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import time
import functools
import random
import math
import traceback
import torch
from torch import nn
import gpytorch
from botorch.models import SingleTaskGP
from botorch.models.gp_regression import MIN_INFERRED_NOISE_LEVEL
from import fit_gpytorch_model
from gpytorch.mlls import ExactMarginalLogLikelihood
from gpytorch.likelihoods import GaussianLikelihood
from gpytorch.priors.torch_priors import GammaPrior
from gpytorch.constraints import GreaterThan
from bar_distribution import BarDistribution
from utils import default_device
from .utils import get_batch_to_dataloader
from . import fast_gp
def get_model(x, y, hyperparameters: dict, sample=True):
aug_batch_shape = SingleTaskGP(x,y.unsqueeze(-1))._aug_batch_shape
noise_prior = GammaPrior(hyperparameters.get('noise_concentration',1.1), hyperparameters.get('noise_rate',0.05))
noise_prior_mode = (noise_prior.concentration - 1) / noise_prior.rate
likelihood = GaussianLikelihood(
model = SingleTaskGP(x, y.unsqueeze(-1),
lengthscale_prior=gpytorch.priors.GammaPrior(hyperparameters.get('lengthscale_concentration',3.0), hyperparameters.get('lengthscale_rate',6.0)),
outputscale_prior=gpytorch.priors.GammaPrior(hyperparameters.get('outputscale_concentration',.5), hyperparameters.get('outputscale_rate',0.15)),
), likelihood=likelihood)
likelihood = model.likelihood
if sample:
sampled_model = model.pyro_sample_from_prior()
return sampled_model, sampled_model.likelihood
assert not(hyperparameters.get('sigmoid', False)) and not(hyperparameters.get('y_minmax_norm', False)), "Sigmoid and y_minmax_norm can only be used to sample models..."
return model, likelihood
def get_batch(batch_size, seq_len, num_features, device=default_device, hyperparameters=None,
batch_size_per_gp_sample=None, num_outputs=1,
fix_to_range=None, equidistant_x=False):
This function is very similar to the equivalent in .fast_gp. The only difference is that this function operates over
a mixture of GP priors.
:param batch_size:
:param seq_len:
:param num_features:
:param device:
:param hyperparameters:
:param for_regression:
assert num_outputs == 1
hyperparameters = hyperparameters or {}
with gpytorch.settings.fast_computations(*hyperparameters.get('fast_computations',(True,True,True))):
batch_size_per_gp_sample = (batch_size_per_gp_sample or max(batch_size // 10,1))
assert batch_size % batch_size_per_gp_sample == 0
total_num_candidates = batch_size*(2**(fix_to_range is not None))
num_candidates = batch_size_per_gp_sample * (2**(fix_to_range is not None))
if equidistant_x:
assert num_features == 1
x = torch.linspace(0,1.,seq_len).unsqueeze(0).repeat(total_num_candidates,1).unsqueeze(-1)
x = torch.rand(total_num_candidates, seq_len, num_features, device=device)
samples = []
for i in range(0,total_num_candidates,num_candidates):
num_of_dims ~ uniform
model, likelihood = get_model(x[i:i+num_candidates,...,:num_of_dims], torch.zeros(num_candidates,x.shape[1]), hyperparameters)
x[i:i + num_candidates, ..., num_of_dims:] = 0
x[i:i + num_candidates, ..., :num_of_dims] *= total_dims/num_of_dims
# trained_model = ExactGPModel(train_x, train_y, likelihood).cuda()
# trained_model.eval()
successful_sample = 0
throwaway_share = 0.
while successful_sample < 1:
with gpytorch.settings.prior_mode(True):
d = model(x[i:i+num_candidates])
d = likelihood(d)
sample = d.sample() # bs_per_gp_s x T
if hyperparameters.get('y_minmax_norm'):
sample = ((sample - sample.min(1)[0]) / (sample.max(1)[0] - sample.min(1)[0]))
if hyperparameters.get('sigmoid'):
sample = sample.sigmoid()
if fix_to_range is None:
samples.append(sample.transpose(0, 1))
successful_sample = True
smaller_mask = sample < fix_to_range[0]
larger_mask = sample >= fix_to_range[1]
in_range_mask = ~ (smaller_mask | larger_mask).any(1)
throwaway_share += (~in_range_mask[:batch_size_per_gp_sample]).sum()/batch_size_per_gp_sample
if in_range_mask.sum() < batch_size_per_gp_sample:
successful_sample -= 1
if successful_sample < 100:
print("Please change hyper-parameters (e.g. decrease outputscale_mean) it"
"seems like the range is set to tight for your hyper-parameters.")
x[i:i+batch_size_per_gp_sample] = x[i:i+num_candidates][in_range_mask][:batch_size_per_gp_sample]
sample = sample[in_range_mask][:batch_size_per_gp_sample]
samples.append(sample.transpose(0, 1))
successful_sample = True
if random.random() < .01:
print('throwaway share', throwaway_share/(batch_size//batch_size_per_gp_sample))
#print(f'took {time.time() - start}')
sample =, 1)
x = x.view(-1,batch_size,seq_len,num_features)[0]
# TODO think about enabling the line below
#sample = sample - sample[0, :].unsqueeze(0).expand(*sample.shape)
x = x.transpose(0,1)
assert x.shape[:2] == sample.shape[:2]
target_sample = sample
return x, sample, target_sample # x.shape = (T,B,H)
class DataLoader(get_batch_to_dataloader(get_batch)):
num_outputs = 1
def validate(self, model, step_size=1, start_pos=0):
if isinstance(model.criterion, BarDistribution):
(x,y), target_y = self.gbm(**self.get_batch_kwargs, fuse_x_y=self.fuse_x_y)
losses = []
for eval_pos in range(start_pos, len(x), step_size):
logits = model((x,y), single_eval_pos=eval_pos)
means = model.criterion.mean(logits) # num_evals x batch_size
mse = nn.MSELoss()
losses.append(mse(means[0], target_y[eval_pos]))
return torch.stack(losses)
return 123.
