Vertical and horizontal images?

by xt3ian - opened

Hi! I am still learning, can someone explain how can I generate non 1:1 aspect ratio images? Is it possible with this model?

pipeline(prompt, width=whatever, height=whatever) # Both numbers have to be a multiple of 8

Hi! I am still learning, can someone explain how can I generate non 1:1 aspect ratio images? Is it possible with this model?

I highly recommend looking up "ComfyUI" and experimenting with it, specially when you are still learning and on first contacts.

Its much easier to prototype and experiment and do cool stuff with many different models in it,

then if you have a specific product idea or script/code idea, that's when you use python and diffusers library directly to build your specific use case.

Good point! But I actually built my own custom solution that is much more tailored to what I need. It helps me build many many images with permutations and variations exactly how I like it!


It even has the prompting tool allowing me to build a very very diverse image sets in just a few clicks!

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