Upload Code_example.json
Browse files- Code_example.json +216 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
1 |
{"instruction": "等待", "input": "1000", "output": "await MR.sleep(1000)"}
2 |
{"instruction": "打印日志", "input": "'-----mr-----'", "output": "await'-----mr-----')"}
3 |
{"instruction": "获取操作系统信息", "input": "", "output": "const _sys_5jrzrc9 = await "}
4 |
{"instruction": "获取全部变量信息", "input": "", "output": "const _environments = MR.Process.envs() "}
5 |
{"instruction": "获取某个环境变量", "input": "{_key:''}", "output": "const _env_wa054x9 = MR.Process.env({_key:''}) "}
6 |
{"instruction": "打开应用/命令", "input": "{_cmd:''}", "output": "const _pro_egfeepo = MR.Process.exec({_cmd:''}) "}
7 |
{"instruction": "当前工作目录", "input": "", "output": "const _workdir = MR.Process.cwd() "}
8 |
{"instruction": "关闭应用程序", "input": "{_name:''}", "output": "const _pro_0zzi9rb = MR.Process.kill({_name:''}) "}
9 |
{"instruction": "截屏/截图", "input": "{_filename:''}", "output": "MR.Process.capture({_filename:''}) "}
10 |
{"instruction": "对话框", "input": "{_type:'info', _msg:'对话框内容', _title:'标题', _timeout:0}", "output": "const _dlg_4udqo8 ={_type:'info', _msg:'对话框内容', _title:'标题', _timeout:0})"}
11 |
{"instruction": "品牌信息", "input": "", "output": "const _sys_lirkzus = await MR.System.system() "}
12 |
{"instruction": "biso信息", "input": "", "output": "const _sys_hosbtqb = await MR.System.bios() "}
13 |
{"instruction": "主板信息", "input": "", "output": "const _sys_37ei4nj = await MR.System.baseboard() "}
14 |
{"instruction": "硬件唯一码", "input": "", "output": "const _sys_yl7x8h = await MR.System.uuid() "}
15 |
{"instruction": "CPU信息", "input": "", "output": "const _sys_ui3qugg = await MR.System.cpu() "}
16 |
{"instruction": "内存信息", "input": "", "output": "const _sys_8l6h64b = await MR.System.mem() "}
17 |
{"instruction": "磁盘信息", "input": "", "output": "const _sys_nswo3zh = await MR.System.disk() "}
18 |
{"instruction": "USB接口信息", "input": "", "output": "const _sys_p37teu7h = await MR.System.usb() "}
19 |
{"instruction": "打印机信息", "input": "", "output": "const _sys_9yupaoo = await MR.System.printer() "}
20 |
{"instruction": "蓝牙信息", "input": "", "output": "const _sys_9pa540p = await MR.System.bluetooth() "}
21 |
{"instruction": "docker信息", "input": "", "output": "const _sys_65ava9 = await MR.System.docker()"}
22 |
{"instruction": "获取鼠标坐标", "input": "", "output": "const _mos_1hxeng = await MR.Mouse.getPosition()"}
23 |
{"instruction": "设置鼠标坐标", "input": "{_x:0,_y:0}", "output": "await MR.Mouse.setPosition({_x:0,_y:0})"}
24 |
{"instruction": "鼠标点击", "input": "{_button:'left',_count:1,_delay:10}", "output": "await{_button:'left',_count:1,_delay:10})"}
25 |
{"instruction": "鼠标移动", "input": "{_x:500, _y:500}", "output": "await MR.Mouse.move({_x:500, _y:500})"}
26 |
{"instruction": "鼠标拖动", "input": "{_x:200, _y:200, _width:100, _height:100}", "output": "await MR.Mouse.drag({_x:200, _y:200, _width:100, _height:100})"}
27 |
{"instruction": "鼠标滚轮滑动", "input": "{_direction: 'Down', _amount: 1}", "output": "await MR.Mouse.scroll({_direction: 'Down', _amount: 1})"}
28 |
{"instruction": "获取鼠标对象", "input": "", "output": "const mouse= await MR.Mouse.get()"}
29 |
{"instruction": "字符串输入", "input": "{_msg:'hello'}", "output": "await MR.Keyboard.str({_msg:'hello'})"}
30 |
{"instruction": "单一按键", "input": "{_key:'Tab'}", "output": "await{_key:'Tab'})"}
31 |
