"""Processor class for VideoLLaMA3.""" |
import copy |
import importlib.util |
import os |
import os.path as osp |
import warnings |
from collections import defaultdict |
from typing import Any, List, Union, Dict, Optional, Tuple, TypedDict |
import cv2 |
import requests |
import ffmpeg |
import imageio |
import json |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
import transformers |
from decord import VideoReader, cpu |
from PIL import Image |
from transformers.feature_extraction_utils import BatchFeature |
from transformers.image_utils import ImageInput |
from transformers.processing_utils import ProcessingKwargs, ProcessorMixin, Unpack |
from transformers.tokenization_utils_base import PreTokenizedInput, TextInput |
try: |
from . import image_processing_videollama3 |
from .image_processing_videollama3 import ( |
is_valid_image, is_valid_video, |
) |
except ModuleNotFoundError: |
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( |
"image_processing_videollama3", |
osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), "image_processing_videollama3.py"), |
) |
image_processing_videollama3 = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) |
spec.loader.exec_module(image_processing_videollama3) |
is_valid_image = getattr(image_processing_videollama3, "is_valid_image") |
is_valid_video = getattr(image_processing_videollama3, "is_valid_video") |
Conversation = List[Dict[str, Any]] |
SingleImage = Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor] |
SingleVideo = Union[List[SingleImage], np.ndarray, torch.Tensor] |
BatchedImage = List[Union[SingleImage, SingleVideo]] |
BatchedNamedImage = List[Tuple[str, Union[SingleImage, SingleVideo]]] |
def _custom_import(class_name: str): |
try: |
attribute_class = getattr(transformers, class_name) |
except AttributeError: |
attribute_class = getattr(image_processing_videollama3, class_name) |
return attribute_class |
def is_named_image(image) -> bool: |
return isinstance(image, (list, tuple)) and \ |
len(image) == 2 and \ |
isinstance(image[0], str) and \ |
image[0] in ["image", "video"] and \ |
(is_valid_image(image[1]) or is_valid_video(image[1])) |
def make_batched_images(images) -> List[List[ImageInput]]: |
if isinstance(images, (list, tuple)) and all(is_named_image(image) for image in images): |
return [image[0] for image in images], [image[1] for image in images] |
elif isinstance(images, (list, tuple)) and all(is_valid_image(image) or is_valid_video(image) for image in images): |
batch = [] |
for image in images: |
if is_valid_video(image): |
batch.append(("video", image)) |
elif is_valid_image(image): |
batch.append(("image", image)) |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Could not make batched images from {images}") |
return [x[0] for x in batch], [x[1] for x in batch] |
elif is_named_image(images): |
return [images[0]], [image[1]] |
elif is_valid_video(images): |
return ["video"], [images] |
elif is_valid_image(images): |
return ["image"], [images] |
raise ValueError(f"Could not make batched images from {images}") |
def frame_sample(duration, mode='uniform', num_frames=None, vid_fps=None, fps=None): |
if mode == 'uniform': |
assert num_frames is not None, "Number of frames must be provided for uniform sampling." |
if duration <= num_frames: |
return np.arange(duration).astype(int) |
return np.linspace(0, duration-1, num_frames, dtype=int) |
elif mode == 'fps': |
assert vid_fps is not None, "FPS must be provided for FPS sampling." |
assert fps is not None, "FPS must be provided for FPS sampling." |
segment_len = min(vid_fps // fps, duration) |
return np.arange(segment_len // 2, duration, segment_len, dtype=int) |
else: |
raise ImportError(f'Unsupported frame sampling mode: {mode}') |
def load_video_from_ids(video_path, s=None, e=None, fps=None, max_frames=128, temporal_factor=1): |
