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- Intriguing. | ◄▴◓◠▨ ◨▽◠▦◈◬◓▪▼◬▵ |
He would need to repeat his vows in the land of the living and drink from the wine of ages. | ▽◪◎◗▦◫▦◫ ▫▴▨◓◠◓ ▴▫◎◪▱◫ ◚▴ ◞◧▦◞▾▢▱◨▨ ◒◠◓◠◀▪▦◈◠▦ ◫◉◎▴▱◫▵ |
You couldn't even answer my texts? | ◄▴◞◠▸▱◠◓▪◎◠ ◀◫▱◪ ▼◪◚◠▻ ◚▴◓▴◎◪◈◗▦ ◎◫? |
How fast do you go? | ▯◪ ▨◠◈◠◓ ◞◭◓◠▫ ◳◠▻◬◳◧◓ ◞▴▦◗▦▨◫? |
He's talking about a few right here in Lisbon, mostly Jews who have escaped the Germans, that's all. | ◈◠ ◧▱◠▦ ◀◫◓ ▨◠◉ ◂▱◠▽◈◠▦ ◀◠▷◞◪◈◗◳◧◓■ ◉◧◐▾▦▱◨◐▾ ○▱◎◠▦▱◠◓◈◠▦ ▨◠◉◠▦ ▽◠▷◨◈◫▱▴◓▵ |
For instance, Ben is not a guy who skips work. | ◝▴▦ ◫◒▫◪▦ ▨◠◳▫◠◓◠▼◠▨ ◀◗◓◫ ◈▴◐◫▱◈◗◓▵ |
Goodbye, Jakob. | ▭◂◒◉◠ ▨◠▱ ◡◠▨◂◀▵ |
Sure beats the foam domes round here. | ◝◨◓◠◈◠▨◗ ▷◪◓▨◪◞◫ ◳◠▽◠ ◀◬◓◠▨▪◓▵ |
Oh, wait a second! | ◝◪▨▱▴ ◀◗◓ ◞◠▦◗▽▴! |
The time is now. | ◁◠◎◠▦ ◒◗◎◈◫▵ |
Our creditors are voting with their pocketbook by buying up our debt. | ◢◓▴◈◗ ◚◪◓▴▦▱◪◓◫◎◫▢ ◀◂◓◉▱◠◓▪◎▪▢◬ ◞◠▫▪▦ ◠▱◠◓◠▨ ▦◂▫ ◈◪◍▫◪◓▱◪◓◫◳▱◪ ◧▽ ◚▴◓◫◳◂◓▱◠◓▵ |
Over there. | ◤▴◓◗▦◫▢■ ▷◪◎▴▦ ◒▾◓◠◞▪▵ |
She-- she's the purple sandpiper. | ◱▵▵▵◎◧◓ ◉◨▱▱◨▨ ◧▱◨◓◈◨▵ |
I'm meeting a friend. | ◝◫◓ ◠◓▨◠◈◠◒▪◎▱◠ ◀◨▱◨◒◠▼◠◐▪◎▵ |
To ensure peace between the two royal households. | ◊▨◫ ◞◂▽▱◨ ◠◗▱▴ ◠◓◠◞▪▦◈◠▨◗ ◀◠◓◬◒▪ ◞◠◐▱◠◎◠▨▵ |
I worked even if the boss kicked or slapped me. | □◠▫◓◂▦◨◎ ◀◠▦◠ ▫▴▨◎▴ ◚◪▽◠ ▫◂▨◠▫ ◠▫◞◠ ◀◗▱◪ ◉◠▱◬◒▫▪◎▵ |
I could eat even you, Super Mario. | ▮▴▦◫ ◀◗▱▴ ◳▴◓◗◎▵ ▮◭▻▴◓ ◄◠◓◗◂▵ |
But there's 12 of them. | ○◎◠ 12 ▨◗◒◗▱▴◓▵ ► ◙▴◓▫ ◪▫◎◪▵ |
