""" |
Module: app_chat |
This module defines the app_chat function for managing user interactions in the chat interface. |
Dependencies: |
- streamlit: The Streamlit library for building web applications. |
- pandas: Library for data manipulation and analysis. |
- PIL: Python Imaging Library for image processing. |
- pydub: Library for audio manipulation. |
- controller: Module providing the Controller class for handling user submissions and managing conversations. |
Functions: |
- app_chat: Function for managing user interactions in the chat interface. |
""" |
import streamlit as st |
import pandas as pd |
from PIL import Image |
from pydub import AudioSegment |
from controller import Controller |
def app_chat(controller): |
""" |
Function for managing user interactions in the chat interface. |
Args: |
- controller (Controller): An instance of the Controller class for handling user submissions and managing conversations. |
Returns: |
- None |
""" |
agent_config = controller.agent_config |
if "messages" not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.messages = [] |
st.markdown("Hello there! How can I assist you today?") |
for message in st.session_state.messages: |
with st.chat_message(message["role"]): |
st.markdown(message["content"]) |
if user_message := st.chat_input("Enter message"): |
st.chat_message("user").markdown(user_message) |
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": user_message, "avatar": "π€"}) |
response = "" |
chat_response = "" |
with st.spinner('Please stand by ...'): |
response = controller.handle_submission(user_message) |
with st.chat_message("assistant"): |
if response is None: |
chat_response = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, response) |
st.write(chat_response) |
elif isinstance(response, Image.Image): |
agent_config.image = response |
chat_response = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "No context. Created an image.") |
st.write(chat_response) |
st.image(response) |
elif isinstance(response, AudioSegment): |
agent_config.audio = response |
chat_response = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "Agent Tool created audio file.") |
st.write(chat_response) |
st.audio(response) |
elif isinstance(response, int): |
chat_response = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, response) |
st.write(chat_response) |
st.markdown(response) |
elif isinstance(response, str): |
if "emojified_text" in response: |
chat_response = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "Agent Tool created the text with emojis.") |
st.write(chat_response) |
st.markdown(f"{response['emojified_text']}") |
else: |
chat_response = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, response) |
st.write(chat_response) |
st.markdown(response) |
elif isinstance(response, list): |
chat_response = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "Agent Tool produced a list") |
for item in response: |
st.markdown(item) |
st.write(chat_response) |
elif isinstance(response, pd.DataFrame): |
chat_response = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "Agent Tool produced a pd.DataFrame") |
st.write(chat_response) |
st.dataframe(response) |
elif isinstance(response, pd.Series): |
chat_response = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "Agent Tool produced a pd.Series") |
st.write(chat_response) |
st.table(response.iloc[0:10]) |
elif isinstance(response, dict): |
chat_response = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "Agent Tool produced a dict") |
st.write(chat_response) |
st.json(response) |
else: |
st.warning("Unrecognized response type. Please try again. e.g. Generate an image of a flying horse.") |
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": chat_response, "avatar": "π¦"}) |
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response, "avatar": "π€"}) |
""" elif isinstance(response, st.graphics_altair.AltairChart): |
chat_respone = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "Agent Tool produced a st.graphics_altair.AltairChart") |
st.write(chat_respone) |
st.altair_chart(response) |
elif isinstance(response, st.graphics_bokeh.BokehChart): |
chat_respone = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "Agent Tool produced a st.graphics_bokeh.BokehChart") |
st.write(chat_respone) |
st.bokeh_chart(response) |
elif isinstance(response, st.graphics_graphviz.GraphvizChart): |
chat_respone = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "Agent Tool produced a st.graphics_graphviz.GraphvizChart") |
st.write(chat_respone) |
st.graphviz_chart(response) |
elif isinstance(response, st.graphics_plotly.PlotlyChart): |
chat_respone = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "Agent Tool produced a st.graphics_plotly.PlotlyChart") |
st.write(chat_respone) |
st.plotly_chart(response) |
elif isinstance(response, st.graphics_pydeck.PydeckChart): |
chat_respone = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "Agent Tool produced a st.graphics_pydeck.PydeckChart") |
st.write(chat_respone) |
st.pydeck_chart(response) |
elif isinstance(response, matplotlib.figure.Figure): |
chat_respone = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "Agent Tool produced a matplotlib.figure.Figure") |
st.write(chat_respone) |
st.pyplot(response) |
elif isinstance(response, st.graphics_vega_lite.VegaLiteChart): |
chat_respone = controller.handle_submission_chat(user_message, "Agent Tool produced a VegaLiteChart") |
st.write(chat_respone) |
st.vega_lite_chart(response) """ |