if s is not None and e is not None: |
s = s if s >= 0. else 0. |
e = e if e >= 0. else 0. |
if s > e: |
s, e = e, s |
elif s == e: |
e = s + 1 |
if os.path.isdir(video_path): |
frame_files = sorted(os.listdir(video_path)) |
vid_fps = 3 |
num_frames_of_video = len(frame_files) |
elif video_path.endswith('.gif'): |
gif_reader = imageio.get_reader(video_path) |
vid_fps = 25 |
num_frames_of_video = len(gif_reader) |
else: |
vreader = VideoReader(video_path, ctx=cpu(0), num_threads=2) |
vid_fps = vreader.get_avg_fps() |
num_frames_of_video = len(vreader) |
f_start = 0 if s is None else max(int(s * vid_fps) - 1, 0) |
f_end = num_frames_of_video - 1 if e is None else min(int(e * vid_fps) - 1, num_frames_of_video - 1) |
frame_indices = list(range(f_start, f_end + 1)) |
duration = len(frame_indices) |
if fps is not None and duration / vid_fps < max_frames: |
sampled_frame_indices = [frame_indices[i] for i in frame_sample(duration, mode='fps', vid_fps=vid_fps, fps=fps)] |
else: |
sampled_frame_indices = [frame_indices[i] for i in frame_sample(duration, mode='uniform', num_frames=max_frames)] |
if os.path.isdir(video_path): |
frames = np.array([cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(os.path.join(video_path, frame_files[frame_idx])), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for frame_idx in sampled_frame_indices]) |
elif video_path.endswith('.gif'): |
frames = np.array([cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2RGB) for idx, frame in enumerate(gif_reader) if idx in sampled_frame_indices]) |
else: |
frames = vreader.get_batch(sampled_frame_indices).asnumpy() |
frames = frames.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) |
timestamps = [x / vid_fps for x in sampled_frame_indices] |
if temporal_factor > 1: |
pad_length = temporal_factor - len(frames) % temporal_factor |
frames = np.concatenate([frames, frames[-1:].repeat(pad_length, axis=0)]) |
[timestamps.append(timestamps[-1] + 1 / fps) for _ in range(pad_length)] |
frames = [frame for frame in frames] |
return frames, timestamps |
class ChatTemplateKwargs(TypedDict, total=False): |
chat_template: Optional[str] |
add_system_prompt: Optional[bool] |
add_generation_prompt: Optional[bool] |
class Videollama3Qwen2ProcessorKwargs(ProcessingKwargs, ChatTemplateKwargs, total=False): |
chat_template_kwargs: ChatTemplateKwargs = { |
**ChatTemplateKwargs.__annotations__, |
} |
_defaults = { |
"text_kwargs": { |
"padding": False, |
}, |
"image_kwargs": { |
"merge_size": None, |
}, |
"chat_template_kwargs": { |
"chat_template": None, |
"add_system_prompt": False, |
"add_generation_prompt": False, |
}, |
} |
class Videollama3Qwen2Processor(ProcessorMixin): |
attributes = ["image_processor", "tokenizer"] |
image_processor_class = "Videollama3ImageProcessor" |
tokenizer_class = ("Qwen2Tokenizer", "Qwen2TokenizerFast") |
valid_kwargs = ["chat_template", "image_merge_size", "video_merge_size", "fps", "max_frames"] |
def __init__( |
self, |
image_processor=None, |
tokenizer=None, |
chat_template: str = None, |
image_merge_size: int = 1, |
video_merge_size: int = 2, |
fps: Optional[int] = 1, |
max_frames: Optional[int] = 128, |
): |
self.image_processor = image_processor |
self.tokenizer = tokenizer |
if chat_template is None: |
chat_template = self.tokenizer.chat_template |
self.chat_template = chat_template |
self.image_merge_size = image_merge_size |
self.video_merge_size = video_merge_size |
self.fps = fps |
self.max_frames = max_frames |
self.generation_prompt = self._infer_generation_prompt() |
self.generation_prompt_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(self.generation_prompt, return_tensors="pt") |
self.generation_prompt_length = len(self.generation_prompt_ids[0]) |
