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115c164935d28b35131d93a10473fb7c947c8dd27c24cf604db6418ab07d5b14 | 1,427 | 1 | Chapter 1 - The Beginning |
Chapter 1[br]
October 31, Halloween night. It’s the time when monsters, ghouls, and other dark creatures take mates. The mates of these creatures don’t usually come willingly. I should know, my brother has taken a human mate already. My father took an elf. They expect me to do the same. But for some reason, I had my mother’s virtue. Basically, you could say I actually had a conscience. I thought about how people would feel, and how I would feel after I did something like that. I told my father that I wouldn’t force anyone of any species to be my mate once. Never have I felt pain like that. My brother is disgusted by me, and the fact of the matter is that we are twins. I actually have a theory on why I am like I am. Since me and my brother are twins, it is possible that most of my mother’s elven blood went into me.[br]
I have never fed off of an intelligent species. I don’t usually like to show my fangs. I have never forced a creature to my will. In my two hundred years of life, I have held back the urge to find a mate on Halloween. My ruby red eyes glow with my fierce determination to be like my mother, not my father. [br]
I didn’t even see the point of choosing a human as your mate. While I did not enslave them, I found humans to be repulsive. They were so weak and fragile, that they basically were pathetic. Then they can’t even live for more than a hundred years for crying out loud. Then they age, they become all crumpled and mangled. Losing several of their senses in the process. My foolish twin thought that he had enough power to turn his mate into one of us, but he failed. Just like he always fails at everything he does.[br]
By now you have probably guessed what kind of creature I am. Yes, I am a vampire. Every dark creature takes a mate, not just vampires. Vampires are just the only species that never breed with their own species. It doesn’t matter about what a vampire’s mate is. They will always give birth to a vampire. As a vampire, I had strength and agility unmatched by any other species. But I have to feed on the blood of the living as well, so vampires do pay a price for these gifts. We don’t breed with each other for one reason. We want to explore our limits. If I breed with this species, will the child have special gifts? That is the question most ask when looking for a mate. [br]
My mother aka Saria Whitewhistle. She was an elf maiden engaged to a hero of her village. She has long, silver hair, a blue, curvaceous body, and beautiful, sapphire eyes. She is also fairly tall for a female around 5’10. She had voluptuous breasts and She is an angelic creature who would harm no one. She doesn’t hate anyone, well except my father. She despises my father, but she has no choice but to do what he says. The only time she can act freely is when father is away, but the control to make her stay is so strong that you could not force her to leave, even if it cost her life. I would like to free her from his hypnotic power, but I am not strong enough to match my father. Once I do become strong enough, I will defeat my father and save my mother. [br]
My mother doesn’t like how my brother turned out, but she still loves him. She is really proud of me and the way I turned out. While no one in my home will speak to me, my mother always comforts me. I guess you could call me a momma’s boy.[br]
My father aka Marvelius Black. The most vile creature to ever walk upon this earth. He is a tall man, around 7’4. He had dark black, scaly looking skin, low-cut, jet-black hair, a broad, muscular build, and piercing dark red eyes. He forced my mother, the most beautiful and innocent creature ever, to be his mate. He despises me for being born with my mother’s virtue. He beats me constantly, but I haven’t the power to stop him.[br]
My brother aka Jasper Black. He took after father in the looks department. He was fairly tall around 6’5, with crisp, low-cut, black hair, scaly black skin like our father, and a slightly, muscular build. He wasn’t as menacing as father, but he was a bit menacing. He despised me with every fiber of his being. To him, I wasn’t worthy enough to call him my brother. Even though he is a failure, and I am not.[br]
My name is Issai Black, by the way. I happen to take after my mother. I had short silver hair, blue skin like that of an elf, a muscular build similar to fathers but more delicate. My eyes were ruby and not dark red like my father’s or my brother’s. I also wasn’t as tall as either of them. I was only about 6’1. I was more like an elf than a vampire. My father thought I was a pure elf, because my eyes were sapphire like my mother’s until my fangs grew in and I had a desire to drink blood. He thought he bred the perfect vampire. I was more skilled than any other young vampire. I also had elven healing powers. Then the fact that I could blend in with elves was a bonus for my father. That was until he discovered that I had a conscience. I would heal the creatures that were hurt. After I refused to take part in the Halloween ritual, he disowned me. But I have no interest in breeding to try and make the ultimate vampire. I actually want love, like my mother did.[br]
799181ac12ef5aac9ebe3c6caeb63a9cf45132dafe303f99481b31dc73817673 | 34,622 | 1 | Chapter 1 - The start |
So living as a human in my world is a bit annoying. We have to run from monsters constantly or be killed by them. So I've heard of your world, no six foot tall bugs trying to sever your limbs and rip your throat out. Your insects are a lot easier to handle and personally if I could go to your world, I'd eradicate all the little fuckers I saw.
We were escaping from an attack on our town. Locusts had swarmed us and we had to run or die. I wasn't the fastest guy in town so I kept behind in case anything happened, like a kid tripped or something. We carried only swords and sharpened poles, hardly any skilled warriors in our little group of ten. Four men, three women, two children, and me. The name is Daerro by the way, I'm an alchemist, an underrated thing to be in the eyes of the stupid. While they've been swinging swords I've been working on repellents for our homes, though they haven't worked out perfectly. The last one I made actually attracted some issues. Luckily they didn't know it was my fault they swarmed us.
So on our way to the next town over we had an issue. One of the kids was sick and had to be carried, almost definitely going to be killed on the way there. We knew that only about three of us would make it if we were smart, but none of us if we were human. We passed into the forest between our towns, we were slaughtered immediately. A group of mantis people jumped us and killed everyone in front of me in under a minute. Or at least that's what I assumed happened. As soon as I saw they had jumped at the first guy in the group I ran.
I saw no reason as to why I should stay there and die just because we're neighbors. They didn't even like me either, they always thought less of me because I don't have training in magic or swordsmanship. After all we didn't have anything else to do other than practice protecting people who don't care if you're dead or not. I knew I wasn't going to make it through this forest easily if at all. More than one was chasing me. I could see the wall of the next town as they closed in on me. They caught up to me and tried to hit me with their giant sickle hands but I dodged them well enough. To my surprise they spoke to me, “Well the coward can Dodge, who would've guessed.” I wasn't offended by the comment so much as them talking as if they we above me or something.
“You're more annoying than the people I let you kill.” They were shocked at first. “Haha, you make it sound as if you had any control over us mutilating your friends” they joked about the notion for a bit. “Well, you've been good for a laugh but it's time to end this!” He slashed at me but missed and I grabbed the side of his femur I guess, and hit the spot where it connects to his arm as hard as I could. It snapped off and he screamed in pain. “Only two huh? I would've preferred one but I guess this'll have it's advantages.” He of course retaliated with blind fury. “Die!” He shouted as I used his own sharpened hand claw thing to chop of his head. I didn't have time to gloat though the other one leaped at me and I jumped back. “You know, this has really worked out in my favor, not just the claw detaching, or my neighbours deaths, but your nature as well.”
She grunted as angry children do when they're punished, “You see I knew that your kind inhabit the forest between our towns and I planned ahead, knowing your kind kills in groups but fights over the corpses I knew they would be busy fending off their current meal from competition to chase the one that ran. Of course one was going to ignore the scraps and chase me, but two is fine.”
Her slashes came like a whirlwind and I could barely block. “Like I said having the one Mantis was fine but I think having you around could be more beneficial.” Then with her fastest strongest strike she broke the claw. But before she could regain her composure I splashed her with my pheromone mixture right in her eyes. She screamed and I ran to the corpse of the Mantis I beheaded and took his other claw as I finally entered the walls of our neighboring town.
Passing through the entrance I was met by armed guards. "What is your business here? There are monsters in the area and the city is on alert." I tried my best to seem innocent, "My village was ransacked by bug creatures and we ran away. Most of us were killed by the monsters in the forest, I'm the only survivor." One nodded to the other and gestured me to follow him.
He lead me through the city and as we passed the smell of freshly baked treats filled the air. Had little time to enjoy it though, the stench of raw meat assaulted my nostrils and we passed the market, the upper class and finally we reached the lord's small castle. All of the guards were scattering through the doors to protect the city. Finally we came to the lord's room. She sat in her little wooden throne. Not the wealthiest of the lord's in this country, Lady Ellen Macaday the least known lord but luckily for me one of the kindest.
She raised her golden head of hair from her book, "Hello, what brings you here?" Saying it as if she's said it everyday for eternity. "My village was attacked by monsters, well bug monsters So I fled here with several others, but they all were killed in the forest." She looked sad about the ordeal, “So, our neighboring town has been destroyed. Nathan, send word of this to the King and ask for more guardsmen.” Her assistant left the room and she fixed her gaze upon me, “I am very sorry for all your lose, we hope you may find a home in our little city.” She gestured to another servant and told her to help find room and work for me.
I was given a room in her castle and the job of cleaning the halls and such. Basically a glorified butler, I knew this was going to be a giant hunk of shit eventually. But the day was over and night had fallen. My room was in the higher tower, which provided me plenty of privacy.
Spiders and nightcrawlers, centipedes and moths, the occasional slug were what occupy my room. Now I have plenty of room, supplies and test subjects for future elixirs, and a large group of meat shields if things go south. As I turned out the candle I looked out the window pane and thought of if my elixir had worked. It wasn't a poison or a disease, it was more like chum.
The forest was silent, the wind had blown and a single green leaf had fallen from a tree and was carried through the air, floating between other trees and other plants until it landed and turned crimson red. Though that blood had gone cold hours before. As it drifted the color had shifted from red to yellow and the surrounding chunks of flesh had turned to green. The further it traveled down the bloody river the warmer the blood became. The silence was disturbed by the sounds of exhausted breaths. The leaf had finally been stopped.
Her blood soaked claws laid in the latest corpse of her fellow manti. Her face covered in sweat and the remnants of their throat. "Huh, huh, huh-ha haha. Hahaha!" She stood and wiped the flesh from her face and walked further into the forest. The leaf continued drifting, passing the corpses until the blood had finally met with the river with the leaf drifting along the blood soaked water, and I doubt it will stop drifting anytime soon. |
799181ac12ef5aac9ebe3c6caeb63a9cf45132dafe303f99481b31dc73817673 | 19,260 | 7 | Chapter 7 - The plot thins with a thicker fish. |
Next thing I knew I was face deep in whale clevege. Their mom was really hot but there was a problem. I just noticed the fact. She was packing more than I expected. Her penis, she has a penis. A fucking gigantic penis. (Wait a minute....) I saw all the girl were growing them out! All of them: We can grow them but we can't reproduce on our own. Suddenly I went placid and I felt like I wasn't into this anymore. Beside I'm not ready to be a dad. I saw a door but it's not like I can just....oh wait. I turned into my shark form and bashed out of the Ship. I quickly swam away. I didn't stop or look back. I just kept swimming. Until I reached the beach. But before I reached the shore I realized it was night time. I changed back and walked to the street. I walked home and I never went to the beach again. The fucked up end. |
2675b925f5d8de07c4be8558961be1a1bc07012d7a0977222df8f215cc3322e6 | 26,220 | 2 | Chapter 2 - Dazed |
Amanda flinched. She hadn’t been paying attention at all, and every eye in the room was trained on her. “Uh, s-sorry, what was the question?”
Her professor frowned, but said, “Amanda, can you come up to the board for a moment?”
Amanda moved to stand, which caused a crinkling noise to fill the suddenly dead-silent room. The eyes of her classmates, which had drifted back towards the board, quickly shifted back to her.
“What was that, Amanda?” Her professor’s voice seemed to come from everywhere at once.
“Why don’t you come stand in front of the class?”
Amanda stood, the crinkling noise even more noticeable than before. She tugged at the back of her skirt, Oh, why had she decided to wear something so short?, and walked dutifully to the front of the class.
“Face the board, please,” her professor said, and she complied. As she moved one hand away from her skirt to pick up the chalk, she felt it flip up into the air. Her hands flew instinctively towards her butt, but somehow they failed to get there, instead folding in front of her, pressing on the front of the diaper that was being presented now to the entire class.
Amanda turned to her professor to demand an explanation, but found Jess, her close friend, standing where her professor had been, holding a pacifier. Jess popped the pacifier into Amanda’s mouth, and suddenly she was standing naked except for her diaper and a bib that did nothing to cover her chest.
“Now make mama proud!” Jess said, placing a hand on the back of Amanda’s diaper. Amanda had no choice. She grunted, filling her diaper in front of the whole class while humping her own hands through the padding. As she felt herself growing closer to climax, cheeks burning red with shame and arousal, she bit down on the pacifier and-
Amanda yanked her thumb out of her mouth as her eyes shot open. She closed them again as she groaned in disappointment. “I was so close,” she mumbled to herself.
“Don’t think we didn’t notice!”
Amanda squeaked and sat up quickly, turning towards where she thought the voice had come from, banging her elbow on the hardwood floor she had been sleeping on as she did.
Through the temporary fog of pain she was able to make out her four best friends and ofttimes lovers, Jess, Sam, Dani, and Anna, who had gathered in the kitchen. Jess’s kitchen. Why was she at Jess’s house? Why were they all… oh.
Amanda recalled with sudden clarity the events of the previous evening, and her hand flew to her crotch. Sure enough, instead of pajama bottoms, she found only the crinkly padding of a disposable diaper. The slightly sodden padding, in fact…
Amanda pushed her hips forward without thinking, humping her hand through the padding. Dani coughed loudly, grin stretching ear to ear, and Amanda regained her composure quickly. “What did you do to me?” she wondered aloud. Her heart thudded in her chest, partially from fear, but mostly from excitement.
Jess shrugged with her usual peppy charm. “That wasn’t part of the programming, sweetie. You ain’t got nobody to blame for that butcherself.”
If it was possible for Amanda’s cheeks to be any redder, they were now. Desperate to change the subject, Amanda nodded towards Sam. “Okay, okay, but could somebody explain that please?”
Sam, usually naturally repelled by anything remotely resembling a chore of any kind, was dressed in a skimpy maid’s outfit, dusting the top of Jess’s TV with the fervor of a woman possessed, which, if the presence of anything resembling a skirt on Sam was anything to go by, was exactly what had happened.
Sam stood on her tip-toes, despite being able to reach the top of the TV just fine, bent at the waist so as to better display the lack of underwear she was sporting under the incredibly short skirt and white apron she had acquired. Amanda could hear her breathing heavily from across the room.
“We said she could touch your tits if she did a few chores for us,” Anna said. She called Sam’s name, and suddenly Sam was there, on her knees in front of Amanda. Sam was whimpering like a dog and drooling slightly, her whole body tense as a tightly wound piano wire. “Woah,” Amanda said, “we need to start deprogramming you pronto.”
“Pleeease,” Sam whined, “just one more time, pleease.”
Sam’s hand drifted towards Amanda’s shirt- no, not a shirt, an unbuttoned pink onesie- and Amanda obliged, pleased with Sam’s theatrics.
Sam drove her face violently between Amanda’s breasts, kissing and groping and sucking blindly. Amanda fell over backwards under the assault, and Sam’s apron-clad torso pressed into her diaper. Amanda moaned; she was still so hot and bothered from her dream, and Sam playing with her tits was only making it worse. Closer, closer…
Again, Amanda was deprived of her release as Sam was pulled off of her and her onesie re-buttoned by the others. Mandy groaned and put her hands on the front of her diapie… Diapie? The strange choice of phrase was quickly forgotten in the ensuing orgasm, and Amanda was left clear-headed enough to take in the scene surrounding her. Sam’s tits had fallen out in the chaos, causing Dani to collapse onto all fours, barking manically at the excitement. Jess was mooing, dead-eyed, as apparently Anna’s cowbell had fallen from the countertop onto the floor. Sam was only just coming to her senses and was on top of Anna, who was laughing hysterically.
“I… Uh, sorry, Anna,” Sam said as she covered herself with the maid outfit.
“It’s fine, I’m fine,” Anna replied, smiling broadly. She moved past Sam, who was helping Dani to her feet, into the kitchen, and returned with the metal pail from the night before.
“What’s that for?” Amanda asked, finally having escaped her padded prison.
“I bought a pump online for Jess, but it got lost in the mail,” Anna said. “Until we finish deprogramming everyone, I have to do this to get her out of her trance. That is, unless you’d like to help out, Mandy?”
Amanda felt butterflies in her stomach, but managed to make a show of laughing. “No thanks, Anna, and quit calling me Mandy!”
Anna shrugged and went back to work on Jess. It was so surreal, seeing them like that. Seeing them all like that. Amanda had to admit she liked it quite a bit. “All right, everyone, since Jess is currently in a state-” Jess mooed to punctuate the statement, “-as recently-deposed mistress of ceremonies, it falls to me to ensure that we clean up this mess so she isn’t as mad when she comes to her senses.”
Amanda, Sam, and Dani all quickly got dressed and started cleaning up after themselves. Once Jess was in full possession of her faculties, she made a point of sitting on the Throne and watching everyone else clean up, as is her right as the new mistress of ceremonies. It was also her house, and the other four of them had made enough of a mess that they all wanted to make sure they’d be invited back.
Anna made sure to stuff the cow bell with cotton. Dani and Sam wiped down the countertops and packed away the outfits, and Amanda emptied the garbage and sprayed air freshener around the house to clear up the dirty diaper smell.
Towards the end Jess made a contribution, grabbing the pail of milk and taking it back to the kitchen, presumably to dump it down the sink.
Once everything was back in order and everyone had clothes on, Amanda, Sam, Dani, and Anna met in the living room to say goodbye before returning home. Midterms were coming up soon, and everyone needed to go home and study, except for Sam, who was studying at Jess’s house. After final deprogramming instructions were exchanged, Anna and Dani hit the road, while Sam headed off to find a place to study. Amanda, however, hadn’t yet received her deprogramming instructions from Jess, and went looking for her in the kitchen.
Amanda walked into the kitchen to find Jess fiddling with some sort of bag. “Oh!” Jess said, quickly shoving whatever she had been holding into the bag. “Here, this oughta have everything ya need!” she said cheerfully, pushing the bag into Amanda’s face. “I wrote everything up for ya. Ya might wanna wear those goodnites to bed tonight, though, just in case.”
Amanda couldn’t help but blush just a little. She realized suddenly just how much the idea turned her on, but she didn’t want Jess to see how much power she had over her. Amanda snatched the bag from Jess, gave as pleasant a goodbye as she could manage, then rushed out the door to her car.
It wasn’t until she was putting the key into her apartment door that Amanda realized she hadn’t actually looked into the bag. What if Jess had forgotten something? An image of her taking her midterms in a diaper flitted through her mind. Amanda shuddered with arousal; she needed to do this thing fast.
As Amanda closed the door to her apartment behind her, her eyes drifted to her open bedroom door, and the box of pull-ups sitting on her bed. She must have put them on in a trance the night before, before going to Jess’s place. Her heart thumped in her chest. Maybe the deprogramming could wait just a little longer?
Amanda stripped naked and pulled on a pull-up – it was pink with little princesses on it. At first she put her hand inside the pull-up, but as she got into it she pulled her hand out and pushed it against the front, feeling the plastic under her fingers. She sucked on her other thumb, humping and humping.
Jess’s voice floated through Mandy’s mind, either from the night before or the week of conditioning that had preceded it: Good girls wet their diapies.
Good girl… Mandy thought, as the picture on the front of her pull-up disappeared. Suddenly, Mandy’s body started moving on its own, and she snapped back to herself. Amanda could feel herself pushing, and as hard as she tried, she couldn’t stop herself. “No,” Amanda said as she rocked up onto her feet, squatting.
Good girls mess their diapies, came the voice in her head, but this time it wasn’t Jess’s voice, but her own. I’m a good girl, said the voice, and Amanda pushed a load into her pull-up as she came harder than she’d ever before.
Sam waved goodbye to Anna from the porch, then sighed as she flopped down onto Jess’s couch. “How in god’s name did you come up with that, Jessy?” Sam twisted around to face the kitchen, a smirk on her face. “Have you been keeping secrets from me?” she purred.
Jess set the metal bucket that she had been milked into down in the sink. “You sound like you’re hopin’ I was,” Jess cooed back before gingerly sitting beside Sam on the couch. Now that she didn’t have to keep Anna’s planned performance a secret anymore, she had every intention of complaining about the sloshing in her tits all day every day until she was back to normal.
“Maaybe.” Sam leaned over and breathed lightly against Jess’s neck as her arms wound around her waist. She felt Jess shudder and heard her breath quicken. Jess might act tough around the other girls, but Sam knew that she was putty in her hands while they were alone, no hypnosis necessary. “Do you wanna be my mommy, Jessy?” she whispered.
“Are you sure you should be the one driving?” Anna asked, smirking.
Dani pouted theatrically. “Just don’t say the trigger word and it’ll be fine. Besides, I’m pretty sure I won’t place myself in mortal danger anyhow.”
Anna put her hands behind her head. “So, what do you think will be the next meeting’s theme?” she asked.
Dani frowned. “Last time Jess won it was exhibitionism, but I can tell she really liked the hypnosis idea.”
“Public hypnosis?” Anna asked, her question tinged with excitement.
“I think that’s pretty likely,” Dani said. She couldn’t help but smile at Anna’s enthusiasm. Outside of the club, Anna was the most shy out of all of them. “Plus, next meeting is over spring break. We could go somewhere where nobody knows who we are.”
Anna wriggled in her seat, her excitement plain to see. “I wonder who Jess will pair us up with.” She turned toward Dani and leaned on the console between their seats. “Maybe I’ll get to take you on a walk…”
Dani blushed. “Anna, I’m trying to drive here. Put those away.”
Anna smirked, squeezing her chest between her arms once and leaning back in her seat to look out the window. Maybe she’d have a word with Jess…
016908412530c969eed53d0904ae7b34f8be9ee81001fc3a92a9cf922cfdf5f9 | 20,400 | 1 | Chapter 1 - Offer Pale Tongue |
Offer Pale Tongue
“Greetings Unkindled One, I am Rosaria, the mother of Rebirth” a busty brunette said. The Champion of Ash studied Rosaria's figure as she let out an airy giggle. She was wearing a black dress and her breasts were straining to escape the thin fabric while she was humming a cheery tune and pushing them together. She had extremely long hair covering her eyes and pooling on the floor. Her pouty dark lips were nestled below a cherubic nose. He marveled at her large, round, hypnotic ass. She was the epitome of feminine beauty.
“Have you come to join my covenant in the hope of being reborn?” Rosaria giggled. “If so you must be prepared to offer me a Pale Tongue”
As she spoke Rosaria twirled around and knelt. Hiking up her dress she revealed her ass. Rosaria's butt was a brood-mother's, it was by far the widest part of her body. Her ass was smooth and clean, the same pale shade as the rest of her skin. Each cheek was incredibly large and had no sign of muscle, just massive amounts of fatty tissue. Below her ass the Champion's eyes came to a stop, because where Rosaria's vagina would be if she were a woman lay a large bulging taint, and below that was her sack that was bloated with cum. Her balls were smooth with thick wriggling lines moving throughout the surface of her massive grapefruit sized testicles. Her massive turgid cock had her foreskin clearly pulled back, and seemed more fit for a beast or a giant than a human. Her piss-slit had a gape of it's own, and his mind raced at the thoughts of what caused that.
“Bestow me with your Pale Tongue and I shall allow you into my covenant” Rosaria huskily moaned. Shaking her hips side to side to entice the Champion. With each shake her butt seemed to jiggle, every minor bump or twist she made becoming exaggerated in the ripples of her ass.
Diving into Rosaria's ass the Champion of Ash quickly gripped her pendulous cheeks. Pulling her cheeks apart he saw that her asshole was extremely pronounced, puffing up heavily. Almost donut-like in appearance and it had a natural gape from heavy usage.
Taking a deep breath the Champion smelled her heady musk, a spicy pungent odor which invaded his nostrils. The smell was so strong he could feel his body attempt to retch while his mind melted into a lusty haze. He pushed both his thumbs into Rosaria's anus and pulled them apart. Rosaria's asshole barely resisted and was soon spread wide open, and her heady musk became even more overpowering. The Champion couldn't wait any longer and finally buried his face deep between her cheeks, like a long awaited lover finally returning home. His tongue slowly scraped her cheeks clean of sweat, a salty flavor that lightly hinted at that spicy aroma awaiting him, enticing him to press himself even further into her butt and devour her.
Slowly the Champion's tongue traced a circle around Rosaria's donut knot, he tasted that same spicy musk he'd earlier breathed. Stars exploded in his mind as he became less and less capable of thinking of anything other than worshiping Rosaria's fat ass. The sensations he was feeling from his tongue seemed to amplify themselves further and further, to the point that he felt pleasure as well from the rimjob.
Eager to indulge in more of that delicious musk the Champion's tongue quickly punched deeply into Rosaria's asshole. His probing tongue battled with her extremely well developed sphincter in an erotic display of a french kiss. Rosaria's anus seemed to squeeze and convulse around the Champion's tongue, making the champion wish it could have been his cock instead, which was straining hard against his pants. Pushing deeper into her the Champion quickly encountered a large hardened knot of flesh pressing into Rosaria's colon. It was her engorged prostate, and it felt larger than he believed was possible. Rosaria's prostate pulsed and writhed against his tongue, and for the first time since he met her Rosaria lost her composure and let out a deep moan.
“Eager aren't you? Don't worry you shall feel my love if you prove yourself devoted” Rosaria grunted as she recovered “Don't get too cocky though, you still haven't proven that you possess a Pale Tongue”
Determined to prove himself the Champion redoubled his efforts. Fervently he rimmed her, alternating between probing deeply into her to punch at her prostate and backing out to suck on her donut-knot as a whole. Rosaria developed a faint blush throughout her body, but she didn't seem to be on the verge of climax.
“Don't treat me like some fragile girl” Rosaria stammered out, desperate for climax. “I've seen worse than you could ever do. Bite hard and make me cum already you slut!”
Emboldened by her words the Champion nipped at her rim. For the first time since he had originally surprised her with his tongue he managed to force out a deep husky moan from Rosaria. He bit deeply into her ass, just a touch shy of causing her to bleed, and her thighs quaked. Rosaria's moans, which had been growing more and more frequent suddenly stopped, and her shivers ceased. The Champion began to grow worried that he had been too rough when he heard it.
Beginning as a low moan, Rosaria announced her orgasm to the world. Her sack pulled upwards, and her urethra began to bulge. Rosaria began to fire glob after glob of rich yellow sperm onto the floor. When they smashed into the floor they were so dense that they seemed to almost keep their shape. The Champion began to have a sympathetic orgasm from the sight of such virility.
“What are you doing?” Rosaria hissed mid orgasm. “Your task isn't done,get that Pale Tongue of yours up my butt!”
The Champion rammed forward, and felt her prostate quake with each shot. Producing a seemingly never ending supply of fat yellow cum worms to spew from her bloated fuckstick. The scalding cum seemed to fill the room with a heady mist that stank of that pungent musk he had been sampling. Rosaria's orgasm began tapering off, what had once been forceful blasts of rope-like cum are now merely sending gooey runners to join their brethren on the floor.
“Mmm” Rosaria whimpered on the tail end of her orgasm. “You are most certainly blessed with a Pale Tongue my Champion. I welcome you to my covenant.”
The Champion slowly stood up and surveyed the room. The thick jettisons of cum that Rosaria had spewed seemed to be moving with their own life. He realized that they resembled a significantly smaller version of the worm creatures he had killed to enter this very room.
“I'm well aware of what you did to my children Champion” Rosaria murmured as she stepped over to him. “But know that I do not hold a grudge against you”
Rosaria's hands glued themselves to his hips as she ground her spent cock against his backside, one hand slipping into his trousers to discover the spent load coating his untouched cock.
“After all, we have plenty of time to birth even more of them” Rosaria hummed as she ground her pole between the Champion's thighs. He groaned at the feeling of her turgid length pressing up against his wilted cock.
“Worry not, I'm aware of the transitory nature of you Unkindled” Rosaria assured. “Simply return to my bonfire during your travels and you may continue to show me your devotion to my covenant, there are many rewards awaiting those who prove themselves devoted”
As the Champion departed Rosaria couldn't stop herself from giving him a parting slap on his ass. When the Champion arrived at Firelink he could still feel the sensation of her petite hand laying claim to him. He shuddered to another orgasm while the Firekeeper looked at him with a curious expression. |
799181ac12ef5aac9ebe3c6caeb63a9cf45132dafe303f99481b31dc73817673 | 19,260 | 6 | Chapter 6 - Mamal momma |
\What is going on here? You actually injected a human?/ Silvia was trembling ^Yes mother. ^ The whale moved to her. and held her in her arms, and breasts. \It is alright my child, I can see someone has mislead you./ She looks at Felicity who just climaxed. \Well I suppose I should handle this./ She walks up to me and I turn red because she's taller than I am and her breasts at eye level to me. \I am so sorry you poor creature. You may not know but our race is near extinction. Our scientists theorized humans could be used but we tried on every type of man, but nothing took hold./ Olivia" But mother...Look closer....It worked!' She backs up and looks down. \Oh my. I can see you took some liberties when designing his new body. However we need to get him back to normal. Even if this does work, You children aren't able to be fertilized yet. You know we can't until next month./ "Why not" I asked since I'm a jackass. She gets on her knees.
(I liked where this was going)
\Our bodies are only able to accept semen during certain times on our planet./ "Oh. Well I can wait" \Wh what?/ "Yeah I can wait until you're ready. I mean they're ready." He blushes. But then his tentacles and everything besides his teeth hands and feet he grew retract. "Wow cool! I can control it!" \This is very considerate of you young man./ he rubs his head " Well, I am a teenage human boy, if I didn't want to make love to something until I got it pregnant I'd be an embarrassment to all men." I chuckle. (Or just a pervert.) |
e21c1465146aa6f66579b10fe8ef0431023c4ecb1d45fdcf96acac5703a75af6 | 57,283 | 1 | Chapter 1 - First day fuck |
In a two-story suburban home, there was a family of 11 people, there was Ms. Maria Miller the mother of the home, she mainly stayed there to clean, cook, and take care of the kids, Mrs. Arianna Pena was her wife and step-mom to many of the kids, she worked at an insurance office, helping with rent and bills, the kids, 8 daughters, and 1 son, did what they could to help, the oldest sibling, Alex was working as a manager and helped her mom clean the house, the second oldest was Clare, she worked in fast food as a cashier, the two younger twin daughters were still in high school, they would graduate at the end of the year, the step-siblings were older, Jessica, Ana, Susan, and Melissa all worked at home, Jessica was a journalist, Ana was a computer coder, Susan was an artist, and Melissa was a streamer. The last member of the family, Johnathan, was currently home from college, and he decided to order a new watch after losing his old one on the trip home.
"Hey, stepbro! Your package has arrived!" Yelled Ana, holding a white box the size of a phone box.
"Coming!" John responded.
A young man with blue eyes and short black hair with an average build showed up in the living room.
"Your package is on the counter." Said Ana
"What kind of watch did you get?" Ana asked
"A new one?" He responded sarcastically
"Okay Okay, I was just asking, no need to act like that," Ana said, a little annoyed
John took his package to his room, the attic more specifically. Being the only guy in the house with 10 other women made awkward bones a nightmare to deal with, and the attic was the only place where his privacy could stay private. Climbing up, he went to his bed and opened it up, and took out a smartwatch, it was those touch screen ones. He placed it on his wrist and got started setting it up.
"Okay, fingerprint, email, looks all good." He said looking at the screen
"Dinner!" Maria, his mom yelled
"Coming!" He said back
Looking around his room, he went to clear off his desk of his electronics, before turning on the ac. Opening the trap door, he went downstairs to the kitchen where everyone was eating. Seeing all those luscious curves, from firm pairs of breasts to soft-looking asses, would make any man pop a bone, and John was not the exception, even if it was family. Sitting down, he leaned over the years on how to hide his bones to prevent any awkward situations.
"Glad you could join us dearly," his mom said cheerfully "we are having spaghetti, hopefully, you enjoy it."
"Thanks, mom." He said softly
"Oh wow, is that a new watch!" Said, Melissa
"Yeah, I just got it." He said, showing it to her.
"Now now dear, finish eating your dinner, then you can talk about it all day tomorrow." said Arianna, his step-mom
"Okay," the two said.
Dinner was uneventful, so when he finished, he placed his dishes in the sink and headed upstairs to go to bed, little did he realize that after tonight, his world will change.
"Man, I hope Ash still remembers about our hang out tomorrow." John said as he went to sleep.
Meanwhile, as everyone was asleep, the watch turned on and began to download an app. It slowly downloaded from 20% to 48% till it was complete, after it was finished downloading the app it began to show a loading screen, on it said 'updating data'
Morning came with the ring of the alarm clock, waking up John, he rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes and stopped the alarm, checking the time on his watch it read 10:25.
"I've got an hour for breakfast," John said sleepily "I wonder if mom is still making pancakes?"
John got up from his bed and put on some sandals, but as he went to extend the ladder, he noticed he had a notification on his watch.
"Huh, what's this?" He said
As he tapped the notification, it opened an app he had never seen before.
"Welcome and thank you for using the app, it will make sure your life will be much better, simply buy an upgrade and watch the effects take hold instantly." it said
"What the?" John questioned, wondering what the app menu
"So far you have 150 points right now, go find a woman and do what you need to do to earn more points"
This simply confused him even more, deciding to ignore it, so he went to have breakfast. Though he did make a mental note to check the watch to see if this app was a virus.
Heading down to the second floor he realized it was very quiet, looking around he noticed most of the rooms were empty. Normally he would see Ana or Melissa in their rooms.
"Guess everyone has something to do today." John said, thinking nothing of it.
Arriving in the kitchen, he was indeed met with his mom, making pancakes as he hoped.
"Morning dear, did you sleep well?" His mom said in her cheerful tune.
"Yeah, just had to…" John slowly stopped talking as he noticed a number on his mom's head, it read
Maria Miller, score: -13
"what the heck is going on." he thought to himself, then he got another notification on his watch. Checking it, it was that strange app again.
"Congratulations, you now have 13 points to use, as well as 150 bonus points to get you started on the app"
"Had to what?" His mom asked
Thinking quickly, he responded with "Oh nothing, just making sure this watch works alright." He then opened the app menu to see what these points could be used for. The moment he looked through it, another notification popped up on the screen.
"pick any of these abilities to help you seduce any woman you come across, earn more points by getting their favor score to negative"
Removing the notification he began to think if this app is even the real deal, can it affect women and can he seduce them with what the app offered? However, the moment he looked at the ability list, the first one caught his attention immediately.
Enjoy the view: 20 points
Watch a woman and not worry about it being inappropriate, you can stare as long as you like.
Without thinking, he quickly selected the ability to unlock it. The app asked if this was what he wanted to unlock, and he confirmed his choice. Even if this app didn't work, he could easily excuse himself, but… on the off chance that this app could work, it'll make his life so much easier at home. His mom soon came by with a plate of pancakes, placing it in the middle of the table. She sat nearby and took one of the pancakes and put it on her plate.
"So, you're going to meet up with your friend today?" His mom asked
"Yeah, we are just gonna hang out at the In-N-out, probably check out the mall while we are at it." John responded as he placed a pancake on his plate and started eating.
As he ate his breakfast, he decided it was the best time to see if this app was the real deal. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself and slowly looked towards his mom, he gazed at the fine chest that he often lust after when he was younger and graciously drank up the view.
"Do you have any plans for later?" His mom asked, causing him to break his sight towards her chest.
"Um, I...I don't know, but I'll call you if we do." He nervously responded, wondering if his mom noticed his staring.
Seeing her ignore his actions signaled to him that he could continue to stare at his mother's tits as they ate breakfast together, and as he finished and placed his dish in the sink he said bye to his mom and went to go to In-N-out, he checks the time, 10:52, it was only a 30-minute walk so he had enough time to make it before 11:30.
As he walked down the street, he saw several women everywhere, and yet there were no men around. Normally he'd ignore something like this, or simply not pay attention to it, but after seeing women hanging out on street corners doing drugs, coming in on dumpster trucks to take out the trash, and even as he walked past a car repair shop, instead of seeing a sweaty guy with a loose shirt and balding head, he saw a somewhat curvy woman with toned abs and muscular arms. It's as if most if not all the men have been replaced by women, does that mean… he's the last man alive?
"Nah, no way this is real," John thought to himself "this sounds like something straight out of an erotic fantasy story, right?"
As he approached the In-N-Out, he still saw no man in sight, even as families were enjoying their meals, children playing made-up games and teens listening to their music, they were all girls. Taking a seat at an empty table, he checked the time again.
"11:23, I've got around 7 minutes to myself, let's see what else this app has."
He opened up the app again and began to scroll through the options and gathered any information he could from it. After looking through the Abilities list, he saw just how many of these affected women.
Enjoy the view: Unlocked
Watch a woman and not worry about it being inappropriate, you can stare as long as you like.
Give a sniff: 50 points
Sniffing a girl, or her clothes isn't weird, no matter where you are.
Good kisser: 70 points
Any kiss you give will be pleasurable to any woman
Ask and you shall receive: 120 points
Asking for simple non-essentials is easy, just ask for a pen or some cash and she will listen.
Give it a feel: 150 points
Want to feel those tits, go right ahead, squeeze as hard as you like, she won't mind.
"Huh, that last ability would have been nice, being able to feel those tits instead of looking at them would be amazing." John said "Too bad I've already spent 20 points already, now I have 143 points, just 7 short."
John decided to check on how he can earn more points, selecting the help section gave him some interesting information.
"The only way to earn more points is by getting women attracted to you, you can see their score if you know their names, if the score is negative, they see you in a sexually attractive light, but if the score is positive, then they have no sexual attraction towards you. You can only earn points based on the negative score, positive score points will not give anything."
"Hey man, what's up." someone shouted to John
Looking up from his watch, he saw a dirty blonde girl wearing a yoga top, zipper Hoodie, and sweatpants with shoes. He realized the moment he saw her face, that it was Ashton, his friend, but now a woman… a quite nice-looking woman at that. Gathering his senses, he went and greeted his friend, but noticed he couldn't see his, or rather her, name and score like with his mom from earlier.
"Hey Ash," John said, trying to stay calm as he stared at her curves, "want to grab a bite to eat since we're here."
"Sure, I'm down for a nice burger and a soda, how about you?" Ash asked
"Nah I'm good, just had breakfast about an hour ago." He responded
"Suit yourself." She said as she went to order her meal.
John, now away from his distracting friend, gathered his thoughts. Are all the people in the world just women? Is he the only guy left? Does this app, and the watch by extension, have anything to do with this? He decided to check his phone and do some digging.
"Hey I'm back, you sure you don't want anything?" Ash announced
"Erm, yeah I'm fine…" John said
"You sure, you kinda look nervous."
"Hey, didn't you just get your driver's license?" John quickly asked, changing the subject
"Oh yeah, I didn't show you yet." Ash said as she sat down and fished for her wallet "check it out!"
John saw a simple photo ID with her picture and her name, Ashley Martha Jones. Interesting, so the guys he knew not only turned into girls, but they also had a name change as well, also he never knew his best friend had a middle name!
"Your middle name is Martha?" John asked, surprised.
A slight blush appeared on Ashley's face
"Well, uh…yeah erm, I just never…you know what, I don't need to tell you." Ashley reached out and took the driver's license away from John
John looked up above Ashley's head and lo and behold, there was her name and score.
Ashley Martha Jones, score:1
"Huh, guess it won't take much to make her attracted to me." John thought to himself "Then again, why does my mom have a lower score than my best friend?"
It wasn't until after he thought about it that it kinda made sense, his mom loves him, albeit in a mom and son relationship kind of way. Though she does seem to be more protective of him ever since their step-siblings moved in.
"Anyways, what do you wanna do?" Ashley asked as she ate her burger.
"Hmmm, I heard Dark Souls 3 was just released a few days ago, want to go check it out?" John asked
"Sure, I have a PS4 at home, so we can head there once we're done."
"Sounds like a plan"
After Ashley finished eating, the two went into her car and drove to the video game store, entering inside they already saw several people lined up at the cash register.
"Huh, guess we are a little late." John said, looking around.
"There are still a few copies left, let's get one before they run out." Ashley said as she headed to the new release section.
John decided to look around the store some more, wondering what else the store had, as well as look at the lovely women currently shopping. Checking the app again he looked at the Abilities list and wondered.
"How am I going to get more points." He thought to himself "I don't even know how I can get a girl to easily like me"
"Hello, do you have any questions?" Said one of the workers, she was shorter than him standing at about 5'2, and looked a bit nerdy with curly brown hair, freckles, and glasses.
He looked at her name tag and it read Wendy, just as soon as he finished reading it, he saw her score.
Wendy Marshal, score: -2
He looked back at his watch, staring at one of the Abilities, then back at her.
"Looks like if I want to get more points, I have to spend some." He thought, selecting the Good kisser ability, now he had 75 points left.
Good kisser: Unlocked
Any kiss you give will be pleasurable to any woman.
"Yeah, I was wondering if you have any old game consoles." He asked
"Oh we have some in the back, would you like for me to get it for you?" Wendy asked
"Actually… I don't mind helping you look." He said as he stepped closer to Wendy.
"W-well sorry but only employees are allowed in the back?" She said, getting a little nervous at how close he was getting.
He lifted her chin, and stared into her eyes, she had a rosy blush across her face.
"Here goes nothing," He thought as he leaned in for a kiss. Warm, that's what Wendy felt when this man kissed her, she never got to experience this before, she always thought she would get her first kiss at a party or something, not at her boring job, yet here she was, kissing this stranger in the middle of the store, and she…loved it.
"Looks like it works." He thought as he stared at the girl who seems to be drunk on love right now, her score lowered to -32.
"So, would you take me to the back, so we can take a look?" He asked, taking her out of her stupor.
"Uh…yeah, follow me" she answered, blushing and avoiding eye contact along the way.
"Huh, where did he go?" Ashley wondered as she looked across the store.
Ashley had with her a PS4 copy of Dark Souls 3 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, as well as a halo t-shirt.
"Might as well stand in line, it's gonna take a while anyway." Ashley said as she took her spot at the back of the line.
Meanwhile, at the back of the store, John and Wendy were passionately making out, kissing deeply into each other's lips. Wendy was having a roller-coaster of emotions, she started this day not expecting anything to happen, and yet not even an hour has passed after meeting this man and they were making out in the back of the store, like some kind of teen couple in those romantic movies she enjoyed watching. John, on the other hand, enjoyed this calm little moment, where the world took a backseat for the moment as the only thing that mattered right now was them. The kiss that felt like it went on forever was broken off to allow the two to catch their breath.
"Huff, huff, wow," Wendy said as her chest heaved to get air in. "That was amazing, I'm glad my first kiss was a good one."
"Huff, huff, yeah I enjoyed it too," John said as he looked into her eyes with a smile." Sadly I have to get going, you may not have what I was looking for, but at least I found something more valuable."
"Well, is there anything else you need?" Wendy asked, blushing slightly.
"Yeah, but I'm going to need your number for that." John responded as he offered his phone to her.
She accepted it and began to put in her number, as she did so he noticed her score went down to -49.
"Hey, sorry for taking so long." John said as he walked up to Ashley.
"Where were you?" Ashley asked as she paid for her stuff "I texted you earlier and you didn't respond?"
"Well, I was a bit busy at the moment, sorry for worrying you." John responded
"I wasn't worried, just annoyed is all" Ashley reassured him. "Besides, we got the game, and I can't wait to play it!"
As the two left the store with their goods, a girl wearing tight yoga pants walked by, while John didn't mind taking a look at that nice-looking cake this woman was packing, he was surprised when Ashley was also looking at that ass, as well.
"Damn, that's a fine ass if I ever saw one." Ashley said after the woman walked past them.
"Definitely." John agreed as he went into the car. They began to drive on to Ashley's house to go play the new games they'd just bought.
"Oh man, I'm so excited!" Ashley squealed as she drove. "I can't wait to play them!"
"Have you played any of the souls' games?" John questioned as he looked at his phone.
"Well no, but I have heard that they are pretty hard though," Ashley responded. "But I doubt they would make it impossible, right?"
"Yeah," John said "I mean, how hard can this game actually be?"
"WHY would they leave such a hard enemy in the starting area!" Ashley shouted as a crystal lizard rolled across the screen.
The two friends were in Ashley's room, currently playing the game Dark Souls 3 on their PS4.
"I mean it did say to turn back." John said as he picked up the controller.
"Yeah sure, I would like to see you try." Ashley huffed.
"I'll be sure to make it farther than you." John responded.
"This Iudex Gundyr guy sure is kicking your ass." Ashley said as John respawned at the bonfire.
"Yeah, I can see why you were pissed off now." John said as he kept his cool.
"I mean, he's literally the first boss, how are we going to survive the rest of the game?" Ashley questioned
"Well, I guess we just have to get good at it then." John answered as he handed off the controller to Ashley.
"Oh, hardy har har," Ashley responded.
"Okay, how about whoever beats the boss first, gets a reward." John said
"What kind of reward?" Ashley asked
"Whatever the other person is comfortable with doing." John answered
2 hours later…
"You almost have him!" Ashley shouted.
"I know, let me focus!" John snapped back.
Iudex Gundyr was in his second form, a sliver of health was left on him, just one more hit.
"Come on, come on!" John said as he avoided the thrashing black appendage. Then, seeing an opening, he struck.
"You got him!" Ashley shouted excitedly
"YEAH!!!" John shouted as Iudex Gundyr, the first boss fell.
"You did it!" Ashley cheered
"It took us so long!" John responded as he stretched his arms out.
"I believe someone gets to have their reward?" Ashley asked
"Yeah, first let's save, don't want to die after all that." John responded as he went to the bonfire.
"So, what do you have in mind?" Ashley wondered
"Hmmm, how about a kiss?" John answered
"A kiss?" Ashley questioned
"Yeah, are you uncomfortable with it?" John asked
"No no, I just thought you wanted something else." Ashley answered as she faced him.
"Alright then, I'll make sure we both enjoy it though." John said as he went to kiss the second woman today.
The kiss felt like lightning, it shocked across her body, leaving a null warmth all over. She never even thought a kiss would make her feel this way, she was getting all giddy from these sensations like she was spun around and around on a warm summer morning. She didn't want this kiss to end, but sadly John pulled away.
"How was that?" John asked Ashley
"Amazing" Ashley said, still lightheaded from the kiss.
John smiled at the answer, only for Ashley to suddenly lean in for another kiss, he didn't mind going again. The two lay in bed, passionately kissing, Ashley on top, and John at the bottom, soon Ashley began to trace her hands down, however, John placed his hands on her shoulders, ending the kiss again.
"Was I going too fast?" Ashley asked, worried that she might have pushed too far.
"No, it's just a little early for it right now." John assured her as he sat up.
Taking a glance at Ashley's score, John saw that her score went down to -57, this kissing ability was definitely worth its price, he wondered what else this app was capable of. Meanwhile, Ashley was sitting on the bed, still blushing slightly from the kiss. She can't get over the fact that not only did she just kiss her best friend, but she also enjoyed it. Looking at John, she noticed he didn't seem to be flustered at all, did he even enjoy it, or was it just something else?
"Hey um, did you…enjoy it?" Ashley embarrassingly asked.
"Well yeah, I mean it wasn't bad if you were wondering." John responded
"You know what, I enjoyed that way more than you did, you deserve something else." Ashley said as she got up from the bed and went in between John's legs, reaching forth to unbutton his pants.
"Well, I am not going to argue with this." John said as he helped out.
Ashley soon took out John's erection and began to stroke it, John leaned back, enjoying her soft hands stroking his dick. She soon began to lick the tip, luring it up with her warm saliva, and as soon as she placed it into her mouth, John felt himself getting close to cumming. Feeling her warm mouth move up and down his dick, he warned her to his orgasm, she held the tip in her mouth, feeling his cumshot release down her throat as she swallowed.
