BR - Audio (finetuning ASR en breton)
Des audios avec leurs transcriptions en breton.
7 items
Dataset origin:
We collected data from Breton dialects to study their prosody and how they inform the syntax-phonology interface. The protocols comprise elicitations and free corpora from Kerne and Treger. The free corpus files include self-portraits of native Breton speakers in their eighties in 2022. The elicited files consist of the results of a pronunciation task created by the authors.
doi = {10.34847/COCOON.3626DBEC-0905-4A59-A6DB-EC09054A59F7},
url = {},
author = {{Jouitteau, Mélanie} and {Elfner, Emily} and {Torres-Tamarit, Francesc}},
keywords = {Celtic, Prosody, bre},
language = {br},
title = {The prosody of Breton dialects and the syntax-phonology interface},
publisher = {Centre de recherches sur la langue et les textes basques},
year = {2023}