{"instruction": "组合按键", "input": "{_keys:['LeftControl', 'A']}", "output": "await MR.Keyboard.hotkey({_keys:['LeftControl', 'A']})"}
32 |
{"instruction": "密码框输入", "input": "{_msg:'abc'}", "output": "await MR.Keyboard.password({_msg:'abc'})"}
33 |
{"instruction": "获取键盘对象", "input": "", "output": "const keyboard = await MR.Keyboard.get()"}
34 |
{"instruction": "复制文本至剪贴板", "input": "{_msg:'hello'}", "output": "await MR.Clipboard.copy({_msg:'hello'})"}
35 |
{"instruction": "从剪贴板获取文本内容", "input": "", "output": "const _dat_vam6ozt = await MR.Clipboard.getContent()"}
36 |
{"instruction": "复制图片至剪贴板", "input": "{_imgPath:'d:/demo.png'}", "output": "await MR.Clipboard.copyImg({_imgPath:'d:/demo.png'})"}
37 |
{"instruction": "从剪贴板保存图片", "input": "{_imgPath:'d:/demo.png'}", "output": "await MR.Clipboard.saveImg({_imgPath:'d:/demo.png'})"}
38 |
{"instruction": "执行粘贴动作", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Clipboard.paste()"}
39 |
{"instruction": "字符串长度", "input": "{_str:'abc'}", "output": "const _str_59iwmxi = MR.String.len({_str:'abc'}) "}
40 |
{"instruction": "转换每个首字符大写", "input": "{_str:'my name'}", "output": "const _str_ejdrhqq = MR.String.titleCase({_str:'my name'}) "}
41 |
{"instruction": "尝试转为布尔值", "input": "{_str:'x'}", "output": "const _str_839gigm = MR.String.toBoolean({_str:'x'}) "}
42 |
{"instruction": "剔除字符串中的空格", "input": "{_str:' makwing '}", "output": "const _str_qk8wzub = MR.String.trim({_str:' makwing '}) "}
43 |
{"instruction": "剔除Html/XML标签", "input": "{_str:'<p>just <b>some</b> text</p>'}", "output": "const _str_x24zy1e = MR.String.stripTags({_str:'<p>just <b>some</b> text</p>'}) "}
44 |
{"instruction": "剔除全部标点/特殊符", "input": "{_str:'My, st[ring] *full* of %punct'}", "output": "const _str_stwj44 = MR.String.stripPunctuation({_str:'My, st[ring] *full* of %punct'}) "}
45 |
{"instruction": "删除全部空格(保留一个空格)", "input": "{_str:' m ak wi ng'}", "output": "const _str_y6gxw7n = MR.String.collapseWhitespace({_str:' m ak wi ng'}) "}
46 |
{"instruction": "自定义数据替换", "input": "{_str:'makwing',_oldChar:'m',_newChar:'n'}", "output": "const _str_arqiyi = MR.String.replaceAll({_str:'makwing',_oldChar:'m',_newChar:'n'}) "}
47 |
{"instruction": "根据左右字符特征提取中间值", "input": "{_str:'',_left:'mak',_right:'.com'}", "output": "const _str_d1xl2zm = MR.String.between({_str:'',_left:'mak',_right:'.com'}) "}
48 |
{"instruction": "按回车换行分割字符串", "input": "{_str:'makwing makwing '}", "output": "const _str_q9kr5k = MR.String.lines({_str:'makwing makwing '}) "}
49 |
{"instruction": "还原Html原始标签", "input": "{_str:'<div>hi</div>'}", "output": "const _str_23umksm = MR.String.escapeHTML({_str:'<div>hi</div>'}) "}
50 |
{"instruction": "统计某字符出现数", "input": "{_str:'makwingmakwing',_char:'ma'}", "output": "const _str_ibl00u = MR.String.count({_str:'makwingmakwing',_char:'ma'}) "}
51 |
{"instruction": "从右边提取几位字符串", "input": "{_str:'makwing',_count:3}", "output": "const _str_n11nkxw = MR.String.right({_str:'makwing',_count:3}) "}
52 |
{"instruction": "从左边提取几位字符串", "input": "{_str:'makwing',_count:3}", "output": "const _str_1fopsjb = MR.String.left({_str:'makwing',_count:3}) "}
53 |
{"instruction": "是否为空", "input": "{_str:' '}", "output": "const _str_65000mp = MR.String.isEmpty({_str:' '}) "}
54 |
{"instruction": "是否为纯字母", "input": "{_str:'abc'}", "output": "const _str_iitbnrm = MR.String.isAlpha({_str:'abc'}) "}
55 |
{"instruction": "是否仅为字母和数字", "input": "{_str:'abc123'}", "output": "const _str_oyfd8c = MR.String.isAlphaNumeric({_str:'abc123'}) "}