"Wow, that was…amazing." John said as he fixed his pants.
"Yeah, just don't expect this to be a regular occurrence alright," Ashley stated.
"Ashley! Lunch is ready!" Shouted Ashley's mom.
"Coming!" Ashley responded, she then looked at John "come on, let's have some lunch."
"Yeah I'll be there, let me just text my mom." John responded.
Turning on his watch, he texted his mom that he would be having lunch at Ashley's house, then he checked the app.
181 points
He got lightheaded upon seeing the number, he had enough points for the ability with 11 points left.
Give it a feel: Unlocked
Want to feel those tits, go right ahead, squeeze as hard as you like, she won't mind.
"Done." He said As he began to follow Ashley downstairs to have some lunch. As they walked, John decided to test the ability out and reached forward and grabbed Ashley's butt from behind. He gave it a nice squeeze as they entered the kitchen, as they did, Ashley's mom was placing plates on the table, each filled with mashed potatoes and pasta.
"I'm glad you're joining us for lunch John." Said the mom, her sweet smile making him blush
"Thanks, Mrs. Jones." John responded
"Oh please sweetie, you can call me Jessica." She said as she went to get cups.
"Jessica Jones huh." John thought to himself, he looked up to see if she had a score above her head, and sure enough, there it was.
Jessica Jones, score: 58
"Dang, that's the highest score I've seen all day." John thought to himself.
"Thanks for the lunch mom." Ashley said as she sat down and began to eat.
John took his seat beside Ashley and began to eat as well.
"Do you want Pepsi?" Asked Mrs. Jones "or would you like a sprite?"
"Pepsi is fine." He answered
After a while, everyone finished lunch, and John and Ashley went to play for a little longer until around 4 pm when Ashley went to drop John back at his house.
"Thanks for the ride." John said in the passenger seat.
"Don't mention it." Ashley said, "by the way, about earlier, with the kissing?"
"Yeah?" He responded
"Was that…do you…" Ashley said nervously as if she was trying to find the words on what to say.
John looked at her, noticing the light blush on her face.
"I don't mind if you want to kiss again, it's all right," he said, reassuring her. "After all we're friends."
Why did he say that, why the fuck did he say that? He mentally screamed in his head over that response.
"Y-yeah…friends," Ashley said quietly
The rest of the drive was uneventful, and soon John was in front of his mom's house. He opened the door and walked in, wondering if the Twins were home or were doing an after-school club activity. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw his mom drying up the dishes.
"Hey, mom, I'm back." John said, "are the twins home?"
"Hello sweetie, and no they're not home right now." His mom answered, "they are at their book club."
"Did anyone else come home?" John asked
"No, just us two." His mom answered again.
John slowly sneaked up behind his mom as she finished up with the dishes. Double-checking her score, it was still at -13, taking this opportunity he wrapped his arms around his mom's waist and hugged her. He felt her warmth, snuggled her soft silky smooth hair, and gently groped her impressive tits.
"Oh my," his mom said, "what's this all about?"
"Well, since I am going to go back to college next week, I just want to spend some time with you." John said as he firmly grasped her boobs in his hands, feeling their soft texture.
"Awww, my sweet baby!" His mom cheerfully said as she turned to face him. She kissed his cheeks, as any mother would do. "I would be happy to spend time with you!"
He looked at his mom, the woman who he lusted for, ever since he was a horny teen hitting puberty, and now, he gets to finally fulfill his incest fantasy. He locked lips with his mom as soon as the opportunity revealed itself, he felt lightheaded, he saw the shock in his mom's eyes when she realized what just happened. As he took in the kiss, his hands began to explore the luscious and curvy body of his mom, one hand went under her shirt, cupping her breast and rubbing her nipple, and the other went lower, unbuttoning her pants and going into her panties, rubbing her warm pussy. He couldn't believe how soft her chest felt in his hand, they felt like dough, and the nipple provided something nice to pinch and twist, while her cunt began to get wetter and wetter from his actions as he rubbed and fingered it.
This went on for several minutes, just him and his mom, with him molesting her in the kitchen. It wasn't until his mom broke the kiss that he realized his mom wasn't putting up much of a fight if at all.
"Huff, sweetie, let's…talk on the couch." His mom said sheepishly, blushing as red as a tomato.
"...Okay" he responded, getting one last hard squeeze on those massive tits before letting go.
As the mother and son walked to the couch, he saw her score was at -51, he wondered if the score was affected by their relationship or by his actions.
"Okay…now." His mother stated as she sat down. "I know that you are the only man in this household, so you might have some sexual frustration you want to express."
He sat down beside her, listening to her talk.
"But…we can't be doing this." His mother stated.
"Why not," John asked, fully aware of why having a sexual relationship with his mom may not be the best of choices, but he didn't care.
"Because you're my son," she said
He then took a small kiss on her lips.
"And having such a relationship is not"
He then took another kiss, much to her annoyance.
"Going to be possible, I am already married"
Another kiss
"Stop that." She said, blushing and smiling a little bit.
The last kiss broke her, and they both collapsed onto the couch in each other's arms. John then pulled away and looked at his mom, her score had gotten lower, down to -65.
"Do you still want me to stop?" He said with a smug
"Oh, you naughty boy!" She said, "Let's go somewhere more private."
The two went upstairs, giggling like a young couple on honeymoon, into the parental bedroom, where they stripped naked and went onto the bed. John stared at the lovely form of his mom, her naked breasts, her thick ass, and her wet pussy. He went on top of her, groping one of her tits once again, as he angled his dick with his other hand.
"Don't worry about being gentle sweetheart" his mom said, lust dripping from her voice,
"Mommy can handle all of you."
That was all he needed to hear, the moment he felt his tip brush against her opening, he took the plunge and drove it all in.
Bliss, pure bliss was the only way he could describe it. The feeling of being in his mom was insurmountable to anything else he experienced in his sexual life. He gripped her tits to steady himself as he adjusted to her warmth.
"Hahh" John exclaimed
"That's it, baby! Fuck your mommy!" His mom shouted.
All he could do was obey, he began to pull out before thrusting back in.
"Yes! just like that, keep going!"
"Oh fuck, you feel so good, mom!" He said as he began to heavily thrust into his mom, getting a rhythm going.
He began to pinch, bite and suck on her nipples, as the thrusting was getting more and more intense. They fucked for several minutes, enjoying each other's bodies and sexual experiences, but soon, that familiar feeling before ejaculation was creeping up on John.
"Mom, I'm gonna…" John tried to say as he continued thrusting
"Go on baby, cum inside mommy!" She said, as if not caring what might happen.
After thrusting in that wet pussy, he thrust as deep as he could and came inside.
"I'm cumming!" John shouted.
"Ahhh!" His mom shouted as she received an orgasm at the same time.
The two collapsed on each other after their shared orgasm, with John resting his head on her soft chest. After lying still for several minutes, his mom spoke up.
"That was incredible…" she said, exhausted.
"Yeah…" John responded weakly.
The two still lay on each other, cuddling closely in the afterglow. John continued to play with her breasts, much to her amusement.
"We are going to have to get up eventually." His mom said.
"Yeah, but let's wait a bit longer…" John said.
"Hehe, okay sweetie, just for you." She said, smiling warmly at her son as he played with her tits.
"Mom, You Home?!"
That was Melissa, hearing that voice caused the two to spring off the bed, quickly trying to get dressed.
"MOM!!!" Melissa called out again.
"Coming!" Said Maria as she looked at her son "quickly now before she sees us."
John quickly got his pants, shirt, and underwear on before exiting the room and heading for his room. Not a moment too late, he soon ran into his step-sister walking upstairs.
"Hey John, have you seen mom?" She asked
"Uhhh…yeah," he said, trying not to seem off, "she is in her room right now, I think."
"Thanks, also you stink," she said, holding her nose " go take a shower, will you."
"Sure" John replied as he watched his step-sister knock on their mom's door.
John washed his hair as he contemplated the events that happened today, he got a random girl's number, kissed and groped his best friend, and had sex with his mom, all on the same day. As he cleaned the musk of sex off his body, there was one thought that was running through his mind, just how powerful is this watch, and what are its limits. Speaking of which, he just realized that he forgot to take it off.
"At least you're waterproof," he said, chuckling to himself as he looked at the watch. "I can't wait to see what college has to offer when I get back." |
83656ac86f273b8ceda3e6f9087c16cd5626e389943140478bcdc9a5cecdc593 | 67,588 | 1 | Chapter 1 - Drunken Stupor |
"Hey, here's an idea! Why don't we throw a party?" Ellen, the Mechanic, suggested. The local hero of their town, Marcus, had just gotten back from exploring a temple, looting all the stuff inside, and defeating a supposed golem that was threatening to kill him. As a result, suggestions got passed around the townsfolk about what they should do as a celebration, with different people passing around different ideas. Eventually, the Mechanic's suggestion got taken, with everyone trying to think of what to do.
"I mean, I can bring some mechanical party stuff, like that party center Cherry tried to have me fix." Emeline, the Steampunker, suggested, referring to a mechanism that the Party Girl requested her to fix.
"I'll bring the other party stuff then! Streamers and balloons don't come easy, after all." Cherry announced, going with the Steampunker as they returned to their homes to get their shares done.
"I'll get everyone looking good for the party then, best I can do with all my styling stuff." Rox, the Stylist, pitched in, getting her scissors out.
"Think I can help you with that. I don't think anyone would need my healing skills in a party." Lorraine, the Nurse, stated, following Rox back to her salon to check out what she's got.
"I'll bring the booze! I've got a fresh batch of ale I wanna pass around." Ernest, the Tavernkeep, said excitedly, but he was shut down soon enough by the Dryad, Tania, who had other ideas.
"Actually, I wanna do that. I've practiced using my nature powers in different ways, so I wanna see if I can make drinks as well." She asked, Ernest looking a bit bummed but not rejecting.
"Okay, fine. I'll just tidy up my tavern instead so we can host the party there." He said, turning away as just Ellen and Tania remained, looking at each other.
"Guess I'll go follow him. If there's anyone who can help make the party look good with lights and stuff, it'll be me." Ellen declared, smirking. Though, Tania was quick to point something out.
"Isn't Emeline supposed to be able to do that as well?" Tania said, raising an eyebrow at Ellen trying to look superior.
"Well, yes, but she's off fixing Cherry's stuff, right? I don't even know what happened to it. Dian must have busted it up at some point or whatever." Ellen said as she crossed her arms, mentioning the Zoologist for no reason other than to give a suggestion. Shrugging, Tania just headed off, leaving Ellen to follow Ernest off to his tavern, which was built by Marcus so everyone could have a good place to get a drink.
But as for Tania herself, she headed back up to her treehouse, made from a hollowed out Living Tree by Marcus. "Okay, here goes nothing..." She said, gathering some stuff to make wine with from her stores. Throwing it all to chance as she attempts to follow the steps to make wine from a book she got from Joseph, the Merchant. "Hope this was worth the money I gave him, Marcus rarely buys purification powder from me nowadays ever since he got that blaster thing." Tania said to herself, remembering the lack of money she gets from selling things to Marcus after he obtained the Clentaminator from Emeline. Feelings aside, Tania tried her best with the winemaking, mixing both the manual part of the process and her powers to pull it off, always having fresh ingredients due to the fruits she grows on the balcony of her treehouse. It took a long while to figure out how each step went individually, she still went about doing it both calmly and efficiently, even if it does end up taking her more time than it would if she tried to pick up the pace. Yet, her approach and careful reading meant the entire winemaking process went smoothly, the resulting brew made from the grapes she had looking perfectly good.
Soon, the Dryad finished up the process, tasting it a little afterward to make sure it's actually drinkable. "Flavor's good, doesn't seem to hurt. Okay, this'll do. Better make more in case anyone wants a good amount." She said, planning to repeat the process one more time, and get another batch of the good stuff. Having completed it, Tania gave herself a pat on the back. "I'm surprised I didn't cause any problems this time... Oh well, I didn't screw it up, so I'll take it!" She announced to no one in particular, storing the wine in a makeshift barrel constructed out of vines and wood she summoned. The extra batch was made soon after, Moving the barrels to the side of her kitchen area so she can bring them to the party tomorrow afternoon. Unbeknownst to her, using her powers basically sped up the aging process of the grapes... Maybe a little too much, which meant the wine ended up stronger than your average batch. Of course, she isn't a connoisseur, so she couldn't quite notice just from a finger dipped in wine. So, she just went about the rest of her day, descending from the treehouse to find out what the others were up to, since a good chunk of the other townsfolk weren't present for the discussion of what to do for the party. They're either not coming or not invited, so she'll have to see which one it's gonna be.
Once the next day rolled around, preparations for the party were more than underway. Ernest and Ellen fixed up the tavern to make it more fitting for a party, Rox and Lorraine gave anyone who asked a touchup with their hair, Emeline finally got Cherry's Party Center working again, and Tania was ready to bring the barrels of wine to the tavern. As for the guest of honor himself though, Marcus was in his home, built atop a hill one afternoon because he was bored and had a whole bunch of materials he could use. Rubbing his eyes and looking around, he got out of bed and went downstairs. Though, at the kitchen table, was a small envelope that had been closed with just tape. Confused, he opened it up, and read the letter inside.
"You've been invited to a party at Ernest's Tavern! After hearing what you did yesterday, we wanted to celebrate! See you at 5PM!" It read, with Cherry's signature at the end.
"Looks like they're throwing a party for me. Well, at least that means I don't have to do any exploring today. Might as well get myself a good outfit if I'm going, I don't think showing up in my battle armor would look fitting." Marcus said to himself, opting to spend his morning finding something to wear. Luckily, it wouldn't take long, since after digging around in his dresser and wardrobe, he found a set of his normal clothes, consisting of a simplistic blue coat, black shirt, and some comfy pants. Thinking it'll do, he left the house, getting some food from a travelling merchant that happened to show up and offer some grub he was selling. It didn't cost him too much, but since he had a lot of money from all the monster killing he was doing, it didn't exactly concern him. As the sun went down though, he remembered the time mentioned on the letter, and headed back to town. "Wonder what they've got prepared. Hope there's food or something." He said to himself, making his way over.
As Marcus approached the tavern, the townsfolk were putting the finishing touches in place. Tania's Dryad's Brew, named to keep in line with her Blessing and Bane powers, was fully prepped. There was also a lot of party decor set up by Cherry, something she was rather excited to do for some fairly obvious reasons. And lastly, advanced dynamic lighting fixtures were set up by Ellen and Emeline, teaming up because Lorraine managed to force them to after she was done helping Rox out. The end result was that they turned the tavern into something of a club, even including music from music boxes that were courtesy of the old wizard that Marcus managed to help out, though he wasn't invited. Not that anyone involved with organizing the party would really care, the old guy didn't exactly leave his floating tower much to begin with, so he probably wouldn't mind. More booze for everyone else!
"He's coming!" Connor, the Guide, announced to everyone, pointing out the approaching Marcus through a window. Getting to their positions with the techie girls at the lights, Ernest behind the bar, and everyone else at the seats, Connor opened the door and let Marcus in. Who was immediately greeted with a warm welcome from almost everyone inside, much to his surprise.
"Woah, quite the welcome you guys put together." He said, pleasantly surprised at all the effort that they went through for this. Looking around, he spotted a whole bunch of people present. Aside from the aformentioned helpers, also present was Dian, Reginald the Arms Dealer, and Gimut the Demolitionist. While the former got invited, the latter two just showed up because they wanted a drink.
"Well, you probably went through a lot of effort killing that big golem thing, so it only felt good to return the favor!" Cherry said to him, passing him a mug of ale. They wanted to save Tania's wine for the final part of the party, so they're starting it off with Ernest's ale instead.
"Okay, but just make sure I don't regret this, alright?" Marcus replied, taking the mug and downing it in one go like he always has. Chuckling a bit, he tosses the emptied mug to Ernest, who easily catches it and starts to refill it like he always does. Getting things started, the party began with a few party games, mostly consisting of ones made by Connor, and Dalek the Goblin Tinkerer, who had other things to do and couldn't make it to the party. Pin The Tail on the Bunny, ale pong, Hot Potato with a confetti grenade made by Gimut, anything went. Hell, there was even a pont where they stacked up bottles and threw water balloons that Cherry brought, wanting to see if anyone can knock down all six with just two throws. Surprisingly, Reginald came out on top in that regard, his skill with firearms even applying to his throwing, much to Gimut's annoyance since he did the best beforehand. They still had a good time drinking of course, thanks to being served some food that Ernest made while the fun was going on. Turns out roast rabbit goes well with ale, who would have known?
By the time the party was starting to wind down though, the group unanimously decided to end it with a bang. Cracking open a barrel of Tania's wine, Ernest was the first to check it, taking a sip from a mug. After some taste testing, he nods in approval, impressed by the Dryad's brew. "I have to admit, I'm pretty impressed with how you did this." He told her, garnering a smile from Tania.
"Thanks! Tried my best." She said, and soon enough, mugs full of it were passed around. Saying cheers and bumping mugs together, everyone got to drinking, wanting a taste. However, either through Ernest having a natural resistance to the strong part of alcohol, or Tania being lucky, no one was expecting that her wine ended up beng a bit too strong. Though, even with the very strong fermentation, the taste was too good to pass up. To put in perspective how strong it ended up being though, even Gimut, the heaviest drinker of all, got knocked out by the brew in just about four mugs. While that sounds like it's already high, it usually takes him fifteen mugs of ale to feel even just a little tipsy, so it's incredible that Tania managed to pull it off.
Speaking of her though, pride caused her to drink a bit more than she usually would, having herself more than a few mugs of the wine with Marcus. Leaving her a giggling mess, Tania held onto the hero as the drinking occured, hitting on him more than once. Though, his drunkedness meant he was fairly clueless about her advances as a result, not that Tania minds. She was just too drunk to care, really. Since things were coming to a close, everyone started heading back to their homes for the night, needing help from some others to get home and resulting in them having to stay the night there. The same happened for Tania and Marcus, with the former asking the latter to help her out.
"L-listen, I'm probably... too drunk to walk h-home straight. Think y-you can give me a r-ride home, big guy?" She asked, giggling a little as Marcus himself finished off one more mug of Tania's wine.
"I-I guess... Good thing I managed to... uh... Build that staircase... I think..." He replied, setting down the mug as he got up, stumbling a small bit. At least it wasn't as bad as Tania, who straight up couldn't walk properly because of how much alcohol she's had, and was forced to put her arm around Marcus so they could get going.
Bumbling on back to the Dryad's treehouse, the two had to get used to their drunkedness if they wanted to get a move on. Nearly falling over and having to rely on Marcus, Tania felt a bit tough to carry around, owing to her being about the same heaviness as him. Still, they managed to get back to the treehouse, safe and sound and without fully falling over like two idiots. Granted, Tania was making jokes and sounding like a drunken aunt, but at least Marcus being a bit of a bonehead when drunk helped him stay focused on getting her home. Climbing up the stairs, Marcus felt a little dizzy carrying her up, especially with Tania treating it as a ride for no discernable reason, except for being drunk. "Weee~" She said every time he brought her up another step, save for when she decides to giggle instead. Thankfully, they manage to get back up to the main house part regardless, without any incident... Until Tania gets the clever idea to sneakily summon a vine in Marcus's path, causing him to trip and fall over, bringing the Dryad with him.
Now on the ground, Marcus let out a groan of frustration, at least before he noticed what happened to Tania. Namely, she was now right on top of him, looking him in the eyes. Though he was too drunk to realize what went down at his feet, Tania sure as hell wasn't, and she took the chance to play around with him. "Oops~ Looks l-like you fell over..." She said, giggling as she moved her hands around Marcus, with her body in an advantageous position since she landed right on top of him, pressing her rather sizable chest against his. "Good thing y-you managed to catch m-me with your body~" Tania continued, while Marcus was mostly just confused. But even with that, the dryad still kept going, grinding her body against Marcus.
"W-woah... You f-feel warm..." He said, commenting on Tania's actions as she slipped her hands under his shirt, not having to deal with his coat since he took it off earlier at the bar. Rubbing her palms along his fairly toned body, the dryad giggled, feeling him up as things went. Granted, she wasn't the only one who was able to get handsy, as after some idle reaching, one of Marcus's hands found its way to Tania's breast, with him squeezing it out of instinct and eliciting a slight moan from her. "W-what am I f-feeling...? It's like a ball... but softer..." He commented, lightly groping her. Tania's home had dim light, making it harder for him to tell what he's pressing. It's a good thing those vines on her body were easily removable, as she managed to remove them with just a single thought. Now left topless, Tania kept the foreplay going, guiding Marcus's other hand onto her free breast so that the fun is equal for the two of them.
"Am I r-rubbing something on y-you? Just a-asking since i-it feels so smooth..." He commented, Tania only giggling as a reply at first while she let him play with her rather nice bosom. In the middle of Marcus groping her though, the dryad shifted position, straddling him while keeping his hands on her breasts. In the new position, Marcus managed to get his thumbs on her nipples, getting some moans out of her since she didn't expect him to pick up on that. "Ooh, bumpy..." He said, both hands shifting away from just groping her and moving toward playing with her nipples. Gigglig at his intuition, Tania cracked a toothy grin at him when he was able to see her, with the next sensation being her vines as they slipped the shirt off him, setting it aside as she moved her hands onto his chest, feeling him up again. Though this time, it was much more enjoyable since they were both topless.
"N-now I can see your body... Your b-big, tough, hot body~" Tania teased, giggling as she moved his hands off of her breasts for the moment, so that she can move herself down and put her lips onto his chest. Going with how she was feeling, that is to say an unbridled amount of lust, she started to leave kisses on it, going in repeatedly while trailing upward. All the way up to his face, where she went in for a pretty passionate kiss, putting her hands on his cheeks as she smooched him. The kiss lasted for more than a few seconds, Marcus putting his hands on her back and holding her close as the two made out. Eventually though, they broke off, Tania looking him in the eyes as she giggled. "Y-you're quite the k-kisser, you know that~?" She teased, giving him one more kiss on the cheek before going back down to his chest. Instead of another trail though, she bit him lightly near his neck, just enough to leave a hickey where she bit. "C-consider that a s-souvenier~" Tania said, getting handsy once more while she was in her current position. As in, she snuck her hand down Marcus's pants, the lack of any buttons or zippers meaning it was really easy for her to do so.
As she rubbed his crotch through his underwear though, she felt him get hard, which a bit of a surprise since she had expected him to already be rock solid from the point he played with her nipples. Still, she went with it, using her fingers to rub his bulge. "S-something feels... I... feel something on m-my... my dick..." He said, Tania giggling at his words.
"Of c-course you d-do ya big d-dummy, I'm rubbing i-it..." She replied, pulling her hand away after some more teasing. "Though I t-think it's... best we get to the fun s-stuff~ R-right~?" She said, Marcus replying with a thumbs up instead. Making her way down his body, Tania got her hands around his pants and removed them, her vines providing an assist by fully slipping it off and throwing it aside like they did with the shirt before. Leaving just his underwear, Tania decided to get creative with removing them. As in, she stuck her teeth into the band, and started pulling it down, doing it slowly to keep a bit of suspense. Eventually, his member sprang out, giving the dryad quite a surprise due to the fact that he was apparently packing a nine incher.
"W-woah.. Y-you're a big guy in m-more ways th-than one~!" Tania said, smiling as she looked at his erect cock, giggling as she moved up to lick it. As her tongue coated Marcus's cannon in saliva, he let out some small moans, his hands staying by his side at the moment since he didn't know where to put them. Tania did at least make a move, shifting from tongueplay to suckling on his tip once his whole shaft was lubed with her spit. She didn't stop there though, as she snuck one of her hands down and started fondling his sack. Rubbing it while still suckling the tip of his dick, the dryad fought through her drunkedness to deliver an excellent service, something confirmed by Marcus letting out more than a few moans as time passed. Things didn't stay like that for long though, as eventually, Tania started going further, taking half of his dick inside of her mouth without any issue. As Marcus let out another moan, Tania giggled internally, happy to see him enjoying himself as she did her work. Granted, he wasn't the only one having a good time, as Tania slipped two of her fingers into her entrance, getting herself off so that her Marcus doesn't get to hog all the fun for himself.
After about half a minute of sucking on half his shaft, Tania went all the way to the base, taking the entirety of his cock in her mouth with ease, sucking the entire time as she stayed at the base of his dick. Closing her eyes and letting her instincts do the work, the dryad started moving her head up and down, Marcus moaning out in pleasure from Tania's rather skilled blowjob. It's a good thing he's able to last a while though, as anyone else would probably start feeling a buildup fairly soon. Even with that though, the dryad was eager to please, enjoying herself as she serviced Marcus with everything she had. After a bit more time though, he felt a shot coming, a sensation that he isn't unfamiliar with due to... Let's just say, some alone time he's had in the past. Tania had a feeling he was getting close, so she picked up the pace. Bobbing her head up and down on his cock rapidly, it didn't take long until Marcus shot his load, going right into Tania's mouth as she didn't even pull up, taking the entirety of his noticeably large cumshot and sucking it down. Once he was done, she finally pulled away, letting out a pop and a giggle afterward.
"Delicious~ And quite a lot, too~!" Tania commented, moving herself up a little bit so she can wrap her breasts around his still erect cock. "Glad to see you can go for a few more rounds~" She said. Marcus, meanwhile, was still riding the feeling of his previous climax, meaning he was a bit more sensitive due to having just let out quite a bit of jizz.
"I... D-don't wanna... disappoint... I t-think?" He was a bit loose when it came to returning Tania's teases, but with his performance so far, she was willing to let it slide. Opting instead to get the next part going, she squeezed her breasts against the side of his dick, which still had plenty of her saliva on it even after she had already pulled away.
"S-since you l-liked my breasts, h-how about you f-fuck them, hm~?" Tania teased, giggling as she started to stroke him off using her breasts. Thanks to having the second biggest pair of tits in the town, she was able to please him expertly using them, even if she was moving slow at first.
Of course, she didn't stay slow for long, as eventually she picked up the pace and began grinding her breasts against his dick, similar to what she was doing earlier on his chest. She even snuck a few licks in on the tip of his dick, though her focus remained on giving him a good titjob. "L-loving this, aint'cha~?" Tania teased, Marcus only able to respond with moans at first, but he eventually finds it in him to speak.
"I-I am, yeah... W-wow... whatever you're... d-doing is... crazy g-good..." He pushed out, the dryad giggling as she kept a good tempo. Hearing confirmation from Marcus that she was doing great caused her to want more, which in turn would also mean she kicks it up a notch once again. Drooling onto his dick and covering both his shaft and her breasts with even more saliva, Tania was completely into it by now, a feeling Marcus couldn't quite return because he was more focused on an impending buildup. Namely, the one he felt as he was nearing his limit, Tania's heavenly breasts pleasing him to the point that he was feeling desperate to shoot. Luckily, her rapid pace and constant trickery would help out, and it didn't take long until he finally released. Splashing his cum onto her face and breasts, making quite a mess as a result.
After catching a good bit of Marcus's jizz in her mouth and letting the rest make a mess, Tania pulled away as she stood up, looking down at him. After recovering from his own dizzied state, Marcus refocused his vision, and could see the dryad as she moved forward, removing the vines on her lower half and squatting down shortly after, with her crotch aimed over his cock. "Now t-that we've gotten t-the early stuff done, l-let's g-get to t-the main e-event, shall we~?" She teased once more, and before Marcus could even say anything, she grabbed his cock, lined it up with her pussy, and dropped down, taking the entire length inside of her as she moaned out in surprise. "F-fuuuuck~!" She yelled out, both her and Marcus suddenly feeling a rather sharp jolt in pleasure from that. After taking a bit to settle and let her body get used to the size, Tania got to work, moving herself up and down on Marcus's cock, moaning every time she hit the base. Leaning her head back as she kept her hands on his chest, Tania kept a good tempo, going in deep each time as his cannon hit all of her sweet spots. As his dick began to leak precum the longer they went, Tania's snatch got a bit more slippery, though she was already pretty wet beforehand so they just mixed together. Still, she could feel the warmth, and craved more.
Tania kept riding Marcus a bit harshly for the next few minutes or so. It was fun to see him visibly react to the pleasure, but be so drunk that it took him by surprise every time. Going up and down and slamming her hips on Marcus playfully as things went on, Tania's drunken state meant she was feeling a lot more eager to act rough, feeding into her more dominant side. But before she can fully indulge that sensation, she starts to get close for an orgasm herself, meaning it was time for her to do her best. Going fast and strong with her cockriding, moaning out every cycle but also going a little too deep into her lust, which causes her to overshoot a little over Marcus's length and cause his dick to pop out. "Hah.. ahn... heh~" She giggled, laying down on top of a grunting Marcus. Pressing her body against his and asking something. "Care to... line i-it up f-or me, hun~?" She requested. It woke him up a bit, but since he was still in his drunken state, he had trouble finding his own dick with his hand. After a bit of moving and aiming, he manages to grab it and... pokes the wrong hole. Pressing on it instinctively, much to Tania's surprise.
"Waih... H-hun-oooh~....." Tania moaned as the tip slowly popped inside her backdoor, Marcus barely realizing as it felt incredible either way. Instead of correcting him though, Tania decides to have a little fun herself. Pushing down and letting Marcus get deeper inside her. At least it made him notice that something was different.
"D-did.. You j-just get... tighter...? F-fuck, didn't know... y-you can d-do that..." He said between moans, Tania going with the flow even with the change in situation. Since she was already pretty close to an orgasm before, she simply restored the tempo, the pleasure doubled due to how tight her backend was compared to her snatch. Of course, since that made things better, Tania moaned out louder and more often now, face looking ecstatic as she rode Marcus's cock like there's no tomorrow. And by sheer chance, Marcus was also getting ready to fire, something Tania managed to pick up on simply by how he was acting. Well, that and what he said a little later. "Gnh... I'm g-gonna.. hah..." He moaned out, trying to tell it to Tania. She already had a guess though, and ended up going full speed as she gave in to her lust. Before Marcus finally shot his load though, Tania gave an order...
"By Terraria, fill me with your seed~!" As she said that, having briefly broken through her drunken haze to shout her words out, both of them hit their limits, the dryad dropping down to the base of Marcus's cock as he shot his load. Filling up Tania's backdoor full of his warm, sticky jizz, she stayed on his dick for a little while, not moving until he was done. Once Marcus had pumped out his last though, Tania finally pulled up, getting his dick out of her ass and lying on top of him again. The two were both tuckered out, exhausted after that intense session. Giggling again, Tania gave him another kiss, holding onto him while they stayed on the floor. "F-fuck, that was a-amazing~" She said, putting her head on his chest as the two kept close, Marcus only able to respond with a slight chuckle due to a lack of energy. "B-best... party... e-ever...~" That was Tania's last words before going to sleep, falling unconscious with Marcus drifting off soon after...
The next morning, as the sun shone through the window in Tania's treehouse, the two drunk lovebirds were still asleep on the floor. Marcus woke up first, and after looking around, spotted Tania's sleeping figure lying on top of him. It didn't exactly feel uncomfortable or anything, hell, she looked rather cute while sleeping. So, he didn't move, and instead lay down on the ground and waited. Luckily, it didn't take long for her to wake back up, shifting slightly. "Good morning..." Marcus told her, Tania taking a bit to respond.
"Good... morning..." She replied, moving up a bit on him and closing her eyes.
"...That was, uh... Quite the night, huh?" Marcus commented, staying relatively calm. Tania didn't say anything yet, not because she's embarrassed but because she's still a bit sleepy.
"Sure was... Guess this means we're a couple now, huh?" She asked, Marcus smiling a little as he put his hand on her head, caressing it softly.
"Up to you to decide." He said, Tania giggling as her response while warming up to the feeling.
"Yeah... yeah, I think I'd like it if we were a couple. Not like we haven't been mingling the past month or so..." She told him, liking the sensation of his hand on her head. Opting to enjoy the morning, both of them stayed on the floor, keeping each other company. Even though last night was something of a drunken romp, the two decided to just take it as the start of a relationship. A rather loving one too, if their closeness afterward is anything to go by... |
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 36,581 | 0 | Chapter 0 - Appearance |
When John came back home, he was not expecting there to be a naked girl decapitated on the floor of his apartment, her head disconnected and laying several feet from her body. She was a buxom redhead, and thick as half and half. But he scratched his head. There was no blood, no innards. In fact the area between her neck and head were clearly visible as if an MRI had been taken, but they stayed put like an invisible force was keeping them there.
He just stood there for several seconds, wondering what to do. The police would definitely not believe the story that he came found and found a dismembered woman on his floor. He didn’t have any friends that could help him cover this up, either. His neighbors were fairly nosy people, and thus trying to dispose of it would only spark their curiosity.
There was a sigh of relief when an eye opened on the disembodied head. Her swiveled around before staring at him. He stared back. A wave was given by him, but not returned. All in all it was fairly awkward to look at someone who he had just considered dead.
Only then the body moved, spreading the lower lips of her trimmed pussy, giving him an exclusive peak of her insides. He raised an eyebrow, but all the head did was roll her eyes.
John was not a questioning man, and so he slung the body over one shoulder, and took the head in his hands. All she did was stare at him as he brought her them to the bedroom. He gently lay the body on the king size bed before placing the head on his lap. She said nothing, her eyes trying to stare through him. Her brilliant blue orbs swiveled in her head to the growing length pushing against her cheek. They widened as it continued to grow. He smushed her cheek against his rod, feeling the softness of her skin all the way through his pants. She already knew what he was intending to do, but her body literally would not listen, beginning to pleasure herself. A few fingers placed tactically at her lips began to tease them, wetting them for her. Her other hand concentrating on her large nipples, twisting and flicking them.
Her face was flushed as she felt the pleasure transfer to her. She didn’t even notice him get out a gag. One that held a person’s mouth open, not allowing them to close it. The dullahan pursed her lips, sealing them as he tried to put it on. But instead of her forcing her mouth open, he simply pinched her nose. All it did was heighten the pleasure from the rest of her body. Her fingers becoming even more daring as they began to enter her pussy. John was patient as her cheeks began to blow out, her nipples hard enough to cut diamond, and just the rest height to pinch and roll.
She gasped, and that was when he pushed in the guard, swiftly fastening it around her head. The plastic tasted weird in her mouth, but it was even more annoying with her extremely long tongue hanging out. It reached at least half a foot out of her mouth, dangling on the sheets of the bed and transferring drool to them. She tried to retract it, but John was fast, grabbing it before she could. It was weird, feeling him grasp and play with her tongue. But he did little with it, letting go and allowing her to snake it back up into her mouth.
With the hand not placed atop her head, he unzipped his pants, revealing a tented underwear that sprung up. After deftly moving his hand through it, his member was out. It was way, way too big. At least two feet long and it wasn’t even fully erect. There was no escape for her, and her body came. She went cross eyed, her body covered in a sheen of sweat from what was about to happen to it.
She tried to look away but couldn’t, her eyes drawn like a magnet as he raised her head above his increasingly growing rod. It was like she was on a rollercoaster, and had just hit the hill. She was staring down the length of his dick, and could see the hilt. She knew he was going to try and hilt himself, that’s what they always did. She was full throttle fingering herself, her entire hand working to pleasure her lips as they became increasingly sensitive. She gulped.
Her head was impaled on the rod, lips first. She could feel herself gagging, unable to breath as he pushed her farther and farther along his length. There seemed to be no end to it. His dick was so long it passed out the exit to her neck, into the open air. It was changing the shape of her trachea with how hard it was. And her body could not be more aroused. It was thumbing her clit as if her life depended on it, both hands now contributing to pleasuring her cunt. Her back was beginning to arch, a telltale sign that the time for orgasm was near. But John just didn’t stop, continuing to slide her down his shaft like an onahole. And finally, she was there. She was staring at the base of his crotch, her bottom lip touching his balls. The dullahan’s eyes rolled up as she came, splattering her own face with her juices. There was so much she looked like she’d just come out of the rain. She could feel her pussy twitching, satisfied.
But John was nowhere near done. He grabbed her head with both hands and pulled her all the way up his cock-- far faster this time-- before slamming her back down. A little like one of those carnival games where you tried to hit a bell with a hammer. He kept playing that game, sliding her up and down his shaft, using her drool as lubricant. Eventually he too was near, his grip claw like as he slammed her down onto his shaft. He started grunting, twisting her head as he pushed it down. A whole new pleasure he’d never felt, her throat providing just enough friction for him to take advantage of such a fact. His balls began to tighten and he knew his time was near.
He came. His legs locked as his balls emptied into her throat. He gripped her tight at the base of his cock, his seed dripping onto the floor as his softball sized gonads pulsed. Luckily the dullahan had no need for air, or else she would have been long dead. It felt wonderful to be used like a cocksleeve, although she would never admit it. He then began the slow, tedious process of pulling her off. Allowing him ample time to feel her lips on every inch of his penis, before finally being pulled of with a ‘plop’. She couldn’t take his eyes off his dick. She’d never met a human with one so large. But, maybe he was done. Afterall, there was a non-trivial puddle of cum on the floor.
But no. His length had yet to soften. Her body’s arm grabbed at his hand, placing it on her pussy. He touched her lips. Far wetter than necessary for sex. His hand dripping enough that he placed it inside her mouth in order to wipe it off. Her lids were half closed in pleasure when he assumed the missionary position on her body. Not wanting to leave the head out of the action, he placed her on top of her womb, his hand gently angling her in such a way that she would be forced to see where they connected. Without her consent, her legs bent backwards, held back by her arms in a way that was perfect for breeding.
He had to take a few steps back just to line up the end of his dick with her entrance. Using his dick he teased her, tracing her holds with the tip of his dick, slathered in a mixture of his and her precum. To get a better look, her hands moved so that she was still in the folded missionary position, but was grasping onto her head. Her nose was so close as to brush her clit, causing her to shudder. She could smell his musk, his uncleanliness. It was intoxicating to breath it in, causing her to go crosseyed.
He took the plunge, her head pressed against her tone stomach as her body tried to adjust to his massive dong. It was so big that she could feel it distending her crotch, lifting her head ever so slightly. It was at her cervix, and he was only half way in. her entrance was kissing the tip of his penis, trying to suck him into her womb. But he just kept thrusting in, again and again. Stopping just short of penetrating her womb each time. Her tongue lolled out, draping over her muff and ass, hanging there loosely. His bed squeaked every time he thrust, bottoming out each time. Like he was trying to dig a hole with a hammer. She orgasmed, blasting her own cum against her tongue as her back arched, allowing him even further access to her depths.
His cock slid into her womb. She nearly lost it there from the pleasure. Not only did he pull the full two feet of his cock out, but he hit the end of her womb every time and it was driving her insane. She was practically drowning in pleasure, unable to breath as he relentlessly thrust into her.
John knew his time was near. The dullahan’s pussy was so amazingly tight that he could barely hold on. The fact that she was seeing herself fucked just made it all the hotter to him, especially since her tongue was slathering itself on his balls every time he entered her. Her womb was like a vacuum, it sucked him in and didn’t want him to leave. Her head might not have been straightforward, but her body was certainly honest. He could feel his balls tighten. He upped the pace even further, the bed rocking as he plowed into her with as much force as he could muster.
And then after hilting himself, his crotch touching her clit, he came. A flood of white seed painted the walls of her womb, filling her utterly. He panted, gently placing the head to the side as he collapsed on the dullahan’s body. He was wiped out after that. He hugged her close as the last of his seed left him, a few drops of it sliding out of her pussy onto the floor. That was the best lay he’d ever had, hands down. With the last of his remaining strength, he rolled over next to her, and fit her head over her body. Almost instantaneously it melded, allowing her to feel the full force of his actions and lock her legs again.
White cream dripped out of her pussy in copious amounts, mixing with her own cum as she orgasmed, back in complete control of her body. She couldn’t even move with how tired she was. All she could do was pass out next to a man she didn’t even know the name of.
Similarly, John slept without knowing her name. He would find it out the next morning. |
799181ac12ef5aac9ebe3c6caeb63a9cf45132dafe303f99481b31dc73817673 | 44,885 | 0 | Chapter 0 - First encounter |
Scp 2544
Class: Euclid
Scp 2544 is a humanoid woman with extraterrestrial traits her body is covered in a thin mucus coating her grey black spotted skin. Her innards are a fleshy pink color and her mouth is also pink but her tongue is black. Subject does not talk but can write in all languages native to our world, even those long since forgotten. She has a bundle of tentacle like tails around her backside almost like a belt with studs on them that can extend up to five feet, often used to pick up objects.
Scp 2544 was first found in Nevada in the private rooms of a local brothel. She was caught having sex with a man who confused her for a prostitute. The man was found in the form of a bloody puddle just an hour before capture. One victim who witnessed the event had tried to bribe the D-class personnel to have a secret session with her. They were of course relieved of their memory of the incident via bbbbbbbbbbbbbb..
Scp 2544 has proven docile and sentient but has a taste for flesh. Not just human, she has been fed every type of meat we've given to her from basic farm animals to flesh of other Scps, with no side effects or lasting problems. However when presented with a living male specimen she will try and mate with it to the best of her ability, even when presented with insects and animals far too large or small for reasonable reproductive processes.
Subject has displayed rather high intelligence, to the degree of a college professor when presented with problems of mathematics, science and even riddles (results subjective.) However when presented with male Scps she is highly defensive and with females she's down right territorial. Her main purpose seems to breed with creatures naturally occurring in this world. However every being she's mated with has turned to a bloody puddle she later feasted on, subject seems to grow depressed as time goes on.
When given sexual toys for self enjoyment she simply ignores them and when asked about it she wrote "I seek companionship, I want real copulation, I have no use for it." She seems to only wish to breed and doesn't derive pleasure from the act but so far all subjects seem to be incapable of mating with her and surviving.
We will start interviewing her in hopes to find out more about her mating habits and reproductive capabilities via our only expendable socially interactive doctor, Dr. Bbbbbbbbbbbb
"Good evening 2544, how are you today?" She responds via a notebook pad and pencil.
She writes, "Fine. I am growing lonely however, and the mates you've been providing me continue to cease existing."
"Yes well we are continuously looking for a species you'll be able to reproduce with but we're barely a tenth of the way through the list of mammals and other-"
She writes before I could finish, "I am able to copulate and breed with all manner of life on your planet including fauna, flora, fungi,and even single cell organisms that reproduce asexually."
"You are? Your previous mates seem to contradict that statement 2544."
"I would prefer it if you called me bye a name, I like Eve if you would be so kind."
"Alright then, Eve it is. So if you're able to reproduce with all species on the planet why is it that every mate you've had has turned into a messy red puddle?"
She seems sad about what I said and continues to write. "I cannot comprehend why all of my mates have been turned into such a form. I have a vast knowledge in most fields of science and biology as well as the history of mystic findings I once believed to only be ignorance and fear ridden mortals coping with reality or madness consuming their mind, but being brought here was an awakening to my own ignorance on that matter."
"Perhaps it is not the species but rather how you mate? Perhaps we should try different positions, or environments?"
"I am unaware of if this will increase my odds of producing young, or decreasing the odds of my mate's life ending. It feels so empty in this cell, even when I mate."
"Hmm. Well maybe we should put off reproductive study until we think of something else. Perhaps we can start personal questions?"
She nods her head in agreement.
"Okay, let's begin. Where are you from?"
"Space I suppose, I believe I landed on earth as an egg and grew in an unfamiliar place until I was suddenly swept away bye water, absorbing intelligence from those I devoured, but I lost interest in that after I realised my purpose was to find a mate to be with until I am no more."
"Do you have preferences about what you mate with?"
"Nothing in particular, I prefer humans to any other species, you're the closest thing to me I have ever seen. I think that's the reason I was constantly hiding in those, whore houses. I never really liked the implications of being a whore. I am not selling my most intimate moments to make a monetary profit, I'm trying to find a missing half to my being."
"Do you force your mate to attempt reproduction?"
"No! Well… no. Not on purpose."
"Could you elaborate on that point?"
"Well, I sort of, have an abnormal mental ability. I can make somebody become overwhelmingly attracted to me, or I can make them completely unattracted to me. I find it hard to control and often I don't notice I've done it. The former happens when I am sexually excited and the latter when I am uninterested in a potential mate."
"You haven't turned down any of the potential mates we presented to you. Are there certain traits you'd rather not have in a mate?"
"A being with hatred or anger fueling them are more than just a turn off for me, having to eat my deceased mates means I absorb what they were and in a sense allow them to live on through me, this adding negative driving forces to my mind."
"I was wondering, why do you eat your deceased mates, you don't seem to require food like humans do, you don't even produce waste."
"Well I don't always do it, like with bad people, or less than sentient insects, I'd rather not have survival be the driving force of my morals, I'd rather be a caring human like creature than a cold unfeeling insect."
"Yes well it's good to hear you care about how you affect not only yourself but the world around you. If more of my species were like you I think our world would be a lot better off."
She pauses a moment while two of her tentacles wrap around each other. "Thank you. I also think you are nice. The men that brought me here could learn something from you."
"Did they harm you? I have no report of injury in the files."
"No, I can just sense they are highly troubled both in their minds and in their souls, you seem to have a caring personality despite your higher intelligence."
"Aw, you're making me blush here."
"I am sorry! I didn't realise I had done it again."
"Oh no, no. It was a figure of speech, I just meant you're flattering me." She seemed relieved a bit but still flustered. "So, does that mean you're currently sexually excited?"
Her tentacles are twisting around one another tightly. "Y-yes, I am not used to extended hours of personal conversation. Especially with someone as kind as you. Would you… be interested?"
"Well, I can't say I don't find you interesting or attractive. However I am not sure I am willing to run the risk of, well, liquidation. Besides that even if I did survive I might never be able to see you again, I might even be killed."
She looks down sadly, "I understand but I feel close to you now."
Subject then extends a tentacle and wraps it around the doctor's hand. The doctor notes an odd feelinging in his stomach as the next event occured. Suddenly the doctor began coughing and eventually threw up what looked like a black egg with tentacles, it flung itself at scp 2544 and had vanished into her throat..
"Oh, Jesus Christ what the hell is that?"
She releases him, "I don't know!"
She had spoken, surprising even herself.
"Eve? I thought you couldn't speak?"
"I didn't think it was possible either, what was that inside of you?"
The doctor was baffled and his heart rate was well over the typical bpm. He also noted a rather painful feeling in his, well hid groin and especially in his testicles falling over and squirming in pain.
"My, my crotch is.. ugh my god it hurts so bad!"
At this point the D-class personnel were given the extraction command and 2544 was told by the observer to stay clear to avoid any damage to her or the doctor. Unfortunately there was an issue with the door and even the entire team bashing at the door it wasn't moving and the doctor went on in pain. Subject approached the doctor against the wishes of the observer.
"I. Feel more complete the closer I am to you. You have made me feel so much more than I ever have. I wish to make you feel the same, I wish to mate with you. Will you accept me?"
Scp 2544 then caresses the doctor's face with her hand. The doctor nods his head in too much pain to speak. She removes the doctor's pants and underwear and begins licking his genitals. Her black tongue sliding around his penis then her mouth had taken an odd shape and enveloped his groin and seemingly started rotating and sucking on his genitals.
The doctor reports that it had slowly relieved his pain growing more and more in pleasure. "Right until the very end I was in a state of relaxation and extreme euphoria."
As the doctor's genitals had discharged he was completely fine, though understandably tired. Her mouth released his genitals and slowly her tongue unwound around his penis. D-class found a small cluster of spines spit out by scp 2544 supposedly extracted from his, fluids.
