FROM node:18.17.0-alpine # Install PostgreSQL client and dependencies RUN apk add --no-cache postgresql-client python3 py3-pip # Create app directory WORKDIR /usr/src/app # Install n8n RUN npm install -g n8n # Install pyngrok RUN pip3 install pyngrok # Expose the default n8n port EXPOSE 5678 # Set environment variables for database ENV DB_TYPE=postgresdb ENV DB_POSTGRESDB_DATABASE=n8n ENV DB_POSTGRESDB_HOST=postgres ENV DB_POSTGRESDB_PORT=5432 ENV DB_POSTGRESDB_USER=n8n ENV DB_POSTGRESDB_PASSWORD=n8n_password # Set ngrok auth token ENV NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN="2jxZvrHacdbj09XoGdETb9TDjuu_4S4KHwtFYw4jhNPuymvR7" # Set the entrypoint to start n8n and ngrok COPY /usr/src/app/ RUN chmod +x /usr/src/app/ ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/src/app/"]