self.image_token_id = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN) |
self.eos_token_id = self.tokenizer.eos_token_id |
@classmethod |
def _get_arguments_from_pretrained(cls, pretrained_model_name_or_path, **kwargs): |
args = [] |
for attribute_name in cls.attributes: |
class_name = getattr(cls, f"{attribute_name}_class") |
if isinstance(class_name, tuple): |
classes = tuple(_custom_import(n) if n is not None else None for n in class_name) |
use_fast = kwargs.get("use_fast", True) |
if use_fast and classes[1] is not None: |
attribute_class = classes[1] |
else: |
attribute_class = classes[0] |
else: |
attribute_class = _custom_import(class_name) |
args.append(attribute_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path, **kwargs)) |
return args |
def get_generation_prompt(self): |
return self.generation_prompt |
def get_generation_prompt_ids(self): |
return self.generation_prompt_ids |
def _infer_generation_prompt(self): |
pseudo_message = [{"role": "user", "content": ""}] |
instruction = self.apply_chat_template(pseudo_message, tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=True) |
conversation = self.apply_chat_template(pseudo_message, tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=False) |
return instruction.replace(conversation, "") |
def _get_downsampled_grid_sizes(self, image_inputs: Dict[str, Any]): |
grid_sizes = [] |
for grid_size, merge_size in zip(image_inputs.get("grid_sizes", []), image_inputs.get("merge_sizes", [])): |
if not torch.all(grid_size[1:] % merge_size == 0): |
warnings.warn(f"Grid size {grid_size} is not divisible by merge size. Some undesired errors may occur.") |
if grid_size[0] == 1: |
grid_sizes.append(grid_size[1:] / merge_size) |
elif grid_size[0] > 1: |
grid_sizes.extend([grid_size[1:] / merge_size] * grid_size[0]) |
return grid_sizes |
def _get_visual_seq_len(self, grid_size: torch.Tensor): |
num_tokens = int(grid_size.prod().item()) |
return num_tokens |
def load_images(self, image_path: Union[str, List[str], Image.Image, List[Image.Image]]): |
def load_single_image(image_path): |
if isinstance(image_path, str) and os.path.isfile(image_path): |
images = Image.open(image_path).convert('RGB') |
elif isinstance(image_path, str) and image_path.startswith("http://") or image_path.startswith("https://"): |
images = Image.open(requests.get(image_path, stream=True).raw) |
elif isinstance(image_path, Image.Image): |
images = np.array(image_path) |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported image path type: {type(image_path)}") |
return images |
try: |
if isinstance(image_path, list): |
images = [load_single_image(f) for f in image_path] |
elif isinstance(image_path, str) and os.path.isdir(image_path): |
images = [Image.open(os.path.join(image_path, f)).convert('RGB') for f in sorted(os.listdir(image_path))] |
else: |
images = [load_single_image(image_path)] |
return images |
except: |
raise ValueError(f"Error when loading images: {type(image_path)}") |
def load_video( |
self, |
video_path: str, |
start_time: Optional[float] = None, |
end_time: Optional[float] = None, |
fps: Optional[float] = None, |
max_frames: Optional[float] = None, |
size: Optional[int] = None, |
size_divisible: int = 1, |
precise_time: bool = False, |
verbose: bool = False, |
temporal_factor: int = 1 |
): |
""" |
Load and process a video file and return the frames and the timestamps of each frame. |
Args: |
video_path (str): Path to the video file. |
start_time (float, optional): Start time in seconds. Defaults to None. |
end_time (float, optional): End time in seconds. Defaults to None. |
fps (float, optional): Frames per second. Defaults to None. |
num_frames (float, optional): Number of frames to sample. Defaults to None. |
size (int, optional): Size of the shortest side. Defaults to None. |
