing weapons and ammunition while clearing Kaniguram. The Pakistani military says nearly 510 militants and some 44 soldiers have died so far in fighting in South Waziristan though these figures cannot be independently verified as reporters have no access to the conflict zone.\nThe army has mobilised over 30,000 troops backed by tanks and artillery for Operation Rah-e-Nijat (Path to Salvation), which was launched nearly a month ago to flush out an estimated 10,000 Taliban and foreign fighters from South Waziristan.\nSecurity forces also continued search and clearance operations in the northwestern Swat valley, where three militants were arrested and as many surrendered to authorities.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "22 terrorists killed in operation Rah e Nijat",
"text": "UNITED NATIONS, Mar 4 (APP): Homelessness is found in every country in the world and is spreading with impunity, a U.N. human rights expert warned Friday, and called governments to recognize homelessness as a human rights crisis and commit to its eradication by 2030, in line with the new UN Sustainable Development Goals. Presenting her report to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing, Leilani Farha said that homelessness is found throughout the world, in all countries regardless of the level of development of their economic and governance systems.\nUNITED NATIONS, Mar 4 (APP): Pakistan and China are expected to have near-record wheat harvests in 2016, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said in its first global forecast for the commodity in the current year on Friday. The FAO forecast for the world’s 2016 wheat harvest projected 723 million tonnes of total production, about 10 million tonnes below last year’s record output.\nWASHINGTON, Mar 4 (APP): A former Indian ambassador has described as a “watershed” event the mention of Kashmir issue in a joint statement issued after the recently held ministerial-level Pak-US Strategic Dialogue Process in the US capital, saying Washington has gone the extra mile to accommodate Islamabad’s desire to include the contentious issue in the talks. Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar in his blog “Wake up PM Modi, Obama calling” published on Indian news web portal said that by adding the Kashmir dispute in the Joint statement, US has acceded to Pakistan’s demand for Washington to be receptive toward Pakistan’s core issue and vital concerns regarding its adversarial relationship with India.\nWASHINGTON, March 3 (APP): The United States needs to broaden the way it looks at Pakistan and helping the country to address the core structural development problems will resolve many of US security concerns, according to an opinion piece published in a leading US magazine Forbes. The author, in a report “How U.S. Higher Education Partnerships Can Promote Development In Pakistan,” said that the US needs to take a more broader view of Pakistan which cannot be defined completely by its relationship with its neighbors.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | As shipping exemption expires, hurricane-torn Puerto Rico may face changes in relief from mainland United States |
According to the United States on Monday, Puerto Rico's exemption from the , which temporarily lifted the rule requiring that only U.S.-owned ships might carry goods between U.S. ports, was allowed to expire on Sunday rather than being renewed. The island commonwealth had been given a temporary exemption from this law to allow foreign ships to aid the delivery of relief supplies after , which struck Puerto Rico last month. Puerto Ricans and lawmakers had asked for an extension of the waiver in light of the island's current difficulties.
"We believe that extending the waiver is unnecessary to support the humanitarian relief efforts on the island... There is an ample supply of Jones Act-qualified vessels to ensure that cargo is able to reach Puerto Rico," reads a statement from Homeland Security Press Secretary David Lapan.
The Jones Act of 1920 requires that all ships carrying cargo directly from one U.S. port to another must be built, operated and owned by U.S. personnel. Puerto Rico, a U.S. commonwealth, falls under its jurisdiction. President Donald Trump issued a temporary waiver of this requirement for Puerto Rico on September 28 to help the relief effort. However, there were also concerns about supplies sitting idle in ports for lack of organized distribution and truck drivers to take them where they were needed. Some foreign ships may take until October 18 to complete deliveries.
Republicans Marco Rubio and John McCain were among those in the U.S. Congress who had urged President Trump to issue the waiver, though McCain supported making the exemption permanent: "Now that the temporary Jones Act waiver for Puerto Rico has expired, it is more important than ever for Congress to pass my bill to permanently exempt Puerto Rico from this archaic and burdensome law," he told the ''Huffington Post''. "Until we provide Puerto Rico with long-term relief, the Jones Act will continue to hinder much-needed efforts to help the people of Puerto Rico recover and rebuild from Hurricane Maria."
In September, Puerto Rico was nicked by the same that left Florida in disarray but then pummeled head-on by Hurricane Maria. The crisis displaced thousands of people and led to extraordinary rainfall and flash flood scares after a large crack appeared in the Guajataca Dam. According to Governor Ricardo Rosselló, 85% of residents remain without electricity, and many also still lack access to running water.
Puerto Rico was colonized by Spain and came under U.S. control in the in 1898, along with Guam and the Philippines. Every person born in Puerto Rico is a United States citizen by birth. Puerto Rican residents do not participate in national elections, hold no seats in the , and have a non-voting representative in the U.S. congress. Mostly, they are exempt from but not other federal taxes.
