This is a version of ModernBERT-base distilled down to 16 layers out of 22. This reduces the number of parameters from 149M to 119M; however, practically speaking, since the embedding params do not contribute greatly to latency, the effect is reducing the "trunk" of the model from 110M params to 80M params. I would expect this to reduce latency by roughly 25% (increasing throughput by roughly 33%). The last 6 local attention layers were removed:
- Global
- Local
- Local
- Global
- Local
- Local
- Global
- Local
- Local
- Global
- Local
- Local
- Global
- Local (REMOVED)
- Local (REMOVED)
- Global
- Local (REMOVED)
- Local (REMOVED)
- Global
- Local (REMOVED)
- Local (REMOVED)
- Global
Unfortunately the HuggingFace modeling code for ModernBERT relies on global-local attention patterns being uniform throughout the model, so loading this bad boy properly takes a bit of model surgery. I hope in the future that the HuggingFace team will update this model configuration to allow custom striping of global+local layers. For now, here's how to do it:
- Download the checkpoint ( from this repository.
- Initialize ModernBERT-base:
import torch.nn as nn
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForMaskedLM
model_id = "answerdotai/ModernBERT-base"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)
model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(model_id)
- Remove the layers:
layers_to_remove = [13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20]
model.model.layers = nn.ModuleList([
layer for idx, layer in enumerate(model.model.layers)
if idx not in layers_to_remove
- Load the checkpoint state dict:
state_dict = torch.load("")
- Use the model! Yay!
Training Information
This model was distilled from ModernBERT-base on the MiniPile dataset, which includes English and code data. Distillation used all 1M samples in this dataset for 1 epoch, MSE loss on the logits, batch size of 16, AdamW optimizer, and constant learning rate of 1.0e-5. The embeddings/LM head were frozen and shared between the teacher and student; only the transformer blocks were trained. I have not yet evaluated this model. However, after the initial model surgery, it failed to correctly complete "The capital of France is [MASK]", and after training, it correctly says "Paris", so something good happened!