agora-demo /
samuelemarro's picture
Initial upload to test HF Spaces.
history blame
2.64 kB
import base64
import hashlib
from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable, Any
from inspect import signature, Parameter, Signature
def extract_substring(text, start_tag, end_tag):
start_position = text.lower().find(start_tag.lower())
end_position = text.lower().find(end_tag.lower())
if start_position == -1 or end_position == -1:
return None
return text[start_position + len(start_tag):end_position].strip()
def compute_hash(s):
# Hash a string using SHA-1 and return the base64 encoded result
m = hashlib.sha1()
b = m.digest()
return base64.b64encode(b).decode('ascii')
def add_params_and_annotations(name: str, description: str, params: dict, return_type: Any):
A decorator to add parameters and a return type annotation to a function.
:param params: A dictionary where the keys are parameter names and values are their types.
:param return_type: The return type to add to the function's signature.
def decorator(func: Callable):
# Create new parameters based on the provided params dict
new_params = [
Parameter(name, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, annotation=type_)
for name, (type_, _) in params.items()
# Get the existing signature and parameters
original_sig = signature(func)
original_params = list(original_sig.parameters.values())
# Combine new parameters with the existing ones
combined_params = new_params# + original_params
# Create a new signature with updated parameters and return annotation
new_sig = Signature(parameters=combined_params, return_annotation=return_type)
# Define the wrapper function
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
docstring = description
if len(params) > 0:
docstring += '\n\nArgs:'
for param_name, (type_, param_description) in params.items():
docstring += f'\n {param_name}: {param_description}'
docstring += f'\n\nReturns:\n {return_type.__name__}'
print('Input params:', params)
# Set the new signature on the wrapper
wrapper.__name__ = name
wrapper.__signature__ = new_sig
wrapper.__annotations__.update({ k: v[0] for k, v in params.items() })
wrapper.__annotations__['return'] = return_type
#wrapper.__annotations__['name'] = str
wrapper.__doc__ = docstring
return wrapper
return decorator