She's the queen of the Golden City | ○▱▫◬▦ ◖◪▷◫◓'◗▦ ▨◓◠▱◗◉▴◞◫ |
You don't see me shirking. | ◝▴▦◗◎ ◫◒▫▴▦ ▨◠◉▫▪◐◬◎▪ ◕◇◓◎◭▽◧◓◞▾▦▵ |
I'm just saying, like, we're making a good show, but, you know... | ◝◪▦ ◞◠◈▴▼▴ ◗◳◗ ◀◗◓ ◈◫▢◫ ◉▴▨▫◫◐◗◎◗▢◫ ◞◇◳▱◭▽◧◓▾◎▵ |
And now I'm all taking care of, but what are you going to do about him? | ▢◠▫◪▦ ◀▴◈◪▱◫▦◫ ◇◈▩◳◧◓◨◎; ▻▴▨◗ ◧▦◠ ▦◪ ▽◠▻◠▼◠▨◞▪▦? |
- We gotta work something... | ◝▾ ◫◒◫ ◀◫◓ ◒◪▨◫▱◈◪▵▵▵ ► ▭◗◉ ◒◠▦◞◬▦ ◳◧▨▵ |
This is the best barbecue you will ever taste, Trav -- guaranteed. | ◝▾ ▫◠▫▫▪◐◬▦ ▴▦ ◫◳◫ ◀◠◓◀◪▨◭ ▶◓◠◚ ◕◠◓◠▦▫◫ ▴◈◪◓◗◎▵ |
You look fine. | ◆◠◳▴▫ ◗▽◗ ◕◣◓▩▦▩▽◂◓◞▾▦▵ |
And slanderous accusations shouldn't be made to young, naive people whose mothers are paralegal secretaries in successful law firms. | ○◳◓▪▼◠ ◕▴▦◉ ◚◪ ◞◠◍ ◗▦◞◠▦▱◠◓◠ ◗◍▫◫◓◠ ▴◈◫▱◎◪◎◪▱◫◈◫◓ ◇▢▴▱▱◗▨▱▴ ◠▦▦▴▱▴◓◫ ◀◠◒◠◓◬▱◬ ▷◨▨◨▨ ◍◗◓◎◠▱◠◓▪▦◈◠ ◉◠▱◬◒◠▦▱◠◓◠▵ |
It went lovely no thanks to you. | ▭◂◒▫▾▵ ► ▮◠▽▴▦◈◪ ◈◫▽▴◎◪▽◪▼▴◐◗◎▵ |
Oh, we should have sex at some stage. | ► ◝◗◓ ◠◓◠ ◈◠ ◞▴◚◗◒◎▴▱◗▽◫▢▵ |
I'll make the president name me first minister for children. | ◝◠◒▨◠▦'▪▦ ◀▴▦◫ ◫▱▨ ◉◂▼▾▨ ◀◠▨◠▦◬ ◧▱◠◓◠▨ ◞◠◐▱◠◳◠▼◠◐◬◎▵ |
Can I ask what's happening? | ▯▴ ◧▱◈◨◐◨▦◨ ◞◧◓◠◀◫▱◫◓ ◎◗◳◫◎? |
My brother... | ◢◠◓◈◪◒◗◎ ◀◨◓◠◳◠ ◕▴▱ ◚▴ ◧▫◨◓▵ |
And if you're really good I'll get you a lollipop. | ► ◊◒▴ ▽◠◓◠◳◠▼◠▨■ ▱◂▱◗▻◧▻ ◕◫◀◗▵ |
Isn't your robot brain connected to the ship? | ▤◂◀◂▫ ◀▴◳▦◗▦ ▢◠▫▴▦ ◕◪◎◗▽▴ ◀◠◐▱▪ ◈▴◐◫▱ ◎◫? |
Um... we've combined a few classes today here for the seminar. | ◝◨◕◭▦ ◞◪◎◫▦◪◓ ◗◉◫▦ ◞◬▦▪◍▱◠◓▪ ◀◗◓▱◪◒▫◗◓◈◗▨▵ |