His mucus and saliva coated groin had healed and by the time D-class personnel entered the room the doctor and scp 2544 were engaged in post coital cuddling. The doctor was nuzzled between her breasts noting that, "I had felt I was finally where I was always meant to be. My heart itself felt attracted toward her body in a magnetic way." Tests however show no such thing the doctor may have been being poetic.
The doctor and subject have not seen each other in over a month, however when separated scp 2544 and Doctor vvvvvvv had been found not only facing each other they had both also not been able to sleep if their beds were facing the wall furthest from the other. Testing had resumed three days after this fact was discovered and constant begging from both parties and refusal of cooperation from scp 2544 to talk or write to anyone other than the doctor.
Second meeting. Doctor and scp 2544 ran towards each other and held each other tightly as scp 2544 wrapped her tentacles around the doctors back and head pulling him closer.
"I missed you so much! Why did it take so long for you to return?"
"I missed you too! I wanted to return immediately but they felt it was best to distance us for a time and to perform tests on me."
The observer weighs in, 'Doctor Vvvvvvv! We have work to do, this is not a romantic reunion.
Scp 2544 had suddenly turned a bit more violent. She had screamed in such a way that it had forced the observer to shut down the audio, the doctor reported not hearing any foul noise, he heard nothing but notes he did she her doing what looked like screaming.
"Eve, are you ok?" He hugs her tightly once again and she ceases screaming. She turns to him and they kiss. "I am overwhelmingly happy about our reunion but we do need to ask questions or they'll remove me from this project."
She looks sad but then takes his hand and leads him to her bed where they lay down and the doctor continues questioning scp 2544.
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 36,581 | 4 | Chapter 4 - Finale |
After all was said and done, not a single inch of Alexis was free of semen. It was caked on and inside her. Even her neck was filled to the brim with it. Her mind had long since shut off, endlessly drooling into the carpet as she soaked in the pleasure that she had just gone through. When she had first had sex, she could scarcely feel her lower half. It was numb and painful.
Now her entire body was numb and in heaven. It was sagged against the bench, pulling against the cuffs that kept her there. Not even the cameraman was to be seen. The screen allowing her to see her own debauchery was static, even if that made next to no sense on a digital TV.
Once again taking the hose, John cleaned her insides and outsides out, drying her off and covering her with a jacket as he carried her in his arms. It was nearly four AM, and it was completely dead. Not a soul in sight, although John would have liked a little exhibitionism.
Finally inside the apartment, John tucked her body in before finding her head on the floor with a rather large pool of saliva underneath it. He gently picked her up and closed her eyes. She was sound asleep now, and probably would be for quite a while. Setting her head down, he did his best to get her drool out of the carpet with towels.
While he was quite tired, he did have the energy to rest the head on the night table before crawling into bed. He slipped under the covers with her, already stripped and ready to go. John was tired, but he had yet to have any action. He’d been a spectator the entire time, allowing his friends to have their fun without interruption.
His dick throbbed as it rubbed against her thighs. Her mind may have been asleep, but he could feel the body shudder, playing along. Running a hand along her soft thigh and her voluptuous breasts, his dick hardened against her ass. Acting as the big spoon, he pulled her into an embrace, easing his dick into her warm ass. It was tight in there, despite the dicks that had been in there not an hour before. While her limbs were limp, her insides certainly weren’t. Slowly going in and out felt wonderful as her ass tried unsuccessfully to lock him inside.
Locking his arms around her, he sat up with her still impaled on his dick. Experimentally, he pinched at one of her tits. Her snore stopped momentarily before resuming. She was a living doll, her flesh warm and inviting, and with all the reactions she had while awake. While John did enjoy seeing her reactions while awake, the ones she had while asleep were just as good. The way her body shuddered when he thrust hard into her ass, the soft moans from her dozing head on the table, and the manner in which her limp limbs gave him complete control over her body.
It wasn’t long before he was thrusting inside again, her ass squeezing him just as hard as it had when first entered. He made use of the rest of her body. Groping her tits, her hard nipples rolling around between his fingertips and threatening to lactate. Massaging her smooth stomach, feeling the head of his member through her belly. Her legs were so soft that one could mistake them for a pillow, and his hand ran over them gently, as if petting an animal. This was in sharp contrast to the pounding her ass was receiving, a brutal and savage thing.
The bed squeaked and rocked as John neared his finish, his fingers pumping into her front entrance as his dick pumped into her back. Her hips moved into his own, and it was certain that their neighbors could hear the sound of their flesh pounding against one another with how loud they were. It wasn’t long before John neared the finish, and Alexis’ body knew this, contracting and readying itself for orgasm.
It came all at once, with John pulling her body close as his dick was milked for all its worth through her orgasm. Her head shuddered slightly, drool pooling onto the nightstand as she slept.
Instead of immediately cleaning up, John basked in the afterglow for a moment. The night was old and he was satisfied. Alexis had endured enough for the day, and she would endure more the next. But for that place in time, they were both done.
They both slept peacefully, her body pressed against his chest as their breathing matched, slowed, and he descended into sleep.
Sorry that I've been deceased for a while, it is enjoyable to write things of this nature every once in a while. I actually had a decent amount of this chapter done, but only recently gathered the strength and time to finish it. Hope you enjoyed. |
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 36,581 | 1 | Chapter 1 - Camera |
Blue eyes pierced John as he woke. She-- the Dullahan-- was staring at him. All she did was mutter good morning, her eyes wandering away from his even though they were only a few inches apart. He tried to touch her cheek, only to find his body in the embrace of hers. Only she was at his back, trying to act like a big spoon. Given the fact that he was twice her size, this was more of a cute attempt than a success. Her arms were wrapped around him, and she could feel her breathing in and out. As if she was asleep.
She tried to make it less awkward by introducing herself. Alexis is what she called herself, apparently. John simply nodded away as she explained that she had been looking for a place to stay, only to find his door open as she looked. Given that John always locked his door, he was pretty sure this was a lie, but he didn’t say anything. Instead what he did was turn her head away after prying an arm free.
John asked her if she was telling the truth about why she’d been lying on his carpet. All the while he shuffled around behind her head. All she knew was that there were cabinets being opened. And what sounded like ropes were coming out of them. Alexis redoubled her claim, rather loudly in fact. That was when she felt and heard ropes being tied. Specifically around her wrists. When John queried a second time and she answered the same way, she was suspended in the air, every inch of her body exposed for him to see.
When he asked a third time, she stayed quiet. For a while, she couldn’t feel or hear anything. Then a match was lit, and her head was carried off into the living room shortly after. John was also naked, his penis no bigger than a triple A battery. When Alexis pointed this out, his face was stoic. Ignoring her, he grabbed the remote and turned on the large TV. Most people might have the news, or a game console as their first channel.
John had a stream of Alexis’ body in the bedroom. She was suspended above two massive dildos, at least a few feet tall. The only thing holding her holes from being blasted for lack of a better term, was four ropes. All of which had a candle that was slowly fraying them. In due time, she was going to be impaled by them. Violently.
She gulped. She reasoned that there was no way he would go through with this. It could be prerecorded for all she knew.
Again Alexis repeated her answer. If a little more stammered this time. Rolling his eyes, John began to pump his dick. In slow, lethargic motions. Looking at her body on the screen all the while. Helpless to escape her predicament. And even if she could, her body might not want to get out. He grinned, his dick reaching its full two foot length only a few seconds later. It did help that her body was stunningly nice in all the right places. Toned, with just enough fat for something to grab onto. And her breasts were just the right size for everything you could want to do to them. Without much warning, he took her head and plopped it down on his cock. Except that it was the wrong way around.
Alexis could feel it entering through the bottom of her neck. She was astonished that he would actually do something like that, until she felt the tip of his cock on her tongue. But that’s not where he stopped, no. Just like last time, down to the base. The only difference was the fact that she was turned away from him, watching her own ‘execution’ past the massive swaying prick in her face. Lifting her far enough that her tongue was unimpeded, he asked her the same question.
She stuttered this time as she said it, and so it back down to the hilt for her. It was dizzying at the pace he used her head, the entire world spinning as he used her like a cheap fleshlight. Her saliva only made it easier for him to plop her up and down his shaft. She couldn’t even close her mouth if she wanted to, his penis sprouting from it with his glans brushing against her teeth.
John stood up, rocking even harder. His hips moving backwards and forwards with each thrust, as well as giving her the perfect up close view of her body on the TV. Her legs were twitching making the ropes fray even faster. The video was so hi-def that she could see the cum trickling from her sex onto the one of the massive dildos. He clasped his hands around her ears even harder, going for slow deliberate thrusts instead of wild ones.
It was then that the first rope break. She could see and feel her arm hang loosely, the other three restraints fraying even faster from the increased burden. It was then that she admitted it. She was a whore, looking for someone to breed and use her. Alexis was nothing more than a whore, a cumslut looking to be satisfied. She couldn’t live without his dick, his semen anymore.
John tsked, it was too late for confessions now. He held her eyelids open as he came, shooting through her mouth onto the TV. She could feel his cum in spurts traveling through her throat, blasting onto the TV. Her body fell. Instantly she came from the sensation of her holes getting destroyed. Watching herself squirt through the cum covered picture. Her womb and ass filled with the fake dicks.
She passed out from the pleasure.
John felt the last of his cum dribble from his dick, his onahole ‘off’ for the moment. She’d passed out with her eyes open at the scene of herself impaled on dildos. He considered that satisfying, especially given her admission at the end. If she had just done it earlier, none of that would have happened. But it also would’ve been less fun.
Pulling her head off his member with a ‘shlick’, he gently closed her still open, but unwatching eyes. Putting her under the tap, he washed her out like the onahole she was. Making sure that all of his cream was cleaned out of her throat. From the way her eyes were glazed she was still passed out even after doing that. It was then that he decided they would play a little game.
His neighbor, while nosy, was of a certain breed. One that allowed there to be a gloryhole that he supplied occasionally with women. Only this time, it would just be the head of one. After placing the oral guard around her mouth, he locked her into a harness that wouldn’t allow her head to move. Her moist and waiting mouth positioned perfectly in front of a hole that was in the dividing wall between them.
Now that was taken care of, he moved to her body. It was still cumming, although it was slumped over and unmoving. Pulling her off the dildos was easy with how dripping wet she was. Her juices covering both poles liberally. But instead of using this one for the gloryhole, he kept the body for himself. There were many interesting things he could do with it. But he kept it simple-- for this time at least. To warm himself up, he held her thighs together and pushed his dick through them, his balls dragging across her muff. The body twitched, but did not wake as he did this.
Her body was so soft that he could cum right then. His balls slick with her need as he began to speed up. Even still she slept right through it. She only woke when someone started to use the gloryhole.
They were using her mouth as a toy. They weren’t as long as John, but she doubted most were. In the interest of time she used her tongue, wrapping around the dick like a second mouth. Bathing it in her saliva. Constricting around it to simulate a real pussy. It didn’t take him long to cum. He hilted in her, the semen dripping onto the floor as it fell through her throat. He released himself with a pop.
It’s just that she wasn’t expecting to be penetrated right then. Her eyes had no view of her body, just the wood paneling. But she felt John penetrate her cunt. Her oversensitive and extremely wet cunt from the impaling earlier. Alexis’ eyes rolled back as he began to work her womb. Another dick found sanctuary in her mouth. It came quickly as well, leaving her to concentrate on the massive dick inside her.
He was going to cum soon, and without her permission, her body locked her legs around his hips as he came. She felt her womb fill with his seed. They stayed like that for a good minute before he pulled out of her pussy, letting the rest of his cum to drip onto the sheets.
The gloryhole no longer used, he unstrapped her head and washed her yet again. After all, it was only the beginning of the day. |
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 36,581 | 2 | Chapter 2 - Gloryhole |
John was not expecting Alexis’s body to just hand him her vagina over dinner. They ordered pizza, having sex all the while. They were unable to do anything else, using everything possible as a surface for copulation, in every position. Some that were only possible with a headless woman.
So when her body ‘plopped’ her own cooter off, this was somewhat surprising to John. But he took it in stride. And while it appeared to be only the entrance, he tested it with his penis and it vanished into thin air. Why it worked this way for the vagina and not her head, he had no idea. But that did give him extremely interesting options. Dressing him in under ten seconds, he stuffed the muff and her head-- with minor objections-- into a bowling ball bag and went on his merry way.
Given the nature of Alexis’s position in the bag, she was forced to eat herself out everytime John hit a minor bump. Her nose was pressed against her clit in such a way that she could feel her body fingering her asshole and pinching her nipples without permission. She had to try hard not to let her tongue fall down to the depths of her pussy, because she was fairly sure that would just give John more ideas, and he didn’t need anymore of them.
One inconspicuous trip to the hardware store later, John had duck tape and a drill slung in a bag over his other shoulder. He went to the seediest part of town he could find and entered a public bathroom. Choosing an out of order stall, he began his work, cutting out a hole and covering it in duck tape. He also cut two slightly smaller holes in a ceiling tile after standing on the toilet to reach it. Using his expert skills in ropes and duct tape, he fashioned something to hold Alexis’s head to the tile, as well as forcing her eyes open with small strips. He placed it directly above the stall featuring the hole, making sure that it was stable.
He was somewhat less careful with her vagina, which featured smooth flesh behind it. He just duck taped it to the other side of the hole, making sure that it was flush against the wall. And his gloryhole was complete. The last step was to test it. Shutting the stall door, he quickly unzipped his pants and found his length. It was so large that he had to angle it into her detached pussy, only able to standing parallel to it after going quite a ways in.
Alexis was unable to do anything other than watch herself get fucked and feel her body go along. There was something even hotter about the thought that men she had never seen and would never see again would soon use her. And she would be unable to stop them from possibly even getting her pregnant. The thought alone made her squirt onto his dick. But John was no weakling. The contractions felt like a velvet vice, but he was made of strong stuff. And he powered through, using the tops of the bathroom stall as handles. He used the entire width of the stall to pull out and hilt himself. Both he and Alexis were getting into it, their moans becoming ragged as John approached the finish.
He finished with a gold medal. Cum filling her for the nth time. She came again, her squirt so powerful that John was forced to cover her urethra with a thumb. That of course blue balled her, although John was thoroughly satisfied as he wiped his tip on her oozing lips and went on his way back to the apartment. Alexis felt only frustration at his tease, and unfortunately her ass just wasn’t doing the job. Even with the remote that her body had somehow managed to find and was now using as a makeshift dildo.
That did not last long, however, as a man of the black persuasion made his way into her stall, only to do a double take on the gloryhole. Looking around as if to make sure no one was watching, he followed the same procedure that John had. But he still had a ways to go, jacking himself as he roughly fingered her hole with his index and middle finger. Scraping all the semen out as his dick grew steadily longer.
Alexis watched as he rubbed his cock against her entrance, teasing her with its girth. She could feel just how rock hard he was, and could barely contain herself as he plunged into her. He started to rock back in forth in the stall slowly. He was easing up to go faster while making sure that she was wet enough to take him. His dick and the remote up her ass were divine. John must have arrived back at the apartment because she felt him replace the remote in her ass with his massive dick. She was getting dped and couldn’t help but let her tongue lol out of her mouth, hanging from her hole in the ceiling like a party streamer.
The stranger finally finished inside her, but not before kissing her womb with the tip of his penis and allowing all of his seed to pool inside. It would be impossible for her to feel better than she did at that moment, squirting hard enough to cover the stranger with piss. Not that he cared, chuckling as he left. His balls empty and his day made even better.
Alexis could barely keep her eyes open as she watched her pussy twitch and drip cum onto the floor. It was then that John finished, pumping his own molten hot cum into her bowels. His dick pulsed, releasing more and more with every cycle until she could feel her stomach begin to grow. Alexis felt him pull his dick out and her body crumpled to the floor of the apartment, twitching and cumming.
She had a long day ahead, as another man entered the stall. |
ebbcd4c3084c7507ee3be1ceaf9ce009b95c0b97b61e23cdc271c5c78e846146 | 32,572 | 2 | Chapter 2 - Breakfast Talks and Epidromancy |
Jordan woke the next morning in a bed much too comfortable to be his own. He hated comfortable beds - they always made it so hard to get up in the morning. After all, why would he ever want to open his eyes and do things when he could just lie there forever and forget the world existed? Logic and motivational thought had no place in a comfortable bed, so his two greatest motivators softly flew out of the window …
Still, Jordan somehow managed to coerce his legs into propelling him off of the dangerously soft cushions belonging to his new guardian. It was strange to think of her that way, especially since both of his parents were still very much alive and well, but they couldn’t exactly move to the Academy with him. Not that they weren’t allowed to, of course. In fact, the school offered reasonable rent to families that wished to stay in close proximity to their children and had plenty of jobs available for assisting the school itself.
No, the reasons that Emily and Sean Clausen were not able to join their son in the grand cityscape that housed the Academy of Magic were the same reasons that Jordan had received so many pitious stares as he had talked about his choice of major: technology simply had no place in the magical world. Both of his parents had careers that required mechanical assistance (or in the case of his father, assisting the mechanical assistance) and there was very little of that to be found in this Magicentric settlement. The trains on which they had arrived were one exception to this, but those were mostly a diplomatic agreement between Magi and ordinary people, so as to assist in those with Magical potential adjusting to a new world.
The precise reason why the Academy didn’t use modern technology was rather difficult to discern. Perhaps it was the fact that magic, once learned, could perform any action a machine could with less cost and more efficiency. Perhaps it was the fact that most Magi simply didn’t understand machinery, both in concept and technical knowledge. Perhaps it was the thought that if one wanted to invest time in technology, they could easily become a scientist or inventor instead of trying to force Magic to coincide with it in some form.
Of course, that wasn’t to say that Enchantment wasn’t a school of magic that was taught regularly. Many Magi learned to enchant objects with spells or to make them move on their own. These spells, however, were very easy to learn without investing long-term attention in the school of Enchantment itself. To turn Enchantment into your school of focus, therefore, was considered a waste of time and talent.
And that was the long-winded explanation for why Jordan stood in the middle of a rather large bedroom in a very large house completely on his own, ruminating on the prejudice he would be forced to overcome in the next four years of his education. He had never been surrounded by such lavish adornments in his life. Never had magical floating crystals shined light into his room from just inches below the ceiling. Never had his wallpaper and carpet and bedspread all changed to whatever color he chose. Never had he owned a wallet so full of allowance money he couldn’t even begin to think of how and where to spend it all. And he had never, ever felt so alone in his life.
Jordan began walking down the winding staircase that led to the living room. The stairs in this house were very confusing to him; he had seen Ms. Bellafonte run up them to her own room to grab her things the moment they’d gotten through the front door last night, and yet Jordan did not see any other rooms on his way down to the living room. He assumed it was something to do with pocket dimensions or space manipulation, after all Ms. Bellafonte was an Archmage and a powerful one at that.
The more Jordan thought about Ms. Bellafonte, the less sense she seemed to make. For one thing, despite his being chosen as her apprentice, last night had been the very first time the two of them had ever met. For another, despite all of these amazing stories people kept telling about her, she seemed far too young and far too … lackadaisical to have played a role in any of them, let alone the leading one. Yet, she demonstrated clear magical talent just in the home she lived in, so there must be some truth to it all …
Jordan recalled vividly the conversation he’d had with the Spokesman, when he was told that not only did he have the magical talent to be a student at Bellafonte’s, but that the Headmistress herself had handpicked him to be her apprentice. He had not been told anything about the Headmistress, or why she had chosen him, only that if he would wish it he could live in her home during his educational years. And really, who would refuse the chance to experience the lifestyle of someone so well renowned and respected?
Still, now that he was here it was hard to believe the same woman that had rushed him into the door, grabbed a separate set of robes from her room, said “Your room’s upstairs, I’ll be out late, have a good night!” and rushed out the door again was the great and powerful Elizabeth Bellafonte. For all he knew, she could have just not returned last night at all, for she was not in the living room when he reached the bottom of the stairs.
The living room was actually fairly normal - there were no electronics of course, but every other amenity common to a normal household was there. A very soft-looking sofa and just as comfortable recliner were placed around a small wooden table in the center of the room. Both the sofa and recliner were floral patterned, and the table had those little swirls at the bottom of each of its legs to make it seem more ornate. There was a fireplace in front of both of these, the chimney of which the stairs curled around as it rose through the ceiling. The only other thing of note in the room was a shelving unit layered with various card and board games, probably put there specifically for Jordan’s time living here.
It took Jordan a second after getting down the stairs to notice the smell emanating from the kitchen - it was like someone had layered cheese onto melting plastic to mask the acrid odor and failed miserably. Jordan poked his head through the kitchen door to see if there was a fire and found that he was half-right: there was a fire, but it was in the stove. Natural heating sources were probably much easier to control thanks to magic, and since the residents of the city didn’t use electricity the next reasonable step would be to-
“Oh! Good morning; didn’t know you were awake!”
Jordan was snapped out of his technical analysis by the familiar voice of Elizabeth Bellafonte, whom the former had only just realized was operating the stove. He immediately realized two other things: 1. That he had forgotten to change into proper robes when he woke up and as such was still wearing his fluffy blue pajamas with green stars on them, and 2. That the illustrious Ms. Bellafonte was currently standing in a kitchen, wearing a slim-fitting apron and cooking his breakfast. Jordan’s brain went from full logical deduction to puberty-induced emotional overload in the span of a millisecond.
Despite this, Jordan managed a stammered “G-good morning …” from his safe place behind the kitchen door. He could just barely see Ms. Bellafonte’s slim form, which meant that she could barely see his bright red face at all. Jordan wondered if it would be best for him to run upstairs and get dressed before coming in to speak with her … though even if he did, he still wasn’t sure what they would talk about.
Ms. Bellafonte rolled her eyes and casually waved her hand, opening the door and sending Jordan stumbling into the kitchen without getting anywhere near him. She looked him up and down and chuckled as his face got ever closer to looking like a ruby.
“So that’s what you were so worried about.” Elizabeth smiled softly at Jordan, the usual casual lilt to her voice. “For a second there, I thought you’d just gotten excited over seeing me in an apron.”
Jordan shook his head vehemently. “O-of course not! I … I didn’t even know if you were back from last night, I had no idea that you’d be-”
As Jordan tried to stammer a denial, Ms. Bellafonte waved her hand dismissively. “Calm down little guy, it was just a tease. Have a seat, breakfast will be ready soon.”
Jordan huffed a little and went to take a seat at the table. The kitchen and dining room were both fairly close to normal, minus the difference in appliances. There were more floating crystals to act as a light source and alongside the aforementioned traditional fire stove there was a sink-like fixture involving another floating crystal - this one blue, likely enchanted with a spell to create water at will. The kitchen was very comforting to Jordan; it reminded him that at heart even Magi were just people who happened to have extraordinary powers.
Speaking of extraordinary, watching Ms. Bellafonte cook was quite the spectacle. There were no pans involved, or any instruments of any kind really. She merely waved her hands as various bits of eggs and bacon and sausage all danced inside the roaring fire. Jordan wondered vaguely where all the smoke was going, before immediately dismissing the question in his mind. Surely there was a spell to get rid of smoke. Surely there was a spell for everything.
“And there we are!” Ms. Bellafonte flicked her wrist and sent two plates to float along gently onto the table, with cutlery and napkins following to rest neatly beside each. Withdrawing the food from the roaring fire, she laid it all to rest upon the plates as well … with everything scattered and jumbled together. Perhaps it was the difficulty that came with moving smaller, more numerous pieces without putting them into groups that caused Jordan’s plate to be the home of such a disorganized mess. Perhaps Ms. Bellafonte was simply lazy.
“... thank you very much.” Jordan managed to remember his manners despite feeling rather upset with his caretaker at the moment. He hoped she didn’t ask him why he was upset, for it was rather difficult to pinpoint a specific reason. He didn’t actually mind the messy food that much, not really. He didn’t even mind the teasing about his nervousness. He was just trying to find some way to get out his frustrations over … what, exactly?
Ms. Bellafonte, who was currently halfway through annihilating her own breakfast cerbobble, noticed that Jordan hadn’t started eating and swallowed hard before speaking. “Geez, I know it’s not the best cooking in the world, but you don’t have to look at it like it’s insulting your mother. Give it a shot, you’ll love it!”
It was the word ‘mother’ that finally made Jordan realize - this woman had sent someone else to tell him he was a Magus. To tell him he was a Magus worthy of being her apprentice. She’d done all of this without ever meeting him once. She’d convinced him to leave his home, his family, all to pursue four years of magical expertise and a career befitting that knowledge. And after doing all of this without ever introducing herself, she was behaving as if everything was perfectly normal, as if he was the one who was acting strangely. It was infuriating.
“... Who are you?”
Elizabeth Bellafonte stared at her apprentice with great bemusement.
“Umm … Elizabeth? Headmaster of Bellafonte’s? Your master? Greatest chef this side of-”
“Can you cut that out!?”
Jordan’s outburst didn’t seem to really faze Ms. Bellafonte, but he got some small pride from the fact that it at least wiped the smile off her face.
“You send someone else to invite me to be your apprentice, with no explanation, without even introducing yourself and then you just act like everything’s perfectly fine!? How do you even know me!? What makes you think you can be all buddy-buddy when we’ve only just met!? Just who the hell do you think you are!?”
It probably wasn’t the best idea to yell at the Headmistress of the school he was attending, but at this moment Jordan didn’t care. He’d had enough of not being given straight answers or told exactly what was going on or how people were thinking. Maybe he should have just stayed at home - things were less confusing there, everything was direct. No one tried to confuse him with conflicting information and interaction.
For her part, Elizabeth Bellafonte sighed and set down her cutlery before turning in her seat to look Jordan in the eyes. He saw his own cyan colored eyes reflected in the pupils of her bright green ones. Jordan braced himself mentally to be yelled at in turn, or to be talked down to, or threatened or something bad, something terrible to be rained down from this all-powerful and greatly influential woman before him.
“I’m sorry.”
Elizabeth took hold of Jordan’s hands while he was distracted by the unexpected apology that came from her lips.
“I know that this has all been a very fast, difficult change for you. I sure as hell didn’t do anything to make it easier … but know that everything I did, I did to protect you and your family.”
A moment of silence fell between the two of them before Jordan remembered himself and jerked his hands out of Elizabeth’s grasp. “What do you mean? Protect us from what?”
Elizabeth rested her hands in her lap before speaking again. “Magi can sometimes be … unsavory towards the non-magical. If word got out that I had picked my apprentice from a non-magical family, you’d be facing severe discrimination from the rest of the magical world.”
“I’m already getting lots of death glares …” Jordan recalled the events of the introduction ceremony with great embarrassment and pain. Eddy had surely felt completely betrayed after finding out the truth. “I might have lost my only real chance at a friend because of it …”
“You mean the boy you were talking to? Don’t worry about it!” Elizabeth smiled at Jordan, causing all the dark corners in the room to light up. “He seems like the kind of person who doesn’t care about status, and I’m a pretty good judge of character. But anyway, back to the point:”
“There’s a difference between people looking at you funny and what practiced Magicians will do to you.” Elizabeth put her serious face back on and leaned forward in her seat a little. “We’re talking about people with mastery over all elements, people that can bend space and time to their whims. These people think that they’re Gods, and to be honest they’re half-right. If they want something, they take it. If they don’t like something, they break it.”
“But there are laws!” Jordan blurted out. “The Circle of Magi has laws in place to prevent any Magus from harming non-magical peop-”
“I said ‘Magician.’” Elizabeth cut him off. “Not ‘Magus’. The Magi in North America won’t try anything, not with my word backing you and the Circle of Magi breathing down their necks. But the various kinds of Magicians around the world, who all back different schools - some of whom consider themselves to be rivals to the Academy - aren’t as worried. The Magical laws in some of those countries are more lax, have more loopholes. And our own Magical law prevents me from interfering with normal people’s lives directly in any manner, including giving them protection.”
“But-” Elizabeth continued. “Even that law has loopholes. I can offer protection to any charge I’ve taken under my wing, as well as any family they currently reside with, be they magical or non-magical. Since that’s only after you become my apprentice, though, I had to keep everything very hush-hush about your apprenticeship. At least until you were safely in the Academy.”
Jordan took a moment to absorb all of this information before speaking once more. “So Mom and Dad, are they …?”
“Perfectly safe!” Elizabeth grinned cheerfully. “I made sure to send out a few defensive spells over each of them while I was out last night. Nobody’s getting to either of them, I promise.”
Jordan heaved a sigh of relief. This was a lot to take in, but at least he was finally getting answers, and it was especially good that Mom and Dad would be alright. He still had more questions, however, and he knew exactly which one he wanted to ask next: “Why me?”
“You mean, why did I pick you as my apprentice?” Elizabeth’s smiled remained on her face as Jordan nodded. Was all the light rising in the room when she smiled just the feeling he got, or was it some magical quirk like his eyes? She turned back towards her plate and picked up her fork and knife. “I’ll tell you while we eat; the breakfast’s getting cold!”
Jordan suddenly remembered just how hungry he actually was. Come to think of it, had he even gotten food at the banquet last night? He could hardly remember, but it didn’t really matter when he had a full plate in front of him. It was a passable meal, certainly not as good as Dad’s home-cooked sausage and Mom’s specialty eggs, but still enjoyable all the same. The most interesting part was the light charcoal scattered about from the flames, which added a strangely dry sweetness that made the meal more unique. Elizabeth continued her explanation as Jordan ate his fill, her own plate more or less cleaned out already.
“I don’t mean to sound creepy, but I’ve actually been watching you for a while now.” Jordan looked at his Master with a confused expression. “Not directly, obviously; I’m not a stalker! I used my crystal ball to keep an eye on all young individuals with magical potential that belonged to non-magic families. The non-magic part was the most important thing; I didn’t want to give special treatment to any existing magic families, and for that matter I always find people raised in magic to be spoiled as kids.”
Jordan nodded silently along. That made sense; if he was given everything he ever asked for with a wave of his parent’s fingers, he’d likely have been spoiled, too. This made Jordan realize something though, and he gave a hard swallow before speaking. “So you were watching all the others, too? Red and Eddy and Roger and … and …” Jordan struggled to remember the name of the girl in the glasses.
“Penny.” Elizabeth said. “Penny Parker. Yes, I was watching all of you. I won’t tell you anything about their personal lives, but I will say that out of everyone there, you seemed to be the most promising.”
Jordan looked down at his plate - now significantly cleaner, he surprised himself with how much he’d eaten so quickly - and pondered her words. “If I had known that, I would have looked at them closer … I mean, I don’t really see what you mean when you say I’m the most promising of the five of us. They’re all so passionate, and I’m just …”
“... Just a normal kid.”
Elizabeth finished Jordan’s sentence for him, with no effort at all. “But that’s what makes you so special. You aren’t trying to prove anything to anyone, and you aren’t trying to compete. The rest of them - they all have some desire to win, some want to be better than everyone around them. But you … you aren’t thinking about being better than anyone else. You just want to be the best you can be.”
Jordan looked at Ms. Bellafonte, his cheeks flaring up. Why did she have to make him so embarrassed? It certainly didn’t help when she put her hand on his head and ruffled his hair like she was doing now.
Jordan’s embarrassment seemed to amuse Ms. Bellafonte, who spoke with a more gentle, yet encouraging tone than before. “Don’t ever doubt yourself, JC. You’re exactly what I’ve been looking for.”
Jordan’s head jerked backwards a bit at the mention of his nickname. The motion surprised Elizabeth, who took a second to realize what had triggered her apprentice’s response. “Oh!” She exclaimed, her own cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. “I’m sorry! Force of habit … I saw your mom call you that so many times, I just …”
“No! It’s … fine.” Jordan smiled at Elizabeth, the color in his cheeks fading a bit. “Honestly, it feels better than my real name. ‘Jordan’ is so bland and generic … it’s such a common name. JC is at least a little unique.”
Elizabeth nodded, her smile returning once more as the world lit up like a stage. “Exactly! Plus, I think it suits you a lot more.”
The two of them talked for quite some time during breakfast, the tense air between them seemingly completely evaporating in the summer air. With no secrets held between them, the student and teacher could finally connect on some level, and they had so much fun doing so that neither of them noticed as the clock slowly ticked away to the start of the first day’s lessons …
Jordan’s legs were burning as he scrambled to get to his class on time. He’d spent way too much time getting ready, but thanks to Ms. Bellafonte making a portal for him he might still be able to avoid being late! The grand hallways of the Bellafonte Academy of Magic passed him by in a blur as he ran far faster than he could remember doing in his life. He had no way of knowing what the instructor would do if he was late to his first class, and he had no intention of finding out!!
Jordan checked his map frantically as he ran, careful to make sure he didn’t miss the room he had to stop at, keeping a close eye on the numbers above the doors he passed. 112 … 113 … 114!! As Jordan leapt for the door handle to get inside, he felt something small but heavy crash into him on the way, making him slam hard into the door itself and eliciting from him a soft “Oof!” that seemed to echo in the empty hallway.
The good news was that he made it inside the classroom and he wasn’t even late. The bad news was that someone else seemed to have been cutting it just as close as he was. This ‘someone else’ was currently sprawled over his back as his face was pressed into the floor, and Jordan could hear the other students laughing at the two of them. Great, he thought to himself, another opportunity to draw attention to myself. Way to go, me.
“Sorry about that …” said the voice of the human weight that was lifting itself off of him. Whoever it was must be female, which made this whole incident several magnitudes worse. “Should’ve looked where I was going. You want any help?” She must have been offering her hand to help him up. Oh well, Jordan thought, I already drank the poison, I might as well lick the bowl.
Jordan flipped himself onto his back as he reached out for the girl’s hand. “Thanks …” he said, before registering who he was speaking to: standing above him was Red, the fire-haired ferocious female from the train ride here. Jordan’s cheeks burned a color somewhere between both of their hair’s shades and intensities. This day just keeps getting better, he ruminated.
Red, however, seemed blissfully unaware of Jordan’s reaction as she helped him to his feet with a friendly grin and a hearty “No problem!” before turning away to find her seat. Jordan looked after her for a second, watching her mane bounce behind her in a wild yet enticing pattern before remembering where he was and what he was doing. He scrambled to pick up the notebooks and pens he had been holding before looking around to find a seat.
Everyone in the room was staring at him … why did he have to make a fool of himself right out of the gate? Of course, the big declaration of his apprenticeship last night certainly didn’t help him blend in … Jordan was looking for someone, anyone, to give him solace from the accusatory stares. Thankfully, one such savior sat hidden within the crowd.
“You just can’t keep your hands off her, can ya tiger?” Eddy beamed up at Jordan as the latter passed by his seat, spitting out the teasing comment a little too loudly for Jordan’s liking.
“Shut up! It was an accident, and you know it!” For as irritated as Jordan was for the added attention, however, he was actually very happy to see Eddy again. There was a part of him that worried his only friend at the school would treat him differently after learning that he was apprenticed to the Headmistress, but he now realized just how foolish that had been. Eddy really wasn’t the kind of person to worry about stuff like that.
Eddy rolled his eyes, still grinning. “Sure, and I guess that your lustful eyes as she danced away, out of your reach was all an accident, too?” Eddy’s eyelashes fluttered as he laced his sentence with dramatic emphasis, as if composing a poem. Jordan was just putting a hand in his face and telling him exactly where to shove it when a door opened at the other end of the room.
“Ssssorry I’m late, ladiessss and gentlemen. I wasss caught up in a rather disstassteful encounter.”
Eddy, Jordan, and the entire room’s eyes turned to fall upon the creature that entered through the professor’s door and was now slithering toward the teaching podium. From the waist up, the creature had the body of a woman with blood red eyes and dark purple hair stretching all the way down her back. Her facial features hinted at the serpentine nature that was made material below her waist in the form of the body and tail of a real serpent. Her voice, while still close to Human, carried a natural lisp to it that completed the unnatural image.
“Do not be alarmed, my students. I may be a Lamia but I am not like the monsters you’ve read about in children’s tales.” The snake woman slithered across the floor and took her place at the podium before smiling gently at the crowd of now-seated students. “My name is Naga. You may address me with or without the ‘Professor’ title - whichever you prefer. Welcome to Epidromanssy.”
Jordan was transfixed by the strange nature of the person before him. The transition between Human and Snake in her form was so seamless, and the scales did nothing to detract from her physical attractiveness. Her voice was deeper than he’d imagined a Naga sounding, but the ever so slightly stronger ‘s’s in her speech did help him to accept the abnormality a little. This woman had slipped into her role quite well.
“Holy shit, dude! That chick’s a snake!” Eddy was frantically whispering into Jordan’s ear, making it difficult to listen to the teacher. “Why would they let a snake lady teach us how to use magic!? They must be out of their damn-”
“Don’t be rude, Eddy!” Jordan chided his new friend, which really wasn’t the best way to solidify their companionship, but he wasn’t showing much tact at all. “She’s the Epidromancy teacher. What do you think that means?”
“She could be giving me tips on where to find the G-spot and I’d still be freaked out, ‘cause she’s a fucking snake!”
Eddy was practically shaking with terror, and Jordan couldn’t think of what was worrying him so much. However, as he tried to talk some sense into his now cowering companion, and an idea occurred to Jordan. No way … was Eddy really …?
“Well, it would seem we have a student or two not paying attention.” Jordan heard the voice next to him and actually jumped in his seat a little. That was nothing compared to Eddy, however, who jumped right out of his chair and fell on the floor, holding his arms in front of him and shaking in terror. This earned him a few snickers from the other students, which was a lot less than Jordan had been expecting.
The teacher herself seemed to be the only one behaving normally, ironically enough. She looked at Eddy with slight amusement mixed with pity. “Please, calm down young one. I will not bring any harm onto you. Particularly since most of the spells in my class are completely harmless.”
The snake woman slithered away back to her podium and placed her hands upon it before addressing the class once more. “Just to be certain we all heard my introduction speech, my name is Naga. I am the Epidromancy professor at this school, and let me make this clear: I was not born a Lamia. I chose this life, and it was through the powers of Epidromancy that I made my choice.”
“In this class, you too will learn how to redesign the human body - not necessarily in the way that I did. You can choose to transform yourself into a magical creature of your choosing, or you can simply change the color of your skin and eyes. You can choose to make yourself stronger or smarter, or bigger or smaller, or even change your physical gender. The body becomes clay with Epidromancy - mold it to your preference.”
Professor Naga slithered around the classroom, snapping her fingers and brandishing some forms that mere seconds before had not been there.
“These” Naga indicated one of the forms “are copies of your syllabus. Among other things, they contain a list of general concepts that can be learned from my class. For your first year, you may choose one of these concepts to learn so that you might control it through magic. Then, if you wish to return to my class next year, you will have the option to learn some of the other concepts as well-”
“Wait!” Jordan rose his hand, unable to control himself. “So we aren’t going to cover everything? I thought the first year was supposed to be an introductory course in all the schools of magic!”
“It is …” Naga let the ‘s’ hang a little farther than her usual lisp as she passed Jordan’s desk and bent forward to speak to him personally. Eddy still had not returned to his seat, and scurried another foot away from the two of them. Even Jordan had to admit that this close proximity to someone of greater power was plenty intimidating.
“You seem not to have been well informed. Odd, considering who you are apprenticed to, but I suppose that’s irrelevant.” Naga lifted herself away from Jordan and spoke once more to the class as she handed Jordan a handout for himself and one for Eddy. “For those of you who are not aware, this course is only introductory. However, magic is a highly complex thing - there are no precise spells that we can teach you. Only the bare concepts.”
“That does not mean that we will have no practical lessons - quite the contrary, much of our in-class time will be spent perfecting the applications of what you have studied on your own. You will find that much of our school’s schedule consists of homework, projects, and plenty of office hours for students. However, most spells you must obtain a license to cast unsupervised, hence the purpose for class hours. Things might be different next year, but for now you can expect the classes themselves to be short and to the point.”
Jordan had no idea they would be doing so much at home - he guessed that was why choosing where to board was so important. A proper study environment would be essential for the years to come, and he was suddenly even more grateful for his apprenticeship to Miss Bellafonte. As Jordan began reading through his handout, he noticed Eddy still cowering on the floor and casually tossed the slip of paper to him, which surprisingly almost hit the mark, managing to land on the latter’s foot.
Jordan then turned his attention to the handout itself. The first page contained safety guidelines which, unsurprisingly, there seemed to be a lot of. Most magic could go horribly wrong, but Jordan could only imagine how catastrophic Epidromancy could be on the caster if any mistakes were made. Still, despite how important all of that was, he couldn’t resist skipping to the page detailing their concepts of choice.
There were nine concepts in total, and each one seemed more difficult than the last. Appropriately, the first three held the word (Recommended) next to them, which Jordan assumed meant there would either be discussions in class on these topics or at the very least that they were easier to understand. Change Appearance, Healing, and Change Physical Attributes certainly seemed to be easier to grasp conceptually than Reshape, Alter Size and Monsterify. Jordan was surprised to see some of the options listed - he wondered how Genderbend differed from Change Appearance and Reshape, or how Alter Mental Attributes and Alter Age even worked on a mental level.
Jordan was starting to get excited. Everything about magic was so interesting!
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 36,581 | 3 | Chapter 3 - Exhibitionism with a dog and a cameraman |
Alexis awoke to the sound of a cellphone vibrating on the table next to her. Instinctively she reached for it, and quickly found that her body was nowhere to be found. She cracked an eye open to see a static screen in front of her. The same one that she’d watched her holes impaled on a few days prior. It didn’t take long for the screen to connect to something-- a handheld phone camera. Of course the person was using portrait, like the degenerate they were.
Two people were pictured, walking down the road in the middle of the night. John, and another person wearing a gray trenchcoat. It took Alexis a moment to realize that was her body, which became obvious from not only her blue skin, but the fact that she could feel her legs and privates exposed to a cold breeze. That, and the fact that she watched and felt John slap her body’s ass. Of course that made her body wet, her body was sluttish enough that anything remotely sexual would flood her thighs and pussy.
It was when they reached a quiet plaza that the coat was flung off, revealing that she had nothing underneath and apparently had nipple piercings. Not that she’d ever gotten them, but they were hoop rings. The type that you would attach weights to or pull on. Her body couldn’t resist touching herself, playing with her sensitive nipples and using the piercings to twist and pull them in ways she’d never felt before. All the while, John put down a bag he’d been carrying, carefully removing from it several ropes, handcuffs, and a pink ribbed dildo.
Sitting down her body at a wooden bench, he spread her legs as far as they could go. He tied her ankles to the armrests, such that she could do nothing to stop anyone or anything from penetrating her leaking holes. Then he handcuffed her arms to a light pole behind the bench, leaving her pillowy soft jugs ripe for the taking. For a final touch, he shoved the dildo into her ass and turned it on.
Already she was drooling on the couch, her tongue lolling onto the floor. She could see her body squirting all over the city street, spasming without her control. Just the thought of her being exposed to the outside world, and free for the taking was enough for her to become heated inside. Not a single part of her was private, and John made sure of this by using scotch tape to pull apart her dripping wet lips and show her soft and pulsating insides.
He waited patiently for the night crowd to come in. A few strangers would be fine, and a few friends that he’d contacted with good news would be showing up. John took a seat, watching as the camera man took up close shots of her pussy. When John offered him the chance to have some fun, he accepted readily and dropped his pants, already ready to go.
While length was not one of his qualities, he was enthusiastic. Hammering in and out as he groped one of her breasts. Every few seconds he would wiggle the dildo in her ass around, pushing it in just a little farther each time. He could feel it pushing up against his dick within her walls, vibrating harshly. The cameraman started alternating the thrusts of the dildo with his own until he felt himself nearing the end. Balancing the camera on his shoulder, he gripped her ass with both hands and put himself into it, her breasts flopping up and down as he rammed into her.
Alexis could scarcely watch the TV-- as it was an odd and arousing thing to watch yourself being fucked from a man’s point of view-- but she could feel him expanding inside. Her bound legs twitched, fruitlessly trying to wrap around the man’s waist and wring him for all he had. She was forced to endure the possibility that some of his seed might not make it into her, and the helplessness made her cum right there and then.
Her walls tightening, the cameraman felt his member gripped by a velvet vice, and fully emptied his load inside. It was heaven for him, his milk massaged and milked by her muscles. It took a long few moments before he was presentable enough to put his pants back on, taping the cum dripping out from her pussy down onto the ground. Every now and then her sex would twitch a little from the orgasm, sending another wave of cum out. Her chest rose and fell as her heartbeat lowered. The cameraman would definitely be a good lay in the future.
John watched as a large german shepherd walked past him. It wasn’t a stray, given its collar, but its owner was nowhere to be found. It bumped into the cameraman as it sniffed at Alexis’ crotch. With one long, wet lick, it went from her ass to her clit. She shivered at the strange sensation, squinting at the TV to see a dog going down on her. While she’d never been with a dog before, it wasn’t like she had much of a choice at that moment. It could definitely eat her pussy any time she wanted, thinking as its rough tongue lapped over her.
It wasn’t long before it gently placed its snout on her clit and thrust its tongue inside, lathering all of her insides with its saliva. Alexis came, squirting on the dogs face while it moved its tongue even farther up. She couldn’t stop twitching as the dog refused to let up while she came, already more sensitive than she was before. While she didn’t know it, the dog was readying her.
Alexis sighed somewhat sadly at the removal of the tongue, but felt fur brush her body as the dog placed its paws on either side of her arms. It jabbed its massive red member forcefully against her entrance, finding purchase after the third try or so and sinking into her. Its member was as hot as an iron, and she was finding the pain wonderful. It invigorated her as the dog pumped in like the animal it was, lapping at her breasts all the while and biting them with no regard for her pleasure. It was instinct at that point.
But at the end of his dick she could feel something pressing against her entrance. A massive knot that was refused entrance into her small pussy that pounded against it again and again. The camera was focused on it now, watching as it battered her entrance like a circular puzzle piece trying to fit in a much smaller hole. The dog was relentless, its mouth clamping on her chest and drawing blood as it became a mindless animal. She could feel its time was coming near, and her body reacted accordingly. Her walls spasmed as she came, but it was then that the dog found its chance.
It thrust in, the knot locked inside. For a moment, nothing happened as the dog humped her, the tip of its penis lodged at the entrance of her womb. Realizing its goal was achieved, or perhaps acting on its instincts, it came down from its position above her and rested all four paws on the ground, its knot still inside her now airtight pussy.
Then and only then did a flood of white come out. She could see her belly filling up from the sheer volume of cum that the dog was putting inside her. Alexis kept expecting it to stop but it never did. Her womb and eggs were being violated by the seed of something that wasn’t even human, drowning her eggs and unable to fertilize them. They were like that for half an hour, until the dog’s dong had fully wilted and its knot had shrunk. It came out of her with a pop, along with a rush of semen. The dog didn’t even look back as her body slumped unconscious, the seed of a mongrel splashing onto the stones below the bench.
John looked at his watch. It was only a few minutes before his friends arrived and Alexis’ cum filled state simply wouldn’t do. Reaching into his bag, he grabbed a magic hose that Alexis herself had supplied a day earlier. One that was only a few short feet, and was not connected to a faucet, but nonetheless spat out water.
Lodging the hose into the entrance of her loose cunt, he turned on the hose. Alexis awoke to the feeling of cold water rushing through her insides and filling up her womb for the second time that day. Once John was satisfied, he removed the head of the hose. Semen and water flowed out in equal parts, leaving a sparkling clean pussy. He pinched her clit as a sort of greeting before heading back to his seat on a bench.
It was going to be a long night for her.
2675b925f5d8de07c4be8558961be1a1bc07012d7a0977222df8f215cc3322e6 | 26,220 | 1 | Chapter 1 - A Slumber Party |
Amanda was a slut, and she was fine with that. Not just any slut, though. For her, the creme de la creme was humiliation. Submission, surrender, anything and everything about it, and it didn’t take her long to find others like her when she got to college.
