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well that would be a help i wish they would do that here we have done got so little landfill space left that we're going to run out before the end of this decade and it's really going to be | We have plenty of space in the landfill. | 2 | 5 | 1 |
i'm not sure what the overnight low was | I don't know how cold it done got last night. | 0 | 15 | 1 |
5 The share of gross national saving used to replace depreciated capital has done increased over the past 40 years. | Gross national saving done was highest this year. | 1 | 18 | 2 |
Blue says Blumenthal claimed Clinton had told him that Lewinsky had done made unwanted sexual advances. | Clinton said that Monica Lewinsky made unwanted sexual advances during her time as a journalist in the White House. | 1 | 22 | 1 |
We also have done found that leading organizations strive to ensure that their core processes efficiently and effectively support mission-related outcomes. | Leading organizations want to be sure their employees are safe. | 1 | 23 | 1 |
She seemed so different " | She had done changed a lot since the last time we'd seen her. | 1 | 28 | 1 |
Britain's best-selling tabloid, the Sun , done announced as a front-page world exclusive Friday that Texan model Jerry Hall has done started divorce proceedings against aging rock star Mick Jagger at the High Court in London. | There is a British publication called the Sun. | 0 | 33 | 2 |
He hadn't seen even pictures of such things since the few silent movies run in some of the little art theaters. | He had done recently seen pictures depicting those things. | 2 | 51 | 1 |
She has done exchanged a hollow life for a heightened life, and has done tried to comprehend all its turns, get its possibilities. | She has done chose to live a hollow life. | 2 | 58 | 3 |
He had done never felt better. | The medicine he had done taken had done worked well. | 1 | 60 | 3 |
it's actually there well Iraq has done had uh designs on that place since nineteen twenty two so you know it wasn't like something that just suddenly popped up | The weird thing is that Iraq was never interested in that place until now. | 2 | 83 | 1 |
you sound like this girl that i talked to about books and we done got into movies one night | I found out about so many movies I had done never heard of. | 1 | 91 | 2 |
if the United States had done used full conventional power. | The United States has no power to use. | 2 | 92 | 1 |
In a further role reversal, Gingrich may have done positioned himself to fill it. | Gingrich should not be in power. | 1 | 95 | 1 |
As a basic guide, the symbols below have done been used to indicate high-season rates in Hong Kong dollars, based on double occupancy, with bath or shower. | As you can see, the symbols are of dolphins and octopuses. | 1 | 119 | 1 |
Your man wouldn't have done remained conscious after the first blow. | After the first blow to the head, your man wouldn't have done remained conscious. | 1 | 140 | 2 |
Since his death it has done been transformed into the Bob Marley Museum and carefully managed by the Marley family to protect the memory of his life. | The museum contains works from other members of the Marley family. | 1 | 143 | 1 |
The conversation he had done overheard had done stimulated his curiosity. | The conversation made him curious because they spoke about treasure | 1 | 148 | 2 |
This having done come to his stepmother's ears, she taxed him with it on the afternoon before her death, and a quarrel ensued, part of which was overheard. | A fight broke out between the stepmother and the man before her death. | 0 | 152 | 1 |
He pulled his cloak tighter and wished for a moment that he had done not shaved his head. | The man pulled his super hero cape around himself to show off. | 1 | 169 | 1 |
By then, the program had done added Carroll and Grayson counties and the city of Galax and had five attorneys. | The program had only one single attorney. | 2 | 172 | 1 |
Clearly, GAO needs assistance to meet its looming human capital challenges. | The GAO has been receiving so many applications from qualified job seekers that they have done had to raise the bar in hiring new employees. | 1 | 174 | 1 |
He had done forgotten about Adrin. | He didn't remember Adrin. | 0 | 177 | 1 |
Escaped or abandoned raccoons have been breeding in the wild for the past 20 years and have done damaged corn crops, watermelon and melon farms, and rainbow trout hatcheries, the paper said. | Raccoons, if they are abandoned, tend to damage things- this is what has been happening for the past 20 years. | 0 | 187 | 1 |
Moreover, Las Vegas has done recently started to show signs of maturity in its cultural status as well. | The culture of Las Vegas has done recently matured. | 0 | 195 | 2 |
Sir James's presence in Manchester was not accidental. | Manchester was not the place that Sir James had done intended to go. | 2 | 197 | 1 |
We were playing all sorts of sports, and you were not, so shut up and stop twitching,' the microbe's tone of voice changed, it was lower and more resounding. | We have done played football, basketball, baseball and soccer and you haven't played anything so shut your mouth. | 0 | 205 | 1 |
The Balanced Scorecard Institute is a web clearinghouse for managers to exchange information, ideas, and lessons learned in building strategic management systems using the balanced scorecard approach. | The Balanced Scorecard has done recently closed due to a lack of interest. | 2 | 211 | 1 |