Every few years, the Puerto Ricans hold a referendum to determine whether they wish to remain a commonwealth, seek U.S. statehood, or seek independence in some form. In June, 97% of voters selected the second option, though turnout was low, and Congress is not legally required to obey their wishes.
| [
"Crime and law",
"Ricardo Rosselló",
"Marco Rubio",
"John McCain"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "DHS is not extending Jones Act waiver for Puerto Rico",
"text": "The Trump administration is not extending its waiver of the Jones Act for Puerto Rico, after it expired Sunday night.\nThe Homeland Security Department (DHS) told CBS News in a statement that the department believes the waiver isn't necessary at this time. The act requires that goods shipped between U.S. ports be carried by ships built and operated by Americans, or be subject to tariffs and fees.\n\"We believe that extending the waiver is unnecessary to support the humanitarian relief efforts on the island,\" Homeland Security Press Secretary David Lapan wrote. \"There is an ample supply of Jones Act-qualified vessels to ensure that cargo is able to reach Puerto Rico.\"\nThat said, DHS said it will review requests for individual ships on a case-by-case basis and will \"respond quickly if a non-Jones Act qualified vessel is needed for a 'national defense'-related need.\"\nSo far, says DHS, \"14 vessels notified us and three have completed their movements.\" Under the waiver, they will still have until Oct. 18 to complete their deliveries. Just one of the vessels is under contract with FEMA, while most of the humanitarian relief supplies are being delivered by DHS, FEMA and DOD ships, or ships eligible under the Jones Act.\nThe administration had announced on Sept. 28 that the Jones Act would be waived for the island, which suffered enormous damage from Hurricane Maria. DHS had faced pressure from lawmakers including Sens. John McCain and Marco Rubio to waive the act in order to speed up the shipment of aid to Puerto Rico. However, CBS News' Major Garrett pointed out that the problem may not have been supply -- given that thousands of shipping containers filled with medicine, food and construction equipment sat at the ports for days because there were no trucks or truck drivers or open roads to distribute the supplies after the hurricane.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Waiver encouraging foreign supply ships to reach Puerto Rico has expired",
"text": "Trump’s Jones Act waiver won’t be renewed, Department of Homeland Security confirms, with tariffs once again driving up price of supplies\nA waiver enabling foreign ships to deliver supplies to storm-ravaged Puerto Rico has expired and will not be renewed, it was confirmed on Monday, dealing a fresh blow to the US territory as it struggles to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.\nIn the wake of the hurricane, millions of Americans have been without access to clean water, electricity, fuel and medicines. Donald Trump, who initially came under fire for being slow in his response to the crisis in Puerto Rico, temporarily waived the Jones Act – a 1920 law stating that all goods sent between US ports be carried on ships built, owned and operated by the US – on 28 September.\nBut the Department of Homeland Security confirmed that the waiver expired on Sunday and would not be extended “at this time”, meaning Puerto Rico will once more be subject to restrictions under the act.\nExperts have said the Jones Act has resulted in high tariffs on foreign ships delivering goods to Puerto Rico, doubling the price of consumer goods when compared with neighboring islands that are not subject to the law.\nTrump’s decision to temporarily waive the law, which came amid mounting pressure from local officials in Puerto Rico and the Arizona senator John McCain, had eased the way for foreign ships to deliver crucial supplies, such as food and gasoline, more expeditiously and at a lower cost.\nThe White House did not immediately return a request for comment when asked about the waiver’s expiration.\nPuerto Rico’s governor, Ricardo Rosselló, said on Monday that much of the island remained without basic utilities. Water supplies have been restored to just 60% of Puerto Rico’s residents, while only 15% of people on the island had electricity, three weeks after the hurricane hit.\nThe storm’s death toll rose in recent days to 36, with officials cautioning that dozens of bodies had yet to be included in the government’s count.\nIn a letter to congressional leaders on Monday, Rosselló requested US lawmakers approve roughly $1.4bn in funding to aid recovery efforts. The governor also ordered an investigation into the mishandling of food and water delivery to municipalities amid complaints from some areas that supplies were not being received.\nTrump paid a visit to Puerto Rico last week, where he was criticized for throwing paper towels to survivors and claiming the island should be “proud” of having far fewer deaths than Hurricane Katrina. The president defended his tone in an interview with Trinity Broadcasting Network on Saturday, telling the host and former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee: “I was having fun, they were having fun, they said: ‘Throw them to me, throw them to me, Mr President.’\n“So the next day they said, ‘Oh, it was so disrespectful to the people.’ It was just a made-up thing and also … when I walked in the cheering was incredible.”\nLast week, the Trump administration sought a $29bn funding package from Congress that would be allocated toward areas affected by recent hurricanes, including Puerto Rico, Texas and Florida. The money would also go toward fighting devastation caused by wildfires tearing through California.\nThe House is poised to vote on legislation this week that would meet the request. Some lawmakers, including McCain, have also called on Congress to permanently retire Jones Act restrictions on Puerto Rico. McCain, who has co-sponsored a bill to do so, said Monday the expiration of the waiver made his bill all the more urgent.\n“Now that the temporary Jones Act waiver for Puerto Rico has expired, it is more important than ever for Congress to pass my bill to permanently exempt Puerto Rico from this archaic and burdensome law,” McCain said in a statement to HuffPost. “Until we provide Puerto Rico with long-term relief, the Jones Act will continue to hinder much-needed efforts to help the people of Puerto Rico recover and rebuild from Hurricane Maria.”",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Yes, Puerto Rico is part of the United States",
