import os import random from typing import List import gradio as gr from src.database import load_dataset, load_final_summaries, load_questions from src.rag_pipeline.rag_system import RAGSystem os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "true" class ChatInterface: """ A class to create and manage the chat interface for the Dikoka AI assistant. """ def __init__(self, rag_system: RAGSystem): """ Initialize the ChatInterface with a RAG system. """ self.rag_system = rag_system self.history_depth = int(os.getenv("MAX_MESSAGES") or 5) * 2 self.questions = [] self.summaries = [] def respond(self, message: str, history: List[List[str]]): """ Generate a response to the user's message using the RAG system. """ result = "" history = [ (turn["role"], turn["content"]) for turn in history[-self.history_depth :] ] for text in self.rag_system.query(message, history): result += text yield result return result def sample_questions(self): """ Sample a few random questions from the loaded questions. """ random_questions = random.sample(self.questions, 3) example_questions = "\n".join( ["## Examples of questions"] + [f"- {question}" for question in random_questions] ) return example_questions def sample_summaries(self): """ Sample a random summary from the loaded summaries. """ random_summary = random.choice(self.summaries) return random_summary def load_data(self, lang: str): """ Load questions and summaries for the specified language. """ self.questions = load_questions(lang) self.summaries = load_final_summaries(lang) def create_interface(self) -> gr.Blocks: """ Create the Gradio interface for the chat application. """ self.load_data("fr") description = ( "Dikoka an AI assistant providing information on the Franco-Cameroonian Commission's" " findings regarding France's role and engagement in Cameroon during the suppression" " of independence and opposition movements between 1945 and 1971.\n\n" "🌟 **Code Repository**: [Dikoka GitHub](" ) with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(equal_height=True): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): dpd = gr.Dropdown( choices=["fr", "eng"], value="fr", label="Choose language", ) dpd.change(self.load_data, inputs=dpd) with gr.Column(scale=2): gr.Markdown("## Summary") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): self.sample_resume = gr.Markdown(self.sample_summaries()) with gr.Row(): sample_summary = gr.Button("Sample Summary") fn=self.sample_summaries, inputs=[], outputs=self.sample_resume, ) with gr.Column(scale=2): gr.ChatInterface( fn=self.respond, type="messages", title="Dikoka", description=description, ) with gr.Row(): self.example_questions = gr.Markdown(self.sample_questions()) with gr.Row(): sample_button = gr.Button("Sample New Questions") fn=self.sample_questions, inputs=[], outputs=self.example_questions, ) return demo def get_rag_system(top_k_documents): """ Initialize and return a RAG system with the specified number of top documents. """ rag = RAGSystem("data/chroma_db", batch_size=64, top_k_documents=top_k_documents) if not os.path.exists(rag.vector_store_management.persist_directory): documents = load_dataset(os.getenv("LANG")) rag.initialize_vector_store(documents) return rag # Usage example: if __name__ == "__main__": top_k_docs = int(os.getenv("N_CONTEXT") or 5) rag_system = get_rag_system(top_k_documents=top_k_docs) chat_interface = ChatInterface(rag_system) demo = chat_interface.create_interface() demo.launch(share=False)