# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """MtGPT2 Automatically generated by Colaboratory. Original file is located at https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1HMq9Cp_jhqc9HlUipLXi8SC1mHQhSgGn """ #@title Setup + Download Model # Install and load dependencies import os os.system("python3 -m pip install pytorch-lightning==1.7.0 aitextgen") with open("/home/user/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/callbacks/progress/rich_progress.py", "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() #replace line 20 "from torchmetrics.utilities.imports import _compare_version" #with #"from lightning_utilities.core.imports import compare_version as _compare_version" lines[19] = "from lightning_utilities.core.imports import compare_version as _compare_version\n" with open("/home/user/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/callbacks/progress/rich_progress.py", "w") as file: file.writelines(lines) import sys from jinja2 import Template from aitextgen import aitextgen try: from google.colab import files except ImportError: pass # Download and load the model. Set to_gpu=False if running on a CPU. ai = aitextgen(model="minimaxir/magic-the-gathering", to_gpu=False) # This template is similar to Scryfall card formatting TEMPLATE = Template( """{{ c.name }}{% if c.manaCost %} {{ c.manaCost }}{% endif %} {{ c.type }} {{ c.text }}{% if c.power %} {{ c.power }}/{{ c.toughness }}{% endif %}{% if c.loyalty %} Loyalty: {{ c.loyalty }}{% endif %}""" ) def render_card(card_dict): card = TEMPLATE.render(c=card_dict) if card_dict["name"]: card = card.replace("~", card_dict["name"]) return card def generate_cards( n_cards: int = 8, temperature: float = 0.75, name: str = "", manaCost: str = "", type: str = "", text: str = "", power: str = "", toughness: str = "", loyalty: str = "" ): #ensure n_cards is never 0 or negative n_cards = int(n_cards) if n_cards < 1: n_cards = 1 #change manaCost from Format: # 2UG #to: #{2}{U}{G} manaCost_str = "" for char in manaCost: manaCost_str += "{" manaCost_str += char manaCost_str += "}" prompt_str = "" token_dict = { "<|name|>": name, "<|manaCost|>": manaCost_str, "<|type|>": type, "<|text|>": text, "<|power|>": power, "<|toughness|>": toughness, "<|loyalty|>": loyalty } # Convert the token_dict into a formatted prompt string for token, value in token_dict.items(): if value: prompt_str += f"{token}{value}" # Generate the cards using the prompt string and other parameters cards = ai.generate( n=n_cards, schema=True, prompt=prompt_str, temperature=temperature, return_as_list=True ) cards = list(map(render_card, cards)) out_str = "\n=====\n".join(cards) replacements = { "{G}": "🌲", "{U}": "🌊", "{R}": "đŸ”Ĩ", "{B}": "💀", "{W}": "☀ī¸", "{T}": "↩ī¸", #"{1}": "(1)", #"{2}": "(2)", #"{3}": "(3)", #"{4}": "(4)", #"{5}": "(5)", #"{6}": "(6)", #"{7}": "(7)", #"{8}": "(8)", #"{9}": "(9)", } for key, value in replacements.items(): out_str = out_str.replace(key, value) return out_str # Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility. # %pip install gradio import gradio as gr iface = gr.Interface( fn = generate_cards, inputs=[ gr.Slider(minimum = 2, maximum=16, step=1, value=8), gr.Slider(minimum = 0.1, maximum=1.5, step=0.01, value=0.75), gr.Textbox(), gr.Textbox(), gr.Textbox(), gr.Textbox(), gr.Textbox(), gr.Textbox(), gr.Textbox(), ], outputs=gr.Textbox(), title = "GPT-2 Powered MTG Card Generator", description = "Enter Manacost as '2UG' for 2 colorless + Blue + Green mana. \n\n Temperature is recomended between 0.4 and 0.9. Anything above 1 will lead to random Chaos and very low values will just be boring.", ) iface.launch(allow_flagging = "never", show_api = True)