def get_fitted_model(x, y, hyperparameters, device):
# fit the gaussian process
model, likelihood = get_model(x,y,hyperparameters,sample=False)
mll = ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(likelihood, model)
return model, likelihood
evaluate = functools.partial(fast_gp.evaluate, get_model_on_device=get_fitted_model)
def get_mcmc_model(x, y, hyperparameters, device, num_samples, warmup_steps):
from pyro.infer.mcmc import NUTS, MCMC
import pyro
x =
y =
model, likelihood = get_model(x, y, hyperparameters, sample=False)
def pyro_model(x, y):
sampled_model = model.pyro_sample_from_prior()
_ = sampled_model.likelihood(sampled_model(x))
return y
nuts_kernel = NUTS(pyro_model, adapt_step_size=True)
mcmc_run = MCMC(nuts_kernel, num_samples=num_samples, warmup_steps=warmup_steps)
#print(x.shape), y)
# test_x = torch.linspace(0, 1, 101).unsqueeze(-1)
# test_y = torch.sin(test_x * (2 * math.pi))
# expanded_test_x = test_x.unsqueeze(0).repeat(num_samples, 1, 1)
# output = model(expanded_test_x)
return model, likelihood
# output = model(x[-1].unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, num_samples 1))
# return output.mean
def get_mean_logdensity(dists, x: torch.Tensor, full_range=None):
means =[d.mean.squeeze() for d in dists], 0)
vars =[d.variance.squeeze() for d in dists], 0)
assert len(means.shape) == 1 and len(vars.shape) == 1
dist = torch.distributions.Normal(means, vars.sqrt())
#logprobs =[d.log_prob(x) for d in dists], 0)
logprobs = dist.log_prob(x)
if full_range is not None:
used_weight = 1. - (dist.cdf(torch.tensor(full_range[0])) + (1.-dist.cdf(torch.tensor(full_range[1]))))
if torch.isinf(-torch.log(used_weight)).any() or torch.isinf(torch.log(used_weight)).any():
print('factor is inf', -torch.log(used_weight))
logprobs -= torch.log(used_weight)
assert len(logprobs.shape) == 1
return torch.logsumexp(logprobs, 0) - math.log(len(logprobs))
def evaluate_(x, y, y_non_noisy, hyperparameters=None, device=default_device, num_samples=100, warmup_steps=300,
full_range=None, min_seq_len=0, use_likelihood=False):
with gpytorch.settings.fast_computations(*hyperparameters.get('fast_computations',(True,True,True))), gpytorch.settings.fast_pred_var(False):
x =
y =
start_time = time.time()
losses_after_t = [.0] if min_seq_len == 0 else []
all_losses = []
for t in range(max(min_seq_len,1), len(x)):
#print('Timestep', t)
loss_sum = 0.
step_losses = []
start_step = time.time()
for b_i in range(x.shape[1]):
done = 0
while done < 1:
model, likelihood = get_mcmc_model(x[:t, b_i], y[:t, b_i], hyperparameters, device, num_samples=num_samples, warmup_steps=warmup_steps)
with torch.no_grad():
dists = model(x[t, b_i, :].unsqueeze(
0)) # TODO check what is going on here! Does the GP interpret the input wrong?
if use_likelihood:
dists = likelihood(dists)
l = -get_mean_logdensity([dists], y[t, b_i], full_range)
done = 1
except Exception as e:
done -= 1
print('Trying again..')
if done < -10:
print('Too many retries...')
print(f'current average loss at step {t} is {sum(step_losses)/len(step_losses)} with {(time.time()-start_step)/len(step_losses)} s per eval.')
loss_sum += l
loss_sum /= x.shape[1]
print(f'loss after step {t} is {loss_sum}')
print(f'losses so far {torch.tensor(losses_after_t)}')
return torch.tensor(losses_after_t), time.time() - start_time, all_losses
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--seq_len', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--min_seq_len', type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument('--warmup_steps', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--num_samples', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--min_y', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--max_y', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--dim', type=int, default=1)
parser.add_argument('--use_likelihood', default=True, type=bool)
parser.add_argument('--device', default='cpu')
parser.add_argument('--outputscale_concentraion', default=2., type=float)
parser.add_argument('--noise_concentration', default=1.1, type=float)
parser.add_argument('--noise_rate', default=.05, type=float)
args = parser.parse_args()
print('min_y:', args.min_y)
full_range = (None if args.min_y is None else (args.min_y,args.max_y))
hps = {'outputscale_concentration': args.outputscale_concentraion, 'noise_concentration': args.noise_concentration,
'noise_rate': args.noise_rate, 'fast_computations': (False,False,False)}
x, y, _ = get_batch(args.batch_size, args.seq_len, args.dim, fix_to_range=full_range, hyperparameters=hps)
print('RESULT:', evaluate_(x, y, y, device=args.device, warmup_steps=args.warmup_steps,
num_samples=args.num_samples, full_range=full_range, min_seq_len=args.min_seq_len,
hyperparameters=hps, use_likelihood=args.use_likelihood))