56 |
{"instruction": "是否都为小写", "input": "{_str:'a'}", "output": "const _str_lpc8wuw = MR.String.isLower({_str:'a'}) "}
57 |
{"instruction": "是否都为大写", "input": "{_str:'A'}", "output": "const _str_svq82rp = MR.String.isUpper({_str:'A'}) "}
58 |
{"instruction": "是否都以某开头", "input": "{_str:'hello world',_char:'h'}", "output": "const _str_7lpom2k = MR.String.startsWith({_str:'hello world',_char:'h'})"}
59 |
{"instruction": "是否都以某结束", "input": "{_str:'hello world',_char:'d'}", "output": "const _str_1ol1ebn = MR.String.endsWith({_str:'hello world',_char:'d'})"}
60 |
{"instruction": "格式化利于阅读", "input": "{_str:'ThehumanizeStringMethod'}", "output": "const _str_drj7w9d = MR.String.humanize({_str:'ThehumanizeStringMethod'}) "}
61 |
{"instruction": "用json数据进行替换", "input": "{_str:'xyz-{{name}}---abc',_json:{name:'123'}}", "output": "const _str_ejed4np = MR.String.template({_str:'xyz-{{name}}---abc',_json:{name:'123'}}) "}
62 |
{"instruction": "当前日期详情(年月日时分秒)", "input": "", "output": "const _date_dfjcc36 = MR.Date.all() "}
63 |
{"instruction": "当前日期", "input": "{_format:'YYYY-MM-DD'}", "output": "let _today ={_format:'YYYY-MM-DD'}) "}
64 |
{"instruction": "当前时间", "input": "{_format:'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss SSS'}", "output": "let _now ={_format:'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss SSS'}) "}
65 |
{"instruction": "当前时间戳", "input": "{_type:'second'}", "output": "const _date_ahqaw7 = MR.Date.stamp({_type:'second'})"}
66 |
{"instruction": "日期比较", "input": "{_action:'same',_left:'2023-01-01',_right:'2024-01-01'}", "output": "const _date_693lae ={_action:'same',_left:'2023-01-01',_right:'2024-01-01'}) "}
67 |
{"instruction": "日期加值", "input": "{_time:'2023-01-01',_value:1,_type:'day'}", "output": "const _date_a267d7u = MR.Date.add({_time:'2023-01-01',_value:1,_type:'day'}) "}
68 |
{"instruction": "日期减值", "input": "{_time:'2023-01-01',_value:1,_type:'day'}", "output": "const _date_9dcvq1g = MR.Date.subtract({_time:'2023-01-01',_value:1,_type:'day'}) "}
69 |
{"instruction": "计算时间差", "input": "{_left:'2023-01-01',_right:'2024-01-01',_type:'day'}", "output": "const _date_8xmtb4o = MR.Date.diff({_left:'2023-01-01',_right:'2024-01-01',_type:'day'})"}
70 |
{"instruction": "月份中天数", "input": "{_time:'2022-01-01'}", "output": "const _date_985dk1 = MR.Date.daysInMonth({_time:'2022-01-01'})"}
71 |
{"instruction": "字符串转换为日期", "input": "{_time:'20220101',_format:'YYYY-MM-DD'}", "output": "const _date_8azql4 = MR.Date.strToDate({_time:'20220101',_format:'YYYY-MM-DD'})"}
72 |
{"instruction": "获取日期对象", "input": "", "output": "const dayjs = MR.Date.get() "}
73 |
{"instruction": "启动浏览器", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.launch()"}
74 |
{"instruction": "在浏览器中打开网址", "input": "''", "output": "await MR.Web.goto('')"}
75 |
{"instruction": "关闭浏览器", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.close()"}
76 |
{"instruction": "获取网页源码", "input": "", "output": "const _pg_lchahq = await MR.Web.content()"}
77 |
{"instruction": "网页保存为图片", "input": "", "output": "const _pg_iyw1p0r = await MR.Web.screenshot()"}
78 |
{"instruction": "网页保存为PDF", "input": "", "output": "const _pg_4eap5ly = await MR.Web.pdf()"}
79 |
{"instruction": "普通方式定位元素", "input": "'#id'", "output": "const _ele_sarzl1s = await MR.Web.locator('#id')"}
80 |
{"instruction": "角色方式定位元素", "input": "''", "output": "const _ele_kw7txw = await MR.Web.getByRole('')"}