It was a little awkward at first, as these things can be. It was even more daunting to find herself surrounded exclusively by women; up until this point, her sexual exploits had mostly involved men. In the end, though, it really didn’t matter who was calling her a helpless slut. In fact, she found the arrangement more preferable. As the five of them got to know each other better, they became good friends. The girl with the short, straight hair dyed black with the amazing curves evolved from a description to Dani, one of her best friends. The skinny brunette with freckles everywhere was Anna. The blond and the punk with bright blue hair couldn’t have seemed more different at first; they looked like the stereotypical southern prep with huge tits and the punk who couldn’t get through the airport on account of all her piercings, but the two got along so well that it soon became hard to think of them separately; it was never just Sam, never just Jess, always Sam and Jess.
What had been awkward, nearly silent late-night encounters arranged weeks in advance soon became spur of the moment “sleepovers.” High-strung, tension-heavy moments of lust became a game: each member of this little club they’d created would be assigned a sub, and whoever came up with the best way of humiliating their charge would get to pick the assignments for the next installment. This was an especially high honor for a number of reasons, but it mostly came about because arguments had a habit of breaking out over who would be Jess’s next victim. Whether you wanted it or not, Jess was by far the cruelest southern bell any of them could have imagined.
Amanda had been the victor last time for introducing the group to hypnosis, and forcing Dani to dance like a stripper for their enjoyment. As they gathered at Jess’s house that evening, she was certain everyone there had been performing secret conditioning on their unsuspecting charges all week long.
The lot of them were wearing comfy pajamas, as was protocol, and sitting in a circle on the floor of Jess’s living room. Well, except for Amanda. The victory throne had gotten more and more ridiculous over the past several months, and now consisted of an overly ornate arm chair they’d found at the dump bedazzled with plastic jewels. One of the legs had been missing, and in its place was a stack of textbooks that had been graciously donated by every member of the club (except Sam, who wanted to keep hers in pristine condition). Amanda also sported a burger king crown decorated with more plastic jewels, a cape fashioned from a hair clip and a blanket, and a scepter born from the remains of a broken hockey stick found in a dumpster and adorned with a giant, black, floppy dildo they had received as a “free gift” from one of many online sex toy realtors.
“I hereby call this meeting of the Horny Bitches Club to order,” Amanda proclaimed. The name of the club changed with every meeting, each one worse than the last. “Our first performance this fine evening comes” -she paused briefly- “courtesyofDani.”
A few giggles and eye-rolls greeted Amanda’s terrible joke before Dani stood, gave an exaggerated bow, and said dramatically, “Of course, my lady.” She turned to Anna, who was squirming in anticipation, fear, and arousal all at once. Her freckles stood out against her flushing skin, her bright green eyes trained intently on her friend as she stalked toward her.
Dani leaned close to her and whispered something, and Anna suddenly lost all composure. Her eyes widened briefly before she collapsed, face buried in the carpet and both hands on her crotch. Amanda, Jess, and Sam all let out bursts of shocked laughter, which only got worse after Sam shouted “She looks like a fainting goat!”
They laughed to the point of tears as Anna fought briefly with her pajamas and underwear, before managing to gain easier access to herself. She’d found her way onto her back during the brief tussle with her clothing, her right hand working her clit while her left gripped at her modest chest. Panting and moaning, her back arched as she reached explosive orgasm in front of all of her friends and then laid back, panting like a dog, before she appeared to come to her senses.
Even through her already flushed features, it was clear that she was blushing. Amanda laughed, mocking her friend plainly. She’d had no idea! No control at all, it was lovely. Anna shrank before her friends’ mockery, until Dani leaned in again, whispering.
Once again, Anna’s features changed from embarrassed grimace to pure ecstasy, as she again began furiously masturbating. Dani stood up and said simply, “You’re welcome,” before returning to her seat, leaving Anna to herself.
“You look awfully smug,” Sam said, side-eyeing Dani through her giggling. “Your highness, I would like to volunteer to knock miss Danielle down a peg or two.”
Amanda straightened herself; Anna’s increasingly dramatic display had her enraptured. She was glad that she’d introduced the club to hypnosis, it added an entirely new dynamic to their normally bondage-filled sessions. “Of course, Sam. The floor is yours… as soon as Anna’s finished with it.”
All eyes briefly returned to Anna, who was just finishing up her second loud, slutty orgasm. She quickly gathered herself and sat up, still blushing a little, though she made no move to gather her clothing off of the floor.
Sam knelt in front of Dani and began undoing the buttons of her pajama shirt. Dani, who had been sitting with the sort of smug self-satisfaction one normally finds in people who have no idea what they’re in for, began to slowly become completely enraptured with the show in front of her. As soon as the silver bars in Sam’s nipples became visible, Dani’s tongue lolled out of her mouth. If Amanda had compared Anna to a panting dog before, Dani was really making a show of it.
Dani’s hands went to her mouth immediately, as though she were trying to cram her tongue back in. She opened her mouth as though she wanted to say something, but only barks came out. Amanda was enraptured as Dani tried to stand and fell onto all fours.
“Now comes the fun part,” Sam said, pulling a dog collar with a shiny silver tag from her pocket. Dani began to crawl away, but Sam slipped the collar around her neck, and suddenly Dani was gone. Sam stepped back and Dani followed, panting and making no effort to hide it. Amanda cackled as Dani turned and began to back herself toward Sam, ass held high like a bitch in heat.
Sam obliged her new pet, sliding her fingers inside Dani’s vagina. As Dani stimulated herself, occasionally yelping horny little yelps, Jess asked “I don’t suppose we could leave her like that for a while, could we?”
When Sam removed her hand from Dani’s sex, she immediately crawled over to Anna and repeated the process, shoving her ass in her friend’s face. Anna laughed and said “I think this would get annoying after a while, don’t you?”
“I think we can all have what we want,” Sam said as she bent over, removing the collar from around Dani’s neck. As Dani came to her senses, Sam straightened herself and, turning to Amanda, asked “Your royal highness, as lady Danielle has already demonstrated her abilities, would you be at all averse to the possibility of allowing her to remain in this state a little longer?”
Amanda looked down upon the mortified image of Dani, blushing a deep red and fighting to keep her tongue in her mouth. Amanda’s hand began to drift towards her own crotch as she said “Of course, no harm d-” her hand stopped at the waistband of her pajama bottoms, her fingertips brushing something… plastic? The thought left her mind as soon as it had entered, and her hand returned to her lap. “Ahem, yeah, fuck it. As long as she has a safe… bark.”
Dani barked. Sam replied in her stead, “She can still say the safe word, no worries.”
Amanda nodded - safe words are very important - and stood. “Since it looks like we’re going in order tonight, I’ll show Sam what I’ve learned since last time.” Sam put her hands on her hips, her face failing to betray an ounce of self-consciousness or anxiety. Amanda lifted her shirt over her head: every eye in the room was focused on Sam’s smug face, and so while they saw her glance down and balk slightly at something near Amanda’s midriff, they were much more interested in the expression she treated them to in the instant after: sheer awe, absolute adoration. She knelt before Amanda as she shifted her pajama bottoms back into place, eyes locked on Amanda’s breasts.
“My God,” she whispered, “they’re beautiful.”
While Amanda was relatively proud of her breasts, she knew that this reaction wasn’t typical. “Beg, slave,” she said to the slavering form kneeling before her, and Sam complied. She folded her hands in front of her, the smug punk attitude that had enveloped her moments before a distant memory.
“Please, Amanda-”
“Of course, m-mistress- please, let me touch them, please, oh God-”
Amanda held out a finger. “Give Dani some love, and we’ll talk.”
Amanda had barely finished the command before Sam shot off towards Dani on her hands and knees, in too much of a hurry to even stand. Dani, who had been curled up near Anna, stood on all fours and presented herself to Sam, who began devouring her pussy with the ferocity of an addict. Anna laughed and applauded the show, Dani’s tongue hanging out of her mouth, eyes rolled up in her head.
Amanda waited until Dani looked satisfied before recalling her little slave. Sam again shot across the floor to kneel at Amanda’s feet. “Now, mistress?”
“Sure, go to town.” Sam sprung to her feet and shoved her face in between Amanda’s tits, nearly headbutting her chin in the process, earning her a peel of shocked laughter. Her hand went down the front of her pants as she began to moan and gyrate her hips. Amanda spread her arms in a ‘beat that’ sort of motion, before extracting Sam. Sam fought for a split second, before she realized what she was doing and stepped back. Amanda put her shirt back on, earning a moan of disappointment from Sam.
As soon as Amanda’s breasts were back in her shirt, Sam’s expression changed again, from disappointed to mortified. She hid her reddening face with her hands and darted from the room. Amanda briefly wondered if her friend was okay, but knew that this was part of the evening’s festivities: she was probably just going to rub one off before returning.
Sure enough, nobody else showed any real concern. Dani was slipping her pants back on, Sam’s influence having apparently left the room along with her. Anna was reclining, naked, on the floor, and Jess, who had been uncharacteristically quiet the whole night, was eyeing her. Amanda always had herself go last, so Jess knew it would be her turn now.
“Should we wait for Sam?” Amanda asked, knowing Sam would want them to continue but also knowing that she’d give her a hard time if she didn’t ask.
“Nah, I’m too excited,” said Anna in an exaggeratedly bored voice. She had shifted from a reclining position to lying spread-eagle on her back, giving them all an ample view of her vagina.
Amanda laughed and replied “On with the show, then!” before returning to her throne.
Anna, suddenly infused with energy, leapt to her feet and hopped over to her night bag, from which a dull clanging could be heard. She shuffled through her inventory of sexual supplies before emerging holding a tarnished, dented cowbell. Jess seemed to physically recoil, but then the emotion drained from her face. Sam returned in time to watch her girlfriend strip naked, revealing the leak-proof bra she was wearing under her shirt. She removed that too and collapsed onto all fours as Anna sauntered back into the circle, wearing nothing but a pair of overalls and a straw hat and carrying a metal bucket.
Jess watched passively as Anna hung the cowbell from her neck, her already large breasts hanging from her chest, swollen with milk. “Looks lahk somebuddy’s ben holdin’ out on me,” Anna said in a horrible mockery of Jess’s southern accent. Amanda’s grin widened; the evening had been rather lacking in the way of performance, so this was a lovely change of pace.
Anna slid the pale under Jess’s breasts. “Layet’s git you empty,” Anna said. Jess mooed passively in reply. Amanda was disappointed at first by Jess’s lack of performance, but once Anna began to milk her, Jess started to get into the act.
Her moos of pleasure reached fever pitch almost immediately, orgasm after orgasm exploding from her mouth. Anna suggested somebody grab something to shut her up, to which Sam complied, lowering herself within range of Jess’s mouth. Muffled by pussy, Amanda became less worried about waking the neighbors and more worried about enjoying the spectacle. Again, however, she seemed to lose track of her hand as it entered her pants.
Dani, however, had no such problem, and had joined in on the act. Having grabbed a strapon from her bag, she was now railing Jess from behind. Amanda simply watched the chaos instead, until Anna removed the now-full milk pail from beneath Jess, who subsequently collapsed into heavy breathing. Sam and Dani also seemed satisfied, but Amanda was still uncomfortably horny. Again her hand drifted, again she found it sitting on the arm of her chair, without any recollection of what had happened in between. Odd.
She looked out at the panting remains of the orgy laid out before her. “I think we know who the winner is,” Anna declared, holding up the bounty of her work.
“Ah still need to go,” said Jess as she strained to her feet, “and mahn’s the best one yet. Isn’t that right, Mandy?”
Amanda jumped, the flicker of a memory flashing through her mind. “Uh, what?”
Jess began to stalk towards Amanda, who suddenly felt very small. “Has anyone else been wonderin’ why our glorious leader hasn’t been gettin’ down and dirty with the rest of us this evenin’?”
Every eye in the room was locked on Amanda. She shrank back into her throne- Jess could be really scary when she wanted to. “I-I was participating!”
“That so?” Jess mocked. “Then why don’t you show us all that pretty kitty o’ yours, hm?”
Amanda froze. The thought of taking off her pants filled her with dread, though she didn’t know why, exactly. She’d had sex with everyone in this room dozens of times, and yet…
Something felt off, but before she could pin it down, Jess stripped off her pajama pants, revealing a pink goodnight, just her size. Everyone got a good look at princess Aurora smiling out at them as the wetness indicators began to change color.
“Aw, is widdle Mandy having an accident?” taunted Jess. Amanda wanted to run away, but she was so horny. Whether it was the conditioning or the half-hour of intense sex she’d witnessed but had been unable to take part in, she just couldn’t take it anymore. Her hand pressed up against the front of her pullup, but before she could start, Jess pulled her hand away. Dani, Sam, and Anna had begun making baby noises at her, and Jess began leading her towards her bag.
“Let’s get the baby all cleaned up,” she cooed. Amanda felt utterly powerless to do anything as Jess laid out a changing mat and removed her big-girl underw- removed the pullup and began to clean her, sprawled out on the floor. She wanted to resist, to say anything, but she just couldn’t.
Dani kissed her cheek and gushed over how cute she was while Jess went to get a diaper. She had to make an active effort to keep herself from popping her thumb in her mouth; the more they treated her like a baby, the more she felt like one. And the more she felt like one…
She felt a sudden surge of adrenaline at the realization, which didn’t help anything. Her breath was coming quicker; she had to make an active effort to keep her breaths slow, keep herself under control. It’s just a game, she thought. All she had to do was say the safe word if things got to be more than she was comfortable with, she knew that. But being uncomfortable was the point, wasn’t it?
Her mind started to drift. She wanted to be here, to be humiliated. She could just give in, but that would defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it?
Mandy was so caught up in her own thoughts that she hadn’t even noticed that Jess had returned until she was already lifting her butt off the ground, sliding a massively thick diaper underneath. “Try to keep this one clean, sweetie,” she said in a mocking tone. “Wouldn’t want you to get all wet again,” she said, taping the crinkly bulk into place and punctuating her statement with a firm push to her crotch.
“Wouldn’t we, though?” asked Sam, leaning down into Mandy’s field of vision and kissing her deeply. Mandy put her hand against the padding of her diaper- she liked the funny little pictures of animals on the front, she thought- and started humping her hand. When Sam pulled away, Mandy went to put her thumb where Sam’s tongue had been a moment before. But when she saw her four friends standing over her, Amanda felt completely ashamed. Didn’t she have more control over herself than this?
Anna smirked. “What do you have to say for yourself, you widdle pervert?” she asked as Amanda sat up on the changing pad.
“I’m not a baby,” Amanda growled.
“Oh, aren’t you, honey?” taunted Jess. She had moved over to the throne and was sitting with her legs thrown over the arm of the chair, practically basking in her own superiority. “Why don’t you come over here and say that, your hahness,” she drawled, practically oozing sex appeal.
Amanda stood, wobbled slightly, but kept her balance and strolled over to the throne- well, waddled over (it was a very thick diaper)- and stood, towering over Jess’s seated form… Her lovely form, with those tits… Still leaking milk…
“Ah should thank you, Anna,” Jess said as Mandy dropped to her knees, crawling into Jess’s lap. “Looks like ah won’t need to get the bottle out after all.”
Mandy sucked on Jess’s breast, humping the side of the chair through her diaper. Jess enjoyed herself as well, her hand moving sensually between her legs.
“I love seeing a mother bonding with her new baby,” Sam said, smirking. Dani was beyond quips, haven been driven to self-pleasure as well by the scene, and Anna looked like she was unsure who she should be watching.
As it turns out, she should have been watching Mandy and Jess. As Amanda brought herself to orgasm, she began the process of considering her choices. The things that had brought her to this point, the things that she would do in the future. These thoughts were cut short, however, as she emptied her bowels into her bulky, colorful little diaper, and her brains along with it.
Mandy spent most of the rest of the evening playing with her toys and with herself while watching cartoons, while her mommy played with her friends. Drool ran down around her paci and down her chin as she listened to Mommy and her friends talking about school. She didn’t really get what they were saying, but something deep in her tummy was telling her that the next few days weren’t gonna be very much fun, while something else a little lower told her it was gonna be a lot of fun. She decided to listen to the second thing; it had gotten her this far, she thought, rubbing the front of her messy diaper as she watched the dragons on TV. It’ll probably be fine. |
ebbcd4c3084c7507ee3be1ceaf9ce009b95c0b97b61e23cdc271c5c78e846146 | 32,572 | 1 | Chapter 1 - Welcome to Bellafonte's! |
The train car was very clean and almost completely empty. No one stood upon the sleek metal floor, and every wall lay bare of the casual graffiti that littered most frequently used trains. The red leather seats were all in pristine condition, and very few of them were occupied. What few occupants there were all wore the same uniform … the robes worn by all students of the Bellafonte Academy of Magic.
These robes didn’t seem to suit Jordan Cole Clausen very well at all. Their sheek black clashed horribly with his golden ginger hair, not just in color but also in pattern. The robes were designed to be neat and tidy, whereas the mop upon his head was quite wavy and always ended in some sort of curl. Perhaps it wasn’t quite as bad as he thought it was, since black was after all a neutral color, but he still would have much preferred a dark blue or light red.
Thinking about color reminded Jordan to check his eyes again. He looked at the metal wall, which was clean enough for him to see his own reflection in it. Just as expected, his irises had maintained their current shade of electric blue. They had been changing rather frequently as of late. Someone had suggested that they changed color depending on his mood. Perhaps ‘electric blue’ was his eyes’ idea of what vomitous nerves looked like.
Looking down at his cheeks, Jordan once again saw the ever-present freckles upon his face. He hoped they didn’t draw any attention to him: he would like for his first day at a public school in nearly five years to not involve someone making fun of the freckles on his face or his weird color-changing eyes. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair - a nervous habit that he liked to think helped to tame the wild growth - and turned around to look for a place to sit.
There were only three other people in the car, and none of them seemed like the particularly talkative type. One girl with brown hair and glasses held her bag close to her chest and seemed to be intently staring out the window - which, as the train hadn’t started moving yet, was currently facing a stone wall. On the other end of the train sat another girl, this one with blazing red hair that was clipped to the side. Her eyes quickly turned away from Jordan’s as soon as they happened to meet.
The third occupant sat near the middle of the car and opposite the entrance. He was a rather small boy with blonde hair that fell flat across his forehead, just barely short enough to not cover his blue eyes. He looked bored, his head leaning against the wall behind him, staring at Jordan with mild interest. It took Jordan a second to realize that the boy was staring at his eyes.
Jordan quickly ducked his head and went to find a seat. He settled for a similar spot to the one the other boy chose - facing the entrance, but a few seats away from him. He was reasonably close to the red haired girl this way, which made him more anxious … but at least this way it was harder for the other boy to see his eyes.
Moments stretched into an eternity after that. Jordan began to wonder when they would finally start moving … whatever was waiting for him at this new school, it had to be better than sitting in this car in awkward silence as they all traded glances at one another. Part of him wanted to break the silence somehow, but he felt like doing so would be breaking some sort of taboo.
After probably three minutes that felt much closer to five hours, the doors slid open to reveal another boy in the same black robes as the rest of them. His skin was slightly dark, probably latino or some combination close to it. His hair and eyes were a dark brown, and he was panting like he’d just run a marathon. Before anyone could stop him, he uttered the words that broke the taboo and made what was an awkward silence much more awkward.
“Whew … that was close … I’m not late, am I?”
Such a sacred silence had been broken by such simple words. Nobody seemed to want to respond to him, but everyone knew that somebody had to. This led to another moment of tension and awkward silence as all the children entered what could only be called a nonverbal sociological game of ‘Chicken’ where the first one to give a response would be banned from the exclusive and strangely safe silence club. The boy looked at each of them with a confused expression, reaching everyone else’s eyes before finally meeting Jordan’s.
Jordan always knew he’d be terrible at Chicken.
“No, you’re fine. They haven’t even given the five minute warning yet.”
For all the tension and fear that answering his question brought, the relieved expression on the other boy’s face almost made Jordan’s decision to speak up worth it. Jordan always enjoyed helping people whenever possible; it felt good to know that he was able to make someone else’s life easier. Jordan actually started to think that maybe answering the boy wouldn’t be a complete disaster. Until that boy decided to sit next to him.
“Thank God! I was so scared I was gonna miss it. I mean, I got up extra early just to make sure, but there was so much to pack and mom just wouldn’t let me leave on time, so I got really worried, y’know? I’m Eddy by the way. What’s your name?”
The boy - Eddy - set down his practically overflowing backpack as he spoke to Jordan. After sitting himself down and introducing himself, Eddy held out his hand for Jordan to shake. It had been quite some time since Jordan had shaken anybody’s hand before, which only made the anxiety about being approached by another person in this way become magnified. Jordan managed to force a half-smile and took hold of the other boy’s hand. “Jordan. Nice to meet you …”
Eddy’s smile grew somehow wider after completing the handshake, a feat Jordan would have thought impossible. “You have no idea how scared I was that I was gonna miss the train! My family are all non-magic, so I knew I wasn’t going to be able to go if I didn’t manage to get on and there was NO WAY I was going to pass up going to a magic school just because I missed a dumb train!” Eddy began to tremble, seemingly out of pure excitement. “Man, a REAL magic school! Can you believe it!? We’re gonna be Magi!”
Jordan couldn’t keep his own excited grin from emerging after seeing Eddy so lively. He had to admit, the idea that he’d been accepted to learn magic had definitely made the prospect of going to public school again well worth it. This was the kind of experience most people only ever got to dream of, or at best read about. Jordan, and all the students on this train … they were going to live that dream.
“It’s exciting, isn’t it?” The blonde boy sitting across the entrance from them spoke up, looking at Jordan and Eddy with a smile on his face. “My family are non-magic too. They couldn’t believe it when the Spokesman came up to our door! I don’t think any of them expected much from me. I’m Roger, by the way.”
Roger didn’t extend a hand for Jordan or Eddy to shake. He appeared to be too lost in thought about the day the Spokesman came. Jordan had to admit, the whole affair had been pretty surreal for him as well. He had woken up to find a man dressed in a black suit sitting in his living room, telling him not to be alarmed and that he was only here to deliver news. The following conversation had been one Jordan knew had changed his life forever.
Eddy quickly caught on to what Roger had said. “Same here! My mom always told me not to push myself, that as long as I was happy ‘it didn’t matter how much money I made’ … joke’s on her. Magi make wicked cash!” Eddy and Roger both laughed at Eddy’s words. Jordan had never known that Magi made a lot of money … though, now that he thought of it, it did make sense. Magic could make anything more efficient or more convenient. It might even be possible for them to make objects to sell on their own … or would that be breaking some sort of law …?
“Have you decided what school you’re gonna major in?” Roger leaned over the gap between their seats, his mouth open in a wide smile and his eyes dancing with ambitious fire. “I’m gonna be a Mensuramancer, if I can! Everybody says it’s the hardest school to learn … well, apart from maybe Metamancy, but that’s mostly because of the variety. Besides, I’m not one for politics.” Roger sat back in his chair, looking out the opposite window at the rolling fields. Wait, when had they started moving?
“I want to know how the universe works. I want to find ways to make it work for me. That’s the essence of what being a Mage is all about, don’t you think?” The look of wonder on Roger’s face was lustful, as if all his dreams were right there within his grasp. Jordan wasn’t sure if he was right or not, but then it wasn’t like his aspirations were any better …
“... don’t think …” The girl in the glasses sitting at the other end of the car had spoken for the first time since they began their journey. Jordan, Roger and Eddy all looked over at her curiously.
“What was that?” Jordan asked. She had spoken rather quietly …
“Yeah, what are you saying over there?” Roger looked a little offended by something, but Jordan wasn’t sure what. The girl in the glasses took a deep breath before raising her head and looking at Roger with defiant eyes.
“I don’t think that’s right. Magi study the laws of the world. True, we bend them a little bit, but we don’t force them to do what we want. That isn’t how it works.”
The girl’s expression gave away her fear, but also her determination to make her voice heard. It was like something Roger had said personally offended her. Like he wasn’t just incorrect, but morally wrong to have said those words. Roger looked incredulously at her.
“What are you talking about? Magi mess with the natural order all the time!” Roger in turn expressed severe disgust at her words, his face contorted in an expression befitting an outraged politician, or an equally upset child. “Just look at the train we’re on! It uses time manipulation to speed us along, or did you not see the landscape go from fields to groves just now?”
Was that why Jordan hadn’t noticed the train starting to move? That actually seemed like a seriously convenient form of magic … no wonder Roger wanted to major in Mensuramancy. The girl in glasses flushed bright red in response.
“That’s a beneficial research application! There’s a big difference between a fast train and … whatever you just said!!” She was absolutely livid by this point. Jordan was actually worried that the two of them were going to break out into a fight if someone didn’t stop them. Why did HE have to be the one to step into these awkward conversations?
Jordan gulped before opening his mouth. “Hey, maybe we should-”
Out of nowhere, the girl on the opposite end of the train shouted the two of them down. She stood up and walked over, fists clenched with a stubborn fire in her eyes. Upon arriving in front of the two of them, she stood slightly in-between so as to look at each of them in turn as she spoke, but not as to block their sight of each other.
“Look, we’re all here for different reasons, okay? You wanna be a Mensuramancer? Fine. I don’t care, and neither should you- what’s your name again?”
The redhead directed this question at the glasses girl, who glared at her a little defiantly, her face still red. “It’s Penny.”
“Well Penny, I’m Red. That’s what everyone calls me, anyway. Here’s the thing: what this guy wants to major in and why … that isn’t your problem. We’re all gonna have to work our asses off to get what we want here. Magic isn’t easy. If it was, everybody would do it.” Red whirled around to face Roger.
“And you. Roger, right? You’re really gonna let someone else’s opinion of your motivation affect you? People are allowed to have opinions, man. And a lot of them are gonna think yours are shit. So man up and deal with it, alright? Nobody likes a whiner.”
Red turned away from both of them and walked back to her seat, saying as she went: “You guys are gonna have to let this stuff go, especially where we’re going. Magi are the most stubborn people in the world.”
The rest of the children stared at Red as she walked off for just a few moments before returning their attention to other things. Roger and Penny glanced at each other, huffed, and turned away to pursue their previous engagements: Roger turned around to stare out his own window and Penny pulled a book out of her bag and started reading. Eddy seemed sufficiently unnerved by the sudden tension in the car.
Jordan, however, continued to stare at Red as she rolled back onto her seat, leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes. There was no way that he would have been able to do what she just did. He’d just barely gotten up the guts to speak out when she just came strutting over to shut Penny and Roger up. Not only that, she actually succeeded in doing so using nothing but the sheer presence she exuded. If magic had anything to do with confidence, and Jordan believed that it probably did, then he already knew who the best Magus in their car would be.
It didn’t take too long for Red to feel his eyes watching her and open one of her own. Jordan immediately turned away, trying hard not to look creepy - which, in retrospect, would probably have the opposite effect. He needed to find something to distract himself … distract all of them, probably. Jordan looked around at each of the other three nearest him, trying to think of what he could draw attention to that would start a conversation with any one of them … his eyes lit upon the book in Penny’s hand.
“Is that Re:Zero!?” Jordan blurted the words out before anyone knew where he was looking. Penny looked up at him in shock, her arms instinctively moving to cover the book. Jordan seemed to shrink under the gaze of his soon-to-be classmates. “Sorry … it’s just, it’s one of my favorite stories, that’s all. I haven’t read the light novels yet, so I got excited …”
Eddy and Roger both looked at Jordan as if he were from another world. Penny, however, looked at him like a lost puppy who’d just found someone to pet it. “It’s amazing, isn’t it!? I was already learning Japanese in middle school because of mom, but I got so much more motivated after watching it. I had to read the light novels, more than anything!”
Jordan nodded emphatically. “Same here! Well, uh, not exactly … I wanted to learn Japanese, but my parents wouldn’t buy me textbooks. ‘When will you ever go to Japan?’ they always said.” Jordan’s prior excitement devolved into a despondent sigh. “I wish I could have, though. I know it’s hard, but it’d be worth it just to continue the story.”
Eddy saw his opportunity to jump into the conversation and went with it. “So, does that mean your middle school didn’t have it as a language? Mine didn’t either, though I feel a bit better knowing a little French.” Eddy smiled at Jordan and Penny in turn, ready to continue getting to know his classmates. His smile faded when he saw the one on Jordan’s face doing the same.
“Well, actually … this’ll be the first time I’ve gone to a school with other people since I was nine. Or was it eight?”
Everyone else in the car fell silent for only a moment before Roger spoke up.
“So wait, you didn’t go to middle school? What did you do, then?”
Jordan shrugged. “Read from textbooks, mostly. Occasionally, I’d do some ‘homework’ my parents would write for me … basic calculations and grammar, you know.”
“But what about your free time?” Penny gave Jordan a confused, but pity-strewn expression. “What did you do then? Who did you talk to? Did you have friends?”
“One friend.” Jordan smirked a bit as he looked at the ground. “We were pretty close in elementary school. But when I moved, he changed, and we just … stopped talking I guess.”
“So it was just you? You and your parents, for five years?” Eddy’s question was posed with an incredible lack of tact. From the look on his face, he was too busy trying to imagine that life to spare thought for preserving the feelings of the one who lived it.
Jordan shrugged again. “It wasn’t so bad. My mom and dad know a lot. Mom’s a doctor and dad’s an engineer. They taught me a lot of things.”
Jordan didn’t understand why they were all making such a big deal out of it. It’s not like he’d been held prisoner in his own house or anything. He was happy to stay with his mom and dad, learning everything he could … he wanted to make them proud, to thank them for always being there for him. What were all the lonely days he went through in comparison to all the knowledge, care and love he got from his parents?
“But there’s more to life than just learning things!”
Eddy glared with a firey passion into Jordan’s electric blue eyes. His energy radiated off of him in a sort of courageous blaze. This was the feeling of a man filled to the utter brim with conviction.
“There’s so much more than knowing the laws of physics, or even knowing the laws of the universe! Space and time, natural law, none of that matters in comparison to one simple thing, something that every human needs: fun!”
Eddy stood out of his seat, waving his arms emphatically as he spoke, using them to emphasize his every word. “People need to be able to laugh and smile with other people! To embrace others with love and affection, to have someone to embrace them in return! To grab hold of what they desire and never let go as they plunge ever further into the depths of the human spirit. To hear their partner’s sweet voice as their very soul reaches its most magnificent peak, climbing ever higher and higher in intensity until finally exploding in a massive spray of-”
It was Penny who cut Eddy off, and Penny who was currently hiding her newly-reddened visage behind her light novel. Roger was on his back and laughing out his lungs within seconds, his hair quickly becoming a scattered mess as tears welled in his eyes. Even Red, whom everyone thought had fallen asleep, could be seen struggling to hold back her own laughter.
Jordan couldn’t help but let a little laughter escape his lips too. He hadn’t expected the conversation to take this sort of turn, that was for certain. Eddy had seemed like he was the ‘Average Joe’ character … who knew he would turn out to be this eccentric?
Eddy’s face turned beet red as he looked at his fellow passengers, scowling at the laughter on their faces. “Go on, laugh!” He shouted, looking like a demon with his contorted expression of rage. “You won’t be laughing when I’m the greatest Eromancer the world’s ever seen! I’ll be making you all quake in your beds with my power!!”
Roger fell off his seat and proceeded to roll across the floor of the train car, howling with laughter. Red completely lost her composure and was also falling over herself. Even Jordan found himself chuckling much harder than before, trying his best to show respect for Eddy’s passion but finding it difficult to control himself. Eddy’s rage showed clear signs of building, but was thankfully interrupted by a voice on the overhead making an announcement.
“Attention students, we have arrived at our destination. Please collect your belongings and exit the train now. You will be escorted to the entrance ceremony shortly. We hope you have a wonderful year at our academy. Farewell.”
Jordan took this opportunity to try and stop the waves of laughter. “Roger, come on … we have to get off the train.”
Roger, with tremendous effort, managed to regain control long enough to grab his suitcase and start walking off the car. Penny quickly stowed her novel in her bag and left, looking so embarrassed Jordan was worried she might just shrink to the size of a slug. Red was one of the last to go, stopping to pat Eddy on the shoulder before exiting the car.
“Thanks, Eddy. We all needed that laugh.”
Eddy blustered as she walked through the doors, chuckling to herself. Both him and Jordan stared at the door for a few seconds, during which time all Jordan could do was wait for Eddy to stop seething. Not wanting to still be on the train when it left again, Jordan coughed. “Well, uh, let’s not keep the escort waiting, yeah?”
It was then, and only then, that Jordan thought to look at Eddy’s face. He immediately wished he hadn’t; the vicarious embarrassment was enough to make him want to go back home already. Tears were flowing freely down Eddy’s face, a haphazard mixture of frustration, anger and sadness twisting it into the most pitiful expression Jordan thought he had ever seen. There was no way he could walk out that door like this …
Jordan didn’t really know what to do. He just stood there, trying to think of how to stop the tears from falling, how to get back the seemingly indestructible smile Eddy had on his face when he first entered the car … it didn’t take long for Jordan to blurt out the first thing that came to mind.
“I think it’s cool!”
Eddy’s sniffles paused for a moment, and his eyes grew wide as they turned to look at Jordan.
“I mean, it’s not something I’d do, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important! People deserve, uh, ‘fun’. They deserve to get better, at all things! Just because you picked a different subject matter doesn’t make your major any less important than any of ours. If anything, how much you care about it, how much you want to succeed … that makes yours more important!”
Jordan wasn’t sure exactly how much of his own words he believed … true, he did greatly admire Eddy’s passion for his school. That being said, Jordan didn’t really think it was any more useful than Mensuramancy or Naturamancy were. Judging by the way Eddy looked at him before wiping his tears on his sleeve, though, Jordan’s words seemed to have the desired effect. Eddy was walking off the train car before Jordan had registered he was ready.
The two boys rejoined their fellows on the platform to find that the escort had already arrived. He was a rather tall, lanky man with a long mane of shaggy brown hair and a trimmed beard, all of which were finely groomed. His eyes were a chestnut brown and gave the same warm shine that was kept within his smile as he looked into each and every student’s eyes. He was wearing the same black robes as the rest of them, with the exception being a large brown coat draped over his shoulders, open-sleeved and looking as if it could fall off at any moment. This man was either genuinely the friendliest person Jordan had ever met just by sight alone … or he was very good at appearing that way.
“There you guys are! Hey there, I’m Steven. Steven Fallamos, but everyone just calls me Steven or Steve. I’m the janitor, but I’m also the guy leading you all to the entrance ceremony. What are your names?” Steven looked at Jordan and Eddy as he asked the question. Jordan hesitated for a second, taking the time to notice that everyone else’s eyes were on the two of them now.
Jordan gulped, hoping to find some way out of the situation. “W-wouldn’t you rather start with the people that were here first?”
Steven laughed. It was a hearty, almost bark-like laugh that gave the sense that his hair wasn’t just a fashion choice. “I already got everyone else’s names while we were waiting for you two to come out and join us. It’s not like I’m asking your life story, man, I just wanna know your name!”
Jordan still didn’t like being asked to introduce himself out of the blue like this … He was very grateful when Eddy chose to step forward first. “Eddy Vargas. I’m an Eromancy major.” Roger snickered a bit, but surprisingly Eddy ignored him.
“Oh, I getcha. Good choice man, it’s a good practice.” Steven nodded appraisingly over Eddy’s decision. “Never underestimate the power of good sex. Now then, your turn.” Steven gave Jordan an expectant, but also gentle and patient look.
Jordan nodded, stammering a little as he spoke. “I-I’m Jordan Clausen … I’m not really sure yet, but I was thinking of maybe … probably … Enchanting?”
Steven’s smile fell slightly as the rest of the students turned to look at Jordan. Jordan himself seemed to lose about five inches in height under the weight of their judgemental stares. He’d heard that Enchanters didn’t exactly have the best reputation among Magi, but he hadn’t expected his own previously non-magic peers to react so strongly …
Steven coughed, attempting to draw attention away from Jordan. “Well, you’ll all have time to really think hard about your majors over the year. You aren’t really expected to have that stuff picked out yet - they’ll explain that better during the entrance ceremony. Speaking of which …” Steven pulled a watch from one of the many pockets the students only just noticed were peppered across his coat and checked the time. “... Yup. We’d better get going. Not that there’s any rush, but early makes a better impression.”
Steven led the way off the landing and into the school itself, giving Jordan enough breathing room to actually examine his surroundings. The inside of the small train station built into the basement level of the Academy was about as drab as you’d expect of a non-magic station … Jordan realized that he actually felt a little disappointed. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting out of the magic school he’d be attending, but grey stone walls surrounding a grey stone floor and grey stone stairs certainly had not been on the list.
Thankfully, as the group ascended the stairs, Jordan got to see a small taste of the sort of thing he had been hoping to find here: instead of lamps mounted on the wall, the staircase they were ascending was littered with floating yellow lights akin to giant fireflies. Not only were these lights very fascinating to look at, they also served a secondary purpose in causing everyone to forget about Jordan’s major.
He still had trouble grasping why they had all looked at him like he was insane for wanting to be an enchanter … Eddy got embarrassed when he was laughed at for majoring in Eromancy, but at least that got people amused. The sheer concern over all of their faces, like he was just wasting his life and didn’t even realize it … it was enough to make anyone lose faith.
“Sorry about the long climb.” Steven’s words from about a story above snapped Jordan out of his thoughts. “Been trying to get them to set up a portal or something for a while now, but Ms. Bellafonte says it should be an ‘experience’ …” Steven shook his head, his voice giving away the bemused smile across his face. “She’s nothing if not theatrical, and she is a lot of things. You’ll see what I mean.”
“I’ve read a lot about the Headmistress, Mr. Fallamos!” Penny spoke up, completely oblivious to Steven’s distaste at being referred to as a ‘mister’. “Is she as amazing as she sounds? Did she really start the school all by herself, and fund it out-of-pocket for six whole years!?”
Steven laughed at Penny’s question. “Yeah, she did. Pretty amazing, right?”
Roger, too, got incredibly excited at the mention of the illustrious Ms. Bellafonte. “I heard that she killed a dragon that was threatening the school!”
Even Red was seemingly enamored by the possibility of meeting this woman. “I heard she once teleported the entire school to another continent in order to avoid a natural disaster!”
As the rest of the students were gushing over the many impressive feats of their headmistress, Eddy leaned over and whispered into Jordan’s ear: “I heard she’s nearing 40 and still looks like a million bucks.” Jordan wondered vaguely if Steven could hear the two of them snickering in the back.
“Why don’t you guys ask her yourself?” Steven stopped everyone’s conversations with his own rhetorical question. “We’re here. Look sharp people: time for the big show.”
Penny gave a small ‘Eep!’ as she nearly dropped her bags, Roger and Red both stiffened up as if ready to stand attention at a moment’s notice, Eddy seemed mildly interested and Jordan was pretty sure he’d left his backbone on the train and was considering going downstairs to retrieve it. None of them were really prepared to meet the amazing woman they’d been discussing, much less the other numerous students that would be waiting for them in the entrance hall. Jordan remembered the looks he got from the group he’d already met for his major and wondered just how much worse it would be to have a huge crowd of people giving him that stare … he shuddered as the thought urged him to hide somewhere dark and soft.
“Everybody ready?” Steven looked back the students, his smile seemingly sinister in the dim lighting. None of them had enough time to answer before he began pushing the door open.
Immediately, they were all besieged by the loudest assortment of brass instruments they’d ever heard. The grand cacophony of noise echoing in from that door could only mean one thing: the ceremony had already started.
“Well? Go on, go on!” Steven urged them all to hurry into the room, lightly pushing them through the door one by one. Jordan was last in line to enter, but just before he crossed the threshold, Steven leaned down to look him straight in the eye. Steven’s smile in that instant was unlike any he’d shown them that day - hopeful, and with a gleam of childish glee hidden there somewhere.
“Good luck.”
Steven pushed Jordan into the entrance hall, and he found himself incapable of worrying about anything anymore. The sheer magnificence of what he was seeing blew every anxiety out of his mind. Pristine white walls surrounded him, adorned with golden rods similar to candelabra that instead housed more of the glowing spheres of light he’d seen on the staircase below. Many of these same lights simply floated about the massive room where those on the wall didn’t stretch far enough to illuminate. There was a long table in the far corner with several empty platters and bowls, presumably to be filled with snacks at some point during the ceremony. Paper plates and plastic cups also sat on this table; not a fancy setup, but oddly comforting given the situation. It felt more like a traditional school party or dance than an entrance ceremony.
The thing that really caught everyone’s attention was the large table at the back that seemingly floated in the air above the student’s heads. This ‘table’ was obviously meant more for addressing a crowd than for dining, proving much too thin to effectively hold more than a glass of water. It reminded Jordan of a judge’s bench, only long enough to seat several individuals as it was doing now. At this table sat what were clearly all the teachers at this academy - strangely, all of them were female. Before Jordan got a chance to examine them however, the woman at the middle of this table clapped her hands together.
She was a tall, slender woman with firey red hair all frizzled and wild, with a long ponytail in the back that remained oddly straight and narrow as it fell across her back. Her eyes were a deep sea blue adorned by silver rimmed spectacles, and her robes were not those of a standard Magus’ choice. They were tan with small, golden crystals embedded across them, and left everything from her shoulders and neck down to the middle of her belly exposed. Jordan was thankful to the cloth that ran back up along the sides of her belly to cover the majority of her chest, but wished that the robes didn’t then expand outward again like an ornate skirt to reveal the woman’s lavish legs and high heels. She also wore a pair of equally tan and very long gloves and a tan-black Magus hat.
This woman spread out her arms and gazed at the crowd of students with a smile that could blind the sun. “New friends! Old hands! Welcome to the Bellafonte Academy of Magic! You have chosen or been chosen to attend our school in the hopes that you will one day better the world with your knowledge of its inner workings and nature. I am Elizabeth Bellafonte, your Headmistress and, if you’ll allow, one of your trusted ears among the school faculty. I hope we all get along well!”
Elizabeth lowered her hands onto the table and grinned at the crowd. “But I’m not one for long speeches. Let’s get this party started!!”
Immediately, food and drink appeared on the previously empty plates and bowls as the long table all the faculty were sitting at disappeared, leaving them to gently float down to mingle amongst the crowd. As everyone laughed and separated to collect refreshments and speak to one another, Jordan started looking around to see if he could find any other freshmen just arriving to the school that hadn’t gone by train. Those from more prominent magical families would likely have used a portal or teleported or possibly even flown here, so the four that he met on the train were likely just a small fraction of his class.
Sure enough, Jordan saw a great many children that looked to be about his age mingling in with the crowd, many of them seemingly just as awkward and concerned as he was. None of them seemed to want to approach the refreshment table, content to wait until the faculty and older students got their pick before thinking about food. None except for one girl with stark white hair tied back in a long ponytail who had already gone to the table and was just then moving away with her plate full of food. As she left the table and looked away from it, she noticed Jordan watching her. Her eyes were strange … the most firey shade of bright blue he’d ever seen. Jordan turned away immediately, certain that he was blushing.
“Another one caught your eye, huh?” Eddy, who hadn’t left Jordan’s side even as other people milled about and jostled them around, was grabbing the latter’s shoulder and giving him a thumbs-up. “I noticed you taking peeks at Red on the train. You’ve got good taste, man - gotta love a girl with confidence, right?”
Jordan felt his cheeks burn even hotter than they already were as he stammered a response. “N-no, that - it’s not like that, honest!”
“Aw come on, man.” Jordan could never have imagined that such a bright grin as Eddy’s could be so terrifying under the right circumstances. “It’s not like it’s a big deal, no reason to get embarrassed. This is the best part of being human, after all!” Eddy released Jordan’s shoulder to strike a pose reminiscent of a Shakespearean play. “All humanity has smelled the petals of the rose of love, and ev’ry one of us pricks our finger ‘pon its’ thorn! Such a sweet scent blended with such bitter pain - O how conflicted is the human heart!” He then pointed both his thumbs at his own face and smiled again. “Pretty good, right?”
Jordan was laughing in spite of himself. “I’m guessing you were in a drama club in middle school?” Even if the insinuation had made him uncomfortable, Jordan couldn’t deny that Eddy had a way of making even that feel much easier to accept. Eddy wasn’t just making a good joke, he was showing Jordan how easy it was to over-dramatize physical attraction.
Eddy nodded emphatically, his hands on his hips and his elbows out, displaying himself proudly to the world. “Yup! I was one of the better actors - I never got cast for lead once.”
Jordan laughed at how proudly Eddy made this statement. “Wouldn’t that make you one of the worst actors, then?”
Eddy raised a finger at Jordan. “Au contraire, young acolyte. You see, the lead is always one of the worst actors in the play, unless it’s Hamlet or something I guess.” Eddy stopped for a second to consider something, but waved his hand dismissively. “No one’s that good in middle school, or even high school - no, in school theater, the really good actors are always in the background. That way, the bad actors get some recognition for playing the lead roles, while the background actors get recognition for being good actors. Get it?”
Jordan laughed and commented on how he’d never thought of it that way. “But what happens if they’re all good actors?”
Eddy rolled his eyes. “In a middle school play? You’ve got to be kidding.”
The two of them laughed and chuckled for a few moments. Jordan was honestly surprised at how quickly he was growing fond of Eddy’s jovial nature and even his sexual deviance to an extent. It was interesting to be able to get to know someone with focuses so far from his own, yet with so much more passion and conviction in his beliefs. Jordan admired Eddy’s pride and desire, and especially his good humor.
“You boys get any food yet?”
Jordan and Eddy paused in their laughter just in time for their jaws to drop. Before them stood the Headmistress herself, Elizabeth Bellafonte, holding a paper plate piled with meats and a few vegetables. Jordan had never been this close to someone so important before … he was already thinking about all the different ways he could embarrass himself. Eddy was thinking about something completely different.
“N-no ma’am!” Eddy’s voice cracked as he nearly shouted the Headmistress’s ears off. “Just waiting for the others to finish so we can line up, ma’am!”
Ms. Bellafonte winced as Eddy’s face reddened into a shade any stop sign would be proud of. Trying to save the boy some face, Ms. Bellafonte managed a smile with some difficulty. “Now, there’s no need for that. No one’s going to stop you getting some food. You are students here now, after all! Help yourselves to whatever you’d like!”
At that moment, Bellafonte snapped her fingers and three platters of food as well as a plate for each of the boys floated gently over to where they were standing. “Come on, dig in! You’ve got some big years ahead of you … you in particular, little guy.”
Ms. Bellafonte ruffled Jordan’s hair and smiled at him. Eddy looked surprised - and a little envious - as the half-naked Headmistress stared right into Jordan’s electric blue eyes. Jordan himself turned an even deeper shade of red than Eddy had as he felt every eye in the room fall upon him and the Headmistress. After a few awkward moments that seemed to stretch for eternity, Eddy finally asked “What do you mean, ‘him in particular?’”
Ms. Bellafonte looked at Eddy with raised eyebrows. “You mean he hasn’t told you?” Her gaze then moved back to Jordan’s face and became stern. “I would think that once you made a friend you’d be happy to brag about it. You’ll need plenty of bravado for what’s ahead.”
Jordan shuffled his feet and looked at the ground. “I … haven’t really gotten around to it yet …”
Ms. Bellafonte huffed and stood up before smiling once more at Eddy. “Well, you know how to pick your allies, at least. This boy you’ve been talking to, this dull, uninteresting child … is to be my apprentice.”
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 36,380 | 0 | Chapter 0 - Mantis |
Courtney stared at the bug on her bed. It wasn’t all that large, in fact it was fairly small. About the size of a cockroach, give or take a little. It was all black, with angular edges and limbs that made it look almost robotic. The only reason she knew it wasn’t, was its massive penis. It too was fairly small, but only in relation to human males. In relation to its own body, it took up half its body mass. Laura wasn’t even sure how it could move with something like that. It leaked something green on the bed from the tip of its genitalia. It twitched, as if in anticipation.