You don't beat this river. | ◝▾ ▦▴▷◓◗ ◳▴▦▴◎◪▢◞◗▦▵ |
I was in the bush with the goats and suddenly, I heard a bomb blast. | ◝▴▦■ ◀◨◞▷ ◧▱◈▾ ▨▴◉◗ ◫▱◪ ◑▴ ◠▦◫◈◪▦ |
- Of course, Beba. | ◆◇▫◭◓◪▼◪◐◫◎■ ◝◪◀◠▼◬◐◬◎▵ |
If I go down, you're going down with me. | ◰◐▴◓ ◀▴▦ ◇▱◭◓◞▴◎■ ◞▴▦ ◈◪ ◀◪▦◫◎▱◪ ◕▴▱◫◓◞◫▦ |
Detective Park is trailing her, right? | □◠◓▨ ◂▦▾ ◗▢▱◫▽◧◓■ ◈▴◐◫▱ ◎◗? |
He's tough as nails. | ◱ ◉◫◚◗ ◕◫◀◗ ◞▴◓▫ ◧▱◈▾◐▾▦◨▵ |
What future? | ▯◪ ◕◪▱◪▼▴◐◫? |
Love, Dirty Mike and the boys." | ▮◪◚◕◫▱▴◓▱▴■ □◫◞▱◫▨ ◄◗▨◪ ◚◪ ◠◓▨◠◈◠◒▱◠◓▪▵" |
Good night, Captain. | ◊▽◗ ◕▴▼◪▱◪◓ ▨◠▻▫◠▦▵ |
- I don't want you to help me! | ► ◝◠▦◠ ◳◠◓◈◬◎ ◪▫◎◪▦◗ ◗◞▫▴◎◫▽◂◓◨◎! |
All they do is slice the penis in half like at a weenie roast and then shove it all inside. | □▴▦◫◞◗ ◓◧◞▫◧ ◕◗◀◗ ◧◓▫◠◈◠▦ ◫▨◫▽◪ ◠◳▪◓◬◳◧◓▱◠◓ ◚▴ ▫◪▨ ▽◠▻▫◬▨▱◠◓▪ ▻◠◓◉◠▱◠◓◬ ◫◉▴◓◗ ◗▫◎▴▨▵ |
The word means clean. | ▶◪◎◫▢ ◠▦▱◠◎◬▦◠ ◕◪▱◗◓▵ |
But enough about them. | ○◎◠ ◧▦▱◠◓◈◠▦ ▨◧▦▾◒▫◨◐▾◎▾▢ ◳▴▫▴◓▵ |
- (Irene moans) - (Johnny) Come on, y'all. | ► ◢◇◒◪◳◫ ◈◣▦▩▦▼▴ ◕◠▱◗◀◠▵ |
That's like asking if you should believe in God. | ▶◠▦◓▪'◳◠ ◗▦◠▦◬▻ ◗▦◠▦◎◠◎◠▦ ◕◪◓◪▨▫◗◐◫▦◫ ◞◂◓◎◠▨ ◕◗◀◗ ◀◨▵ |
Not quite all the work. | ▶▩◎ ◗◒◫ ◈▴◐◗▱ ◠◞▱◬▦◈◠▵ |
I can't eat it out of fear. | ◢◧◓▨◨◈◠▦ ▽◫◳▴◎◗▽◧◓◨◎▵ |
What the fuck is going on, man? | ▯▴▱▴◓ ◂▱▾◳◧◓ ◧◓◠◈◠■ ◠◈◠◎◬◎? |
I Was Given The Possibility of recognition even in Korea. | ▭◠▫▫◠ ◢◂◓▴'◈◪ ▫◠▦◬▦◎◠ ◗◎▨◠▦◬ ◚▴◓◗▱◈◫◐◗ ◀◗▱◪ ◂▱◈◨▵ |
It said that? | ▧◳▱▴ ◎◫ ◳◠▢◎◬◒? |
00 , 00:46:50:13 , "How's the smut business, Jackie?" | "◝◫▱◎◫▽◂◓◨◎ ◠▷◀◠▻▵ ◟◠◳◬▦▼▪▱◬▨ ◫◒◗▦◪ ◕◫◓◈◗◎▵" |