size_divisible (int, optional): Size divisible by this number. Defaults to 1. |
precise_time (bool, optional): Whether to use precise time. Defaults to False. |
verbose (bool, optional): Print ffmpeg output. Defaults to False. |
Returns: |
frames (List[PIL.Image]): List of frames. |
timestamps (List[float]): List of timestamps. |
""" |
fps = self.fps if fps is None else fps |
max_frames = self.max_frames if max_frames is None else max_frames |
if start_time is not None and end_time is not None and end_time - start_time < 1: |
return load_video_from_ids(video_path, start_time, end_time, fps=fps, max_frames=max_frames) |
if os.path.isdir(video_path): |
return load_video_from_ids(video_path, start_time, end_time, fps=fps, max_frames=max_frames) |
if video_path.endswith('.gif'): |
return load_video_from_ids(video_path, start_time, end_time, fps=fps, max_frames=max_frames) |
probe = ffmpeg.probe(video_path) |
duration = float(probe['format']['duration']) |
video_stream = next((stream for stream in probe['streams'] if stream['codec_type'] == 'video'), None) |
w, h = int(video_stream['width']), int(video_stream['height']) |
kwargs, input_kwargs, output_kwargs = {}, {}, {} |
do_trim = start_time is not None or end_time is not None |
if start_time is not None: |
new_start_time = max(float(video_stream['start_time']), start_time) |
duration -= new_start_time - start_time |
start_time = new_start_time |
else: |
start_time = float(video_stream['start_time']) |
if end_time is not None: |
duration = min(duration, end_time - start_time) |
else: |
duration = duration |
if do_trim: |
kwargs = {'ss': start_time, 't': duration} |
if precise_time: |
output_kwargs.update(kwargs) |
else: |
input_kwargs.update(kwargs) |
if size is not None: |
scale_factor = size / min(w, h) |
new_w, new_h = round(w * scale_factor), round(h * scale_factor) |
else: |
new_w, new_h = w, h |
new_w = new_w // size_divisible * size_divisible |
new_h = new_h // size_divisible * size_divisible |
stream = ffmpeg.input(video_path, **input_kwargs) |
if fps is not None: |
stream = ffmpeg.filter(stream, "fps", fps=fps, round="down") |
if new_w != w or new_h != h: |
stream = ffmpeg.filter(stream, 'scale', new_w, new_h) |
stream = ffmpeg.output(stream, "pipe:", format="rawvideo", pix_fmt="rgb24", **output_kwargs) |
out, _ = ffmpeg.run(stream, capture_stdout=True, quiet=not verbose) |
frames = np.frombuffer(out, np.uint8).reshape([-1, new_h, new_w, 3]).transpose([0, 3, 1, 2]) |
if fps is not None: |
timestamps = np.arange(start_time, start_time + duration + 1 / fps, 1 / fps)[:len(frames)] |
else: |
timestamps = np.linspace(start_time, start_time + duration, len(frames)) |
if max_frames is not None and len(frames) > max_frames: |
indices = np.linspace(0, len(frames) - 1, max_frames, dtype=int) |
frames = frames[indices] |
timestamps = timestamps[indices] |
if temporal_factor > 1: |
pad_length = temporal_factor - len(frames) % temporal_factor |
frames = np.concatenate([frames, frames[-1:].repeat(pad_length, axis=0)]) |
timestamps = np.concatenate([timestamps, timestamps[-1:].repeat(pad_length) + np.arange(1, pad_length + 1) / fps]) |
frames = [frame for frame in frames] |
timestamps = [timestamp for timestamp in timestamps] |
return frames, timestamps |
def _load_multimodal_data(self, conversation: Conversation): |
multimodal_info = defaultdict(list) |
new_conversation = [] |
for message in conversation: |
new_message = {"role": message["role"]} |
if not isinstance(message["content"], (list, tuple)): |
new_message["content"] = message["content"] |
new_conversation.append(new_message) |
continue |
new_contents = [] |
for content in message["content"]: |
if not isinstance(content, dict): |
new_contents.append(content) |
continue |
assert "type" in content, "Content must have 'type' field." |