"text": "Skip in Skip x Embed x Share CLOSE Hurricane Maria's destruction of Puerto Rico resurfaced a disturbing fact. More than half of Americans don't realize Puerto Rico is a U.S. commonwealth. USA TODAY\nThe U.S. and Puerto Rican flags wave in front of the governor's mansion in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, on June 29, 2015. (Photo: Ricardo Arduengo, AP)\nThe destruction wrought by Hurricane Maria on the 3.4 million residents of Puerto Rico resurfaced a disturbing fact – many Americans don't know the first thing about the Caribbean island.\nA USA Today/Suffolk University poll conducted in March found that fewer than half of Americans (47%) believe that Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens by birth.\nThey are.\nInstead, 30% of the people surveyed thought residents of the island are citizens of Puerto Rico. Another 21% just didn't know where the people of Puerto Rico belong.\nThat may help explain why the nation rallied behind the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Irma in Florida, but have not responded in the same way to the victims of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.\n\"What I fear is that the federal government is not stepping up as fully and as quickly as we must,\" Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., whose parents are Puerto Rican, said on the floor of the House of Representatives on Tuesday. \"We need an air lift. We need an effort the scale of Dunkirk. We need the federal government to go all in.\"\nPresident Trump announced Tuesday morning that he will visit the island next week, but confusion remains. So what exactly is Puerto Rico?\nSkip in Skip x Embed x Share CLOSE Puerto Ricans are trying to make contact with relatives and friends after Hurricane Maria knocked out power and telephone services. Hundreds of other residents and tourists packed San Juan Airport on Sunday, which is barely functioning. (Sept. 25) AP\nIt's a U.S. commonwealth\nPuerto Rico first became a U.S. territory following the Spanish-American War, which was ignited by the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898. The war ended with the U.S. acquiring many of Spain's possessions, including Cuba, Guam, the Philippines and Puerto Rico.\nIn 1952, Puerto Ricans adopted a new constitution, which established the current relationship of Puerto Rico as a commonwealth of the United States.\nUnder that arrangement, Puerto Rico shares many similarities to U.S. states. Its residents elect their own legislative assembly, a governor, and a representative to the U.S. House of Representatives. But unlike U.S. states, Puerto Ricans on the island cannot vote in presidential elections, and their representative in the House — known as a resident commissioner — has no vote.\nThe island also has a Federal Affairs Administration, based in Washington, D.C., which represents the island before the federal government, the 50 state governments and U.S. businesses.\nIts residents are U.S. citizens\nIn 1917, the U.S. Congress passed the Jones–Shafroth Act, which grants U.S. citizenship to anyone born on the island.\nAs U.S. citizens, Puerto Ricans can freely travel and move to the U.S. mainland without a passport or a visa. For Puerto Ricans, traveling to the mainland is the same as a New Yorker crossing into New Jersey or flying to Hawaii.\nThousands of Puerto Ricans have taken advantage of that in recent years as the island's finances have crumbled. From 2006 to 2015, about 445,000 left the island for the mainland, more than 10% of the island's population, according to the Puerto Rico Statistics Institute. Most of them live in New York, Florida, and New Jersey.\nAs citizens, Puerto Ricans can also volunteer to serve, or be drafted into, the military. About 18,000 Puerto Ricans served in World War I, 65,000 in World War II, 61,000 in the Korean War, and 48,000 in Vietnam, according to Puerto Rico's former governor Luis Fortuño.\nPuerto Ricans get some, but not all, federal benefits\nAs U.S. citizens, Puerto Ricans receive many of the same financial benefits, and liabilities, of their mainland counterparts. They pay most federal taxes, including payroll, Social Security and Medicare taxes. But they do not pay federal personal income taxes.\nPuerto Ricans receive many, but not all, federal benefits. For example, the federal government matches 100% of Medicaid funding for people living in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, but matches only 57.2% of Medicaid expenditures for residents of Puerto Rico. Congress has also capped annual Medicaid spending in Puerto Rico.\nFinances in Puerto Rico were dire even before Maria hit\nHurricane Maria hit the island at the worst possible time as the government was already grappling with a historic economic crisis that has forced the closure of schools, hospitals and other government services.\nIn May, an oversight board appointed to manage the crisis filed for the equivalency of bankruptcy protection. The government is being crushed by $74 billion in debts and $49 billion in pension liabilities, but its creditors are worried the island will default on its payments.\nEven Trump raised that concern in a series of tweets Monday night lamenting the \"billions of dollars owed to Wall Street and the banks which, sadly, must be dealt with.\"\nRead or Share this story:",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Aid reaches Puerto Rico after Maria as threat from cracked dam recedes",