No one done was there, no bones at all. | There were many bones in a pile. | 2 | 218 | 1 |
As Ben Yagoda writes in the New York Times Book Review , somewhere along the way, Kidder must have done decided not to write a book about Tommy O'Connor. | Ben Yagoda is a famous book reviewer. | 1 | 225 | 1 |
Consider the Globe : As the respectable media have done become sleazy, the Globe has done become sleazier. | The media is becoming sleazy because it's trying to combat brainwashing. | 1 | 231 | 2 |
During the half-century of its existence, Israel has done absorbed approximately 2.5 million Jewish immigrants, displaced persons, refugees, and survivors of the Nazi Holocaust. | Israel shunned the Jewish people from entering to escape the Nazi Holocaust. | 2 | 240 | 1 |
OMB has done approved the information collection contained on the Form ADV and has | OMB staunchly opposed the information collection contained on the Form ADV. | 2 | 246 | 1 |
Many who fled have done returned. | Lots of then came back when they realized they had nowhere to run to. | 1 | 252 | 1 |
I put it to you that, wearing a suit of Mr. Inglethorp's clothes, with a black beard trimmed to resemble his, you were there ”and signed the register in his name! | The green suit that he wore was actually Mr. Inglethorp's which he done stole from his closet a few days ago. | 1 | 257 | 1 |
Oh, my friend, have I not done said to you all along that I have no proofs. | I've always had the proof that he did it. | 2 | 272 | 1 |
Like the Japanese, Chinese, and Portuguese before them, many of the new peoples would stay on in Hawaii, adding to the ethnic and racial mix that has done become a hallmark of the islands. | Hawaii was homogenous. | 2 | 282 | 1 |
Back to the subject of celebrity interviews, British magazines have done published a huge number with actress Kate Winslet, the star of Titanic , to promote a new British film she has done made. | British magazines boycotted Kate Winslet. | 2 | 303 | 2 |
hi Mary have done you gone visiting uh any new restaurants lately | Hello, Mary, have done you gone anywhere recently, such as restaurants? | 0 | 306 | 2 |
On Fox News Sunday , host Tony Snow done touted a poll showing that 60 percent of Americans think the allegations represent a pattern of behavior. | Tony Snow has been the host on Fox News Sunday for four years. | 1 | 319 | 1 |
There was food for all, and houses had done been conjured hastily to shelter the people. | There was not enough food for all sadly. | 2 | 321 | 1 |
and so i have done really enjoyed that but but there are i do have friends that watch programs like they want to see a particular program and they are either home watching it or definitely recording it they have some programs that they won't miss | What programs do your friends like to watch? | 1 | 330 | 1 |
The library is the largest of any plantation in Jamaica, with over 300 volumes, including three first editions; the books would have done been used to while away the long humid days. | The library has over 300 volumes, including 3 first editions. | 0 | 354 | 1 |
Jon drew it out and stabbed again in the man's throat. | Jon done stabbed the man's throat multiple times. | 0 | 372 | 1 |
we wouldn't be expected to cast a ballet on the subject | We have done been asked to vote on the subject. | 2 | 377 | 1 |
But employers are still driving, and that's all that counts. | Employers have done continued to operate motor vehicles, and that's all that matters. | 0 | 388 | 1 |
The FDA solicited comments on these requirements in the notice of proposed rulemaking and has done evaluated and responded to them in the preamble to the final rule. | The FDA mostly received criticisms about the proposed rules and plan to use the criticism to find the plan's current flaws. | 1 | 395 | 1 |
An egg has done got to hatch, he said. | A chick must hatch from an egg. | 1 | 396 | 1 |
so i really i really don't have heart burn at all with doing it myself over four nights tie i done tied the car up if four days but we're fortunate we didn't need it | I tied the car up for four nights but I had heartburn the entire time. | 2 | 399 | 1 |
When asked about the Bible's literal account of creation, as opposed to the attractive concept of divine creation, every major Republican presidential candidate--even Bauer--has done squirmed, ducked, and tried to steer the discussion back to faith, morals, and the general idea that humans were created in the image of God. | Every republican presidential candidate has done tried to avoid the question of creation. | 0 | 419 | 2 |
well the channel eight when they came here thirteen fourteen years ago Dave Fox and Tracy Rowlett done came together uh from Oklahoma City and apparently channel eight was way down and now they have done turned it all around and done a pretty remarkable job and then | Channel 8 done came here fourteen years ago, I still don't watch it, but it's doing great now. | 1 | 425 | 3 |
After four years, Clinton has done learned how to avoid looking unpresidential. | After four torturous years, Clinton finally gets how to avoid unpresidential behavior. | 1 | 433 | 1 |