- Have a "bon voyage" | ► ◊◳◗ ▽◂▱▼▾▱◨▨▱◠◓▵ |
-Have a great trip. | ► ◊◳◗ ▽◂▱▼▾▱◨▨▱◠◓▵ |
Who we all know is extremely... reliable. | ▨▴▦◈◫◞◫■ ◠◒◬◓▪ ◕◭◚▴▦◫▱◗◓ ◀◗◓ ▻▴◓◞◂▦◪▱◗◎◗▢▵ |
But I'm afraid this person is not a scholar or anything. | ◀◨ ▨◫◒◫ ◠▨◠◈◪◎◫◞▽◪▦ ▽◠ ◈◠ ◀▴▦▢◪◓◫ ◀◗◓◫ ◍◗▱◠▦ ◈▴◐◗▱▵ |
You're in a shit storm, and it's blowing around your ears. | ◍▪◓▫▪▦◠◞▪▦▪▦ ◧◓▫◠◞▪▦◈◠◞▪▦◬▢ ◚◪ ▨▾▱◠◐◬▦▪▢◬▦ ◈◗◀◗▦◈▴ ◈◣▦▩▽◂◓▵ |
Yeah, well, I'm Alan, and I want respect. | ▶◠◎◠◎■ ◀◪▦ ◈▴ ◦▱◠▦'◬◎ ◚◪ ◞◠◳◕▪ ◫◞▫◗◳◧◓◨◎▵ |
The classes which support the threat of war, are reponsible for the buildup of madness on borders and seas, under the guise of peace-keeping! | ▮◠◚◠◒ ▫◪▷◈◗◈◫▦◫ ◈◪◞▫◪▨▱▴▽▴▦ ◞▪▦◬◍▱◠◓■ ◞▪▦◬◓▱◠◓ ◚◪ ◈◪▦◗▢▱◪◓◈◪▨◫ ◈◪▱◗▱◫▨ ◀◫◓◫▨◗◎◗▦◈▴▦ ◞◧◓▾◎▱▾◈◨◓■ ◭◞▫◪▱◫▨ ◀◠◓▪◒◬ ▨◧◓▾◎◠ ▨◗◞◚◪◞◗ ◠▱▫▪▦◈◠! |
Hey, I hope you get everything that you're hoping for. | ▾◎◈▾◐◨▦ ▷▴◓ ◒◪◳◫▦ ◞◠▷◗◀◗ ◂▱◨◓◞▾▦▵ |
I think you're in danger. | ▮◠▦▪◓◬◎ ▫◪▷▱◗▨◪◈▴◞◗▦◗▢▵ |
I've never lost a game in the competitions. | ◝◫◓ ▽◠◓◬◒◎◠◈◠ ◠◞▱◠ ◀◫◓ ◂▽◨▦ ▨◠▽◀▴▫◎◪◈◫◎▵ |
I think she's supposed to talk to the headmaster... before giving us any. | ▭▴◓▷◠▱◈◪ ◞◠▫◎◠◈◠▦ ◇▦▼▴ ▻◠▫◓◂▦◨▦◠ ◞◧◓◎◠◞◬ |
Call that nephew of yours, Vito, and the other one. | ◖◨ ▨▾▢▴▦◫▦◗ ◠◓◠▵ ◑◗▫◂'▽◨ ◚◪ ◀◫◓ ◈◫◐◪◓◗▦◫▵ |
Now, there is a fracture here, and behind this right ear is caved in, and that's how this ET being was killed. | ◖◗◎◈◗■ ◀▾◓◠◈◠ ◀◫◓ ▴▢◫▨ ◚◠◓ ◞◠◐ ▨▾▱◠◐▪▦ ◠◓▨◠◞▪ ◧◳▾▨▵ ◚▴ ◀▾ ◈◭▦◳◠►◈◬◒◬ ◚◠◓▱▪▨ ◀◣▽▱▴ ◇▱◈▩◓◭▱◎▩◒▵ |