"text": "Large amounts of federal aid began moving into Puerto Rico on Saturday, as the island tried to recover from a battering by hurricane Maria. Local officials praised the Trump administration’s response but also called for the emergency loosening of rules long blamed for condemning the US territory to second-class economic status.\nCrisis grows in Puerto Rico as towns without water, power and phone service Read more\nIn the north-west of the island, people began returning to their homes after a spillway eased pressure on a dam that cracked after more than 1ft of rain fell in the wake of the hurricane. Though water continued to pour out of rain-swollen Lake Guajataca, the dam had not burst by Saturday night.\nUpstream of the towns of Quebradillas and Isabela, the state of the dam had prompted stern official warnings from Governor Ricardo Rossello and the US National Weather Service (NWS). Federal officials said Friday that 70,000 people would have to be evacuated, although Javier Jimenez, mayor of the nearby town of San Sebastian, said he believed the number was far smaller. Secretary of Public Affairs Ramon Rosario said about 300 families were in harm’s way.\nThe NWS extended a flash flood watch for communities along the rain-swollen Guajataca River until 2pm local time on Sunday. If the dam failed, the NWS warned, the flooding would be life-threatening. “Stay away or be swept away,” it said.\nThe governor said there was “significant damage” to the dam and authorities believed it could give way at any moment. “We don’t know how long it’s going to hold,” Rossello said. “The integrity of the structure has been compromised in a significant way.”\nSome residents nonetheless returned to their homes on Saturday as water levels in the reservoir began to sink. “There were a lot of people worried and crying, but that’s natural, because the reservoir was about to break through,” said Maria Nieves, 43. “They couldn’t open the spillway until later in the night.”\nThe 345-yard dam, which was built around 1928, holds back a man-made lake covering about two square miles. More than 15in of rain from Maria fell on the surrounding mountains.\nThe aid effort quickened with the opening of the island’s main port in the capital, San Juan, allowing 11 ships to bring in 1.6 million gallons of water, 23,000 cots, dozens of generators and food. Dozens more shipments are expected in upcoming days.\nThe federal aid effort is racing to stem a growing crisis in towns left without water, fuel, electricity or phone service. Officials with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) said they would take satellite phones to all of Puerto Rico’s towns and cities, more than half of which were cut off.\nThe island’s infrastructure was in sorry shape long before Maria struck. A $73bn debt crisis has left agencies like the state power company broke. As a result the power company abandoned most basic maintenance in recent years, leaving the island subject to regular blackouts.\nA federal control board overseeing Puerto Rico’s finances authorized up to $1bn in local funds to be used for hurricane response, but Governor Rossello said he would ask for more.\n“We’re going to request waivers and other mechanisms so Puerto Rico can respond to this crisis,” he said. “Puerto Rico will practically collect no taxes in the next month.”\nPlay Video 0:25 Puerto Rico: dam wall cracks on Lake Guajataca - video\nUS representative Nydia Velazquez of New York said she would request a one-year waiver from the Jones Act, a federal law blamed for driving up prices on Puerto Rico by requiring cargo shipments to move only on US vessels as a means of supporting the US maritime industry.\n“We will use all our resources,” Velazquez said. “We need to make Puerto Rico whole again. These are American citizens.”\nHurricane Maria adds to damage caused by Irma on Turks and Caicos Read more\nRossello said Maria would clearly cost more than the last major storm to hit the island, Hurricane George in September 1998. “This is without a doubt the biggest catastrophe in modern history for Puerto Rico,” he said.\nRossello and other officials praised the federal government for planning its response before the storm hit, a contrast with what Puerto Rico has long seen as the neglect of 3.4 million Americans in a territory without a vote in Congress or the electoral college.\n“This is the first time we get this type of federal coordination,” said Jenniffer Gonzalez, Puerto Rico’s non-voting representative in Washington.\nOfficials said 1,360 of the island’s 1,600 cellphone towers were down, and 85% of above-ground and underground phone and internet cables were knocked out. With roads blocked and phones dead, officials said, the situation may worsen.\nAt least 31 lives in all have been lost around the Caribbean due to Maria, including at least 15 on hard-hit Dominica. Haiti reported three deaths; Guadeloupe two; and the Dominican Republic one.\nAcross Puerto Rico, more than 15,000 people were in shelters, including some 2,000 rescued from the north coastal town of Toa Baja. Many Puerto Ricans planned to head to the mainland to temporarily escape the devastation.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Hurricane Maria hits Virgin Islands and bears down on Puerto Rico",
"text": "Image copyright AFP Image caption Winds have been lashing coastal cities like Fajardo as Hurricane Maria approaches Puerto Rico\nHurricane Maria, the second maximum-strength Atlantic storm of the season, has reached the southernmost Virgin Islands as it heads for Puerto Rico.\nThe category five hurricane began lashing St Croix in its north-westerly path across the Caribbean.\nOn Monday it inflicted substantial damage on Dominica and the first aerial images of the island have emerged.\nThe storm briefly weakened to a four but is now again packing top sustained winds of 280km/h (175mph).\nThe storm is moving roughly along the same track as Irma, this season's other category five hurricane.\nThe governor of Puerto Rico, a US territory, has told the island's 3.5 million people to seek shelter with the hurricane poised to make landfall around 8am local time (1300 GMT).\nMedia playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Hurricane Maria brought high winds to Guadeloupe\nOfficials there fear the debris left by Irma earlier this month could now prove extremely dangerous in the winds of Maria.\nThere are also concerns that heavy rain could cause landslides in some places, and that a predicted storm surge of up to 9 feet (2.7m) could swamp low-lying areas.\nPuerto Rico has been a haven for people fleeing other storm-ravaged Caribbean islands in recent weeks.\nHundreds of shelters have been set up by the authorities.\nWhat do we know of the damage on Dominica?\nImage copyright AFP Image caption Hurricane Maria early on Tuesday\nThe first aerial footage of the island confirms \"significant damage\", Ronald Jackson of the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency says.\nIt shows flattened buildings, rivers which have burst their banks and a flooded runway.\nDominica has been virtually cut off with telecommunications severed, but local amateur radio operators say more than 90% of properties have been damaged.\nThe former British colony, which has a population of 72,000 and is less than 50km long and 25km wide, escaped the worst of Hurricane Irma two weeks ago.