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"""Update chat table
Revision ID: 242a2047eae0
Revises: 6a39f3d8e55c
Create Date: 2024-10-09 21:02:35.241684
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.sql import table, select, update
import json
revision = "242a2047eae0"
down_revision = "6a39f3d8e55c"
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None
def upgrade():
conn = op.get_bind()
inspector = sa.inspect(conn)
columns = inspector.get_columns("chat")
column_dict = {col["name"]: col for col in columns}
chat_column = column_dict.get("chat")
old_chat_exists = "old_chat" in column_dict
if chat_column:
if isinstance(chat_column["type"], sa.Text):
print("Converting 'chat' column to JSON")
if old_chat_exists:
print("Dropping old 'old_chat' column")
op.drop_column("chat", "old_chat")
# Step 1: Rename current 'chat' column to 'old_chat'
print("Renaming 'chat' column to 'old_chat'")
"chat", "chat", new_column_name="old_chat", existing_type=sa.Text()
# Step 2: Add new 'chat' column of type JSON
print("Adding new 'chat' column of type JSON")
op.add_column("chat", sa.Column("chat", sa.JSON(), nullable=True))
# If the column is already JSON, no need to do anything
# Step 3: Migrate data from 'old_chat' to 'chat'
chat_table = table(
sa.Column("id", sa.String(), primary_key=True),
sa.Column("old_chat", sa.Text()),
sa.Column("chat", sa.JSON()),
# - Selecting all data from the table
connection = op.get_bind()
results = connection.execute(select(, chat_table.c.old_chat))
for row in results:
# Convert text JSON to actual JSON object, assuming the text is in JSON format
json_data = json.loads(row.old_chat)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
json_data = None # Handle cases where the text cannot be converted to JSON
.where( ==
# Step 4: Drop 'old_chat' column
print("Dropping 'old_chat' column")
op.drop_column("chat", "old_chat")
def downgrade():
# Step 1: Add 'old_chat' column back as Text
op.add_column("chat", sa.Column("old_chat", sa.Text(), nullable=True))
# Step 2: Convert 'chat' JSON data back to text and store in 'old_chat'
chat_table = table(
sa.Column("id", sa.String(), primary_key=True),
sa.Column("chat", sa.JSON()),
sa.Column("old_chat", sa.Text()),
connection = op.get_bind()
results = connection.execute(select(,
for row in results:
text_data = json.dumps( if is not None else None
.where( ==
# Step 3: Remove the new 'chat' JSON column
op.drop_column("chat", "chat")
# Step 4: Rename 'old_chat' back to 'chat'
op.alter_column("chat", "old_chat", new_column_name="chat", existing_type=sa.Text())