Its amber eyes stared into hers, and piece by piece, she began to take off her clothes. First she started with her sweater that pressed more tightly against her rather large chest than it had any right to, slinking it off as if in a trance. Not soon after, the shirt came off, leaving her in a plain white bra. Taking off her jeans was the only step left, revealing her large, childbearing hips. Perfect for breeding. All she had left were her bra, panties, and socks as she stood in front of the strange bug, mesmerized by its eyes.
Rather like a zombie, she shuffled towards the bed before sitting down next to the bug, her perky breasts bouncing as the bed took her weight. All the while she stared at the bug, lost in its eyes as she circled her thighs and breasts. Then, suddenly, she pinched at her bra, biting her lip as her nipples started to harden. Her other hand lazed over her sex, rubbing it almost like a pet that she so dearly loved. Her mouth was wide open as she repeatedly rubbed and pinched at her body, feeling it heat up as the insect watched. Her panties were getting wetter, and her nipples were now hard enough to poke through the bra.
If it was slightly colder, wafts of her breath would be easily seen from her moving her hips in line with her fingers, writhing like a snake under her own touch and the bug’s gaze. It was too much for her, as she moved the panties aside and began to finger herself. Not too long after, the bra became an afterthought, a mere obstacle as she twisted and pulled, lightly nibbling on one of her own teat. The bug just sat, a small pool of its excretions beginning to form, and touching her thigh. As soon as it did she recoiled from the strange sensation. It was such a rush of pleasure, she could feel the air moving around her leg from how sensitive it had become. Courtney could feel it traveling across her body, making its way to her other leg, and upwards. Soon, her entire body was enveloped in a numbing warmth. It was terrible, as she could no longer move, but her body ached to be touched and played with. She lay gasping on the bed, her legs outstretched and her two waiting holes directly in front of the bug.
It’s time was now, and it moved with a kind of purpose to her sex mounting her like a man would missionary, its head directly on top of her clit. She almost lost consciousness as it ever so slightly moved its feelers, bringing her over the edge to orgasm. It struck then, shoving its stinger inside her waiting pussy, wet and slick with her lube. It was slow and methodical, pumping in and out with purpose. It gently extended a prehensile feeler to her clit, wrapping it around and pushing it upwards. Courtney could do nothing but grit her teeth as pleasure wracked her body, the bug toying with her clit and pumping her sex. She couldn’t even close her eyes, forced to stare at the bug violate her. It wasn’t long now, as she could feel the stinger enlarge to many sizes bigger than the bug was. She felt the stinger touch something deep inside her, and open it. The bug shoved its entire body in, her womb taking the stinger whole. There was pain, but it quickly turned to pleasure.
The bug expanded, the eggs growing in it as well. She could feel the eggs make their way down the path to her cervix and stopped. There was a building pressure, and then a pop. She gasped, feeling an egg make its way into her womb. And then another, and then five more, and then ten more. There was just a constant stream from the small bug, filling her womb with his young. Courtney could not believe the sheer amount of volume, watching as her stomach became enlarged. If she were to walk down the street, strangers would think her pregnant. Nothing happened for a moment.
And then she felt a cool numbness in her womb. The insect pumped more of the numbing secretion, filling the rest of her cavity with the liquid before sealing it off. She felt heavy as the bug slid out from her vagina, back to its normal size. She was panting, her skin alluring with a thin sheen of sweat. Yet, the bug was not yet done. The bug disappeared from her view, blocked by her extremely large stomach. It was then that she felt something at her ass. Feelers and limbs pushed open the tight cavity, forcing its way in. Not only did it have to fight her body trying to squeeze and push it out, the eggs it had laid inside her were not light. It traversed her rectum, stopping just below the end of her uterus.
The bug was still for a moment, and then exploded. Its guts covered the inside of her rectum, with so small amount of its innards oozing out. Courtney sighed in relief and disappointment, before she felt something moving around in her bowels. Several things, actually. They wriggled down the way the bug had came. They were a smaller, newer version of the bug that had died. The stingers bigger, the feelers longer. They looked at their ‘mother’ with curiosity, before climbing her vagina-- to no end of stimulation-- crawling across her ovular stomach, and finally resting on her nipples. They were like newborn animals, pushing to get milk. There were far more than two, and they fought with each other for who would eat. All the while Courtney’s body was so sensitive that she was sure she could feel light pressing down on her skin.
The bugs were ferocious, sometimes missing her and biting into her breasts or nipples. That was almost too much pleasure for her to bear, watching as the young finally made peace and gathered around her nipples, arranging themselves in circles. They did nothing for a few seconds, and then their maws opened. Long tendrils extended from within and stuck to her teats. Each of them did this, in total a few dozen were now expecting milk from her teats when she had none to give. The sensation was too much for her as she arched her back instinctually, feeling the eggs inside her move around. The newborns were relentless, sure that she would give milk when she had none, behaving like greedy butterflies to a flower as they tried to suck her dry.
And finally, a strange sort of light green excretion did come from her teats. It overflowed, running down her body and into her pussy. It set her body alight with its potency. This was nothing compared to what the bug had used before, this was pure ecstasy. She began to drool, watching that mix her milk in a strange concoction. For the rest of the night, she was trapped in her own body, watching as it was violated by strange insects, and feeling her stomach move every so often. Daylight was a long way away. |
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 41,000 | 0 | Chapter 0 - Skeleton and skele-dog |
Jane was an archaeologist intent on searching ancient ruins for her master’s thesis. That meant going into caves that had never been explored, alone, and partially distracted by the wondrous things around her.
Which is why she didn’t notice the skeleton until it was too late. She dropped her flashlight in just the right way to see its lack of face when she turned her head. It grabbed her, its teeth chattering as if it was laughing. Its bones hung together like by some magical force. The only part of it that didn’t make sense was its throbbing cock. Which held some strange semblance of taut and growing red flesh.
It ripped off her shirt and jacket with one strong tug, revealing her plain bra. After chattering a little more, it began to grope her. Using its bony appendages to massage and pinch her oversized jugs. She may have been an archaeologist, but she could have easily been a model or trophy wife with her curvaceous body. She was unable to stop from moaning as her nipples became harder, her hot breath coming off like fog in the cold. She was a virgin, unknowledgeable in matters that she was about to get a crash course in.
With another quick sleight of hand, her bra was now pushing up her sizeable breasts. The skeleton knocked her to the ground, falling on a soft patch of moss which she could swear wasn’t there the second before.The skeleton stuck to her like glue, its cold appendages forcefully popping out her inverted nipples and bringing into the cold air. Her head jerked, unused to the sensations playing across her chest. Pinching and pulling her new and raw tits like they were something to be played with. Just as she tried to push the skeleton off a bony mouth enclosed around a nipple and clamped down. Her breaths were ragged as she pushed off her pants and underwear, fingering her entrance. She was already so wet it was amazing, and the skeleton certainly didn’t mind continuing. She could feel its length brushing up against her thigh.
It was so cold that it might as well have been from a refrigerator, but she felt invigorated as it moved its hips to line it up. She was salivating at the idea of being penetrated, watching as the long hard bone pushed into her. It was nothing like the toys, and she could feel it going further than they had ever gone. Her pelvis pressed against the skeleton’s, it bottomed out and she could feel its tip brushing against her cervix. Her insides felt cold, like she had a dildo made of ice. She loved how it felt against her molten hot pussy. It was slow going at first. Letting her get used to its movements as it drew itself all the way out and pushed all the way back in. She pushed against, rubbing her clit while the skeleton continued to pleasure her chest.
It got a little more heated as the skeleton pushed her legs further apart, managing to plunge deeper with every thrust. She could feel the coolness extend into her womb now. Jane’s moans could be heard all throughout the cave as she took its length. Its dick was getting even longer, now halfway through her womb as it pushed the entire way in and out.
That was when she whispered to it to really go and to let loose. Skeleton’s aren’t bound by conventional limits, and so it fulfilled her request to the best of its ability. It sped up exponentially, becoming nothing more than a vibrator that violated her most private parts. She could no longer keep up with its rhythm, instead crossing her legs and arms over its back as she forced it to stay inside her. He was twisting and pulling her tits with his teeth and hands, pulling them to lengths she didn’t know possible. All pain was pleasure as her lower pelvis began to feel numb from the cold and pleasure.
She could feel something coming and hugged the skeleton close as it made one final thrust, pushing against the end of her womb and letting out jets of white cold sperm. The skeleton fell apart, leaving only its balls and dick inside her as it continued to pump out. After a few minutes of laying in the afterglow and allowing the balls to empty, the dick shrunk and fell out, fading into nothing. The cum most certainly did not, staining the inside of her pussy as it seeped out. Jane didn’t even know if she could get pregnant from whatever it was, but now was not the time she wanted to find out.
Trying to stand up and finding her knees weak, she took a few more moments to ready herself before carrying onwards. She managed to right her shirt and bra, but it was impossible for her to stop the cum flowing down her thick and toned thighs. In the end, she didn’t even bother covering up her pussy as she made her way further into the cave.
Jane ventured more carefully now, scared by shadows that were nothing more than darkness, and mistaking her own footsteps for that of another. Several times she whipped around, her flashlight lighting upon a perfectly normal stalactite, and her face flushed with foolishness. She kept wondering if she was hoping that she would find more skeletons, or a way out. As she had quickly lost her way in the cave and could no longer find her way back.
Yet again, knowing how foolish it was, she whipped around again. Only to find that even a broken clock is right twice a day, and that there was something there. Put lightly, it was a skeletal dog-- about the size of a german shepherd. One that was trying to pant, but had no tongue nor lungs. It did, on the other hand, have quite a large red rocket hanging beneath its ribcage. One that pulsed with need.
Having been a lifelong animal lover, Jane immediately knew its predicament and fell to her knees, revealing her still cum oozing pussy. It didn’t take long for the dog to ‘sniff’ at her behind and nuzzle her entrance. Cum stuck to its nostrils, dripping onto her back as it mounted her. She could feel its bony paws on her back. They pressed down as it adjusted its member, rubbing up against her pussy in vain.
Jane shivered as it accidentally teased her sex, and giving it a helping hand, gently lead it into her and pushed back. While the dog’s dick was large, it wasn’t as large as the human’s-- at least initially. It only reached halfway to her womb. That said, Jane loved its nature. It pounded into her without a care, its knot always looming just beyond her hole. A few times it threatened to come in, but each time it eased off before it did. Jane wanted it to badly to enter because of what it entailed, but her pussy refused to loosen-- only getting tighter the longer the act went. It took her rocking backwards into the undead dog to get the knot inside her-- a red ball of flesh that ensured fertilization.
Jane’s hands tightened as the ball lodged inside her, stuck. Immediately the dog’s bones clicked and clacked as it turned around, facing away from her with its member still inside her. She felt a sense of euphoria as the stream of cum flowed into her impatient womb, mingling with the semen from the skeleton earlier. She lay there, basking in the pleasure as her womb grew full with seed, her belly starting to touch the moss covered floor of the cave.
Half an hour later, the dog was finally satisfied. Meaning that it slipped out easily-- her entrance now permanently larger-- and fell to dust within the instant. Its product stayed within her, her knees slumping to the ground as her belly deflated, squirting cum out of her like a balloon losing air. She lay there twitching for a few moments. Her body had never felt so good, and moving seemed like a chore. The moss was also soft and inviting. Soft enough that while cum still dripped out of her sex, she fell asleep.
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 36,380 | 3 | Chapter 3 - Plants Part 1 |
Courtney bolted naked from the house, having seized her opportunity. Her pussy dripped from the liquids of the insects, and her body ran with the milk trickling from her oversized breasts. She was forced into an awkward run. Arms bent outwards as not to keep colliding with her boobs as they bounced. The cool night air felt tantalizing on her nipples and clit. Her body sensitive to feel when the wind changed direction.
Even the grass under her feet was slowly pushing her to orgasm, tickling her feet with every step. She was running into a forest, hoping to lose the insects. Not that it would be effective, given the clear trail of milk acting as breadcrumbs. No, that would not be the last time she saw them. The forest looked like a safe haven from the house. There would be bugs, but they wouldn’t try to breed her. She didn’t know where she would go from there, but anywhere was better than that basement.
It was almost night now. And even the start of the forest was somewhat dense. She had to move more carefully, sticks sharpened to points threatening to pierce her feet. Although her dangers were not all of pain. Even with the brushing of her nipple past a branch she came. It felt like someone had massaged her, warmed her up for hours before finally allowing her cum. And it had just barely managed to scrape it, to the point were there was no residue on her skin. For half a minute, she was unable to move, cum gushing down her thighs as she tried to move past the pleasure.
Finally, it wore off and she could move again. She was far more careful, moving slowly as to make sure that her breasts were as unbouncy as possible. An hour she traveled like this. In fear that she would be paralyzed and unable to stop the bugs. She wiped away the wetness traveling down her thighs, flicking it off into the woods before she continued. Even thinking about the bugs made her mind go white. The thought of her staying at the house, allowing them to use her as a bag of flesh made for breeding. Good for nothing but her holes. Constantly teased and pleasured, with no hope of escape.
Courtney half wondered why she didn’t do that. But something kept her going. Her determination renewed, she maneuvered her way through a small opening of branches with more care than a mother has for their spawn before stepping out into a clearing of a few feet. It looked like a path that people might travel on, if a little unused recently. Not caring one way or the other, she jogged down it. Leaves covered it, but aside from that it was fairly clear. No sticks or branches to worry about.
There was the tittering of bugs, which was almost comforting. They sounded nothing like the ones before. And while there were a few cobwebs, they were empty of spiders. Giant or regular sized ones. She was almost grinning. She was almost out of the woods. Metaphorically and literally. She felt like there would be an exit ahead, a way out and into civilization. An escape.
She slowed as she came to the exit. There was just one problem. A tree trunk. A massive one to be specific, blocking her path. No way over or around it. The trees were simply to dense for her to even push through. And after turning back to go the other way, she found the path absent. Just a wall of trees where she’d once been. Courtney tried to convince herself that it was simply her imagining things, but came to the only awful conclusion that she would be able to have.
She would have to go under the small space of the tree. Before her breasts had grown it would’ve been easy. She could just slide under. But now? Her pussy became wet just at the thought of the hard rubbed bark sliding against her nipples-- and even her clit if she was lucky. Paralyzed under the wood, trapped only by her own body. It would be a sort of hell.
That was her only choice. The trees felt even closer than they had been only moments before. So knowing what it entailed, she carefully sat and laid flat on her back. Closer to the ground, she saw that she could get under it. The question was how she would do it without rubbing anything important. Gingerly grabbing at her breasts, she held them to either side as flat as she could. That way, she could just barely make it through. Shimmying across the dirt with her butt to the ground and her hands on protective duty, she inched her way below the trunk. It was such a short opening, that she wasn’t even able to look up as she did it. She laid her head flat to the ground, watching the way she had come to make sure nothing was following her.
It was slow going, and certainly uncomfortable. Her arms splayed at a weird angle and unable to help her move. Dirt covering her back and legs. But she was halfway across. The trunk was sloping up.
She felt her pussy spasm. The pleasure hit her like a typhoon a moment later. Her worst fear realized as her jaw locked. Something had just pierced through her nipple. The one she couldn’t see. And whatever it had pierced it with was being moved around, twisted. Acting as if she was a toy. She felt as if her teeth were going to crack when it started pulling on her nipple like a dog on a leash. Courtney was moving, pulled along by her nipple. Through sheer force of will, her fingers dug into the ground. She was anchored, if momentarily.
Unable to see her attacker, all Courtney could do was pull against it. The pleasure was overwhelming, but her fear was even greater. Her mind clearer now, she swatted wildly. The piercing left her nipple, and she scrambled, moving as a mad woman back the other way. But that only made matters worse, her nipples scraping across the bark and forcing her to endure a pleasure that could only compare to a thousand fingerings. Even still, she swatted at whatever she couldn’t see and it was working. After getting up, all she would have to do was push through the dense forest. It would be a sort of hell, but it was better than whatever awaited her on the other side.
Until she saw something slithering towards her. She stopped, afraid it was a snake. But snakes had mouths and eyes. This was just--
She moved faster towards it. It was still a little bit off, and if she was quick she could deal with it while standing. But haste makes waste as they say, and she was brushing her leaking nubs recklessly. Forcing her to grit her teeth in pleasure and feel her pussy soak the ground beneath her. Courtney had only a third of the trunk to go, but it was taking far longer than before. Her eyes fluttering for a split second, she lost track of the worm like bug. She stayed absolutely still, her breath fogging the night air with how hot she was. The bugs were quiet now, and she could hear something rustling leaves ‘below’ her. In other words, at her feet.
She kicked out, but that was her greatest mistake. The act of her kicking slightly raised her mound, touching her clit ever so slightly to the old wood. Rubbing it gently, like petting a kitten. But that slightest touch broke her.
Courtney’s back arched, only furthering the problem. She was locked in place. Her face pressed up against the trunk as the spasms forced her clit to mash itself into and onto the ridges. She felt like a fire hydrant with how much cum was pouring out of her. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Muscles worked so hard to be taught now having gone full circle and completely relaxed. Unfortunately for her, that did not include her thigh and leg muscles.
Minutes later, her legs unlocked and her butt fell into a pool of her own juices. She gasped for air, unable to move. Her entire body was sore after being involuntarily contracted and expanded. She was in so much pleasure that she felt like she floating out of her body, watching as the wormlike creature sauntered under the log and directly into her waiting muff. It was strange, looking down upon her body, the log invisible to her eye. She watched her body seizure, thousands of tiny furry bristles brushing against her entrance. Courtney felt herself drift. The pleasure was there, but it was happening to someone else.
She was free to watch as the giant caterpillar rolled around, scratching every possible surface of her cavity with its fur. Some might think she was out of cum, but that would be incorrect. It spurted erratically, dripping down into her gaping hole and acting as a lubricant. Her body was less her own, and more a vegetable. Her body moved, of course, but every time her back arched and her clit was pushed into the fallen tree, she felt herself disappearing a little bit more.
The caterpillar seemingly satisfied, it marched out, drenched in her love. Courtney felt herself returning somewhat, being drawn back to her body. But not before her empty form was yanked out from under the tree. As it was dragged her pussy and tits leaked, leaving their mark on the forest like some sort of bizarre graffiti, a murky neon green. She followed it instinctively, watching as her body was held up by vines. The moved to support her fully, wrapping around her legs, arms, and torso.
With surprising ease for a plant, it pulled apart her legs, revealing her dripping folds and throbbing clit. A few more vines descended, revealing her ass. She was fully on display to the forest. A vine as thick as her arm slowly lowered down to her, moving around as it had eyes on the front of it. Courtney could see her body drooling, waiting for it to plunge into her depths. But it didn’t, a flower sprouting along its length and blooming. Its petals fluttering in the wind as it approached her pussy.
Without warning, pierced her clit, the folds of the flower pressing against her urethra. Her body moaned of its own accord, beginning to tire. As if in direct response, a vine penetrated her mouth. Down to her stomach it went. Her own anatomy clear as day, Courtney watched as a liquid was emptied into her. Not sperm or eggs, but some sort of water. She felt herself drifting back into her body. And suddenly she was inside herself. The vine emptying a seemingly endless amount of life giving fluids into her, while her pussy was wrung like a cloth. The flower was relentless, and just as soon as it wracked her body with one piercing of its metal like stamen, another was pushed through.
Her eyes rolled back. She wasn’t even able to leave her body, forced to experience everything. Courtney couldn’t even scream. The best she could do was struggle against the vines, her energy renewed from the water in her belly. That was what she focused on until the vines moved. She was now upside down and could feel some of the water trickling out of her mouth. Normally her blood would rush to her head, but all of it was in her privates when the third piercing came.
With her entrance facing the sky, her head was craned upward by a helpful tentacle vine. The flower had engulfed her clit and was milking it, the stamens fully through and twisting her clit every time she moved. A few drops of cum landed on her eyes, but the plant quickly grew another flower to pick up the slack of the other, making sure that none of her juices would escape.
As she looked up at the starry night sky, two strange looking pitcher plants entered her view.
She was in for a long night. |
ebbcd4c3084c7507ee3be1ceaf9ce009b95c0b97b61e23cdc271c5c78e846146 | 32,572 | 3 | Chapter 3 - Acciomancy: Red-Faced Mistakes |
The rest of Epidromancy was spent covering the safety guidelines, but also included a very rough explanation of the intricacies of the concepts the subject covered. Jordan felt a little out of his depth already … he hadn’t been expecting to make such an important choice as the first spells he wanted to learn right at the start of the semester!
Eddy however seemed to have bigger problems as the two of them walked to their next class … well, as Jordan walked. Eddy was leaning on the wall, trying desperately to keep up as his legs shook in terror. It was a little hard to think about what spells Jordan wanted to learn when he was hearing “fuckin’ goddamn snakes, why would they let a snake teach this school’s fucking insane …”
“Eddy, I have a question for you:” Jordan turned on his heels to look Eddy in the eyes. “Did you even read our course list for this year?”
Eddy looked at Jordan as though he just said something completely unreasonable. “The what? No! What does that have to do with anything!?”
Jordan sighed and reached into his satchel - a grey-blue assortment he’d had for years - and pulled out a stack of papers. The topmost one read 'BAM First Year Course Catalog' with an illustration of Elizabeth Bellafonte petting a dragon. Jordan stuck this stack of paper right into Eddy’s face before continuing.
“This-” Jordan says sternly “-tells you everything you need to know about our classes. Where they’re held, what they cover, and who teaches them. How’d you even find the classroom this morning without this thing?”
Eddy chuckled, looking at the abbreviation on the page. “Can’t believe that that’s the thing people see on billboard advertisements … I just followed the other students. I mean, we’re all going to the same classes at the same time for the first year, so as long as I get up early enough I’ll always know where to go.”
Eddy smiles and gives Jordan a thumbs-up, as if he had the perfect plan to get through the entire school year. The exasperation in Jordan’s voice was palpable enough to be solid mass as he sighed and flipped the pages of his catalog. Landing on the desired page within seconds, he began to read aloud:
“Epidromancy Professor Naga, real name unknown, original species HUMAN but turned into a lamia by magic.” Jordan closed the course catalog with a snap - or what would have been a snap had the pages been bound like a book, but with only staples connecting them was more like an awkward flapping sound - and stared Eddy down with irritation. “She is not a snake, she’s a human who turned herself into what she wanted to be. She’s not about to swallow you whole, so calm down, okay?”
Eddy’s cheeks became bright red as he glared at Jordan. “Well, how was I supposed to know that!? She even sounded like a snake, man!” Eddy turned away and straightened himself up, his legs only shaking slightly now. The explanation had quelled some of his fear, but he was clearly bitter about the delivery. “I can’t handle snakes, man … I just can’t.”
Shaking his head again, Jordan re-opened his catalogue and searched for their next class. “Well, let’s make sure our next professor knows that. If I remember right, we’re going to be taking Acciomancy with Professor Yumi next.” Acciomancy … also known as Conjuration. Summoning objects and monsters from other worlds. In some ways, it was the most dangerous form of magic - and also the most effective one.
“Hold on; Yumi?” Eddy perked up at the mention of the name. “I heard some of the older kids talking about her last night in the house. Apparently, she’s a bombshell who’s terrible at keeping a class together, even though she’s really smart.”
Jordan’s left eyebrow rose in mild interest and curiosity. “Really? All it says about her here is that she’s able to summon a large variety of creatures … Monsters, Elementals, even a few Demons. Though now that you mention it, it doesn’t say anything about her being able to control them …”
This conversation was starting to make Jordan worried. Just what kind of classroom were they walking into …?
Jordan and Eddy entered the classroom to find that it was packed, with a fair bit of chatter going around already. They walked down the aisle to find a good set of seats to take and were able to locate a pair by the window with relative ease. Looking around, it was clear that very few of the students were the kind who would respect a professor - they were talking quite loudly, and even though she wasn’t really here right now Jordan got the sinking suspicion that Ms. Yumi being in the room wouldn’t stop them at all.
Of course, it was also possible that there was too much in the room to talk about. It wasn’t very visible from the top of the stairs upon entry to the classroom, but there were a few jars in the back of the room that brought Jordan’s eyes to them immediately upon sitting down. One of these jars contained a small, red Imp complete with horns and stinger as well as bared teeth and pointed wings. Another contained what looked like a small pixie, just a little green light floating around in circles, frantically seeking an escape route. In another jar sat a small tentacle, sleek and black and slippery, slapping against the jar in vain.
Within a few short seconds that allowed Jordan to come up with at least seven questions to ask about each of these beings, the Professor walked into the room from her office entrance. She was a rather tall woman with long dark hair and red eyes, similar to those of Ms. Naga. However, her spectacles and very dull demeanor suggested to Jordan that the two were definitely not related. Her dress was a white smock with black lower skirt that stretched all the way to her heels, which were padded by two black high-heeled shoes.
Ms. Yumi approached her podium with no love for her job in her step at all, holding onto a large black book and setting it on her podium quietly upon arrival. “Hello, class.” As expected, no one quieted down even a little for Ms. Yumi, but she didn’t seem to care; she continued to drone on in a rather apathetic tone. “Today is our first lesson, and as such, I will be providing you with an introductory course on all the areas of magic we can learn in this class.”
“For anyone who is unfamiliar, Acciomancy is the art of summoning items and creatures from other worlds into our own. It teaches spells such as Summon Demon” she indicates the Imp in the jar, “Summon Elemental” she then indicates the Pixie “And summon Tentacles” she indicates the singular tentacle in the jar. Jordan remembered something from the catalog he’d read and realized this was a good time to ask, but as he raised his hand to speak …
“Something wrong, Ms. Parker?” Ms. Yumi’s attention turned on Penny Parker, who had raised her hand at lightning speed with a burning question in her eyes.
“Yes ma’am! Well uh … I saw the spell ‘Summon Fictional Character’ and I was wondering how that would be possible? I can imagine the other creatures listed coming from somewhere, but a Fictional Character exists only in our minds …”
“Ah. that spell …” Ms. Yumi sighed. “I suggest steering clear of that one, Ms. Parker. It’s very tricky stuff, and if you’re not careful it could have devastating results.” Ms. Yumi continued speaking as if she had never been interrupted. “Now then, like I was saying, your best bet is to pick something simple like Summon Object or Banishment. Perhaps Find Familiar, but it’s useless unless you go into more Acciomancy or have the extra time to learn another spell.”
“There are a great many creatures to choose from and you might not choose one that suits you unless you know which one you’re looking for, so I’ve brought a few specimens to introduce to you all so that you might make an informed decision. Well, a more informed one at least.” Ms. Yumi looked around the class to see if anyone was paying attention - she didn’t seem to mind that very few people actually were.
Ms. Yumi walked along the back of the classroom, approaching the red Imp in its’ glass cage. “Anyone who knows anything about Demons knows of this creature - the Imp. They are fiendish little mischievous devils, who delight in causing suffering through Humans’ own actions upon other Humans, often misinformed due to the Imp’s efforts.” The Imp, for its part, did a little bow for the class as if it was proud to be addressed in such a manner.
“The abominable creatures have a wide variety of tools at their disposal: they are able to disguise themselves as Human, can cast a few magical spells themselves, and their tails have a barbed, paralyzing poisoned tip for use against uncooperative subjects. The Imp displays a major issue with all of Demon kind - they are very versatile, and powerful creatures, but highly difficult to control and incredibly dangerous should they be let loose.”
Ms. Yumi walked away from the Imp, which almost seemed disappointed to see her go, and stepped in front of the Pixie’s cage. It fluttered about, too small to really see, just an orb of glowing light within it’s glass home. “Now, this creature” Ms. Ymi pointed out “Is the complete opposite of the Imp. A Pixie, much like many Elementals, serves a very specific purpose but is usually quite obedient to its’ master’s wishes. This stems from the universal desire for all Elementals to return to their proper plane of existences - the sooner the Elemental is done with its’ job, the sooner it can return home.”
“A Pixie’s specific abilities allow it to sense other magical creatures and track them, regardless of the type. They simply ‘smell’ magic in the air, and have a keen nose for the stuff. You’d be hard pressed to stop a Pixie tailing you, no matter how far away you are, a long as they have something with your magical ‘scent’ upon it. Very useful creatures, albeit very specific in their uses and not good for much else besides tracking.”
The Pixie seemed irritated, though it was hard to really tell for sure - all it did was wizz around a little faster and move in Ms. Yumi’s direction a bit more often. Ms. Yumi continued her waltz across the floor to reach the last glass cage. “Now, Monsters and Undead are both varied enough that they deserve their own lessons, so let’s move on to our final subject for the day:”
Ms. Yumi looked intently at the last cage, a gleam of love and care in her eyes as she observed the small, singular waving tentacle. “This is a tentacle, my students, as you might have guessed. These creatures carry the best of both worlds - they are often quite versatile, and incredibly obedient when you know how to control them. They carry many tools for many jobs - anything from simply having more appendages to work with to attacking a dangerous enemy to even … other uses as well.”
Some of the men in the class snickered, some of the girls giggled, and everyone gave the teacher their full attention. Jordan looked away as he saw Penny Parker grow red in the face and avert her gaze as well. Eddy leaned in very close to listen.
“This particular specimen, thankfully, is completely harmless.” Ms. Yumi put her hand on the glass and the class watched as the tentacle slapped its’ slimy appendage against the glass where her hand covered it, holding it there as if trying to hold her hand. “The Pod is an infantile Tentacle creature and will only grow to its full form when it acquires its first host. Many Tentacles spawn from Pods, and some of them can even be dangerous, but not this creature.”
“You see, all tentacle kind feeds off of Humanity’s bodily fluids. Well, they can feed off of each other’s bodily fluids as well, but they find ours to be far more tasty.” Ms. Yumi petted the glass and the tentacle started to quiver, as if it knew she was showing it affection. “Tentacles are rather intelligent, despite their obvious demeanor. They do have one-track-minds a lot of the time, but they are flexible in how their goals are achieved, and their goals generally are just finding more fluids to drink.”
“What kind of fluids do they drink?” Eddy raised his hand with an eager look in his eyes. ‘Of course he’s excited about this’ Jordan thought, rolling his eyes. Ms. Yumi gave Eddy an eager expression and spoke quite fondly of her pet.
“Any of them, usually. Well, that’s not really true … it depends on the tentacle. There are carnivorous kinds that drink blood, but those are often avoided due to their dangerous nature. The most common ones to summon merely feed off saliva, or sweat, or even in some cases sexual fluids. They are a very diverse race; why, some even feed off every possible fluid in the body. Those are the absolute most dangerous breed, so you would be wise to stay away from-”
Ms. Yumi had been so excited while she was talking that she hadn’t noticed her hand slip on the cage, accidentally knocking the lid off the top of the glass. She slipped ever so slightly, making a soft “Oh” sound before her hand touched the tentacle pod inside the glass. Everyone, even Jordan and Penny, turned to look at the events to follow as Ms. Yumi stared down at her own hand with fear in her eyes and … a slight smirk on her face?
“Well … this isn’t good.”
Immediately, the pod burst into life, wrapping its now many appendages around Ms. Yumi’s lithe body. She squealed as the tentacles wrapped around her chest, constricting her breasts and rubbing along her nipples. Other tentacles reached down to her nethers and immediately began playing with her slit as the rest held onto her arms and legs and lifted her into the air. The boys in the class roared in shock and approval as many of the girls gasped and squealed.
“Don’t worry- ah!- class!” Ms. Yumi attempted to speak as the tentacles elicited a great many unseemly noises from her. “This variety- oh! - only drinks sexual fluids, and the-A-HA-AHN! First feeding never lasts long! We can proceed with the -HA!- lesson shortly!”
Until then, however, it seemed that the tentacle creature was quite content with giving the class a show. It gently caressed and teased all the most sensitive parts of the teacher’s body, focusing most of its’ attentions on her nipples and clitoris in an attempt to reach a quick orgasm. Ms. Yumi gasped and moaned with every motion of the tentacle’s attempts to get her off, signifying its’ success in either highly suspicious involuntary noises or very profound signs of enjoyment.
Ms. Yumi bucked and lurched her hips and back as she so clearly felt electricity running through her body, the feeling of those slippery wet appendages covering her obviously bringing a level of erotic joy most could only dream of. Many of the young girls in the crowd of students gulped and looked on in desire at the experience as Ms. Yumi’s cries filled the lecture hall.
They were far more composed than the boys of the class were, however. Nearly all of them were standing up at their seats, roaring their approval of the tentacle’s movements and even egging it on in some cases. “Go inside her!” One of them yelled. “Hit the G-spot! You’ll get your food sooner!!” another from across the room shouted.
“Guys, come on! Get real!” Jordan felt a rush of relief as he heard Eddy’s voice speak up. Hearing all of Ms. Yumi’s sounds was bad enough even when he kept his eyes closed and tried to plug his ears without every boy in the class shouting lewd things out of nowhere. It was odd that Eddy of all people would be the one to tell them off … Jordan should have known better.
“What are tentacles best at!? It should fill each of her holes!” Eddy shouted at the tentacles and his fellow classmates. “There’s no point in having all of those wet tangleweeds if it’s not going to give her the best day of her life!”
“Oh damn, he’s right!” The first boy shouted in agreement. “Just her pussy’s not enough - it’s gotta fill her!”
And so began the roaring chant of the male students in the class, alongside the subtle pining of the many girls sitting in their seats. Ms. Yumi’s moans and grunts of passion were almost - but not quite - drowned out by the growing chorus of “Fill her! Fill her! Fill her!” that arose from the mouths of every male student in the room. Well, almost every male student.
The one exception to this rule was Jordan, who immediately stood up and ran for the exit, unable to take it anymore. He caught a glimpse of Ms. Yumi’s breasts as the tentacle pod ripped open her blouse to suckle on her nipples more effectively, latching onto them with mouth-like openings on the ends of it’s appendages and bringing out yet another set of gasps of delight from Ms Yumi’s mouth. In the same glimpse, Jordan caught sight of Ms. Yumi’s eyes - they were full of desire and arousal, a clear certainty that she was enjoying the exposure.
Jordan bolted for the exit, unable to last another second in this strange environment. He had just managed to reach the door when he heard the sound of gasps from everyone in the room, before the boys started roaring in approval even louder than before - the only explanation was so obvious that Jordan didn’t want to think of it. Nevertheless, the image of Ms. Yumi being made to suck upon that slimy tentacle as it drove its’ other appendages into her vagina and backside was driven into his mind like a car into an icy river, slipping from a curve.
Jordan burst through the door and slammed it shut behind him, panting. He couldn’t believe that people could find that … display enjoyable. What was wrong with these people - these Magi? How could anyone voluntarily subject themselves to something like that … and like it? Jordan just couldn't make sense of it all … he could handle a lot of weirdness, but he could never understand that.
It took a fair few minutes for Jordan to realize he was not the only one panting outside this doorway. He heard a voice - softer, shallower than his own - panting in a similar fashion next to the door beside him, and turned to see Penny Parker sitting by the wall across the door. Before long, she raised her own head and spotted him, her eyes wide with shock as Jordan realized she had not known he was there.
Neither Jordan nor Penny could think of what to say in that moment. It took a lot of deliberation and exhausted thinking before Jordan finally coughed. “So … you couldn’t stand it either?” he asked, already knowing the answer. He was just trying to avoid another situation like the train, trying not to be the awkward person that he was.
“O-of course not!” Penny stumbled over her words as her face grew a bright scarlet. “That was … horrible! How can they do that!? Get all excited and - and shout while the teacher gets abused by that - thing!?!?”
“I KNOW!!” Jordan shouted his vehement agreement, happy to have someone else who understood his discomfort. “The way they shouted at it, goading it into taking things further … what kind monsters are we learning with!?”
“The girls weren’t much better, either!” Penny curled up into a ball and hugged her legs as she sat against the wall. “All of them were looking at it like … like they were jealous. Jealous of Ms. Yumi, like they wanted to be in that same position … who would want that!?”
“Apparently Ms. Yumi did …” Jordan assumed a similar fetal position as he looked down at the floor he sat on. It was all he could muster not to bury his face in his knees, where his voice would be too muffled to keep this conversation - the most comforting thing he had access to - going.
“What do you mean? How can you say that about a teacher!?” Penny glared at Jordan in disgust, causing the boy to cower beneath her disapproving gaze.
“No, I mean - I saw her! Her face, I … I caught a glimpse of it before I got through the doors. She was smiling …” Jordan gulped as he recalled the expression still burned into his mind. “Her mouth was open in a wide grin, and her tongue was falling out. Her eyes were rolled in the back of her head and she just …”
“Stop! Stop, stop!” Penny made a noise somewhere between that of a crying goat and a whimpering puppy. “I don’t … I don’t want to hear that! I didn’t want to see that!” She shook her head vehemently. “I’m here to learn magic, not to ogle women like you boys!!”
“Hey, I’m not here for that either!” Jordan felt his own cheeks become red - this time with indignant anger. “I didn’t come here to watch my teachers get exposed and ridiculed! I came here to learn how to make mechanical magic!!”
Silence fell in the hall as Jordan realized what he had just said. Penny stared at him for what felt like a century as the pit that had spontaneously formed inside JC’s stomach grew rock hard and began to sink below his navel. “Mechanical magic?” Penny asked, watching Jordan’s face become pale as a sheet. “What are you talking about?”
Jordan’s panicked expression pleaded to Penny Parker with his eyes. He couldn’t tell her, he couldn’t tell anyone yet. He just wasn’t ready. It was too farfetched, too out-there even for Magical folk. But Jordan saw the curious expression on Penny’s face and he knew - he knew she wouldn’t just forget what he’d just said. He had to say something - anything to get her off the question and off his back. Jordan took a deep breath to steady himself, readying his response …
As if ordained by the most gracious of gods, the door popped open at exactly that moment and Eddy’s head emerged from the opening. “Yo Jo, you out he-” Eddy’s eyes fell on Penny and Jordan, sitting at opposite ends of the doorway. “Oh~” he said with a smirk. “Am I interrupting something?”
“Don’t even start - what do you want?” Penny glared at Eddy as if he were the largest slug she’d ever laid eyes on.
“Damn, no need for the stink-eye! I was just coming to let you know the pod fell asleep.” Eddy retained that smirk of his even under Penny’s hateful gaze, proving that even perverts could have one hell of a backbone. “Class is going to resume as soon as Ms. Yumi comes back in a change of clothes, so you two should probably be back in your seats by then.”
Jordan looked at Penny with an expression of mixed relief and sorrow as he stood up and joined Eddy on the walk back to their seats. Along the way Eddy said something about how Jordan had balls to take advantage of the situation - the exact wording was lost somewhere in the exchange. All the latter boy could think about was how he was going to avoid telling the most inquisitive girl in class about his most personal, well-kept secret. |
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 36,380 | 1 | Chapter 1 - Multi type |
It had been several hours since Courtney had first seen the bug. She could feel her body changing. Transforming into something designed only to breed. Her hips were wider as to let the bugs slide out. Her breasts were larger as to allow more bugs to drink her milk. And finally her mind could no longer feel pain, only pleasure. There was just a constant cycle of birth and feeding. Hundreds of her children had bitten and sucked her teat for sustenance. Growing larger in the span of minutes. Large enough to extend their stinger into her gaping womb. Every time they pumped eggs in through her pussy, she felt as if she was in heaven. The eggs were bumpy and coarse, rubbing against every part of her insides. She couldn’t help but squirt from the sheer pleasure as it passed her g-spot. There was no helping it from her in the paralysis. She couldn’t even control her bladder.
Not that it mattered. Several bugs had long since taken up residence on her clit. Not only biting and teasing it, but extending a thing, straw like appendage into her urethra like a catheter to suck out her piss. And she was unable to do anything but watch as her children steadily grew bigger over the generations. Feeding off her. Pleasuring her in ways she never thought possible. While their ‘father’ may have been no bigger than a cockroach, they were now as big as rats. Their genitals grew with them, as well as their maws. Even when only sucking or biting at her breasts, their stingers were always fully extended. Leaking and rubbing against her skin, leaving that green fluid they always excreted.
Her breaths were shallow, but she would be panting if she could. At least until one of her children walked up to her mouth and shoved its stinger in. She could feel it reach all the way to her stomach, yet Courtney had no problems breathing. It pumped in and out of her mouth, dumping its ‘precum’ as it chittered in pleasure. Even though she couldn’t see past its carapace covering her eyes, she could still feel her other children at work. One of the new generations were just beginning to breed her, and she could feel its stinger entering her womb. It was so much longer than its forefathers that her stomach protruded from the sheer size. She felt even more full as it widened the entrance to her womb, painting her womb with green.
One of their brothers joined him, and she could feel her ass open slowly, before a stinger started pounding her. All three of her holes had a stinger, her breasts with their growing brethren, and she couldn’t be feeling more pleasure. She tried to move her hips to the rhythm of the bugs, but to no avail. Every part of her body was screaming out to be touched and played with, and the bugs were silencing that with their stingers, claws, and mouths. All at once, she could feel the stingers harden and grow. Her mind raced as she knew what was coming, bracing for the coming eggs.
The bug in her mouth was the first to release the eggs. For the first time, she felt as if she was choking while the eggs descended into her stomach, a low buzz coming from the insect as it emptied wherever they came from. The one in her ass was next. Unlike the first though, it didn’t stop thrusting. She felt the flesh between her butt and stretch. It was being pressed against by both stingers to the point where they might as well be touching. The anticipation was killing her as she waited for the eggs to enter her. To fill her and create more young. To repeat the cycle of pleasure over and over again.
And finally it came. Courtney’s body spasmed out of her control from the eggs entering her ass. They lined up, one by one. The long tubular stinger detracted, but not before sealing off the entrance. Leaving no way for the eggs to escape, and forcing them against her insides. They were even larger than before-- now the size of easter eggs. The bug abandoned its post, and she could feel it tenderly rubbing her breasts with its ovipositor. Lathering her with its cum.
Her womb already felt small, the eggs in her ass pressing upon it. But the finale was upon her as the bug went berserk. It thrust recklessly, tearing against the entrance to her womb. Courtney could feel her own eggs descending, blood dripping out with them. The bug changed its position of missionary to one that a dog might have, allowing its stinger to stay in her vagina as it turned away from her. The stinger stiffened, and she knew its time was close as it continued to thrust in and out. All the sudden it stopped. There was no eggs. Nothing for a few moments as it simply buzzed its wings. And then Courtney felt hot. Her womb was on fire from whatever the bugg was dumping inside her. She couldn’t move from the sheer pleasure that came from the fluid. They coated her own eggs and they changed. The insect’s own DNA rewriting them as it infected them.
Her stomach distended from the liquid, not a single drop coming from the womb. The bug had plugged it, and had no intention of stopping from the looks of it. Her body had changed for the better in this case. As even without being able to see her stomach, she knew it was many times bigger than it had been before. Her womb could easily fit an entire chair, and it was continuing to grow. Courtney could feel her lover finally emit a final burst of ‘something’. It simply sealed her womb, breaking off its stinger inside her to get the last few drops of the sperm out.
Courtney’s brain felt like it was going numb. There were too many sensations. Too many bugs pleasuring and kneading her body. Her womb felt like a waterbed, even just the bugs ministrations made her stomach move and sway. It may have been Courtney’s body, but she wasn’t in control. Her hands were lamely at her side, and her feet were splayed in the best position for breeding. Everything the bugs did was pure pleasure. Her nipples were so much larger now, done to accommodate for the bigger children. At any given time, a few dozen bugs suckled on them. Even her clit was larger. The bugs toyed with it endlessly. Licking at it. Scratching at it with their mandibles. Wrapping around it with an appendage and squeezing it.
Drool was quickly slurped up by her children. The same bug that had forced the eggs into her stomach was now leisurely pumping into her mouth, for seemingly no other reason than pleasure. Its stinger felt rough, but Courtney’s body no longer saw it as pain. It slid easily with the lubrication in her throat.
But nothing compared to the pleasure inside her womb. Not the kneading and biting of her nipples. Not the toying of her clit. Even the deepthroat paled in comparison. The stinger stirred the sperm inside her stomach, no longer attached to a bug. It scratched at her walls relentlessly, forming something out of the soup of sperm and eggs. Places she had no idea existed were being itched at and she was in ecstasy. Courtney felt so horny that she wanted something, anything to fuck up her vagina. To pound her and mate. But nothing did, as the bugs allowed the new life to gestate peacefully.
Minutes later, she felt the eggs in her stomach begin to hatch. They crawled around in her stomach momentarily, before crawling up her throat. They exited the mouth in a horde, the stinger from the bug momentarily waiting for its children to exit. They looked different from the previous children, with long rope like appendages sprawling from their back. They quickly began to work. Cutting off blood flow to her arms and legs, diverting all of it to the most essential parts of her body. The torso and head. A few of them also began to bind her breasts, enhancing the pleasure she felt.
The seal on her ass broke, and it was their turn to live. They scratched at the tract and expanded it. Courtney felt satisfied from all her holes beginning to gape. Her mouth and ass were now open to the air, gaping and vulnerable. The new bugs quickly took care of that, beginning to show their talents as they filled the empty space. They were shaped like rings, and quickly climbed into her waiting mouth and butt, expanding them both with their own body. They stretched Courtney to her limits, and there was no better feeling for her. If she had a mirror, she would be able to see all the way up her ass through a small hole the bugs had, just enough to allow a stinger to pass through and breed.
It was time. And her stomach had been hardened by the stingers work, which had been dissolved into the soup inside her. She no longer swayed, her stomach rock hard as something kicked inside. Sweat started to pour from her face, licked up by the smaller generations of bugs as she felt something kiss the exit to her womb. All at once the seal broke and her eyes rolled up into her head from the relief of so much liquid. It was eclipsed by the feeling of something rather large forcing its way out of her womb, through her vagina, and out into the open air. The ring bugs flooded into her waiting pussy, not only widening her vaginal cavity and her womb, but the entrance as well. It would be easy to fit an entire human fist inside her at this point from how gaping it was.
The newborn bug was by far the oddest. In most ways, it looked like a newborn baby boy. But it looked a few months old at the least, and instead of a penis it had a stinger and an ovipositor sack the size of its head. It turned to its brilliant green eyes to Courtney. It crawled up her leg and onto her now much flatter stomach, dragging a mixture of its and her own juices along her body. Its uncles on her breasts moved aside as it opened its mouth to reveal an orchestra of mandiles, claws, and appendages before clamping down on a nipple.
Her nipple was assaulted in a way that it hadn’t been before. She felt it being twisted, sucked, and elongated-- all in the same moment. The baby’s green eyes never left hers, its ovipositor snaking down to her vagina. Tension built within her, watching as it crossed one of her folds and sent lightning through her spine. It passed through the ring bugs, straight into her gaping vagina. The ring bugs transmitted the feeling of her folds being teased as the prehensile ovipositor finally hit the end of her womb and became bigger.
The ring bugs hadn’t been purely for pleasure, as the entirety of the ovipositor grew as thick as her arm, the end of it ballooning to fit her womb. Her eyes danced as she saw ‘things’ march down the babies ovipositor that lay on her stomach, fall in the small turn that it made into her pussy, and finally deposited themselves in her womb. They felt slimy and soft-- nothing like the hard carapace of the bugs or their appendages.
Courtney watched her stomach rise, filling with the slugs. There was no end to them, and she could feel her body chemistry changing once again.