if content["type"] in ["image", "video"] and content["type"] in content and isinstance(content[content["type"]], dict): |
load_args = content[content["type"]] |
data_id = json.dumps({k: v for k, v in load_args.items() if not k in ["start_time", "end_time"]}) |
new_content = copy.deepcopy(content) |
multimodal_info[data_id].append(new_content) |
new_contents.append(new_content) |
else: |
new_contents.append(content) |
new_message["content"] = new_contents |
new_conversation.append(new_message) |
for data_id, contents in multimodal_info.items(): |
data_type = contents[0]["type"] |
if data_type == "image": |
image = self.load_images(contents[0][data_type]["image_path"])[0] |
for content in contents: |
content["image"] = [image.copy()] |
elif data_type == "video": |
start_times = [content["video"].get("start_time", 0.) for content in contents] |
end_times = [content["video"].get("end_time", float("inf")) for content in contents] |
load_args = contents[0][data_type] |
start_time, end_time = min(start_times), max(end_times) |
if start_time > 0: |
load_args["start_time"] = start_time |
if end_time < float("inf"): |
load_args["end_time"] = end_time |
images, timestamps = self.load_video(**load_args) |
for content, start_time, end_time in zip(contents, start_times, end_times): |
cur_images, cur_timestamps = [], [] |
for image, timestamp in zip(images, timestamps): |
if start_time <= timestamp <= end_time: |
cur_images.append(image.copy()) |
cur_timestamps.append(timestamp) |
content[data_type] = cur_images |
content["num_frames"] = len(cur_images) |
content["timestamps"] = cur_timestamps |
return new_conversation |
def _gather_multimodal_data(self, conversation: Conversation): |
images = [] |
for message in conversation: |
if not isinstance(message["content"], (list, tuple)): |
continue |
for content in message["content"]: |
if not isinstance(content, dict): |
continue |
if content["type"] == "video": |
video = content["video"] |
assert is_valid_video(video), f"Invalid video data: {video}." |
images.append(("video", video)) |
if content["type"] == "image": |
image = content["image"] |
images.append(("image", image)) |
images = images if len(images) > 0 else None |
return images |
def _process_conversation_with_label( |
self, |
conversation: Conversation, |
image_inputs: Dict[str, Any], |
**kwargs, |
): |
assert kwargs.pop("return_tensors", "pt") == "pt", "Only PyTorch tensors are supported when return_labels=True." |
assert not "add_generation_prompt" in kwargs, "'add_generation_prompt' argument is not supported when return_labels=True." |
output_kwargs = self._merge_kwargs( |
Videollama3Qwen2ProcessorKwargs, |
tokenizer_init_kwargs=self.tokenizer.init_kwargs, |
**kwargs, |
) |
output_kwargs["chat_template_kwargs"].pop("add_generation_prompt") |
grid_sizes = self._get_downsampled_grid_sizes(image_inputs) |
text_inputs = {"input_ids": [], "labels": []} |
sample_types_list = [] |
image_idx = 0 |
for message_idx, message in enumerate(conversation): |
prompt = self.apply_chat_template( |
[message], |
tokenize=False, |
add_generation_prompt=False, |
**output_kwargs["chat_template_kwargs"], |
) |
prompt_chunks = prompt.split(DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN) |
prompt = [] |
for chunk_idx in range(len(prompt_chunks) - 1): |
prompt.append(prompt_chunks[chunk_idx]) |
num_tokens = self._get_visual_seq_len(grid_sizes[image_idx]) |
prompt.append(DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN * num_tokens) |
image_idx += 1 |
prompt.append(prompt_chunks[-1]) |
prompt = "".join(prompt) |
input_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(prompt, return_tensors="pt", **output_kwargs["text_kwargs"])[0] |
text_inputs["input_ids"].append(input_ids) |
targets = torch.full_like(input_ids, IGNORE_INDEX) |