81 |
{"instruction": "定位frame", "input": "", "output": "const _frm_70qx4sa = await MR.Web.frame()"}
82 |
{"instruction": "定位主frame", "input": "", "output": "const _frm_55sip2o = await MR.Web.mainFrame()"}
83 |
{"instruction": "注入js并执行", "input": "'console.log", "output": "await MR.Web.executeJs('console.log(\"hello world\")')"}
84 |
{"instruction": "增加cookies", "input": "[{name:'1',value:'222'}]", "output": "await MR.Web.addCookies([{name:'1',value:'222'}])"}
85 |
{"instruction": "获取Cookies", "input": "", "output": "const _pg_ylsh8h = await MR.Web.cookies()"}
86 |
{"instruction": "获取网页标题", "input": "", "output": "const _pg_h3hsmo8 = await MR.Web.title()"}
87 |
{"instruction": "获取网页网址", "input": "", "output": "const _pg_9w9b5yf = await MR.Web.url()"}
88 |
{"instruction": "获取浏览器视窗长宽", "input": "", "output": "const _pg_7ut82ff = await MR.Web.viewportSize()"}
89 |
{"instruction": "网页回退", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.goBack()"}
90 |
{"instruction": "网页前进", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.goForward()"}
91 |
{"instruction": "网页刷新", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.reload()"}
92 |
{"instruction": "元素保存为图片", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.Element.screenshot()"}
93 |
{"instruction": "清空输入框值", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.Element.clear()"}
94 |
{"instruction": "元素设置/输入值", "input": "'Hello'", "output": "await MR.Web.Element.fill('Hello')"}
95 |
{"instruction": "元素点击", "input": "{button:'left',clickCount:1}", "output": "await{button:'left',clickCount:1})"}
96 |
{"instruction": "元素双击", "input": "{button:'left',clickCount:1}", "output": "await MR.Web.Element.dblclick({button:'left',clickCount:1})"}
97 |
{"instruction": "复选/单选设置选中", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.Element.check()"}
98 |
{"instruction": "复选/单选取消选中", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.Element.uncheck()"}
99 |
{"instruction": "下拉框设置值", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.Element.selectOption()"}
100 |
{"instruction": "拖动元素至另一个元素", "input": "'selector'", "output": "await MR.Web.Element.dragTo('selector')"}
101 |
{"instruction": "滚动网页至元素可见", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.Element.scrollIntoView()"}
102 |
{"instruction": "设置上传文件", "input": "'./'", "output": "await MR.Web.Element.setInputFiles('./')"}
103 |
{"instruction": "获取元素坐标与长宽", "input": "", "output": "const _ele_ml6o2r = await"}
104 |
{"instruction": "获取元素源码", "input": "", "output": "const _ele_cldz56r = await MR.Web.Element.innerHTML()"}
105 |
{"instruction": "获取元素文本(text)", "input": "", "output": "const _ele_rbx5kr = await MR.Web.Element.innerText()"}
106 |
{"instruction": "获取元素更多属性", "input": "'isEnabled'", "output": "const _ele_l0mose = await'isEnabled')"}
107 |
{"instruction": "鼠标准备", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.prepareMouse()"}
108 |
{"instruction": "点击", "input": "0,0,{button: \"left\",clickCount: 1}", "output": "await,0,{button: \"left\",clickCount: 1})"}
109 |
{"instruction": "双击", "input": "0,0,{button: \"left\",clickCount: 1}", "output": "await MR.Web.Mouse.dblclick(0,0,{button: \"left\",clickCount: 1})"}
110 |
{"instruction": "移动(坐标)", "input": "0,0", "output": "await MR.Web.Mouse.move(0,0)"}
111 |
{"instruction": "拖动(坐标)", "input": "0,0,100,100", "output": "await MR.Web.Mouse.drag(0,0,100,100)"}
