import os import sys import pytest pytest_plugins = ('pytest_asyncio') sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) from manga_translator.translators import ( TranslatorChain, dispatch, ) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_specified_translator(translator, tgt_lang, text, count): if translator is None: pytest.skip() print() for i in range(count): if text is None: queries_list = [ ['Hallo', '', 'English is a West Germanic language in the Indo-European language family, with its earliest forms spoken by the inhabitants of early medieval England.', 'Test case 5. HELLO THERE I WANT an audition! YOYOYOYO', '目标意识'], ['僕はアイネと共に一度、宿の方に戻った', '改めて直面するのは部屋の問題――部屋のベッドが一つでは、さすがに狭すぎるだろう。'], ['....DO YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE IN TAKING CARE OF SICK PEOPLE..?'], ] else: queries_list = [[text]] chain = TranslatorChain(f'{translator}:{tgt_lang}') for queries in queries_list: print(queries) print('-->') print(await dispatch(chain, queries)) print()