sample_types = torch.full_like(input_ids, IGNORE_INDEX) |
if message["role"] == "assistant": |
targets[self.generation_prompt_length:-1] = input_ids[self.generation_prompt_length:-1].clone() |
if message_idx > 0 and conversation[message_idx - 1]["role"] == "stream": |
targets[0] = input_ids[0] |
sample_types[0] = input_ids[0] |
text_inputs["labels"].append(targets) |
sample_types_list.append(sample_types) |
text_inputs = {k: torch.cat(v) for k, v in text_inputs.items()} |
sample_types = torch.cat(sample_types_list) |
types, counts = torch.unique(sample_types[sample_types > -1], return_counts=True) |
if len(types) > 0: |
target_num_samples = counts.amin() |
for type_id, type_count in zip(types, counts): |
if type_count > target_num_samples: |
indices = torch.nonzero(sample_types == type_id)[:, 0] |
random_selector = torch.randperm(indices.size(0))[:-target_num_samples] |
text_inputs["labels"][indices[random_selector]] = IGNORE_INDEX |
assert len(grid_sizes) == image_idx, "Number of images does not match the number of image tokens in the text." |
return text_inputs |
def _process_conversation_without_label( |
self, |
conversation: Conversation, |
image_inputs: Dict[str, Any], |
**kwargs, |
): |
output_kwargs = self._merge_kwargs( |
Videollama3Qwen2ProcessorKwargs, |
tokenizer_init_kwargs=self.tokenizer.init_kwargs, |
**kwargs, |
) |
prompt = self.apply_chat_template( |
conversation, |
tokenize=False, |
**output_kwargs["chat_template_kwargs"], |
) |
return self.process_text(prompt, image_inputs, **output_kwargs["text_kwargs"]) |
def _process_conversation( |
self, |
conversation: Conversation, |
images: Optional[Union[BatchedImage, BatchedNamedImage]] = None, |
return_labels: bool = False, |
**kwargs: Unpack[Videollama3Qwen2ProcessorKwargs], |
) -> BatchFeature: |
assert isinstance(conversation, list), "Conversation must be a list of messages." |
if images is None: |
conversation = self._load_multimodal_data(conversation) |
images = self._gather_multimodal_data(conversation) |
output_kwargs = self._merge_kwargs( |
Videollama3Qwen2ProcessorKwargs, |
tokenizer_init_kwargs=self.tokenizer.init_kwargs, |
**kwargs, |
) |
if images is not None: |
image_inputs = self.process_images(images, **output_kwargs["images_kwargs"]) |
else: |
image_inputs = {} |
if return_labels: |
text_inputs = self._process_conversation_with_label(conversation, image_inputs, **kwargs) |
else: |
text_inputs = self._process_conversation_without_label(conversation, image_inputs, **kwargs) |
return BatchFeature(data={**text_inputs, **image_inputs}) |
def _process_plain( |
self, |
text: Union[TextInput, PreTokenizedInput] = None, |
images: Optional[Union[BatchedImage, BatchedNamedImage]] = None, |
return_labels: bool = False, |
**kwargs: Unpack[Videollama3Qwen2ProcessorKwargs], |
) -> BatchFeature: |
if text is None: |
raise ValueError("You must provide 'text' or 'message'.") |
if return_labels: |
raise ValueError("return_labels is not supported for plain text processing.") |
output_kwargs = self._merge_kwargs( |
Videollama3Qwen2ProcessorKwargs, |
tokenizer_init_kwargs=self.tokenizer.init_kwargs, |
**kwargs, |
) |
if images is not None: |
image_inputs = self.process_images(images, **output_kwargs["images_kwargs"]) |
else: |
image_inputs = {} |
text_inputs = self.process_text(text, image_inputs, **output_kwargs["text_kwargs"]) |
return BatchFeature(data={**text_inputs, **image_inputs}) |
def process_images(self, images: Union[BatchedImage, BatchedNamedImage], **kwargs): |
modals, images = make_batched_images(images) |
if not "merge_size" in kwargs: |
kwargs["merge_size"] = [ |
self.image_merge_size if modal == "image" else self.video_merge_size |
for modal in modals |
] |
image_inputs = self.image_processor(images=images, **kwargs) |
image_inputs["modals"] = modals |