\nBut on Monday the eye of the new category five storm passed directly over.\nThe last communication from the island was from Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit just as the storm struck late on Monday, when he said in a Facebook post that the winds had swept away the roofs of \"almost every person I have spoken to or otherwise made contact with.\"\nMedia playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Hurricane Maria tracks towards Puerto Rico\nWhere else has Maria passed?\nThe French territory of Martinique has been hit by power cuts but is thought to have escaped serious damage.\nMedia playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Footage from Martinique shows early devastating winds\nImages show flooding in the French territory of Guadeloupe, where one person was killed by a falling tree. At least two others were missing after their ship sank near Desirade, the easternmost island in the archipelago.\nOfficials described weather conditions as \"very bad\" with violent winds. About 80,000 homes were without power there, a government statement said.\nThere are reports of flooding, mudslides and power outages in parts of St Lucia.\nWhere next?\nA storm surge - rising seawater coming in from the coast - is expected to bring \"life-threatening\" swells of up to 9ft (2.7m) above ground in the US and British Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, National Hurricane Center forecasters in the US said.\nHeavy rainfall of around 25in (63cm) was expected near Puerto Rico and up to 20in in the US and British Virgin Islands.\nPuerto Rico's public safety commissioner, Hector Pesquera, issued a stern warning to island residents.\n\"You have to evacuate. Otherwise, you're going to die,\" he said. \"I don't know how to make this any clearer.\"\nPuerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello warned the storm could be \"devastating and catastrophic\", adding that he expected to lose a lot of infrastructure.\nTropical storm warnings were issued for Antigua and Barbuda, Saba, St Eustatius, St Martin, Anguilla and Martinique.\nUK territories prepare for worst\nHow did Maria gather strength so fast?\nMaria jumped from a category three to a top-strength category five within just a few hours on Monday, which was a shock for people in Dominica.\nMedia playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Why are there so many hurricanes? The BBC's David Shukman explains\nA factor in its rapid development is that local sea surface temperatures are currently anomalously high by a margin of around one to two degrees, says BBC weather forecaster Steve Cleaton.\nThe elevated sea surface temperature will have contributed to the rapid development of this system, in concert with other very favourable atmospheric conditions within the locale such as low wind shear, our meteorologist adds.\nWill Irma relief work be affected?\nSome islands in Maria's path escaped the worst of Hurricane Irma and have been used as bases to distribute relief to places that were not so fortunate.\nNow there are concerns that this work could be jeopardised if they are badly hit, too.\nImage copyright AFP / Getty Images Image caption Puerto Ricans have been preparing in the capital, San Juan\nGuadeloupe has been a bridgehead for aid going to Irma-hit French territories, while Puerto Rico has also been offering crucial assistance to its neighbours.\nOverseas forces mobilise\nBritain, France, the US and the Netherlands all have overseas territories in the Caribbean.\nThe British government said more than 1,300 troops were staying put in the region and an additional military team had been deployed. A 42-strong military resilience team has also been deployed to the British Virgin Islands.\nMedia playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Watch: The islanders caught between hurricanes\nFrench Interior Minister Gerard Collomb told AFP that 110 more soldiers would be sent to the region to reinforce about 3,000 people already there.\nThe Dutch navy tweeted that troops were heading to Saba and St Eustatius to bolster security amid fears of potential looting.\nUS President Donald Trump has declared a state of emergency for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, where the US military has been evacuating personnel.\nAre you in an area affected by Hurricane Maria? If it's safe to do so, you can share your experience by emailing [email protected].\nPlease include a contact number if you are willing to speak to a BBC journalist. You can also contact us in the following ways:",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Puerto Rico's Referendum Won't Grant It Statehood",
"text": "Don’t start stitching that 51st star on the American flag just yet. Although 97 percent of voters in a Puerto Rico referendum on June 11 voted to start down the path of statehood, the chance of the island becoming a state is still, at best, a long shot. Optimism was the word of the day among supporters of Puerto Rico statehood after this most recent victory, in this high-profile plebiscite. Among revelers waving American flags Sunday night, Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello—the leader of the pro-statehood New Progressive Party—echoed sentiments that the referendum’s message was clear. “The United States of America will have to obey the will of our people!,” he told the crowd. Related Stories The Historical Exclusion Behind the Puerto Rico Bankruptcy Crisis\nTesting Territorial Limits On the mainland, the jubilation continued to reverberate. In a statement on Monday, Congressman José E. Serrano, who was born in Puerto Rico, celebrated the results of the plebiscite and claimed it as final proof that “Congress has a duty to listen and act upon these results so that Puerto Rico can be decolonized once and for all.” That same day, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer acknowledged the vote as a first step, saying “now that the people have spoken in Puerto Rico, this is something that Congress has to address.” To that end, Puerto Rico’s nonvoting Resident Commissioner in the House of Representatives, Jenniffer González, is drafting a statehood bill, and statehood advocates have been making the rounds on the Hill this week imploring Congress to move the matter forward.