# Web framework fastapi[all] # Database interaction #sqlalchemy #mysql-connector-python # ASGI server uvicorn # File upload support python-multipart # Template engine Jinja2 # LangChain for LLMs and AI workflow management langchain # LangChain HuggingFace integration langchain-huggingface>=0.1.2 # Vector search and similarity faiss-cpu # OpenAI API (uncomment if needed) #openai # PDF processing pypdf2 pypdf # Community package for LangChain langchain-community>=0.0.1 # Hugging Face integration huggingface-hub>=0.23.0 protobuf # Sentence Transformers for embeddings sentence-transformers>=2.2.0, <4.0.0 # PyTorch installation from CPU-specific index torch --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu # Gradio for building UI #gradio