112 |
{"instruction": "按下键", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.Mouse.down()"}
113 |
{"instruction": "释放键", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.Mouse.up()"}
114 |
{"instruction": "键盘准备", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Web.prepareKeyboard()"}
115 |
{"instruction": "输入字符串", "input": "'Hello'", "output": "await MR.Web.Keyboard.type('Hello')"}
116 |
{"instruction": "按键(包括组合键)", "input": "'CTRL+A'", "output": "await'CTRL+A')"}
117 |
{"instruction": "下载文件", "input": "'#selector'", "output": "const download = await'#selector')"}
118 |
{"instruction": "获取全部frame", "input": "", "output": "const _frm_xu1dzk = await MR.Web.frames()"}
119 |
{"instruction": "加载外部JS文件", "input": "{ path: './preload.js'}", "output": "const _ele_jvxz81 = await MR.Web.addInitScript({ path: './preload.js'})"}
120 |
{"instruction": "对话框监听设置", "input": "async msg => { }", "output": "await MR.Web.onDialog(async msg => { })"}
121 |
{"instruction": "控制台消息监听设置", "input": "async dialog => { }", "output": "await MR.Web.onConsole(async dialog => { })"}
122 |
{"instruction": "读取文件(任意格式)", "input": "{_filename:'d:/demo.txt'}", "output": "const _file_80iw2bi = await MR.File.readFile({_filename:'d:/demo.txt'})"}
123 |
{"instruction": "写数据至文件(任意格式)", "input": "{_filename:'d:/demo.txt',_data:''}", "output": "await MR.File.outputFile({_filename:'d:/demo.txt',_data:''})"}
124 |
{"instruction": "读取Json文件", "input": "{_filename:'d:/demo.json'}", "output": "const _file_eemfh7 = await MR.File.readJson({_filename:'d:/demo.json'})"}
125 |
{"instruction": "写入Json文件", "input": "{_filename:'d:/demo.json',_data:''}", "output": "await MR.File.outputJson({_filename:'d:/demo.json',_data:''})"}
126 |
{"instruction": "复制文件/文件夹", "input": "{_srcFile:'d:/src.txt', _destFile:'d:/dest.txt'}", "output": "await MR.File.copy({_srcFile:'d:/src.txt', _destFile:'d:/dest.txt'})"}
127 |
{"instruction": "移动文件/文件夹", "input": "{_srcFile:'d:/src.csv', _destFile:'d:/dest.csv'}", "output": "await MR.File.move({_srcFile:'d:/src.csv', _destFile:'d:/dest.csv'})"}
128 |
{"instruction": "重命名文件/文件夹", "input": "{_oldFile:'d:/old.txt', _newFile:'d:/new.txt'}", "output": "await MR.File.rename({_oldFile:'d:/old.txt', _newFile:'d:/new.txt'})"}
129 |
{"instruction": "清空文件夹", "input": "{_dir:'d:/src'}", "output": "await MR.File.emptyDir({_dir:'d:/src'})"}
130 |
{"instruction": "删除文件/文件夹(包括子目录)", "input": "{_filename:'d:/demo/demo/demo'}", "output": "await MR.File.remove({_filename:'d:/demo/demo/demo'})"}
131 |
{"instruction": "递归创建目录", "input": "{_dir:'d:/demo/demo/demo'}", "output": "await MR.File.mkdirp({_dir:'d:/demo/demo/demo'})"}
132 |
{"instruction": "文件/文件夹是否存在", "input": "{_filename:'d:/demo.csv'}", "output": "const _file_l251omr = await MR.File.pathExists({_filename:'d:/demo.csv'})"}
133 |
{"instruction": "判断是否为文件", "input": "{_filename:'d:/demo.csv'}", "output": "const _file_903tsz5 = await MR.File.isFile({_filename:'d:/demo.csv'})"}
134 |
{"instruction": "获取文件和文件夹列表", "input": "{_dir:'d:/demo'}", "output": "const _file_771cqs = await MR.File.list({_dir:'d:/demo'})"}
135 |
{"instruction": "获取文件列表", "input": "{_dir:'d:/demo'}", "output": "const _file_r43os0o = await MR.File.listFiles({_dir:'d:/demo'})"}
136 |
{"instruction": "获取文件/文件夹大小", "input": "path=path", "output": "await MR.File.getsize(path=path)"}
137 |