\nAll that enthusiasm is probably for naught. In reality, Sunday’s vote didn’t actually signal imminent statehood for Puerto Rico, in spite of the huge margin of victory and insistences from proponents that it would force the issue in Congress. In fact, some observers think the resounding victory of statehood might have actually hurt the long-term prospects of the legislative body finally allowing Puerto Rico fully into the Union. “To make a long story short, the prospects are between zero and negative-10 percent,” says Carlos Iván Gorrín Peralta, a professor at the InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico and a territorial-law scholar. At the end of the day, it’s the cynical calculations of politics in Washington that will determine Puerto Rico’s status. Although proponents of statehood sometimes cast the referendum as an automatic trigger for congressional review, the facts are that Congress is not bound by any aspect of the referendum vote on Sunday, and that Puerto Rico’s right to self-determination—while an important theoretical international legal concept and germane to its own territorial constitution—simply does not exist in federal legislative terms. Puerto Rico occupies an uncertain political status, one different from the 37 states added to the original 13 United States by Congress. “All 37 [entry] processes have followed the scheme set out way back in 1787 in the Northwest Ordinance,” says Gorrín. “They were all annexed as part of the United States, designated from that moment to become states eventually.” The landmass of the continental United States, as well as the archipelago of Hawaii and the territory of Alaska, were all added to the U.S. with the legal understanding that they would be eligible to become states, which meant that Congress had clear pathways—including the use of referenda and self-determination—for declaring and granting statehood.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Will Puerto Rico Be America’s 51st State?",
"text": "ONE of the little-noticed results of the Nov. 6 elections was a plebiscite held in Puerto Rico on the island’s relationship with the United States. The outcome was murky, much like the last century’s worth of political history between Washington and San Juan, and the mainland’s confused or disinterested attitude toward Puerto Rico that abetted it.\nEver since the United States invaded Puerto Rico in 1898 and then was handed the island by Spain as part of the settlement for the Spanish-American War, the island’s people — American citizens since the passage of the Jones Act in 1917 — have been continuously put in situations where they are simultaneously auditioning for statehood, agitating for independence, and making the very best of living in limbo.\nDespite what my name suggests, I am Puerto Rican. I grew up with a mother from the island and a Scots-Irish father in a small town in rural North Carolina, at a time when there were so few Hispanics in the area that my mom liked to go to a Mexican restaurant just to speak some Spanish. That was 20-odd years ago. The local Latino population has grown so much since then that my mom, who retired two years ago, was able to work for a decade as a translator for the local school system.\nI was used to being “discovered” as Puerto Rican. Sometimes when this happened, I’d be called upon to explain things. In fourth grade, that meant being assigned to give the class — half black kids, and half white kids — a show-and-tell presentation on Puerto Rico and its strange status as a self-ruling commonwealth, with its own governor and legislature, the American president as its head of state, but whose residents lack a vote in national presidential elections or voting representation in Congress despite being American citizens.\nI was asked, “Do you eat a lot of tacos?” The answer, “Probably not any more than you do.” I was also asked, by one of the two dark-haired girls that I had a crush on, this one a doctor’s daughter, “Why don’t we just sell it?”\nEven fourth graders can be left speechless. It later occurred to me that I should have answered: “You can’t just sell it. It’s not your beach house!”\nIf Puerto Rico were our beach house, we’d pay more attention to it.\nIt has long been conventional wisdom among many Puerto Ricans that the status quo will hold because neither of the American national parties has decided that converting the island into a state would benefit them politically. Paired with this is the conventional wisdom that the Republican Party doesn’t actually want nearly four million more Hispanic voters, and their corresponding electoral votes, at play in national elections. (Both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum did pronounce themselves pro-statehood when courting votes — and fund-raising dollars — on the island during last year’s Republican primaries.)\nWhen Spain granted Puerto Rico to the United States in 1898, President William McKinley initiated a project that he defined as “benevolent assimilation” on an island filled with people who already had a strong identity of their own and who, of course, primarily spoke Spanish.\nSome of the same people who had resisted rule by Spain, and who had even achieved an extremely brief autonomy — nine months — for the island before the American Navy’s arrival, continued to resist rule by the United States. Among them was a family member — the poet, journalist and statesman Luis Muñoz Rivera. It was during the Spanish reign that he had written, “Annexionism had always seemed to me absurd, depressing and inconceivable.” Though Mr. Muñoz Rivera continued to make the case for autonomy, he was also essential in the creation of some useful accommodations to American rule, like the Jones Act.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Colombie : le président Álvaro Uribe ne pourra pas se présenter à un troisième mandat |
Álvaro Uribe
La Cour constitutionnelle de Colombie (''Corte Constitucional de Colombia'') a stoppé la tentative faite par l'actuel président Álvaro Uribe de remporter un référendum portant sur la possibilité de diriger une troisième fois le pays au poste de président. Une modification correspondante de la Constitution a en effet été proposé par le Parlement.
M. Uribe avait été élu une première fois en 2002 comme président. Sa deuxième nomination, en 2005, avait déjà été permise grâce à un amendement constitutionnel.
L'élection présidentielle s'était déroulée le 30 mai 2005. La popularité d'Uribe en Colombie est fondée principalement sur ses prises de position dans la lutte contre les gauchistes, notamment le mouvement de guérilla des FARC. M. Uribe est également un proche allié du gouvernement américain dans la lutte contre la mafia de la drogue.