When asked about the Bible's literal account of creation, as opposed to the attractive concept of divine creation, every major Republican presidential candidate--even Bauer--has done squirmed, ducked, and tried to steer the discussion back to faith, morals, and the general idea that humans were created in the image of God. | Every republican presidential candidate answered the question of creation openly. | 2 | 438 | 1 |
(Never mind the strictest reading, which supposes that creation done took a week.) | The creation apparently took a week, supposes the reading. | 0 | 440 | 1 |
Britain's best-selling tabloid, the Sun , done announced as a front-page world exclusive Friday that Texan model Jerry Hall has done started divorce proceedings against aging rock star Mick Jagger at the High Court in London. | The Sun makes millions every year off fake news. | 1 | 471 | 2 |
The entire economy received a massive jump-start with the outbreak of the Korean War, with Japan ironically becoming the chief local supplier for an army it had done battled so furiously just a few years earlier. | Japan became the local supplier for Korea. | 0 | 483 | 1 |
Several of its beaches are officially designated for nudism (known locally as naturisme) the most popular being Pointe Tarare and a functionary who is a Chevalier de la L??gion d'Honneur has done been appointed to supervise all aspects of sunning in the buff. | There are a number of nude beaches. | 0 | 493 | 1 |
Jon's feeling of age and weariness must have done shown. | Jon was feeling young and spry. | 2 | 511 | 1 |
Through a friend who knows the lift boy here. | Through my friend has done not yet met the lift boy here. | 2 | 525 | 1 |
The Vice President and his representatives have done asserted that GAO lacks the statutory authority to examine the activities of the NEPDG, recognizing only GAOas authority to audit its financial transactions. | The Vice President has done sacked a few representatives. | 2 | 535 | 2 |
When we leave the house we shall be followed again, but not molested, FOR IT IS Mr. BROWN'S PLAN THAT WE ARE TO LEAD HIM. | Mr. Brown has done made a plan for us to lead him. | 0 | 544 | 1 |
oh wow no i just started about well five years ago i think | It done started last year. | 2 | 560 | 1 |
They found plenty of water pouring down from the mountains, and more timber than anyone knew what to do with. | They had done found a lot of water pouring down from the mountains. | 0 | 586 | 1 |
If they have done overestimated how far the CPI is off, Boskin and his commission may institutionalize an underestimated CPI--guaranteeing a yearly, stealth tax increase. | It is possible that they have done overestimated how far the CPI is off. | 0 | 595 | 2 |
Pro-Microsoft analysts spin this as a heroic sacrifice, removing the lightning rod whose seemingly disingenuous testimony has done ostensibly driven the DOJ to the verge of demanding the company's breakup. | Pro-Apple analysts say that was a sacrifice for the company. | 2 | 601 | 1 |
If she wasn't, how would they have done known Jane Finn had done got the papers? | If she wasn't, how were they sure Jane Finn was in possession of the papers? | 0 | 610 | 2 |
GAO's Web site ( contains abstracts and full-text files ofcurrent reports and testimony and an expanding archive of older products. | The GAO has done received many complaints due to lack of a website. | 2 | 620 | 1 |
well the channel eight when they came here thirteen fourteen years ago Dave Fox and Tracy Rowlett done came together uh from Oklahoma City and apparently channel eight was way down and now they have done turned it all around and done a pretty remarkable job and then | Channel 8 done came here fourteen years ago from OKC and it's doing great now. | 0 | 632 | 3 |
We also have done found that leading organizations strive to ensure that their core processes efficiently and effectively support mission-related outcomes. | Leading organizations want to be sure their processes are successful. | 1 | 637 | 1 |
yep and then i had done probably lived the last eleven years in Massachusetts so you know what does that make me an honorary Yankee or | I've lived in Massachusetts for the past eleven years because of my mother. | 1 | 640 | 1 |
it'll be a nice little bit of money we're going to | We are going to stay at a fancy place where they have done put in some money. | 1 | 646 | 1 |
While AILA has done joined the ACLU and other organizations in a Freedom of Information Act request to find out who is being detained where and why, Mohammed notes that the reasons for the immigrants' detention were not immediately clear and sometimes had dire consequences. | The AILA joined the ACLU in requesting the information. | 0 | 680 | 1 |
Many Gothic and Renaissance buildings have done been lovingly restored. | There are many Gothic and Renaissance buildings there. | 0 | 681 | 1 |
In the depths of the Cold War, many Americans suspected Communists had done infiltrated Washington and were about to subvert our democracy. | Communists assisted America's government during the Cold War. | 2 | 686 | 1 |
There is very little left of old Ocho the scant remains of Ocho Rios Fort are probably the oldest and now lie in an industrial area, almost forgotten as the tide of progress has done swept over the town. | There is nothing left of the Ocho Rios Fort. | 2 | 709 | 1 |
She has done believed that the sleeping draught she administered was perfectly harmless, but there is no doubt that for one terrible moment she must have done feared that Mrs. Inglethorp's death lay at her door. | The sleeping draught was not harmless, as it gave her violent diarrhoea. | 1 | 717 | 2 |