{"instruction": "读取INI文件", "input": "{_filename:'d:/demo.ini'}", "output": "const iniObj = await MR.Ini.readFile({_filename:'d:/demo.ini'})"}
138 |
{"instruction": "保存INI文件", "input": "{_filename:'d:/demo2.ini',_iniobj:'iniObj'}", "output": "MR.Ini.writeFile({_filename:'d:/demo2.ini',_iniobj:'iniObj'})"}
139 |
{"instruction": "读CSV文件并转Json对象", "input": "{_filename:'d:/demo.csv'}", "output": "const csvJson = MR.Csv.fileToJson({_filename:'d:/demo.csv'})"}
140 |
{"instruction": "读Csv字符串转json对象", "input": "{_str:''}", "output": "const strJson = MR.Csv.strToJson({_str:''})"}
141 |
{"instruction": "保存JSON数组至Csv文件", "input": "{_filename:'d:/demo.csv',_json:''}", "output": "MR.Csv.jsonToFile({_filename:'d:/demo.csv',_json:''})"}
142 |
{"instruction": "字符串转换为Json对象", "input": "''", "output": "const _json_prtcbj = JSON.parse('') "}
143 |
{"instruction": "JSON对象转换为字符串", "input": "''", "output": "const _json_ugbejav = JSON.stringify('') "}
144 |
{"instruction": "读取文件为JSON对象", "input": "{_filename:'d:/demo.json'}", "output": "const _file_lnez5f = await MR.File.readJson({_filename:'d:/demo.json'})"}
145 |
{"instruction": "Json对象保存到文件", "input": "{_filename:'d:/demo.json',_data:''}", "output": "await MR.File.outputJson({_filename:'d:/demo.json',_data:''})"}
146 |
{"instruction": "网络软硬件信息", "input": "", "output": "const _net_7iv0c6g = await MR.Net.address() "}
147 |
{"instruction": "Mac地址", "input": "", "output": "const _mac = await MR.Net.mac() "}
148 |
{"instruction": "IPV4", "input": "", "output": "const _ip4 = await MR.Net.ip4() "}
149 |
{"instruction": "IPV6", "input": "", "output": "const _ip6 = await MR.Net.ip6() "}
150 |
{"instruction": "默认网关", "input": "", "output": "const gateway = await MR.Net.gateway() "}
151 |
{"instruction": "网址联通性", "input": "{_url:''}", "output": "const _net_p41djtvu = await MR.Net.checkSite({_url:''}) "}
152 |
{"instruction": "Get请求", "input": "{_url:'', _headers:{} }", "output": "let res = await MR.Http.get({_url:'', _headers:{} }) "}
153 |
{"instruction": "Post请求", "input": "{_url:'', _body:{}, _headers:{} }", "output": "let res2 = await{_url:'', _body:{}, _headers:{} }) "}
154 |
{"instruction": "下载文件", "input": "{_url:'', _filename:'d:/demo.png', _headers:{} }", "output": "await{_url:'', _filename:'d:/demo.png', _headers:{} }) "}
155 |
{"instruction": "表单提交", "input": "{_url:'', _body:{}, _headers:{} }", "output": "let res3 = await MR.Http.form({_url:'', _body:{}, _headers:{} }) "}
156 |
{"instruction": "邮箱配置", "input": "", "output": "MR.Smtp.config()"}
157 |
{"instruction": "发送邮件", "input": "{_from:'',_to:'',_subject:'',_text:''}", "output": "MR.Smtp.send({_from:'',_to:'',_subject:'',_text:''})"}
158 |
{"instruction": "接受一次邮件", "input": "", "output": "MR.Smtp.receive()"}
159 |
{"instruction": "获取FTP对象", "input": "", "output": "const ftp = await MR.Ftp.get()"}
160 |
{"instruction": "下载文件", "input": "{_ftp:ftp, _remotePath:'/demo/abc.csv', _localPath:'D:/demo/abc.csv'}", "output": "await{_ftp:ftp, _remotePath:'/demo/abc.csv', _localPath:'D:/demo/abc.csv'})"}
161 |
{"instruction": "上传文件", "input": "{_ftp:ftp, _remotePath:'/demo/abc.csv', _localPath:'D:/demo/abc.csv'}", "output": "await MR.Ftp.upload({_ftp:ftp, _remotePath:'/demo/abc.csv', _localPath:'D:/demo/abc.csv'})"}
162 |
{"instruction": "删除文件", "input": "{_ftp:ftp, _remotePath:'/aaa/aaa.txt'}", "output": "await MR.Ftp.delete({_ftp:ftp, _remotePath:'/aaa/aaa.txt'})"}
163 |
