The model is placed in TextToText generation it should be in the category of TextToimage generation

by Swstf - opened

The model is placed in TextToText generation it should be in the category of TextToimage generation

Alpha-VLLM org

Thank you, we have changed it to text2image, but in fact this model can do text2text and text+image to text too. Member from huggingface hub has claimed to add a new any2any category to the system but it is still not loaded yet.

Hi @Cxxs we at Hugging Face have added a new tag for these type of models: any-to-any. Could you update the model cards of all Lumina-mGPT models to have pipeline_tag: any-to-any? This will make them show up at


Alpha-VLLM org

Hi @Cxxs we at Hugging Face have added a new tag for these type of models: any-to-any. Could you update the model cards of all Lumina-mGPT models to have pipeline_tag: any-to-any? This will make them show up at


Sure! Thanks for the new tag!

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