| [
"Amérique du Sud",
"Politique et conflits",
"Politique colombienne",
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Gericht stoppt Uribes Kandidatur",
"text": "Kolumbiens Präsident Alvaro Uribe darf kein drittes Mal für das höchste Staatsamt kandidieren. Das Verfassungsgericht untersagte ein Referendum, mit dem er eine erneute Kandidatur bei der Wahl im Mai durchsetzen wollte.\nMit sieben zu zwei Stimmen kippten die Richter damit einen Beschluss des Parlaments, das im vergangenen Jahr eine Verfassungsänderung vorgeschlagen hatte. Sie sollte Uribe den Weg zu einer erneuten Kandidatur bei der Präsidentenwahl am 30. Mai frei machen. Das Gericht bescheinigte ihm und seinen Verbündeten nun \"substanzielle Verletzungen demokratischer Prinzipien\".\nDas Beste für das Land\nIn einer ersten Reaktion auf die Gerichtsentscheidung sagte Uribe, er werde seinem Land bis zum letzten Tag seines Lebens dienen. Er hoffe, dass die zukünftige Regierung den Weg der Demokratisierung und der Wiederherstellung des Friedens fortsetzen werde. \"Mich beseelt die Hoffnung, dass unsere Demokratie voranschreitet, dass sie aber den Kurs nicht verlässt\", so der Präsident am Samstag (27.02.2010).\nUribe hatte in den vergangenen Monaten nie offen eingestanden, erneut ins Präsidentenamt zurückkehren zu wollen. Allerdings hatte er zuletzt gesagt, das Volk solle befragt werden, ob es mit einer entsprechenden Verfassungsänderung einverstanden wäre. Als sein Favorit für die Nachfolge gilt nun der frühere Verteidigungsminister Juan Manuel Santos.\nPolitisches Kalkül\nUribe hatte 2002 die Wahlen gewonnen. Bereits für seine zweite Amtszeit hatte er 2005 eine Verfassungsänderung durchgesetzt und wurde 2006 wiedergewählt. Damals hatte das höchste Gericht der Reform zugestimmt. In den meisten Ländern Lateinamerikas erlauben die Verfassungen jeweils nur eine Amtszeit ihrer Präsidenten. Deswegen versuchen viele Amtsträger, die Verfassungen zu ändern, um an der Macht bleiben zu können.\nMit seiner Politik der harten Hand gegen die linksgerichtete Rebellenbewegung FARC machte sich der 57-jährige Jurist beliebt bei den Kolumbianern. In dem südamerikanischen Land liefern sich Guerilla, paramilitärische Truppen und Regierungsarmee seit 45 Jahren einen Mehrfrontenkrieg. Außerdem wurden unter Uribe viele Parlamentarier des Regierungslagers zudem der Komplizenschaft mit rechtsextremen Paramilitärs überführt. Eine Ende des Konflikts ist nicht in Sicht.\nAutor: Nicole Scherschun (dpa, epd, afp)\nRedaktion: Annamaria Sigrist",
"url": ",,5297133,00.html",
"archive_url": ",,5297133,00.html"
] |
de | Nordrussland: 18 Tote bei Explosion in Kohlengrube |
Am Montag ereignete sich in der Kohlengrube Workutinskaja in Nordrusslands nahe der Stadt Workuta eine Explosion in 800 Metern Tiefe. 18 Arbeiter wurden dabei getötet, drei weitere verletzt. 15 Leichen konnten nach Polizeiangaben bereits identifiziert werden. In dem Bergwerk war es bereits in den Jahren 1995 und 2002 zu schweren Unfällen gekommen.
Am Montagvormittag war es in den Stollen aus bislang nicht geklärter Ursache zu einer Methanexplosion gekommen. 259 Kumpel befanden sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt an ihren Arbeitsplätzen, 26 davon in dem betroffenen Abschnitt. Der russische Katastrophenschutzminister Wladimir Putschkow kam an den Unglücksort, um sich selbst ein Bild von der Lage zu machen. Die Mine fördert 1,8 Millionen Tonnen Kohle im Jahr und ist seit 1973 in Betrieb.
| [
"Themenportal Unfall",
"Themenportal Russland",
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Russland 18 Tote bei Explosion in Kohlebergwerk",
"text": "© AP Veraltetet Technik und tiefe Schächte machen Russlands Bergwerke zu den gefährlichsten der Welt\nBei einer Explosion von Methangas in einem russischen Kohle-Bergwerk sind 18 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Fünf von 23 verschütteten Arbeitern konnten bei dem Grubenunglück nahe der Stadt Workuta in der Teilrepublik Komi im Norden Russlands gerettet werden, wie das Zivilschutzminsterium am Montag mitteilte. Drei Verletzte kamen in ein Krankenhaus, zwei wurden ambulant behandelt. Zuvor hatten sich mehr als 200 Arbeiter des Schachts in Sicherheit bringen können.\nDie Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt wegen Verstoßes gegen die Sicherheitsvorschriften. Warum sich das Methangas in 700 bis 800 Metern Tiefe entzündete, war zunächst unklar. Nach Darstellung der Staatsagentur Ria Nowosti war die Direktion des Bergwerks Anfang dieses Jahres ausgewechselt worden.\n© AP\nPräsident Wladimir Putin übermittelte sein Beileid und ordnete an, den Familien der Opfer zu helfen. Sie erhalten demnach jeweils zwei Millionen Rubel, rund 50.000 Euro. Der Schacht „Workutinskaja“ nordwestlich des Urals gehört zu dem Bergwerksbetreiber WorkutaUgol und ist Teil des Stahlkonzerns Severstal des Oligarchen Alexej Mordaschow, wie die Staatsagentur meldete. Es ist nicht das erste Unglück in der seit 1973 betriebenen Anlage. 1995 und 2002 kam es bereits zu Grubenunfällen mit jeweils fünf Toten.\nDie Bergwerke der Ex-Sowjetunion gehören wegen oft veralteter Technik und ihrer extremen Tiefe zu den gefährlichsten der Welt. Vor drei Wochen kam es im sibirischen Steinkohlerevier im Kusnezker Becken zu einer Gasexplosion, bei der vier Bergarbeiter starben.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Mindestens 18 Tote nach Explosion in russischem Bergwerk",