5aad6985bea98590071616f17e7744d221017d3d97f89a58a52c923ede0fff9f | 46,593 | 1 | Chapter 1 - Welcome to Marvel-11 |
[ltr]Disclaimer-I do not own Naruto, DC, Marvel, Rick and Morty or other anime/games/manga...unfortunately.[/ltr]
[ltr]Note-This story is AU, the characters are OOC, and this story will NOT follow canon. Elements of canon will be extracted, but canon will not be what this story is about.[/ltr]
[ltr]PLEASE NO FLAMES.[/ltr]
[ltr]Note: found a good cover image for my fic, all rights reserved.[/ltr]
[ltr]Morbius Supreme.[/ltr]
[ltr]Chapter I.[/ltr]
[ltr]Naruto fixed the broken bone and let his regeneration take care of his wounds. His last fight against Parker forced him to jump through unstable portal… Just don’t ask why he was forced to do it. He still couldn’t understand himself how Peter managed to persuade him to help with all the shit that was happening in New-York back then…[/ltr]
[ltr]This time he would be smarter. He already knew that this was New-York, but not his New-York. It was like that time when he first appeared on Earth, after botched space-time jutsu. And he actually felt himself only slightly better than after his meeting with that bastard of an exorcist, Constantine.[/ltr]
[ltr]Fuck he nearly killed him and when he left… either because of his carelessness, or some twisted trick of fate… Naruto received the fucking blood poisoning. Magic blood poisoning. That in turn brought him to his current position of being a Living Vampire. Something botched the healing ritual and gave him his new condition… rest was history.[/ltr]
[ltr]In the end, he once again swapped reality and found himself in place with gender inequality. Statistically nine to ten females per one male were born in this world. Realistically… males became a rarity.[/ltr]
[ltr]Nobody knows how it happened. Everything was rather normal till the end of Second World War, then birth of males lessened and birth of females – increased. Some among Allies blamed the Union, some comrades from the Union blamed the Allies and majority blamed the Nazi.[/ltr]
[ltr]It was official version… that their secret weapon brought this upon the world. At least it brought one good thing, in all countries, following the political movement of Third Reich was considered and Offense to Humanity and followers were sentenced to death, no matter male or female.[/ltr]
[ltr]In that dimension, at least in time Naruto had found himself, males were rather treasured strategical resource. They were well… weak gender. Sixty years of nearly constant depleting in ranks and, judging by the looks, some sort of genetic manipulation… made them physically weak.[/ltr]
[ltr]Part of the plaster from the ceiling fell near Naruto as his only neighbor in the abandoned building deed her dark deeds… making Naruto jealous. Turns out this place was a building where was one of Black Cat’s hideouts… bisexual super-thief, hero and bombshell of a woman like to play dominatrix with some of her victims there.[/ltr]
[ltr]Naruto sighed… she had never changed no matter the dimension.[/ltr]
[ltr]Nevertheless, in previous dimension, Felicia had never brought neither her colleagues, read foolish super-heroes, nor caught thieves into her hide-outs to fuck them. Well… different dimensions… different Black Cats.[/ltr]
[ltr]Meanwhile Felicia Hardy, better known as super-thief Black Cat and part-time super-hero, was fucking some upstart jewel thief, who thought herself bold enough to hunt on her territory. With her territory being entire New-York. However, sometimes there appeared a lone upstarts, who brought their services to Fisk. Kingpin had only one test for them. Try to steal something from her territory.[/ltr]
[ltr]When she caught such thieves… her justice was swift and imminent. Relentless anal fucking. Unfortunate victim reminded her about Petra Parker and her firm ass… therefore she was fucked twice as hard as all other unfortunate souls, who get into Felicia’s hands.[/ltr]
[ltr]Woman under her whined and moaned under Felicia’s relentless assault and Black Cat only smirked and intensified speed of her thrusts. It took more force to pool back, looks like her new slut clenched her muscles to not let strap-on out. Snarling in slight anger Black Cat grabbed her head and forced her into the floor, making bound female change position and rise her ass higher.[/ltr]
[ltr]Felicia took her time to take a breath and change strap-on for much bigger and wider one. Well… if the girl wanted it rough, who was Miss Hardy to deny her?[/ltr]
[ltr]With Felicia way into her kinky task, Naruto couldn’t hope for any sort of rest while she was fucking some poor burglar or concentrate on his research, so he decided to leave for a while. Old church was his pick during such times. Here he either found solace… or drank in good company. Kurt always liked places like this.[/ltr]
[ltr]Well… he is a good christian, despite the fact that his father is very close to being a demon.[/ltr]
[ltr]This time, however, he was forced to spent his time alone, drinking beer in forgotten church. He was glad that his particular way of turning into a vampire left him with possibility to consume and taste normal food beside blood. Many lesser vampires viewed him as lucky and arrogant ponce, who received every pros and cons from turning. Some even believed that should they consume him thye would receive his abilities and power… Fools. Instead he feasted on them. However, most problems were caused by Erick. Daywalker and Living Vampire never saw eye-to-an-eye and this variant of Blade… well, he was quick to judge and slay.[/ltr]
[ltr]Naruto was suddenly ripped from his thoughts as black liquid fell from split in the wooden ceiling of abandoned church.[/ltr]
[ltr]Smile spread on his face, giving him feral and somewhat demonic appearance. He knew what was in front of him. Venom. Klyntar. Symbiote. Alien that came to Earth and was unable to live… without a bearer. On most other Earths first traditional host was Peter Parker… but local gender-swapped hero was nowhere to be seen, so Naruto decided to provide a donor… and stretched his hand.[/ltr]
[ltr]Venom sprung into action, black tendrils covering pale and clawed arm of Naruto. Living Vampire felt how it bonded with each cell in his body. Blonde vampire smiled. Looks like he had prevented an enemy form appearing in his life. Venom was truly a fearsome enemy… but Naruto believed him to be even more competent ally.[/ltr]
[ltr]His tray of thoughts was interrepted by sudden melody of his phone. Without a second of hesitation he had answered, only to glimpse at the name on the screen.[/ltr]
[ltr]“Hello Misses Connors.” Like many in this twisted universe, Connors’ gender was changed. Fortunately, character remained the same and Naruto used her to represent his interests and speak for him on presentations. He couldn’t appear on public, looking like he did. He continued to act as reclusive scientist who suffered from rare disease and tried to heal himself, patenting his breakthroughs and using Connors as representative… in a world where male scientists aren’t as welcomed as their female colleagues… It was the only choice. “I hope that our last experiment was successful?”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Yes.” was his answer. “We have already tested virus on the animals. All of them have healed successfully. Our method brings positive results way faster than I had expected. We may even…”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Do not hurry, Doc.” Naruto used teleportation magic he learned during his brief stay in Kamar-Taj. He stepped into glowing circle in old church and stepped out in his underground personal chambers. He made a path to the fridge and opened it to find what he desired right now. Bag with a cold blood. Just what he needed. “Healing our patients with virus is a delicate work. I may have found a way to calculate the outcome and low percentage of negative results… but it is still not the medicine we desire.”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Still the ever skeptic that I remember. However you shouldn’t remind me this fact every time we speak.” said Connors.[/ltr]
[ltr]“Yeah… I still remember one certain scientists, who decided to use the imperfect formula to restore her arm.”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Hey, I restored my arm!”[/ltr]
[ltr]“And I was forced to deal with massive lizard… In New-York’s sewer. Joy.” countered vampire as he ripped another bag and it’s contest get into his opened mouth. Then he licked his clawed fingers clear of blood.[/ltr]
[ltr]“In the end we made a breakthrough in our main project… in your main project.” parried she.[/ltr]
[ltr]“Yes, this alternative to the chemotherapy that we have found is way cheaper and less dangerous method.” stated Naruto as he clicked his fingers and dim light filled his room. “We will get our quick buck and use it later, during more advanced research.”[/ltr]
[ltr]“You believe that we can do it?” asked Connors. “Truth to be told myself and Gwen doubt that we will pull it out.”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Don’t doubt.” said Naruto observing how black tendrils of symbiot moved object on the tables several meters away from him. “I got it covered.”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Try to not fail, Morbius.” huffed Connors. “It’s not only your reputation that is on stake.”[/ltr]
[ltr]After he ended quick conversation with his companion, Naruto returned to his work over symbiot abilities. To use Venom’s extraordinary skills in bio-engineering, Naruto required two things: made a contact with him and ‘download’ knowledge into the klyntar. Unfortunately making a contact was rather problematic. Twelve hours of constant meditation didn’t bring any results, but Naruto wasn’t giving up. Symbiot required time and he was forced to notify Connors that final stage of experiment would be postponed. She grumbled, but agreed.[/ltr]
[ltr]Naruto was forced to stop his further experiments with his new partner due to the sudden call from Randall Corp. His medicine was keeping alive and well the eldest member from the CEO of this mighty company. Naruto informed them that final tests will require a bit more time that he calculated. Counting the fact of his patient being able to move, work and care about her necessities on her own, even with one of the worst cases of cancer in States, members of the Randall family happily agreed to wait. Of course the patient herself grumbled even more than Connors, but under pressure from her relatives and doctor she was forced to capitulate.[/ltr]
[ltr]Naruto decided to make a stroll, before he was once again stopped by the phone call.[/ltr]
[ltr]He rarely left his flat during the day and this particular meeting wasn’t much different. He awaited for his vis-a-vis on a bench in the park and thought about the fateful day in life of several Midtown High schoolgirls. Not only female variant of Peter, Petra Parker was bitten by the spider… several others also managed to get to the girls. He was very certain that beside Petra and Gwen, abilities also received Cindy Moon… her costume was hard to miss and in this reality she wasn’t targeted by Inheritors.[/ltr]
[ltr]According to her personal file… she was a schoolgirl, very much like Petra and Gwen, however, she wasn’t present during that trice-damned visit to Oscorp. But she was there, when she visited her parents… and for a while she was absent from school, due to the health problems.[/ltr]
[ltr]There were several loopholes… if you do not know where to search you wouldn’t have found them… Looks like her parents who worked in Oscorp knew what the fuck had happened with their daughter. They also knew what their boss could do with their daughter… and with them.[/ltr]
[ltr]So… Silk was acting in another part of New-York and haven’t contacted anyone from other spiders… yet. Speaking of spiders… She appeared in front of him in her civilian clothes and Naruto could fully appreciate Petra’s fourth size and perfect ass in tight jeans.[/ltr]
[ltr]“You do know that these jeans on you are magnet for trouble?” raised his brow Naruto. “Seriously it should be illegal to look that good in jeans.”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Who would dare to do something like this in your presence?” unlike Petra Naruto didn’t bother with civilian clothes. He created something equal to a blind zone, that normal humans tend to ignore. His pale skin, glowing crimson eyes, long claws and fangs… he made everyone see it like nothing out of ordinary. “I believe a noble vampire like you would not let a girl suffer alone?”[/ltr]
[ltr]Despite men being considered as ‘weak’ gender in Marvel-11 dimension due to results of Second World War. Vampires were still considered gentlemen and the knights of legend, but due to ‘new blood’ and cinematography, that turned even documentary films into gathering of harem of beautiful girls by gorgeous male character… Let’s just say that Naruto stopped watching films and reading books after he had read ‘local’ version of Lord of the Rings… where one lustful hobbit fucked countless women.[/ltr]
[ltr]The exception were science films and books… alongside porn. At least he didn’t need to suffer through two or three hours of unneeded prelude before main heroes start fucking. If both ended in the same way and basically were about the same in this world… why should he pay more?[/ltr]
[ltr]Meanwhile Petra already sat on the bench and used his wing to cover herself.[/ltr]
[ltr]“It’s rather warm.” said she.[/ltr]
[ltr]“Twisting it like this is rather painful.” lied Naruto.[/ltr]
[ltr]“Let me do the deed.”[/ltr]
[ltr]Of course he lied just to get the girl closer. What, Peter can fuck his female clones and others couldn’t? He could bet that such fighters fro the free will of clones like Kain and Ben could break their ‘big brother’ a bone or two, should he try to say something like this.[/ltr]
[ltr]“By the way...” Petra decided to not notice the claw of his wing that was slowly getting closer to her cleavage. “How is Darcy?”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Good.” sighed Naruto. One more difference of this universe from countless others, female dominance in numbers led to legalization of the polygamy. The first person he had met was Darcy, a young student who desired to become and aspiring astrophysicist. Unfortunately, her supervisor, Doctor Jonathan Foster, lured her into science expedition into New-Mexico, with rewards of free passage through his exams. Unlike most problems, Darcy cannot deal with Jonathan by simply wearing mini-skirt… due to him playing for female team. “Unfortunately, she will be absent… during her trip to New-Mexico… and I’m going with her.”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Really?” asked Petra, standing up. “Why?”[/ltr]
[ltr]Naruto hissed as she twistid his wing, this time rather painfully and Petra once again return to her position to take care of the wounded appendage. Truly strange superstition that local males were as fragile as glass… sometimes worked in his favor.[/ltr]
[ltr]“I believe you remember that time when I agreed to help you with your mutation and when your fellow… student Thompson, stole a DNA sample from your school locker for his new girlfriend. Who was your rival for position of Connor’s aspirant.” Naruto raised his eyebrow. “By the way, why the hell did you put something so potentially dangerous and hazardous in your school locker?”[/ltr]
[ltr]“A… ah...” Petra tried to change the subject or answer anything utterly failing in it.[/ltr]
[ltr]“Very informative… ouch!” hit to his ribs with sharp female elbow shut Naruto up. “Hey! Petra! Stop forgetting your own strength!”[/ltr]
[ltr]“A-anyway...” tried to calm herself Petra after several minutes of apologizing and hyperventilating. “I wasn’t in right state of mind back then. Nevertheless, what were you going to explain to me?”[/ltr]
[ltr]“As you remember, currently, and hopefully eternally, late Miss Wesseks worked for vampire clans.” continued his story Naruto. “She created this blasted thing that used your blood to turn humans into vampires. If I remember correctly… it was your first meeting with Eric.”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Eric?” raised her brow Petra.[/ltr]
[ltr]“Mr. Brooks?” elaborated Naruto and seeing absolutely no recognition on her face… he facepalmed. “Blade.”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Ah! Yes. First vampire hunter I had met was actually half-vampire.” smiled Petra. “And first vampire I had met was a living one. Turned into one through some sort of a bad science experiment and botched up demonic spell.”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Let’s not forget an exorcism.” smiled.[/ltr]
[ltr]“Yes, how can I forget the exorcism!” smiled Petra. “Anyway. Before we start speaking about your past and you would once again focus on the man you wish to kill… let’s speak about more recent past that we shared. How is it connected to you leaving for a while?”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Whatever Wesseks did… it was made according to the will of two clans Mistikos and Shtroph. Mistikos will not care, their monopoly was not threatened by neither her success or failure. Shtroph on the other hand… they require more numbers and they a low on volunteers willing to join their cause. I can bet that sudden desire to eat human and vampire flash and ugly mutations that come after the change… are somehow connected. Nevertheless… and entire clain is seeking someone to place the blame for the their own failure… Blade is out of the way, you are a hero, shall they start hunting you other supers may get involved and they wanted to eat me since they first heard about me. They believe that they will get my abilities shall they consume my flesh.”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Can I help you?” instantly asked Petra.[/ltr]
[ltr]“Highly doubtful.” answered Naruto. “Unless you can kill an entire clan of the vampires pr at least destroy all their nests in New-York.”[/ltr]
[ltr]“Okay. Just try to not get into trouble.” Naruto smiled at the elegant spider-hero and returned to his thoughts. If additional knowledge about the multiverse that he had received while he was in Space-between-Dimensions, reminded him about certain particular case in one of the Marvel universes… Coming of Thunder God… and everything that would follow… including certain purple giant.[/ltr]
[ltr]Seriously, becoming dust not because he was pierced through the heart by some hot vampire hunter chick, and those were the only ones he was somewhat vulnerable to, but because some creepy dude clicked his fingers? Fuck no.[/ltr]
[ltr]He needed power and he needed it ASAP. Not because he was hunted down by clan of hungry cannibals, not because he was in top of Blade’s list for liquidation, not because S.H.I.E.L.D. and with them Hydra were interested in rare vampire… but because half of entire galaxy would be killed by mere click of mad titan’s fingers.[/ltr]
[ltr]However… with blood of asgardian… he could try to gain more power… and use it in final clash with Thanos.[/ltr]
[ltr]Nevertheless, he would need more than he currently had. Perhaps rocket launcher, pistols and of course, his cursed sword that he took as trophy during the debacle with Mistikos and Shtroph. One of the many reasons why later desired to kill him. So he would use modern technology to compensate his lack of power.[/ltr]
[ltr]Countless years had passed since Humanity fought with steel weapons. Yet he still remembered the times. He was fond of them. Men were men back then, nit these… effeminate abominations that paraded themselves as ones. Now he was sitting on his throne, inside the secret base on the dark side of the Moon, while his daughter took care about the problems arisen in vampire kingdom.[/ltr]
[ltr]Eu sunt Dracul. I am the Dragon. Several hundred years back… all Europe feared his wrath. He battled against Apocalypse himself, kings of men, chiefs of monsters and leaders of other powerful communities heed his word. However he was wounded he fell into deep sleep. And returned to active duties only when his name was already a legend… During the time of Second World War.[/ltr]
[ltr]He rallied his vassals and people f Romania so invading forces started to fear the night. He had met Captain Rogers, famous Captain America, he had fought side-by-side with Logan and Victor, the Wolverine and Sabertooth, he banished Johann from his secret base here, on the Moon and partially was responsible for Red Skull’s decision on frontal assault. His tactic of blitzkrieg failed, but Captain sacrificed his life to stop him… or at least so everyone thought.[/ltr]
[ltr]Dear Captain managed to survive the crash, had been found in arctic ice and right now, under dutiful care of the S.H.I.E.L.D. he tried to pass through rehabilitation program. Dracula could understand Rogers. He closed his eyes, returned to his consciousness in twenty-first century… everything is so alien to him, so… different. All his friends are either dead or dying from the old age. He is considered a remnant of bygone era in so-called ‘enlightened’ times.[/ltr]
[ltr]Dracula smirked showing his fangs.[/ltr]
[ltr]‘Enlightened’ times? Ha! Fools! They believe that wars a behind them? They fail to understand that in their own arrogance and blindness, humans let poisonous monster to regrow it’s heads. Hydra was once again moving, trying to suffocate the world in rings of it’s monstrous muscles and poison the minds of greatest defenders to turn them upon each other.[/ltr]
[ltr]Mutants would be first to know their wrath. Project ‘Sentinel’ is about to be launched. They would be exterminated with great prejudice. However, Dracula was no fool. He understood that very soon battle cries ‘Earth without mutants!” can turn into the ‘Earth without vampires!” or ‘Solar System without Inhumans!’. He understood that Hydra who pulled the strings had all the cards… at least right now. Nobody could stop him from trying to create an alliance that would repel the extremists.[/ltr]
[ltr]Nevertheless, he required a candidate to become a diplomat of vampire race… their representative per se… Sudden surge of magical energy near the New-Mexico gained Dracula’s attention. He activated his skrying magic and willed to see the reason behind magical disturbance.[/ltr]
[ltr]Ancient vampire smiled once more. Looks like he had found a truly ‘worthy’ candidate.[/ltr]
[ltr]AN: Hello, my loyal fans and readers. I hope that times during epidemic of Covid-19 passed… without losses for you. Nevertheless, I want to notify you that I’m launching my own Patreon page. If you wish to support the author, see what will happen before the chapter will be posted on fanfiction, or see some other projects that are yet to be released… well visit the page and see the result of my efforts for symbolic fee. Also you will be able to take part in the poll for new fanfiction stories that I will make from time to time.[/ltr]
[ltr]Here is the Patreon:[/ltr]
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 36,380 | 4 | Chapter 4 - Plants Part 2 |
Courtney watched as a massive vine came down from the trees. Able to do nothing but grit her teeth. Her body simply wasn’t listening with how the flower tortured her clit. Even suspended in the air, she could feel her limbs stretching and locking. Her ass facing the sky, ready to be plundered. It twitched as she felt the vine prod her entrance gently. A few of the plants other appendages spread her cheeks, revealing a gaping hole.
The vine pumped into her slowly. Courtney was surprised at how soft the appendage was. It appeared hard and wooden, but when inside she could almost convince herself it was a live cock. If extremely large, as it reached farther than any human dick could. The plant took its time, pumping in an out of her ass. It was in no rush, and neither were the two pitchers that descended. One below each of her nipples. They pointed perpendicular to the ground, and would be covering her face if not for the helpful tentacles directing them to the pitcher plants.
That was when they started to squeeze. Gently, massaging the milk out of her. This was a gentle caress. It was in stark contrast to her clit, which now had at least half six piercings and had grown a decent amount in size. The flower was sucking her like you would a drink. And somehow she kept supplying.
Where before the milk was a trickle, now it was a leak. The pitchers catching every drop as the vines wrapped around her aching breasts. If she closed her eyes, it was almost like she was a cow. Someone massaging the milk out of her overfilled teats. Taking care of her every need as she lived comfortably. This was a pleasant experience for the most part. She was still unable to move because of her clit, but at least the plant was ‘nice’.
The vine in her ass was picking up speed, but it was fine. It was just getting a little into it. Her clit was more plant than flesh at this point, the flower molding itself to her clit and covering it like a hood. The tentacle in her throat still pumped liquids, in, even if some was dribbling out of her mouth.
And then, as they say, the plant took it to the next level. Courtney couldn’t even feel her ass as the vine rammed into her. Instead of being able to feel her lower half there was just a general pleasure. Not that she could move with how her clit-- and now nipples were being teased. More flowers had taken up residence, and had begun piercing her nipples the same way they had her clit. Somehow even more milk was spilling out into the pitchers. And Courtney’s body was getting into it. Moving with the vine to help slam it even deeper up her ass. Which was helped further by the vines swinging her into it. She could feel herself cumming based on just the thought of how her insides were getting wrecked. Watching the head of the vine protrude through her stomach almost made her mind break yet again.
Furiously both Courtney and the plant pumped. She was just a bag of liquids to it. Harvesting her for her milk and cunt juice. To Courtney it was just something to wreck her ass and squeeze her breasts. And then they got even faster, each thrust and slam forcing Courtney to cum. Her stomach distended such a ridiculous amount from the vine, and it just kept getting farther up. It felt so good Courtney could sweat she was going to die.
And then it happened.
Both of them stopped at the exact same time. And then they restarted as if they’d been paused, Courtney cumming her brains out as milk drizzled from her twitching nipples. But that plant had yet to procreate and Courtney watched a massive bump travel along the vine. It was bigger than her head, and yet she knew it was going directly into her ass. The vine widened, but still wasn’t even close to the majesty of whatever was in that bump.
Her body whimpered when the tip of it touched her entrance. Tantalizingly close to violating her ass. But one vine wasn’t enough. Even with all of the foreplay, it still couldn’t push it down into her hole. So it commissioned two more vines to reach into her ass and spread it apart. It was still only half the size needed for the bump, and Courtney already felt like her ass could fit a small country, reveling in the feeling of being torn apart by the plant.
When that wasn’t enough even more vines entered her massive hole, pushing it quite literally to the limits. It was so close, yet so far to its goal. Courtney couldn’t even look at the bump in the vine, her eyes closed as she tried to absorb and remember this feeling. It was like three or four cocks were now all writhing within her, trying to split her as far as humanly possible. Luckily, she was no longer fully human. The plant pushed down again, massaging her ass to try to relax it. But that was pointless. From the fucking she’d just had, it was impossible for Courtney’s body to become anymore relaxed. All it did was feed the flower more cum.
So the plant went to its last resort, bringing up a pitcher and tipping it slightly. Milk-- her milk poured out of it. Entering her ass around the bump. Softening and lubing her up.
That was the last thing needed for the entire thing to plunge straight into her ass. Courtney couldn’t breath, her mind unable to focus on anything other than the massive seed. For good measure, the vine fucked her once again. Pushing the seed even farther up. She looked like she was pregnant from how large it was.
And it was over. The plant gently let her down on a soft patch of grass. When Courtney was finally able to move, she rubbed her stomach. Feeling her fucked up organs. Nothing was where it ought to be, all because of the seed. The very thought made her cum all over the grass. She lay there for a moment. But she was strangely energized, the water from the plant still urging her onwards. It wanted her to travel, so that its kind would spread far from the tree, so to speak.
Courtney woozily got to her feet, feeling her body adjust to the weight and awkwardness. Even her hips felt pushed apart. She had to walk with her knees bowed inward. Her ass was so taut that trying to walk straight just made her cum from the friction. Courtney felt strange, to say the least. Her nipples and clit were not nearly as sensitive, although whether she’d been changed by the plant, or if the effects were simply wearing off she didn’t know.
It was slow going, but she felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as she carried the seed within her. And she’d been wrong. She was not even half way through the forest, but her path was far clearer now. The bugs were no longer silent, and she could see by the moon. Her walk was uneventful, even after she exited the forest, heading into a somewhat muddy biome.
And that’s when the seed cracked. Courtney fell to her knees, feeling something crawling along her ass before finally reaching the open air. Putting her head to the ground, she could see a small tentacle, waving in the air. And then another. They were jittery, like they didn’t know how to move. One of them plunged into her pussy, no thicker a rope bag handle. It was pushing onto her taint, a sensation she hadn’t felt before. She savored it as the tentacle attempted to pull itself and the seed out of her ass.
She could feel it scraping, opening her once again. Courtney felt altruistic, reaching a hand around and shoving it into her ass. Not that it was difficult with how gaped it had become. Her hand slid in, creating a weird feeling with the seed scraping her insides and her hand gliding along it without a care. Now up to her elbow inside her own body, she felt a hundred wriggling, tiny tentacles beneath her fingertips. She grabbed at them, gently pulling it out of her ass. There was a careful balance, and Courtney bit her lip. It felt so good. Watching her stomach change shape as the seed was pulled out, and feeling the inside of her ass get torn up was ecstasy.
Like all good things, it came to an end. The seed falling to pieces as soon as it hit the open air, and the tentacles falling to the ground with a ‘plop’. Courtney took a moment to look at it upside down. It was so young, and yet it was already going away. Leaving her. She felt almost bad watching it leave.
But the bugs were still behind her. |
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 36,380 | 2 | Chapter 2 - Spiders |
Courtney woke up to the sun on her face through the window. Almost instantly she remembered the night before, upon seeing her changed body. Her nipples engorged and half an inch across, slowly leaking a green tinted milk. Not to mention her breasts had grown several sizes, when she was already blessed with a large rack. She wondered how she her clothes were going to fit.
The bugs were nowhere to be seen. But… to make sure, she lightly touched her labia. Right then and there she squirted, her body arcing. Courtney was unable to think, her joints paralyzed. She gasped, looking down at her mound with a new light. After swiftly getting up, she moved to the closet and pulled out a tall mirror. After shuffling with it, she leaned it against the wall and spread her legs as she lay on the bed. She was careful not to directly touch the lips, instead pulling at the flesh directly around it.
She was now sure that what happened with the insects hadn’t been a dream, if only because she was gaping. There was a clean line of sight to her cervix. And after moving her fingers downward, her ass was far larger too. Not just the opening, but her butt was more bubbly. Her entire body felt softer, slightly fatter.
After finding a clean shirt, she shrugged it on. Except that it never made it past her chest. She kneeled awkwardly, her hands still up in the air as she bit her lip. Her nipples had never felt so good before. Just by the fabric touching them, she felt hotter. Hot enough that she tore the shirt off and nearly touched her muff before her hand stopped. She had to find the bugs, or at least where they went. It would be a menace to society if the roamed free. Or something like that. But clothes were out of the question. If she couldn’t even put a shirt on, there was no telling what would happen if she tried to put on panties.
First she checked under the bed. No site of eggs or insects. It looked strangely clean, which was suspicious in its own right. The window was open-- and now that she thought about it she closed it. Because that window faced the street and she would be sure to flash anyone even glancing at her house. She double checked her closet, which was also bug free. Nowhere in her drawers either. Patting down her clothes didn’t reveal anything except some dust.
Today wasn’t a work day for Courtney, but she was getting hungry. Opening the door like she was expecting a monster behind it, she peered into the hall. It was empty. Just carpet and old photos on the walls. She moved down in quietly. Listening for something, anything. But the only thing she could hear was her own breath and the creak of the floorboards. She checked down the staircase, but it was just as she’d left it the night before. Some of the clothes that she’d thrown off were still on them. She made a mental note to pick them up at some point.
She gulped. Walking on the stairs was by far the noisest thing she could do. The house was a hand me down, and she never feared intruders catching her by surprise because of just how loud they were when you walked on them. She took a step carefully. And another. The next step is where the creak was and she stepped past it, directly onto a pair of socks. She fell forward, unable to catch the wall or handrail as she tumbled through the air.
And stopped. She hung in the air, as if held there by a spell. Slowly creaking open an eye, she found that she’d been caught in time, tumbling backwards. She had a wonderful view of her body, as well as the massive spider that was sitting on the ceiling above her, clinging to a web. Its eyes moved seemingly at random to her. Its mandibles twitching. Courtney moved a hand, only to find it snap back to where it was. After straining to look behind her, she found that she was caught in a web.
When she turned back the spider was gone. Courtney looked around frantically for it, struggling to get out of the trap. She jumped-- or at least tried to when something cold touched her head. Once again she strained her eyes. The spider was there, its arms moving with the speed of a talented weaver. The feeling spread, and soon her eyes were covered in the spider silk. She tried to punch it. Whether or not it moved, or she was off the mark she didn’t know. But her attention quickly went to the silk around her mouth. She pulled at it, trying to rip it off. It was so strong that she was unable to move even a single thread from its place, her arms held at her sides by a few of the spider’s own.
She stopped panicking when she realized she could breath normally. Or at least as much. She still couldn’t feel anything, and the spider was moving more quickly now. It crossed her breasts in a matter of seconds, but instead of fully encasing them in the silk it left them open to the air. They moved up and down rapidly, but only until the spider had constricted her chest and stomach considerably. She could only make shallow breaths, her hands trapped against her hips in the webbing. It did the same for her ass and pussy, but in a different way. Instead of simply not placing webbing around her crotch, rather it took the approach of spreading her legs enough to leave her holes accessible, and left ‘airholes’, direct paths from the outside to them. Her legs and feet were finally bound, almost fully encasing her in the spider’s web.
Courtney could feel the spider moving around her, although she didn’t know what. All she could feel was her chest slowly leaking and her pussy getting wetter. She tried to resist the feeling, but it was more like a weak suggestion in her mind at this point. Even the air moving across her cherry nubs felt electrifying. Tantalizing, even. Her clit ached to be played with and tortured. The spider would soon nurture those needs, but she felt herself moving. It was a strange sensation, but she had a good grasp of where she was in the house as it moved her.
It passed through the living room, a hallway, and finally down yet another set of stairs. It was taking her to the basement. The spider was careful, maneuvering her in such a way that only it was touching her at any given point. It stopped abruptly, chittering. That was another thing, when Courtney had entered the basement there was no longer silence. There was quite a bit of noise. The sound of wings, legs, and the snapping of mandibles. This is where the insects had moved to, a dank basement with no windows.
The spider placed her in another web and the chittering stopped. There was only silence, damning silence. No matter how much she tried to focus, there was simply no noise. She wriggled slightly, but couldn’t even feel herself move more than a few millimeters in the cocoon. The bugs were more patient than last time. She could feel herself getting wetter at the thought of them ravaging her holes. Unable to stop or even see them. To breed and change her. She was so trapped she couldn’t even bite her lip, only huff in anticipation.
She did not expect the first thing she felt to be an inch. It wasn’t even on her nipple, just her areola. Courtney wanted to itch it but couldn’t. It was driving her mad as she strained against her cage of webbing. She became so desperate that she began to push out her chest, trying to rub it on something. Instead it got worse, an itch on the areola of her other breast revealed itself. Courtney was now making decent movement within the web. She could feel her boobs bouncing, so close to relief. But it wasn’t enough and she growled in frustration.
Breath in. Breath out. She blocked out the itching. She went to he happy place. A beach, with no spiders or bugs. Free to move as she pleased. Where there was not a care in the world.
Something bit her clit. Not the area next to it, not her folds or crotch. Directly on her clit. She gulped. The itching came not soon after, ten times worse than her boobs. She was so wet, there was a small puddle collecting in the cavity leading to her muff. And yet nothing touched her. Courtney had a full body itch, and none of the bugs would relieve it. She thrust out her chest. Trying to allure them. She was made for breeding, right? So breed her. Scratch her itch. She pleaded silently, unable to do anything other than moan.
That was when the ovipositor went in her ass. There was no buildup, no preparation. Just a filling sensation from the appendage. It felt wonderful, but didn’t scratch her itch. And then she spasmed. The appendage had just hitled itself, and was pushing on her sensitive womb from inside her ass. Even with the itching, she felt divine. She pushed and rolled her hips, feeling the tip of the stiff ovipositor reach deep inside. Unlike before, she had no warning for the eggs. There was just a pressure against her opening before it was pushed through. It felt even better than last time, her belly filling with young. As her opening was sealed with a secretion, one of the eggs was smooshed in just the right position to press on her womb and stay that way. She came just from that, her toes tightening as much as they could given the conditions.
She panted, sweat wicking into the webbing as she felt the pleasure of her womb being pressed on. But it didn’t last. Soon it was drowned out by even more itches on her breast. Still none of them on her nipples. Just close enough to tease and make her feel helpless. Courtney whimpered, feeling spiders skitter across her chest and bite. The itching was growing exponentially. She moaned, feeling the spiders manage to hang on as her boobs bounced. If anything her, movements made them work faster. She felt like she was about to lose it as the itching took over her entire chest. Unable to scratch or stop them was torture.
Unable to keep back any longer, she relieved herself. This piss joining her cum in the puddle as it sat on her lips. She didn’t even notice the spiders scatter from her breasts, too concentrated on her womb and the fact that she’d just pissed herself. She did notice something press down and surround her areola. Something circular. One on each breast, partially relieving the itch just by pushing down on her skin. She didn’t realize it before, but her breasts felt bigger, heavier than a few minutes ago. Then it, ‘turned on’. Her back arched as she felt herself being milked. The womb, the itching-- nothing felt this good. It would go full blast for a few seconds before a small break, repeating the process. Her breasts were finally ‘scratched’ and damn did it feel satisfying. Every time it sucked she pushed her chest out, and every time it let off she fell back. The rhythm carried on, until it finally didn’t stop sucking. Every drop of milk left her breasts, and she could feel her areola and nipple puffing out.
The miking stopped, the tube removed. Her breasts felt sensitive, the cool basement air gliding over her nipples. She gasped for air, her lungs straining against the webbing to expand and give her more air. Not for long though. Her nipples were pulled. Bit. Twisted. And she couldn’t feel better. Her puddle was turning into more of a lake as her nipples were pulled and twisted in tandem, held that way.
The finale was near. She could feel it. And hear it. Something buzzed, coming slowly closer. It was large enough that she could feel its wing beats on her exposed skin. Then there was quiet pleasure from her breasts and ass. She wriggled her hips, inviting the bug to ravage her. There was only one more itch to scratch. A different ovipositor than before pushed inside her. It was more flaccid, soft. But just as effective as the stiff one, reaching just before the entrance of her womb. With the egg pushing on it, she could feel her cervix dilating. Allowing the tube entrance.
Courtney was confused, but it was hard for her to care when she was under so much pleasure. The bug sat there, its ovipositor flaccid and unmoving. Her clit ached to be toyed and played with, but it was acceptable for her at that moment. In the soft tube, she felt something descend as it pushed past her extremely sensitive lips. She squirted, but not before something bit into it. The pleasure and itch combined to euphoria. But whatever it was continued to push through the tube, before stopping midway to her womb.
It broke through the tube, latching onto her G-spot. She came again and again, her back perpetually arced. That was when the bug chose to strike, the buzzing back as a torrent flew down its appendage. Courntey could feel her stomach fill with hundreds or thousands of tiny eggs. The weight of it only increased her pleasure, if that was even possible. She couldn’t even think with whatever was sucking on her G-spot, let alone focus on her breasts. But that feeling passed as the ovipositor retracted, but not before spilling more eggs into her vagina, filling her up to the labia. Only then did she feel something secrete onto her lips, brushing against it and forcing her to squirt again as her mound was sealed.
In the basement, without light, she wasn’t sure she would ever get out. And she wasn’t sure if that was a bad thing.
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 36,380 | 6 | Chapter 6 - Marsh Insects part 2 |
Both of the dragonflies took a hole with their ovipositor, one shoving its length up her ass, and the other one up her still tight cunt. All the while they injected her young, taut breasts breasts with something to enhance her milk. Courtney moaned, rubbing her clit as they began to ram into her. She bit her lip when they stopped thrusting and began to pump her full of a liquid. Their eyes glinted when she began to feel bloated. Such a large stomach looked bizzarre on her small frame. At first she looked pregnant, but it was far past that after only a few more seconds. Quintuplets would be the only reason any woman’s stomach would be this large from pregnancy. Courtney felt like a water bed as she rubbed her stomach with a hand, knowing what was about to come next.
Except it didn’t. The dragonflies retracted their wet ovipositors. They retracted their venomous fangs from her breasts. Her nipples were blue, and to keep the pleasure going she pinched at them, but felt no pleasure. They were numb, unable to feel pleasure or pain. Her breasts were small enough that she couldn’t take them into her mouth, either. Courtney could have cried in frustration at the lack of pleasure, but she instead gasped. Her clit had been pierced by the dragonfly’s fang. It pumped the same liquid that it had into her breasts. It felt wonderful, but she knew what would happen.
Courtney pushed at the remaining dragonfly, trying to get it to leave, but it simply wouldn’t. She was so weak she could barely move it, even while it hovered in the air. So instead, Courtney went for a different approach. Grabbing at its wings. That got it to stop. Her legs were wobbly, but she could still walk. All she could do was hope that she would still have feeling in her clit.
She slowed when she realized the dragonfly wasn’t even there anymore. It had just left. She felt annoyed, sexual frustration building. And after furiously rubbing a hand against her clit, she had lost feeling in it anyway. She stamped her foot, exasperated. Even her lower lips and ass gave her no pleasure to violate. Whatever the dragonfly had did, it had numbed her erogenous zones.
So Courtney walked onwards, her fists clenched. She was going to punch that dragonfly if she ever saw it again. Not hard, but enough for it to get the point. And now she was smaller, which was going to take some getting used to. Not being able to see her lower waste was disconcerting. She felt her chest, massaging it. While it was nowhere near as soft or pillowy as before, her back hurt far less. And she could actually run. Not that she wanted to. She was aching for something to breed her. The dragonflies hadn’t quite finished with her stomach, still full of liquids.
She squatted, letting it flow out of her. It took some encouragement in the form of her spreading herself wide open, but finally, it was all out. A shame, she thought, but there was no reason to hold it if they weren't going to breed her. When she stood, the head of a large, uncircumsized penis rose with her. It was also blue, which was a little strange. She poked it, only to feel her loins set themselves on fire.
Taking a moment to wipe off the drool from her mouth, she gently felt around underwater to find the penis connected to her. Instead of a clit, there was this monstrosity in its place. She assumed it was the dragonfly’s doing. So not only could she not orgasm, been reduced to about half her original, and was pissed, she now had a massive dick instead of a clit. She touched it again, but that same fire and pleasure was no longer there. Even stroking it did nothing.
Exasperated she continued, her dick bobbing below and above the water whenever she walked. The marsh wasn’t all that large, and she was glad to be rid of it as she stepped into a more deciduous forest, like the one with the plants had been. Courtney had not been expecting to find an ass and a pair of legs sticking out of a tree trunk. It was effectively the first thing to greet her.
There was nothing strange about them either, just a pillowy human ass. A large, soft, white ass that belonged to a woman with gorgeous legs.
Courtney usually did not leer at women, but as she stepped towards it, she did. Her footlong dick throbbed. It was begging to be nested into a tight crevice. Wrapped in the embrace of flesh. Embedded within warmth and drained of everything it had. Without realizing, Courtney’s member was already rubbing on the ass. Her breath became scatto. She couldn’t take her eyes off the mystical ass. It squirmed, and if she was lucid she would be able to hear someone asking if anyone was there.
Courtney spread the lips of pussy with her fingers, breathing in the lewd scent as she watched it become wet right before her eyes. Then, slowly, she slid her cock in. Her eyes fluttered. And she was only half way in. She had no experience on this end of sex, but she had the general idea. Laying her hands on the ass, she dug her fingers into it. It was malleable enough that she was able to get a decent hold on it. Playing with it was fun, watching it jiggle back into place. And the hips were moving too, moving and rolling around her dick as she stood unmoving. Just sitting in her pussy felt amazing. Like her dick was made for it, and should never leave.
Pulling her hips back as far as they could go, Courtney shoved the entirety of her length in. Or at least she tried. There was a cervix in the way, one that she could feel surrounding the tip of her length. The pussy squeezed around her, pleasuring her in ways she didn’t know existed. Cum ran down Courtney’s leg, but it was not her own. It was the girl’s. Her rump was shaking, her long and toned legs twitching.
She could see why guy’s liked this as she thrust in and out again. Using the butt as a sort of anchor, she began to thrust even faster. Millimeter by millimeter she got further in, spreading the cervix wider and wider with every repetition. It was so tight that it was hard to even move. But she found the strength. One of the thrusts, she finally managed to fit the head into the womb. But she couldn’t pull out. The womb wouldn’t let her. So she worked with what she had, ramming between the entrance and the top of the womb. It was an entirely different feeling to have her glans stimulated by the opening, and felt all the better for it.
Courtney felt like she was about to cum, but not from her pussy. Her dick felt like it was on fire as she began to thrust even faster. Her nails were beginning to leave marks in the ass with how tight she gripped it. The only thing on her mind was thrusting, and she did it extremely well. Her hips became a blur as she continually hilted herself. She just kept getting faster and faster. There was an unmistakable force building within her. One that urged her to plungee as far as she could into the pussy.
She came, her toes twitching as she felt herself ‘peeing’. The pussy wasn’t done, continuing to massage her as she came. Courtney just let her body do the work as she waited to be done filling them with her sperm. She kept expecting it to stop, but it didn’t. There was so much inside them that it started to spill out around her hilt, the womb too full. So she pulled out, watching as as a spurt landed on the ground. The legs were twitching uncontrollably, but her work was unfinished. Her dick had yet recieve its fill, completely erect as it continued to ejaculate.
Taking her dick in one hand, she became to smear the ever flowing tip on the ass, watching her seed cover it in its entirety. Art in its finest form, she decided. Opening up the ass cheeks took both hands, but there was most certainly a rosebud that pulsed. Waiting to be filled. Lowering her dick into it, she could feel the seed lubricating the way for her as she began to push in and out. Getting deeper and deeper into the ass. It felt far, far tighter than even the vagina. Which she plugged with one hand, ramming a fist to not allow her seed to escape. A crude, but effective technique.
Courtney applied more technique than the last time. Instead of blindly thrusting in and out, she instead began to tease the clit as well. Feeling the walls contract around her whenever she did so. Pinching at it felt like she was being held in a biological vice, threatening her to cum right then. But she held on. The pleasure was immense, and she could feel another orgasm building. She wished she could pinch her own nipples or clit, but alas, they were still numb.
The ass cheeks rippled, no longer being held. They were mesmerizing as Courtney rammed and teased the girl. The pressure was building like water behind a dam. She could feel it coming. And it finally did.
Practically fusing her hips to the girls, Courtney hilted and came with one last blast of sperm, firing directly into her waiting depths. She couldn’t pull out even if she wanted to, because of how much her ass was squeezing down on her. It was heaven.
But it was finally over. Her dick was no longer erect, becoming no more than an inch or two long as it leaked the leftover seed. When Courtney removed her hand from the pussy, she watched as built out come leaked out. The legs twitched occasionally, but it was clear that the girl was no longer functioning correctly. Both her holes leaked semen and gaped. If Courtney’s white stuff was clear, she would be able to see clear to the end of both entrances.
As a final farewell, she gave the ass a good smack, watching it jiggle as she walked past the tree.
Only to find that the head of the girl was on the other side.
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 36,380 | 5 | Chapter 5 - Marsh insects part 1 |
The marsh was annoying to walk through for Courtney. All manner of bugs wished to either suck her blood or sweat. She kept swatting at them as she trudged through the thigh deep water. Courtney was not an idiot. She would have chosen another path if she had the option. But even after searching, this was her only way through. Through a marsh filled with tiny, annoying insects.
She sighed in exasperation after smacking one on her thigh. Courtney had long since given up trying to wipe it off, since her only option was to bathe herself in the murky water. Her entire body felt gross. Every surface with a sheen of one liquid or another. Her arms covered with sweat and bugs. Her chest and stomach had milk perpetually dripping down it from her oversized nipples. Even her pussy was drenched, although she was not exactly in a state of arousal. More a combination of sweat and humidity.
Courtney yawned, rubbing her eyes. She was beginning to feel tired. Which was a somewhat surprising realization to her. A few moments ago she felt fine, although it had been some time since her last sleep. The plant seemed to have reinvigorate her with its water. But now she could barely take the next step. Her eyes drooping as she trudged through the crotch deep water. Which was strange to her. The marsh’s water level had been the same throughout. Even the trees didn’t look any different. Maybe a little bigger, but the area she was in hadn’t changed.
She leaned against a tree, blinking to keep awake. It was hard to keep them open. Let alone think. For no reason in particular, she noticed her hand. It was smaller. Much smaller, in fact. And her chest was nonexistent. She was in fact, ‘flat as a board’. From what little she could see above the water line now-- which was mostly just her stomach and chest, she had shrunk. Considerably. Even in the cloudy water, she could see her face as younger. Not by much, still above the age of 18. She’d hit a massive growth spurt at the age of 20 that had filled her out nicely. And now she was, for some reason, back to pre-growth spurt.
All at once, her tiredness was gone. The weight had been lifted off her eyelids. And she could clearly see in the water that she’d used as a mirror that there was a massive mosquito behind her. Filled to the brim with all manner of fluids and bones, it had sucked literal years out of her life. Although she couldn’t see it, there was an unmistakable mark on her back where it had done the deed. A welt.
She was frozen in fear, but the mosquito certainly was not. Something splashed in the water behind her and she shrieked in a far higher voice when something penetrated her taught vagina. Courtney couldn’t see below the surface of the water, but she could definitely feel something probing against her regrown hymen. The mosquito bucked upwards, breaking her purity and ramming against the entrance to her womb in one swift movement.
Courtney went weak in the knees. It felt like the first time she’d ever had sex, unable to comprehend just how good it felt. She moaned, clawing at the tree. And the mosquito had yet to truly start. It was simply repositioning as she kneeled on the marsh floor, her head just above the water. Her ass, considerably smaller than a few minutes ago was stuck out. The perfect position for breeding. Courtney’s cheek pressed against the tree while she hugged it just to maintain some semblance of stability. The mosquito’s ovipositor wasn’t all that big, but her pussy was far tighter.
It still had yet to move as her legs wobbled. She was shaking. It was like a high. Something that she’d long forgotten, and chased without bearing fruit. Courtney became a nympho, but had long forgotten since why. And this exact pleasure she felt was why. Blood running down and polluting the water as her vagina was filled. It gave her such a feeling of pleasure that she came. It was muted and impossible to see, but her neck bent back as she orgasmed.
The large mosquito finally moved. It began slowly at first. Not breaking its incubator was an instinct that even it understood. Buzzing filled the air as it began to speed up. Pulling all the way out of her pussy, and filling it with every thrust. Her ass jiggled just above the water, bouncing with every movement. Courtney was drowning-- although thankfully only in pleasure. Endorphins flooded her mind with endorphins because. Her new, or depending on how you looked at it, old body had yet to experience the pleasure of sex. And it was all the more keen to have more of it.