Don't you regulate the water? | ▮▾◳▾ ◞◫▢ ◈◭▢▴▦▴ ▨◂◳◎◨◳◧◓ ◎▾◞◨▦◨▢? |
No interest in the hatch blowing. | ◢◠▻◠◐◬▦ ◠◉▪▱◎◠◞▪ ◫▱◕◫▦◗ ◉▴▨◎▴◈◫ ◎◫? |
Why do you always follow me? | ▯◪◈▴▦ ▷▴▻ ◝▴▦◫ ◗▢▱◗▽◂◓◞▾▦? |
Will you please excuse me for just a moment? | ◝▾ ◠▦ ◫◉◗▦ ◀◪▦◗ ◀◠◐▪◒▱◠▽◬▦▵ |
Yeah, Branch, I understand he's got a name but we're just not ready for that sort of thing here in Philadelphia. | ◠▦▱◠◈▪◎ ◠◎◠ □▷◫▱◠◈◪▱▻▷◫◠'◈◠ ▷▴▦▩▢ ◀◣▽▱◪ ◀◫◓ ◒▴▽▴ ▷◠▢▪◓ ◈▴◐◗▱◫▢▵ |
I'd like to see you go and find a supplier... that'll sell you grade-A chuck at 40 cents a pound. | ◢◂▱◠▽◞◠ ◕◫▫ ◈◪ ○ ◞▪▦▪◍▪ ◪▫◗ ◞◠▦◠▵▵▵ ▨◫▱◂◞◨ 40 ◞◪▦▫▫▴▦ ◞◠▫◠▼◠▨ ◀◗◓ ▫▴◞◫◞ ◀◨▱▵ |
I paid $50 on credit for it. | ◝▾▦◠ 50 ◈◂▱◠◓ ◇◈▴◈◫◎▵ |
Oh. oh. oh-- just one second... - Can I use your bathroom before we go? | ◝▴▨▱◪▽◫▦■ ◕◗▫◎▴◈▴▦ ▱◠◚◠◀◧◳◨ ▨▾▱▱◠▦◠◀◫▱◗◓ ◎◗◳◫▢? |
I never did understand what it was. | ▯◪ ◂▱◈◨◐◨▦▾ ▷◗◉ ◠▦▱◠◎◠◈▪◎▵ |
I have to pack! | ◘◒▽◠▱◠◓▪◎◬ ▫◧▻▱◠◎◠▽◬◎! |
Or cosmetology. | ◤◠ ◈◠ ▨◂▢◎▴▫◫◐◫▵ |
There must be more-likely suspects. | ◙◠▷◠ ◎◨▷▫◪◎◪▱ ◒◭▻▷◪▱◫▱▴◓ ◧▱◎◠▱◬▵ |
Keep it simple so I understand. | ◦▦▱◠◳◠◀◗▱◪▼▴◐◫◎ ◒◪▨◗▱◈▴ ◀◠◞◗▫ ◂▱◞◨▦▵ |
I can smell it. | ◢◧▨▾◞◨▦▾ ◠▱◠◀◫▱◫◳◧◓◨◎▵ |
Still, I think he would enjoy helping someone who's just starting out. | ◟◫▦▴ ◈◪■ ▽▴▦◗ ◀◠◒▱◠▽◠▦ ◀◫◓◫▦◪ ▽◠◓◈◬◎ ◪▫◎▴▨▫◪▦ ▷◂◒◯◠▦▪◓ ◈◫◳▴ ◈◭◒◭▦▩◳◧◓◨◎▵ |
With the rest of the drugs. | ◙◗◐▴◓ ▾◳◨◒▫◨◓◨▼▾▱◠◓▱◠ ◀◫◓▱◗▨▫▴▵ |
Since the very first day, I've just wanted to hug Kremer. | ◢◓▴◎◪◓'◫▦ ◕◪▱◈◫◐◫▦◫ ◈◨▽◠◓ ◈▾◳◎◠▢■ ▷▴◎▴▦ ◧▦◠ ◞◠◓▪▱◎◠▨ ◫◞▫▴◈◫◎▵ |