return image_inputs |
def process_text( |
self, |
text: TextInput, |
image_inputs: Dict[str, Any], |
**kwargs, |
): |
grid_sizes = self._get_downsampled_grid_sizes(image_inputs) |
kwargs.pop("padding") |
kwargs.pop("padding_side") |
if len(grid_sizes) > 0: |
image_idx = 0 |
while DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN in text: |
num_tokens = self._get_visual_seq_len(grid_sizes[image_idx]) |
text = text.replace(DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN, "<placeholder>" * num_tokens, 1) |
image_idx += 1 |
text = text.replace("<placeholder>", DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN) |
assert len(grid_sizes) == image_idx, "Number of images does not match the number of image tokens in the text." |
text_inputs = self.tokenizer(text, **kwargs) |
return text_inputs |
def __call__( |
self, |
text: Optional[TextInput] = None, |
conversation: Optional[Conversation] = None, |
images: Optional[Union[BatchedImage, BatchedNamedImage]] = None, |
return_labels: bool = False, |
**kwargs: Unpack[Videollama3Qwen2ProcessorKwargs], |
) -> BatchFeature: |
if conversation is not None: |
if text is not None: |
raise ValueError("You cannot provide 'message' with 'text'.") |
return self._process_conversation(conversation, images, return_labels, **kwargs) |
return self._process_plain(text, images, return_labels, **kwargs) |
def batch_decode(self, *args, **kwargs): |
return self.tokenizer.batch_decode(*args, **kwargs) |
def decode(self, *args, **kwargs): |
return self.tokenizer.decode(*args, **kwargs) |
def apply_chat_template( |
self, |
conversation: Conversation, |
chat_template: Optional[str] = None, |
tokenize: bool = False, |
add_system_prompt: bool = False, |
add_generation_prompt: bool = False, |
image_token: Optional[str] = DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN, |
**kwargs, |
) -> str: |
""" |
Similar to the `apply_chat_template` method on tokenizers, this method applies a Jinja template to input |
conversations to turn them into a single tokenizable string. |
Args: |
conversation (`List[Dict, str, str]`): |
The conversation to format. |
chat_template (`Optional[str]`, *optional*): |
The Jinja template to use for formatting the conversation. If not provided, the tokenizer's |
chat template is used. |
tokenize (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): |
Whether to tokenize the output or not. |
add_system_prompt (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): |
Whether to add the system prompt to the output or not. |
add_generation_prompt (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): |
Whether to add the generation prompt to the output or not. |
image_token (`Optional[str]`, *optional*, defaults to `<image>`): |
The token to use for indicating images in the conversation. |
**kwargs: |
Additional keyword arguments |
""" |
if chat_template is None: |
if self.chat_template is not None: |
chat_template = self.chat_template |
else: |
raise ValueError( |
"No chat template is set for this processor. Please either set the `chat_template` attribute, " |
"or provide a chat template as an argument. See " |
"https://huggingface.co./docs/transformers/main/en/chat_templating for more information." |
) |
return self.tokenizer.apply_chat_template( |
conversation, |
chat_template=chat_template, |
tokenize=tokenize, |
add_system_prompt=add_system_prompt, |
add_generation_prompt=add_generation_prompt, |
image_token=image_token, |
**kwargs |
) |
@property |
def model_input_names(self): |
tokenizer_input_names = self.tokenizer.model_input_names |
image_processor_input_names = self.image_processor.model_input_names |
return list(dict.fromkeys(tokenizer_input_names + image_processor_input_names)) + ["modals"] |
def _merge_kwargs( |
self, |