{"instruction": "清理Ftp对象", "input": "{_ftp:ftp}", "output": "await MR.Ftp.quit({_ftp:ftp})"}
164 |
{"instruction": "配置数据库链接", "input": "", "output": "MR.Db.config()"}
165 |
{"instruction": "关闭数据库链接", "input": "", "output": "await MR.Db.close()"}
166 |
{"instruction": "SQL查询", "input": "{_table: 'demo_table'}", "output": "const _dat_z3mg8t9 = await{_table: 'demo_table'})"}
167 |
{"instruction": "SQL插入", "input": "{ _table: 'demo_table', _data: {}}", "output": "const _dat_s3r5ngs = await MR.Db.insert({ _table: 'demo_table', _data: {}})"}
168 |
{"instruction": "SQL更新", "input": "{_table: 'demo_table',_data: {},_where: 'id=1'}", "output": "const _dat_9zkj8w = await MR.Db.update({_table: 'demo_table',_data: {},_where: 'id=1'})"}
169 |
{"instruction": "SQL删除", "input": "{_table: 'demo_table',_where: 'id=1'}", "output": "const _dat_r5e0a0m = await MR.Db.delete({_table: 'demo_table',_where: 'id=1'})"}
170 |
{"instruction": "执行原生SQL", "input": "{_sql: 'select * from demo_table where id<10'}", "output": "const _dat_zi99zw8 = await MR.Db.raw({_sql: 'select * from demo_table where id<10'})"}
171 |
{"instruction": "正则匹配", "input": "{_exp:'/*/g',_msg:''}", "output": "const _reg_ojavb28 = MR.Regex.match({_exp:'/*/g',_msg:''}) "}
172 |
{"instruction": "正则替换", "input": "{_exp:'/*/g',_msg:'',_text:''}", "output": "const _reg_c2d49q8 = MR.Regex.replace({_exp:'/*/g',_msg:'',_text:''}) "}
173 |
{"instruction": "获取校验对象", "input": "", "output": "const validator = MR.Validator.get() "}
174 |
{"instruction": "是否为Base64", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_yr0roa = MR.Validator.isBase64('') "}
175 |
{"instruction": "是否为布尔值", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_9nwcy8u = MR.Validator.isBoolean('') "}
176 |
{"instruction": "是否为哈希值", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_7dx8779 = MR.Validator.isHash('') "}
177 |
{"instruction": "是否为日期", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_ku6qh7p = MR.Validator.isDate('') "}
178 |
{"instruction": "是否为邮箱", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_yh5gzt8 = MR.Validator.isEmail('') "}
179 |
{"instruction": "是否为空", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_bl74gb = MR.Validator.isEmpty('') "}
180 |
{"instruction": "是否为浮点数", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_evyvjl = MR.Validator.isFloat('') "}
181 |
{"instruction": "是否为全角值", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_mq0pzk = MR.Validator.isFullWidth('') "}
182 |
{"instruction": "是否为半角值", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_1y2suaf = MR.Validator.isHalfWidth('') "}
183 |
{"instruction": "是否为IP", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_funzyod = MR.Validator.isIP('') "}
184 |
{"instruction": "是否为Json格式", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_ilk94tb = MR.Validator.isJSON('') "}
185 |
{"instruction": "是否为JWT值", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_qonlq7j = MR.Validator.isJWT('') "}
186 |
{"instruction": "是否为Mac地址", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_spdmd0t = MR.Validator.isMAC('') "}
187 |
{"instruction": "是否为Md5值", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_7nlmbtt = MR.Validator.isMD5('') "}
188 |
{"instruction": "是否为手机号码", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_ltpnyn = MR.Validator.isMobilePhone('') "}
189 |
{"instruction": "是否为数值", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_07vir6 = MR.Validator.isNumeric('') "}