"text": "Moskau (dapd). Bei einer Explosion in einem Kohlebergwerk im Norden Russlands sind Medienberichten zufolge mindestens 18 Arbeiter getötet worden. Drei weitere Menschen seien bei dem Unglück am Montag in der Teilrepublik Komi verletzt worden, berichtete der russische Sender Russia Today unter Berufung auf Polizeiangaben. 15 Leichen seien bereits identifiziert.\nDie Nachrichtenagentur RIA Novosti berichtete unter Berufung auf Angaben des Innenministeriums, dass zunächst zehn Todesopfer aus der Grube geborgen werden konnten.\nÜbereinstimmenden Medienberichten zufolge war es am Vormittag in dem Bergwerk aus zunächst ungeklärter Ursache zu einer Methanexplosion in 800 Metern Tiefe gekommen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hätten 259 Kumpel in dem Bergwerk gearbeitet. Die meisten konnten sich demnach rechtzeitig retten. In dem Abschnitt, in dem sich das Unglück ereignete, sollen sich 26 Arbeiter aufgehalten haben.\nRusslands Präsident Wladimir Putin sandte RIA Novosti zufolge den Katastrophenschutzminister Wladimir Putschkow nach Komi. Das Ministerium gab an, zahlreiche Rettungskräfte seien am Unglücksort.\nDie Mine wurde 1973 in Betrieb genommen. Jährlich werden dort etwa 1,8 Millionen Tonnen Kohle gefördert.\ndapd",
"url": ";_ylt=AgSHm54wec8C54zKAizn6pPtfsl_;_ylu=X3oDMTQ2dHQ3aWJiBG1pdANMYXRlc3ROZXdzIExpc3RpbmcEcGtnA2Y1OTNjNTI3LTMxMTAtMzZmMC05N2YyLWI0ZmY4OGFiNzM1ZQRwb3MDNDUEc2VjA01lZGlhU3RvcnlMaXN0VGVtcAR2ZXIDMzkwMWI0ODEtNzQ4ZC0xMWUyLWE3ZWYtN2I5MWQ4ZGJkMWFj;_ylg=X3oDMTFpaXNtc3BrBGludGwDZGUEbGFuZwNkZS1kZQRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3",
"archive_url": ";_ylt=AgSHm54wec8C54zKAizn6pPtfsl_;_ylu=X3oDMTQ2dHQ3aWJiBG1pdANMYXRlc3ROZXdzIExpc3RpbmcEcGtnA2Y1OTNjNTI3LTMxMTAtMzZmMC05N2YyLWI0ZmY4OGFiNzM1ZQRwb3MDNDUEc2VjA01lZGlhU3RvcnlMaXN0VGVtcAR2ZXIDMzkwMWI0ODEtNzQ4ZC0xMWUyLWE3ZWYtN2I5MWQ4ZGJkMWFj;_ylg=X3oDMTFpaXNtc3BrBGludGwDZGUEbGFuZwNkZS1kZQRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3"
] |
es | Abogado pretende prohibir el reggaetón en Colombia |
Un abogado colombiano solicitó apoyo a la población colombiana para una ley que prohibiría el reggaetón, tras darse cuenta de que una canción incitaba a los jóvenes a consumir drogas.
Se trata de la canción ''Cripy Cripy'', del artista Shako en conjunto con los colombianos Yandar y Yostin, quienes según el abogado Joaquín Torres incitan a los jóvenes a consumir sustancias psicoactivas. El abogado habló con RCN Radio Colombia, donde explicó cada frase de la canción que considera "perjudicial para la juventud".
Torres afirma que es algo "insólito y contradictorio" que se permitan este tipo de canciones en Colombia, cuando existe una ley vigente que pretende evitar el consumo de drogas.
| [
"Arte, cultura y entretenimiento",
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "Acción popular busca prohibir el reggaetón en Colombia",
"text": "Acción popular busca prohibir el reggaetón en Colombia\nLa canción Cripy Cripy, del paisa Shako, quien interpreta el tema en colaboración de los artistas colombianos Yandar y Yostin es el motivo por el que el abogado Joaquín Torres decidió instaurar una acción popular para prohibir el reggaettón en el país.\nSegún le explicó el abogado a RCN Radio, la letra de la canción incita de manera directa a los jóvenes a consumir sustancias psicoactivas.\nPara Torres resulta contradictorio e “insólito” que mientras se promueve un acto legislativo con el que se pretende prohibir el porte y dosis mínima, por el otro lado los jóvenes están expuestos a canciones en la que de forma abierta se estimula el consumo de estupefacientes.\n\"Me interesa es que el Gobierno Nacional fije una posición clara o permita el consumo de estupefacientes de manera \"frentera\" y se reconozca esto, o el Gobierno fije una posición sincera en la cual con actos, evite la estimulación al consumo de la droga\", agregó el jurista.\nLa acción jurídica fue admitida por el Tribunal Administrativo de Bolívar.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
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in Data Studio
Dataset origin:
WikinewsSum is a summarisation dataset presented in Generating Extended and Multilingual Summaries with Pre-trained Transformers.
WikinewsSum is based on Wikinews. The Wikinews articles are used as summaries and the source texts as input texts for the summaries.
The dataset contains samples in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, and Italian
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (2022, April 27). WikinewsSum. Version 1.0.0 (automatically assigned). European Language Grid. [Dataset (Text corpus)].
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