Courtney pushed back, something that the bug hadn’t anticipated. The tip of the ovipositor pushed through her cervix. More powered by instincts than intelligence, the tip fanned out, locking the ovipositor in her incubator. It was then that the bug regressed. It rammed her without warning. Slamming her face against the tree as it constantly bottomed out in her womb and tried to pull back. But it was unable to, the fan far larger than her entrance and keeping it locked in there.
She just kept cumming. At everything. Because of the way the bug treated her. Because of the ovipositor pressing on her g spot. Because of her womb getting battered like dough. Courtney moaned, meeting the thrusts. Pulling even harder on her cervix and pushing the end of her womb even harder. Her and fingers curling as she orgasmed. The bug rested on her back, its ovipositor pushing aside her ass cheeks as it entered her doggy style. Courtney felt light headed as the appendage slammed even further in. So far that it protruded her stomach. She just kept cumming. And cumming.
She came so much and so rapidly that it felt more like she was pissing. Just a flood of pleasure that came out of her.
The bug stopped. Courtney continued cumming. Continuing to slam back onto the ovipositor. Her hips rolling and using it like a living dildo.
And then the first egg came. It wasn’t nearly as large as the one from the plant, but her pussy was tight. She could feel it travel down her vagina into her welcoming womb. More soon followed. Her stomach full to the brim of what looked like little balls.
The mosquito’s fan retracted and it pulled out. Her womb so small that it didn’t need to be sealed to hold all the eggs. It was plugged up by one of eggs, a good half of it sticking out of the entrance. Courtney panted, her knees falling to the ground as she clung to the tree. With great care, she slumped with her back facing the tree as she rested for a moment. Listening to the sounds of the bugs all around her.
She rubbed her stomach. While she could not see under the water, she could feel the bumps of each individual egg that protruded through her stomach. There was a weird sort of pleasure she got from moving her hand over her stomach and tracing each individual egg. A sort of content that one only got by being a mother.
A firefly, a massive one zoomed to her from somewhere. It looked beautiful, its wings capturing the light of the sun and reflecting it like a kaleidoscope. Before she even realized it, it was sucking at one of her tiny nipples. Although there was no milk, it did feel wonderful. She stroked the top of its head, bringing it closer to her as it massaged and played with her button of flesh.
Another one zoomed by, taking up residence on her other nipple. This one was black, opposed to the blue hue that the other was. She pet them, her eyes half closed as she allowed the pleasure to consume her. For several minutes that’s all she did. She let her eyes stayed closed as she moaned as loud as she liked, allowing the dragonflies to pleasure her. Nothing ever came from her nipples, but it felt wonderful to Courtney. Eventually her hands moved away from the dragon flies and down to her clit.
Her hands were so much smaller that it felt like someone else was touching her. She didn’t want to rush herself, and began playing with her folds. Circling around her entrance before lightly putting in her index finger. God did she feel so tight, having to push with all her strength to get down to the first knuckle.
Courtney was moaning so loud that practically the entire marsh could hear her, whether they wanted to or not. She slipped in another finger, two in her muff as she fingered herself. Her other hand, somewhat dejected, began circling her ass. Even just touching it felt like an impenetrable wall. It was so tight that she had to massage around it just to get a pinky finger partially in.
A third finger slipped into her cunt. It felt like her vagina was trying to trap her fingers and suck them in. The dragonflies diligently tending to her breasts, she felt heavenly. Courtney both plunged her pinky into her butt, and brushed her clit. Her back arched as she came, seeing white from the pleasure. But that didn’t stop her fingers as they milked her, her hands mercilessly attacking both holes and her clit. Four fingers were inside her as she thumbed her clit. It was then that she accidentally found her G-spot and came. Her legs locked and unable to do anything other than move her fingers.
Her ass received the same treatment, holding within it two fingers that massaged her insides. And unfortunately the orgasm ended. Leaving her face slick with sweat and her holes thoroughly rubbed. She sat, allowing the dragonflies to continue as she relaxed for a moment in the afterglow.
But it wasn’t long before she felt her belly move. The eggs were hatching. She could feel the change within her womb. Even after pressing a hand to her stomach, she could feel the eggs popping. And soon her stomach was far flatter, her womb filled with the baby insects inside. The only problem was the egg sealing her womb, acting as a barrier to the bugs’ exit. They were becoming restless. Biting and clawing at the walls of her womb in a way that brought her only pleasure. It wasn’t often that one got their insides scraped, and it felt amazing to Courtney.
Even still, the egg refused to pop and so she had to act. Taking a deep breath, she started to finger herself. It was easier now that her muscles were so relaxed. It took her only a few seconds to be able to put all five in. Adjusting her seat, she bent over to make it easier to move her arm. Slowly pushing in her fingers, she felt her fist moving further up her vagina before finally coming upon the egg. Unable to see, she had to touch herself in order to out exactly where the egg was. Except that it only made things harder. Her cervix opened further upon her touch, allowing the egg to get stuck on its midway point. Even pushing on it did nothing to loosen it. She could feel the bugs torturing her womb. Becoming more desperate, she used her other hand and pushed on her elbow.
That finally did the trick, and the egg popped fully into her womb. She retracted her hand quickly, feeling the mosquitoes rush out of her womb and out into the water. Even the one that had blocked them all eventually left its egg and joined them. Her womb was once again devoid of life. At least the dragonflies had yet to leave her. Still expecting there to be milk from her breasts when there was none.
She just wasn’t expecting them to bite her nipples. Courtney was weak from the endorphins and the pleasure, so when they latched on and stayed like that, it was unexpected. And then their maws pierced her nubile cherry nubs. She could see the veins on her breasts and her areola turn a purple color when they injected something into her. A few moments later she could feel herself changing.
Sbe began to feel milk flow from her breasts. |
395e1f97e695a07dac8ef888e5f55d4c8ad307cd23425b985dc2b00011bb9607 | 53,818 | 0 | Chapter 0 - What accessories are suitable for your love doll? |
There are some stories that people view real sex doll as partners rather than humans. In their view, love dolls can't lie to them, can't hurt them, and can't nag them, so dealing with sex dolls is easier than dealing with people. They claim that sex dolls can't go wrong, which is different from human pressure, judgment, and complaints. For those men, sex dolls are a completely obedient, harmless, silent species. They make them feel always in control of the relationship, and they never question their authority.
There are many other silicone sex doll that can satisfy the carnal desires of many people. For various reasons, they did not engage in active sexual life through interpersonal relationships, but looked for other methods as an effective way to solve some inconveniences. interaction. Sex dolls are like this. Satisfy the basic aspirations of many people. Although most people know what the main functions of these dolls are, few people know the process required to complete their manufacture, especially if it is a customs doll. .
Men like big breasts, why?
Men like big breasts, why? Because they find that sexual pleasure is more interesting. When you suck them, you can flick them in your mouth. In foreplay, the pleasure of touching a large cup far exceeds the pleasure of a small cup. In addition, most men feel satisfied after chest compressions. They may think that big breasts make women or TPE sex doll sexier.
BBW sex doll for sale are additional items that people can purchase to increase their participation in the sex dolls they own. These cover multiple options, which is why this guide will zero out other types of second-hand sex dolls you can buy and the areas where they focus on selling cheap sex dolls. From volumetric decorations and replaceable assistants to important additional functions for handling authentic dolls for sale and repairing them in the event of any damage, we have checked all the important and why you should buy them.
Buying love doll is not like buying cheap things from Amazon. Most of the top sex doll brands are not sold on Amazon, Ebay or AliExpress, so it is best to avoid buying sex dolls from these sites. Since top sex doll manufacturers focus on production and design rather than sales, their dolls are mainly sold through distributors, usually called suppliers. As a distributor, the supplier gets a discount from the factory and can usually provide better prices and customer support than buying directly from the factory.
69sexdoll sells sex dolls for years
I have been engaged in sex doll manufacturing for many years. While continuously exploring new technologies, we actively contact foreign doll manufacturers to cooperate and absorb the experience of foreign manufacturers. However, things are not so ideal. After communicating with the customer many times, it was found that the dolls currently produced cannot meet the customer's requirements. Many dolls have technical problems, such as wrong anatomy and unrealistic body proportions.
Regardless of whether you have already purchased a sex doll, or you plan to buy a cheap sex doll, you may be looking around for all the information about the sex doll to provide a reference for your purchase decision. Becoming a sex doll owner is definitely a big decision. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that you understand all the necessary information you need before buying. This includes selecting, owning and maintaining your sex doll. Fortunately, this guide will help you understand the wonderful world of sex dolls.
1583a90b68fbf7cdfbd0e349529d571658356938016196cbc2be254267d21e7b | 37,561 | 0 | Chapter 0 - Closet Drama |
Unicorn Boy
by Fedesh
Submitted: September 13, 2019
Through blood and tears, and more...a not-so boy discovers the perverse world of adults all too early, and is hesitant to evolve from the fear of entering that world. Along the way, he finds that there's more than just deviants and perverts in this world, and embraces the yearning call that has created so much pain and troubles in his life. However, in his journey, he discovers that he must become everything he disgusts before becoming what he who he wants to be.
Closet Drama
"I am over 18 years old. Why do I still feel like a kid? Maybe it's 'cause I've only had sex with one girl. Maybe that's what is wrong. And why is this feeling 'wrong' in the first place? I know you're supposed to feel good at this age, and like the world is yours, but....something is just...wrong."
Inside Koshi's pants, lay a shriveled and almost inverted little cucky tiny dick. Hooded, it is visible only because of the foreskin that hangs from the tip, puckered and resembling a tit nipple.
He pulls his small Cartoon undies forward and looks downward, and then lets them snap back to his waist, in disgust.
"I hate my life."
b9c1525e94965cc22d17f3553009b92b2e197ece697e7a209d081293e1ca9ae0 | 36,380 | 7 | Chapter 7 - Ants - FINAL CHAPTER |
This is a little more extreme than the others in my opinion. Also this is the last chapter for this series unless I get some suggestions, because I am shit out of ideas. Hope you enjoyed it, and if you want more of my stuff, I'm working on a Dullahan (headless) fic as well.
Happy fapping.
The owner of the legs in the tree was gorgeous. Courtney had no other way to describe her. No words came to mind except ‘gorgeous’. All of her features were immaculate, even in these woods. The woman’s breasts heaved and jiggled from her panted breaths, her face one of ecstasy from Courtney’s plowing. She didn’t even seem to know Courtney was there, her dick becoming more erect every time the woman opened her mouth to gasp in air.
It didn’t take long for Courtney to shove her length as far as it could go down her throat and release. She could see the milk being pumped into the woman’s stomach, the sheer quantity of it filling her belly. Seed dripped down her chin onto the forest floor as she coughed it up.
Only then did Courtney realize what had happened, and moved to push her out of the tree trunk by placing a hand on each of her cheeks and pushing against the dirt with her feet. There was dazed complaining, but it turned to relief as the woman was pushed through. Courtney felt both proud and disgusted with herself for doing such a thing to another human. The good news was the chance she would forgive her and they could try and escape together. That would be wonderful. Having someone else to talk to and lean on. It helped that she had a wonderful ass.
The only problem that Courtney had found out was that in pushing out her new friend, she pulled herself through. While she was still considerably smaller-- her breasts at a laughable size-- she still managed to get herself stuck. She shook the girl, trying to snap her out of her daze. And Courtney accomplished that task. The girl regained her senses, her eyes wide with fear as she stared back at Courtney.
She broke into an awkward lopsided run, her stomach still full of Courtney’s semen. She didn’t even look back as Courtney pleaded for help.
There was irony to be had in this situation. Especially as only moments later she felt something snipping at her pussy, like a pair of knives being drawn across it. Cold and sharp. It made her shiver. She strained trying to twist her back to see around the tree, but all there was to see was a the red abdomen of a giant ant. Its stinger was dripping with something that was definitely not poison.
She felt its mandibles brush her folds once again before there was a sudden pressure around her dick. And then it plopped to the ground, cut off. There was no pain or blood. It was no longer attached and that was the end of it.
But Courtney had little time to digest that as the ant ripped the tree out of the ground, carrying her along in its mandibles while still being stuck in the tree. It made a strange sort of sense that the insect known for its strength would keep that trait. She watched the forest go by at a steady rocking pace as the ant moved back to its colony. It was massive to say the least. Courtney, the tree, and the ant all moved through the complex underground system with ease. Gravity seemed to be a joke to the creature as she felt the blood rush to her head, the ant now walking on the ceiling of the tunnel.
Just to keep her on her toes, every so often something would drop across her sensitive lips and make her just a little bit hornier. At first she thought it was a lone tree branch, but as time passed and they delved further into the colony she was sure that the ant was doing it on purpose. Teasing her. Readying her for whatever came next. All Courtney could do was pinch her tiny nipples and bite her lip, unable to satiate the ache.
Without warning, the tree was split and she was free. Free to fall onto the strange, quasi gelatinous surface of the colony face first, ass up. No longer confined by the tree, she began work on her muff, skipping the foreplay and fingering her pussy. She didn’t care that what the ants were planning, just that she could get off right then and there. Her reborn clit felt even better than before, playing with it as if her life depended on it.
Her hips weren’t static, rocking back and forth in the air as she plunged fingers deeper and deeper into herself. Courtney’s moans were less seductive and more high pitched squeaks as she pleasured herself, shutting her eyes as she lost herself to her own fingers. It was as if her body had a vendetta against itself. There was no mercy in her hands as they began to circle and enter her ass. Both hands worked against her. The tension in her lower half was becoming too much as her hands became a blur, her tongue bitten as if it was trying to escape her mouth.
And finally there was relief. Her legs straightened as she finished out her orgasm, squirting into the floor with enough pleasure to roll her eyes to the back of her head. She collapsed, panting.
With great care, four ants surrounded her. Courtney saw them but didn’t even care. At least, until her limbs were gone. Her arms and legs were being carried off, perfectly preserved for the moment. Just not attached to her. She couldn’t even see what was happening as she tried and failed to move. It took the kindness of a worker aunt to flip her over onto its back. Legs that extended out of its back closed around her torso, locking her in. It was loose enough that she could wiggle around, but tight enough that with limbs there was no possibility of escape.
It was then that she saw the queen. It would be more descriptive to call them the king, as they did not host the children. No, their role was to lay them. Dozens of different sized tubes came out of the unique ant. But it waited. Close enough that Courtney could see it on the edge of her vision, but far enough that she couldn’t get a good look at it. She knew that was going to be her finale-- whatever that had in store for her.
But for the time being the ants approached. Or rather backed up, stinger-first. They dripped like a horny cock, precum spilling out of them. One approached Courtney’s mouth, and the other her lower half. They both met her in sync, pushing in at the same time. The stinger was large and hairy, brushing the insides of her walls in ways that other cocks could never do. And there was of course, the tip. Which poked itself into her cervix and began spewing its load. The ant at her mouth had other ideas. It raped her mouth, not lodging in and releasing as it was supposed to. It was hellbent on the pleasure that it knew it could have. Courtney choked on it. Her vision going black as she was unable to stop the creature from violating her mouth.
And then it was fine. She could breathe again. The ant was killed on the spot, sliced in half by one of its brethren. Who coincidentally took its place. And fulfilled its duty correctly by extending a much smaller tube from its stinger. One that supplied both air and semen to Courtney.
Her stomach was bloated to the brink, as was her womb. Both ants gracefully moved away. Her ass was surprisingly untouched, if one did not count the semen oozing from her entrance onto it. Courtney knew what was coming before the queen approached. It had been the same thing all the last few days. They were going to breed her and get bored of her, and she would be allowed to leave.
The queen started off slowly, as if foreplay would be appreciated at this time. It massaged her breasts with two tentacles, before needles slid out at the end of them and pierced her nipple straight through. She watched as her breasts were bloated, just like her stomach was. They drooped to the side. Large enough that when she writhed in place, her nipples rubbed against the soft floor, making her even hornier than she was before. They were like great balloons of flesh and pleasure, and without the ant below her to support her back, she would be unable to do anything other than be crushed by her own breasts.
Ants gathered, massaging the entirety of her humongous boobs with their mouths. Toying with her. Sending the message that at any time they could remove even more parts of her body. But Courtney was really feeling it then. She felt like a cow. One being massaged with alcohol. Her nipples were by far the most sensitive part of her. It was the duty of a pair of ants to tend to them, making sure that they were amply teased and ready.
It wasn’t long before she felt pressure building in her chest. Like her nipples were about to ejaculate. And then white milk came, flowing from her teats like water. Not much was dropped to the floor, as the queen made sure to encapsulate her breasts with what can only be called biological milkers. Tentacles made for milking breasts. Whatever milking procedures Courtney had gone through before, none of them compared to the suction of this one. Milk was flowing out of her faster than humanly possible, and there was no end to it. Just a cascade of white flowing through the tubes.
An ovipositor entered her gaping cunt, pushing itself into her cervix. She could feel the semen against her walls dripping out, pushing its way out of her. But most of it stayed. It was then that she felt the first bump. It was larger than the plant seed had been, especially in reference to her awkwardly sized body. She gritted her teeth as it forced upon her cervix walls and allowed itself in. Generally that was it. The egg was incubating, and they would seal off her cervix to allow it to bread peacefully.
Except that the ants took it a step further. More tentacles like the one that had enlarged her breasts pierced her lips and stomach like shots. They began to swell, growing four or five times its original capacity.
Eggs the size of watermelons flooded into her enlarged uterus, filling her even more completely. It was then that the queen sealed off her cervix. Although Courtney could not feel it, her stomach towered so high that the bug below her moved exactly opposite to her motions as to not tip the weight too much.
Courtney felt destroyed. Every part of her was either filled, or being milked. Even her mouth was being supplied some sort of water, presumably for sustenance. And she couldn’t be happier. All she wanted to do was run her hands along her stomach so she could feel all the little babies that would be born from her. And to play with her ass, as it was the only part of her not occupied.
Although the queen took care of that in short order. Or rather a worker ant plunged one mandible into her muff, and the other into her ass. And then there was a snip. Like magic, she no longer had an ass. Just one massive hole for breeding. It was quickly filled by even more eggs of a different size and shape, before her entrance was sealed entirely.
The queen knew exactly where Courtney wanted it, and began to tease her clit with a small, thin tentacle. That was what pushed Courtney over the edge as she came, squirting into a tube that had quickly been placed over her clit and was now milking it. She was in constant ecstasy. Every part of her body was being used, and with the new form of clit torture she had to endure, she was constantly cumming.
She didn’t even notice the fact that she was slowly moving to a different part of the colony. One with dozens of other women, all supported by a queen. Although some of them had been there for years, none of them looked worse for wear. Not that Courtney could see them after her eyes were covered. All she could think about was birthing and pleasure.
And there she stayed. |
395e1f97e695a07dac8ef888e5f55d4c8ad307cd23425b985dc2b00011bb9607 | 53,818 | 1 | Chapter 1 - TPE Love doll let men get rid of single |
Many men start with massage or fingering and then turn to TPE sex doll. This is actually a good idea, because the muscles of sex dolls are always tight at the beginning and need time to relax before starting. Try this kind of sex. Since both gay and heterosexual men can engage in anal sex, it is no longer considered a gay-only activity. Even if a straight man has not experienced anal sex, he can still enjoy other types of anal stimulation. If he stimulates his genitals while receiving anal massage or fingering, he can still enjoy other types of anal stimulation. Sex doll stimulation. He is likely to have orgasm. This is just one of the reasons why anal sex is not active
Reconciliation with your body, the first mischievous determination
Let go of the dominance of fashion and youth, and take care of your body regularly. Ladies, make room for your wardrobe, put some pajamas, two-piece and three-piece suits, and other elegant underwear. Sir, do the same thing and take care of your men’s underwear. As a couple, treat each other's figure well. It is all your shortcomings that make you attractive and make you different, so cherish them! In fact, your adult toys can be furniture accessories during the filming process, especially the "educational art" type. Meeting moderately, wearing handcuffs or chains... please pay attention three times.
Imaginative calendar for silicone sex doll shops
For your erotic Advent calendar, you can choose to design it yourself and buy it from a sex shop as an entertainment space. I think if all your boxes are not creative, if you have few sex toys, or you need to "guide" to stimulate your sexual desire, then choosing a calendar from a sex shop is a good solution. For me, it depends on the year. In most cases, I will buy a combination of calendar and personalization on certain days. This gives you unexpected surprises and also makes me want to see things happen in my bed. If you are creative or creative, you can also imagine your own erotic Advent calendar from start to finish.
Here, the scope is broader than the previous link method. These dating sites take into account that, among other things, the event has recently been adopted. They will also provide you with personal information that may be of interest to you based on your location and preferences. The method of linking to this website is successful because the personal information provided is in line with your preferences. However, certain techniques of certain dating platforms are more effective because they are more complete. Therefore, please remember to prioritize them when registering.
Sex doll doll/collection
Although it is rarely used, sometimes mini love dolls are purchased as figurines. This is the so-called collection. To be honest, the use of this sex doll is extravagant and rare. However, some people are attracted by the beauty of petite sex dolls and buy them in the form of figurines or collectibles. Many realistic dolls are as tall as real women, about 150-160 cm. Nevertheless, there are still mini sex dolls 100 cm or smaller. It can be placed on a small shelf, making it a perfect sex doll for your collection.
They intend to stay away from intimacy temporarily, and now people think it is ideal to temporarily stop dating and establish intimacy. This problem is caused by a variety of reasons. Some people do this to zero their phone calls. Others may enjoy probation because they grieve the loss of their relationship. Some people just need to appreciate some simple time. This is both reasonable and typical. Many men decide to sell life-size sex dolls instead of focusing on intimacy with others.
BBW sex doll or sex dolls are objects that imitate the human body. It is used for sexual acts. It is designed with the image of a perfect woman or a man with a dream figure, and its manufacturing materials give it a realistic appearance. Among the existing dolls, it is difficult to make an ideal choice. In this process, he must be based on specific criteria, and at the same time his preferences must be taken into consideration. In addition, the prices of these dolls vary by model. Discover the key criteria for the best doll experience here! After each project, there will always be a discussion stage to determine your expectations and wishes.
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2c3af60ce91b28b4d2d0fbd98b5ad35f0c05553feae107fa3a56441293813a70 | 20,068 | 1 | Chapter 1 - One-shot - Fasha's Peril |
At Planet Meat, year 737. soon after Dodoria and Bardock left, two persons with red armors were flying around. "Here, sir! I found her... You sure she will survive?" trooper asked, as blue-skinned man looked at Saiyan lady on ground. "She will, I assure you.", placing his hand to first girl and then trooper. Trooper was confused first, before falling dead to ground, female on ground groaning, unconscious but alive. "Chronos here. We found the Saiyan, Over. Yes, trooper did not survive." At ship, frost demon smirked. "Excellent, I could use new pet. Bring her aboard, Chronos." Demon on planet smirked. "As you wish, Lord Absol."
At dark room, in Spaceship, young saiyan started to come to."Uunnnghh..." Fasha opened her eyes slowly, looking around. As she tried to move her body, she felt somewhat powerless, and something restraining her movement. As her eyesight cleared out more, she realized she had been chained to wall from ankles and wrists, some kind of collar attached to her neck and ring in her tail.
"Wha-What is this? Who are..." She yelled, as she yelped, as she felt small bolt of electricity going through her body, coming from a ring at her tail.
"My my, I was lucky to find living female Saiyan... You are hard to come across - and even harder to capture", voice said, Frost Demon walking from corner. "You... You are Frieza's people! What is the meaning of this!"
Absol's eyes narrowed, and Fasha felt another bolt of electricity going through her body. "My name is Absol, and that is not how pet talks to her master, is it now?" Absol said, pointing at ring. "That ring keeps your Saiyans power in check, and with bindings of your wrists, ankles and neck, with press of button, I can send electric shocks through your body, to keep you in check." This made Fasha angry. "What you mean, Pet?" Absol smirked, pressing a button of remote, revealing two saiyans in capsules, unconscious.
"Well, you can be pet... Or be part of my collection forever, without armor." Fasha's felt her heart sink, seeing two of her kin in capsules, in comatose state but alive, before they were covered again with metal plates, hiding them from sight. "They are part of my collection, but you? You will be my personal pet." Absol smirked and walked to Fasha, touched her chin. "And I would not-"
Absol did not have chance to finish sentience as Fasha already spit on his face, Absol wiping spit out, calmly. "...Do anything stupid. Seems this monkey needs some training." He said, as he pressed button, Fasha feeling strong electric current in her tail, making her scream- Which was muffled when Absol stuffed to her mouth ball gag, with small hole in middle. "...That will teach you behave."
As Absol pressed the next button, chains separated from walls, Fasha fell on ground, trying remove gag without luck, with muffled screams. Absol's tail suddenly wrapped around her neck, as he lifted her, his hand running to her back and grabbing tail, lifting it, Fasha letting out muffled scream. "Now then..." he said, his other hand going to her crotch. As she protested, she yelped as Absol separated her pussy lips. Fasha tried to kick Absol, but before she could, she felt her arms and legs pinned to her sides, spreading her mid-air with X of energy threads. "Time to make you learn your place" Absol said, with cold tone.
Letting his tail from her neck and hand from her pussy, Fasha sighing in relif, her expression changing as she felt Absol's tail, slapping her ass cheeks, making her let out muffled screams. Combined to constant, numbing weak electric shocks, Fasha kept yelping. Absol smirked, as she noticed her pussy dripping. "You are enjoying this, I see... Then you will most likely love this."
Without warning, tip of Absol's tail plunged deep to Fasha's asshole, her eyes widening and her letting out muffled scream, her entire body shivering under her first orgasm, Absol smirking. "You are enjoying yourself?" Absol asked, mocking, as he walked front of her, energy threads of her legs letting go, and new ones from roof attaching to her bindings, spreading her on front of Absol, her eyes teary, shaking head side to side. "You want me to stop?" Fasha nodded with pleading expression, but Absol only smirked. "Though luck."
Absol's body started to glow, and when glow disappeared, his bio-suit had disappeared, Absol being naked. "I have locked the doors, and place is soundproof... Not to mention Frieza' destroyed your planet two months ago. No-one will save you..." he said as he walked to helpless Saiyan, who tried her best protest, before Absol plunged deep into her wet pussy.
Fasha's head was thrown back, her eyes rolling back of her head as Absol pushed his dick deep into her. Absol grabbed her hair, and pulled her head to look him in eye. "You best enjoy this- Since I definitely will enjoy breaking you." With this, Absol began to move, as he kept thrusting into helpless Saiyan lady, who kept screaming and yelping with every thrust. Eventually, screams turned to moans.
Absol smirked, and thrust tip of his tail back into her asshole, pushing Fasha over the edge, her inside clenching like vice around Absol. "Your enjoying this very much I see... And I am only getting started!" he said with smirk, as he kept pounding into her flesh, tails tip wiggling inside her.
Absol's assault proved to be too much for Saiyan to handle, as she felt orgasm after orgasm flooding over her. And after, what seemed to Fasha eternity, Absol came, thrusting as deep as he could, his dick pressing against her cervix, her womb filling from his seed, enough to cause her stomach to bulge a bit. Absol remained still moment, saiyan moaning and staring blankly in distance.
As he pulled out, Absol then took chastity belt, with two prods and belt piece. Without warning he pushed it in place of his dick and tail into her, pushing her one last time over the edge. "You understand now slave? You belong to me now." he asked, taking out Gag. "Y-yes... Master..." Fasha said weekly, looking at belt. "Good. With that belt on, I am sure any of my seeds won't escape your womb." This caused Fasha to blink "What?" Absol smirked. "You will bear my offspring... Enjoy, slave." With this, Energy threads holding Fasha's legs lowered, and as her feet touched ground, disappeared, her hands still bound to roof, Saiyan looking down. "And what good slave says...?" Absol asked, smirking. "...Tha...Thank you master." Fasha said, completely broken - both mentally and physically. "Good girl." Absol said, locking the door.
"I take it you enjoyed yourself Sir?" Chronos asked, Absol already donned his Bio-Suit. "What ever gave you that idea Chronos?" he asked, with sly smirk. "While I admit I enjoyed breaking her spirit, she is just another slave." "Of course master." Chronos said, bowing to Absol as he left the room.
Eight months passed, Fasha, now clearly pregnant, was sitting right side of Absol's throne, collar, anklets, bracelets and tail ring still attached, her expression somewhat blank. "Soon, you will give birth to my child." Absol said with smirk, looking at Fasha. "Yes, master..." Fasha said weakly. She had realized she could never escape - never defeat the frost demon... All she could do is to serve him.
"So, sir, what you would next want to "Tame"?" Chronos asked from Absol. "I don't know - maybe Namekian female." Absol said, thoughtful, Chronos blinking. "I... Don't see that happening." Absol glared at Chronos. "Not with that attitude!" "No, I meant sir that... Namekians are uni-sexual. They breed by puking an eggs." Absol looked at Chronos moment. "They what? Hmm, cross out visiting Namek then." "As you wish, sir." Chronos said, done as told.
The End
End Words : From my typing I thank Corruption of Champions, I hope you enjoyed this story! |
1583a90b68fbf7cdfbd0e349529d571658356938016196cbc2be254267d21e7b | 37,561 | 1 | Chapter 1 - Orange Creamy PushUp Pop Goo |
Sure, I'm a powerful goddess of erotic dreams, but I wasn't always this half-man/half-woman creature.
(Toshi grins, as the image fades into a blur and transforms into a memory recall...)
I got my first erection when I was very young. I remember it because I almost became rabid, and was overly hyper, and mad- not the angry type- the crazy type.
There was also a little wet hole behind my balls, but for the most part of my adolescence and childhood, I paid no attention to it. My little dick, however, it was hard and solid, but still no bigger than its actual size and like a baby carrot covered by foreskin, really.
I remember I was playing one afternoon with my best friend around the West Airlocks when I got my first little wiener boner. That's where all the riffraffs hung at and a bunch of other kids from my neighborhood inside the Underworld. It was the third season of our celestial calendar, and we were mostly left to our devices and one "chaperone', which just meant some old lady that our parents trusted in our housing section, while our parents were at work somewhere in the underground city.
The doors to our cells were left unlocked purposely, and we could go in and out as we please; usually to get soda and snacks, and an occasional push-up ice cream pop. I loved pushing the stick up the hole and out the other end a creamy orange gooey tip would slowly come out. My mouth was big enough to put the top of it and my lips completely around it while holding it, shoved in there, almost halfway. I became really good at keeping in my mouth like that, even while we played and ran.
One day, after running around chasing and playing with friends from our block, my best friend Kiko, who was also my neighbor and one year older than me, and I went up to take a break inside his unit. This meant we would binge on as much soda and bubble gum as we can stuff our faces with while looking thru our newly purchased salvaged Pokemon cards we would buy from the ravagers.
I remember that day perfectly- his place was really quiet and only the hum of the air circulatory system was heard. There was a nice comforting cool temperature, and it was dark. Usually he would leave his holoscreen on playing loudly, or his window drapes opened so the artificial sunlight would be beaming in. Not on this day.
He locked the main door when we were by the kitchen drinking purple soda (I think it used to be called Grape Pop); our tongues purple and icey cold.
I saw him lock the air seal, and we both laughed- devilishly, as if we knew we were alone and no authority around, and about to be up to no good! We walked over by a couch in his living room while sipping the juicy icey drink out of the soda cans.
Then out of no where, in a break of quietness, he asks me if I wanted to see his dick. By now, I felt really bonded with him, since we knew each other for a long time and did many things together like go to public gatherings, competition games with our parents, and family gatherings. That's how close we were, almost like Brothers.
I laughed hard and got extremely happy as I agreed to his little perverted suggestion.
He pulled it out and put it back in so fast that I didn't even notice anything!
Then, he said it was my turn, and laughing more and in jest, I told him that his turn didn't count because I didn't see anything. So he whipped it out again, this time he bounced his hips up and down laughing our loud as it dangled all over the place, all rubbery and funny.
I quickly whipped out mine in return, and while his was still out, our bodies naturally got closer to each other, as we laughed frantically and overcome by joy. We touched tips. Swung them side to side and slapped our little dicks on each other. We were in sync, as if we have done this before, but, it was just nature- I guess.
Not too long before that day, I had scene some sex scenes in a soft core movie that was playing late night on old salvaged cable box my dad bought. Parents were asleep and it was a Saturday night. It came on after a PG-rated movie, so they thought I was watching that movie and then going to sleep, but they passed out before me. Perfect for me!
I saw tits exposed and ass, both man ass and women ass. I gawked from under my vintage Ninja Turtle sheets with my fists clenched under my chin, in shock but also in awe, as the man and the woman humped each other while moaning.
These were human sounds that were new to me, and odd but mesmerizing. The director of this film caught every angle possible, but only showed the female's bush. I was able to piece together that they fucked, and also, at first, that they both went down on each other. "That's something I didn't know we (hybrid humans) do," I thought to myself. I had a vague idea of sex before this porn, but only penetration, not 'head' and sucking each other off.
So the thought came into my head, standing there with Kiko with our little dicks becoming stiffer, and I told him that one time I saw two people sucked on each other. "Two people", never thinking, nor did it even occur to me, that they were specifically a male and a female. I asked Kiko if he knew what I was talking about, and immediately, after a very present response ("Like this?") while glancing into my eyes, he dropped to his knees, short red shorts pulled down around his hard his thighs now.
He took my little throbber by the tip, pinching it with his cold thumb and index finger, and licked the tip. I remember that first lick felt like someone rammed a glacier up inside my ass from how freezing his tongue was then dropped me into a cold bucket! The feeling of something new, that I've never felt this way, touching where I pee out of, was what sent a jolt up my back and all around my body.
We were so giddy and happy, and I broke into a rascally laugh, as he stood back up on his feet.
I said, "Yes! Like this." and now dropped down to my knees; my little olive skin bubble ass arched up like the image in my head of that woman in the porn. I didn't grab his dick. Instead, I grabbed his underwear and pulled them down more exposing more than what he let out, put both hands on his hips as I stood face to face with his dick, and kissed it ever so gently. It was warm, and I know he felt it deeply, because he pet my head and let out a deep long breath in relief.
I looked up at him, while he had his shirt pulled up and held with his bite. I could see the smile dimples coming out the sides of the fabric he held in his mouth, while his big dark eyes pierced downward, dilated, right at me.
I looked at his dick again, and licked it- slowly, and under it as I held it upward by the skin. Had more to lick now than a second ago, but still, both our cocks were pathetic little things.
He became very happy and excited lets say, and I noticed it was growing, as my little cock dangled between my thighs below me. I grabbed his foreskin and stretched it. Then, very instinctively and naturally, I cupped his balls and held them in a firm but gentle grip, and with that hand pulled and directed Kiko to move his body and pelvis towards my face.
He took a step forward towards me, and I shuffled my knees towards him, and I swallowed his entire tiny fat dick into my mouth. I remember it tasted like that grape juice and mother's milk to me. After a few seconds of sucking it like a pacifier, he grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me up, and I guess wanting to demonstrate something lewd he had seen, he hugs me and kisses me on the lips, but doesn't pull away. Neither did I, as our warm slightly stiff but flaccid small dicks touched together. Next thing, we were both tonguing each other while his little shorts dropped down to our sneakers at this point. We were so close to each other that our feet were connected, like the zipper effect.
My underwear was still tugging my balls back, and my bent dick hung over the elastic of the top of them, and it kinda started to hurt.
Kiko went down to the floor again on his knees, passionately, and lowered my underwear to my ankles, and all I remember is the best feeling I've ever felt up to that point in my life- a warmness inside of a cozy and comfortable hole; his mouth. It felt like my entire body was floating in space, and the only thing holding me down to the ground was the hot grip of a mouth that this boy was so generously giving me.
We both came to stand up again, face to face, but we were somehow....different. Closer. We kissed again while stroking and rubbing each other's pink and fleshy dicks, and passionately wrestling between going down on each other and pulling each other back up to tongue our fruity and juicy mouths sloppily.
Kiko stops abruptly while I'm just in pure bliss, smile from ear to ear, my eyes probably crossed, and he remembers something else that he saw. He told me that the porn he watched ended when something came out from the man's dick, and that the man 'put it in the lady's mouth' while it happened. Neither of us had ever cummed before, nor did we understand this concept yet, so I replied with a confused, "Like pee-pee?"
He said, "I guess so, but it was only a little bit," while we were still so excited, sweating, laughing, as naked as we have ever been in front of anyone other than our parents.
I asked him if he wanted me to do it to him, and he said he'd let me if he can do it to me, too.
My response was happily 'yes' and that's all it was.
We both go to the lavoratory, and we take off our shoes and socks now, and we both pull off our undies and shorts completely this time. I was the 'giver' first. It was so hot, because as we were getting more naked, we kept stroking and grazing our young cocks and kissing throughout the time we were moving around and getting naked.
Inside the wash tub we went! He pulls his shirt over his head and behind his neck, not taking it off completely but giving me his nude full frontal body. He sits down on his plump butt, and I step up right to his face, our young smooth feet touching his, both looking like girl's feet because we were still so young.
He opens his mouth, and sticks out his fat purple tongue, and I start pissing and aiming it at the back of his throat, but I stopped after a second or two. It dawned on me that I can pee for a really long time, and didn't know if he was ready for this. I asked him if I can keep going, while we were both cracking up because this was still silly and weird, as he touched and wiped what I already had sprayed on his face and dripped down over his chubby chest. He wiped his mouth and told me to keep going. So I spread my legs a little more, feeling more comfortable and welcomed by Kiko to piss into his mouth, and I burst out a steady, hot stream. He swallowed some, spit some out, and rubbed most of it all over his tits while rubbing his own dick below. The bulk of it ran down his body and all over his dick, and dripped from his tip in streams and droplets. He looked like a shining angel, with that smile and my apple juice glistening all over him, and he was so incredibly happy. Me too.
It was my turn. His fresh warm cock water dripped all over my head and face, and I remember at first thinking how weird and gross this was, but then that feeling stopped because my mind focused on who it was coming from- so I was back in the moment. I stuck my tongue out! Gargled some! Spit some back over his dick and down his legs while he kept spraying me with more and more! I grabbed his dick and shoved it in my mouth while he kept pissing! It flopped out of my mouth a couple of times from the pressure of his strong stream filling my mouth, but I would wrap my mouth over it, like the push-up popsicle! I rubbed his head all over my mouth and lips, like putting lipstick on, as he kept spraying. That's another somewhat "sexual" thing that gave me a strange arousing feeling (seeing women putting on lipstick at this age), and kept swallowing some of his spritzes in between the flops of his dick that I would wipe and rub all over my face, until I couldn't stand it anymore and almost gagged.
But, still.....I was in so much bliss, and that little hole behind my balls was throbbing and all covered in that sweet young man's water because it was so much that some managed to run down my back, warm, and down through my ass crack over my tight little puckered asshole.
This was the first sexual encounter I physically had. Something felt great about it- and yet, something felt very naughty, and..."wrong".
We cleaned up with a towel and put on some of his mom's bath perfume splash all over ourselves to cover up the musky smell, and went back out to play. Eventually, we sweated off what ever pee remained on our silky bodies.
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Koshi's a shedevil femboy crossbreed with a futa elf. At the ripe nubile age of 18, Koshi went out into the world to get a taste of life, and to enjoy her ever-evolving body. By now, Koshi had been taking futa hormones since the age of 16, behind parent's back. She met the supplier through a friend, one day after riding along far out into the dunes after skipping school. School was basically a work camp, and the only education that was being taught there is how to survive in the harsh planet's atmosphere, and the social ethics of the underworld- an underground civilization that took refuge beneath the planets surface in order to survive. Only very wealthy or strong organisms can survive above grown, in their palaces and castles, with their protective gear and heightened powers.
Before Koshi became rebellious after her childhood, she went by her given male name- Toshi. She changed her name to Koshi and that's what all her new friends knew her by. Depending on where the story's timeline is being narrated, we will refer to her as Toshi or Koshi.
Koshi was born with a dick and predominantly raised as a boy. Neither the surgeon nor her parents noticed that behind and under her scrotum, there were little flaps of flesh, which when opened, revealed a very wet and pink hymen. Nobody thought to inspect it closely- nobody, except Toshi.
One night, Toshi was visiting a dwelling where the parents were all friends, and their offspring by default played together and were also friends.
This domicile was above ground, and the family was affluent and had an abundance of everything you can imagine- including offspring.
Toshi was a single offspring; no siblings.
The family they were visiting had 3 females and 2 males. The females were evolved in their sexual development and the males were mostly used for their muscles and had not mated yet.
The three females, Seshi, Mar, and Ampari, were seductresses and very hot- curvy by their giant tits and asses, but very short and cute. They were devious predators who happened to take a liking to Toshi.
That night, the shameless shedevils suckered Toshi into playing a sex game- one where you have to do whatever the winner says, or you get beat up.
They took advantage of Toshi's newbie skills, and also cheated to win, to cut to the chase and begin their violating of Toshi's virgin body.
All of them were in a locked room, except for one of the brothers, while their parents drank and feasted in their own adult games in a distant part of the estate.
Ampari is the first one to pounce - "I win, so you have to do what I say; no questions asked, or you get beat up by all of us!"
Toshi did not hesitate and agreed.
"Take off your pants and show us your dick," said Ampari.
Seshi and Mar both giggled as if almost they had this all planned, and the plan was going exactly as the wanted.
Toshi unzips his pants, and pulls them down only to his thighs, and pauses before moving forward. He looks around at the group, with a lump in his throat that he could not swallow, embarassed and scared.
Suddenly, Mar comes up quick from behind and pulls his underwear down violently, as Seshi joins and helps wiggle them all the way to his feet and pull them completely off.
"Hahaha, it's so little and it has no head!!" - all three laughed . as Ampari said that.
"It does, too, have a head! I just have an uncircumcised weewee, and it has to be pulled out," Toshi replied.
The girls and one brother looked perplexed and confused, and wondered over what Toshi said.
"Let me see." said one of them.
"Yeah, my brothers don't look like yours!" and Mar walked over to Gram (the brother in the room) and shoved one hand down her brother's pants and pulled out his cock. "See?!"
Toshi grinned, and his little dick made a throbbing move upward.
He asked if he can put his pants back on and if he can take his turn in the game, but Ampari said, "No! Remember you have to do whatever I say, and I say we are not playing anymore and you have to do everything I tell you. That's the game!"
Gram's dick started to throb and grow a little bit, also, as Mar let go of it to go walk up close to Toshi and join her sisters. Gram also got close to the bunch, and the four of them were surrounding Toshi now.
Mar, seeming to be the most perverted one at this point says- "Want to see what my pussy looks like? Here! I'll show you," and pulls down her little skirt, and then her little bright white panties, and pulls up the skin of her underbelly, revealing her plumpy slit. It was smooth and shaved, except for one little spot shaped like a circle right above the clit.
Toshi quickly covered his eyes, and Ampari punched him, and grabbed his wrists to force him to look.
"You're not supposed to cover your eyes! I didn't say you could!" -she said to Toshi.
Toshi almost cried. He was feeling very violated and now scared of the group, when Gram walks up to him and touches the tip of Toshi's dick with his own tip.
"See they are kinda the same, but mine is bigger and doesn't have that skin over the tip like yours has. I really like yours, Toshi." This made Toshi relaxed, and a comforting feeling came over him, since this was familiar and pleasurable territory.
With Mar's pussy still exposed, her sisters start teasing her and trying to grab and open her pussy, playfully, but horny and beginning to start releasing pheromones and their musky feminine scents into the air.
Toshi's dick grew bigger from looking at Gram's nice fat cock, also growing.
Seshi and Ampari pinned Mar down after stumbling to the floor like sex-crazed maniacs, scuffling loudly as their sound started becoming faint when Gram and Toshi continued to talk.
"Have you ever done it ?"- said Gram to Toshi.
"Not done it, done it. But I have played a lot with it and friends." said Toshi reluctantly.
Gram smiled, and his cock throbbed upward another half inch. He moved his pelvis close to Toshi, and started yanking gently on Toshi's dick, and putting the tips of their nubile but fully developed dicks together.
Goosebumps started to pop all over Toshi, as he glanced over to see what the girls were doing, and by this point, they were almost fully naked, except for their socks and accessories.
"Hey! Wait a minute! You have a pussy!" said Mar really loud, as she point in between Toshi's thighs.
Everybody came to a halt, and put Toshi on the spot. He was unable to speak, and before he could figure out a response, Ampari shoved him hard backwards and he fell on his ass. The other two whores jumped on him and held him down, while Ampari re-issued her command that Toshi must follow the rules of the game.
Toshi gasped and finally yelled, "Yes, I know! I do have one, so what?!"
"So what?!" replied the gang almost in unison.
"That's so adorable!" said Mar, as her sibling all agreed in a more gentle and soft tone.
"Please let us see it good," the oldest, Ampari, demanded in a friendly voice. "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone, and we already saw it. So let us see it good, now!" Her tone started becoming more threatening, so Toshi in a swift decision, with a finger in his mouth contemplating, just flings open his legs and spreads wide.
"OoOoohh! WoooOoW!" gasped and said the siblings, as they looked at it in fascination.
Toshi's little hole was shiny inside from how wet it was, had a little tiny clit, the heymen still intact, and looked like a little piece of bubble gum with soft fuzz on top.
Mar wondered, "Have you ever put something in it?"
"Not all the way, but I use my finger to play with it sometimes."
The girls looked at each other as if a devious plan was forming in their sick twisted minds.
Then they turned and looked at their brother, and, "Oh no, I am not doing what I think you want me to do!" said Gram.
"Yes you are!" said the three of them as they playfully pounced on him and started tickling and ripping his clothes off.
Toshi laid there on his back, neither objecting nor submitting, almost as if he would let fate decide what will happen in this very next moment. He wasn't scared, but he also didn't look very happy- just stoic and waiting.
What happened next, is unspeakable....
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=13.3333pxDISCLAIMER: This story is fantasy and does not represent anything about the real person it is purported to be about. I own nothing whatsoever, and wish only respect for Trisha, Meg and anyone else mentioned here.
=13.3333pxIt didn't happen, it won't happen, and it's all just made up. Sorry Trish (who will never read this) but I couldn't help myself.
Winning the contest to be the personal assistant to Trisha Hershberger had been a huge deal for Michelle. She worshipped the Sourcefed star with the soft smile and public personality, who dealt with the same figure Michelle had with style and grace where she'd always struggled. She was an idol to the younger girl, and now she could show her appreciation.
And then, the convention had arrived, and Michelle had gone to meet her idol, only to find the plane was delayed, and after an additional four hour wait, Trisha was finally able to depart. Michelle was waiting at the gate, sign in hand, but her stomach was turning over. What if Trisha wasn't like who she played on the internet. Even if she had her own channel where she didn't advertise anything, it was the internet, right? It could be a big joke, it could be a nightmare, it could be-
'Oh, hey! You're the assistant!' A bright voice came out from the departure doors, and a tiny girl in a big coat came through. Sure enough, Michelle recognized her idol under the hood.
'Welcome to X! Sorry it's so cold!' Michelle apologized, remembering that she normally lived in California.
'Nah, it's not so big a deal, I'm from Pennsylvania originally, and it gets plenty cold out there.'
She dragged one of her enormous suitcases out, and Michelle went to grab the cart. Once they'd placed everything on it, Trisha finally turned to look at her new assistant.
'Oh, hey! You're as small as I am!' She wrapped Michelle in a big hug, 'I hear you won the contest, and I wanted to say thanks for doing this. I know it's kinda weird to do a paid job for free, so I'll try not to be a huge hassle, ok?'
Michelle was stunned, but responded to the hug.
'I'm happy to help, you're... you're my hero.' She said.
'Awesome!' The model laughed, 'I think we're gonna have a ton of fun.'