ModelProcessorKwargs: ProcessingKwargs, |
tokenizer_init_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, |
**kwargs, |
) -> Dict[str, Dict]: |
""" |
Method to merge dictionaries of kwargs cleanly separated by modality within a Processor instance. |
The order of operations is as follows: |
1) kwargs passed as before have highest priority to preserve BC. |
```python |
high_priority_kwargs = {"crop_size" = {"height": 222, "width": 222}, "padding" = "max_length"} |
processor(..., **high_priority_kwargs) |
``` |
2) kwargs passed as modality-specific kwargs have second priority. This is the recommended API. |
```python |
processor(..., text_kwargs={"padding": "max_length"}, images_kwargs={"crop_size": {"height": 222, "width": 222}}}) |
``` |
3) kwargs passed during instantiation of a modality processor have fourth priority. |
```python |
tokenizer = tokenizer_class(..., {"padding": "max_length"}) |
image_processor = image_processor_class(...) |
processor(tokenizer, image_processor) # will pass max_length unless overriden by kwargs at call |
``` |
4) defaults kwargs specified at processor level have lowest priority. |
```python |
class MyProcessingKwargs(ProcessingKwargs, CommonKwargs, TextKwargs, ImagesKwargs, total=False): |
_defaults = { |
"text_kwargs": { |
"padding": "max_length", |
"max_length": 64, |
}, |
} |
``` |
Args: |
ModelProcessorKwargs (`ProcessingKwargs`): |
Typed dictionary of kwargs specifically required by the model passed. |
tokenizer_init_kwargs (`Dict`, *optional*): |
Dictionary of kwargs the tokenizer was instantiated with and need to take precedence over defaults. |
Returns: |
output_kwargs (`Dict`): |
Dictionary of per-modality kwargs to be passed to each modality-specific processor. |
""" |
output_kwargs = { |
"text_kwargs": {}, |
"images_kwargs": {}, |
"audio_kwargs": {}, |
"videos_kwargs": {}, |
"chat_template_kwargs": {}, |
"common_kwargs": {}, |
} |
default_kwargs = { |
"text_kwargs": {}, |
"images_kwargs": {}, |
"audio_kwargs": {}, |
"videos_kwargs": {}, |
"chat_template_kwargs": {}, |
"common_kwargs": {}, |
} |
used_keys = set() |
for modality in default_kwargs: |
default_kwargs[modality] = ModelProcessorKwargs._defaults.get(modality, {}).copy() |
for modality_key in ModelProcessorKwargs.__annotations__[modality].__annotations__.keys(): |
if modality_key in tokenizer_init_kwargs: |
value = ( |
getattr(self.tokenizer, modality_key) |
if hasattr(self.tokenizer, modality_key) |
else tokenizer_init_kwargs[modality_key] |
) |
default_kwargs[modality][modality_key] = value |
output_kwargs.update(default_kwargs) |
non_modality_kwargs = set(kwargs) - set(output_kwargs) |
for modality in output_kwargs: |
for modality_key in ModelProcessorKwargs.__annotations__[modality].__annotations__.keys(): |
if modality in kwargs: |
kwarg_value = kwargs[modality].pop(modality_key, "__empty__") |
if kwarg_value != "__empty__" and modality_key in non_modality_kwargs: |
raise ValueError( |
f"Keyword argument {modality_key} was passed two times:\n" |
f"in a dictionary for {modality} and as a **kwarg." |
) |
elif modality_key in kwargs: |
kwarg_value = kwargs.get(modality_key, "__empty__") |
else: |
kwarg_value = "__empty__" |
if kwarg_value != "__empty__": |
output_kwargs[modality][modality_key] = kwarg_value |
used_keys.add(modality_key) |
if any(key in default_kwargs for key in kwargs): |
for modality, subdict in kwargs.items(): |
if modality in default_kwargs: |
for subkey, subvalue in subdict.items(): |
if subkey not in used_keys: |
output_kwargs[modality][subkey] = subvalue |
used_keys.add(subkey) |
else: |
for key in kwargs: |
if key not in used_keys: |
output_kwargs["common_kwargs"][key] = kwargs[key] |
for modality in output_kwargs: |
output_kwargs[modality].update(output_kwargs["common_kwargs"]) |
return output_kwargs |