import pathlib import logging import tempfile from typing import List, Tuple import json5 import metaphor_python as metaphor import streamlit as st from helpers import llm_helper, pptx_helper from global_config import GlobalConfig APP_TEXT = json5.loads(open(GlobalConfig.APP_STRINGS_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) GB_CONVERTER = 2 ** 30 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @st.cache_data def get_contents_wrapper(text: str) -> str: """ Fetch and cache the slide deck contents on a topic by calling an external API. :param text: The presentation topic. :return: The slide deck contents or outline in JSON format. """'LLM call because of cache miss...') return llm_helper.generate_slides_content(text).strip() @st.cache_resource def get_metaphor_client_wrapper() -> metaphor.Metaphor: """ Create a Metaphor client for semantic Web search. :return: Metaphor instance. """ return metaphor.Metaphor(api_key=GlobalConfig.METAPHOR_API_KEY) @st.cache_data def get_web_search_results_wrapper(text: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ Fetch and cache the Web search results on a given topic. :param text: The topic. :return: A list of (title, link) tuples. """ results = [] search_results = get_metaphor_client_wrapper().search( text, use_autoprompt=True, num_results=5 ) for a_result in search_results.results: results.append((a_result.title, a_result.url)) return results def build_ui(): """ Display the input elements for content generation. Only covers the first step. """ # get_disk_used_percentage() st.title(APP_TEXT['app_name']) st.subheader(APP_TEXT['caption']) st.markdown( 'Powered by' ' [Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2](' ) st.markdown( '*If the JSON is generated or parsed incorrectly, try again later by making minor changes' ' to the input text.*' ) with st.form('my_form'): # Topic input try: with open(GlobalConfig.PRELOAD_DATA_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as in_file: preload_data = json5.loads( except (FileExistsError, FileNotFoundError): preload_data = {'topic': '', 'audience': ''} topic = st.text_area( APP_TEXT['input_labels'][0], value=preload_data['topic'] ) texts = list(GlobalConfig.PPTX_TEMPLATE_FILES.keys()) captions = [GlobalConfig.PPTX_TEMPLATE_FILES[x]['caption'] for x in texts] pptx_template = 'Select a presentation template:', texts, captions=captions, horizontal=True ) st.divider() submit = st.form_submit_button('Generate slide deck') if submit: # st.write(f'Clicked {time.time()}') st.session_state.submitted = True # if 'submitted' in st.session_state: progress_text = 'Generating the slides...give it a moment' progress_bar = st.progress(0, text=progress_text) topic_txt = topic.strip() generate_presentation(topic_txt, pptx_template, progress_bar) st.divider() st.text(APP_TEXT['tos']) st.text(APP_TEXT['tos2']) st.markdown( '![Visitors]' '(' ) def generate_presentation(topic: str, pptx_template: str, progress_bar): """ Process the inputs to generate the slides. :param topic: The presentation topic based on which contents are to be generated. :param pptx_template: The PowerPoint template name to be used. :param progress_bar: Progress bar from the page. """ topic_length = len(topic) logger.debug('Input length:: topic: %s', topic_length) if topic_length >= 10: logger.debug('Topic: %s', topic) target_length = min(topic_length, GlobalConfig.LLM_MODEL_MAX_INPUT_LENGTH) try: # Step 1: Generate the contents in JSON format using an LLM json_str = process_slides_contents(topic[:target_length], progress_bar) logger.debug('Truncated topic: %s', topic[:target_length]) logger.debug('Length of JSON: %d', len(json_str)) # Step 2: Generate the slide deck based on the template specified if len(json_str) > 0: 'Tip: The generated content doesn\'t look so great?' ' Need alternatives? Just change your description text and try again.', icon="💡️" ) else: st.error( 'Unfortunately, JSON generation failed, so the next steps would lead' ' to nowhere. Try again or come back later.' ) return all_headers = generate_slide_deck(json_str, pptx_template, progress_bar) # Step 3: Bonus stuff: Web references and AI art show_bonus_stuff(all_headers) except ValueError as ve: st.error(f'Unfortunately, an error occurred: {ve}! ' f'Please change the text, try again later, or report it, sharing your inputs.') else: st.error('Not enough information provided! Please be little more descriptive :)') def process_slides_contents(text: str, progress_bar: st.progress) -> str: """ Convert given text into structured data and display. Update the UI. :param text: The topic description for the presentation. :param progress_bar: Progress bar for this step. :return: The contents as a JSON-formatted string. """ json_str = '' try:'Calling LLM for content generation on the topic: %s', text) json_str = get_contents_wrapper(text) except Exception as ex: st.error( f'An exception occurred while trying to convert to JSON. It could be because of heavy' f' traffic or something else. Try doing it again or try again later.' f'\nError message: {ex}' ) progress_bar.progress(50, text='Contents generated') with st.expander('The generated contents (in JSON format)'): st.code(json_str, language='json') return json_str def generate_slide_deck(json_str: str, pptx_template: str, progress_bar) -> List: """ Create a slide deck. :param json_str: The contents in JSON format. :param pptx_template: The PPTX template name. :param progress_bar: Progress bar. :return: A list of all slide headers and the title. """ progress_text = 'Creating the slide deck...give it a moment' progress_bar.progress(75, text=progress_text) # # Get a unique name for the file to save -- use the session ID # ctx = st_sr.get_script_run_ctx() # session_id = ctx.session_id # timestamp = time.time() # output_file_name = f'{session_id}_{timestamp}.pptx' temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.pptx') path = pathlib.Path('Creating PPTX file...') all_headers = pptx_helper.generate_powerpoint_presentation( json_str, slides_template=pptx_template, output_file_path=path ) progress_bar.progress(100, text='Done!') with open(path, 'rb') as f: st.download_button('Download PPTX file', f, file_name='Presentation.pptx') return all_headers def show_bonus_stuff(ppt_headers: List[str]): """ Show bonus stuff for the presentation. :param ppt_headers: A list of the slide headings. """ # Use the presentation title and the slide headers to find relevant info online'Calling Metaphor search...') ppt_text = ' '.join(ppt_headers) search_results = get_web_search_results_wrapper(ppt_text) md_text_items = [] for (title, link) in search_results: md_text_items.append(f'[{title}]({link})') with st.expander('Related Web references'): st.markdown('\n\n'.join(md_text_items))'Done!') # # Avoid image generation. It costs time and an API call, so just limit to the text generation. # with st.expander('AI-generated image on the presentation topic'): #'Calling SDXL for image generation...') # # img_empty.write('') # # img_text.write(APP_TEXT['image_info']) # image = get_ai_image_wrapper(ppt_text) # # if len(image) > 0: # image = base64.b64decode(image) # st.image(image, caption=ppt_text) #'Tip: Right-click on the image to save it.', icon="💡️") #'Image added') def main(): """ Trigger application run. """ build_ui() if __name__ == '__main__': main()