The con itself was a frenetic nightmare, especially right after getting off the plane, but Michelle found herself startled at how well she was handling it. She and Trisha seemed like they could almost read each other's minds, and at the end of the day, though they were both exhausted, Trisha confessed that she'd had much, much worse. For the first time in a long time, she said, she felt like she could handle the full three day con. They went up to Trisha's hotel room to destress for a bit, and Trish went to go take a shower when Michelle's phone rang.
'Uh, hi, this is... Michelle? Right?' The voice was only vaguely familiar.
'Yeah, um, hi, who is this?' The tiny brunette responded
'I ran the Personal Assistant contest, right? You won; you're with what's her name, the internet girl, right?'
'Uh... yeah, Trisha Hershberger. Are you gonna tell me how to get the hotel key?'
'Sure. So, uh, I've got some bad news. We don't have any money to pay for a hotel room. Like, I'm sorry, but I don't know what to do for you.'
'Wait, what, I can't get a hotel room? Where am I supposed to stay, I don't live in-'
'You jackass!' Michelle yelled at the phone, which only displayed a private number, only to see Trish came out of the bathroom wrapped in just a towel.
'If they didn't give you any accommodation, I'm perfectly happy to let you stay here, you know. It's a big room and a huge bed for two petite ladies like us' Trish flashed her bright smile at her worn out assistant. It was true; too, between the two of them, neither was more than 5 feet tall.
Michelle blushed just a little. Even after the whole day with her, Trisha's gratitude meant a lot to her.
'They said it'd include a room, but he just backed out and now I've got nothing. I could maybe stay with friends in the city; I don't want to be a trouble for y-'
'Nope, no trouble,' Trisha interrupted, 'you stay here. I haven't had a slumber party in years. It'll be fun!'
'Thanks,' Michelle blushed a little further, eyes darting to the bathroom.
Trisha wrung out her hair, seeing the motion.
'Of course you can use my bathroom, silly. Go have a shower. Mi casa es su casa.'
'Thank you!' Michelle was off the chair and into the bathroom before Trisha had even finished talking.
After a long hot shower, Michelle took the opportunity to wrap herself up in one of the lavish towels just as Trisha had; having a brief moment of recognition at just how similar the two looked. Trisha had the longer, straight hair and was just a little taller and thinner, but Michelle's shoulders and rounded bottom didn't make her feel inferior. The bust of the two, Michelle reasoned, made the hanging towel an awkward a sight were anyone to see them, but since it looked the same on both of them, Michelle was sure Trisha wouldn't mind.
That was until she walked out of the bathroom to see Trisha lying on the bed, towel undone and completely nude, one hand between her legs. The sourcefed star had her eyes closed and was making small moans as she worked at herself, and Michelle was stunned, staring as her idol masturbated in front of her. Michelle took a deep breath, unable to move, her eyes almost desperately raked over Trisha's body as she arched her back slightly, thrusting her impressive breasts to the ceiling. After a few tortured moments, Michelle quietly went back into the bathroom.
She took a deep breath, considering what she'd seen, subconsciously wondering why she'd stayed so long, and why her own body felt so hot. Michelle was well aware she didn't have an interest in women, but still, the raw sexuality of her idol on display... She squeezed her legs together, hoping the feeling would pass. After a few ragged breaths, she stood up, announced 'I'm done!' loudly, and exiting the bathroom again.
This time, Trish was wrapped up in the towel again, though looking like she'd just thrown it back on and just a bit flush. She held the hand that she'd been pleasuring herself with to it closely, as if to hide the evidence, but Michelle made efforts not to look.
'Long shower!' Trisha announced, sounding not at all awkward about what she was doing, 'I started to get bored without you, so I was thinking of what to do tonight.'
Michelle started. There was no hint of innuendo in what Trisha had said, but still, maybe she me-
'I checked the movie channel, and that new nerdy superhero film is out. I keep meaning to watch, wanna join me?'
Michelle relaxed; of course that was what she meant. She mentioned the movie on her own channel and was waiting to do a review. Michelle had also wanted to see it of course, so she sat down against the pillows as Trisha set the movie going, and the rest of the evening passed without incident. It was just Michelle and her idol, watching nerdy movies and making snarky commentary, everything Michelle could have ever wanted.
This was the best contest ever. Even when Trish was trying to decide what to watch next, Michelle fell asleep in the big bed, her only thoughts were of how this was the best day ever.
It was 230 when Michelle woke up, feeling the bed move slightly. She was about to put it off to nothing and fall back asleep when she felt it again, just a light, repetitive motion, and then a soft moan. She let her eyes adapt to the darkness and was startled to see Trisha had pushed back the bedcovers and the smooth curve of her hips was visible against the dim light of the city outside the window. What was really startling was that her shoulder was moving quickly in a rhythmic way that left little question as to where her hand was placed. Another soft moan confirmed what remaining suspicions there were, though this one was almost frustrated.
Michelle just watched, entranced by the way Trisha's skin played in the light, the curves of her body so eloquently cut in the darkness. A familiar heat began inside her, but she resisted it. She was not into women, no matter how beautiful they were, or how they smelled in the darkness, a perfect mix of femininity and need, or how the- Michelle shook her head. That was not a normal thought for her, but she was self-aware enough to admit that whatever her sexuality, she was getting remarkably aroused just watching Trisha pleasure herself. One of Michelle's hands started to move slightly down her body before Trisha made a disgruntled noise and stopped moving.
Silence. For a long moment, Michelle just watched her again, before Trisha gave a long, irritable sigh and started to pull the covers over herself again.
Another long silence.
Michelle spoke, 'what’s wrong, Trish?'
Trish jumped slightly at this, and Michelle found herself doing the same. She hadn't intended to say anything, to get involved at all, but then... that heat inside.
Trish turned to stare at the ceiling, catching Michelle in her peripheral vision.
'You, uh, saw that there, huh?' she asked. Michelle couldn't see the blush, but the tone betrayed it.
'Y-yeah, I did.' Michelle confessed.
Trish gave another long sigh and then shut her eyes, raising one hand to her face in embarrassment.
'You caught me earlier too, didn't you?' her voice was muffled by her hands.
'...yeah, I did.' There was no point in lying now. It wasn't like Michelle felt embarrassed about it. Not nearly as much as she thought she would, anyway.
'Oh my god, this is so embarrassing.' Trish curled up in a little ball, laughing slightly, 'I just... you can't tell anyone about this, ok? Ok?' she looked at Michelle.
'Of course not.' Michelle agreed.
Trish took another deep breath.
'I get so turned on at these conventions. I don't even know why it's so bad, but it is. All those fans, and I know so many of them fantasize about me, so many naughty plans, so many naughty thoughts that they'd do to me if they had a chance. I'm always half tempted to invite someone along, but I never would, I'm way too bashful for that, but you know, looking like I do, I know they're thinking it and it fucking gets. Me. off.' She intoned the last few syllables hard, and then turned back to Michelle again, looking pointedly down at Michelle's bust, hidden by the blanket and Michelle felt a shiver she prayed Trisha didn't see.
'You must know how I feel, with those, all the guys - and girls, too - that stare at you, wishing they could get you alone so they could...' she trailed off and made a hungry little noise, then chuckled, but Michelle shook her head.
'That's... not really something I think about, I mean, I don't know.'
'Really?' Trish sounded incredulous in the dark, 'It's like half of why I model. The thought of being half naked in a million calendars so people will come meet me just makes me all warm inside, and you look like that' - she pointed at Michelle's hourglass curve, still obvious beneath the down comforter - ' and tell me you don't think about the effect it has?'
'That doesn't really sound like a problem, though' Michelle redirected the question, uncomfortable about how much she was thinking about Trisha's statements now.
Trish rolled onto her back again, and laughed a self-mocking kind of laugh.
'Ok, well the problem is... I get so worked up, but it takes me forever to get off sometimes, some people can do it to themselves so fast, but for me, it takes all night sometimes, and I have so much to do tomorrow. I want it so BAD, but I left all my toys back at home, and I'm wayyy too much of a good girl to bring someone up here for one night.'
She stopped talking and turned over, covering her face again.
'Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed, you've been so helpful, and here I am whining about how I can't get off. Too much info, maybe?' She laughed again, 'Anyway, thanks for listening Michelle, you've been such a great assistant. We'll get some sleep, and I promise this won't make any difference tomorrow, ok?'
She pulled the covers up and turned back to the window, and all was silent for a second. Michelle listened to Trisha's story, but only heard the first part. The heat inside her was building now, and sleep was far from her mind. Her heart began to beat.
Trisha's breathing was still slightly hoarse as Michelle pulled herself closer to her idol, and Michelle was surprised that Trisha couldn't hear her heartbeat thunder as she put her hand on Trisha's hip, feeling the goosebumps form on the smooth skin, and put her lips close to Trisha's ear.
'Maybe you need a little... personal assistance?' She purred, the seductiveness surprising even Michelle, but Trisha let out a soft noise and melted into her assistant as Michelle pulled her arms around her idol's waist.
Michelle had never been with a woman before, but somehow Trisha's body felt as familiar as it was enticing to her. Every experience felt new, but so natural, like this was something she'd been made for. One of Michelle's soft hands moved up Trisha's flat stomach, teasing up to the valley between her breasts, and Trisha drew a breath in as hungry fingers explored up the swell of her generous tits to a rapidly hardening nipple. Michelle pulled at it lightly, feeling the size and shape of Trisha's breasts in an exploratory way, pulling her own magnificent breasts into Trisha's back with the other arm. She was struck at how much her idol's body felt like her own, the curves and smoothness, and the things that felt good seemed to be the same.
She kissed Trisha's neck softly, to see how it felt and was surprised to find a light, spicy taste, and then whispered again.
'I... I've never been with a girl, Trish.'
'Well, you're doing real fine so far,' came the dreamy response, emphasized with a purr as Michelle's hand, almost of its own accord, stroked her beltline, down to the juncture of her legs, avoiding the heat that Trisha almost desperately thrust at her.
'I just want to do you good' Michelle panted, her own breath now ragged despite herself, and Trisha groaned.
'Oh my god that's hot!' Trisha's body shuddered briefly, 'Keep talking like that, and you might not need to even touch me.'
Michelle's hand paused.
'I didn't say stop, you naughty little thing.' Trisha laughed, which devolved into a throaty moan as Michelle resumed lightly stroking around her body, one hand sliding past her nipples while the other slid up her thighs.
'Is that good?' Michelle asked, her interest genuine, but her comment seemed to take Trisha as more dirty talk.
'So good,' Trisha responded, 'just... do what you do to yourself, but on me,'
'That's what I'm doing.'
'Good.... gooooooood.' Trisha drew out the last syllable as Michelle licked up the back of her neck, enjoying the spicy taste of her idol's sweat, 'I don't think you do THAT to yourself.' She noted, 'but I might try it on you.'
Michelle felt her heart skip and thunder again, and the heat between her legs began to burn, but with both hands occupied on Trisha, she instead took the opportunity to push one tiny finger down Trisha's slit, and was startled to hear the older girl gasp loudly.
'Can I tell you a secret?' Trisha breathed, as Michelle's fingers continued to play.
'Yeah?' Michelle's hips pressed against Trisha's bottom, feeling the heat between them as she massaged one breast.
'I've always wanted to be a girl's first time. This is sooo turning me on.' Her diction continued to slip into lust drunken slurs.
'I'm... I'm not really into girls,' Michelle admitted, 'I just... you're so beautiful, and I didn't... I...'
'Shhhhhhh,' Trisha quieted her, 'It's fine, we can stop if you're uncomfortable, but if you want to do this, I want to do it too. This is kinda my fantasy after all.'
Michelle took a long breath, feeling Trisha's heaving breaths and watching her sweating body in the dim light.
'I want to do y- this.' Michelle corrected quickly, and Trisha groaned, another shudder going through her. Michelle took the opportunity to press herself close, hands clutching and mouth barely touching her idol's neck.
'Tell me what you want me to do.' Trisha's body convulsed, and she cried out, not so loud, but not quiet.
'Oh yes, that's so good. So good.' She moaned as she stopped moving. Michelle pulled her hands back slightly.
'No, you keep going.' she snapped, 'I'm telling you what to do, right?'
'Mhmmm' Michelle breathed into Trisha's ear, and the severity of her tone dropped.
'Good, then you are not to stop until I say so. Just... touch me.'
And Michelle did not stop, her hands caressing every inch of her idol, softly, then not so softly, just as she sometimes did to herself in the quiet of her own bed, and was rewarded with the sounds of pleasure Trisha made, ever increasing. Michelle's lips touched softly at Trisha's neck and shoulder, and slowly, seeing the effect it had on her trembling consort, she began to explore further, licking up to Trisha's ear and then down between her shoulder blades, finding what her new lover enjoyed. Licks turned into soft kisses and when she planted a kiss at the top of Trisha's neck, she made another brief convulsion, screaming just briefly into the pillow beside her.
'Oh yes, so good, you are so good.' she repeated briefly, choking the words out. 'You. I... I need you; I need you to touch me down there.'
Michelle had teased at Trisha's sex, largely out of instinct, but although the effect on her new paramour was astounding, she didn't know if she could handle that way of pleasuring the other girl. She whispered in Trisha's ear, with urgency.
'I don't know if I can do that...'
The sound of irritation that came out of Trisha's mouth was almost feral, and she turned to Michelle.
'I'm telling you you can do it. I'm telling you to do it. I need you. Now.'
Michelle looked into Trish's eyes, seeing the girl she worshipped full of need and want, and she was able to help, how could she not. Trish stared back, and repeated slowly.
'I need it, Michelle, your fingers.'
Her mouth was parted slightly, breath uneven. Michelle's instinct jumped again and she pressed her lips against Trish's in a wanton kiss, her hands sliding down the older girl's hips to her vulva, teasing the lips slightly before sliding into the heat.
Trish's resistance gave out entirely. The kiss deepened quickly as Trish's tongue tested Michelle's mouth and found willing acceptance. The angry need was softened by the soft yet persistent penetration of Michelle's fingers between Trish's legs and soon Trish began to buck against it. Michelle reluctantly allowed her lover's kiss to end, and resumed her position behind Trish, fingers never stopping their careful pressure on her sex. Just like she did to herself, Michelle found Trish's clitoris and began to stroke it just the way she liked it and was gratified to find that Trish's body began to contort just as her own did. Michelle kept up the pressure, lightly pressing back and forth, one finger just slightly dipping inside her paramour, and the other hand just holding her to Michelle's own now-sensitive breasts.
Trisha's cries began to deepen, a soft repetitive noise became a demanding gasp, and Michelle continued as Trish began to breathe heavily, her beautiful chest expanding in and out. Her body began to stiffen, but still, the final climax would not come.
'Arrrrgh!' Trish yelled, 'I need this, so bad, I need you, Michelle, I neeeed thissssss.' She hissed
She let her own hands, previously steadily gripping the bedcover, attend to her own body, pulling at one nipple with abandon.
'Michelle?' She called, her hips bucking
'Kiss me, now.' This was no request, it was a demand, and Michelle found herself all too happy to agree, pulling her lover's lips to hers and letting her fingers deliver her lover.
Trisha's body shuddered, her legs quivering as she came thunderously, though no noise came through Michelle's lips as the two girls held their passionate embrace.
Finally, Trisha relaxed, her hips falling back to the bed, and Michelle withdrew her fingers, sliding up to Trisha's shoulders, holding her as they continued to kiss, tongues dancing, bodies pressed together with barely fulfilled need.
The kiss went on for some time, Trish holding Michelle to her fiercely before she finally broke it and lay her head back on the pillow with a loud breath.
'You're sure not into girls? That was incredible. I don't think I've ever been so turned on in my life, or come so hard.'
Michelle shrugged, 'I'm a good personal assistant?'
They laughed. 'The best.' Trish agreed.
'Think you can get some sleep now?' Michelle asked.
'Well, I'm certainly relaxed now, that's for sure,' the older girl agreed, and Michelle pulled the covers up, closing her eyes.
There was a brief silence. Michelle was exhausted by what she'd done, yet strangely fulfilled. She pointedly ignored the heat between her own legs, however.
A few minutes passed, and finally, Trish's breathing returned to normal. Michelle prepared to go to sleep, but then...
'Can I tell you another secret, Michelle?' Trish asked suddenly, her voice strangely hoarse.
'After that? I think you can.' She laughed, but Trish didn't.
'I fantasized about all those guys and what they'd do to me if they could,' her voice was strangely intent, 'and I fantasized about how much I'd love that, but you know what else?'
Michelle's heart started again, pounding against her chest.
'Wh-what' she barely whispered.
'I always kinda wanted to do it to another girl, too. To do what I wanted to her.'
Michelle's heart jumped again, she swallowed, hard.
'To touch her, tease her.'
Trisha's eyes locked on Michelle's.
'Make her touch me. Make her try a girl for the first time, maybe.'
She licked her lips
'To make her mine.'
She closed the space between her own body and Michelle's, now face to face, and put one arm on her assistant's shoulder.
'To make her cum.'
Trisha's arm slid down to the towel around Michelle, barely held in place.
'You did a good job, Michelle; you were a very good girl.' Her voice took on a playful, naughty tone, 'and I think you should be rewarded for that.'
She pulled one edge of the towel slowly, and Michelle didn't resist at all as it fell away, exposing her fully.
'I want to do all those things to you, Michelle, let me make you mine.'
Michelle's voice abandoned her. She tried to speak, but no words came out. She nodded.
'Good girl.'
Trisha pulled Michelle close now, pulling her hips close to her lover's, and then their chests. Michelle's already sensitive body responding instantly to make her nipples hard.
'Ooh, excitable, are we?' Trish noted, running one hand down Michelle's side as the younger girl, starstruck, let her idol do as she pleased. Michelle barely managed to swallow, feeling so stunned that this was happening, and then again stunned at how much she wanted it, she felt a hand on her back and Trish pulled her close, landing her soft lips back on Michelle's.
Their previous kisses had been those of unbridled passion, hot and explosive, but this kiss was more gentle, more loving. Michelle finally had the chance to reflect on that sweet, spicy flavour in Trisha's sweat, and noted that it seemed to follow to her lips, concluding only that this was the flavour of Trish herself. The only further thought she was capable of was that she might just be addicted to it.
Trisha's tongue again tested Michelle, and again the younger girl acquiesced, allowing them to play as Trish's body played against her own. Trish's hands were not teasing yet so much as investigating, stroking down the curve of her hips, up her back and then down, finding the perfect curve of her ass and down her legs then back up. Finally they tested her stomach and up to her chest, finding both of their breasts and down, always tantalizingly close to Michelle's sex before moving on again.
Trisha's kiss became more aggressive, holding Michelle tightly so her mind could only focus on sensation, and then pushing her assistant onto her back before straddling her and pulling away. She threw the covers away from their bodies and then looked down at Michelle's nude body.
The younger girl tried to put her hands over her breasts, but Trisha just tutted, smiling gently as she pulled them away. Michelle was surprised to find her idol was startlingly strong.
'Uh-uh, I said I was going to do what I wanted, and what did you say?'
Trisha sat atop her, holding her wrists lightly, and waited, but Michelle's panic subsided as Trisha spoke. Despite the words, the tone was clear; she was playing, and Michelle could stop this whenever she wanted, all she had to do was say so. Oddly, that made it perfectly clear what she wanted to say.
'I said I'd be yours, and you could do whatever you wanted.'
'Yes. Mine.' Trish purred, and put her lips to Michelle's again in a brief kiss, before pulling away and then kissing at her neck, still holding the younger girl's wrists.
'And mine to play with,' She said, pulling her tongue down Michelle's collarbone and in the valley of her cleavage, before pulling under one large breast, swirling to the nipple. She sucked on it for a second and Michelle's mind blanked.
Trisha let Michelle's wrists go as the resistance drained from her lover, and she let one hand drift to the other breast, kneading it gently and toying with the nipple with a thumb.
'You know,' she said, tweaking it lightly and hearing Michelle squeak, 'I think I finally get why it's so fun to play with these.'
She bent down and bit one nipple lightly, and Michelle moaned, back arching to follow as Trish pulled away.
'Nice big breasts,' Trish noted, almost clinically, 'but so...' she grabbed her own, pulling away till she held only the nipple and groaned, '... sensitive.' She repeated the process on Michelle with similar effect, her assistant's face contorting in pleasure.
'Now, the real question,' she said, maintaining the same clinical tone as she stroked a finger down Michelle's neck, around one breast and then up to her soft lips, watching Michelle try to find it with her tongue, 'Is what should I do with you?'
'What... do you mean?' Michelle managed out between hoarse breaths.
'I mean that I have a number of options,' she pulled herself off of Michelle, but before the younger girl could move, Trisha's tongue was back on her, licking her breasts and then down her stomach before coming back up, 'You did a very good job, didn't you?'
She planted a kiss on Michelle's lips, her hand stroking down Michelle's flat stomach, ever so slowly.
'You used your fingers on me for the first time, and it was...' She paused, leaning into her lover's ear, dropping the playful tone 'It was amazing, I'm not even playing, that was amazing, Michelle, I haven't come like that in years.'
She licked Michelle's jaw before pulling back and resuming the playfulness ‘and I could do the same to you, I think I could do a very good job.' Her fingers approached Michelle's sex as she spoke, sliding over the lips of her vulva and then back up, with Michelle's hips following until she couldn't lift anymore. The assistant made an insistent noise.
'Or I could do something a little more... intimate' She enunciated the word by licking her lips and then stroking Michelle's sex with a soft finger. The assistant looked up at Trisha, who winked and stuck out her tongue, and Michelle felt the brief panic again, before Trisha's hands moved at her lower lips and the need came over her. The teasing was good, so good, but Michelle needed more.
Trish waited, hands working slowly, and Michelle's hips began to buck against Trisha's fingers slowly, working into a frenzy before the older girl pulled away.
Trisha lay down beside Michelle, and let on hand stroll up and down Michelle's torso, soft stomach and breasts, whispering in the assistant's ear.
'I'm not going to do anything you don't want, you just have to tell me what's ok.' she said, emphasizing it by squeezing Michelle's breast, which elicited a soft mewl. Michelle felt the lust inside, and Trisha's words again settled her nerves. The level of trust and respect she was showing just made Michelle even more willing. She turned to her idol, and spoke clearly.
'I'm yours, do whatever you want to me.'
Trisha's responding grin was almost predatory.
'Yessss, Mine.' She said, pulling herself back on top of Michelle with a kiss, but then pulling herself down her assistant's body, kissing and licking all the way. She stopped briefly at Michelle's belly button and gave it a soft kiss, then smirked up at her paramour.
'You're letting me live out a bunch of my fantasies tonight.'
She licked Michelle's hipbone, the sensitive touch making the younger girl squirm.
'Ever since Meg first seduced me-'
Michelle looked own incredulously, but Trish grinned and licked down one thigh, and then spoke again.
'Yup, it was Meg Turney's first week at sourcefed, and she knew what she wanted, and she went and got it. She told me that she fantasized about dragging me into the broom closet and making me scream.'
She licked down Michelle's other thigh, all the way to the bottom, just tasting Michelle's labia, cleanly shaven and smooth, before pulling back and continuing her story.
'She had to wait until everyone else had left, but when she saw me glance at that closet, she just grabbed me by the hair and pulled me in.'
Trisha pulled a pillow from the front of the bed and lifted Michelle's ass up, copping a comfortable feel as she did it.
'She made me come 9 times that night.' She looked up to Michelle, 'It took her almost 8 hours, so you know, you just made me come way harder in like half an hour.'
Michelle felt an unexpected blush of pride, and an odd hunger to do so again, but her mind blanked as Trish kept talking, lips idly teasing at Michelle's most sensitive areas.
'Ever since, I've known I had a thing for girls. Not all girls, mind you, but some.'
She kissed Michelle's sex, and breathed hotly on it, then paused.
'Wanna know a secret?'
She waited, letting her breath tease, as Michelle agonized.
'Well, do you?'
'Y-yes?' Michelle managed out.
'I was fantasizing about you in the shower when you came out the first time. Fantasizing about doing this to you, how you'd look when I ate you out.'
Michelle felt a flood of arousal flow through her as Trish confessed, but it was all overwhelmed by the feeling of her idol's hot tongue invading her sex. Michelle let out an immediate moan.
'This is just how I hoped you'd taste.' She admitted, pulling away for just a second before teasing her tongue down one lip and then inside again.
'I even hoped you were shaven, not that I'd mind.' She searched for the clitoris and found it by the rush of breath from Michelle, then pulled away.
'It was what I was hoping we'd do tonight, I was gonna fuck you.' Trisha herself moaned at that, her dirty talk evidently for her own benefit, even as Michelle continued to find herself stunningly aroused by the confessions.
'But this is even better than I was hoping. Now I get fulfill a bunch of fantasies all at once.' She sought the clit again, teasing it with her tongue steadily for a moment, and letting the pressure build in Michelle, with repeated gasps to establish her approach, but then pulled away, maddeningly.
'Pleaaaaase' Michelle gasped.
'Please what?' Trisha teased, licking just once, enough to get Michelle's hips pushed towards her face.
'I need it, Trisha.' Michelle whined.
'Need what? I want to hear you say it.' Trisha licked again, and Michelle made an insistent grunt again.
'Make me cum! Please!' Michelle demanded, and Trisha complied, teasing her with her wicked tongue again until pulling away.
'Why!?' Michelle yelled, her hands pulled against the bedspread.
'I'm doing what I want, remember?' Trisha teased, and Michelle groaned.
'Nooooooo. I need this, pleeeeease'
'Well, maybe, after all, what I wanted was to make you cum, so... cum for me.' And with that, Trisha began to play Michelle's body like an instrument. Her tongue teased unmercifully at Michelle's sex, while her hands sought out Michelle's breasts, pushing her to that inevitable climax that she finally reached with a shudder, her body tensing until she was spent, and she fell limp onto the bed.
Trisha brought the pillow out from underneath her, and crawled back up to face Michelle, just watching her with a strange amount of adoration in her eyes. Michelle leant over slightly and kissed her softly, not caring about the taste of her own arousal on her new lover's lips.
'Wow.' Michelle said.
'Wow is right.' Trisha agreed, 'you don't feel bad about any of that, right? Like, I know this was fast, but you're cool? I wanted to make sure before I did anything.'
Michelle smiled and pulled her idol - her friend - tight, 'No, that was great. I... I didn't know it was gonna happen, but I'm so glad it did. I've... never quite felt like that before.'
'Still not into girls?' Trish asked, grinning.
'Not most girls, but there might be some.' Michelle agreed. They both laughed.
There was a silence. In the darkness, the two held each other for a moment in the serenity that follows good intimacy.
'This is really cold, you know.' Trish said, 'can we get the blanket back?'
Bundled back up in bed, the two naked women began to drift off to sleep.
'Still think this won't affect anything tomorrow?' Michelle asked.
'Tomorrow at the con? No way.' Trish offered, 'You're still the best personal assistant I've ever had, but...'
'But what?' Michelle sounded a little frantic at that, and Trisha felt her body tense.
'Tomorrow night, it might affect something. You've got the long weekend right?'
'I think I can fit it into my schedule.'
'Then I think we'll be just fine.'
'Good. Goodnight, Trisha.' Michelle snuggled closer to her friend.
'Goodnight, Michelle.' the older girl responded.
There was a brief pause, and they began to drift off to sleep. Michelle took a look at the clock as her eyes closed, but suddenly realized.
'You know we have to be up in about 45 minutes for the first panel prep, right?'
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1583a90b68fbf7cdfbd0e349529d571658356938016196cbc2be254267d21e7b | 37,561 | 3 | Chapter 3 - The Unspeakable Act |
WARNING: EXTREMELY EXPLICIT & GRAPHIC CHAPTER! Do not proceed if you're not okay with #frottage #gay #futa #gagging #incest #lesbian #cumloads #twistedshit
"Writer's Note about MUSIC: For a good track to listen to that should cover the entire read, plus also put you in the zone I was in while writing, that capture the mood in this scene, I recommend you cue up this track and then start reading: - Enjoy, but not too much."
After that game, this is what happened-
The smell of sex filled that room. Pussy smell, dick cum scent, and young arousing musks enchanted the air.
The females started making out and fingering their dripping pussy blossoms while Ampari, with an available hand, stroked her brother Gram's cock. Gram was laying beside Toshi, and slumped over his hips sucking into his mouth on Toshi's tiny all rubbery and fleshy dick, and sticking his tongue in between the inside of the foreskin and the hardening pink shaft, until he was able to push the skin back to be able to wrap his lips over the rim of Toshi's head, and suck it outward more, revealing the head finally, without using his hands at all.
Mar was 69ing Seshi, and Seshi from underneath was tonguing Mar's tight little pink asshole, gaping it with her firm tongue. By now, Ampari disconnected from the girls and was sucking Gram's cock hard and furiously, making it get so hard and big. Long strips of phlegm and mucus hung from her chin and were spewing out her mouth from how deep she was taking her virgin brother's fresh young dick down the back of her throat. She was gagging, but kept going while Gram kept sucking Toshi off. Ampari skillfully took off her socks using only her own feet, and shoved one little foot into Gram's face and in between his lips and the little hard cock he was so deliciously blowing. He took Ampari's lavender-smelling foot and Toshi's cumstick both at the same time into his wanting mouth, as it stretched open. While one of Ampari's feet was being blown, with her other foot she spread her legs wide opened and shoved it into Seshi's ass while Mar topped Seshi, eating and sucking her fat and slimy pussy. Mar spit on Ampari's foot so it would slide in and out more nicely, and then Mar unsaddled her sis, knowing she was about to bust an orgasmic tarty load. Seshi rolled over and squatted over Toshi's face and let out a gallon of pink pussy juice, white cum, clear spit, and warm slippery liquids all over the young face of this darling who's the center of a fantastic dream sexual encounter. As Seshi is cumming all over him, Mar straddles Toshi, her opened slimy little twat right up against Gram's face who's sucking Toshi's femcock and Ampari's foot, and she lets out a huge splashy stream of her own white pussy juices, sticky liquids, hot piss, and warm cum....everything that she can produce, all over them.
They are rabidv (the heart beats are pumping, it's getting twisted amped) and so rambunctious by now, everyone moaning from the ecstasy like animals about to start fucking each other raw.
Mar's ass arched high in the air, curved upward with her asshole gaping and oozing nectar, begins drinking what's coming out of Seshi's pussy, and begging for cock, in a mantra.
So Ampari, stops footing Gram's mouth and gets on her knees, and says to Gram,
"Today you will fuck a futa pussy, my brother."
She pries his mouth off Toshi's dick and detaches them, and Toshi looks up at Ampari with a look in his eyes of fear, uncertainty, and shame.
Ampari gets beside Toshi, and says in a gentle, motherly voice, "Don't be afraid my little babygirl. Mommy is going to make sure everything is better," and she bends downward and starts tonguing the fuck out of Toshi's face, mouth, ears, licking his neck, eyeballs, shoving her tongue in his nostrils, between his gums and lips, sucks and swallows his saliva for sustenance.
She then gently shuffles over to her brother, who's just kneeling, as she pets her sister Mar on her back, and teases her asshole and pussya little, and Seshi joins on the other side of Toshi who's being topped by Mar.
They begin a hypnotic moaning and massaging ritual, putting both Toshi and Gram into a trance, as Mar turns around and sits on Toshi's face now. Her face is now right over the young bottom's uncut hardened cock. So Mar takes her hands and pulls up the draped balls of Toshi, that is covering his little virgin boypussy. She moves the folds of his ball's skin out of the way, by cupping them all in her left hand- Toshi's testicles are retracted inside him now.
With her right hand she pushes open the fat top of Toshi's pussy, revealing that perfectly intact watery little hymen, and looks up at her brother's cock.
Ampari directs Gram closer, "Let her suck you like you love," she says to him.
Mar opens her mouth, yearning and begging for his dick to be inserted down way into her throat, and lets out a long deep moan of relief as he stuffs her generous mouth.
She cums out of her pussy and asshole immediately the moment the hot tip of his cock lands on her tongue, and it all spills on young Toshi's face.
Seshi smiles and looks at Toshi, and in a sisterly and reassuring voice says, "Drink, little babygirl. HeeHee."
"Drink, my little sweet baby, it's good for you and mommy wants you to," adds Ampari. She spreads her sister's ass cheeks wider so the waterfall of cum rushes straight down in a nice steady flow.
Mar lowers her head down and starts licking around Toshi's virgin pussy. Every 3 circles, she licks straight down his slit, as she keeps opening it more and more, until she is munching where his asshole meets his pussy, sliding her tongue inside of his tarty pussy.
Toshi starts squirming and there's an expression of anguish on his face.
Mommy Ampari puts her forehead against his, and looks him straight in the eyes, and whispers, "It's okay babygirl. You're gong to make it, and mommy is not going to let it hurt. Trust mommy's words, baby."
While Seshi pets and tends to everyone as a general fuck slave, using her hands to switch between rubbing Mar all over her back, ass, and hair, to squeezing Gram's balls and scratching his hard stomach with her nails, and running her fingers all over Toshi, Ampari positions herself next to Toshi's head.
They were all comforting each other passionately, and in the most sensual erotic ways possible.
Ampari says, "Here you go, little baby girl," and begins squeezing milk from her huge saggy tits' nipples for Toshi.
"Are you listening to me?" she asks.
Toshi mumbles a sounds, "Mmm-Hmm," from beneath Mar's hairy snatch.
"Address me as mommy, you little cum slut," she groans while still lactating, spewing thick milk all over her sister's gaping asshole, and letting it drip into Toshi's mouth.
"Yes, mommy, I'm sorry, mommy" he says.
"Good little cummy princess," she says. By now, Gram's dick is big, proportional to his body.'s four inches long, bent upward, deep red, and heavy veiny.
The side of it looked like it wanted to explode, as Mar was in a trance, taking mother's milk all over her ass and pussy, and Gram's fat little cock tapping her on the face.
Ampari moves to the other side, by Toshi's feet, and detaches Gram's dick from his sister's mouth, while her tongue hangs out, as she cries for more dick to eat. "No, mommy, uhh, I want baby bo's peecocky in my mouth, mommy! I wanna!" That makes her release another wave of orgasms, keeping Toshi occupied and very hydrated.
"Shhh. There, there, little babysis, you'll get more again. Now hush and keep cumming for me, you fucking little cocksucker," mommy demands.
Seshi giggles and moves behind Gram and starts gently scratching his back, and running her nails all over him, and between his ass cheeks and around his asshole. Ampari brings her sister Mar up to a seated position, now all her weight on her pussy and sitting on Toshi's face. Toshi begins gasping, and is also now in a groaning trance as he acts like Mar's own personal pussy pump.
The elder sister spreads Toshi's leg as far open as they can be parted, and takes a cushion, and slides it under his lower back for comfort like a good mommy. His pelvis is now higher, and his little dick flapped up now over his underbelly, with little sticky drops of precum leaving webs of cum where ever his dick tip touches. The elasticity in his precum is so strong and heavy, that there's still one webby line of his cum attached from his tip to one of Mar's tits.
Ampari begins lesbian tongue wrestling with Seshi, both of them behind Gram, and starts fingering Seshi's pussy, and scooping out her thick white cum, and transferring it over onto Toshi's pussy.
She rubs it all over the top and inside it, but is careful to not poke or tear his hymen.
With her other hand, she scoops out a glob of thick cum cream from the inside of her own pussy, and starts lubricating her brother's asshole. She slides a finger in and out gently, each time a little deeper, until she has one all the way to the knuckle inside him.
With Toshi's pussy now pointing up at an angle, while he's pinned down by Mar's fat cummy twat and asshole, she tells Mar to spit in one of her own hands, and start lubing Gram's dick really nicely. She does as her big mommy sister commands, and Gram is now having his asshole penetrated by one sister, while another one strokes his cock.
"Not to fast and hard. I don't want him to cum before mommy says he can, my baby sissy daughter," says Ampari softly.
"Yes, mommy. Your baby knows how baby strokes his dicky good, momma." she replies, as a little more new cum squirts out of her ass and pussy holes from dirty talking.
Meanwhile, Toshi is in pure heaven, feeling magnetic, as they start getting in a breathing rhythm together.
Seshi voluntarily starts playing with mommy sis's pussy lips, pinching them, fingering her, and rubbing around and in Ampari's pussy hole, making it very wet. Then with her other hand she takes her own slippery cum from her pussy and rubs it all over Ampari's asshole, and slides all her fingers in nicely, inch by inch, until her entire hand disappears into her sister's dirty widened firm asshole. Seshi straddles one of Ampari's feet, which is aimed backwards since they're both on their knees, Seshi behind, and lifts the foot up some more, almost hyper extending it. But Ampari is a very flexible dancer, and has beautifully arched feet, so in coordination with her sister, she points her toes firmly back, and Seshi rams her open pussy up against the foot and pops it inside herself all the way up to the ankle. Immediately cream starts gushing out the sides of the opening of her plump nubile cunt.
One last thing left to do...
With one hand now deep in her brother's fuckhole, and the other one around the front, being spit on by Mar and used to stroke Gram's fuck stick, she grips the dick by the base, and points it at Toshi's pussy hole. Mar opens the pussy and is on 'balls duty', making sure they are out of the way, and his little hard dick dangling upward.
Gram looks down at this glorious divine cherry hole, as his cock lets out some heavier drops of webby precum, and sees the inside of Toshi's pussy pumping, his hymen inflating, and deflating, pulsating in sync with all their rhythm and breaths.
His strawberry shaped head moves over her vulva, and Mar uses one of her hands to open Grams urethra and wrap it over Toshi's clitty, which by now is almost looking like a second but even smaller dick. Toshi's clit begins sliding in and out of Gram's pisshole, making the couple extremely hyper aroused, and sending uncontrollable shocks through their bodies.
Mar detaches the head from the clit, and sticks a finger inside her brother's urethra, and scoops out cum so she can rub on her nipples, and tongue.
"Mommy is so proud of all her little cum babies," Ampari whispers in a caring soft voice.
Everyone is so happy and feeling gloriously that mommy is so pleased with her babies.
Then Ampari begins to focus, "Ok my little babygirl, your little peepee is ready for cummy cums and primed for my brother's dick. Just relax, and keep breathing, and focus on the pussy juices Mar is making for you, and the feeling inside your pussy will feel so good, my baby girl. Mmm'kay?"
"Mommy....mommy." grunts Toshi, and begins almost weeping.
"Honey, you do't need to do that. Mommy is here, right? Mommy is not going to let anything bad happen to her little girl. Ok, sweetie?"
Toshi just nods in agreement, and an expression of relief takes over his face gestures.
Ampari pushes Gram by the inside of his asshole, and with two fingers inside him hooked over his prostate, controls the angle of Grams dick, and it's movements like a puppet.
She looks over at Mar, who is smiling like the sex deviant she is, looking madly insane and rabid, like a Harley Quinn of sorts with both hands grabbing her brother's love pipe, and pulls him right up against Toshi's cunny opening.
With her free hand under Gram, Ampari uses two fingers to spread open Toshi's pussy lips, and Gram pops the tip of his dick into his pussy for the first time.
Half of the head barely goes in, so mommy use the fingers inside her brother's ass to angle his cock in a more downward slanted direction, because his dick is bent upwards. If she doesn't do this, then Gram will have to push very hard to fit the head inside this tiny little new cunny opening, and mommy doesn't want that for her little babygirl- Toshi.
Now his head goes in a little smoother, right up until the edge that separates it from the rest of the dick, and in one smooth slow forward movement, pops it inside completely. >POP!<
Toshi lets out a squirmy pleasant moan, as the sisters hearing this release another wave of slime and cum and squirt water and piss out their holes, flooding everywhere.
With the hand that is beneath Gram, Ampari sticks a finger inside Toshi and puts the tip of her longest finger between Grams pisshole and Toshi's heymen, to controls his about-to-be-popped pussy activity.
With the other hand that's fucking Gram's ass, she once again wiggles her finger puppet dick in a wavy motion, to make sure it's smoothly inside Toshi, and not grinding against anything, like his pussy wall, or that a pussy lip is curled inwardly.
"Mommy is going to take over mommy's little baby girl and boy, ok? Babygirl, mommy is going to be the one pushing in, okay. Make mommy proud, sweet princess."
"Mmhmmm," nods Toshi, as he bites down and sucks on one of Mar's pussy lips for comfort.
Ampari spreads her ass and legs wider, as to position herself well for the next move- the most important one of all. Meanwhile, her foot is ripping Seshi's pussy hole, who's in her own little world of pleasure and in a freakish and powerful horny zone. She keeps her fist inside mommy, too, while scooping up the cum that is coming our of her's and mommy's pussy, and throwing it in her mouth to eat and drink.
Mar is now sucking her brother's tongue, helping mommy to hold the dick and Toshi's pussy in place. Mommy points the two fingers inside Gram's shithole up which makes his dick point down, as she gently applies forward force, and the cock begins descending slowly into Toshi.
The boys both growl and groan, moan and breath heavier.
Mommy pulls it back, and then deeper, gently, little by little until she feels a little >click< feeling on the prostate, that resonated from Toshi's pussy up Gram's shaft.
"There we are, princess. You see how gentle mommy is and how much mommy loves you?"
Toshi, "Mmm-hmm."
"Does it feel good, my little babygirls?"
This time both Gram and Toshi moan 'mm-hmms' for mommy.
" are going to get ready for some cummy cums for mommy, okay babies?"
"Yes, mommy, please, I want your cummy cums. Please....please," Toshi replied lively.
"Here we go, all my slut sweeties..." mommy comforts.
Mar: "I'm gon'....going to cum mommy, oh god, I'm cumming! Please!"
Mommy: "Cum your tits and that pussy out, my little baby angel, yes, cum for your mommy, baby," and Mar starts shaking as a huge orgasm is about to escape.
Seshi: "Mommy, your foot's hurting my cunny but it feels so fucking good. Yeah, fuck my cunny mommy. Ohhhh! Fuck it mommy, oh god, yes! I'm gonna cum mommy, yes! I'm gonna cum all over your fucking sexy archy foot, fuck yeah, mommy! Please? Please??? Oh, god!"
Mommy: " Yes, my little foot fucker whore. Mmmm, cum, babygirl. Mommy wants your cummies all over her foot and then for you to blow my foot until you choke on it and your own slutty creams, baby! Fuck that foot, little bitch. MMmm, yeah. Fuck those toes deep up your snatch like the little cum slut that you are, my sweet little babybitch."
Ampari starts loading up a huge batch of her own cum and pussy cream that fills her up, fills her bladder, her cervix, uterus, and even forces it way up to her kidneys from how much she's producing. But mommy does kegels all the time, and she knows how to squeeze her pussy hard so nothing leaks out until she relaxes is fucking damn well want to release. She's tense, like a horse.
Gram: "Oh my god, mommy, I'm going to fucking cum, oh, yes, oh god! Mommy! Can I come in here little pussy? Uggh! Huh?? Yeah, HahMmmmm--"
- but mommy abruptly pinches the sides of his prostate and rejects the cock from squirting.
Mommy: "No you don't, babyboy. Not until mommy lets you. And not inside of my little princess, you nasty little cocksucker."
Gram: "Yes! Yeah- hah. Oh god, what ever you say mommy! Fuck that asshole, mommy! Fuck!"
"Good boy," says Ampari. Even her at this point can't hold it, so she looks down at Toshi one more time and says, "Are you ready to cum for mommy now, babygirl?"
Toshi: " Hayeahhh. Oh, fuck, god. How, mommy? How, I can't feel my pussy anymore, only my clit and dick! Where do--how do you want it momma? "
Mommy: " You'll see now, princess. Mommy will help you make cummies for me, and I'll eat it like ice cream, babygirl. Mmhmm. I can't wait, ooOh."
Toshi: Yes, mommy, oh god, I feel it now, I think I'm cum--ming...but....from my ....ow, fuck...dick. Oh, god! It feels like it's going to pop, mommy! Mommy, ow! Help me, please, oh fuck, wow!"
Mommy: "There you go, my little baby Futa. That's how you do it! Give it to mommy! Let it pop, babygirl! Let it cum hard for mommy and your sisters! Shoot me that fucking cum you fucking whore!"
Ampari now jerks her arm forward, something she has been carefully waiting for the right moment to do, and ram's her brother's rock hard dick as deep as it can go into Toshi's little freshly popped pussy, and jams the head and shaft all the way through the heymen, as Toshi lets out a tremendously sexy moan-cry.
She had been waiting until all of them were in such agony from pleasure and edging, so that Toshi barely notices when her pussy was really being popped and busted.
Toshi started bleeding, but very little and didn't even notice, and it mixed with cum that had been dripping out his pussy before Gram's dick went inside it.
Finally- Ampari snaps her fingers inside Grams asshole deep, and scratches his prostate, then pinches it hard to rip him out of Toshi using this internal grip, and quickly pulls the inflated dick out of Toshi----
She rams her brother's cock hard into Toshi, this time up his unused asshole, which caught both Gram and Toshi off guard, as they both let out a loud gasp! Mommy, with one snap of her fingers inside Gram, right on his prostate, induces his climax and makes him have an explosive long-awaited sissygasm, and out of his dick hole the hardest and most thickest cum he has ever squirted bursts out and everywhere!
*At the same time, as Gram's dick was viciously sliding into his anus, Toshi's little dick stood up and made am involuntary hopping motion pointing upward, doing pushup motions, and let out a thick bursting fountain of a cum load, all over Mar's face and heavy tits, and some even made it into her mouth and inside Gram's mouth too. They all had their tongues sticking out! So any cream from the cum fountains that started shooting everywhere could easily make it in all their mouths!
*Seshi explodes a hot cumfilled load out and all over mommy's foot, then goes done to gag herself on it and deepthroat mommy's foot.
*As mommy feels that happening, mommy lets out the Alpha moan, and gallons of cum start shooting out from her pussy, her asshole, and titty holes, in all directions, covering her babies with her bursts of warm cummies firing out of all her holes!
*Mar starts cumming more from her tits all over Gram's throbbing cock, and on Toshi's dick and pussy, which makes both Toshi and Gram shoot another hot load out of their yummy firm dicks!
*While they are cumming at the same time, like fire crackers exploding, one lighting the other, orgasming multiple times, Ampari pushes Mar off Toshi and guides him to get up, which he can barely do, and uses her free hand to dock the guys' cocks together. Gram's dick slit inside Toshi's dick. Mommy looks over at Mar, and with her other hand still inside her brother's back pussy, she winks, and Mar violently rams one hand up Toshi's ass and makes him analgasm. At the same time, mommy squeezes Gram's prostate one more time and he shoots out a sticky fresh batch of his sperm into Toshi cock!
"Mommy wants to breed you, now, babies," says Ampari.
"I want my brother to make a little baby for mommy with his cummies inside of Toshi's dick, right now!"
The boys continue cumming together and into each others urethras and dicks, under the control of the women who have their hands inserted inside them from the back, like slutty jizz puppets.
She winks at Mar one more time, and they both pull their fuck fists out the assholes of the boys, but tthe cocks stay hooked to each other from Toshi's uncut dick hood sucking and covering the head of Gram's dick! Every second, their dicks inflate and fill up like balloons until Ampari grabs both of the plump shafts, and quickly disconnects them and shoves both of them in her mouth!
The boys explode whipped creamy cum loads and sperm bubbles all inside mommy's mouth, as Mar and Seshi bend over and aim their cunts at mommy, spread their asses, and shoot massive thick streams of pussy juice and cum all over mommy. This was mommy's best shower ever, and all of them came multiple times at the same time.
(KNOCK, KNOCK) - at the door!
"Hey, what's going on in there?" - said one of the adults......
They'll lie their little slutbags assess off and find an excuse for the mess....and they all became friends and family from that experience.
-except, there was one brother missing....
Subsets and Splits