import ffmpeg |
import torch |
import youtube_dl |
import numpy as np |
import streamlit as st |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util, models |
from clip import CLIPModel |
from PIL import Image |
@st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True, max_entries=1) |
def get_model(): |
txt_model = SentenceTransformer('clip-ViT-B-32-multilingual-v1').to(dtype=torch.float32, device=torch.device('cpu')) |
clip = CLIPModel() |
vis_model = SentenceTransformer(modules=[clip]).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=torch.device('cpu')) |
return txt_model, vis_model |
def get_embedding(txt_model, vis_model, query, video): |
text_emb = txt_model.encode(query, device='cpu') |
images = [] |
for img in video: |
images.append(Image.fromarray(img)) |
img_embs = vis_model.encode(images, device='cpu') |
return text_emb, img_embs |
def find_frames(url, txt_model, vis_model, desc, seconds, top_k): |
text = st.text("Downloading video (Descargando video)...") |
gif_runner = st.image("./loading.gif") |
probe = ffmpeg.probe(url) |
video_stream = next((stream for stream in probe['streams'] if stream['codec_type'] == 'video'), None) |
width = int(video_stream['width']) |
height = int(video_stream['height']) |
out, _ = ( |
ffmpeg |
.input(url, t=seconds) |
.output('pipe:', format='rawvideo', pix_fmt='rgb24') |
.run(capture_stdout=True) |
) |
text.text("Processing video (Procesando video)...") |
video = ( |
np |
.frombuffer(out, np.uint8) |
.reshape([-1, height, width, 3]) |
)[::10] |
txt_embd, img_embds = get_embedding(txt_model, vis_model, desc, video) |
cos_scores = np.array(util.cos_sim(txt_embd, img_embds)) |
ids = np.argsort(cos_scores)[0][-top_k:] |
imgs = [Image.fromarray(video[i]) for i in ids] |
gif_runner.empty() |
text.empty() |
st.image(imgs) |
with open("HOME.md", "r") as f: |
HOME_PAGE = f.read() |
with open("INICIO.md", "r") as f: |
INICIO_PAGINA = f.read() |
def main_page(txt_model, vis_model): |
st.title("Introducing Youtube CLIFS") |
st.markdown(HOME_PAGE) |
def inicio_pagina(txt_model, vis_model): |
st.title("Presentando Youtube CLIFS") |
st.markdown(INICIO_PAGINA) |
def clifs_page(txt_model, vis_model): |
st.title("CLIFS") |
st.sidebar.markdown("### Controls (Controles):") |
seconds = st.sidebar.slider( |
"How many seconds of video to consider? (¿Cuántos segundos de video considerar?)", |
min_value=10, |
max_value=120, |
value=60, |
step=1, |
) |
top_k = st.sidebar.slider( |
"Top K", |
min_value=1, |
max_value=5, |
value=3, |
step=1, |
) |
desc = st.sidebar.text_input( |
"Search Query (Consulta de Búsqueda)", |
value="Pancake in the shape of an otter", |
help="Text description of what you want to find in the video (Descripción de texto de que desea encontrar en el video)", |
) |
url = st.sidebar.text_input( |
"Youtube Video URL (URL del Video de Youtube)", |
value='https://youtu.be/xUv6XgPwGaQ', |
help="Youtube video you want to search (Video de Youtube que desea búscar)", |
) |
quality = st.sidebar.radio( |
"Quality of the Video (Calidad del Video)", |
[144, 240, 360, 480], |
help="Quality of the video to download. Higher quality takes more time (Calidad del video para descargar. Calidad más alta toma más tiempo)", |
) |
submit_button = st.sidebar.button("Search (Búscar)") |
if submit_button: |
ydl_opts = {"format": f"mp4[height={quality}]"} |
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: |
info_dict = ydl.extract_info(url, download=False) |
video_url = info_dict.get("url", None) |
find_frames(video_url, txt_model, vis_model, desc, seconds, top_k) |
PAGES = { |
"CLIFS": clifs_page, |
"Home": main_page, |
"Inicio": inicio_pagina, |
} |
def run(): |
st.set_page_config(page_title="Youtube CLIFS") |
txt_model, vis_model = get_model() |
st.sidebar.title("Navigation (Navegación)") |
selection = st.sidebar.radio("Go to (Ir a)", list(PAGES.keys())) |
page = PAGES[selection](txt_model, vis_model) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
run() |