Because I am one of the best. | ◅◭▦▨◭ ◪▦ ◗▽◫▱◪◓◈◪▦ ◀◫◓◫◳◫◎▵ |
You could be a bit nicer. | ◙◠▷◠ ▨◫◀◠◓ ◂▱◠◀◗▱◫◓◈◫▦▵ |
You got enough to shut him down? Yeah, maybe. | ◟◠▦◗ ◞◪▦◫▦ ◪▱◗▦◈◪ ▽▴▫▨◗◞◫▦◗ ◠▱◠▼◠▨ ▨◠◈◠◓ |
Guess who wants to have dinner tomorrow night? | ▶◠▷◎◫▦ ▴▫ ▽◠◓▪▦ ▨◫◎ ◠▨◒◠◎ |
Mookie, I wanna tell you that there's always gonna be a place for you here, right here at Sal's, Sal's Famous Pizzeria, because you've always been like a son to me. | ◝▾◓◠◈◠ ▷◪◓ ▢◠◎◠▦ ◞◠▦◠ ◈◠ ◳◪◓ ◂▱◠▼◠▨▵ ◲◒▫◪ ◀◨◓◠◈◠■ ▮◠▱'▪▦ ◄◪◒▷◨◓ □◗▢▢◠▼◬◞▪'▦◈◠▵ ◧◐▱◨◎ ◕◗◀◗◞◗▦■ ▷◪▻ ◇◳▱◪◳◈◫▦▵ |
And Kurt threw a knife. | ◑▴ ◢▾◓▫ ◀◬◉◠▨ ◠▫▫▪▵ |
He's a 6 on the Glasgow coma scale. | ◆▱◠◞◕◂▥ ◢◂◎◠ ▮▨◠▱◠◞◬▦◈◠ 6 ▻◨◠▦ ◠▱◈▪▵ |
For some... death seems to be the easiest solution... | ◝◠▢▪▱◠◓▪ ◫◉◫▦▵▵ ◇▱▩◎ ▨◂▱◠▽ ◉◣▢▩◎◈◭◓▵▵ |
Can I get a price check, please? | ◌◫▽◠▫ ▴▫◫▨◪▫◗▦◗ ◠▱◠◀◗▱◫◓ ◎◫▽◫◎■ ▱▩▫◍▴▦? |
- Shut up and get outta your gear. - I'm takin' off nothin'. | ◢◠▻◠ ◉◪▦◪▦◫ ◈▴ ◉▪▨◠◓ ▩◞▫◭▦◈▴▨◫▦◗▵ |
Maybe that's why I'm floating around. | ◝▾ ▦◪◈◪▦ ◈◠▱◎◠◈◬◐▪◎◬ ◠◉▪▨▱▪▽◂◓ ◞◠▦▪◓▪◎▵ |
The human eye, one of the most powerful instruments on Earth. | ◲▦◞◠▦ ◈◭▦◳◠◈◠▨◗ ◪▦ ◕◭◉▱◭ ◠◓◠◉▱◠◓◈◠▦ ◀◫◓◫◈◗◓▵ |
It was all a lie to sell magazines. | ◈▴◓◕◗▽◗ ◞◠▫◠◀◗▱◎▴▨ ◗◉◫▦ ▾▽◈◨◓▾▱◎▾◒ ◀◫◓▴◓ ▽◠▱◠▦▵ |
Well, I'm disappointed with your decision, but I appreciate your loyalty. | □▴▨◫■ ▨◠◓◠◓◬▦▪▢ ◀▴▦◗ ▷◠▽◠▱ ▨▪◓▪▨▱◬◐◬▦◠ ◨◐◓◠▫▫▪▵▵▵ ◠◎◠ ◀◠◐▱◬▱◬◐▪▦▪▢◬ ▫◠▨◈◗◓ ◪◈◗◳◧◓▾◎▵ |
Sorry, Victor. | ◙◪◈◫◐◫◎ ◕◫◀◗■ ◑◫▨▫◧◓▵ |
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