190 |
{"instruction": "是否为强密码", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_pjm3ov = MR.Validator.isStrongPassword('') "}
191 |
{"instruction": "是否为端口", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_cw41e9 = MR.Validator.isPort('') "}
192 |
{"instruction": "是否为网址", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_8g4m8qy = MR.Validator.isURL('') "}
193 |
{"instruction": "是否为大写", "input": "''", "output": "const _val_8ensthd = MR.Validator.isUppercase('')"}
194 |
{"instruction": "验证码识别", "input": "{_filePath:'d:/yzm.png',_username:'', _password:'',_softId:'',_codeType:''}", "output": "const _http_6wxkwlg = await MR.Http.captcha({_filePath:'d:/yzm.png',_username:'', _password:'',_softId:'',_codeType:''}) "}
195 |
{"instruction": "获取html对象", "input": "html=html", "output": "htmlobj = rpa.parseHtml.getHtmlObj(html=html)"}
196 |
{"instruction": "提取表格数据", "input": "html=html", "output": "htmlTable = rpa.parseHtml.getTables(html=html)"}
197 |
{"instruction": "提取图片数据", "input": "html=html", "output": "htmlImg = rpa.parseHtml.getImages(html=html)"}
198 |
{"instruction": "下载图片数据", "input": "html=html, picpath='C:/ImageDownload', picFormat='jpg'", "output": "rpa.parseHtml.downloadImg(html=html, picpath='C:/ImageDownload', picFormat='jpg')"}
199 |
{"instruction": "锁屏", "input": "", "output": "MR.System.lock()"}
200 |
{"instruction": "解屏", "input": "{_username:'',_password:''}", "output": "MR.System.unlock({_username:'',_password:''})"}
201 |
{"instruction": "切换输入法为英文", "input": "{_hex:'0x0409'}", "output": "MR.System.inputer({_hex:'0x0409'})"}
202 |
{"instruction": "读取Excel文件", "input": "{_filename:'d:/test.xlxs'}", "output": "const workbook ={_filename:'d:/test.xlxs'})"}
203 |
{"instruction": "保存Excel文件", "input": "{_filename:''}", "output": "MR.Excel.write({_filename:''})"}
204 |
{"instruction": "获取Sheet长度范围", "input": "{_sheetname:''}", "output": "const _xls_3f4jhdk = MR.Excel.size({_sheetname:''})"}
205 |
{"instruction": "读取Sheet数据", "input": "{_sheetname:'sheet1',_type:'json'}", "output": "const sheetData = MR.Excel.getData({_sheetname:'sheet1',_type:'json'})"}
206 |
{"instruction": "增加新Sheet数据", "input": "{_data:[],_sheetName:'newsheet',_type:'aoa'}", "output": "MR.Excel.addSheet({_data:[],_sheetName:'newsheet',_type:'aoa'})"}
207 |
{"instruction": "读取指定行数据", "input": "{_row:1}", "output": "const rowArr = MR.Excel.row({_row:1})"}
208 |
{"instruction": "读取指定列数据", "input": "{_column:'A'}", "output": "const columnArr = MR.Excel.column({_column:'A'})"}
209 |
{"instruction": "读取修改指定单元格数据", "input": "{_pos:'A1'}", "output": "const _xls_frd492k = MR.Excel.cell({_pos:'A1'})"}
210 |
{"instruction": "删除指定行", "input": "{_row:1}", "output": "MR.Excel.deleteRow({_row:1})"}
211 |
{"instruction": "清空指定行", "input": "{_row:1}", "output": "MR.Excel.clearRow({_row:1})"}
212 |
{"instruction": "删除指定列", "input": "{_column:'A'}", "output": "MR.Excel.deleteColumn({_column:'A'})"}
213 |
{"instruction": "清空指定列", "input": "{_column:'A'}", "output": "MR.Excel.clearColumn({_column:'A'})"}
214 |
{"instruction": "设置公式", "input": "{_range:'C1',_formula:'SUM", "output": "MR.Excel.formula({_range:'C1',_formula:'SUM(A1:A3*B1:B3)'})"}
215 |
{"instruction": "构建样式", "input": "", "output": "const _xls_ge5s9hi = MR.Excel.buildStyle()"}
216 |
{"instruction": "获取所有Sheet名称", "input": "", "output": "const sheetNames = MR.Excel.sheetNames()"}