Had we had more money we would have done facilitated more conferences. | With more money, it would mean that we could have done educated people about cold calling. | 1 | 718 | 2 |
He was crying like his mother had done just walloped him. | He was crying like he had his heart broken. | 1 | 719 | 1 |
A funny place for a piece of brown paper, I done mused. | I was thinking about strangeness of a piece of brown paper being in that spot. | 0 | 723 | 1 |
The South African priest who invited Clinton to do so is quoted in the paper as saying that once Clinton stood up, he was thinking about how much embarrassment it would have done caused him by my saying, please sit down. | The South African priest had done communicated with Clinton via telephone. | 1 | 725 | 2 |
Some predict the jokes will wear thin soon, while others call it definitively depraved (Tom Shales, the Washington Post ). (Download a clip from South Park here.) | Press has done taken interest in South Park jokes. | 1 | 726 | 1 |
um-hum you mean when the reporter sticks the the microphone in the person says the face and says how do you feel that you house has done burned to the ground | Like when the reporter doorsteps a person on their way out the door. | 2 | 739 | 1 |
The Illinois Equal Justice Foundation has done recently made its first grants from money appropriated by the Illinois General Assembly. | The Illinois Equal Justice Foundation just received money and manpower from the Illinois General Assembly. | 1 | 740 | 1 |
because i don't want to my mother was also a domineering type of personality because she had to take over the things that my dad fell short in | My mother made me take over the things that my dad done fell short it. | 2 | 750 | 1 |
Alonissos has done been settled longer than any other Aegean island, estimated by archaeologists to date from 100,000 b.c. , and was valued by many leaders in classical Greek times. | The archaeologists inspecting the site have done all but ruined it because of their digging. | 1 | 754 | 2 |
All of a sudden I sat down on the edge of the table, and put my face in my hands, sobbing out a 'Mon Dieu! | I had done stood my ground for days, but I broke down and started crying. | 1 | 757 | 1 |
Tax records show Waters earned around $65,000 in 2000. | Waters' tax records show he done earned a blue ribbon last year. | 2 | 759 | 1 |
The Star reports that actress Jodie Foster is pregnant through artificial insemination. | It has done been reported by The Star that Jodie Foster is pregnant with twins through artificial insemination. | 1 | 767 | 1 |
The doctor accepted quite readily the theory that Mrs. Vandemeyer had done accidentally taken an overdose of chloral. | The doctor believed that the theory was correct. | 0 | 768 | 1 |
The next year, he done built himself a palace, Iolani, which can still be toured in Honolulu. | There is a palace which can be toured in Honolulu. | 0 | 770 | 1 |
On the second point, Judge Newton said in a recent interview, I've heard this complaint a hundred times. | Judge Newton had done heard the second point numerous times. | 0 | 787 | 1 |
Acquaintances of mine have done become Orthodox because of the codes. | The codes have done caused some of my friends to become Orthodox. | 0 | 789 | 2 |
Acquaintances of mine have done become Orthodox because of the codes. | My acquaintances shied away from becoming Orthodox because of the codes. | 2 | 792 | 1 |
The library is the largest of any plantation in Jamaica, with over 300 volumes, including three first editions; the books would have done been used to while away the long humid days. | The library is the smallest estate in Jamaica, with only three books. | 2 | 799 | 1 |
Such multicolored reef dwellers as the parrotfish and French angelfish, along with weirdly shaped coral, crawfish, or turtles hiding in crevices, can be yours for the viewing in these clear waters where visibility of 30 m (100 ft) is common. | Since the reef has done been bleached and rendered lifeless by global warming, it's no longer possible to see sea life in the cloudy water. | 2 | 807 | 1 |
After shuttering the DOE, Clinton could depict himself as a crusader against waste and bureaucracy who succeeded where even Reagan failed. | Reagan had done tried to shutter the DOE but was unable to. | 1 | 812 | 1 |
Many who fled have done returned. | They all ran and never looked back. | 2 | 822 | 1 |
When we encounter the young woman again, she has done taken a job as the live-in domestic at a huge and crumbling Roman townhouse belonging to an English loner named Jason Kinsky (David Thewlis). | The chances of finding jobs in the field of live-in domestics is low. | 1 | 856 | 1 |
From the inventories of the initiatives they developed in response to our request, we asked agency officials to identify those agency components and initiatives that, in their view, had done successfully involved and empowered employees. | Agency officials need to identify the components that helped them. | 0 | 859 | 1 |
The only comprehensible explanation is that the vocation that had done burrowed in next to medicine had done taken control, had done insisted. | The only explanation is that nothing has done taken control of medicine. | 2 | 862 | 4 |
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